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In insects and crustaceans, the Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) occurs in many different isoforms. These are produced by mutually exclusive alternative splicing of dozens of tandem duplicated exons coding for parts or whole immunoglobulin (Ig) domains of the Dscam protein. This diversity plays a role in the development of the nervous system and also in the immune system. Structural analysis of the protein suggested candidate epitopes where binding to pathogens could occur. These epitopes are coded by regions of the duplicated exons and are therefore diverse within individuals. Here we apply molecular population genetics and molecular evolution analyses using Daphnia magna and several Drosophila species to investigate the potential role of natural selection in the divergence between orthologs of these duplicated exons among species, as well as between paralogous exons within species. We found no evidence for a role of positive selection in the divergence of these paralogous exons. However, the power of this test was low, and the fact that no signs of gene conversion between paralogous exons were found suggests that paralog diversity may nonetheless be maintained by selection. The analysis of orthologous exons in Drosophila and in Daphnia revealed an excess of non-synonymous polymorphisms in the epitopes putatively involved in pathogen binding. This may be a sign of balancing selection. Indeed, in Dr. melanogaster the same derived non-synonymous alleles segregate in several populations around the world. Yet other hallmarks of balancing selection were not found. Hence, we cannot rule out that the excess of non-synonymous polymorphisms is caused by segregating slightly deleterious alleles, thus potentially indicating reduced selective constraints in the putative pathogen binding epitopes of Dscam.  相似文献   

A Drosophila gene (capability, capa) at 99D on chromosome 3R potentially encodes three neuropeptides: GANMGLYAFPRV-amide (capa-1), ASGLVAFPRV-amide (capa-2), and TGPSASSGLWGPRL-amide (capa-3). Capa-1 and capa-2 are related to the lepidopteran hormone cardioacceleratory peptide 2b, while capa-3 is a novel member of the pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide/diapause hormone/pyrokinin family. By immunocytochemistry, we identified four pairs of neuroendocrine cells likely to release the capa peptides into the hemolymph: one pair in the subesophageal ganglion and the other three in the abdominal neuromeres. In the Malpighian (renal) tubule, capa-1 and capa-2 increase fluid secretion rates, stimulate nitric oxide production, and elevate intracellular Ca(2+) and cGMP in principal cells. Capa-stimulated fluid secretion, but not intracellular Ca(2+) concentration rise, is inhibited by the guanylate cyclase inhibitor methylene blue. The actions of capa-1 and capa-2 are not synergistic, implying that both act on the same pathways in tubules. The capa gene is thus the first to be shown to encode neuropeptides that act on renal fluid production through nitric oxide.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing is an important regulatory mechanism to create protein diversity. In order to elucidate possible regulatory elements common to neuron specific exons, we created and statistically analysed a database of exons that are alternatively spliced in neurons. The splice site comparison of alternatively and constitutively spliced exons reveals that some, but not all alternatively spliced exons have splice sites deviating from the consensus sequence, implying diverse patterns of regulation. The deviation from the consensus is most evident at the -3 position of the 3' splice site and the +4 and -3 position of the 5' splice site. The nucleotide composition of alternatively and constitutively spliced exons is different, with alternatively spliced exons being more AU rich. We performed overlapping k-tuple analysis to identify common motifs. We found that alternatively and constitutively spliced exons differ in the frequency of several trinucleotides that cannot be explained by the amino acid composition and may be important for splicing regulation.  相似文献   

G Müller  S Ruppert  E Schmid    G Schütz 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(9):2723-2730

We used differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and circular dichroism (CD) to investigate thermal unfolding of recombinant fibroblast isoforms of alpha-tropomyosin (Tm) in comparison with that of smooth muscle Tm. These two nonmuscle Tm isoforms 5a and 5b differ internally only by exons 6b/6a, and they both differ from smooth muscle Tm by the N-terminal exon 1b which replaces the muscle-specific exons 1a and 2a. We show that the presence of exon 1b dramatically decreases the measurable calorimetric enthalpy of the thermal unfolding of Tm observed with DSC, although it has no influence on the alpha-helix content of Tm or on the end-to-end interaction between Tm dimers. The results suggest that a significant part of the molecule of fibroblast Tm (but not smooth muscle Tm) unfolds noncooperatively, with the enthalpy no longer visible in the cooperative thermal transitions measured. On the other hand, both DSC and CD studies show that replacement of muscle exons 1a and 2a by nonmuscle exon 1b not only increases the thermal stability of the N-terminal part of Tm, but also significantly stabilizes Tm by shifting the major thermal transition of Tm to higher temperature. Replacement of exon 6b by exon 6a leads to additional increase in the alpha-Tm thermal stability. Thus, our data show for the first time a significant difference in the thermal unfolding between muscle and nonmuscle alpha-Tm isoforms, and indicate that replacement of alternatively spliced exons alters the stability of the entire Tm molecule.  相似文献   

The indirect flight muscles (IFM) of Drosophila melanogaster provide a good genetic system with which to investigate muscle function. Flight muscle contraction is regulated by both stretch and Ca(2+)-induced thin filament (actin + tropomyosin + troponin complex) activation. Some mutants in troponin-I (TnI) and troponin-T (TnT) genes cause a "hypercontraction" muscle phenotype, suggesting that this condition arises from defects in Ca(2+) regulation and actomyosin-generated tension. We have tested the hypothesis that missense mutations of the myosin heavy chain gene, Mhc, which suppress the hypercontraction of the TnI mutant held-up(2) (hdp(2)), do so by reducing actomyosin force production. Here we show that a "headless" Mhc transgenic fly construct that reduces the myosin head concentration in the muscle thick filaments acts as a dose-dependent suppressor of hypercontracting alleles of TnI, TnT, Mhc, and flightin genes. The data suggest that most, if not all, mutants causing hypercontraction require actomyosin-produced forces to do so. Whether all Mhc suppressors act simply by reducing the force production of the thick filament is discussed with respect to current models of myosin function and thin filament activation by the binding of calcium to the troponin complex.  相似文献   

Mutations in the norpA gene drastically affect the phototransduction process in Drosophila. To study the biochemical characteristics of the norpA protein and its cellular and subcellular distributions, we have generated antisera against the major gene product of norpA. The antisera recognize an eye-specific protein of 130-kDa relative molecular mass that is present in wild-type head extracts but not in those of strong norpA mutants. The protein is associated with membranes and can be extracted with high salt. Immunohistochemical analysis at the light and electron microscopic levels indicates that the protein is expressed in all adult photoreceptor cells and specifically localized within the rhabdomeres, preferentially adjacent to, but not within, the rhabdomeric membranes. The results of the present study strongly support the previous suggestion that the norpA gene encodes the major phosphoinositol-specific phospholipase C in the photoreceptors. Moreover, insofar as the rhabdomeres are specialized structures for photoreception and phototransduction, specific localization of the norpA protein within these structures, in close association with the membranes, is consistent with the proposal that it has an important role in phototransduction.  相似文献   

Purified acetylcholinesterase from Drosophila melanogaster is composed of a 55 kDa and a 16 kDa noncovalently associated subunit. Cleavage of disulfide bonds reveals that two 55 kDa polypeptides are linked together in native dimeric AChE. Western blots with two antibodies directed against the N- and C-termini of the predicted AChE primary sequence show that the 55 and 16 kDa polypeptides originate from proteolysis of the same precursor encoded by the Ace locus.  相似文献   

We have transformed Drosophila melanogaster with a genomic construct containing the entire wild-type myosin heavy-chain gene, Mhc, together with approximately 9 kb of flanking DNA on each side. Three independent lines stably express myosin heavy-chain protein (MHC) at approximately wild-type levels. The MHC produced is functional since it rescues the mutant phenotypes of a number of different Mhc alleles: the amorphic allele Mhc1, the indirect flight muscle and jump muscle-specific amorphic allele Mhc10, and the hypomorphic allele Mhc2. We show that the Mhc2 mutation is due to the insertion of a transposable element in an intron of Mhc. Since a reduction in MHC in the indirect flight muscles alters the myosin/actin protein ratio and results in myofibrillar defects, we determined the effects of an increase in the effective copy number of Mhc. The presence of four copies of Mhc results in overabundance of the protein and a flightless phenotype. Electron microscopy reveals concomitant defects in the indirect flight muscles, with excess thick filaments at the periphery of the myofibrils. Further increases in copy number are lethal. These results demonstrate the usefulness and potential of the transgenic system to study myosin function in Drosophila. They also show that overexpression of wild-type protein in muscle may disrupt the function of not only the indirect flight but also other muscles of the organism.  相似文献   

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