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A survey was conducted in the lower Don River system in Russia to confirm the presence of Dreissena bugensis, and to compare its distribution relative to that of Dreissena polymorpha. In 1999 and 2001–2002, dreissenid mussels were collected at 15 sites in the main river, in connecting reservoirs, and in a major tributary, the Manych River. Collections were made near stations where long‐term monitoring data on total mineral (sum of principal ions) and calcium content were available. Both dreissenid species were found at all sites, with D. bugensis comprising 4–75% of all dreissenids at individual sites. D. bugensis was relatively more abundant than D. polymorpha in the Manych River where total mineral and calcium content was significantly higher than in the Don River, suggesting the two species may have different calcium requirements. Examination of archived samples indicated that D. bugensis was present in the Don River system as early as the 1980s, presenting the unresolved enigma of why D. bugensis has not displaced D. polymorpha as the dominant species as typically found over shorter time periods in other water bodies. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The recent spread of dreissenid mussels to various bodies of water in the western US has sparked interest by many state and federal agencies to develop protocols to stop further expansion. Quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) are of particular importance as they are currently the most widespread dreissenid species in the region. This project examined the susceptibility of quagga mussels to hot-water sprays at different temperatures and durations of spray contact at Lake Mead (Nevada-Arizona, USA). Emersed adult quagga mussels were exposed to hot-water sprays at 20, 40, 50, 54, 60, 70, and 80°C for 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160 s. Sprays at ≥60°C for 5 s were shown to be 100% lethal. Sprays of 54°C for 10 s, 50°C for 20 s, and 40°C for 40 s also resulted in 100% mortality. A spray temperature of 60°C for 5 s is recommended for mitigating fouling by quagga mussels.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Zebra mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha ) have established a much greater range in North America and Europe than quagga mussels ( D. bugensis ), which occupy a very similar niche.
2. We hypothesised that quaggas are physiologically capable of sustaining populations in warmer rivers currently occupied only by zebra mussels and that unidentified, non-physiological factors account for their more limited distribution.
3. Growth and survival of individually tagged mussels (976 D. bugensis from Lake Erie; 2625 D. polymorpha from Lake Erie and the Ohio River) were recorded monthly for up to 15 months in an outdoor stream mesocosm receiving unfiltered water from the Ohio River.
4. Extreme temperatures stressed both species; but in contrast to several previous laboratory studies, quaggas survived high temperatures better than zebra mussels. We suspect this was the result of species-specific differences in their ability to obtain, assimilate and/or catabolise food at high, sublethal temperatures.
5. A unimodal growth pattern was observed in both species, with the highest growth rates from late spring to early autumn.
6. Our survival and growth data suggest that quaggas are not physiologically limited from expanding southward.
7. While lacking definitive proof that dreissenid populations in rivers are ecologically sustainable without upstream lentic ecosystems and/or unintended human intervention, we suggest that complex river currents and upstream retentive and highly productive slackwater habitats in rivers may help sustain downstream populations of these meroplanktonic, dreissenid mussels.  相似文献   

Hugh J. MacIsaac 《Oecologia》1996,105(4):484-492
The zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha was introduced to North America during the mid-1980s, and is now a dominant member of many benthic communities in the lower Great Lakes. In this study, I explored the abundance, biomass, size structure and settlement of Dreissena inhabiting rocks along a wave-swept disturbance gradient near Middle Sister Island in western Lake Erie. Ten rocks were collected from quadrats at six sites along each of three transect lines oriented perpendicular to shore. Occurrence, abundance and biomass of Dreissena on smaller, movable rocks were positively associated with rock distance from shore (lake depth) and with rock area; rocks at nearshore sites supported little, if any, Dreissena, whereas those at offshore sites were heavily colonized. Mussel size distributions also differed in relation to shore distance. Large mussels (19 mm) were underrepresented or absent on rocks collected at nearshore sites, but were overrepresented at offshore locations (37 m). Settlement of larval mussels on settling pads was positively correlated with distance offshore and with time of exposure, though settlement was substantial even at a nearshore (10 m) location. Area-adjusted mussel dry mass increased more rapidly with distance offshore on large than on small rocks. Large rocks also required more force to displace and were significantly less likely to be disturbed when transplanted at the study site. Results from this study indicate that occurrence, abundance and size structure of Dreissena in nearshore waters of Lake Erie correspond with the frequency of habitat disturbance, though other factors including food limitation and larval supply may also contribute to these patterns. These patterns complement studies that established the significance of physical disturbance in other aquatic systems.  相似文献   

In recent years, the quagga mussel, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, native to the Dnieper and Bug Limans of the northern Black Sea, has been dispersed by human activities across the basin, throughout much of the Volga River system, and to the Laurentian Great Lakes. We used six published microsatellite markers to survey populations throughout its native and introduced range to identify relationships among potential source populations and introduced ones. Mussels from 12 sites in Eurasia, including the central Caspian Sea and one in North America (Lake Erie), were sampled. Field surveys in the Volga River basin suggested that the species first colonized the middle reach of the river near Kubyshev Reservoir, and thereafter spread both upstream and downstream. Evidence of considerable gene flow among populations was observed and genetic diversity was consistent with a larger, metapopulation that has not experienced bottlenecks or founder effects. We propose that high gene flow, possibly due to multiple invasions, has facilitated establishment of quagga mussel populations in the Volga River system. The Caspian Sea population (D. rostriformis rostriformis (=distincta)) was genetically more distinct than other populations, a finding that may be related to habitat differences. The geographical pattern of genetic divergence is not characteristic of isolation-by-distance but, rather, of long-distance dispersal, most likely mediated by commercial ships' ballast water transfer.  相似文献   

Dreissena polymorpha population densities and biomass were followed in three Belarusian lakes with different trophic status over a 12-year period subsequent to initial colonization. In all three lakes zebra mussel population densities did not change once they reached a maximum. Application of the Ramcharan et al. [1992. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 2611–2620] model for predicting population dynamics of zebra mussels was accurate for two of the three lakes studied. Population density appears to depend on the time since initial colonization, relative abundance of substrate available for colonization, lake morphometry and trophic type. Zebra mussel distribution within lakes was highly patchy, but the degree of dispersion decreased over time after initial colonization, which may be a result of saturation of suitable substrates by zebra mussels as populations increase and reach carrying capacity. In lakes where submerged macrophytes are the dominant substrate for zebra mussel attachment, populations may be less stable than in lakes with a variety of substrates, which will have a more balanced age distribution, and be less impacted by year to year variation in recruitment. Dreissena polymorpha usually reach maximum population density 7–12 years after initial introduction. However, the timing of initial introduction is often very difficult to determine. Both European and North American data suggest that zebra mussels reach maximum density in about 2–3 years after populations are large enough to be detected.  相似文献   

We conducted a factorial experiment, in outdoor mesocosms, on the effects of zebra mussels and water column mixing (i.e., turbulence) on the diet, growth, and survival of larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Significant (P<0.05) larval mortality occurred by the end of the experiment with the highest mortality (90%) occurring in the presence of both turbulence and zebra mussels, whereas mortality was 37% in treatment with turbulence and 17% and 18% in the zebra mussels treatment, and the control, respectively. The size of individual fish was significantly different among treatments at the end of the experiment and was inversely related to survival. Levels of trophic resources (i.e., phyto and zooplankton) varied among treatments and were treatment specific. Turbulent mixing facilitated removal of phytoplankton by zebra mussels by making the entire water column of the tanks available to these benthic filter feeders. Early in the experiment (Day = 0 to 14) the physical process of turbulent mixing likely caused a reduction in standing stocks of zooplankton. The interactive effect of turbulence and mussels reduced copepod and rotifer stocks, through physical processes and through filtration by zebra mussels, relative to the turbulence treatment. The reductions in the number of total zooplankton in the turbulent mixing mesocosms and the further reduction of rotifer and copepod in the turbulence and mussels treatment coincided with a period of increased reliance of larval fathead minnows on these prey. Estimates of consumption from bioenergetics modeling and measured prey standing stocks indicated caloric resources of suitable prey in turbulence treatments during the early weeks of the experiment were insufficient to prevent starvation. Early mortality in the turbulence and mussels treatment likely released surviving fish from intense intraspecific competition and resulted in higher individual growth rates. A combination of high abundance of zebra mussels in an environment with a well-mixed water column can have significant effects on larval fish survival and growth.  相似文献   

1. We conducted a series of in situ enclosure experiments to assess the impact of zebra mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha ) on the plankton of the Ohio River. Adult mussels were suspended in pelagic enclosures ('potamocorrals') at three densities (0, 1000, 2500 mussels per corral) and incubated for 6 days with daily plankton and physiochemical sampling.
2. The presence of adult zebra mussels was correlated with a shift in composition of the phytoplankton community and a severe reduction in some rotifers. The effects of zebra mussels on the larger zooplankton were taxon-dependent, but bacterial density showed no trend among treatments.
3. Zebra mussels may have significant negative impacts on zooplankton, which may in turn alter riverine food webs.  相似文献   

Summary We assessed the feeding biology of veliger larvae of the introduced zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) in laboratory experiments using inert microspheres as food analogues. Mean clearance rate on 2.87-m beads ranged between 247 and 420 L veliger–1 day–1. Clearance rate was unrelated to bead concentration up to 100 beads L–1, but was positively correlated with veliger shell length. Clearance rates of Dreissena veligers are within the range of those reported for marine bivalve veligers of similar size and for herbivorous Great Lakes microzooplankton, but are orders of magnitude lower than those of settled, conspecific adults. The impact of settled zebra mussel grazing activities on phytoplankton stocks may be up to 1162 times greater than that exerted by veliger populations in western Lake Erie. Based on 1990 size-frequency distributions and associated literature-derived clearance rates, reef-associated Dreissena populations in western Lake Erie (mean depth 7 m) possess a tremendous potential to filter the water column (up to 132 m3 m–2 day–1) and redirect energy from pelagic to benthic foodwebs. Preliminary analyses indicate that chlorophyll a concentration is strongly depleted (<1 g L–1) above Dreissena beds in western Lake Erie.  相似文献   

In 1992, we discovered populations of the nonindigenous quagga mussel Dreissena rostriformis bugensis in the middle reaches of the Volga River. The same species was found in samples collected between 1994 and 1997 in the Volga delta and in shallow areas of the Northern Caspian Sea. D. r. bugensis always co-occurred with its more widespread congener, the zebra mussel D. polymorpha (Pallas 1771). The quagga mussel's contribution to total Dreissena abundance increased over time in the middle Volga reservoirs and Volga River delta. D. r. bugensis was common in the Volga portion of Rybinsk Reservoir during 1997 and, by 2000, it was in Uglich, Rybinsk and Gorky Reservoirs on the Upper Volga River. D. r. bugensis was neither found in Ivankov Reservoir, nor in terminal sections of the Volga-Baltic corridor including the eastern Gulf of Finland. Presently, all but the northern-most regions of the Volga River have been colonized by D. r. bugensis. We hypothesize that its introduction into the Volga River and Caspian basin occurred no later than the late 1980s via commercial shipping that utilized the Volga-Don waterway to navigate between the source Black-Azov Sea region and recipient areas on the Volga River. Larval drift likely contributed to establishment of populations at downstream sites, while human-mediated vectors may be responsible for introductions to upstream locations on the Volga River. We anticipate continued northward dispersal in conjunction with shipping activities.  相似文献   

Samples of Dreissena polymorpha were collected at several sites along the River Shannon navigation in Ireland, to determine the occurrence and distribution of their obligate host-specific commensalistic ciliate, Conchophthirus acuminatus, in this newly invaded region. Mussels collected by various methods were fixed immediately in 75% ethanol, in which they were later dissected under a stereoscopic microscope, beginning with thorough flushing of the mantle cavity and removal of the gills. One ml of sediment flushed from the mantle cavity and dissection residue of each mussel was examined under a compound light microscope using brightfield, phase-contrast, and differential-interference-contrast optics. Of 180 mussels examined, 125 (69.44%) harbored C. acuminatus. The ciliates were invariably well fixed and easily identifiable in all preparations. Mean sampling intensity for infected mussels was 8.47 ciliates per ml of sediment. Both prevalence and sampling intensity varied between sites, but no pattern was discernible. The present results are consistent with other reports of C. acuminatus being the most widespread and abundant symbiont of D. polymorpha throughout Europe, often occurring where no other symbionts occur. Its occurrence in Ireland indicates introduction of the mussels as adults, since planktonic veliger larvae are not known to harbor ciliates. Following similar reasoning, it is possible that the earlier North American invasion by D. polymorpha included only veligers, since C. acuminatus has not been found on that continent. Using these simple and quick methods, the ciliates could be easily identified and counted to give general comparative data among sites regarding intensity and prevalence. Thus, this method has promise for future efforts to obtain basic information rapidly in newly invaded systems.  相似文献   

The recent spread of dreissenid mussels to various bodies of water in the western US has sparked interest by many state and federal agencies to develop protocols to stop further expansion. Quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) are of particular importance as they are currently the most widespread dreissenid species in the region. This project examined the susceptibility of quagga mussels to hot-water sprays at different temperatures and durations of spray contact at Lake Mead (Nevada-Arizona, USA). Emersed adult quagga mussels were exposed to hot-water sprays at 20, 40, 50, 54, 60, 70, and 80°C for 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160?s. Sprays at ≥60°C for 5?s were shown to be 100% lethal. Sprays of 54°C for 10?s, 50°C for 20?s, and 40°C for 40?s also resulted in 100% mortality. A spray temperature of 60°C for 5?s is recommended for mitigating fouling by quagga mussels.  相似文献   

de Nie  H. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,95(1):307-310
The stomach contents of 517 eels were analysed during 1979. In that particular year the diet consisted predominantly of chironomids, but large bivalve molluscs were of secondary importance. The meaning of this observation is discussed in relation to food conditions and the food preference of the eel.  相似文献   

The invasion of the freshwaters of Belarus by the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), began at least 200 years ago by the opening of shipping canals linking the Black Sea and Baltic Sea drainage basins. However, zebra mussels have invaded only 93 (16.8%) of 553 studied lakes; at least 20 of these lakes were invaded within in the past 30 years. Zebra mussels were found disproportionately in lakes that were mesotrophic, larger, and had some commercial fishing. Although larger lakes have more intensive fisheries with larger catches, the intensity of the fishery and average catch did not affect the probability of zebra mussel invasion. Zebra mussels were not found in dystrophic lakes (10% of the lakes studied), probably due to their low pH and calcium content. Zebra mussels became locally extinct in one lake due to anthropogenic eutrophication and pollution. Many ecologically suitable lakes have yet to be invaded, which suggests that natural vectors of overland dispersal, e.g., waterfowl, have been ineffective in Belarus. Thus, future spread of this species will continue to depend on human activities such as commercial fishing.  相似文献   

A taxometric analysis ofLimonium species in Western Europe has provided evidence for the subgeneric groupings proposed by other authors. A cluster analysis suggests that the origin of sexual and agamospermous species has taken place separately. Sexual and agamospermous species are usually clustered separately. The lack of a sexual process in many agamospermous species, as indicated by the distribution of incompatibility morphs and by very low pollen fertility, suggests that the evolution of sexual and agamospermous taxa has been by different processes. It is suggested that following the origin of agamospermous species or species groups by hybridisation, subsequent evolution in the agamospermous taxa has occurred by asexual means. Evidence from the distribution of pollen/stigma incompatibility morphs, especially the existence of self-compatible agamospermous species supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Dionisio Pires  L.M.  Kusserow  R.  Van Donk  E. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):193-200
Grazing and survival of larvae of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, on a green alga and cyanobacteria were studied in laboratory experiments. Clearance rates of the larvae were determined for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (green alga), two non-toxic and two toxic Microcystis aeruginosa strains (Cyanobacteria). Clearance rates of larvae on non-toxic Microcystis were significantly higher than on toxic Microcystis. The clearance rate on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was in between the clearance rates on toxic and non-toxic Microcystis strains and not significantly different from them. Effects of toxicity of Microcystis on the survival of zebra mussel larvae was investigated in a short-term experiment. Survival of larvae fed toxic Microcystis was lower than that of larvae fed non-toxic Microcystis, but higher than that of starved larvae. This may imply that, for survival of zebra mussel larvae, it is better to have bad quality (toxic) food than no food.  相似文献   

A 3-primer PCR system was developed to discriminate invasive zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga (Dreissena bugensis) mussel. The system is based on: 1) universal primers that amplifies a region of the nuclear 28s rDNA gene from both species and 2) a species-specific primer complementary to either zebra or quagga mussel. The species-specific primers bind to sequences between the binding sites for the universal primers resulting in the amplification of two products from the target species and one product from the nontarget species. Therefore, nontarget products are positive amplification controls. The 3-primer system accurately discriminated zebra and quagga mussels from seven geographically distinct populations.  相似文献   

  1. The early detection of invasive non‐native species (INNS) is important for informing management actions. Established monitoring methods require the collection or observation of specimens, which is unlikely at the beginning of an invasion when densities are likely to be low. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a highly promising technique for the detection of INNS—particularly during the early stages of an invasion.
  2. Here, we compared the use of traditional kick‐net sampling with two eDNA approaches (targeted detection using both conventional and quantitative PCR and passive detection via metabarcoding with conserved primers) for detection of quagga mussel, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, a high priority INNS, along a density gradient on the River Wraysbury, UK.
  3. All three molecular tools outperformed traditional sampling in terms of detection. Conventional PCR and qPCR both had 100% detection rate in all samples and outperformed metabarcoding when the target species was at low densities. Additionally, quagga mussel DNA copy number (qPCR) and relative read count (metabarcoding) were significantly influenced by both mussel density and distance from source population, with distance being the most significant predictor.
  4. Synthesis and application. All three molecular approaches were more sensitive than traditional kick‐net sampling for the detection of the quagga mussel in flowing water, and both qPCR and metabarcoding enabled estimates of relative abundance. Targeted approaches were more sensitive than metabarcoding, but metabarcoding has the advantage of providing information on the wider community and consequently the impacts of INNS.

1. Zebra mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha ) derive their energy from the pelagic energy pathway by filtering plankton. Because zebra mussels occur in high densities in littoral habitats, they potentially constitute an important trophic link between littoral consumers and pelagic energy sources. Northern map turtles ( Graptemys geographica ) are widespread in North America and consume zebra mussels.
2. We used stable isotopes analyses to quantify the flow of energy from the pelagic pathway to northern map turtles and to infer the contribution of zebra mussels to map turtle biomass. We then built a bioenergetic model to estimate the annual intake of zebra mussels by northern map turtles in Lake Opinicon, Ontario, Canada.
3. Stable isotopes analyses indicated that zebra mussels constitute between 0% and 14% of the diet of males and between 4% and 36% of the diet of females. Assuming that zebra mussels account for all of the pelagic contribution, we estimated that map turtles consume 3200 kg of zebra mussels annually. Because female map turtles are much larger than males and consume more zebra mussels, they are responsible for 95% of the zebra mussel biomass ingested annually.
4. The pelagic pathway supports an important part of the standing crop biomass of map turtles in Lake Opinicon. We highlight the importance of freshwater turtles in lake ecosystems. Unravelling the trophic interactions mediated by freshwater turtles will lead to a more integrated picture of lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

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