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A 20 year data set for the northern Adriatic was analyzed and the factors establishing the nutrient environment identified. Concentrations ranged widely (TIN 0.0–78, PO2 0.01–1.1, and SiO4 0.0–59 mmol m−3). In early winter remineralization increased concentrations. Characteristic winter, late spring and fall phytoplankton blooms alternately decreased and increased concentrations, as modified by river input. In summer nutrients were minimal under a semi-closed circulation pattern and high vertical stability, due to closely coupled nitrogen and phosphorus assimilation-regeneration processes and biogenic silica sedimentation. “New” primary production supported mainly by river input of “new” nutrients approximated “regenerated” primary production supported by regenerated nutrients, making the ecosystem especially sensitive to eutrophication pressure from anthropogenic increases in the Po River nutrient load.  相似文献   

Recurrent occurrences of visible mucilage “clouds” that cover areas up to several hundred kilometres with vertical dimensions of 20–30 m have been recorded in the stratified water column in the northern Adriatic. In the past this was described as “mare sporco” phenomenon. Past studies of the phenomenon indicated that phytoplankton is an important component of mucilage. Our research revealed the composition of phytoplankton assemblages in different types of mucilaginous aggregates collected during the summers of 1997 and 2000 using pigment biomarkers (HPLC). Phytoplankton biomass in the mucilage samples was very high, ranging from 7.9 μg g−1 to 390.8 μg g−1 of chlorophyll a per unit of dry mass of mucilage. The phytoplankton community in the early, loose stage of mucilaginous aggregates was heterogeneous, as indicated by the diversity of detected pigments. The number of phytoplankton groups decreased as the aggregates aged and diatoms increased in relative biomass (up to 92.7%). Phytoplankton biomass in seawater was similar in years with and without mucilage; however, significantly higher contributions to the total biomass of 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin-containing phytoplankton (prymnesiophytes) were found in the upper 10 m in spring of the “mucilaginous years” (1997 and 2000) followed by prevalence of diatoms in summer. The Fp pigment index used to assess seawater trophic conditions reached lower values in April–May in mucilaginous years (1997 and 2000) compared to non-mucilaginous years (1998 and 1999). We conclude that the role of prymnesiophytes and other small flagellates is crucial for the initial phases of mucilage appearance. Aggregates represent a favourable environment for the secondary development of opportunistic diatoms that foster mucilage formation.  相似文献   

Rottini Sandrini  L.  Avian  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):197-202
The sequence of vitellogenesis as related to size increase of the oocytes of Pelagia noctiluca (Forskål) (Scyphozoa, Semaeostomeae) was examined to assess the influence of climatic factors on its reproductive period in the central and northern Adriatic Sea. From 1981 to 1985, 5 specimens with similar diameter were sampled each month. One ovary was excised from each individual and examined both with a videoanalyzer, to count the oocytes and to check their size distribution, and through histology to assess the stage of maturation in relation to the diameter. Oocytes of all stages were present in the ovaries of individuals down to a bell diameter of 3.5 cm. Thus reproduction occurs throughout the year in the central and north Adriatic Sea. However, the number of oocytes in different developmental stages in a gonad may range from a minimum value recorded in summer to two peaks in spring and autumn. The quantitative distribution is related to sea temperature and thus to metabolic rate, and to food availability.  相似文献   

Populations of Noctiluca scintillans (hereafter Noctiluca) were compared from two regions: the northeastern-central Black Sea and the northern Adriatic Sea. In both seas samples were collected in near-shore waters 2–3 times per month during 2004–2012. For analysis of feeding activities and seasonal dynamics additional cruise data on the open waters of the Black Sea were used. Comparison between the two populations shows similarity in size structure with two classes 401–500 μm and 501–600 μm being the most numerous. Seasonal changes in cell abundance in both seas demonstrated a regular annual maximum with the peak period of high abundances in May–June with additional sporadic peaks in other seasons. In spring the average number of food vacuoles in the cell (1.78) and the proportion of feeding cells in populations (79%) in the Adriatic Sea were similar to those in the Black Sea (1.58 and 76%). In September–October, these parameters were lower both in the Adriatic Sea (0.69 and 49%) and in the Black Sea (1.46 and 65%) demonstrating that Noctiluca was better provided with food in spring. Among biotic parameters (wet phytoplankton biomass, chlorophyll biomass and zooplankton species) only the concentration of the eggs of Calanus euxinus was significantly positively correlated with abundance of Noctiluca. The possible effect of a high concentration of copepod eggs on the growth of Noctiluca in the peak period is discussed. An obvious negative relationship was observed between Noctiluca cell numbers in the peak period and wind velocity in both seas. The most significant negative correlation was observed between the number of windy hours per month (velocity more than 5–6 m s−1) and cell concentrations in the Black Sea (r = −0.92) and in the northern Adriatic Sea (r = −0.67). On this basis, a new hypothesis has been proposed and discussed: in connection with features of the food behavior of Noctiluca, its outbursts during the peak period are controlled by the wind. An evident positive relationship was observed between the number of Noctiluca in the peak period and its quantity in the preceding months in both seas. Thus, we suggest that abundance data during early spring and weather forecasts (winds) may be used for medium-term prediction of Noctiluca outbursts and red tides.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from two locationsin the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) werecollected during periods of maximum and minimumtemperatures for two years. Both sites were rich incarbonate material and inhabited by a diverse benthicinfaunal community. However, Site F exhibited adeeper dwelling faunal community, higher content ofcarbonate minerals, and larger grained sediments thanat site MA, which was closer to shore. Depth profilesof sulfate reduction and potential rates of iron andmanganese reduction were determined together withmeasurements of pore water and solid phase chemistry. Bottom waters at all sites were nearly saturated withoxygen for all of the dates sampled except forSeptember 1993 when bottom waters at site F were lessthan 50% saturated. Sulfate reduction rates were ashigh as 400 nmol ml-1 day-1 during latesummer and fall when temperatures were >20 °C,while rates during March (8 °C) were <30 nmolml-1 day-1. Potential rates of ironreduction, as determined by the accumulation of bothdissolved and acid-soluble reduced iron, were high insurficial sediments at each site except at site F whenbottom waters were partially depleted in oxygen. In the latter instance, sulfate reduction overwhelmedmetal reduction. Although the portion of metalreduction due directly to enzymatic use by bacteriawas not determined, the potential rate data suggestedthat Fe and perhaps Mn reduction were significantcomponents of anaerobic carbon degradation in thesesediments during much of the year. Both sitesappeared to support active metal-reducing bacterialcommunities. However, occasional depletion of oxygenin bottom waters appeared to cause a decrease inirrigation/reworking activity by infauna whichdepressed redox cycling of elements enhancing theimportance of sulfate reduction. A shift from metalreduction to sulfate reduction potentially exacerbatestoxic effects of oxygen depletion on fauna byincreasing the accumulation of toxic sulfide.  相似文献   

Littoral cartography is a valuable tool which uses shallow water macroalgal communities for monitoring ecosystem health and water quality. Cartography of littoral rocky-shore communities (CARLIT) is a European Union Water Framework Directive-compliant monitoring method widely used in the Western Mediterranean Sea. This non-destructive method is based on a visual observation of the type and length of coast occupied by rocky-shore communities in the upper-sublittoral zone. Here we present the first wide-scale application of CARLIT in the Adriatic Sea. The reference values calculated specifically for the Croatian coast (Eastern Adriatic Sea) ensure accurate calculation of the ecological status. The measured ecological quality ratio values (EQR) show a good linear relation with the Land Uses Simplified Index (LUSI) and appropriately reflect an increase in nutrient concentrations. The results suggest that this method can be used as a reliable biomonitoring tool in the Eastern Adriatic Sea. This study highlighted that Cystoseira forests thrive in 39% of the surveyed coastline and 23% of the coastline seems to be subjected to overgrazing by sea urchins. Our results provide a spatially accurate information on the abundance of different upper-sublittoral communities and the associated ecological status, which can be used in future management plans for improving water quality.  相似文献   

The relationships between mantle length and number of cuttlebone chambers (or septa), and between weight and number of cuttlebone chambers were studied in Sepia orbignyana collected in the south-western Adriatic Sea. Weight-at-chamber count and mantle length-at-chamber count were statistically higher in females than in males. As the available literature suggests that the rate of cuttlebone septum formation is the same in both sexes of Sepia species, it follows that in S. orbignyana females have higher growth rates than males. Received in revised form: 6 February 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to identify the possible existence of groups of species in the genera Audouinella (Rhodophyta), Cystoseira (Phaeophyceae) and Cladophora (Chloropyta) with significantly similar distribution patterns (chorotypes), in the western Mediterranean Sea and the Adriatic Sea. Of the 98 species studied, 59 were grouped into 11 chorotypes, whereas 39 species remained ungrouped. Thirty‐eight species were included in a generalist chorotype, whereas 6 chorotypes were monospecific. The relationships with the environmental factors that could explain the chorotypes are discussed.  相似文献   

The paraphyletic diatom genus Nitzschia comprises over 1000 morphologically distinct pennate taxa, known from the benthos and plankton of freshwater, brackish, and marine environments. The principal diagnostic characters for delimitation of Nitzschia species include valve shape, the position and structure of the raphe, presence/absence and shape of the proximal raphe endings and terminal raphe fissures, areola structure, and specific morphometric features such as cell size, and stria and fibula density. In this study, we isolated 12 diatom strains into culture from samples collected at the surface or greater depths of the southeastern Adriatic Sea. Morphological analyses included LM, SEM, and TEM observations, which, along with specific morphometric features, allowed us to distinguish three new Nitzschia species. These findings were congruent with the results of phylogenetic analyses performed on nuclear‐encoded SSU (18S) rDNA and chloroplast‐encoded rbcL and psbC genes. One of the new species (Nitzschia dalmatica sp. nov.) formed a lineage within a clade of Bacillariaceae containing members of the Nitzschia sect. Dubiae, which was sister to Psammodictyon. A second lineage was part of a novel clade that is significantly distinct from other Nitzschia species sequenced so far and includes Nitzschia adhaerens sp. nov. and N. cf. adhaerens. A further new species was found, Nitzschia inordinata sp. nov., which appeared as the sister group to the N. adhaerens clade and the conopeoid Nitzschia species in our phylogenetic trees. Our findings contribute to the overall diversity of genus Nitzschia, especially in identifying some deep branches within the Bacillariaceae, and highlight under‐scoring of this genus in marine plankton.  相似文献   

Thirty-five specimens of Caretta caretta were collected dead along the Adriatic Sea coast from the Po Delta to the Reno mouth (Italy). Turtles were classified into four size categories ranging from 24.5 to 74 cm, by measuring the minimum straight-line carapace length (MSCL). Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn levels were assessed in liver, lung, muscle and adipose tissue. Cd, Cu and Fe mainly accumulated in the liver (8.9, 23.7 and 1180 mg/kg dry mass [d.w.], respectively), and Mn in the lung (29.5 mg/kg d.w.). Levels of Ni were higher in adipose (22 mg/kg d.w.) than other tissues, while Zn concentrations were higher in muscle (about 140 mg/kg d.w.). Negative correlations with size were established for Zn in liver and Cu in adipose tissue, while positive correlations were observed for Mn and Ni in adipose tissue. Metal concentrations did not differ between males and females, nor between individuals found stranded and those victims of by-catch. On average, Cd, Cu, Mn and Ni concentrations in our specimens were higher than in loggerhead turtles and other species living in other areas. We hypothesize that trace metals could be used as "acquired markers" to help investigate migration routes of C. caretta.  相似文献   

Although the temporal and spatial variability of virioplankton in the northernmost part of the Adriatic Sea has been repeatedly explored suggesting that viruses constitute an extremely dynamic component of the plankton community and hypothesizing their importance in marine food webs and mucilage events, there is still no information about viral replication rates. Hence, the contribution of viruses to bacterial mortality and the cycling of organic matter in this part of the Adriatic basin are still not fully comprehended. Assessment of the role of viral lysis requires a robust means of estimating viral production. Since, up to now, none of the available methods evolved to a state of a standard yet, in this preliminary study 3 different experimental approaches were simultaneously assayed (viral production estimated by radiotracer incorporation method [TdR], dilution technique for the estimate of viral production in already infected bacteria [DIL] and serial dilution method in manipulated phage-host assemblage [SER]). The present study provided the first evidence of viral production rates in this study area, that resulted in comprising between ∼ 3.5-15 × 108 viruses L− 1 h− 1 and critically faced up the results obtained by different techniques with the consideration that they suffer from different biases. Based on TdR and DIL viral proliferation estimates, viral lysis was responsible for the loss of 54 to 95% of the bacterial standing stock, while the viral-induced mortality by SER (325% d− 1) was likely consistently overestimated. These results indicate that viral lysis is a significant factor for prokaryotic mortality suggesting its implication as an important pathway for the cycling of dissolved organic matter in the Gulf of Trieste.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, salinity, inorganic and organic nutrients on the growth and physiological performance of Fibrocapsa japonica have been investigated in strains isolated from the northern Adriatic Sea, where intense and regular blooms have occurred since 1997 in coastal waters during summer. Strains isolated at different times and from different locations appeared homogeneous in terms of both physiological responses and molecular (ITS-5.8S rDNA) characteristics. Growth rates were higher at temperatures between 20 and 26 °C and in a salinity range of 30–35 (0.7 div day−1). The temperature of 16 °C inhibited growth, more markedly at the lowest and highest salinity values, a result also confirmed by a lower photosynthetic efficiency and by an increase in cell volume due to impaired division. Higher cell concentrations were obtained with macronutrients at f/2 levels than in a fivefold diluted medium. Comparing the utilization of 200 μM nitrate to that of different N sources (inorganic and organic), F. japonica showed an efficient growth with equivalent amounts of ammonia, urea and amino acids, such as glycine and tryptophan; glutamate was less effective, while methionine had toxic effects. Organic phosphate, administered as glycerophosphate, could also sustain F. japonica growth, probably on account of an alkaline phosphatase whose activity was enhanced in the presence of the organic form. Vitamins were necessary for growth, though no further stimulation was observed when a surplus of vitamin B12 (3 nM) was added. The addition of 11.7 μM iron instead of 2.3 μM, as well as that of humic acid, with or without macronutrients, did not enhance algal growth either. These results led us to hypothesise that F. japonica blooms became more frequent due to a general seawater temperature increase and to the availability of organic forms which, in coastal anthropized areas, are especially abundant in summer periods.  相似文献   

Tanskanen  Sanna 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):397-403
The seasonal variation in the carbon content of the calanoid copepod Acartia bifilosa was studied in the northern Baltic Sea. Monthly length-weight relationships were followed from November 1990 to October 1991 by analysing the organic carbon content of individuals, using a high temperature combustion method. The monthly length (L) on carbon (C) regressions of copepodites were best described by power functions (C = aLb), where 75% to 88% of the variation could be explained by length. Nauplii length explained less of their carbon content (63–71 %). The carbon content per length was highest in summer when the nutritional situation was good and temperature at its highest. However, the carbon-length regressions differed significantly between months, except in winter, when two subsequent months had similar regressions. The results pointed out the importance of seasonal variation as well as the risk of making errors if biomass estimates based on length on carbon regressions are used. Carbon analysis should, if possible, be done on every sample or should at least be tested as to whether the regressions are consistent with the study material before estimations are calculated.  相似文献   

Chamelea gallina is an infaunal bivalve, widespread in sandy bottoms along Mediterranean coasts. It is an important economic resource for fisheries in the Adriatic, although in recent years over-fishing, and other concurrent factors, have dramatically decreased clam harvesting. In this context, it is of great interest to gain information on seasonal variations in the physiological performance of clams, for an overall evaluation of their well-being. In this study, laboratory experiments were performed to define allometric relationships and effects of temperature on clearance and respiration rates of C. gallina. The mean values of b coefficients were calculated and used to correlate physiological measurements to 'standard' body mass, when seasonally collected clams were analysed. The highest clearance rate (0.42 L h(-1)) was measured in clams collected in July 2000; the highest respiration rate (12.22 micromol O2 h(-1)) was observed in July 2001, leading to a negative scope for growth (-2.8 J h(-1)). The influence of environmental and endogenous factors, mostly reproduction, was discussed. Survival in air and condition indices, showing higher stress conditions in December 2000 and July 2001, were in good agreement with the other physiological measurements. The physiological responses examined in this study appear to be suitable for providing detailed indications on the well-being of C. gallina and may be useful for future studies aimed at eco-sustainable management of the resource.  相似文献   

The main goals of this project were to evaluate if artificial reefs are suitable sites for releasing hatchery-reared sea bass and if intensively and extensive large-volume cultured sea bass are suitable to be released into the wild for stock enhancement purposes. Large-volume cultured bass were reared in lower densities compared to intensively cultured ones and, when fry were about 90 days old, were transferred into external ponds connected to the channels of the surrounding marsh, where that they could integrate pellet food sources with live prey. Intensively cultured bass were fed for 55 days with Artemia salina (Linnaeus, 1758) and then with pellets. Underwater visual census (UVC) and fishing sampling were carried out to verify the presence of the tagged specimens at the artificial reef. A low mortality rate after tagging was observed and good tag retention was recorded. Individuals dead after tagging were statistically smaller than survivors. A total of 45 tagged bass (42 large-volume and 3 intensively cultured) were returned by fishers and 16 specimens were observed during UVC (15 large-volume and 1 intensively cultured). The majority of recaptured bass concentrated in the surroundings of river mouths and harbours suggesting that, after release, sea bass migrated towards shallower and brackish waters. Subsequently, as they grew, they came back towards deeper waters and tended to aggregate around artificial structures. Analysis of stomach contents of returned individuals confirmed their dependence on hard-substrate food items. The study provides evidence to support the suitability of large-volume juveniles for restocking purposes, due to their ability to prey on wild food and their endurance to the stress caused by release operations.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea is a shallow tidal area along the North Sea coast of The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. The area is strongly influenced by rivers, the most important of which are the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Elbe. Due to the increased nutrient load into the coastal zone the primary production in the Wadden Sea almost tripled during the past few decades. A conceptual model is presented that links nitrogen input (mainly nitrate) via Rhine and Meuse with the annual nitrogen cycle within the Wadden Sea. Three essential steps in the model are: (1) nitrogen limits the primary production in the coastal zone, (2) a proportional part of the primary produced organic matter is transported into the Wadden Sea and (3) the imported organic matter is remineralized within the Wadden Sea and supports the local productivity by nitrogen turn-over. The conceptual model predicts that during years with a high nutrient load more organic matter is produced in the coastal zone and more organic matter is transported into and remineralized within the Wadden Sea than during years with low nutrient loads. As a proxy for the remineralisation intensity ammonium plus nitrite concentrations in autumn were used. Based on monitoring data from the Dutch Wadden Sea (1977–1997) the above mentioned model was statistically tested. In autumn, however, a significant correlation was found between autumn values of ammonium and nitrite and river input of nitrogen during the previous winter, spring and summer. The analysis supports that in years with a high riverine nitrogen load more organic matter is remineralized within the Wadden Sea than in years with a low nitrogen load. A comparison with older data from 1960 to 1961 suggests that the remineralisation intensity in the Wadden Sea has increased by a factor of two to three. This is not reflected by a two to three-fold increase in riverine nitrogen load from 1960 to present. It is suggested that the increased remineralisation rates in the Dutch Wadden Sea between the 1960s and the 1980s/1990s are largely caused by an increased nitrogen flux through the Channel and the Strait of Dover and by an increased atmospheric nitrogen input.  相似文献   

Dolphin interactions with coastal fisheries are of major concern, reportedly leading to gear damage, which increases the cost of coastal fishing globally and in the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of this study was to determine the effect that gear, target species, mesh size, depth, soaking duration, fishing area, and season have on net depredation frequency and to offer insights on possible mitigation solutions. From November 2013 to February 2016 we monitored 107 active coastal fishers in 22 ports of the northern Aegean Sea coastline, identified the main target species of the fishery and recorded the damages on gill nets and trammel nets caused by dolphins, mainly the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Quasi-binomial generalized linear models were used to determine the relationship between the examined factors and depredation frequency. The analysis revealed that the gears mostly depredated were gill nets and trammel nets with small mesh sizes, mainly targeting surmullet (Mullus surmuletus), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), common sole (Solea solea), European hake (Merluccius merluccius), and caramote prawn (Melicertus kerathurus). The probability of depredation was also significantly dependent on the fishing area.  相似文献   

Benthic communities represent a powerful tool for the detection of natural and anthropogenic disturbances, as well as for the assessment of marine ecosystem stability. This paper shows that bivalve assemblages could serve as excellent indicators of disturbance and ecosystem instability. The goal of this study was to compare two sets of data in order to determine the differences between two different periods belonging to bivalve assemblage in the muddy detritic bottom of the northern Adriatic Sea in the post-anoxic period during December 1989, 1990, 1991 and quite a while later, during 2003, 2004 and 2005. Abundances of some indicator species such as Corbula gibba, Modiolarca subpicta and Timoclea ovata were detected during the post-anoxic period. Recruitment in the quality of bivalve assemblages was proved by the ecologic and biotic indexes during 2003, 2004 and 2005, during a period of relatively stable ecological conditions. Fluctuation in bivalve diversity due to the ecological quality of the marine ecosystem in the eastern part of the northern Adriatic Sea is also discussed.  相似文献   

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