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A morphological comparison of neuromuscular and nerve-electroplaque synapses of torpedo was performed. Synaptic vesicles are much smaller at the neuromuscular synapse. The question of the respective role of these populations is raised.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution and size of synaptic vesicles in excitatory terminals of the extensor tibiae muscle were determined after stimulation at frequencies varying from 0.5 to 100 Hz and after a subsequent rest. Only in preparations stimulated at the higher frequencies do these parameters differ from those in the controls. The synaptic vesicles in the nonsynaptic areas of these terminals are depleted in number, and the remaining vesicles are reduced in size. These effects are reversed after a 1 h rest.The authors thank Mr. M.J. Parker for invaluable help with the statistical analyses. R.P. Botham thanks the S.R.C. for financial assistance  相似文献   

The aqueous extract of the venom glands of black widow spiders was fractionated on a column of Sephadex G-200 and then on a column of DEAE-Sephadex A-50 pH 8.2. A protein fraction was obtained that caused a great increase in the frequency of occurrence of miniature end plate potentials at the frog neuromuscular junction, and caused swelling of the nerve terminals and depleted them of their vesicles. The fraction consists of a least four protein components that are similar in their molecular weights (about 130,000) and isoelectric points (ranging from pH 5.2 to 5.5) and are immunologically indistinguishable. It contains no sugar residues and has little or no lipolytic or proteolytic activity. The fraction is toxic to mice and is different from the fractions that act on houseflies, the crayfish stretch receptor and the cockroach heart. It seems pure enough to warrant a detailed study of its site and mode of action.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental questions in neural development is how neurons form synapses of the appropriate size for the efficient transfer of information across neural circuits. Here we investigated the mechanisms that bring about the size correlation between synapses and postsynaptic cells during development of Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). To do this, we made use of a unique system in which two neighboring muscles (M6 and M7) are innervated by the same neurons. In mature NMJs, synaptic size on M6 is normally larger than that on M7, in accordance with the difference in muscle volume; this ensures the same extent of contraction of both muscles, and we refer to this correspondence as "matching". We found that matching was apparent in larvae 8 h after hatching, but not in newly hatched larvae despite the difference in muscle volume. When sensory inputs were suppressed by the expression of tetanus toxin in sensory neurons, matching did not occur, although synapses were able to grow. Matching was also suppressed by the inhibition of motoneuronal activity. These results suggest that matching is induced by regulating the rate of synaptic growth on M6 and M7 in an experience- and activity-dependent manner. It seems most likely that retrograde signals from the postsynaptic to the presynaptic cell convey the information about muscle cell size. We thus examined whether a candidate of retrograde signaling in NMJs, BMP signaling, is involved in matching. However, there was no effect on matching in BMP type II receptor gene mutants, suggesting that other experience-driven mechanisms besides BMP signaling are involved in the proper development of synapses.  相似文献   

In this review we present recent evidence implicating second-messenger systems in two forms of long-lasting synaptic change seen at crustacean neuromuscular junctions. Crustacean motor axons are endowed with numerous terminals, each possessing many individual synapses. Some synapses appear to be quiescent or impotent, but can be recruited in response to imposed functional demands. Supernormal impulse activity leads to long-term facilitation (LTF) which persists for many hours. During the persistent phase, additional synapses are physiologically effective, and morphological changes in synapses are seen at the ultrastructural level. Pulsatile application of serotonin, a neuromodulator, also enhances synaptic transmission, but this enhancement declines more rapidly than LTF. Elevation of intraterminal Ca2+ is neither necessary nor sufficient for long-lasting enhancement of transmission, but activation of A-kinase is necessary. LTF is set in motion by an unknown depolarization-dependent mechanism leading to A-kinase activation, whereas serotonin facilitation depends for its initiation on the phosphatidylinositol system. The initial phase of serotonin facilitation may be accounted for by production of inositol triphosphate, whereas the secondary long-lasting phase appears to require participation of both C kinase and A kinase. Neither LTF nor serotonin facilitation requires an intact neuron; both are presynaptic phenomena expressed by the nerve terminals. Brief comparison is made with long-lasting synaptic changes in other systems.  相似文献   

Verstreken P  Ly CV  Venken KJ  Koh TW  Zhou Y  Bellen HJ 《Neuron》2005,47(3):365-378
In a forward screen for genes affecting neurotransmission in Drosophila, we identified mutations in dynamin-related protein (drp1). DRP1 is required for proper cellular distribution of mitochondria, and in mutant neurons, mitochondria are largely absent from synapses, thus providing a genetic tool to assess the role of mitochondria at synapses. Although resting Ca2+ is elevated at drp1 NMJs, basal synaptic properties are barely affected. However, during intense stimulation, mutants fail to maintain normal neurotransmission. Surprisingly, FM1-43 labeling indicates normal exo- and endocytosis, but a specific inability to mobilize reserve pool vesicles, which is partially rescued by exogenous ATP. Using a variety of drugs, we provide evidence that reserve pool recruitment depends on mitochondrial ATP production downstream of PKA signaling and that mitochondrial ATP limits myosin-propelled mobilization of reserve pool vesicles. Our data suggest a specific role for mitochondria in regulating synaptic strength.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. An electron microscopic study was made of the effect of lanthanum ions on the neuromuscular junction of the cockroach Periplaneta americana leg muscles. Experimental muscles were treated with 5mM La-saline for 2, 4 and 17hr at 4°C or 2 hr at room temperature (20–22°C).
  • 2.2. After exposure to lanthanum for 2 hr at 4 C synaptic vesicles appeared to be slightly reduced in number, but the terminal mitochondria appeared unchanged. After the exposure for 4hr at 4°C the majority of the terminals were fairly depleted of vesicles. No synaptic contact was recognized at this time. By 17 hr all terminals were almost devoid of synaptic vesicles.
  • 3.3. The effect of lanthanum ions on the structural changes was markedly affected by temperature, 2 hr of treatment with La-saline being enough to deplete the synaptic vesicles at room temperature.
  • 4.4. From the results obtained and literature cited the ultrastructural changes may correlate with the functional changes in the insect neuromuscular junction.

Frog cutaneous pectoris muscles were treated with low doses of crude black widow spider venom (BWSV) or purified alpha-latrotoxin, and neuromuscular transmission, quantal secretion, changes in ultrastructure and uptake of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were studied. When these agents were applied to muscles bathed in a Ca2+-free solution with 1 mM EGTA and 4 mM Mg2+, the rate of quantal secretion rose to high levels but quickly subsided; neuromuscular transmission was totally and irreversibly blocked within 1 h. The terminals became swollen and were depleted of vesicles; HRP was not taken up. When BWSV was applied to other muscles bathed in a solution with 1.8 mM Ca2+ and 4 mM Mg2+, the rate of secretion rose to high levels and then declined to intermediate levels that were sustained throughot the hour of exposure. Neuromuscular transmission was blocked in fewer than 50% of these fibers. The ultrastructure of these terminals was normal and they contained large numbers of synaptic vesicles. If HRP had been present, most of the synaptic vesicles were labeled with reaction product. These observations suggest that Ca2+ plays an important role in endocytosis at the frog neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

The neuromuscular junction is a plastic structure and is constantly undergoing changes as the nerve terminals that innervate the muscle fiber extend and retract their processes. In vivo observations on developing mouse neuromuscular junctions revealed that prior to the retraction of a nerve terminal the acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) under that nerve terminal disperse. Agrin is a protein released by nerve terminals that binds to synaptic basal lamina and directs the aggregation of AChRs and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in and on the surface of the myotube. Thus, if the AChRs under a nerve terminal disperse, then the cellular signaling mechanism by which agrin maintains the aggregation of those AChRs must have been disrupted. Two possibilities that could lead to the disruption of the agrin induced aggregation are that agrin is present at the synaptic basal lamina but is unable to direct the aggregation of AChRs, or that agrin has been removed from the synaptic basal lamina. Thus, if agrin were blocked, one would expect to see anti-agrin staining at abandoned synaptic sites; whereas if agrin were removed, anti-agrin staining would be absent at abandoned synaptic sites. We find that anti-agrin staining and α-bungarotoxin staining are absent at abandoned synaptic sites. Further, in vivo observations of retracting nerve terminals confirm that agrin is removed from the synaptic basal lamina within 7 days. Thus, while agrin will remain bound to synaptic basal lamina for months following denervation, it is removed within days following synaptic retraction. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental questions in neural development is how neurons form synapses of the appropriate size for the efficient transfer of information across neural circuits. Here we investigated the mechanisms that bring about the size correlation between synapses and postsynaptic cells during development of Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). To do this, we made use of a unique system in which two neighboring muscles (M6 and M7) are innervated by the same neurons. In mature NMJs, synaptic size on M6 is normally larger than that on M7, in accordance with the difference in muscle volume; this ensures the same extent of contraction of both muscles, and we refer to this correspondence as “matching”. We found that matching was apparent in larvae 8 h after hatching, but not in newly hatched larvae despite the difference in muscle volume. When sensory inputs were suppressed by the expression of tetanus toxin in sensory neurons, matching did not occur, although synapses were able to grow. Matching was also suppressed by the inhibition of motoneuronal activity. These results suggest that matching is induced by regulating the rate of synaptic growth on M6 and M7 in an experience‐ and activity‐dependent manner. It seems most likely that retrograde signals from the postsynaptic to the presynaptic cell convey the information about muscle cell size. We thus examined whether a candidate of retrograde signaling in NMJs, BMP signaling, is involved inmatching. However, there was no effect on matching inBMP type II receptor gene mutants, suggesting thatother experience‐driven mechanisms besides BMP signaling are involved in the proper development of synapses. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

Slater  Clarke R. 《Brain Cell Biology》2003,32(5-8):505-522
Brain Cell Biology - The reliability of neuromuscular transmission depends on the size and molecular organization of the neuromuscular junction. Comparative studies show that the quantal release...  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases are important regulators of extracellular matrix molecules and cell-cell signaling. Antibodies to matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3) recognize molecules at the frog neuromuscular junction, and MMP3 can remove agrin from synaptic basal lamina (VanSaun & Werle, 2000). To gain insight into the possible roles of MMP3 at the neuromuscular junction, detailed observations were made on the structure and function of the neuromuscular junctions in MMP3 null mutant mice. Striking differences were found in the appearance of the postsynaptic apparatus of MMP3 null mutant mice. Endplates had an increased volume of AChR stained regions within the endplate structure, leaving only small regions devoid of AChRs. Individual postsynaptic gutters were wider, containing prominent lines that represent the AChRs concentrated at the tops of the junctional folds. Electron microscopy revealed a dramatic increase in the number and size of the junctional folds, in addition to ectopically located junctional folds. Electrophysiological recordings revealed no change in quantal content or MEPP frequency, but there was an increase in MEPP rise time in a subset of endplates. No differences were observed in the rate or extent of developmental synapse elimination. In vitro cleavage experiments revealed that MMP3 directly cleaves agrin. Increased agrin immunofluorescence was observed at the neuromuscular junctions of MMP3 null mutant mice. These results provide strong evidence that MMP3 is involved in the control of synaptic structure at the neuromuscular junction and they support the hypothesis that MMP3 is involved in the regulation of agrin at the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

Retractor unguis nerve muscle preparations from the locust were subjected to the zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide reaction (ZIO) after pre-fixation in glutaraldehyde. Applied for 18 h at 4 degrees C in the dark, ZIO reacts at pH 4.2--4.0 fairly selectively with the matrix of synaptic vesicles. Approximately 53% of the vesicles are completely and 4% partially stained. The percentage of ZIO-positive vesicles is increased to nearly 90% and reduced to 4% or less by pretreatment with SH-protecting (dithiothreitol) or SH-blocking (N-ethylmaleimide, p-chloromercuriphenyl sulfonic acid) and SH-oxidizing (azodicarboxylic acid-bis-dimethylamide) reagents, respectively. Stimulation of the motor nerve at 20 Hz for 7 min, partially fatiguing synaptic transmission, reduces the number of vesicles per square micrometer of terminal area by approximately 52%; 2 min of rest restores this number of its pre-stimulation level. These changes are chiefly accounted for by changes in the number of completely ZIO-positive vesicles. 2 min after the end of stimulation, partially ZIO-positive vesicles are three times more frequent than before. With all experimental conditions, the average volume of vesicles was as follows: ZIO-negative less than partially ZIO-positive less than completely ZIO-positive. The average volume of ZIO-positive vesicles is almost unaffected by stimulation; that of ZIO-negative vesicles is decreased by 25% immediately after stimulation, increasing with subsequent rest to the initial level after 1 h. It is suggested (a) that ZIO demonstrates intravesicular protein(s) containing SH-groups and (b) that the completely ZIO-positive vesicles represent the mature ones ready to be used for transmitter release. How the ZIO reaction differentiates between different developmental stages of vesicles which could arise from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is discussed.  相似文献   

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