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The primary structure of a novel putative subunit of the mouse glutamate receptor channel, designated as delta 1, has been deduced by cloning and sequencing the cDNA. The delta 1 subunit shows 21-25% amino acid sequence identity with previously characterized rodent glutamate receptor channel subunits and thus may represent a new subfamily of the glutamate receptor channel.  相似文献   

We isolated a cDNA encoding a cytochrome P450 from the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis. The mRNA is 2.1 nucleotides long and contains an open reading frame encoding a protein of 545 amino acids. A conserved home-binding domain, characteristic of cytochrome P450 proteins, is present in the deduced amino acid sequence. The Lymnaea cytochrome P450 protein shares less than 40% positional identity with any known member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily, and therefore, represents a separate family, which we propose to name CYP10. The CYP10 mRNA is shown to be uniquely and abundantly expressed in the female gonadotropic hormone producing dorsal bodies of L. stagnalis.  相似文献   

We recently reported that the protein encoded in a novel human oncogene isolated from Kaposi sarcoma DNA was a growth factor with significant homology to basic and acidic fibroblast growth factors (FGFs). To study the properties of this growth factor (referred to as K-FGF) and the mechanism by which the K-fgf oncogene transforms cells, we have studied the production and processing of K-FGF in COS-1 cells transfected with a plasmid encoding the K-fgf cDNA. The results show that, unlike basic and acidic FGFs, the K-FGF protein is cleaved after a signal peptide, glycosylated, and efficiently secreted as a mature protein of 176 or 175 amino acids. Inhibition of glycosylation impaired secretion, and the stability of the secreted K-FGF was greatly enhanced by the presence of heparin in the cultured medium. We have used the conditioned medium from transfected COS-1 cells to test K-FGF biological activity. Similar to basic FGF, the K-FGF protein was mitogenic for fibroblasts and endothelial cells and induced the growth of NIH 3T3 mouse cells in serum-free medium. Accordingly, K-fgf-transformed NIH 3T3 cells grew in serum-free medium, consistent with an autocrine mechanism of growth. We have also expressed the protein encoded in the K-fgf protooncogene in COS-1 cells, and it was indistinguishable in its molecular weight, glycosylation, secretion, and biological activity from K-FGF. Taken together, these results suggest that the mechanism of activation of this oncogene is due to overexpression rather than to mutations in the coding sequences.  相似文献   

Both genomic DNA and cDNA of the feline granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) gene were cloned from CRFK cells. Southern blot analysis showed that the haploid genome contains a single copy of the G-CSF gene. The RT-PCR analysis of several feline cell lines revealed expression of G-CSF mRNA in response to lipopolysaccharide stimulation. Sequence analysis of genomic and cDNA clones indicated that the intron-exon junction structure is conserved between the human and the feline G-CSF genes. The G-CSF coding region encodes a predicted protein of 195 amino acids including a signal sequence of 21 amino acids. The feline G-CSF amino acid sequence shares a high degree of identity with the canine (90.8%), human (87.4%), ovine (83.9%), bovine (82.8%), porcine (80.5%), murine (70.7%) and rat (66.8%) G-CSF. The feline G-CSF expressed in insect cells using recombinant baculovirus vector was biologically active as measured in a proliferation assay using NFS-60 cells and an induction assay of leukocytes in cats.  相似文献   

cDNA encoding for a sperm antigen, designated NZ-1, was cloned and sequenced from murine testis cDNA-λgt11 expression library using antibodies to human sperm surface antigens belonging to 14–18 kD molecular region. These sperm antigens are involved in zona pellucida binding and have tyrosine phyosphorylation activity. Computer generated translation analysis of 1395-bp cDNA yielded an open reading frame (ORF) of 152 aa with first ATG, Met start codon at nt 32 and the stop codon TGA at nt 487. The translated protein has a calculated molecular weight of 17.9 kD and a potential tyrosine phosphorylation site at aa 46–54, besides at least two O-linked glycosylation sites. The hydropathy plot generated from the deduced aa sequence indicated it to be a membrane-anchored peptide with a hydrophobic NH2-terminus that is characteristic of a signal peptide. Extensive computer search in the GenBank, NBRF, and Swiss sequence banks, indicating it to be a novel protein. Northern blot analysis indicated testis-specific expression of NZ-1 antigen. The NZ-1 cDNA was subcloned into pGEX-1λT vector and expressed in glutathione-S-transferase gene fusion system to obtain the recombinant protein. The recombinant protein specifically reacted with the original antibodies raised against the native 14–18 kD sperm proteins. These findings suggest that the sperm-specific recombinant NZ-1 may find applications in the development of a contraceptive vaccine, and in studying the normal and abnormal sperm function and the signal transduction mechanism. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48:449–457, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone, LMP131A, which is preferentially expressed in mature anther was isolated from a lily cDNA library. Northern blot analysis and plaque hybridization expriments showed that the LMP131A mRNA is present at ca. 0.3% of the mRNA in mature pollen and is not detectable in carpel, petal, floral bud, leaf, or root. The clone contains an open reading frame of 139 amino acid residues which shows greater than 40% sequence identity in a 91 amino acid overlap to animal actin-depolymerizing factors (ADF), cofilin and destrin. The sequences at and near the actin-binding site are most conserved. Using the lily clone as a probe, a cDNA clone, BMP1, was isolated from a mature anther library of Brassica napus. The expression pattern of the BMP1 clone was the same as that of the lily clone. The Brassica anther-preferential clone contains an open reading frame which is 79% identical to the lily LMP131A protein. Southern blot analysis showed that there are one or a few copies of the putative ADF genes in B. napus and Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

A novel human fibroblast growth factor (hFGF), which shows 75% sequence homology with fibroblast growth factor-9, was isolated in random sequencing of a human heart cDNA library. The full-length sequence is 928 bp, the encoded protein is composed of 168 amino acid residues, and its pI value and molecular weight were estimated to be 8.13 and 19.1 kDa, respectively. RT-PCR using Marathon human heart cDNA shows that the coding region is approximately 507 bp. Southern hybridization showed a single band which indicates that this is a single copy gene. Northern hybridization done on a human multiple tissues blot showed that the gene is preferentially expressed in human heart, very weakly detectable in human brain and not detectable in 18 other different human tissues.  相似文献   

Macrophage capping protein (MCP) is a Ca(2+)-sensitive protein which reversibly blocks the barbed ends of actin filaments but does not sever preformed actin filaments. The human cDNA for MCP has been cloned and sequenced. The derived amino acid sequence predicts a polypeptide of 38.4 kDa. Human MCP expressed in Escherichia coli using a pET12a vector was functionally identical to the native protein purified from rabbit alveolar macrophages with respect to Ca2+ sensitivity and ability to block monomer exchange at the barbed end of actin filaments. Sequence comparison with other actin-binding protein sequences indicates that MCP is a member of the gelsolin/villin family of barbed end blocking proteins. Unlike gelsolin, this protein has a limited tissue distribution being detected primarily in macrophages where it was abundant, representing 0.9-1% of the total cytoplasmic protein. Northern blot analysis of U937 and HL60 cells differentiated to macrophage-like cells demonstrated that MCP message increases to 2.6 and greater than 7 times initial levels, respectively. Human MCP displays a 93% amino acid sequence identity with two recently described mouse proteins, gCap39 and Mbh1. Its abundance in macrophages and the corresponding increases in mRNA levels upon promyelocyte and monocyte development into macrophages indicate that MCP may play an important role in macrophage function.  相似文献   

FGF-19, a novel fibroblast growth factor with unique specificity for FGFR4.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We have identified a novel fibroblast growth factor, FGF-19, the most distant member of the FGF family described to date. FGF-19 is a high affinity, heparin dependent ligand for FGFR4 and is the first member of the FGF family to show exclusive binding to FGFR4. Human FGF-19 maps to chromosome 11 q13.1, a region associated with an osteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome of skeletal and retinal defects. FGF-19 message is expressed in several tissues including fetal cartilage, skin, and retina, as well as adult gall bladder and is overexpressed in a colon adenocarcinoma cell line.  相似文献   

Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP)-like protein-1 (ILP-1) (also known as X-linked IAP [XIAP] and mammalian IAP homolog A [MIHA]) is a potent inhibitor of apoptosis and exerts its effects, at least in part, by the direct association with and inhibition of specific caspases. Here, we describe the molecular cloning and characterization of a human gene related to ILP-1, termed ILP-2. Despite high homology to ILP-1, ILP-2 is encoded by a distinct gene, which in normal tissues is expressed solely in testis. In contrast to ILP-1, overexpression of ILP-2 had no protective effect on apoptosis mediated by Fas (also known as CD95) or tumor necrosis factor. However, ILP-2 potently inhibited apoptosis induced by overexpression of Bax or by coexpression of caspase 9 with Apaf-1, and preincubation of cytosolic extracts with ILP-2 abrogated caspase activation in vitro. A processed form of caspase 9 could be coprecipitated with ILP-2 from cells, suggesting a physical interaction between ILP-2 and caspase 9. Thus, ILP-2 is a novel IAP family member with restricted specificity for caspase 9.  相似文献   

A new germinal center kinase (GCK) family kinase, Misshapen/NIKs-related kinase (MINK), has been cloned and its expression has been characterized in several tissues and various developmental stages of the mouse brain. MINK encodes a 1300 amino acid polypeptide, consisting of an N-terminal kinase domain, a proline-rich intermediate region, and a C-terminal GCK homology region. The expression of MINK is up-regulated during the postnatal development of the mouse brain. MINK activates the cJun N-terminal kinase and the p38 pathways.  相似文献   

We have sequenced a cDNA of urinary stone protein. cDNA sequences show complete homology between urinary stone protein and human osteopontin (bone sialoprotein) (nucleotides 265-886 and 1183-1424). Osteopontin is a recently discovered bone matrix protein which has been implicated in mediating mineral formation within bone extracellular matrix. This result shows that osteopontin is presumably involved in stone formation as stone matrix.  相似文献   

Expression of cDNA encoding human basic fibroblast growth factor in E. coli   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The cDNA encoding human basic fibroblast growth factor was expressed in E. coli under the control of trp promoter. Bacterially synthesized hbFGF was highly purified using a heparin affinity HPLC column. By this chromatography, hbFGF was eluted as four distinct forms, which were indistinguishable by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, amino acid composition, and partial terminal sequence analysis. These molecules stimulated the growth of fibroblasts and endothelial cells although their specific activities varied. The angiogenesis activity of these molecules was also confirmed.  相似文献   

Secretin is a 27 amino acid peptide which stimulates the secretion of bicarbonate, enzymes and potassium ion from the pancreas. A complementary DNA encoding the rat secretin receptor was isolated from a CDM8 expression library of NG108-15 cell line. The secretin receptor expressed in COS cells could specifically bind the iodinated secretin with high and low affinities. Co-expression of the secretin receptor with the alpha-subunit of rat Gs protein increased the concentration of the high affinity receptor in the membrane fraction of the transfected COS cells. Secretin could stimulate accumulation of cAMP in COS cells expressing the cloned secretin receptor. The nucleotide sequence analysis of the cDNA has revealed that the secretin receptor consists of 449 amino acids with a calculated Mr of 48,696. The secretin receptor contains seven putative transmembrane segments, and belongs to a family of the G protein-coupled receptor. However, the amino acid sequence of the secretin receptor has no significant similarity with that of other G protein-coupled receptors. A 2.5 kb mRNA coding for the secretin receptor could be detected in NG108-15 cells, and rat heart, stomach and pancreatic tissue.  相似文献   

S100 proteins form a growing subfamily of proteins related by Ca2+-binding motifs to the Efhand Ca2+-binding protein superfamily. By analyzing a human lung cancer cell line subtraction cDNA library, we have identified and characterized a new member of the human S100 family that we named S100A14 (GenBank acc. no. NM_020672). It encodes a mRNA present in several normal human tissues of epithelial origin, with the highest level of expression in colon. The full-length cDNA is 1067 nt in length, with a coding region predicting a protein of 104 amino acids that is 68% homologous to the S100A13 protein. The deduced amino acid sequence of the human S100A14 and its mouse homolog (identified as GenBank entry) contains two EF-hand Ca2+-binding domains, a myristoylation motif, a glycosylation site, and several potential protein kinase phosphorylation sites. We have mapped this gene to human chromosome 1q21, within a region where at least 15 other S100 genes are tightly clustered. A 3.2-kb genomic fragment containing the entire S100A14 was cloned and sequenced. The gene is split into four exons and three introns spanning a total of 2165 bp of genomic sequence. We examined the intracellular distribution of the epitope-tagged S100A14 protein in two human lung carcinoma cell lines and one immortalized monkey cell line. Pronounced staining was observed in the cytoplasm, suggesting an association with the plasma membrane and in the perinuclear area. We also provide evidence for heterogenic expression of S100A14 in tumors, demonstrating its overexpression in ovary, breast, and uterus tumors and underexpression in kidney, rectum, and colon tumors, a pattern suggesting distinct regulation with potentially important functions in malignant transformation.  相似文献   

Multiple extracellular factors are hypothesized to promote the differentiation of unstimulated and/or stimulated secretory pathways in exocrine secretory cells, but the identity of differentiation factors, particularly those organ-specific, remain largely unknown. Here, we report on the identification of a novel secreted glycoprotein, lacritin, that enhances exocrine secretion in overnight cultures of lacrimal acinar cells which otherwise display loss of secretory function. Lacritin mRNA and protein are highly expressed in human lacrimal gland, moderately in major and minor salivary glands and slightly in thyroid. No lacritin message or protein is detected elsewhere among more than 50 human tissues examined. Lacritin displays partial similarity to the glycosaminoglycan-binding region of brain-specific neuroglycan C (32 % identity over 102 amino acid residues) and to the possibly mucin-like amino globular region of fibulin-2 (30 % identity over 81 amino acid residues), and localizes primarily to secretory granules and secretory fluid. The lacritin gene consists of five exons, displays no alternative splicing and maps to 12q13. Recombinant lacritin augments unstimulated but not stimulated acinar cell secretion, promotes ductal cell proliferation, and stimulates signaling through tyrosine phosphorylation and release of calcium. It binds collagen IV, laminin-1, entactin/nidogen-1, fibronectin and vitronectin, but not collagen I, heparin or EGF. As an autocrine/paracrine enhancer of the lacrimal constitutive secretory pathway, ductal cell mitogen and stimulator of corneal epithelial cells, lacritin may play a key role in the function of the lacrimal gland-corneal axis.  相似文献   

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