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Toxic effluents containing azo dyes are discharged from various industries and they adversely affect water resources, soil fertility, aquatic organisms and ecosystem integrity. They pose toxicity (lethal effect, genotoxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity) to aquatic organisms (fish, algae, bacteria, etc.) as well as animals. They are not readily degradable under natural conditions and are typically not removed from waste water by conventional waste water treatment systems. Benzidine based dyes have long been recognized as a human urinary bladder carcinogen and tumorigenic in a variety of laboratory animals. Several microorganisms have been found to decolourize, transform and even to completely mineralize azo dyes. A mixed culture of two Pseudomonas strains efficiently degraded mixture of 3-chlorobenzoate (3-CBA) and phenol/cresols. Azoreductases of different microorganisms are useful for the development of biodegradation systems as they catalyze reductive cleavage of azo groups (-N=N-) under mild conditions. In this review, toxic impacts of dyeing factory effluents on plants, fishes, and environment, and plausible bioremediation strategies for removal of azo dyes have been discussed.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of azo dyes: minireview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The removal of dyes in wastewater treatment plants still involves physical or chemical processes. Yet numerous studies currently exist on degradation based on the use of microbes—which is a well-studied field. However progress in the use of biological methods to deal with this environmentally noxious waste is currently lacking. This review focuses on the largest dye class, that is azo dyes and their biodegradation. We summarize the bacteria identified thus far which have been implicated in dye decolorization and discuss the enzymes involved and mechanisms by which these colorants are broken down.  相似文献   

Azo compounds constitute the largest and the most diverse group of synthetic dyes and are widely used in a number of industries such as textile, food, cosmetics and paper printing. They are generally recalcitrant to biodegradation due to their xenobiotic nature. However microorganisms, being highly versatile, have developed enzyme systems for the decolorization and mineralization of azo dyes under certain environmental conditions. Several genera of Basidomycetes have been shown to mineralize azo dyes. Reductive cleavage of azo bond, leading to the formation of aromatic amines, is the initial reaction during the bacterial metabolism of azo dyes. Anaerobic/anoxic azo dye decolorization by several mixed and pure bacterial cultures have been reported. Under these conditions, this reaction is non-specific with respect to organisms as well as dyes. Various mechanisms, which include enzymatic as well as low molecular weight redox mediators, have been proposed for this non-specific reductive cleavage. Only few aerobic bacterial strains that can utilize azo dyes as growth substrates have been isolated. These organisms generally have a narrow substrate range. Degradation of aromatic amines depends on their chemical structure and the conditions. It is now known that simple aromatic amines can be mineralized under methanogenic conditions. Sulfonated aromatic amines, on the other hand, are resistant and require specialized aerobic microbial consortia for their mineralization. This review is focused on the bacterial decolorization of azo dyes and mineralization of aromatic amines, as well as the application of these processes for the treatment of azo-dye-containing wastewaters.  相似文献   

Pathways for the degradation of 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-azobenzene-4'-sulfonic acid (I) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyazobenzene-4'-sulfonamide (II) by the manganese peroxidase and ligninase of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and by the peroxidase of Streptomyces chromofuscus have been proposed. Twelve metabolic products were found, and their mechanisms of formation were explained. Preliminary oxidative activation of the dyes resulted in the formation of cationic species, making the molecules vulnerable to the nucleophilic attack of water. Two types of hydrolytic cleavage were observed. Asymmetric splitting gave rise to quinone and diazene derivatives, while symmetric splitting resulted in the formation of quinone monoimine and nitroso derivatives. These unstable intermediates underwent further redox, oxidation, and hydrolytic transformation, eventually furnishing 11 organic products and ammonia.  相似文献   

细菌利用不同碳、氮源共代谢降解脱色偶氮染料研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要综述了细菌利用碳、氮源等不同共代谢基质降解脱色偶氮染料的研究进展。综合文献结果表明,在单一碳源、单一氮源、复合碳氮源等不同共代谢基质条件下,细菌降解脱色偶氮染料的效能存在较大差异。其影响因素主要包括碳源种类、氮源种类、浓度、碳氮源复合比例等,其中碳、氮源种类影响最为显著。针对偶氮染料,只有提供合适的碳、氮源共代谢基质,才能对细菌降解脱色的效果起到明显的促进作用。同时,在不同碳、氮源共代谢基质条件下,细菌菌群群落结构及优势功能菌种差异较大,而不同碳、氮源共代谢基质作为偶氮染料还原脱色的电子供体,产生的脱色效能也有显著不同。最后,对利用碳、氮源共代谢降解脱色偶氮染料的研究方向进行了展望,认为复合合适的碳、氮源在提高细菌菌群降解脱色效率方面具有较大潜力,另一方面,细菌混合菌群利用碳、氮源共代谢降解脱色偶氮染料的微观分子生态学机制,酶学作用机制,功能菌种与功能蛋白之间相互作用机制等还有待深入研究。  相似文献   

We present the results of an investigation into the special traits of conversion of azo dyes Acid Orange 6, Acid Orange 7, Methyl Orange, and Methyl Red under anaerobic conditions in comparison to aerobic conditions. In the presence of oxygen, only Methyl Red underwent decomposition, while under oxygen-free conditions, all remaining substances were fully decolourised under the action of a methanogenous consortium of microorganisms. The products of reduction of the azo bond are determined in the case of each dye. Introduction of additional acceptors of electrons (sulfate and nitrate) had a negative influence on the discoloration of azo dyes. Addition of ethanol as an available organic cosubstrate accelerated decomposition of azo dyes both under methanogenous and sulfate- and nitrate-reducing conditions. There is no direct correlation between the rates of conversion of azo dyes under anaerobic conditions or their toxicity to acetoclastic methanogens. Changes in the morphological composition of the community decolouring an azo dye depended on the duration of its impact on microorganisms. The mechanism of the reduction of the azo bond under the action of substances acting as mediators is explained. These substances are products of the metabolism of the microbial community in anaerobic conditions. It is shown that the supposed mediators NADH and sulfide efficiently decolourise azo dyes in a cell-free system, while riboflavin significantly increased the rate of conversion of substrates in recurrent cycles of discoloration only in the presence of an anaerobic microbial consortium.  相似文献   

Azo dyes are recalcitrant pollutants commonly found in several industrial wastewaters, such as those originated from textile factories, which generally persist to biological transformation. Discharge of these effluents in open water bodies not only represents an aesthetic problem, but also may limit photosynthesis in aquatic plants. Furthermore, many azo dyes and products derived from their partial transformation in the environment (e.g. aromatic amines) may be toxic or carcinogenic. Biological wastewater treatment processes have emerged as promising technologies to remove azo dyes from industrial effluents and intensive research has been conducted during the last two decades in order to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the reductive decolourisation of azo dyes. The present work describes the main biochemical and microbiological aspects involved in the reductive decolourisation of azo dyes by anaerobic bacteria.  相似文献   

The application of enzyme-based systems in waste treatment is unusual, given that many drawbacks are derived from their use, including low efficiency, high costs and easy deactivation of the enzyme. The goal of this study is the development of a degradation system based on the use of the ligninolytic enzyme manganese peroxidase (MnP) for the degradation of azo dyes. The experimental work also includes the optimization of the process, with the objective of determining the influence of specific physicochemical factors, such as organic acids, H(2)O(2) addition, Mn(2+) concentration, pH, temperature, enzyme activity and dye concentration. A nearly total decolorization was possible at very low reaction times (10 min) and at high dye concentration (up to 1500 mg L(-)(1)). A specific oxidation capacity as high as 10 mg dye degraded per unit of MnP consumed was attained for a decolorization higher than 90%. Among all, the main factor affecting process efficiency was the strategy of H(2)O(2) addition. The continuous addition at a controlled flow permitted the progressive participation of H(2)O(2) in the catalytic cycle through a suitable regeneration of the oxidized form of the enzyme, which enhanced both the extent and the rate of decolorization. It was also found that, in this particular case, the presence of a chelating organic acid (e.g., malonic) was not required for an effective operation. Probably, Mn(3+) was chelated by the dye itself. The simplicity and high efficiency of the process open an interesting possibility of using of MnP for solving other environmental problems.  相似文献   

【背景】偶氮染料及其中间产物具有一定的环境毒性,利用混合菌群降解偶氮染料是一种环境友好型方法,但降解过程中氧气的存在起到至关重要的作用,可以促进或抑制偶氮染料的微生物降解作用。【目的】探讨氧气对偶氮染料微生物脱色液的影响,分析氧气对混合菌群脱色降解偶氮染料效果的影响。【方法】利用混合菌群DDMY1在3种培养条件(好氧、厌氧、兼氧)下,对7种偶氮染料进行脱色降解,探讨偶氮染料脱色液对氧气的响应情况,利用紫外可见分光光度法(ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry,UV-vis)和傅里叶变换红外光谱法(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)对脱色产物进行分析。【结果】在兼氧和厌氧条件下反应48 h后的染料脱色液,与氧气充分接触后,部分偶氮染料微生物脱色液发生较为明显的复色现象,如活性黑5、直接黑38;UV-vis分析结果表明,这种复色现象是由于脱色液与氧气接触之后产生新物质所致;FTIR分析结果表明,混合菌群对发生复色反应的偶氮染料仍然具有一定脱色降解效果,但是脱色尚不够完全。【结论】兼氧和厌氧条件下,氧气对部分偶氮染料微生物脱色液具有较为明显的影响,从而影响混合菌群对偶氮染料的整体脱色效果,这可为今后研究偶氮染料彻底生物降解提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Summary Permeabilization of cells of B. cereus and other bacterial strains by toluene treatment significantly increased the passage of sulfonated and carboxylated azo dyes from the external medium into the cells with a concomittant increase of the reduction rate of the dyes. Dyes which are not reduced at all by intact cells were readily decolorized. The reduction rate of sulfonated compounds was consistently larger than of their carboxylated analogues, once the dyes had entered the cells.  相似文献   

Sudan azo dyes have genotoxic effects and ingestion of food products contaminated with Sudan I, II, III, IV, and Para Red could lead to exposure in the human gastrointestinal tract. In this study, we examined thirty-five prevalent species of human intestinal bacteria to evaluate their capacity to degrade Sudan dyes and Para Red. Among these tested bacterial strains, 23, 13, 33, 30, and 29 out of 35 species tested were able to reduce Sudan I, II, III, IV, and Para Red, respectively, to some extent. Bifidobacterium infantis, Clostridium indolis, Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Ruminococcus obeum were able to reduce completely all four tested Sudan dyes and Para Red. Escherichia coli and Peptostreptococcus magnus were the only two strains that were not able to reduce any of the tested Sudan dyes and Para Red to any significant extent. Metabolites of the reduction of the tested Sudan dyes and Para Red by E. faecalis were isolated and identified by HPLC and LC/ESI-MS analyses and compared with authentic standards. Thus it appears that the ability to reduce Sudan dyes and Para Red except Sudan II is common among bacteria in the human colon.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, two fungal strains were exploited to evaluate their degradation capability on Synozol Red, Yellow, and Navy-Blue dyes which gave the utmost decolorization such as 40%, 70%, 90% by Aspergillus niger, and 36%, 73%, 87% by Trichoderma viride, respectively for 60 days. The Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis of the decolorized dyes suggested that various compounds such as Caprolactam, Furazan-3-carboxamide, oxime, 4-amino-N, N-dimethyl, 6H-Pyrazolo[1,2-a] [1,2,4,5]tetrazine, Hexahydro-2,3-dimethyl, Benzene, 1-propenyl, Dihydroxymaleic acid, Arsenous acid, tris(trimethylsilyl) ester were produced by the fungi which helped in the removal of dyes from the wastewater. The laccase activity of the degraded dyes was proof that both of the strains positively produced the enzyme that helped in the biodegradation of carcinogenic dyes into less harmful products. The A. niger extracted laccase relative activity was 262%, 265%, and 145.7% for Synozol Yellow, Synozol Red, and Navy Blue, respectively. Similarly, laccase, obtained from T. viride, showed relative activity of 187.5% against Synozol Yellow, 215% against Synozol Red, and 202% against Navy Blue. Furthermore, the supernatant extracted from fungi-decolorized wastewater was used to check phytotoxicity on Vigna radiata, which gave excellent results. Both fungal strains, on the basis of their dye degradation potential, can be used to ameliorate wastewater contaminated with azo dyes.  相似文献   

Anaerobic acclimatization of activated sludge from a textile effluent treatment plant to high concentration of RB5 could effectively decolorize RB5 dye solution. The strains viz. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus circulans and other unidentified laboratory isolates (NAD1 and NAD6) were predominantly present in the microbial consortium. The conditions for efficient decolorization, biostimulation to increase effectiveness of microbial consortium, its tolerance to high salt concentration and non-specific ability towards decolorization of eight azo dyes, are reported. The optimum inoculums concentration for maximum decolorization were found to be 1-5 ml of 1800+/-50 mg l(-1) MLSS and 37 degrees C, respectively. The decolorization efficiency was 70-90% during 48 h. The biomass showed efficient decolorization even in the presence of 10% NaCl, as tested with RB5. In the presence of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) more than 99% decolorization occurred in 8h. The decolorization of RB5 was traced to extracellular enzymes. The effectiveness of acclimatized biomass under optimized conditions towards decolorization of two types of synthetic dye bath wastewaters that were prepared using chosen azo dyes is reported.  相似文献   

Galactomyces geotrichum MTCC 1360, a yeast species showed 88% ADMI (American dye manufacturing institute) removal of mixture of structurally different dyes (Remazol red, Golden yellow HER, Rubine GFL, Scarlet RR, Methyl red, Brown 3 REL, Brilliant blue) (70 mg l−1) within 24 h at 30 °C and pH 7.0 under shaking condition (120 rpm). Glucose (0.5%) as a carbon source was found to be more effective than other sources used. The medium with metal salt (CaCl2, ZnSO4, FeCl3, MgCl2, CuSO4) (0.5 mM) showed less ADMI removal as compared to control, but did not inhibit complete decolorization. The presence of tyrosinase, NADH-DCIP reductase and induction in laccase activity during decolorization indicated their role in degradation. HPTLC (High performance thin layer chromatography) analysis revealed the removal of individual dyes at different time intervals from dye mixture, indicating preferential degradation of dyes. FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) and HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography) analysis of samples before and after decolorization confirmed the biotransformation of dye. The reduction of COD (Chemical oxygen demand) (69%), TOC (Total organic carbon) (43%), and phytotoxicity study indicated the conversion of complex dye molecules into simpler oxidizable products having less toxic nature.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of azo and anthraquinone dyes in continuous systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose is to develop a complete microbiological model system for the treatment of wastewater from textile mills in developing countries. Artificial wastewater was treated by microorganisms growing on wood shavings from Norway spruce during unsterile conditions. The microorganisms were inoculated from forest residues. Mixtures of the azo dyes Reactive Black 5 and Reactive Red 2 were degraded in batch as well as continuous experiments. Reactive Red 2 mixed with the anthraquinone dye Reactive Blue 4 was also treated in the continuous system. The system consisted of three reservoirs - the first two with an anaerobic environment and the third with an aerobic. The dye concentrations were 200 mg l−1 of each dye in the continuous system and the retention time was approximately 4 days and 20 h per reservoir. Samples from the process were analysed with spectrophotometer and LC/MS to monitor the degradation process. 86-90% of the colour was removed after a treatment of 4 days and 23 h in the continuous process. Two metabolites were found in the outlets of reactors one and two, but they were degraded to below the detection limit in the aerobic reactor.  相似文献   

Extremophiles - Biocatalytic decolorization of azo dyes is hampered by their recalcitrance and the characteristics of textile effluents. Alkaline pH and heavy metals present in colored wastewaters...  相似文献   

A microbial consortium capable of aerobic degradation of a mixture of azo dyes consisting of two isolated strains (RRL,TVM) and one known strain of Pseudomonas putida (MTCC 1194) was immobilized on laterite stones. The amount of bacterial biomass attached to the laterite stones was 8.64 g per 100 g of the stone on a dry weight basis. The packed bed reactor was filled with these stones and had a total capacity of 850 mL and a void volume of 210 mL. The feed consisted of an equal mixture of seven azo dyes both in water as well as in a simulated textile effluent, at a pH of 9.0 and a salinity of 900 mg/L. The dye concentrations of influent were 25, 50, and 100 microg/mL.The residence time was varied between 0.78 and 6.23 h. It was found that at the lowest residence time 23.55, 45.73, and 79.95 microg of dye was degraded per hour at an initial dye concentration of 25, 50, and 100 microg, respectively. The pH was reduced from 9.0 to 7.0. Simulated textile effluent containing 50 microg/mL dye was degraded by 61.7%. Analysis of degradation products by TLC and HPLC showed that the dye mixture was degraded to nontoxic smaller molecules. The bacteria-coated pebbles were stable, there was no washout even after 2 months, and the reactor was found to be suitable for the aerobic degradation of azo dyes.  相似文献   

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