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Ultrastructural observations were made of morphological changes in the inner surface of the blastocoelic wall (BW) in newt embryos during the period from morula to gastrula. A scanning electron microscopic investigation distinguished three phases of process formation on the inner surface of the BW. First, small blebs and filopodia were found in the morula. These then changed to large blebs in the blastula and early gastrula. Finally, they acquired lamella-like structures (lamellipodia) in the middle and late gastrula. In addition to the changes in the cell surface, cytoplasmic changes such as of the organization of the cortical microfilamentous layer (CML) were found by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The morphological changes on the inner surface of the BW and those in the cytoplasmic ultrastructures are considered to be closely related, playing some important roles in the mechanisms of morphogenetic cell movements.  相似文献   

The roles of folding movement of epithelial layer in amphibian gastrulation were investigated. A superficial epithelial layer was isolated from the vegetal hemisphere of the initial gastrula (stage 11) of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster . The isolated epithelial layers were cultured and morphogenetic movements of the epithelial layers were analysed. Two types of folding movement, folding toward the apical side in the blastopore-forming region and folding toward the basal side in the dorsal marginal zone, arose autonomously in the cultured epithelial layers. These movements caused morphogenesis similar to the formation of the blastoporal groove and archenteron in the control embryo. Treatment with chemical reagents that affect the morphogenetic movement of cells and electron microscopy of the submembranous microfilaments layer (SML) suggested that contraction of actin filaments in the SML was involved in both types of folding movement but that they are controlled, respectively, by different mechanisms in terms of involvement of Ca2+ ions. The present results suggest that two types of folding movement arise in the superficial epithelial layer of the embryo and play important roles in the formation of the blastoporal groove and archenteron during early steps of amphibian gastrulation.  相似文献   

The cell morphology, cell-to-cell contact behavior and extracellular matrix (ECM) of inner cells (prospective endodermal cells) of newt ( Cynops pyrrhogaster ) embryos were examined from the morula to gastrula stage by light and electron microscopy. The inner cells showed increased cell-to-cell contact from the early blastula to early gastrula stage. The cells formed blebs (5–15 μm in diameter) during the blastula stage, and started to form filopodia and lamellipodia before gastrulation. Alcian blue and lanthanum nitrate treatment revealed ECM components on the cell surface in the early blastula stage and these components increased in amount from the late blastula to early gastrula stage. It is suggested that the increase in ECM components on the cell surface may have some relation with changes in cell-to-cell contact and formation of processes on the cell surface. Besides the cell surface ECM components, glycogen-like granules were observed in intercellular spaces. From the distribution of granules in gastrulae, it is suggested that these may be important in maintaining intercellular spaces for migration of invaginating cells.  相似文献   

Dissociated spermatogenic cells were cultivated within the collagen matrix at low cell density. The largest cell type in the culture was identified as the primary spermatocytes by their size and the morphological characteristics revealed by ultra-thin sections. Chromosome analysis showed that about 90% of the cells examined were either in first or second meiosis. Within the collagen matrix, the fates of 282 single primary spermatocytes at meiotic stage in diakinesis or metaphase were followed. In a few days, most of them gave rise to four spermatids, passing through first and second meiotic divisions. About 80% of the spermatids formed motile flagella. They grew about 20–60 μm a day. The final state of the differentiation attained in our culture conditions was the spermatids with localized spherical nuclei and motile flagella, about 500 μm in length after 1-month's culture. Ultra-thin sections of the spermatids show that the rings, neck-pieces, and acrosomes developed in the cells.  相似文献   

The ventral skin of the wild Japanese newt Cynops pyrrhogaster is creamy at metamorphosis, but turns red when mature. The color of the ventral skin of laboratory (lab)‐reared newts stays yellow throughout their life. However, the mechanism for the red coloration of this animal still remains unknown. In this study, we have performed ultrastructural and carotenoid analyses of the red ventrum of wild and lab‐reared Japanese newts. Using electron microscopy, we observed a number of xanthophores having ring carotenoid vesicles (rcv) and homogenous carotenoid granules (hcg) in the ventral red skin of the wild newt. In the skin, β‐carotene and five other kinds of carotenoids were detected by thin‐layer chromatography (TLC). In the ventral yellow skin of lab‐reared newts, however, only β‐carotene and three other kinds of carotenoids were found. The total amount of carotenoids in the red skin of the wild adult newt was six times more than that of the yellow skin of the lab‐reared newt. Moreover, rcv were more abundant in xanthophores in red skin, but hcg were more abundant in yellow skin. These results, taken together, suggest that the presence of carotenoids in rcv in xanthophores is one of the critical factors for producing the red ventral coloration of the Japanese newt C. pyrrhogaster.  相似文献   

Yolk granules were collected from full-grown ovarian oocytes of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster , and dissolved in 3% acetic acid or 8 M urea solution. Culture dishes were then coated with either of the yolk-granule solutions. The yolk-coated surfaces acted as adhesive substrata for dissociated gastrula cells, which showed active locomotion when spread on the surfaces. Divalent cation was required for cell adhesion and spreading on the yolk-coated surface. Trypsin and glycosidase digestions of dissociated cells or the yolk-coated surfaces inhibited cell adhesion and spreading. Addition of concanavalin A to the culture medium inhibited cell spreading on the yolk-coated surfaces, while high concentration (50 mM) of the saccharides, D-galactose, D-lactose and D-mannose, had a slightly inhibitory effect on cell spreading.
Two yolk components (30-kD and 108-kD proteins) were isolated from yolk granules and applied to the culture dish surfaces. Surfaces coated with the 30-kD protein showed strong adhesiveness for dissociated gastrula cells.  相似文献   

Epibolic extension of the presumptive ectodermal layer (PEL) was investigated in embryos of the newt Cynops pyrrhogaster before and during gastrulation. The PEL was composed of only one layer of columnar cells at all stages examined. The cells of the PEL became elongated from the blastula to the early gastrula stage. They were most elongated at the early gastrula stage and then shortened during gastrulation. Present observations suggest that changes in cell shape of the PEL play an important role in the control of the epibolic extension of the newt embryos. The morphology and movement of the isolated cells from the PEL were examined in an attempt to elucidate the role of cell movement in epibolic extension of the PEL. Blebbing and vermiform cells which showed active cell movement appeared at the early blastula stage. The blebbing cells, which formed large hyaline blebs that moved around the circumference of each cell, appeared in large numbers at the early blastula stage. The frequency of the blebbing cells decreased from the early blastula to the early gastrula stage and increased again during gastrulation. The vermiform cells, which had an elongated cell body and moved in a worm-like manner, increased in frequency from the early blastula to the early gastrula stage. The relative number of such vermiform cells was maximal at the early gastrula stage and decreased abruptly during gastrulation. These results suggest that the elongation of the cells of the PEL is controlled by the active cell movement which resembles that of a worm.  相似文献   

Our previous studies (10, 11) showed that mammalian follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) alone was indispensable and sufficient for the initiation and promotion of spermatogenesis from secondary spermatogonia to primary spermatocytes in organ culture of testes fragments from the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. The present study demonstrated that FSH promoted in the same model system the differentiation of primary spermatocytes even further: to the stage of elongated spermatids. When testes fragments, consisting of somatic cells and germ cells (mostly primary spermatocytes), were cultured in a control medium for three weeks, only round spermatids and spermatogonia were observed; both the diameter of the cysts and the viability of the germ cells decreased to about 10–15% of the original level. On the other hand, when the medium was supplemented with FSH, elongated spermatids appeared by the second week; both the diameter of the cysts and the viability of the germ cells were maintained at a higher level than in the control medium. The effect of FSH was dose-dependent. However, neither transferrin, androgens (testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone) nor luteinizing hormone (LH) was effective. The addition of cyanoketone, a specific inhibitor of 3β-hydroxy-Δ5-steroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) (32), to the FSH-containing medium did not prevent the differentiation promoted by FSH, indicating that it is unlikely that Δ4-steroid metabolites produced in fragments by FSH acted directly on germ cells. Insulin was found to improve the viability of germ cells during a 2 week of culture period. In the presence of FSH, the cells in various differentiative stages had morphological characteristics very similar to those in vivo, whereas in the absence of FSH primary spermatocytes showed abnormal features in their nuclei and cytoplasm, indicating that they were deteriorating. These results and our previous results (1–3) suggest that FSH promotes primary spermatocytes to differentiate into elongated spermatids probably by stimulating Sertoli cells to secrete factors which then act on the germ cells.  相似文献   

The length of chromosomes in the presumptive ectoderms of Cynops embryos was measured at nine successive cell divisions from the 6th (cleavage stage) to the 14th (gastrula stage). Up to the 10th cell division (cleavage stage) the chromosome length remained constant. At the 11th cell division the chromosomes began to shorten and continued to shorten at every cell division up to the 14th cell division. The degree of shortening and the mode of variation in length corresponded to the respective developmental stages of cleavage, blastula and gastrula. During those periods when chromosomes became shortened, some fine C-bands of the paracentromeric region found in earlier stages fused together. The chromatin of interphase nuclei also showed considerable changes during chromosome shortening. Besides the size reduction of interphase nuclei, the number of C-band granules in an interphase nucleus decreased in parallel with chromosome shortening and fusion of C-bands in mitotic chromosome.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate essential factors responsible for the initiation and promotion of spermatogenesis, we developed an organ culture system with a chemically defined medium. When newt testes fragments, consisting of somatic cells and germ cells almost exclusively secondary spermatogonia, were cultured in control medium for three weeks, most of the testicular cysts still contained only secondary spermatogonia. On the other hand, in the medium supplemented with various kinds of hormones and vitamins primary spermatocytes (zygotene-pachytene) appeared in about 60% of the cysts by the second week. Selective removal of specific hormones and vitamins revealed that follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) alone was indispensable and sufficient for the differentiation of secondary spermatogonia to primary spermatocytes. Neither the addition of luteinizing hormone (LH) nor androgens (testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone) to the control medium stimulated differentiation. Consistent with these findings was the fact that radioreceptor assays revealed high affinity specific binding sites for FSH but none for LH. Since our ultrastructural studies revealed a major loss of contact between spermatogonia and Sertoli cells following exposure to FSH, we suggest that FSH triggers differentiation of spermatogonia by acting on Sertoli cells which in turn act on spermatogonia.  相似文献   

We have investigated the expression and distribution of the regeneration-responsive molecule, 2NI-36, the loss of which is responsible for initiation of dedifferentiation of dorsal marginal iris pigmented epithelial cells to regenerate a lens. In the process of the normal development of the newt, the expression of 2NI-36 could not be detected in embryos at the early developmental stages, i.e., cleavages, gastrulation and neurulation, nor through later developmental stages to tail-bud, even though organogenesis was occurring. 2NI-36 was not detectable in any tissues until embryos reached developmental stage 40 (before hatching). In hatched larvae around developmental stage 46, strong expression of 2NI-36 was observed in several tissues including the vascular endothelium, the pigmented epithelium and the inner layer of skin epidermis. Moreover, 2NI-36 was present on the cell surface of these tissue cells. In conclusion, when the embryos hatch out to become swimming larvae that can feed by themselves, 2NI-36 begins to be expressed in some kinds of differentiated tissues. These results suggest that the function of 2NI-36 might be related to the completion of morphogenesis in development and also to the stabilization of the differentiated state of newly formed tissue cells.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural localization of calcium in the presumptive ectodermal cells of gastrulae of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster , was examined by cytochemical methods and X-ray microanalysis (XMA). The cells were fixed with solutions that contained potassium oxalate, potassium ferricyanide and potassium pyroantimonate to preserve the localization of intracellular calcium in situ and for the analysis of electron density due to calcium. Electron-dense deposits associated with the localization of calcium were observed under the electron microscope. Specificially, pigment granules, round vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria as well as the extracellular matrix were observed to contain calcium. In addition, XMA clearly demonstrated the localization of calcium in all of these electron-dense organelles and yolk granules.  相似文献   

The development of cell surface activity and adhesiveness was examined in relation to cleavage number in early embryos of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. Both large hyaline bleb formation and surface adhesiveness to substratum were manifested in presumptive ectodermal cells isolated from embryos after the eleventh cleavage (mid-blastula stage). Scanning electron microscopy of the inner surface of the blastocoelic wall (presumptive ectodermal cell layer) revealed the formation of large blebs after the eleventh cleavage. Treatment with alcian blue and lanthanum nitrate demonstrated the accumulation of an extracellular matrix (ECM) on the surface of large blebs.  相似文献   

To investigate the function of Wilms' tumor 1 (WT1) during spermatogenesis, cDNA for newt WT1 homolog was cloned and the expression of WT1 in newt testes was examined. The cDNA is 2089 bp in length and encodes 426 amino acid (aa) residues. The deduced aa sequence shares 76 and 79% homology with human and Xenopus WT1, respectively. Northern blot analysis shows that WT1 mRNA, 3.2 and 4.5kb in length, are expressed in the testis and kidney. Both WT1 mRNA species are detected in various stages of spermatogenesis, but the 3.2kb mRNA is highly expressed in spermatogonia and mature sperm stages, while the amount of 4.5kb mRNA is almost constant throughout spermatogenesis. In situ hybridization reveals that WT1 mRNA is localized in Sertoli cells. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis shows that WT1 protein is highly expressed in the nuclei of Sertoli cells in early spermatogonia and mature sperm stages, but not in pericystic cells or germ cells. These results suggest that WT1 is involved in the regulation of gene expression in Sertoli cells, depending on the spermatogenic stage.  相似文献   

Previous analysis of PCR products derived from total RNA from the abdominal gland of the male newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster, inhabiting the Nara area of Japan led to the identification of a gene encoding [Val(8)]sodefrin, as well as the female-attracting peptide pheromone, sodefrin. In this study, purification of this sodefrin variant from the abdominal glands of male newts from the Nara area was accomplished using gel-filtration chromatography and reversed-phase HPLC. Amino acid sequence analysis and mass spectrometry confirmed that the final product was [Val(8)]sodefrin. A full-length cDNA encoding the biosynthetic precursor of [Val(8)]sodefrin was cloned and characterized. The deduced amino acid sequence of prepro[Val(8)]sodefrin showed 86.2% identity with that of the sodefrin precursor. The [Val(8)]sodefrin variant potently attracted females from the Nara area, but the variant was much less or not effective in attracting females captured in the Niigata and Chiba areas. The term aonirin ("aoni" from "aoni-yoshi", the conventional epithet of Nara) is proposed to designate this region-specific pheromone. It is speculated that the coevolution of a novel pheromone and its complementary receptor in the Nara newts may lead to reproductive isolation and eventual differentiation into a separate species.  相似文献   

The color of the ventral skin of the Japanese adult newt Cynops pyrrhogaster is red, whereas that of the small juvenile newts at metamorphosis is creamy. Xanthophores in the red skin have many ring carotenoid vesicles (rcv) and a few homogenous carotenoid granules (hcg), as reported earlier. To understand the reason for this change in coloration of the ventral skin of the newt, we carried out histological and biochemical studies to see whether the size and the number of carotenoid granules (hcg and rcv) in the xanthophores and also carotenoid content in the ventral skin change during the growth of this animal. By electron microscopic observation, only hcg were observed in the creamy skin of larvae at stage 59. The diameter of the hcg in the skin of the larvae was approximately 0.85 microm, but significantly decreased to 0.35 microm in the skin of the small juvenile newt. However, the number of the hcg/100 microm (2) of a xanthophore in the ventral skin was very low in the larva at stage 59, but increased in the small juvenile. The carotenoid content was very low in the creamy skin of small juveniles, but dramatically high in the red skin of the adult newts. In the red skin of the adult newt, many rcv (85%) and a few hcg (15%) were observed. However, the number of carotenoid granules (rcv and hcg)/100 microm(2) of a xanthophore in the red skin of adult newts was not different from that of hcg/100 microm (2) of a xanthophore in the creamy skin of small juveniles. The results, taken together, suggest that the increase in the size and the number of carotenoid granules and also carotenoid content in the ventral skin is very important for red body coloration during the growth of the Japanese newt Cynops pyrrhogaster.  相似文献   

Development of animal cap-less Xenopus gastrulae was examined. In vegetal halves from which the animal cap was removed 0.6 mm above the blastopore, an apparently normal array of craniocaudal structures developed. Histological examination showed differentiation of central nervous system (CNS) structures in the cap-less embryos, but differentiation of sensory organs, such as a lens and ear vesicle in only a few embryos. Only the dorsal midline of the embryos was covered with epidermis, and its lateral-ventral areas consisted of bare endoderm and mesoderm. The development of animal cap was also investigated by exchanging the animal cap of X. laevis embryos with that of X. borealis embryos, which can be distinguished by quinacrine fluorescence staining. The central nervous system of chimera embryos consisted mainly of X. laevis cells stained homogeneously with quinacrine but a small number of punctately-stained X. borealis cells was in the anterior tip of the forebrain. Cells of the lens and ear vesicle were punctately stained. More than two-thirds of the epidermal area consisted of punctately-stained cells and only the dorsal midline of the posterior head- and trunk-epidermis consisted of homogeneously-stained cells.
Areas of the prospective central nervous system and their movement during embryogenesis of Xenopus are discussed.  相似文献   

The ADP-ribosylations of proteins in nuclei, plasma membrane vesicles, mitochondria, microsome vesicles and the soluble fraction of sea urchin embryos isolated at various stages of development were examined by measuring the radioactivities of proteins after exposure of these subcellular fractions to [adenosine-14C]NAD or [adenylate-32P]NAD. ADP-ribosylation of proteins was detected only in the nuclear and plasma membrane fractions. In the nuclear fraction, the rate of ADP-ribosylation of the histone fraction did not change appreciably during early development. In the TCA-insoluble protein fraction of the nuclei, the rate of ADP-ribosylation increased from fertilization to the morula stage, then decreased and again increased from the mesenchyme blastula to the late gastrula stage. After exposure of the nuclear fraction to [adenylate-32P]NAD, a protein band with a molecular weight of 90 kDa was detected by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and radioautography at all stages examined. Its labeling intensity indicated that its ADP-ribosylation is higher at the morula and late gastrula stages than at other stages. In the plasma membrane fraction, proteins with molecular weights of 22 and 68 kDa were ADP-ribosylated and their rates of ADP-ribosylation hardly changed during early development.  相似文献   

The dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) of an amphibian early gastrula is thought to consist of at least two distinct domains: the future head and trunk-tail organizers. We studied the mechanism by which the organizing activities of the lower half of the DMZ (LDMZ) of the urodelean (Cynops pyrrhogaster) embryo are changed. The uninvoluted LDMZ induces the notochord and then organizes the trunk-tail structures, whereas after cultivation in vitro or suramin treatment, the same LDMZ loses the notochord-inducing ability and organizes the head structures. A cell-lineage experiment indicated that the change in the organizing activity of the LDMZ was reflected in the transformation of the inductive ability: from notochord-inducing to neural-inducing activity. Using RT-PCR, we showed that the LDMZ expressed gsc, lim-1, chordin, and noggin, but not the mesoderm marker bra. In the sandwich assay, the LDMZ induced bra expression in the animal cap ectoderm, but the inductive activity was inhibited by cultivation or suramin treatment. The present study indicates that the change in the organizing activity of the LDMZ from trunk-tail to head is coupled with the loss of notochord-inducing activity. Based on these results, we suggest that this change is essential for the specification of the head and trunk-tail organizers during gastrulation.  相似文献   

The isolated double-track layer of the cell wall of the gram-negative marine pseudomonad studied here contains a cleavage plane. This finding localizes the single cleavage plane of the cell wall and shows that the molecular architecture of this layer provides the lipid-enriched layer which cleaves preferentially in the frozen cell. The observation that the isolated double-track layer of the cell wall is sufficiently ordered at the molecular level to yield a well-defined X-ray diffraction pattern with a d-spacing of 0.44 nm shows that its molecular architecture is very similar to that of true membranes. This specific d-spacing is produced by the highly ordered packing of the hydrophobic portions of phospholipid molecules. Therefore, the double-track layer of the cell wall has been shown, by these two biophysical means, to have a molecular architecture which would allow it to function as the membrane-like “molecular sieve” layer, whose presence has been deduced from physiological data. This layer is important in the retention of cell wall-associated enzymes and in the control of the movement of large molecules through the cell wall.  相似文献   

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