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The one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations are modified to account for stem drag and volumetric displacement effects of dense emergent plants on free surface flow. The modified equations are solved with an implicit finite difference method to give velocities and depths for shallow flows through a vegetated wetland channel. Estimated flow profiles are used to investigate how vegetation density, downstream boundaries and aspect ratio affect detention time, an important parameter in determining nutrient and pollutant removal efficiencies of wetlands constructed to treat wastewater. Results show that free water surface wetlands may exhibit static, neutral or dynamic behavior. Under static conditions, the wetland behaves like a pond in which displacement effects caused by submerged plant mass invariably decrease detention times. Under dynamic conditions, stem drag induced by aquatic plants predominates and wetland detention times increase with vegetation density. These opposing responses are separated by a narrow neutral condition where the presence of vegetation has virtually no net effect on detention time. For a given flow rate and surface area, detention times and hence treatment efficiencies in vegetated free water surface wetlands can be managed to some degree by adjusting the downstream control or by changing the aspect ratio.  相似文献   

Highly productive papyrus (Cyperus papyrus L.) wetlands dominate many permanently flooded areas of tropical East Africa; however, the cycling of carbon and water within these ecosystems is poorly understood. The objective of this study was to utilise Eddy Covariance (EC) techniques to measure the fluxes of carbon dioxide and water vapour between papyrus vegetation and the atmosphere in a wetland located near Jinja, Uganda on the Northern shore of Lake Victoria. Peak, midday rates of photosynthetic CO2 net assimilation were approximately 40 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1, while night time losses through respiration ranged between 10 and 20 μmol COm−2 s−1. Numerical integration of the flux data suggests that papyrus wetlands have the potential to sequester approximately 0.48 kg C m−2 y−1. The average daily water vapour flux from the papyrus vegetation through canopy evapotranspiration was approximately 4.75 kg H2O m−2 d−1, which is approximately 25% higher than water loss through evaporation from open water.  相似文献   

State and management of wetlands in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wetlands are a vital link between land and water in Bangladesh. A majority of the people of Bangladesh are critically dependent on wetlands. In this paper, the values of wetlands, causes and effects of wetlands degradation, as well as the present wetlands management approach, are analyzed and recommendations for wetlands management are suggested based on participatory rural appraisal (PRA), field visit, personal experience, and existing literature and information. Wetlands play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of ecosystems, but wetlands habitat of Bangladesh is under constant threat due to increase of population, intensive agriculture, overfishing, siltation, pollution, ill-planned infrastructures, lack of institutional coordination, lack of awareness, etc. As a result biodiversity is reducing, many species of flora and fauna are threatened, wetlands-based ecosystem is degenerating, and the living conditions of local people are deteriorating as livelihoods, socioeconomic institutions, and cultural values are affected. Wetlands management is not addressed separately in water management activities of Bangladesh. In order to balance human needs and wetlands conservation, a mainly community-based wetlands management approach has been taken in Bangladesh, but this is not enough to prevent the degradation of wetlands. Therefore, Bangladesh now needs a comprehensive strategy combining political, economic, social, and technological approaches to stop further degradation of wetlands. Therefore, wetlands management should be incorporated into a system of integrated land and water use and, indeed, into the socioeconomic system of the country. Policies, strategies, and management plans for sustainable use and conservation of wetlands of Bangladesh must be based on solid knowledge and understanding of their ecological and socioeconomic functions and processes.  相似文献   

Analysis of phosphorus retention in free-water surface treatment wetlands   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wetlands have become the focus of numerous research and restoration efforts due to their ability to assimilate phosphorus and nitrogen from urban wastewater and stormwater runoff. Long-term data collected at Boney Marsh, Florida, USA, and the USEPA wetland database were analyzed to develop a simple tool that can be used to predict and optimize phosphorus retention in wetland treatment systems. Wetland properties such as water loading rate, water depth, P-loading rate, and water retention time were examined for their influence on phosphorus retention. The relationship between wetland properties and phosphorus removal efficiency was reduced to a simple quantitative diagram, 'The Phosphorus Removal Efficiency Diagram. The proposed diagram provides a simple management tool that predicts expected treatment range using controllable hydrologic conditions.The author uses the editors suggestion for abbreviation.  相似文献   

Inventory and classification of wetlands in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B. Gopal  M. Sah 《Plant Ecology》1995,118(1-2):39-48
The Indian subcontinent has a large variety of freshwater, saline and marine wetlands. Whereas the mangroves are relatively well documented, very little is known about the other wetlands, with few exceptions. Only recently an inventory of these welands has been prepared but no effort has been made to classify them. A vast majority of the inland wetlands are temporary and/or man-made, and they have been traditionally used and managed by the local human populations. In this paper, first, we evaluate the classification schemes of the IUCN, US Fish and Wildlife Services and those of the Australian wetlands, for their applicability to Indian wetlands. Then, we propose a simple hierarchical classification of wetlands based on their location (coastal or inland), salinity (saline or freshwater), physiognomy (herbaceous or woody), duration of flooding (permanent or seasonal) and the growth forms of the dominant vegetation. We stress upon the hydrological factors which determine all the structural and functional characteristics of the wetlands. We consider that the various growth forms of wetland vegetation integrate the totality of hydrological variables and therefore, can be used as the indicators of different hydrological regimes.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of within-basin tillage can constrain condition andfunction of prairie wetlands even after uplands are restored. Runoff wassignificantly greater to replicate wetlands within tilled basins with orwithoutvegetated buffer strips as compared to Conservation Reserve Program restorationcontrols with revegetated uplands (REST). However, mean water levels for nativeprairie reference sites were higher than for REST controls, becauseinfiltrationrates were lower for native prairie basins, which had no prior history oftillage. Nutrient dynamics changed more in response to changes in water leveland vegetation structure than to increased nutrient inputs in watershed runoff.Dissolved oxygen increased between dry and wet years except in basins or zoneswith dense vegetation. As sediment redox dropped, water-column phosphatedeclined as phosphate likely co-precipitated with iron on the sediment surfacewithin open-water or sparsely vegetated zones. In response, N:P ratios shiftedfrom a region indicating N limitation to P limitation. REST sites, with densevegetation and low DO, also maintained high DOC, which maintains phosphate insolution through chelation of iron and catalysis of photoreduction. Referencesites in native prairie and restored uplands diverged over the course of thewet-dry cycle, emphasizing the importance of considering climatic variation inplanning restoration efforts.  相似文献   

The stoichiometric equations of ammonification, nitrification and denitrification have demonstrated that the nitrogen cycle in nature is rather complicated. The mechanisms of biological nitrogen transformations are very important for analysis, design, operation and optimal control of natural ecosystems or engineered systems for nitrogen removal, and accurate stoichiometric equations can help in the maintenance of these environments. In this study, the new stoichiometric equations of intermediate nitrification, and heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification with sulfur as the electron donor have been developed and discussed. The parameter values of f(s) (the fraction of electron donor coupled to cell synthesis) in stoichiometric equations of nitrification and denitrification are calculated according to experimental results implied in previously reported stoichiometric equations. Some new stoichiometric relationships of nitrification and denitrification, such as the O(2) demand for nitrifications, chemical oxygen demand/N ratios and the yield coefficients for denitrifications have been established. The pathway steps of nitrification and denitrification have been discussed.  相似文献   

三江源区湿地生态系统功能分析及保育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据多次科考调查的成果和资料,对三江源区湿地生态系统的结构和功能进行了分析。结果表明:湿地生态系统服务价值为2.10×1011Yuan·a-1,占三江源区生态系统服务功能总价值的62.07%;其中废物处理、水源涵养、气候调节的价值较大,分别为6.40×1010Yuan·a-1、5.79×1010Yuan·a-1、4.90×1010Yuan·a-1,分别占湿地生态系统总价值的30.55%、27.61%、23.39%。其次为生物多样性保护、土壤形成与保护、气体调节、食物生产和原材料、娱乐文化等服务功能。此外针对三江源区湿地生态系统退化机制和存在的主要问题,提出了合理利用与保护对策。  相似文献   

A wide range of human impacts have resulted in changes to wetland water regimes throughout the natural reserve of the Yellow River Delta. Specific local impacts which affect wetland water regimes include hydrological alterations associated with urban and agricultural development. Increasingly, management decisions must be made regarding the amount and timing of water required to maintain the ecosystem's diversity and its ecological characteristics. In this paper, based on the practice in the natural reserve and the important request of Ramsar for the “wise use” of wetlands in which ecological characteristics need to be reserved, a set of management objectives for the wetland natural reserve is proposed. The objectives include protecting the ecosystem and the waterfowl resources in the new wetland, renewing biodiversity and maintaining the function of the ecosystem. By means of a correlation analysis between the wetland biota and water regime, the ecological water requirement for the wetlands is proposed and classified into three classes, i.e., minimum, moderate and perfect water requirement, corresponding to the basic, moderate and perfect management objective, respectively. The results show that the minimum, moderate and perfect water requirements, respectively, are 37.94×108, 49.47×108 and 64.57×108 m3 per year if the water required for sediment flushing is not considered in the wetland natural reserve. If the water required for sediment flushing is included, the amount will be 187.94×108, 199.47×108 and 214.57×108 m3 per year, respectively, which cover 47%, 50% and 54% of the available ecological water quantities observed in the lower Yellow River during the 1950s.  相似文献   

Exploitation and exploration of the Amazon basin by Europeans started in the 17th century, but only since about 1970 has the Brazilian government given priority to the connection of the Amazon basin to the industrialized southern part of the country. This new policy required scientific research on the natural resources of the area. Wetlands cover about 20% of the Amazon basin. Inland fishery, fertile floodplain soils, and hydroelectric energy offer a large potential for economic development. Research concentrates on major wetlands and water bodies near the large cities. The Amazon River floodplain belongs to the best studied tropical river floodplains in the world. However, studies in other areas suffer from lack of wetland inventory and classification. Accelerated economic development is not adequately accompanied by wetland research. Insufficient knowledge about distribution, size, structure and function of many wetlands leads to increasing degradation and loss of biodiversity, for instance, by the construction of hydroelectric power plants, large scale deforestation for cattle ranching and agro-industrial projects, mining activities, the construction of navigation channels (hidrovias), etc. The low number of scientists working in the area and lack of funding require close cooperation in problem-oriented multidisciplinary projects (scientific clustering) to optimize scientific outcome. Intensive, long-term cooperation and scientific exchange with institutions from southern Brazil and from abroad is recommended to improve the scientific infrastructure in Amazonian institutions, to accelerate the transfer of new scientific methods and technology, and to intensify the training program for local human resources.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the issue cover date.  相似文献   

Biomass, P concentration, P amount and chlorophyll in three floating and three rooted macrophytes growing in wetlands of the Middle Paraná River floodplain measured in winter and summer were compared. Macrophytes were sampled three times in summer and twice in winter, in the period 2002/2004. Although Pistia stratiotes was the species with the highest P concentration in leaves and roots, Typha domingensis, Eichhornia crassipes and Pontederia cordata were the most efficient species in P retention in natural wetlands because of their higher biomass. Total P amount in rooted species did not show seasonal variations. However, T. domingensis accumulated a greater P amount in its aerial part in summer, whereas in winter it did so in its below-ground parts, indicating an important P dynamic regarding translocation within the plant. In summer, floating species were able to accumulate great quantities of P in a short period due to their high growth rate. In order to optimize and maintain the efficiency of constructed wetlands for P removal throughout the year, a selection of floating and rooted species should be used.  相似文献   

Two constructed wetlands, one with Azolla pinnata plant (CW1) and the other without (CW2) for treating domestic wastewaters were developed. Fifteen water parameters which include: Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Total Phosphorus (TP), Total Nitrogen (TN), Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3N), Turbidity, pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), and heavy metals such as Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) were analyzed using standard laboratory procedures. The experiments were conducted in two (dry and wet) seasons simultaneously. Results showed considerable reductions in all parameters and metals including Zn in CW1 compared with CW2 in the two seasons considered while Pb and Mn were not detected throughout the study. Zn concentration levels reduced significantly in both seasons just as removal efficiencies of 70.03% and 64.51% were recorded for CW1 while 35.17% and 33.45% were recorded for CW2 in both seasons. There were no significant differences in the removal efficiencies of Fe in both seasons as 99.55%, 59.09%, 88.89%, and 53.56% were recorded in CW1 and CW2 respectively. Azolla pinnata has proved effective in domestic wastewater phytoremediation studies.  相似文献   

The study on mixing distribution for an aerobic stirred bioreactor and simulated (solutions of carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt), yeasts (S. cerevisiae) and fungus (P. chrysogenum pellets and free mycelia) broths indicated the significant variation of mixing time on the bioreactor height. The experiments suggested the possibility to reach a uniform mixing in whole bulk of the real broths for a certain value of rotation speed or biomass concentration domain. For S. cerevisiae broths the optimum rotation speed increased to 500 rpm with the biomass accumulation from 40 to 150 g/l d.w. Irrespective of their morphology, for fungus cultures the existence of optimum rotation speed (500 rpm) has been recorded only for biomass concentration below 24 g/l d.w. The influence of aeration rate depends on the apparent viscosity/biomass concentration and on the impellers and sparger positions. By increasing the apparent viscosity for simulated broths, or biomass amount for real broths, the shape of the curves describing the mixing time variation is significantly changed for all the considered positions. The intensification of the aeration induced the increase of mixing time, which reached a maximum value, decreasing then, due to the flooding phenomena. This variation became more pronounced at higher viscosities for simulated broths, at higher yeasts concentration, and at lower pellets or filamentous fungus concentration, respectively. By means of the experimental data and using MATLAB software, some mathematical correlations for mixing time have been proposed for each broth and considered position inside the bioreactor. These equations offer a good agreement with the experiment, the maximum deviation being ±7.3% for S. cerevisiae broths.  相似文献   

The physical properties of digesta may influence mixing, efficiency of digestion, and absorption within the lumen of the intestine. We review how the physical properties of digesta change during transit through the various segments of the intestine, and how their influence on flow and mixing may be modulated by peristaltic activity. We examine how, in more fluid digesta, the solid and liquid phases interact to influence flow and mixing. Similarly, how in viscid digesta, shear strength, plasticity and elasticity of contained particulate material may influence the permeation of the fluid phase and secretions into and out of the digesta bolus. The manner in which the solid and liquid phases of digesta interact in a partly gaseous environment, such as the lower bowel, to influence bolus cohesion is also examined. Those mechanisms that promote the formation of a less viscous layer at the mucosal interface to promote plug flow are reviewed, and their effect on the efficiency of mixing and digestion discussed. It is recommended that in any future work investigating the character of mixing in the intestine, a wider range of appropriate digesta properties be measured and that, in investigations of intestinal movement, perfusates with similar characteristics to digesta be used.  相似文献   

How closely the vegetation of restored wetlands resembles that of comparable natural wetlands is a function of the probability of propagules of wetland species reaching reflooded wetlands and how similar environmental conditions in the restored wetland are those in the natural wetlands. Three years after reflooding, we examined the vegetation composition, water level fluctuations, soil organic carbon content, and soil bulk density as well as surface water pH, alkalinity, conductivity, and calcium and magnesium concentrations of 10 restored and 10 natural wetlands. In the restored wetlands, more species of submersed aquatics colonized than were found in natural wetlands, and they rapidly spread to form extensive beds that were larger than those found in natural wetlands. Emergent and wet meadow species in restored wetlands, however, were found in only sparse stands as were a variety of annuals. The vegetation of natural wetlands was predominantly large stands of emergent species. Fluctuations in water storage volume and basin surface area were similar for both restored and natural wetlands. The surface water in restored wetlands had higher pH and lower alkalinity, conductivity, and calcium and magnesium concentrations than that in natural wetlands. Soils of restored wetlands have a lower organic carbon content and higher bulk density than do those of natural wetlands. Our results suggest that for submersed aquatics, dispersal of propagules to restored wetlands is rapid and environmental conditions in restored wetlands are very suitable for their establishment. For other guilds of wetland species, e.g., sedges and other wet meadow species, dispersal to restored wetlands is likely much slower and may pose a serious problem for the re-establishment of these species in restored wetlands. Even if dispersal is not limiting, low surface organic carbon and high bulk density may prevent the establishment of these species in restored wetlands.  相似文献   

Riparian wetlands are important components of the lake ecosystem, and they play essential roles in maintaining system health. Remediation of degraded lakeshore wetlands is an essential component of lake restoration. A study was conducted to investigate the restoration of lakeshore wetlands, which were converted to rice fields and then abandoned for 2, 5, 10 and 15 years, near Lake Taihu. Soil samples (0–20 cm and 20–40 cm) were taken and plant species were investigated. The carbon content in the soil had increased significantly, rising from 0.71% to 1.85% between 2 and 15 years. Organic matter accumulation improved soil texture, and water stable aggregate content (>0.25 mm) and soil porosity increased. Total nitrogen in the soil increased from 0.06% to 0.13%, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen increased from 124.4 mg kg−1 to 351.5 mg kg−1. Total phosphorus in the soil increased from 0.045% to 0.071%, and the Olsen-P value increased from 5.13 mg kg−1 to 16.0 mg kg−1. Results showed that phosphorous did not increase as much as nitrogen. In the vegetation restoration process, plant species composition moved towards a natural wetland community, and spatial heterogeneity and landscape diversity increased. The richness of plant biodiversity increased rapidly in the first 2 years, then more slowly in later restoration stages. The wetlands recovery process may be complicated by interactions of biota and soil and hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

The transition from open water to a swamp forest of a complex of ponds in the Polder Westbroek (The Netherlands) in the period 1937–1989 is studied. Changes between structurally different vegetation types are determined using remote-sensing data and a Geographical Information System. The transition follows a clear pathway from open water throughPhragmites/Typha-dominated community andCarex-dominated vegetation, toAlnus-dominated vegetation. The rate of this transition shows strong correspondence to changes in local management, demonstrating the large human impacts on ecosystems in this area.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopic data were used to assess how far waters from the Savannah River, a major river in the Southeastern United States, backed up and inundated the wetlands along a small Coastal Plain tributary during a flood. This approach worked because the water of this tributary, Unper Three Runs, had an oxygen isotopic composition (18O = –4.9 ) distinct from Savannah River water (18O = –3.2 ).Two sample surveys were taken from the mouth of Upper Three Runs to 2 km upstream. Waters were isotopically uniform along the length of the sample transect when both river and tributary water levels were below bankfull. Visual estimates of turbidity taken when both the river and tributary overflowed their channels and inundated adjacent wetlands indicated that Savannah River water extended about 300 meters up the tributary channel. In contrast, the isotopic data indicated that a mixing zone of river and tributary waters extended about 1100 meters upstream. Although this mixing zone was documented only in the channel of Upper Three Runs, it probably extended into adjacent parts of the riparian wetland, potentially affecting ecological processes due to the differing water quality. This study was conducted in a single river-tributary system and the approach is probably applicable in other large rivers.Corresponding Editor: R. SharitzTo Whom Correspondence should be sent  相似文献   

Wetlands in Uganda experience different forms of human pressure ranging from drainage for agriculture and industrial development to over harvesting of wetland products. In order to develop sustainable management tools for wetland ecosystems in Uganda and the Lake Victoria Region, water quality analyses were carried out in a rural undisturbed (pristine) wetland (Nabugabo wetland in Masaka) and two urban wetlands that are experiencing human and urban development pressure (the Nakivubo wetland in Kampala and Kirinya wetland in Jinja). The former wetland forms the main inflow into Lake Nabugabo while the other two border the northern shore of Lake Victoria, Uganda. Nabugabo wetland buffers Lake Nabugabo against surface runoff from the catchment, while Nakivubo and Kirinya wetlands provides a water treatment function for wastewater from Kampala City and Jinja town respectively, in addition to buffering Lake Victoria against surface runoff. Water quality was assessed in all the wetland sites, and in addition nutrient content and storage was investigated in the main plant species (papyrus, Phragmites, Miscanthidium and cocoyam) in Nakivubo and Kirinya wetlands. A pilot experiment was also carried out to assess the wastewater treatment potential of both the papyrus vegetation and an important agricultural crop Colocasia esculenta (cocoyam). Low electrical conductivity, ammonium–nitrogen and ortho-phosphate concentrations were recorded at the inflow into Nabugabo wetland (41.5 μS/cm; 0.91 mg/l and 0.42 mg/l respectively) compared to the Nakivubo and Kirinya wetlands (335 μS/cm; 31.68 mg/l and 2.83 mg/l and 502 μS/cm; 10 mg/l and 1.87 mg/l respectively). The papyrus vegetation had higher biomass in Nakivubo and Kirinya wetlands (6.7 kg DW m−2; 7.2 kg DW m−2 respectively), followed by Phragmites (6.5, 6.7), cocoyams (6.4, 6.6) and Miscanthidium (4.0, 4.2). The papyrus vegetation also exhibited a higher wastewater treatment potential than the agricultural crop (cocoyam) during the pilot experiment (maximum removal degree of ammonium–nitrogen being 95% and 67% for papyrus and yams). It was concluded that urbanisation pressure reduces natural wetland functioning either through the discharge of wastewater effluent or the degradation of natural wetland vegetation. It is recommended that wetland vegetation be restored to enhance wetland ecosystem functioning and for wetlands that are not yet under agricultural pressure, efforts should be made to halt any future encroachment.  相似文献   

Mosses and vascular plants have been shown to be reliable indicators of wetland habitat delineation and environmental quality. Knowledge of the best ecological predictors of the quality of wetland moss and vascular plant communities may determine if similar management practices would simultaneously enhance both populations. We used Akaike's Information Criterion to identify models predicting a moss quality assessment index (MQAI) and a vascular plant index of biological integrity based on floristic quality (VIBI-FQ) from 27 emergent and 13 forested wetlands in Ohio, USA. The set of predictors included the six metrics from a wetlands disturbance index (ORAM) and two landscape development intensity indices (LDIs). The best single predictor of MQAI and one of the predictors of VIBI-FQ was an ORAM metric that assesses habitat alteration and disturbance within the wetland, such as mowing, grazing, and agricultural practices. However, the best single predictor of VIBI-FQ was an ORAM metric that assessed wetland vascular plant communities, interspersion, and microtopography. LDIs better predicted MQAI than VIBI-FQ, suggesting that mosses may either respond more rapidly to, or recover more slowly from, anthropogenic disturbance in the surrounding landscape than vascular plants. These results supported previous predictive studies on amphibian indices and metrics and a separate vegetation index, indicating that similar wetland management practices may result in qualitatively the same ecological response for three vastly different wetland biological communities (amphibians, vascular plants, and mosses).  相似文献   

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