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The β-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfFabZ) catalyzes the third and important reaction of the fatty acid elongation cycle. The crystal structure of PfFabZ is available in hexameric (active) and dimeric (inactive) forms. However, PfFabZ has not been crystallized with any bound inhibitors until now. We have designed a new condition to crystallize PfFabZ with its inhibitors bound in the active site, and determined the crystal structures of four of these complexes. This is the first report on any FabZ enzyme with active site inhibitors that interact directly with the catalytic residues. Inhibitor binding not only stabilized the substrate binding loop but also revealed that the substrate binding tunnel has an overall shape of “U”. In the crystal structures, residue Phe169 located in the middle of the tunnel was found to be in two different conformations, open and closed. Thus, Phe169, merely by changing its side chain conformation, appears to be controlling the length of the tunnel to make it suitable for accommodating longer substrates. The volume of the substrate binding tunnel is determined by the sequence as well as by the conformation of the substrate binding loop region and varies between organisms for accommodating fatty acids of different chain lengths. This report on the crystal structures of the complexes of PfFabZ provides the structural basis of the inhibitory mechanism of the enzyme that could be used to improve the potency of inhibitors against an important component of fatty acid synthesis common to many infectious organisms.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia in the elderly and characterized by the deposition and accumulation of plaques, is composed in part of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides, loss of neurons, and the accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles. Here, we describe ponezumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody, and show how it binds specifically to the carboxyl (C)-terminus of Aβ40. Ponezumab can label Aβ that is deposited in brain parenchyma found in sections from Alzheimer's disease casualties and in transgenic mouse models that overexpress Aβ. Importantly, ponezumab does not label full-length, non-cleaved amyloid precursor protein on the cell surface. The C-terminal epitope of the soluble Aβ present in the circulation appears to be available for ponezumab binding because systemic administration of ponezumab greatly elevates plasma Aβ40 levels in a dose-dependent fashion after administration to a mouse model that overexpress human Aβ. Administration of ponezumab to transgenic mice also led to a dose-dependent reduction in hippocampal amyloid load. To further explore the nature of ponezumab binding to Aβ40, we determined the X-ray crystal structure of ponezumab in complex with Aβ40 and found that the Aβ40 carboxyl moiety makes extensive contacts with ponezumab. Furthermore, the structure-function analysis supported this critical requirement for carboxy group of AβV40 in the Aβ-ponezumab interaction. These findings provide novel structural insights into the in vivo conformation of the C-terminus of Aβ40 and the brain Aβ-lowering efficacy that we observed following administration of ponezumab in transgenic mouse models.  相似文献   

Microorganisms such as plant pathogens secrete glycoside hydrolases (GHs) to digest the polysaccharide chains of plant cell walls. The degradation of cell walls by these enzymes is a crucial step for nutrition and invasion. To protect the cell wall from these enzymes, plants secrete glycoside hydrolase inhibitor proteins (GHIPs). Xyloglucan-specific endo-β-1,4-glucanase (XEG), a member of GH family 12 (GH12), could be a great threat to many plants because xyloglucan is a major component of the cell wall in most plants. Understanding the inhibition mechanism of XEG by GHIP is therefore of great importance in the field of plant defense, but to date the mechanism and specificity of GHIPs remain unclear. We have determined the crystal structure of XEG in complex with extracellular dermal glycoprotein (EDGP), a carrot GHIP that inhibits XEG. The structure reveals that the conserved arginines of EDGP intrude into the active site of XEG and interact with the catalytic glutamates of the enzyme. We have also determined the crystal structure of the XEG-xyloglucan complex. These structures show that EDGP closely mimics the XEG-xyloglucan interaction. Although EDGP shares structural similarity to a wheat GHIP (Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor-IA (TAXI-IA)) that inhibits GH11 family xylanases, the arrangement of GH and GHIP in the XEG-EDGP complex is distinct from that in the xylanase-TAXI-IA complex. Our findings imply that plants have evolved structures of GHIPs to inhibit different GH family members that attack their cell walls.  相似文献   

PCP-2 is a member of receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase of the MAM domain family. To investigate which part of PCP-2 was involved in its interaction with β-catenin, we constructed various deletion mutants of PCP-2. These PCP-2 mutants and wild-type PCP-2 were co-transfected into BHK-21 cells with β-catenin individually. An in vivo binding assay revealed that the expression of wild-type PCP-2, PCP-2 DC1C2 (deleted PCP-2 without both PTP domains) and PCP-2 ΔC2 (deleted PCP-2 without the second PTP domain) could be immunoprecipitated by anti-catenin antibody in every co-transfection, but PCP-2 EXT (deleted PCP-2 without the juxtamembrane region and both PTP domains) was missing, which implied that PCP-2 and b-catenin could associate directly and the juxtamembrane region in PCP-2 was sufficient for the process.  相似文献   

Estrogen plays an important role in maintaining normal bone metabolism via the direct or indirect regulation of bone cells. Osteoblastic cells, as the target cells of estrogen, can secrete multiple matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that participate in bone remodeling. It has been demonstrated that bone loss induced by estrogen deficiency is closely related to the abnormal expression of multiple MMPs in osteoblastic cells. However, the regulating action of estrogen on the expression of interstitial collagenases MMP-8 and MMP-13 in osteoblastic cells in vivo remains unclear. We used an ovariectomized osteoporotic rat model to analyze the changes in the histomorphometric parameters of bone after and without treatment with 17-estradiol (E2); We also used immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization to observe changes in the expression of mRNA and the proteins MMP-8, MMP-13 and TIMP-1 in osteoblastic cells in rat proximal tibia. In this study, we found that in the ovariectomized rat the expression of MMP-13 mRNA and protein increased markedly, whereas the expression of MMP-8 and TIMP-1 mRNA and protein did not change significantly. Our analysis showed that the expression of MMP-13 protein was correlated positively to bone trabecular separation, osteoid surface area, and negatively to trabecular numbers and the percentage of trabecula bone volume/total tissue volume. Our results suggest that MMP-13 plays an important role in estrogen deficiency-induced bone loss, while estrogen can inhibit bone resorption and reduce bone turnover rate by down-regulating the expression of MMP-13 in osteoblastic cells.  相似文献   

A series of benzofuran-2-yl(phenyl)methanone derivatives were synthesized and evaluated as novel probes for β-amyloid plaques. These derivatives were produced by a Rap-Stoermer condensation reaction. Compounds with a N,N-dimethylamino group displayed high affinity for Aβ(1-42) aggregates with K(i) values in the nanomolar range. Autoradiography with brain sections of AD model mice (APP/PS1) revealed that a radioiodinated probe, [(125)I]10, labeled β-amyloid plaques selectively and displayed good brain uptake (3.53% ID/g) at 2 min. The results suggest that benzofuran-2-yl(phenyl)methanone derivatives should be investigated further as potential probes for detecting β-amyloid plaques in the AD brain.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence implicate lipid raft microdomains in Alzheimer disease-associated β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) production. Notably, targeting β-secretase (β-site amyloid precursor protein (APP)-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1)) exclusively to lipid rafts by the addition of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor to its ectodomain has been reported to elevate Aβ secretion. Paradoxically, Aβ secretion is not reduced by the expression of non-raft resident S-palmitoylation-deficient BACE1 (BACE1-4C/A (C474A/C478A/C482A/C485A)). We addressed this apparent discrepancy in raft microdomain-associated BACE1 processing of APP in this study. As previously reported, we found that expression of BACE1-GPI elevated Aβ secretion as compared with wild-type BACE1 (WTBACE1) or BACE1-4C/A. However, this increase occurred without any difference in the levels of APP ectodomain released following BACE1 cleavage (soluble APPβ), arguing against an overall increase in BACE1 processing of APP per se. Further analysis revealed that WTBACE1 cleaves APP at β- and β'-sites, generating +1 and +11 β-C-terminal fragments and secreting intact as well as N-terminally truncated Aβ. In contrast, three different BACE1-GPI chimeras preferentially cleaved APP at the β-site, mainly generating +1 β-C-terminal fragment and secreting intact Aβ. As a consequence, cells expressing BACE1-GPI secreted relatively higher levels of intact Aβ without an increase in BACE1 processing of APP. Markedly reduced cleavage at β'-site exhibited by BACE1-GPI was cell type-independent and insensitive to subcellular localization of APP or the pathogenic KM/NL mutant. We conclude that the apparent elevation in Aβ secretion by BACE1-GPI is mainly attributed to preferential cleavage at the β-site and failure to detect +11 Aβ species secreted by cells expressing WTBACE1.  相似文献   

Considering the pathological significance of MMP-13 in breast and colon cancers, exosite-based inhibition of the C-terminal hemopexin (Hpx) domain could serve as an alternative strategy to develop selective inhibitors for MMP-13.Two of six lead compounds, compound 5 (2,3-dihydro-1,4-benzodioxine-5-carboxylic acid) and compound 6 (1-acetyl-4-hydroxypyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid) exhibited considerable inhibitory activity against MMP-13. Complementing to this study, we have also shown the gene expression levels of MMP-13 within the subtypes of colon and breast cancers classified from patients’ tissue samples to provide a better understanding on which subtype of breast cancer patients would get benefited by MMP-13 inhibitors.Our current results show that compounds 5 and 6 could effectively inhibit MMP-13 and provide specific therapeutic possibilities in the treatment of inflammatory disorders and cancers. The characterization of these lead compounds would provide a better mechanistic understanding of exosite-based inhibition of MMP-13, which could overcome the challenges in the identification of other MMP catalytic domain-specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

Human Transformer2-β (hTra2-β) is an important member of the serine/arginine-rich protein family, and contains one RNA recognition motif (RRM). It controls the alternative splicing of several pre-mRNAs, including those of the calcitonin/calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) protein and the tau protein. Accordingly, the RRM of hTra2-β specifically binds to two types of RNA sequences [the CAA and (GAA)(2) sequences]. We determined the solution structure of the hTra2-β RRM (spanning residues Asn110-Thr201), which not only has a canonical RRM fold, but also an unusual alignment of the aromatic amino acids on the β-sheet surface. We then solved the complex structure of the hTra2-β RRM with the (GAA)(2) sequence, and found that the AGAA tetra-nucleotide was specifically recognized through hydrogen-bond formation with several amino acids on the N- and C-terminal extensions, as well as stacking interactions mediated by the unusually aligned aromatic rings on the β-sheet surface. Further NMR experiments revealed that the hTra2-β RRM recognizes the CAA sequence when it is integrated in the stem-loop structure. This study indicates that the hTra2-β RRM recognizes two types of RNA sequences in different RNA binding modes.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the neurotoxic β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide in the brain is central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. Aβ is derived from the β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) through sequential cleavages by β- and γ-secretases, and the production of Aβ is greatly affected by the subcellular localization of these factors. CUTA, the mammalian CutA divalent cation tolerance homolog (E. coli), has been proposed to mediate acetylcholinesterase activity and copper homeostasis, which are important in Alzheimer disease pathology. However, the exact function of CUTA remains largely unclear. Here we show that human CUTA has several variants that differ in their N-terminal length and are separated as heavy (H) and light (L) components. The H component has the longest N terminus and is membrane-associated, whereas the L component is N-terminally truncated at various sites and localized in the cytosol. Importantly, we demonstrate that the H component of CUTA interacts through its N terminus with the transmembrane domain of β-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1), the putative β-secretase, mainly in the Golgi/trans-Golgi network. Overexpression and RNA interference knockdown of CUTA can reduce and increase BACE1-mediated APP processing/Aβ secretion, respectively. RNA interference of CUTA decelerates intracellular trafficking of BACE1 from the Golgi/trans-Golgi network to the cell surface and reduces the steady-state level of cell surface BACE1. Our results identify the H component of CUTA as a novel BACE1-interacting protein that mediates the intracellular trafficking of BACE1 and the processing of APP to Aβ.  相似文献   

Abstract NMR and CD spectroscopy have been used to examine the conformation of the peptide, β(12-28), (VHHQKLVFFAEDVGSNK) in aqueous and 60% TFE/40% H(2)0 solution at pH 2.4. In 60% TFE solution, the peptide is helical as confirmed by the CD spectrum and by the pattern of the NOE cross peaks detected in the NOESY spectrum of the peptide. In aqueous solution, the peptide adopts a more extended and flexible conformation. Broadening of resonances at low temperature, temperature-dependent changes in the chemical shifts of several of the CH(α) resonances and the observation of a number of NOE contacts between the hydrophobic side-chain protons of the peptide are indicative of aggregation in aqueous solution. The behavior of β(12-28) in 60% TFE and in aqueous solution are consistent with the overall conformation and aggregation behavior reported for the larger peptide fragment, β(1-28) and the parent β-amyloid peptide.  相似文献   


NMR and CD spectroscopy have been used to examine the conformation of the peptide, β(12–28), (VHHQKLVFFAEDVGSNK) in aqueous and 60% TFE/40% H20 solution at pH 2.4. In 60% TFE solution, the peptide is helical as confirmed by the CD spectrum and by the pattern of the NOE cross peaks detected in the NOESY spectrum of the peptide. In aqueous solution, the peptide adopts a more extended and flexible conformation. Broadening of resonances at low temperature, temperature-dependent changes in the chemical shifts of several of the CHα resonances and the observation of a number of NOE contacts between the hydrophobic side-chain protons of the peptide are indicative of aggregation in aqueous solution. The behavior of β(12–28) in 60% TFE and in aqueous solution are consistent with the overall conformation and aggregation behavior reported for the larger peptide fragment, β(1–28) and the parent β-amyloid peptide.  相似文献   

2-Arylquinazolin-4(3H)-ones 125 were synthesized by reacting anthranilamide with various benzaldehydes using CuCl2·2H2O as a catalyst in ethanol under reflux. Synthetic 2-arylquinazolin-4(3H)-ones 125 were evaluated for their β-glucuronidase inhibitory potential. A trend of inhibition IC50 against the enzyme in the range of 0.6–198.2 μM, was observed and compared with the standard d-saccharic acid 1,4-lactone (IC50 = 45.75 ± 2.16 μM). Compounds 13, 19, 4, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 15, 8, 17, 11, 21, 1, 3, 18, 9, 2, and 24 with the IC50 values within the range of 0.6–44.0 μM, indicated that the compounds have superior activity than the standard. The compounds showed no cytotoxic effects against PC-3 cells. A structure–activity relationship is established.  相似文献   

The β-N-acetylhexosaminidase (EC from glycoside hydrolase family 20 (GH20) catalyzes the hydrolysis of the β-N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) group from the nonreducing end of various glycoconjugates. The putative surface-exposed N-acetylhexosaminidase StrH/Spr0057 from Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 was proved to contribute to the virulence by removal of β(1,2)-linked NAG on host defense molecules following the cleavage of sialic acid and galactose by neuraminidase and β-galactosidase, respectively. StrH is the only reported GH20 enzyme that contains a tandem repeat of two 53% sequence-identical catalytic domains (designated as GH20-1 and GH20-2, respectively). Here, we present the 2.1 Å crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of StrH (residues Glu-175 to Lys-642) complexed with NAG. It adopts an overall structure similar to other GH20 enzymes: a (β/α)8 TIM barrel with the active site residing at the center of the β-barrel convex side. The kinetic investigation using 4-nitrophenyl N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminide as the substrate demonstrated that GH20-1 had an enzymatic activity (kcat/Km) of one-fourth compared with GH20-2. The lower activity of GH20-1 could be attributed to the substitution of active site Cys-469 of GH20-1 to the counterpart Tyr-903 of GH20-2. A complex model of NAGβ(1,2)Man at the active site of GH20-1 combined with activity assays of the corresponding site-directed mutants characterized two key residues Trp-443 and Tyr-482 at subsite +1 of GH20-1 (Trp-876 and Tyr-914 of GH20-2) that might determine the β(1,2) substrate specificity. Taken together, these findings shed light on the mechanism of catalytic specificity toward the β(1,2)-linked β-N-acetylglucosides.  相似文献   

The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is one of the major proteins involved in Alzheimer disease (AD). Proteolytic cleavage of APP gives rise to amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides that aggregate and deposit extensively in the brain of AD patients. Although the increase in levels of aberrantly folded Aβ peptide is considered to be important to disease pathogenesis, the regulation of APP processing and Aβ metabolism is not fully understood. Recently, the British precursor protein (BRI2, ITM2B) has been implicated in influencing APP processing in cells and Aβ deposition in vivo. Here, we show that the wild type BRI2 protein reduces plaque load in an AD mouse model, similar to its disease-associated mutant form, ADan precursor protein (ADanPP), and analyze in more detail the mechanism of how BRI2 and ADanPP influence APP processing and Aβ metabolism. We find that overexpression of either BRI2 or ADanPP reduces extracellular Aβ by increasing levels of secreted insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE), a major Aβ-degrading protease. This effect is also observed with BRI2 lacking its C-terminal 23-amino acid peptide sequence. Our results suggest that BRI2 might act as a receptor protein that regulates IDE levels that in turn influences APP metabolism in a previously unrecognized way. Targeting the regulation of IDE may be a promising therapeutic approach to sporadic AD.  相似文献   


Aromatic α-halohydrins, particularly 2-haloethanols as significant precursor of drugs, can easily be converted to chiral β-adrenergic receptor blockers. Eight strains of Lactobacillus curvatus were tested as biocatalysts for asymmetric reduction of 2-bromo-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)ethanone 1 to 2-bromo-1- (naphthalen-2-yl) ethanol 2. The parameters of the bioreduction were optimized using L. curvatus N4, the best biocatalyst found. As a result, (R)-2-bromo-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)ethanol 2, which can be β-adrenergic receptor blocker precursor, was produced for the first time in high yield and enantiomerically pure form using biocatalysts. Moreover, the gram scale synthesis was performed and 7.54?g of (R)-2 was synthesized as enantiopure form (enantiomeric excess >99%) in 48?h. The important advantages of this process are that it produces of (R)-2 for the first time in enantiopure form, in excellent yield and under environmentally friendly and moderate reaction conditions. This system is of the potential to be applied at a commercial scale.  相似文献   

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