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Vascularization defects in genetic recombinant mice have defined critical roles for a number of specific receptor tyrosine kinases. Here we evaluated whether an endothelium-expressed receptor tyrosine phosphatase, CD148 (DEP-1/PTPeta), participates in developmental vascularization. A mutant allele, CD148(DeltaCyGFP), was constructed to eliminate CD148 phosphatase activity by in-frame replacement of cytoplasmic sequences with enhanced green fluorescent protein sequences. Homozygous mutant mice died at midgestation, before embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5), with vascularization failure marked by growth retardation and disorganized vascular structures. Structural abnormalities were observed as early as E8.25 in the yolk sac, prior to the appearance of intraembryonic defects. Homozygous mutant mice displayed enlarged vessels comprised of endothelial cells expressing markers of early differentiation, including VEGFR2 (Flk1), Tal1/SCL, CD31, ephrin-B2, and Tie2, with notable lack of endoglin expression. Increased endothelial cell numbers and mitotic activity indices were demonstrated. At E9.5, homozygous mutant embryos showed homogeneously enlarged primitive vessels defective in vascular remodeling and branching, with impaired pericyte investment adjacent to endothelial structures, in similarity to endoglin-deficient embryos. Developing cardiac tissues showed expanded endocardial projections accompanied by defective endocardial cushion formation. These findings implicate a member of the receptor tyrosine phosphatase family, CD148, in developmental vascular organization and provide evidence that it regulates endothelial proliferation and endothelium-pericyte interactions.  相似文献   

It has been proposed on the basis of amino acid sequence homology that the leukocyte common antigen CD45 represents a family of catalytically active, receptor-linked protein tyrosine phosphatases [Charbonneau, H., Tonks, N. K., Walsh, K. A., & Fischer, E. H. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 7182-7186]. The present study confirms that CD45 possesses intrinsic protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) activity. First, a mouse monoclonal antibody to CD45 (mAb 9.4) specifically eliminated, by precipitation, PTPase activity from a high Mr fraction containing CD45, prepared by gel filtration (Sephacryl S200) of a Triton X-100 extract of human spleen. Second, PTPase activity was demonstrated in a highly purified preparation of CD45 that was eluted with a high pH buffer from an affinity column, constructed from the same antibody. Third, on sucrose density gradient centrifugation, PTPase activity was only found in those fractions that contained CD45 as determined by Western analysis. When CD45 was caused to aggregate, first by reacting it with mAb 9.4 and then adding a secondary, cross-linking anti-mouse mAb, the PTPase activity shifted to the same higher Mr fractions that contained CD45. No shift in CD45 or PTPase was observed following addition of a control IgG2a. On this basis, it is concluded that CD45 is a protein tyrosine phosphatase.  相似文献   

CD148 is a receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase expressed on a wide variety of cell types. Through the use flow cytometry and immunofluorescence microscopy on tissue sections, we examined the expression of CD148 on multiple murine hemopoietic cell lineages. We found that CD148 is moderately expressed during all stages of B cell development in the bone marrow, as well as peripheral mature B cells. In contrast, CD148 expression on thymocytes and mature T cells is substantially lower. However, stimulation of peripheral T cells through the TCR leads to an increase of CD148 expression. This up-regulation on T cells can be partially inhibited by reagents that block the activity of src family kinases, calcineurin, MEK, or PI3K. Interestingly, CD148 levels are elevated on freshly isolated T cells from MRL lpr/lpr and CTLA-4-deficient mice, two murine models of autoimmunity. Together, these expression data along with previous biochemical data suggest that CD148 may play an important regulatory role to control an immune response.  相似文献   

CD148 is a receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase up-regulated on T cells after T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation. To examine the physiologic role of CD148 in TCR signaling, we used an inducible CD148-expressing Jurkat T cell clone. Expression of CD148 inhibits NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) activation induced by soluble anti-TCR antibody, but not by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) loaded with staphylococcal enterotoxin superantigen (SAg) or immobilized anti-TCR antibody. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that the extracellular domain of CD148 mediates its exclusion from the immunologic synapse, sequestering it from potential substrates. Targeting of the CD148 phosphatase domain to the immunologic synapse potently inhibited NFAT activation by all means of triggering through the TCR. These data lead us to propose a model where CD148 function is regulated in part by exclusion from substrates in the immunologic synapse. Upon T cell-APC disengagement, CD148 can then access and dephosphorylate substrates to down-regulate prolongation of signaling.  相似文献   

Tie2 is an endothelium-specific receptor tyrosine kinase known to play an important role in tumor angiogenesis. We sought to identify a small peptide ligand against Tie2 for developing a delivery targeting agent. We used hydrophobic analysis and comparative sequence/structure analysis to select a minimal peptide based on angiopoietin-2 amino acid sequence. The resulting peptide named GA3(WTIIQRREDGSVDFQRTWKEYK) was synthesized and labeled with iodine-125 at the C-terminal tyrosine residue to characterize its binding capability. In in vitro binding assays, GA3 can not only specifically bind to SMMC7721-Tie2 but also compete with angiopoietin-2 in binding. Via mouse tail vein injection, 125I-labeled GA3 was found to favorably accumulate in SPC-A1 xenograft tumor tissues which positively express Tie2. These results demonstrated that GA3 may be useful as a drug or gene delivery ligand for targeted chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and gene therapy.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase, SHP-2, is required for virtually all of its signaling effects. Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of SHP-2 signaling, therefore, rests upon the identification of its target substrates. In this report, we have used SHP-2 substrate-trapping mutants to identify the major vault protein (MVP) as a putative SHP-2 substrate. MVP is the predominant component of vaults that are cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein complexes of unknown function. We show that MVP is dephosphorylated by SHP-2 in vitro and it forms an enzyme-substrate complex with SHP-2 in vivo. In response to epidermal growth factor (EGF), SHP-2 associates via its SH2 domains with tyrosyl-phosphorylated MVP. MVP also interacts with the activated form of the extracellular-regulated kinases (Erks) in response to EGF and a constitutive complex between tyrosyl-phosphorylated MVP, SHP-2, and the Erks was detected in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Using MVP-deficient fibroblasts, we demonstrate that MVP cooperates with Ras for optimal EGF-induced Elk-1 activation and is required for cell survival. We propose that MVP functions as a novel scaffold protein for both SHP-2 and Erk. The regulation of MVP tyrosyl phosphorylation by SHP-2 may play an important role in cell survival signaling.  相似文献   

Fox AN  Zinn K 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(19):1701-1711
BACKGROUND: Receptor tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are essential for axon guidance and synaptogenesis in Drosophila. Each guidance decision made by embryonic motor axons during outgrowth to their muscle targets requires a specific subset of the five neural RPTPs. The logic underlying these requirements, however, is still unclear, partially because the ligands recognized by RPTPs at growth cone choice points have not been identified. RPTPs in general are still "orphan receptors" because, while they have been found to interact in vitro with many different proteins, their in vivo ligands are unknown. RESULTS: Here we use a new type of deficiency screen to identify the transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan Syndecan (Sdc) as a ligand for the neuronal RPTP LAR. LAR interacts with the glycosaminoglycan chains of Syndecan in vitro with nanomolar affinity. Genetic interaction studies using Sdc and Lar LOF mutations demonstrate that Sdc contributes to LAR's function in motor axon guidance. We also show that overexpression of Sdc on muscles generates the same phenotype as overexpression of LAR in neurons and that genetic removal of LAR suppresses the phenotype produced by ectopic muscle Sdc. Finally, we show that there is at least one additional, nonproteoglycan, ligand for LAR encoded in the genome. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our results demonstrate that Sdc on muscles can interact with neuronal LAR in vivo and that binding to Sdc increases LAR's signaling efficacy. Thus, Sdc is a ligand that can act in trans to positively regulate signal transduction through LAR within neuronal growth cones.  相似文献   

CD45 is the major protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor on T cell surfaces that functions as both a positive and a negative regulator of T cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Although CD45 is required for the activation of TCR-associated Src family kinases, it also dephosphorylates phosphoproteins involved in the TCR-signaling cascade. This study links CD45 to the inhibitory activity of placental protein 14 (PP14), a major soluble protein of pregnancy that is now known to be a direct modulator of T cells and to function by desensitizing TCR signaling. PP14 and CD45 co-capped with each other, pointing to a physical linkage between the two. Interestingly, however, the binding of PP14 to T cell surfaces was not restricted to CD45 alone, with evidence showing that PP14 binds to other surface molecules in a carbohydrate-dependent fashion. Notwithstanding the broader molecular binding potential of PP14, its interaction with CD45 appeared to have special functional significance. Using transfected derivatives of the HPB.ALL mutant T cell line that differ in CD45 expression, we established that the inhibitory effects of PP14 are dependent upon the expression of intact CD45 on T cell surfaces. Based upon these findings, we propose a new immunoregulatory model for PP14, wherein one of its surface molecular targets, CD45, mediates its T cell inhibitory activity, accounting for the intriguing capacity of PP14 to elevate TCR activation thresholds and thereby down-regulate T cell activation.  相似文献   

Reversible tyrosine phosphorylation, catalyzed by receptor tyrosine kinases and receptor tyrosine phosphatases, plays an essential part in cell signaling during axonal development. Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma has been implicated in the growth, guidance and repair of retinal axons. This phosphatase has also been implicated in motor axon growth and innervation. Insect orthologs of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma are also implicated in the recognition of muscle target cells. A potential extracellular ligand for vertebrate receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma has been previously localized in developing skeletal muscle. The identity of this muscle ligand is currently unknown, but it appears to be unrelated to the heparan sulfate ligands of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma. In this study, we have used affinity chromatography and tandem MS to identify nucleolin as a binding partner for receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma in skeletal muscle tissue. Nucleolin, both from tissue lysates and in purified form, binds to receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma ectodomains. Its expression pattern also overlaps with that of the receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma-binding partner previously localized in muscle, and nucleolin can also be found in retinal basement membranes. We demonstrate that a significant amount of muscle-associated nucleolin is present on the cell surface of developing myotubes, and that two nucleolin-binding components, lactoferrin and the HB-19 peptide, can block the interaction of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma ectodomains with muscle and retinal basement membranes in tissue sections. These data suggest that muscle cell surface-associated nucleolin represents at least part of the muscle binding site for axonal receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma and that nucleolin may also be a necessary component of basement membrane binding sites of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma.  相似文献   

Different Drosophila photoreceptors (R cells) connect to neurons in different optic lobe layers. R1-R6 axons project to the lamina; R7 and R8 axons project to separate layers of the medulla. We show a receptor tyrosine phosphatase, PTP69D, is required for lamina target specificity. In Ptp69D mutants, R1-R6 project through the lamina, terminating in the medulla. Genetic mosaics, transgene rescue, and immunolocalization indicate PTP69D functions in R1-R6 growth cones. PTP69D overexpression in R7 and R8 does not respecify their connections, suggesting PTP69D acts in combination with other factors to determine target specificity. Structure-function analysis indicates the extracellular fibronectin type III domains and intracellular phosphatase activity are required for targeting. We propose PTP69D promotes R1-R6 targeting in response to extracellular signals by dephosphorylating substrate(s) in R1-R6 growth cones.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis of many organs, including the embryonic lung, is a dynamic process in which growth factor mediated tyrosine kinase receptor activation is required, but must be tightly regulated to direct ramifications of the terminal branches. However, the specific regulators that modulate growth factor signaling downstream of the tyrosine kinase receptor remain to be determined. Herein, we demonstrate for the first time an important function for the intracellular protein tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 in directing embryonic lung epithelial morphogenesis. We show that Shp2 is specifically expressed in embryonic lung epithelial buds, and that loss of function by the suppression of Shp2 mRNA expression results in a 53% reduction in branching morphogenesis. Furthermore, by intra-tracheal microinjection of a catalytically inactive adenoviral Shp2 construct, we provide direct evidence that the catalytic activity of Shp2 is required for proper embryonic lung branch formation. We demonstrate that Shp2 activity is required for FGF10 induced endodermal budding. Furthermore, a loss of Shp2 catalytic activity in the embryonic lung was associated with a reduction in ERK phosphorylation and epithelial cell proliferation. However, epithelial cell differentiation was not affected. Our results show that the protein tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 plays an essential role in modulating growth factor mediated tyrosine kinase receptor activation in early embryonic lung branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Polyaromatic quinones, such as the environmental pollutants 9,10-phenanthrenediones, elicit a wide range of responses including growth inhibition, immune suppression, and glucose normalization in diabetic models. Yet the molecular mechanisms behind these effects remain controversial. Here we report that many of them are oxygen-dependent and catalytic inactivators of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTP). Under aerobic conditions, the PTP inactivation by 2-nitro-9,10-phenanthrenedione followed a pseudo-first-order process, with the rate of inactivation increasing nearly linearly with increasing inhibitor concentration, yielding apparent inactivation rate constants of 4300, 387, and 5200 M(-1) s(-1) at pH 7.2 against CD45, PTP1B, and LAR, respectively. The rate of CD45 inactivation increased approximately 25-fold from pH 6.0 to 7.5, with complete inactivation achieved using a catalytic amount (0.05 molar equiv) of the inhibitor. The quinone-catalyzed CD45 inactivation was prevented by catalase or superoxide dismutase. Inactivated CD45 after (125)I-9,10-phenanthrenedione treatment carried no radioactivity, indicating the absence of a stable inhibitor/enzyme complex. The activity of inactivated CD45 was partially restored ( approximately 10%) by hydroxylamine or dithiothreitol, supporting the presence of a small population of sulfenic acid or sulfenyl-amide species. Treatment of PTP1B with 2-nitro-9,10-phenanthrenedione resulted in the specific and sequential oxidation of the catalytic cysteine to the sulfinic and sulfonic acid. These results suggest that reactive oxygen species and the semiquinone radical, continuously generated during quinone-catalyzed redox cycling, mediate the specific catalytic cysteine oxidation. Naturally occurring quinones may act as efficient regulators of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in biological systems. Aberrant phosphotyrosine homeostasis resulting from continued polyaromatic hydrocarbon quinone exposure may play a significant role in their disease etiology.  相似文献   

Connexin-43(Cx43)-based gap junctional communication is transiently inhibited by certain G protein-coupled receptor agonists, including lysophosphatidic acid, endothelin and thrombin. Our previous studies have implicated the c-Src protein tyrosine kinase in mediating closure of Cx43 based gap junctions. Pervanadate, an inhibitor of protein tyrosine phosphatases, mimics activated Src in inhibiting Cx43 gap junctional communication, apparently by promoting tyrosine phosphorylation of the Cx43 C-terminal tail. However, the identity of the protein tyrosine phosphatase(s) that may normally prevent Src-induced gap junction closure is unknown. Receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases that mediate homotypic cell-cell interaction are attractive candidates. Here we show that receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase mu (RPTPmu) interacts with Cx43 in diverse cell systems. We find that the first catalytic domain of RPTPmu binds to Cx43. Our results support a model in which RPTPmu, or a closely related protein tyrosine phosphatase, interacts with the regulatory C-terminal tail of Cx43 to prevent Src-mediated closure of Cx43 gap junctional channels.  相似文献   

Low-molecular-weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMW-PTP) has been implicated in the regulation of cell growth and actin rearrangement mediated by several receptor tyrosine kinases, including platelet-derived growth factor and epidermal growth factor. Here we identify the Xenopus laevis homolog of LMW-PTP1 (XLPTP1) as an additional positive regulator in the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling pathway during Xenopus development. XLPTP1 has an expression pattern that displays substantial overlap with FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) during Xenopus development. Using morpholino antisense technology, we show that inhibition of endogenous XLPTP1 expression dramatically restricts anterior and posterior structure development and inhibits mesoderm formation. In ectodermal explants, loss of XLPTP1 expression dramatically blocks the induction of the early mesoderm gene, Xbrachyury (Xbra), by FGF and partially blocks Xbra induction by Activin. Moreover, FGF-induced activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase is also inhibited by XLPTP1 morpholino antisense oligonucleotides; however, introduction of RNA encoding XLPTP1 is able to rescue morphological and biochemical effects of antisense inhibition. Inhibition of FGF-induced MAP kinase activity due to loss of XLPTP1 is also rescued by an active Ras, implying that XLPTP1 may act upstream of or parallel to Ras. Finally, XLPTP1 physically associates only with an activated FGFR1, and this interaction requires the presence of SNT1/FRS-2 (FGFR substrate 2). Although LMW-PTP1 has been shown to participate in other receptor systems, the data presented here also reveal XLPTP1 as a new and important component of the FGF signaling pathway.  相似文献   

CD45 is expressed on all nucleated haematopoietic cells and was originally identified as the first and prototypic transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase. In CD45 mutant cell lines, CD45-deficient mice and CD45-deficient human SCID patients, CD45 is required for signal transduction through antigen receptors. CD45 can operate as a positive as well as a negative regulator of Src-family kinases. Moreover, CD45 was identified as the elusive JAK tyrosine phosphatase that negatively regulates cytokine receptor activation involved in the differentiation, proliferation and antiviral immunity of haematopoietic cells. Modulation of CD45 splice variants provides a unique opportunity to design drugs that turn off or turn on antigen and cytokine receptor signaling in cancer, transplantation or autoimmunity  相似文献   

The protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) phosphatase activator (PTPA) is an essential protein involved in the regulation of PP2A and the PP2A-like enzymes. In this study we demonstrate that PTPA and its yeast homologues Ypa1 and Ypa2 can induce a conformational change in some model substrates. Using these model substrates in different assays with and without helper proteases, this isomerase activity is similar to the isomerase activity of FKBP12, the human cyclophilin A, and one of its yeast homologs Cpr7 but dissimilar to the isomerase activity of Pin1. However, neither FKBP12 nor Cpr7 can reactivate the inactive form of PP2A. Therefore, PTPA belongs to a novel peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans-isomerase (PPIase) family. The PPIase activity of PTPA correlates with its activating activity since both are stimulated by the presence of Mg2+ATP, and a PTPA mutant (Delta208-213) with 400-fold less activity in the activation reaction of PP2A also showed almost no PPIase activity. The point mutant Asp205 --> Gly (in Ypa1) identified this amino acid as essential for both activities. Moreover, PTPA dissociates the inactive form from the complex with the PP2A methylesterase. Finally, Pro190 in the catalytic subunit of PP2A (PP2AC) could be identified as the target Pro isomerized by PTPA/Mg2+ATP since among the 14 Pro residues present in 12 synthesized peptides representing the microenvironments of these prolines in PP2AC, only Pro190 could be isomerized by PTPA/Mg2+ATP. This Pro190 is present in a predicted loop structure near the catalytic center of PP2AC and, if mutated into a Phe, the phosphatase is inactive and can no longer be activated by PTPA/Mg2+ATP.  相似文献   

CD150 (SLAM/IPO-3) is a cell surface receptor that, like the B cell receptor, CD40, and CD95, can transmit positive or negative signals. CD150 can associate with the SH2-containing inositol phosphatase (SHIP), the SH2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP-2), and the adaptor protein SH2 domain protein 1A (SH2D1A/DSHP/SAP, also called Duncan's disease SH2-protein (DSHP) or SLAM-associated protein (SAP)). Mutations in SH2D1A are found in X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Here we report that SH2D1A is expressed in tonsillar B cells and in some B lymphoblastoid cell lines, where CD150 coprecipitates with SH2D1A and SHIP. However, in SH2D1A-negative B cell lines, including B cell lines from X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome patients, CD150 associates only with SHP-2. SH2D1A protein levels are up-regulated by CD40 cross-linking and down-regulated by B cell receptor ligation. Using GST-fusion proteins with single replacements of tyrosine at Y269F, Y281F, Y307F, or Y327F in the CD150 cytoplasmic tail, we found that the same phosphorylated Y281 and Y327 are essential for both SHP-2 and SHIP binding. The presence of SH2D1A facilitates binding of SHIP to CD150. Apparently, SH2D1A may function as a regulator of alternative interactions of CD150 with SHP-2 or SHIP via a novel TxYxxV/I motif (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based switch motif (ITSM)). Multiple sequence alignments revealed the presence of this TxYxxV/I motif not only in CD2 subfamily members but also in the cytoplasmic domains of the members of the SHP-2 substrate 1, sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin, carcinoembryonic Ag, and leukocyte-inhibitory receptor families.  相似文献   

In a recent study from this laboratory, rhesus monkeys fed a 90% palm oil/10% soybean oil-containing diet (PS), rich in 16:0 and 18:1 fatty acids, had decreased total and LDL cholesterol concentrations compared to monkeys fed a 90% coconut oil/10% soybean oil-containing diet (CS), rich in 12:0 and 14:0 fatty acids. To investigate the metabolic basis of these changes, homologous 125I-VLDL and 131I-LDL were injected simultaneously into eight monkeys (four per dietary group). Analysis of apo B specific activity curves revealed that PS monkeys had an increased pool size of VLDL apo B (P less than 0.02), a 3-fold increase in the total VLDL apo B transport rate (P less than 0.001), a decreased pool size of LDL apo B (P less than 0.01) and a 2-fold decrease in the total transport rate of LDL apo B (P less than 0.001), while the irreversible FCR for VLDL apo B and LDL apo B was similar between dietary groups. PS monkeys derived a greater percentage of LDL apo B from VLDL catabolism resulting in a greater transport rate of LDL apo B from VLDL catabolism (P less than 0.055), in comparison to CS monkeys. For CS monkeys the proportion as well as the amount of LDL apo B derived from VLDL-independent catabolism (i.e., LDL apo B derived from sources other than VLDL catabolism) was higher (P less than 0.001) than the values obtained in PS monkeys. In both dietary groups the proportion of VLDL apo B converted to LDL apo B was similar, although the absolute amount was higher for the PS monkeys (P less than 0.06). The proportion of VLDL apo B directly removed from the circulation was similar for both dietary groups, with the absolute amount being higher for the PS monkeys (P less than 0.001). Consistent with the lower pool size of LDL apo B and the higher pool size of VLDL apo B observed in PS monkeys, plasma and LDL cholesterol concentrations tended to be lower, whereas plasma triacylglycerol and VLDL cholesterol concentrations tended to be higher, but these changes were not statistically significant. Although total apo B and VLDL apo B transport rates were increased 2-3-fold in PS monkeys, LDL apo B concentration was reduced by 40% (P less than 0.02) attributed to a significant reduction in the mass and proportion of LDL apo B derived independent of VLDL catabolism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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