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城市公共绿地常见木本植物组成对鸟类群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速城市化背景下, 城市公共绿地已经成为重要的鸟类栖息地, 其中的木本植物群落构成对鸟类群落结构有显著影响, 研究木本植物配置与鸟类多样性的关系对提升城市公共绿地作为鸟类栖息地的生态服务功能有重要的理论和应用价值。我们于2009–2010年间在上海市滨江森林公园就木本植物和鸟类群落的相互关系展开研究。样线法结合样点调查共记录到鸟类10目25科64种5,368只(次), 鸟类多度全年变化显著, 峰值分别出现在4月和11月。丰富度全年也呈现双峰型变化, 峰值出现在4月和12月。全年鸟类多样性(Simpson指数)差异显著, 10月最高, 8月最低。样方调查共记录到77种木本植物, 其中有14种(乔木9种、灌木5种)出现率超过5个样方, 定义为常见种, 其果期主要集中在9月到翌年2月, 其上常见林业致病害虫的发生盛期集中在5–11月。主成分分析显示, 常见木本植物上观察到的鸟类可划分为8个鸟类集团, Spearman秩相关检验显示秋冬季常见木本植物果期与植食性、肉食性、食虫性、杂食性等多个鸟类集团的多度均呈显著正相关。说明在秋冬季鸟类迁徙高峰期不同鸟类集团均能获得丰富的食物资源。就常见木本植物对鸟类群落的重要值进行排序, 结果显示, 大叶杨(Populus lasiocarpa)、枫杨(Pterocarya stenoptera)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)等乔木对鸟类重要值较高, 而灌木层对鸟类的重要性整体偏低, 说明滨江森林公园的灌木层作为鸟类栖息地的功能建设尚需加强。根据以上研究结果, 我们提出了提高上海城市公园鸟类多样性的植被配置建议。  相似文献   

Classic research on elevational gradients in plant–herbivore interactions holds that insect herbivore pressure is stronger under warmer, less seasonal climates characteristic of low elevations, and that this in turn selects for increased defence in low‐ (relative to high‐) elevation plants. However, recent work has questioned this paradigm, arguing that it overly simplifies the ecological complexity in which plant–insect herbivore interactions are embedded along elevational gradients. Numerous biotic and abiotic factors vary with elevation, and their simultaneous influences are the focus of current work on elevational gradients in insect herbivory and plant defences. The present review 1) synthesizes current knowledge on elevational gradients in plant–insect herbivore interactions; 2) critically analyses research gaps and highlights recent advances that contribute to filling these gaps; and 3) outlines new research opportunities to uncover underlying mechanisms and build towards a unified theory on elevational gradients. We conclude that the next generation of studies should embrace community complexity – including multi‐trophic dynamics and the multivariate nature of plant defence – and to do so by combining observational data, manipulative experiments and emerging analytical tools.  相似文献   

Species comparisons are a cornerstone of biology and there is a long tradition of using the comparative framework to study the ecology and evolution of plant defensive traits. Early comparative studies led to the hypothesis that plant chemistry plays a central role in plant defence, and the evolution of plant secondary chemistry in response to insect herbivory remains a classic example of coevolution. However, recent comparative work has disagreed with this paradigm, reporting little connection between plant secondary chemicals and herbivory across distantly related plant taxa. One conclusion of this new work is that the importance of secondary chemistry in plant defence may have been generally overstated in earlier research. Here, we attempt to reconcile these contradicting viewpoints on the role of plant chemistry in defence by critically evaluating the use and interpretation of species correlations as a means to study defence–herbivory relationships. We conclude that the notion that plant primary metabolites (e.g. leaf nitrogen content) are the principal determinants of herbivory (or the target of natural selection by herbivores) is not likely to be correct. Despite the inference of recent community‐wide studies of herbivory, strong evidence remains for a prime role of secondary compounds in plant defence against herbivores.  相似文献   

1. Crown architecture remains one of the least studied plant traits that influence plant–herbivore interactions. The hypotheses that dense crown architecture of mountain birches from open habitats favours leaf‐tying caterpillars through bottom‐up and/or top‐down effects associated with high leaf connectivity were tested. 2. Population densities of leaf‐tying herbivores in open (industrial barren and seashore) habitats were three times as high as in the shaded (forest) habitats. An experimental increase in leaf density by branch binding did not affect foliar consumption by free‐living herbivores but increased consumption by leaf‐tiers. 3. The specific leaf weight was lower in shaded habitats and in bound branches, but branch binding did not influence either the foliar concentrations of carbon and nitrogen or the pupal weight of the most abundant leaf‐tier, Carpatolechia proximella Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). 4. Caterpillars of C. proximella build several shelters during their lifetime and spend a considerable amount of time outside the shelter, where they excrete most of their faeces. In bound branches, caterpillars built new shelters more frequently than in control branches, and consumed less foliar biomass per shelter. 5. Mortality from parasitoids in bound branches was half that in the control, presumably because the complex environment disrupted parasitoid searching behaviour and/or because of lower damage to leaves from which the shelters were built. 6. It is concluded that the crown architecture associated with high leaf connectivity decreases mortality risks from natural enemies both outside and inside the shelter. Compact and dense crowns of host plants may at least partly explain high population densities of leaf‐tiers in open habitats.  相似文献   

Plants can affect parasitoids directly, by reducing or enhancing their ability to locate hosts, or indirectly by affecting the fitness of herbivores and thus of parasitoids. Tritrophic interactions between three host plants (cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper), a polyphagous herbivore Trichoplusia ni and a generalist parasitoid Compsilura concinnata were assessed. Plants had a strong effect on T. ni larval survival, as well as on C. concinnata fitness-related traits: cucumber-fed hosts yielded parasitoids with shorter larval development time and females had heavier pupal weights than parasitoids from host larvae that were fed tomato. Furthermore, C. concinnata was more efficient at finding cucumber-fed than tomato-fed T. ni . These results suggest that C. concinnata has different efficiency and potential as a biocontrol agent on the different crops. This highlights the importance of assessing tritrophic interactions in systems where an inundative biological control agent may be released against generalist targets on more than one crop plant.  相似文献   

1. Host plant switching by dispersing early instar lepidopterans could have implications for parasitoid performance, but this possibility has not been evaluated thoroughly. 2. The relative growth rates of Lymantria dispar parasitized by Cotesia melanoscela, and the weight of larvae at the time of parasitoid emergence, were affected most by the second larval food plant consumed. 3. The relative growth rates, pupal weights, weight of larva at the time of parasitoid emergence, and development times of L. dispar were affected significantly by the second larval food plant consumed. 4. Development time and size of Cotesia melanoscela were affected most by the second larval food plant consumed. 5. Parasitoid performance was affected most by the larval host’s relative growth rate and the final weight of the host larva at the time of parasitoid emergence. 6. Host plant switching affected the weight of L. dispar larvae at the time of parasitoid emergence, but the effect of switching per se was not a significant factor in C. melanoscela size or development. 7. Lymantria dispar larvae that fed on Populus as their second host outperformed larvae that fed ultimately on Acer. 8. Parasitoids yielded from L. dispar larvae that fed ultimately on Populus outperformed parasitoids yielded from larvae that fed ultimately on Acer. 9. Per cent mortality of L. dispar due to parasitism and percentage adult C. melanoscela emergence were highest in parasitized larvae fed Populus, poor in hosts fed Acer, and intermediate in switching larvae.  相似文献   

Future directions in the study of induced plant responses to herbivory   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
This paper reviews current progress and makes recommendations for future studies of induced plant responses to herbivory in three research areas: the role of induction in structuring herbivore communities, costs associated with the expression of induced responses, and theory and data on the macro‐evolution of induced responses. It is argued that although mechanistic approaches will be important for progress, it is also critical to maintain a holistic approach, including a consideration of field environments, multi‐species interactions, and patterns over ecological and evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Herbivores have been hypothesized to adapt locally to variation in plant defences and such adaptation could facilitate novel associations in the context of biological invasions. Here, we show that in the native range of the viburnum leaf beetle (VLB, Pyrrhalta viburni), two populations of geographically isolated hosts-Viburnum opulus and Viburnum tinus-have divergent defences against VLB oviposition: negative versus positive density-dependent egg-crushing wound responses, respectively. Populations of beetles coexisting with each host show an adaptive behavioural response: aggregative versus non-aggregative oviposition on V. opulus and V. tinus, respectively. In parallel, we show that in North America, where VLB is invasive, defences of three novel hosts are negatively density-dependent, and beetles' oviposition behaviour is aggregative. Thus, local adaptation to plant defences has the potential to facilitate the invasion of herbivores onto novel hosts.  相似文献   

Plants may respond both to feeding and oviposition by herbivorous insects. While responses of plants to feeding damage by herbivores have been studied intensively during the past decades, only a few, but growing number of studies consider the reactions of plants towards egg deposition by herbivorous insects. Plants showing defensive response to oviposition by herbivores do not `wait' until being damaged by feeding, but may instead react towards one of the initial steps of herbivore attack, the egg deposition. Direct plant defensive responses to feeding act directly against the feeding stages of the herbivores. However, a plant may also show direct defensive responses to egg deposition by (a) formation of neoplasms, (b) formation of necrotic tissue (= hypersensitive response), and (c) production of oviposition deterrents. All these plant reactions have directly negative effects on the eggs, hatching larvae, or on the ovipositing females. Indirect plant defensive responses to feeding result in the emission of volatiles (= synomones) that attract predators or parasitoids of the feeding stages. A few recent studies have shown that plants are able to emit volatiles also in response to egg deposition and that these volatiles attract egg parasitoids. Studies on the mechanisms of induction of synomones by egg deposition show several parallels to the mechanisms of induction of plant responses by feeding damage. When considering induced plant defence against herbivores from an evolutionary point of view, the question arises whether herbivores evolved the ability to circumvent or even to exploit the plant's defensive responses. The reactions of herbivores to oviposition induced plant responses are compared with their reactions to feeding induced plant responses.  相似文献   

Vines thrive in lowland tropical forests, yet the biotic factors underlying their colonization of host tree seedlings and saplings remain surprisingly understudied. Insect herbivores presumably could influence this process, especially where disturbance has opened the canopy (i.e., gaps)—temporary areas of higher primary productivity favoring the recruitment of vines and trees and invertebrates in forests—but their impact on vine colonization has never been experimentally tested. Using data from an insect herbivore exclusion (mesh-netting cages) experiment conducted in an African rain forest (Korup, Cameroon), I logistically modeled the probability of vines colonizing seedlings of three co-dominant species (Microberlinia bisulcata vs. Tetraberlinia bifoliolata and T. korupensis) in paired shaded understory and sunny gap locations (41 blocks across 80 ha, starting n = 664 seedlings) in a 1–2-yr period (2008–2009). Vine colonization occurred almost exclusively in gaps, occurring on 16% of seedlings there. Excluding herbivores in gaps doubled colonization of the light-demanding and faster growing M. bisulcata but had negligible effects on the two shade-tolerant, slower growing and less palatable Tetraberlinia species, which together were twice as susceptible to vines under natural forest gap conditions (controls). When protected from herbivores in gaps, more light to individual seedlings strongly increased vine colonization of M. bisulcata whereas its well-lit control individuals supported significantly fewer vines. These results suggest vines preferably colonize taller seedlings, and because light-demanding tree species grow faster in height with more light, they are more prone to being colonized in gaps; however, insect herbivores can mediate this process by stunting fast growing individuals so that colonization rates becomes more similar between co-occurring slow and fast growing tree species. Further influencing this process might be associational resistance or susceptibility to herbivores linked to host species’ leaf traits conferring shade-tolerant ability as seedlings or saplings. A richer understanding of how vines differentially influence forest regeneration and species composition may come from investigating vine–tree–herbivore interactions across light gradients, ideally via long-term studies and intercontinental comparisons. Abstract in French is available with online material.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of generalist predators in producing higher mortality ofPlutella xylostella L. (Plutellidae) larvae on glossy vs. normal-wax cabbage,Brassica oleracea var.capitata L. To test this, survival and feeding ofP. xylostella were measured on individually caged glossy and normal-wax plants with and without each of three generalist predators,Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Chrysopidae),Orius insidiosus (Say) (Anthocoridae), andHippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville (Coccinellidae). In the greenhouse, predators always significantly reduced survival ofP. xylostella larvae on glossy plants, but never on normal-wax plants. In the field, predators significantly reducedP. xylostella survival on glossy plants, but onlyC. carnea was effective on normal-wax plants. In similar experiments with excised leaves,O. insidiosus andC. carnea were more effective predators on the glossy leaves, whileH. convergens was equally effective on both kinds of leaves. Patterns for feeding were similar, but significance levels differed from those forP. xylostella survival. The greater effectiveness of predators on glossy plants is apparently due to the reported improved mobility of these animals on glossy leaf surfaces. The data also suggest that reduced mining byP. xylostella exposes the larvae to more predation on glossy plants and contributes some to the resistance. Regardless of the mechanism, resistance toP. xylostella on glossyB. oleracea appears to depend on the action of generalist predators for its full expression. This dependence on predation must be considered in the development and deployment of glossy insect-resistantB. oleracea.  相似文献   

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