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Ants are among the most successful species at invading new environments. Their success undeniably comes from their various modes of reproduction and colony breeding structures, which influence their dispersal ability, reproductive potential, and foraging strategies. Almost all invasive ant species studied so far form supercolonies, a dense network of interconnected nests comprising numerous queens, without aggression toward non‐nestmates. This strategy results in invasive colonies that are able to grow extremely fast and large while avoiding intraspecific competition, allowing them to monopolize environmental resources and outcompete native species. Here, we developed and used 10 microsatellite markers to investigate the population structure and breeding system of the dark rover ant Brachymyrmex patagonicus Mayr in its introduced range. We determined whether this species exhibits a supercolonial structure by assessing whether different nests belonged to the same genetic colony. We inferred its dispersal ability by investigating isolation by distance and estimated the numbers of queens per colonies and mating per queen through parent‐offspring inferences. We found that most of the colonies of B. patagonicus were comprised of a single nest, headed by a single queen. Each nest was distinct from one another, without isolation by distance, which suggests strong dispersal ability through nuptial flights. These features are commonly observed in noninvasive and native ant species, but they are surprising for a successful invasive ant, as they strongly differ from other invasive ants. Overall, we discuss how this seemingly unfavorable strategy for an invasive ant might favor the invasive success of the dark rover ant in the United States.  相似文献   

For ground‐nesting waterfowl, the timing of egg hatch and duckling departure from the nest may be influenced by the risk of predation at the nest and en route to wetlands and constrained by the time required for ducklings to imprint on the hen and be physically able to leave the nest. We determined the timing of hatch, nest departure, and predation on dabbling duck broods using small video cameras placed at the nests of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos; n = 26), gadwall (Mareca strepera; n = 24), and cinnamon teal (Anas cyanoptera; n = 5). Mallard eggs began to hatch throughout the day and night, whereas gadwall eggs generally started to hatch during daylight hours (mean 7.5 hr after dawn). Among all species, duckling departure from the nest occurred during daylight (98%), and 53% of hens typically left the nest with their broods 1–4 hr after dawn. For mallard and gadwall, we identified three strategies for the timing of nest departure: (a) 9% of broods left the nest the same day that eggs began to hatch (6–12 hr later), (b) 81% of broods left the nest the day after eggs began to hatch, and (c) 10% of broods waited 2 days to depart the nest after eggs began to hatch, leaving the nest just after the second dawn (27–42 hr later). Overall, eggs were depredated at 10% of nests with cameras in the 2 days prior to hatch and ducklings were depredated at 15% of nests with cameras before leaving the nest. Our results suggest that broods prefer to depart the nest early in the morning, which may best balance developmental constraints with predation risk both at the nest and en route to wetlands.  相似文献   

Amur Falcons (Falco amurensis) are a migratory species that face a variety of threats across their range, but little is known about their breeding ecology. These falcons breed in forest habitats in Eastern and Central Asia using nests constructed by corvids, including Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica). We monitored nests of 21 pairs of Amur Falcons at Hustai National Park in central Mongolia in 2017. Our objectives were to describe their basic nesting ecology, estimate nest survival by modeling the daily survival rate (DSR), examine nest selection by modeling it as a function of nest and site covariates, and use a spatial simulation to test hypotheses concerning intra‐ and interspecific avoidance. Clutch sizes averaged 4.1 eggs (= 21 nests), and incubation and nestling periods averaged 25.7 and 26.1 d, respectively. The daily survival rate was 0.98, with young in 12 nests surviving to fledging. Nest structures were more likely to be selected as percent cover of nest bowls increased, usually in the form of a dome of sticks with multiple side entrances. Closed nests likely provide increased protection from predators. In contrast to congeneric Red‐footed Falcons (F. vespertinus) that nest in large colonies, Amur Falcons nested no farther from or closer to nests of either conspecifics or congeners than expected by chance. One factor likely contributing to this difference is that Red‐footed Falcons often use the nests of colonial‐nesting Rooks (Corvus frugilegus), whereas Amur Falcons typically use the nests of non‐colonial Eurasian Magpies. The ongoing loss of deciduous trees like white birch (Betula platyphylla) across the breeding range of Amur Falcons, probably due to climate change and increased grazing pressure, is likely to reduce the availability of nesting habitat for Eurasian Magpies which, in turn, will likely reduce availability of nests for Amur Falcons and other small falcons.  相似文献   

We assessed the impacts of co‐occurring invasive plant species on fire regimes and postfire native communities in the Mojave Desert, western USA. We analyzed the distribution and co‐occurrence patterns of three invasive annual grasses (Bromus rubens, Bromus tectorum, and Schismus spp.) known to alter fuel conditions and community structure, and an invasive forb (Erodium cicutarium) which dominates postfire sites. We developed species distribution models (SDMs) for each of the four taxa and analyzed field plot data to assess the relationship between invasives and fire frequency, years postfire, and the impacts on postfire native herbaceous diversity. Most of the Mojave Desert is highly suitable for at least one of the four invasive species, and 76% of the ecoregion is predicted to have high or very high suitability for the joint occurrence of B. rubens and B. tectorum and 42% high or very high suitability for the joint occurrence of the two Bromus species and E. cicutarium. Analysis of cover from plot data indicated two or more of the species occurred in 77% of the plots, with their cover doubling with each additional species. We found invasive cover in burned plots increased for the first 20 years postfire and recorded two to five times more cover in burned than unburned plots. Analysis also indicated that native species diversity and evenness as negatively associated with higher levels of relative cover of the four invasive taxa. Our findings revealed overlapping distributions of the four invasives; a strong relationship between the invasives and fire frequency; and significant negative impacts of invasives on native herbaceous diversity in the Mojave. This suggests predicting the distributions of co‐occurring invasive species, especially transformer species, will provide a better understanding of where native‐dominated communities are most vulnerable to transformations following fire or other disturbances.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in France 10 years ago, the yellow‐legged hornet, Vespa velutina, has rapidly spread to neighbouring countries (Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy and Germany). It showed efficient social traits facilitating its invasive success. Only scarce and incomplete natural history studies were known from its native distribution area. Studying the biology of this species in its invasive distribution range was thus a prerequisite to the implementation of efficient control methods in a near future. During a 3‐year field survey, we collected 77 nests to investigate several of the species' key colony characteristics. Our results enabled us to accurately quantify each of the castes and to better understand their synchronicity throughout the season. Our study showed that mature nests are able to produce up to 13 000 individuals and that the size of mature nests is correlated to the number of individuals produced. This correlation enables the inference of one characteristic from the other. Furthermore, each mature nest can produce up to several hundreds of potential founder queens, a crucial datum in the light of today's unregulated spring queen trapping control campaigns. In addition, nest dissections enabled to record the incidence of nest relocation for the first time in this species. Results are discussed with regards to what is known in other Vespidae species, with a focus on Vespula species that are known to be invasive in many other countries worldwide.  相似文献   

We analysed 25 conspecific egg ejection events from a large sample of nests (n = 762) of three passerine species. In two species, most of the events could not be explained by intraspecific brood parasitism or nest sanitation behaviour. At least some of these cases were behavioural responses to unfavourable weather conditions in the spring of 2017. We conclude that clutch size adjustment through egg ejection may be more widespread among passerines than previously thought.  相似文献   

Population densities of invasive species fluctuate spatially and temporally, suggesting that the intensity of their aggressive interactions with native species is similarly variable. Although inter‐specific aggression is often thought to increase with population density, it is often theorized that it should be exceeded by intra‐specific aggression since conspecifics share a greater degree of resource overlap. Yet, the magnitude of intra‐specific aggression is seldom considered when examining aggressive interactions, particularly those between invasive and native species. Here, we manipulated the density of the invasive eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, and observed its aggressive interactions with juveniles of the native Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata in a laboratory setting. For both species, the magnitudes of intra‐ and inter‐specific aggression were recorded. Regardless of density, the native M. novemaculeata was more aggressive towards heterospecifics than G. holbrooki was. In addition to this, M. novemaculeata was more aggressive to G. holbrooki than towards conspecifics, at both low‐ and high‐density conditions. In contrast, G. holbrooki was similarly aggressive towards M. novemaculeata and G. holbrooki at a high density, yet at low density, displayed significantly more aggression towards conspecifics than M. novemaculeata. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering intra‐specific aggression when exploring behavioural interactions between native and invasive species.  相似文献   

Feral European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) has been identified as a potential nest competitor for Australian hollow nesting species, but few studies have investigated the impact of feral honey bee competition on Threatened species. Our study used data from Glossy Black‐cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus) nests on Kangaroo Island, monitored and managed over an 11‐year period, and found 12% of nests became occupied by feral honey bees during that period. Our results indicate that feral honey bees were less likely to occupy nest boxes made of PVC (5%) compared with wooden nest boxes (24%) or natural hollows in Eucalyptus trees (14%). The removal of feral honey bee hives from nests is a priority for long‐term conservation of glossy black‐cockatoos on Kangaroo Island. We recommend that PVC nest boxes are chosen for future nesting habitat restoration, due to the more frequent use of wooden nest boxes by feral honey bees.  相似文献   

Communal nesting lizards may be vulnerable to climate warming, particularly if air temperatures regulate nest temperatures. In southeastern Australia, velvet geckos Oedura lesueurii lay eggs communally inside rock crevices. We investigated whether increases in air temperatures could elevate nest temperatures, and if so, how this could influence hatching phenotypes, survival, and population dynamics. In natural nests, maximum daily air temperature influenced mean and maximum daily nest temperatures, implying that nest temperatures will increase under climate warming. To determine whether hotter nests influence hatchling phenotypes, we incubated eggs under two fluctuating temperature regimes to mimic current ‘cold’ nests (mean = 23.2 °C, range 10–33 °C) and future ‘hot’ nests (27.0 °C, 14–37 °C). ‘Hot’ incubation temperatures produced smaller hatchlings than did cold temperature incubation. We released individually marked hatchlings into the wild in 2014 and 2015, and monitored their survival over 10 months. In 2014 and 2015, hot‐incubated hatchlings had higher annual mortality (99%, 97%) than cold‐incubated (11%, 58%) or wild‐born hatchlings (78%, 22%). To determine future trajectories of velvet gecko populations under climate warming, we ran population viability analyses in Vortex and varied annual rates of hatchling mortality within the range 78– 96%. Hatchling mortality strongly influenced the probability of extinction and the mean time to extinction. When hatchling mortality was >86%, populations had a higher probability of extinction (PE: range 0.52– 1.0) with mean times to extinction of 18–44 years. Whether future changes in hatchling survival translate into reduced population viability will depend on the ability of females to modify their nest‐site choices. Over the period 1992–2015, females used the same communal nests annually, suggesting that there may be little plasticity in maternal nest‐site selection. The impacts of climate change may therefore be especially severe on communal nesting species, particularly if such species occupy thermally challenging environments.  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of an invasive species is influenced by its relative ability to find resources under a variety of conditions. We examined the exploitative ability of the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile (Mayr)), in comparison with two common New Zealand ant species Monomorium antarcticum (Fr. Smith) and Prolasius advenus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (Fr. Smith), using maze trials under different temperature and starvation regimes. Our results showed temperature significantly affected the mean time to discover food resources, but different species responded differently to changes in temperature. A change in temperature from 23°C to 13°C resulted in an approximately 8‐fold increase in the time to discover food for native P. advenus, but discovery times remained relatively similar for invasive Argentine ants. Starvation did not significantly influence the ability of species to find food. Argentine ants consistently located and recruited to food faster than the native species. We examined for variation in walking speed under the experimental conditions as a mechanism for our results. The results revealed Argentine ants and P. advenus to have similar walking speeds at each temperature‐starvation treatment and both were faster than M. antarcticum. However, Argentine ants had rates of turning or returning to the nest that were lower than the native species. This result suggests that Argentine ants show greater ‘exploratory willingness’ or ‘novelty seeking’ behaviour. Our results suggest that Argentine ants are able to discovery and exploit resources more efficiently than these native species under a wide spectrum of environmental and physiological conditions. Such relative efficiencies have likely contributed to the success of this invader.  相似文献   

Droughts in the southwest United States have led to major forest and grassland die‐off events in recent decades, suggesting plant community and ecosystem shifts are imminent as native perennial grass populations are replaced by shrub‐ and invasive plant‐dominated systems. These patterns are similar to those observed in arid and semiarid systems around the globe, but our ability to predict which species will experience increased drought‐induced mortality in response to climate change remains limited. We investigated meteorological drought‐induced mortality of nine dominant plant species in the Colorado Plateau Desert by experimentally imposing a year‐round 35% precipitation reduction for eight continuous years. We distributed experimental plots across numerous plant, soil, and parent material types, resulting in 40 distinct sites across a 4,500 km2 region of the Colorado Plateau Desert. For all 8 years, we tracked c. 400 individual plants and evaluated mortality responses to treatments within and across species, and through time. We also examined the influence of abiotic and biotic site factors in driving mortality responses. Overall, high mortality trends were driven by dominant grass species, including Achnatherum hymenoides, Pleuraphis jamesii, and Sporobolus cryptandrus. Responses varied widely from year to year and dominant shrub species were generally resistant to meteorological drought, likely due to their ability to access deeper soil water. Importantly, mortality increased in the presence of invasive species regardless of treatment, and native plant die‐off occurred even under ambient conditions, suggesting that recent climate changes are already negatively impacting dominant species in these systems. Results from this long‐term drought experiment suggest major shifts in community composition and, as a result, ecosystem function. Patterns also show that, across multiple soil and plant community types, native perennial grass species may be replaced by shrubs and invasive annuals in the Colorado Plateau Desert.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural practice across Europe and North America have been associated with range contractions and local extinction of bumblebees (Bombus spp.). A number of agri‐environment schemes have been implemented to halt and reverse these declines, predominantly revolving around the provision of additional forage plants. Although it has been demonstrated that these schemes can attract substantial numbers of foraging bumblebees, it remains unclear to what extent they actually increase bumblebee populations. We used standardized transect walks and molecular techniques to compare the size of bumblebee populations between Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) farms implementing pollinator‐friendly schemes and Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) control farms. Bumblebee abundance on the transect walks was significantly higher on HLS farms than ELS farms. Molecular analysis suggested maximum foraging ranges of 566 m for Bombus hortorum, 714 m for B. lapidarius, 363 m for B. pascuorum and 799 m for B. terrestris. Substantial differences in maximum foraging range were found within bumblebee species between farm types. Accounting for foraging range differences, B. hortorum (47 vs 13 nests/km2) and B. lapidarius (45 vs 22 nests/km2) were found to nest at significantly greater densities on HLS farms than ELS farms. There were no significant differences between farm type for B. terrestris (88 vs 38 nests/km2) and B. pascuorum (32 vs 39 nests/km2). Across all bumblebee species, HLS management had a significantly positive effect on bumblebee nest density. These results show that targeted agri‐environment schemes that increase the availability of suitable forage can significantly increase the size of wild bumblebee populations.  相似文献   

This study examined the reproductive biology of the invasive nitrogen-fixing shrub Elaeagnus umbellata. Hand-pollination experiments and pollinator-exclusion experiments were performed in four Illinois, U.S.A. populations to determine the breeding system of E. umbellata, and floral visitors were collected to determine pollinators in the invasive range. Although self-compatibility is a trait shown to confer invasiveness, our experiments revealed that E. umbellata is a mostly outcrossing species with a self-incompatible breeding system. Variation does exist in that a small percentage of individuals allow self-fertilization through autogamy. There is also variability among plants in the separation of male and female floral parts that may further affect selfing potential. The majority of floral visitors to E. umbellata were generalist pollinators, including bees, flies, and moths. Many of the larger insect visitors are pollinators of E. umbellata based on analysis of pollen on insect specimens, but smaller insects do not pollinate as frequently. Its ability to attract generalist pollinators means that E. umbellata will produce fruit wherever pollinators and mates occur; however, the low fruit set on open-pollinated branches contrasts with the idea of a prolifically fruiting plant. E. umbellata seems to serve as a reliable food source for many ecologically and economically significant insects, including native bumble bees (Bombus), the exotic honey bee (Apis mellifera), and armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta), a crop pest.  相似文献   

Below‐ground interactions between soil microbial communities and plants play important roles in shaping plant community structure, but are currently poorly understood. Understanding these processes has important practical implications, including for restoration. In this study, we investigated whether soil microbes from remnant areas can aid the restoration of old‐fields, and whether soil microbes from an old‐field encourages further invasive establishment. In a glasshouse experiment, we measured growth and survival of two native grasses (Austrostipa nodosa and Rytidosperma auriculatum) and an invasive grass (Lolium rigidum) grown in sterile soil inoculated with whole soil from three locations: an old‐field, a remnant grassland, and a seed orchard planted with native grasses 7 years ago. Plants grown in sterile, non‐inoculated soil acted as controls. The orchard inoculant was included to test whether soil microbes from an area cultivated with native grasses induced plant responses similar to remnant areas. The remnant treatment resulted in the highest biomass and no mortality for R. auriculatum. All inoculant types increased the biomass of the invasive species equally. The native grass, A. nodosa, was the most sensitive to the addition of inoculum, whereas the invasive L. rigidum suffered very low mortality across all treatments. Overall, mortality was highest in the old‐field treatment at 42.9%. These results give insights into how soil microbes can affect community structure and dynamics, e.g. the high mortality of natives with old‐field inoculant may be one mechanism that allows invasive species to dominate. Poorer performance of native species with the orchard inoculant suggests it would not make a suitable replacement for remnant soil; therefore, more work is needed to understand the requirements of target species and their interactions before this technique can be exploited to maximum benefit.  相似文献   

Black‐throated Sparrows (Amphispiza bilineata) are common breeding birds throughout the desert regions of North America and can be considered nest‐site generalists. Information about how spatial (e.g., vegetation) and temporal factors influence nest survival of these sparrows is lacking throughout their range. Our objective was to examine the spatial and temporal factors associated with nest survival of Black‐throated Sparrows at the nest and nest‐patch scales in the predator‐rich environment of the northern Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. We used a logistic‐exposure model fit within a Bayesian framework to model the daily survival probability of Black‐throated Sparrow nests. Predation was the leading cause of nest failure, accounting for 86% of failed nests. We found evidence of negative associations between nest survival and both vegetative cover above nests and shrub density within 5 m of nests. We found no support for other habitat covariates, but did find strong evidence that daily survival rate was higher earlier in the breeding season and during the egg‐laying stage. A decline in nest survival later in the breeding period may be due to increased predator activity due to warmer ambient temperatures, whereas lower survival during the incubation and nestling stages could be a result of increased activity at nests. A generalist approach to nest‐site selection may be an adaptive response to the presence of a diverse assemblage of nest predators that results in the reduced influence of spatial factors on nest survival for Black‐throated Sparrows.  相似文献   

Perennial grasses are promising candidates for bioenergy crops, but species that can escape cultivation and establish self‐sustaining naturalized populations (feral) may have the potential to become invasive. Fertile Miscanthus × giganteus, known as “PowerCane,” is a new potential biofuel crop. Its parent species are ornamental, non‐native Miscanthus species that establish feral populations and are sometimes invasive in the USA. As a first step toward assessing the potential for “PowerCane” to become invasive, we documented its growth and fecundity relative to one of its parent species (Miscanthus sinensis) in competition with native and invasive grasses in common garden experiments located in Columbus, Ohio and Ames, Iowa, within the targeted range of biofuel cultivation. We conducted a 2‐year experiment to compare growth and reproduction among three Miscanthus biotypes—”PowerCane,” ornamental M. sinensis, and feral M. sinensis—at two locations. Single Miscanthus plants were subjected to competition with a native grass (Panicum virgatum), a weedy grass (Bromus inermis), or no competition. Response variables were aboveground biomass, number of shoots, basal area, and seed set. In Iowa, all Miscanthus plants died after the first winter, which was unusually cold, so no further results are reported from the Iowa site. In Ohio, we found significant differences among biotypes in growth and fecundity, as well as significant effects of competition. Interactions between these treatments were not significant. “PowerCane” performed as well or better than ornamental or feral M. sinensis in vegetative traits, but had much lower seed production, perhaps due to pollen limitation. In general, ornamental M. sinensis performed somewhat better than feral M. sinensis. Our findings suggest that feral populations of “PowerCane” could become established adjacent to biofuel production areas. Fertile Miscanthus × giganteus should be studied further to assess its potential to spread via seed production in large, sexually compatible populations.  相似文献   

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