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Both temperature and terrestrial organic matter have strong impacts on aquatic food‐web dynamics and production. Temperature affects vital rates of all organisms, and terrestrial organic matter can act both as an energy source for lower trophic levels, while simultaneously reducing light availability for autotrophic production. As climate change predictions for the Baltic Sea and elsewhere suggest increases in both terrestrial matter runoff and increases in temperature, we studied the effects on pelagic food‐web dynamics and food‐web efficiency in a plausible future scenario with respect to these abiotic variables in a large‐scale mesocosm experiment. Total basal (phytoplankton plus bacterial) production was slightly reduced when only increasing temperatures, but was otherwise similar across all other treatments. Separate increases in nutrient loads and temperature decreased the ratio of autotrophic:heterotrophic production, but the combined treatment of elevated temperature and terrestrial nutrient loads increased both fish production and food‐web efficiency. CDOM: Chl a ratios strongly indicated that terrestrial and not autotrophic carbon was the main energy source in these food webs and our results also showed that zooplankton biomass was positively correlated with increased bacterial production. Concomitantly, biomass of the dominant calanoid copepod Acartia sp. increased as an effect of increased temperature. As the combined effects of increased temperature and terrestrial organic nutrient loads were required to increase zooplankton abundance and fish production, conclusions about effects of climate change on food‐web dynamics and fish production must be based on realistic combinations of several abiotic factors. Moreover, our results question established notions on the net inefficiency of heterotrophic carbon transfer to the top of the food web.  相似文献   

赵树兰  侯旭姣  吴晓  丁梦嘉  多立安 《生态学报》2023,43(12):5072-5083
为了探究植被调控对土壤细菌群落结构和功能的影响,对天津滨海国际机场草地植被进行单一草坪植物建植和高强度刈割,在调控后第3年的春、夏、秋季节取调控区土壤样本,利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序和PICRUSt软件,分析了不同植被调控方式下土壤细菌组成、多样性及季节性变化,预测细菌功能特征。结果表明,各样地共有的优势菌门(相对丰度>5%)有变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)。与对照区相比,刈割调控区土壤放线菌门相对丰度显著增加;单一草坪建植调控区,夏季土壤芽单胞菌门相对丰度显著增加(P<0.05)。刈割调控、高羊茅及黑麦草调控区,土壤细菌门之间相关性较对照分别减弱21.4%、46.4%和67.9%,使细菌网络结构更为简单。夏季和秋季3个调控区土壤细菌群落的Shannon指数和Chao1指数显著高于对照区,而秋季Simpson指数显著低于对照区(P<0.05)。KEGG代谢途径差异分析可知,刈割调控、高羊茅和黑麦草调控区,土壤细菌分别有25、24和23个代谢通路的功能基因丰度显著低于对照区,主要体现在聚糖的生物合成与代谢、细胞运动、细胞生长与死亡、核苷酸代谢等通路上。可见,机场植被调控改变了土壤细菌群落的组成,简化了细菌网络结构,代谢功能也明显下降。  相似文献   

The effect was determined of organo-mineral detritus (OMD), one of the components of suspended mineral matter in aquatic ecosystems, on the production characteristics of bacterioplankton (bacterial production P b and destruction of organic matter R b, as well as bacterial growth efficiency BGE). The relation was determined between these parameters and the ratio of the content of suspended mineral matter M to the total organic carbon content (M/TOC). More active utilization of organic matter by bacterioplankton in the presence of OMD resulted in its positive effect on specific production characteristics of the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

城市土壤活性碳、氮分布特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示城市绿地土壤活性碳氮分布特征及影响因素,选取合肥市不同类型绿地(蜀山森林公园、公园绿地、道路绿地、学校绿地、居住区绿地、工厂绿地)土壤为研究对象,对其0 ~ 30 cm土壤微生物量碳(MBC)、微生物量氮(MBN)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)、溶解性有机氮(DON)等活性组分进行研究.结果表明,绿地类型对土壤活性碳氮含量影响显著(P<0.05),各活性碳氮含量随土层深度的增加而降低.城区内各人工绿地土壤活性碳氮含量均低于郊区蜀山森林公园绿地:MBC下降了46.81% ~ 64.39%,MBN下降了49.90% ~80.13%,DOC下降了28.95% ~45.52%,DON下降了5.67% ~48.90%,表明土地利用变化是导致绿地土壤活性碳氮变化的主要因素.相关分析表明,研究区域内MBC与MBN、DON正相关(P<0.01),MBN与DOC正相关(P<0.01),DOC与DON正相关(P<0.01).研究还发现,土壤pH与活性碳、氮间均呈负相关关系(P<0.01),表明适当降低城市土壤碱性污染物的侵入有利于土壤活性碳氮的积累.  相似文献   

2012年8月至2013年7月,对吉安地区将军湖、龙湖、庐陵湖和挹翠湖4个景观湖泊水体浮游植物群落及其主要水环境因子进行了调查,并利用生物多样性指数法(Shannon指数H、Margalef指数D和Pielou指数J)和主成分分析(PCA)法分别对湖泊水质和水环境因子进行了评价。结果表明:4个湖泊共鉴定浮游植物7门82属163种,主要优势种为硅藻或绿藻;浮游植物细胞丰度呈季节性变化,秋夏居高,冬春季偏低,平均丰度变化范围为25.45×10~6~54.04×10~6cells·L~(-1);将军湖、龙湖、庐陵湖和挹翠湖的H值分别为1.26~2.08、1.82~2.61、2.27~2.62和1.10~2.32;D值分别为2.03~3.51、2.36~3.71、2.48~3.93和3.12~3.96;J值分别为0.45~0.69、0.59~0.80、0.67~0.77和0.50~0.84。综合评价结果显示,4个湖泊处于富营养化状态、中等污染水平。而对污染较重的庐陵湖水环境因子PCA分析结果表明,水温(WT)、溶解氧(DO)和总氮(TN)是影响小型封闭景观水体浮游植物群落变化的主要因素。建议对小型封闭景观水体进行必要的治理和生态修复。  相似文献   

Northern ecosystems are experiencing some of the most dramatic impacts of global change on Earth. Rising temperatures, hydrological intensification, changes in atmospheric acid deposition and associated acidification recovery, and changes in vegetative cover are resulting in fundamental changes in terrestrial–aquatic biogeochemical linkages. The effects of global change are readily observed in alterations in the supply of dissolved organic matter (DOM)—the messenger between terrestrial and lake ecosystems—with potentially profound effects on the structure and function of lakes. Northern terrestrial ecosystems contain substantial stores of organic matter and filter or funnel DOM, affecting the timing and magnitude of DOM delivery to surface waters. This terrestrial DOM is processed in streams, rivers, and lakes, ultimately shifting its composition, stoichiometry, and bioavailability. Here, we explore the potential consequences of these global change‐driven effects for lake food webs at northern latitudes. Notably, we provide evidence that increased allochthonous DOM supply to lakes is overwhelming increased autochthonous DOM supply that potentially results from earlier ice‐out and a longer growing season. Furthermore, we assess the potential implications of this shift for the nutritional quality of autotrophs in terms of their stoichiometry, fatty acid composition, toxin production, and methylmercury concentration, and therefore, contaminant transfer through the food web. We conclude that global change in northern regions leads not only to reduced primary productivity but also to nutritionally poorer lake food webs, with discernible consequences for the trophic web to fish and humans.  相似文献   

Release of oxygen from the roots ofaquatic macrophytes into anaerobic sediments canaffect the quantity of interstitial dissolved organicmatter and nutrients that are available to bacteria. Nutrient and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)concentrations were compared between subsurface(interstitial) waters of unvegetated sediments andsediments among stands of the emergent herbaceousmacrophyte Juncus effusus L. in a lotic wetlandecosystem. Concentrations of inorganic nitrogen(NH4 +, NO3 -, and NO2 -)were greater from sediments of the unvegetatedcompared to the vegetated zone. DOC concentrations ofinterstitial waters were greater in sediments of theunvegetated zone both in the winter and springcompared to those from the vegetated zone. AlthoughDOC concentrations in hydrosoils collected from bothzones increased from winter to spring, bacterialproductivity per mg DOC in spring decreased comparedto winter. Greater initial bacterial productivityoccurred on DOM collected from the vegetated comparedto the unvegetated zone in winter samples (days 1 and4), with increased bacterial productivity on samplescollected from the unvegetated zone at the end of thestudy (day 20). Bacterial productivity wassignificantly greater on all sampling days on DOM fromvegetated samples compared to unvegetated samples. In nutrient enrichment experiments, bacterialproductivity was significantly increased (p < 0.05)with phosphorus but not nitrogen only amendments.  相似文献   

Recent reviews indicate that N deposition increases soil organic matter (SOM) storage in forests but the undelying processes are poorly understood. Our aim was to quantify the impacts of increased N inputs on soil C fluxes such as C mineralization and leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from different litter materials and native SOM. We added 5.5 g N m?2 yr?1 as NH4NO3 over 1 year to two beech forest stands on calcareous soils in the Swiss Jura. We replaced the native litter layer with 13C‐depleted twigs and leaves (δ13C: ?38.4 and ?40.8‰) in late fall and measured N effects on litter‐ and SOM‐derived C fluxes. Nitrogen addition did not significantly affect annual C losses through mineralization, but altered the temporal dynamics in litter mineralization: increased N inputs stimulated initial mineralization during winter (leaves: +25%; twigs: +22%), but suppressed rates in the subsequent summer. The switch from a positive to a negative response occurred earlier and more strongly for leaves than for twigs (?21% vs. 0%). Nitrogen addition did not influence microbial respiration from the nonlabeled calcareous mineral soil below the litter which contrasts with recent meta‐analysis primarily based on acidic soils. Leaching of DOC from the litter layer was not affected by NH4NO3 additions, but DOC fluxes from the mineral soils at 5 and 10 cm depth were significantly reduced by 17%. The 13C tracking indicated that litter‐derived C contributed less than 15% of the DOC flux from the mineral soil, with N additions not affecting this fraction. Hence, the suppressed DOC fluxes from the mineral soil at higher N inputs can be attributed to reduced mobilization of nonlitter derived ‘older’ DOC. We relate this decline to an altered solute chemistry by NH4NO3 additions, an increased ionic strength and acidification resulting from nitrification, rather than to a change in microbial decomposition.  相似文献   

【背景】凤头姜是湖北西部山区来凤县著名的国家地理标志性产品,但由于姜瘟病的流行且无经济有效的防控方法,导致其播种面积和总产值急剧下滑,姜瘟病已成为制约凤头姜产业振兴的关键因子。【目的】研究高山凤头姜姜瘟病防控技术及其对高山土壤微生态的影响。【方法】通过田间试验评价了棉隆土壤消毒(T1)、生防菌34107灌根(T2)、棉隆土壤消毒联合生防菌34107灌根(T3)、中生菌素灌根(T4)、对照(T5)等5种处理对高山凤头姜姜瘟病的防控效果。同时,提取了上述处理土壤基因组DNA,利用Illumina MiSeq平台对细菌16S rRNA基因V3–V4区进行了高通量测序。【结果】在所有处理中,以T3处理对凤头姜姜瘟病的防效最好(96.1%),高于T1(86.5%),且显著高于T2(75.2%)和T4(54.8%)(P0.05)。产量和纯收入以T3为最高,其次为T1、T2和T4,而T5产量和纯收入最低且纯收入为负值。高通量测序共获得608 070条高质量的16S rRNA基因序列,简并后得到9 243个分类单元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU);各处理土壤细菌在门水平群落结构与对照非常相似,但部分分类单元丰度发生较大改变。土壤细菌α多样性分析结果显示,T1-T4处理Shannon和Simpson指数均显著高于T5 (P0.05),而除T2处理外,其余3个处理Chao1指数均显著高于T5(P0.05);ACE指数以T3处理最高,高于T1和T4处理、显著高于T2和T5处理(P0.05)。相比T5,总共25个门水平的OTU丰度发生显著改变(P0.05),且大部分丰度有所增加;总共有159个属水平的OTU发生显著性改变(P0.05),其中50.9%在4个处理中均发生显著性改变,仅有少数OTU在单个处理中改变显著性。丰度前10的属中,植物病原菌所属的雷尔氏菌属(Ralstonia)和软腐菌属(Pectobacterium)丰度在T1-T4中均显著下调(P0.05),而有益菌,如芽孢杆菌属(Gemmatimonas)、放线菌(Jatrophihabitans)等则有不同程度的增加。土壤细菌OTU共映射到6 055个KEGG功能通路,其中与亚硝酸盐还原酶相关的通路在4处理中均显著下调(P0.05),与氮固定相关的通路则不同程度上调,与一氧化二氮还原酶相关的通路在T3和T4处理中下调而在T1和T2处理中上调。KEGG功能通路富集到41个代谢通路模块,其中与氨基酸和碳水化合物代谢的丰度最高,且大部分在T3处理中丰度最高。【结论】棉隆土壤消毒联合生防菌34107处理能有效控制高山凤头姜姜瘟病,同时能增加土壤细菌微生态多样性和有益菌丰度,本研究为高山土壤微生态修复及重建技术和理论的发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

1. Most studies on zooplankton responses to acidification have focused on clearwater lakes with a dramatic acidification history. The role of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in moderating zooplankton responses to acidification in naturally acidic, dystrophic lakes is less well understood and is partially impeded by a lack of baseline data. 2. Cladocera leave identifiable remains preserved in lake sediments that can be used to provide information on pre‐industrial species assemblages and their responses to environmental stressors such as acidification. Therefore, we used palaeolimnological approaches to track cladoceran assemblage responses to acidification since c.1850 (inferred from sedimentary diatom assemblages) in three acidified lakes in Kejimkujik National Park (Nova Scotia, Canada) that differ markedly in DOC content. These include two highly dystrophic lakes (Kejimkujik and Pebbleogittch lakes), and one clearwater lake (Beaverskin Lake). 3. In dystrophic Pebbleogittch Lake, an increase in the acid‐tolerant, jelly‐clad, pelagic taxon Holopedium glacialis occurred coincident with diatom‐inferred pH (DI‐pH) declines, but no other notable cladoceran assemblage shifts occurred. Similarly, Cladocera assemblages did not appear to respond to lakewater acidification in dystrophic Kejimkujik Lake. 4. In contrast, in the clearwater Beaverskin Lake, several observed shifts in cladoceran assemblage corresponded to DI‐pH declines, including an increase in the proportion of littoral taxa and an increase in Hill’s N2 species diversity. This may indicate increased water clarity as a result of acidification‐related decreases in DOC, which may have enhanced growth of emergent aquatic macrophytes and improved visibility for planktivorous fish, leading to increased predation on pelagic taxa. Species shifts within the littoral assemblage of Beaverskin Lake may reflect the differing tolerances of littoral taxa to low pH and aluminium toxicity. 5. Overall, our results suggest that cladoceran assemblages in naturally acidic, dystrophic lakes may be resilient against additional pH declines related to industrial emissions of acidifying agents, as dystrophic lakes are less vulnerable to increased aluminium toxicity and acidification‐induced increases in water clarity and often have a pre‐industrial cladoceran assemblage already adapted to acidic conditions.  相似文献   

1. Compared to lakes and streams, we know relatively little about the factors that regulate algae in freshwater wetlands. This discrepancy is particularly acute in boreal regions, where wetlands are abundant and processes related to climate change (i.e. increased permafrost collapse and soil weathering) are expected to increase nutrient inputs into aquatic systems. To investigate how accelerated nutrient inputs might affect algal structure and function in northern boreal wetlands, we added nitrogen, phosphorus and silica to mesocosms in an oligotrophic marsh in interior Alaska. 2. We conducted two in situ mesocosm enrichment experiments during consecutive summer growing seasons, each lasting 24 days. In 2007, we investigated the effects of +N, +P, +Si and +N+P+Si enrichment on benthic algal biomass (chlorophyll‐a, ash‐free dry mass, biovolume), chemistry (N : P ratio) and community composition. In 2008, we expanded our first experiment to investigate the effects +N+P, +N+Si, +P+Si and +N+P+Si on the same algal parameters as well as productivity (mg C m?2 h?1). 3. In both experiments, we measured water‐column dissolved organic carbon (DOC) inside treatment enclosures and related changes in DOC to standing algal biomass. 4. Benthic algal accrual did not increase following 24 days of enrichment with any nutrient alone or with P and Si together (+P+Si), but increased significantly with the addition of N in any combination with P and Si (+N+P, +N+Si, +N+P+Si). 5. Algal productivity (20 mg C m?2 h?1) increased between three‐ and seven‐fold (57–127 mg C m?2 h?1) with the addition of N in combination with any other nutrient (+N+P, +N+Si, +N+P+Si). Water‐column DOC concentration was significantly higher inside N‐combination treatments compared to the control during each season, and DOC increased linearly with benthic algal biomass in 2007 (r2 = 0.89, P < 0.0001) and 2008 (r2 = 0.74, P < 0.0001). 6. Taxonomic composition of the wetland algal community responded most strongly to N‐combination treatments in both seasons. In 2007, there was a significant shift from Euglena and Mougeotia in the control treatment to Chroococcus and Gloeocystis with +N+P+Si enrichment, and in 2008, a Mougeotia‐dominated community was replaced by Gloeocystis in the +N+P treatment and by Nitzschia in +N+Si and +N+P+Si treatments. 7. Together, these data provide several lines of evidence for co‐limitation, and the central importance of N as a co‐limiting nutrient for the wetland algal community. Changes in algal dynamics with increased nutrient concentrations could have important implications for wetland food webs and suggest that algae may provide a functional link between increasing nutrient inputs and altered wetland carbon cycling in this region.  相似文献   

The distribution of ectomycorrhizas on Dryas octopetala L in grass heaths of the 450 km2 karst region known as the Burren in Western Ireland was examined in relation to soil factors and vegetation type. Ectomycorrhizas were identified or characterised from 56 soil cores from 30 sites, and the occurrence of each ectomycorrhizal (EM) type was quantified by estimating the total length of mycorrhizal tips of each type. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, extractable phosphorus, pH and depth were the soil factors determined. In total, 24 EM types were recorded. The EM community of Dryas roots was significantly more species-rich in one vegetation type—Hyperico-Dryadetum—than in others (Arctostaphylo-Dryadetum or Asperulo-Seslerietum). Multiple linear regression analyses indicated that soil organic matter and soil depth explained a significant portion of the variation in EM abundance, while soil organic matter and extractable phosphorus explained a significant portion of the variation in EM diversity. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that some individual EM types (e.g. Craterellus lutescens, Cenococcum geophilum, Tomentella sp., Boletus sp.) exhibited distinct soil preferences, most markedly in relation to soil organic matter, which, in this analysis, was the main significant soil variable distinguishing the three vegetation types.  相似文献   

Microbial photosynthesis presents a valuable opportunity to capture abundant light energy to produce renewable bioenergy and biomaterials. To understand the factors that control the productivity of photosynthetic microorganisms, we conducted a series of semi‐continuous experiments using bench‐scale photobioreactor (PBR) systems, the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 (PCC6803), and light conditions imitating actual day–night light irradiance (LI). Our results demonstrate that using normal BG‐11 medium resulted in severe phosphate (Pi) limitation for continuous operation. Mitigation of Pi‐limitation, by augmenting the Pi content of BG‐11, allowed higher biomass productivity; however, once Pi‐limitation was alleviated, limitation by inorganic carbon (Ci) or LI occurred. Ci‐limitation was detected by a low total Ci concentration (<5 mg C/L) and high and fluctuating pH. Ci‐limitation was relieved by delivering more CO2, which led to a stable pH in the range of 7–9 and at least 5 mg/L of Ci in HCO. LI limitation, evidenced by an average LI <14 W/m2 for PCC6803, was induced by a high biomass concentration of 1,300 mg/L. Thus, this work provides quantitative tools of stoichiometry and kinetics to evaluate limitation on PBRs. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 553–563. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Global changes such as variations in plant net primary production are likely to drive shifts in leaf litterfall inputs to forest soils, but the effects of such changes on soil carbon (C) cycling and storage remain largely unknown, especially in C‐rich tropical forest ecosystems. We initiated a leaf litterfall manipulation experiment in a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica to test the sensitivity of surface soil C pools and fluxes to different litter inputs. After only 2 years of treatment, doubling litterfall inputs increased surface soil C concentrations by 31%, removing litter from the forest floor drove a 26% reduction over the same time period, and these changes in soil C concentrations were associated with variations in dissolved organic matter fluxes, fine root biomass, microbial biomass, soil moisture, and nutrient fluxes. However, the litter manipulations had only small effects on soil organic C (SOC) chemistry, suggesting that changes in C cycling, nutrient cycling, and microbial processes in response to litter manipulation reflect shifts in the quantity rather than quality of SOC. The manipulation also affected soil CO 2 fluxes; the relative decline in CO 2 production was greater in the litter removal plots (?22%) than the increase in the litter addition plots (+15%). Our analysis showed that variations in CO 2 fluxes were strongly correlated with microbial biomass pools, soil C and nitrogen (N) pools, soil inorganic P fluxes, dissolved organic C fluxes, and fine root biomass. Together, our data suggest that shifts in leaf litter inputs in response to localized human disturbances and global environmental change could have rapid and important consequences for belowground C storage and fluxes in tropical rain forests, and highlight differences between tropical and temperate ecosystems, where belowground C cycling responses to changes in litterfall are generally slower and more subtle.  相似文献   

Intense droughts combined with increased temperatures are one of the major threats to forest persistence in the 21st century. Despite the direct impact of climate change on forest growth and shifts in species abundance, the effect of altered demography on changes in the composition of functional traits is not well known. We sought to (1) quantify the recent changes in functional composition of European forests; (2) identify the relative importance of climate change, mean climate and forest development for changes in functional composition; and (3) analyse the roles of tree mortality and growth underlying any functional changes in different forest types. We quantified changes in functional composition from the 1980s to the 2000s across Europe by two dimensions of functional trait variation: the first dimension was mainly related to changes in leaf mass per area and wood density (partially related to the trait differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms), and the second dimension was related to changes in maximum tree height. Our results indicate that climate change and mean climatic effects strongly interacted with forest development and it was not possible to completely disentangle their effects. Where recent climate change was not too extreme, the patterns of functional change generally followed the expected patterns under secondary succession (e.g. towards late‐successional short‐statured hardwoods in Mediterranean forests and taller gymnosperms in boreal forests) and latitudinal gradients (e.g. larger proportion of gymnosperm‐like strategies at low water availability in forests formerly dominated by broad‐leaved deciduous species). Recent climate change generally favoured the dominance of angiosperm‐like related traits under increased temperature and intense droughts. Our results show functional composition changes over relatively short time scales in European forests. These changes are largely determined by tree mortality, which should be further investigated and modelled to adequately predict the impacts of climate change on forest function.  相似文献   

Black carbon (BC) is an important pool of the global C cycle, because it cycles much more slowly than others and may even be managed for C sequestration. Using stable isotope techniques, we investigated the fate of BC applied to a savanna Oxisol in Colombia at rates of 0, 11.6, 23.2 and 116.1 t BC ha?1, as well as its effect on non‐BC soil organic C. During the rainy seasons of 2005 and 2006, soil respiration was measured using soda lime traps, particulate and dissolved organic C (POC and DOC) moving by saturated flow was sampled continuously at 0.15 and 0.3 m, and soil was sampled to 2.0 m. Black C was found below the application depth of 0–0.1 m in the 0.15–0.3 m depth interval, with migration rates of 52.4±14.5, 51.8±18.5 and 378.7±196.9 kg C ha?1 yr?1 (±SE) where 11.6, 23.2 and 116.1 t BC ha?1, respectively, had been applied. Over 2 years after application, 2.2% of BC applied at 23.2 t BC ha?1 was lost by respiration, and an even smaller fraction of 1% was mobilized by percolating water. Carbon from BC moved to a greater extent as DOC than POC. The largest flux of BC from the field (20–53% of applied BC) was not accounted for by our measurements and is assumed to have occurred by surface runoff during intense rain events. Black C caused a 189% increase in aboveground biomass production measured 5 months after application (2.4–4.5 t additional dry biomass ha?1 where BC was applied), and this resulted in greater amounts of non‐BC being respired, leached and found in soil for the duration of the experiment. These increases can be quantitatively explained by estimates of greater belowground net primary productivity with BC addition.  相似文献   

To predict the behavior of the terrestrial carbon cycle, it is critical to understand the source, formation pathway, and chemical composition of soil organic matter (SOM). There is emerging consensus that slow‐cycling SOM generally consists of relatively low molecular weight organic carbon substrates that enter the mineral soil as dissolved organic matter and associate with mineral surfaces (referred to as “mineral‐associated OM,” or MAOM). However, much debate and contradictory evidence persist around: (a) whether the organic C substrates within the MAOM pool primarily originate from aboveground vs. belowground plant sources and (b) whether C substrates directly sorb to mineral surfaces or undergo microbial transformation prior to their incorporation into MAOM. Here, we attempt to reconcile disparate views on the formation of MAOM by proposing a spatially explicit set of processes that link plant C source with MAOM formation pathway. Specifically, because belowground vs. aboveground sources of plant C enter spatially distinct regions of the mineral soil, we propose that fine‐scale differences in microbial abundance should determine the probability of substrate–microbe vs. substrate–mineral interaction. Thus, formation of MAOM in areas of high microbial density (e.g., the rhizosphere and other microbial hotspots) should primarily occur through an in vivo microbial turnover pathway and favor C substrates that are first biosynthesized with high microbial carbon‐use efficiency prior to incorporation in the MAOM pool. In contrast, in areas of low microbial density (e.g., certain regions of the bulk soil), MAOM formation should primarily occur through the direct sorption of intact or partially oxidized plant compounds to uncolonized mineral surfaces, minimizing the importance of carbon‐use efficiency, and favoring C substrates with strong “sorptive affinity.” Through this framework, we thus describe how the primacy of biotic vs. abiotic controls on MAOM dynamics is not mutually exclusive, but rather spatially dictated. Such an understanding may be integral to more accurately modeling soil organic matter dynamics across different spatial scales.  相似文献   

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