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The "rule" that individuals of nonindigenous plant species are larger where they are introduced than where they are native is not borne out in detailed comparisons of European species introduced to California or the Carolinas and species from California and the Carolinas introduced to Europe. On average, individuals of California species are taller in California than in Europe, while individuals of species native to Europe do not differ between Europe and California. Similarly, individuals of species from the Carolinas are, on average, taller in the Carolinas than in Europe, while individuals of European species are the same height in Europe and the Carolinas or, depending on the nature of the statistical analysis, taller in Europe. Results for herbaceous species only are substantially the same. Although there is no general tendency for species to be taller in their introduced ranges, many species are, in fact, taller in some regions where they are introduced than in their native ranges. Absence of natural enemies in the introduced range is one hypothesis for such observations, but other hypotheses are possible, and the specific reasons for height differences must be sought case by case. The absence of a general tendency casts doubt on the biological control strategy of introducing sequences of phytophages, none of which delivers a knockout blow to a weed, with the expectation that each successive phytophage will force the plant to devote more resources to defense and fewer to traits such as increased size that make it more competitive.  相似文献   

For many species of reptile, crucial demographic parameters such as embryonic survival and individual sex (male or female) depend on ambient temperature during incubation. While much has been made of the role of climate on offspring sex ratios in species with temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD), the impact of variable sex ratio on populations is likely to depend on how limiting male numbers are to female fecundity in female‐biased populations, and whether a climatic effect on embryonic survival overwhelms or interacts with sex ratio. To examine the sensitivity of populations to these interacting factors, we developed a generalized model to explore the effects of embryonic survival, hatchling sex ratio, and the interaction between these, on population size and persistence while varying the levels of male limitation. Populations with TSD reached a greater maximum number of females compared to populations with GSD, although this was often associated with a narrower range of persistence. When survival depended on temperature, TSD populations persisted over a greater range of temperatures than GSD populations. This benefit of TSD was greatly reduced by even modest male limitation, indicating very strong importance of this largely unmeasured biologic factor. Finally, when males were not limiting, a steep relationship between sex ratio and temperature favoured population persistence across a wider range of climates compared to the shallower relationships. The opposite was true when males were limiting – shallow relationships between sex ratio and temperature allowed greater persistence. The results highlight that, if we are to predict the response of populations with TSD to climate change, it is imperative to 1) accurately quantify the extent to which male abundance limits female fecundity, and 2) measure how sex ratios and peak survival coincide over climate.  相似文献   

Understanding how individual differences in physiological performance modify behavioral responses to environmental variability and its fitness consequences is key to predicting the vulnerability of species and populations to environmental change. For many species, summit metabolic rate (MSUM; the upper limit to heat production) and basal metabolic rate (BMR; the lower limit related to energy acquisition and processing) often constrain aspects of physiological performance and behavioral activity. We examined the relationship between metabolic phenotypes, foraging behavior, and survival in overwintering black‐capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus inhabiting contiguous and fragmented forested landscapes. We found that birds with lower summit metabolic rates were generally more sensitive to winter weather and increased their use of supplemental feeding stations as ambient temperatures decreased. In highly fragmented forests, this relationship may have incurred strong survival consequences, as birds with lower summit metabolic rates were less likely to survive the winter season. Additionally, we found that chickadee populations persisting in fragmented landscapes were characterized by slightly higher thermogenic capacity (MSUM) and lower maintenance metabolic costs (BMR). We suggest that habitat loss and fragmentation present unique selection pressures that alter the relationships between environmental variability, behavior and physiology, and result in context‐specific fitness consequences.  相似文献   

Matrotrophy, the provisioning of embryos between fertilization and birth, creates the potential for conflict between mothers and embryos over the level of maternal investment. This conflict is predicted to drive the evolution of reproductive isolation between populations with different mating systems. In this study, we examine whether density‐driven mating system differences explain the patterns of asymmetric reproductive isolation observed in previous studies involving four populations of the matrotrophic least killifish, Heterandria formosa. Minimum sire number reconstructions suggested that two populations characterized by low densities had lower levels of concurrent multiple paternity than two populations characterized by high densities. However, low levels of genetic variation in the low‐density populations greatly reduced our probability of detecting multiple mating in them. Once we took the lower level of genetic variation into account in our estimations, high levels of multiple paternity appeared the rule in all four populations. In the population where we had the greatest power of detecting multiple mating, we found that multiple paternity in H. formosa typically involves multiple sires contributing to offspring within the same brood instead of different fathers contributing to distinct, simultaneously provisioned broods. Paternity was often skewed towards one sire. Our results suggest that differences between H. formosa populations in the levels of multiple paternity are not sufficient to explain the reproductive isolation seen in previous studies. We suggest that other influences on maternal–foetal conflict may contribute to the pattern of reproductive isolation observed previously. Alternatively, the asymmetric reproductive isolation seen in previous studies might reflect the disruption of maternal–foetal coadaptation.  相似文献   

Abstract Ecologists have long sought to understand why some species are rare and others common. For the most part, inconsistent relationships between local rarity and underlying mechanisms have emerged. One possibility for this inconsistency is that locally rare species may not always be rare. However, it is largely unknown whether most locally rare species in a community possess the capacity to become abundant elsewhere in their geographical range. Here, we identified 57 locally rare plant species of open forest in south‐eastern Australia. We found that most of these species (91%) occurred in higher abundance at other sites within their geographical range (somewhere‐abundant species), while the remaining small percentage of locally rare species were consistently rare (everywhere‐sparse species). Somewhere‐abundant species had significantly smaller seeds on average than everywhere‐sparse species in cross‐species regression analysis. This pattern was not maintained when the influence of other life‐history attributes was controlled for, or when phylogenetic relatedness among species was considered explicitly in phylogenetic regression analysis. In both cross‐species and phylogenetic regressions, somewhere‐abundant and everywhere‐sparse species did not differ significantly with respect to growth form, height, regeneration‐after‐fire strategy, or dispersal. Our findings provide further evidence for the notion that theories to account for local rarity which are couched in terms of within‐community interactions alone are incomplete for the majority of species, because they need to account for different outcomes in different places.  相似文献   

Life-history studies provide a global framework for comparison of fish species responses and trade-offs facing ecological and environmental constrains. A broad comparison among fishes’ early growth and condition traits is performed in order to determine ecological patterns of early development regarding latitudinal distribution, habitat use and life-history strategies. Based on Winemiller and Rose (1992) classification of life-history strategies, data on early growth and condition indices of 46 fish species worldwide was analysed. Available information on fishes’ early features, namely first year length percentage (relative to species maximum theoretical length), age at maturation and Fulton’s condition index (K), provided a good segregation of species by latitudinal distribution and habitat use, and evidenced the categories of the three-endpoint model. Higher larvae and juvenile growth rates and condition indices (K, mean RNA–DNA ratios and protein contents) were associated with tropical and temperate fish species that occur in complex or variable habitats (respectively coral reefs and estuaries). These species selected for the opportunistic and periodic strategies, investing highly in rapid growth in order to increase survival probability to counter high mortality rates during early stages or unstable habitat conditions. Later age at maturation, slower larvae and juvenile growth as well as lower mean condition indices were consistent with fish species from more stable or predictable environments, as polar regions and freshwater habitats, which selected for the equilibrium strategy. Nonetheless, differences in energy allocation strategies during early stages were not observed, evidencing the scarcity of available data regarding condition indices and/or the importance of integrating life-history intermediate strategies. Future research into condition indices and other physiological processes, for a broader set of species and for a wider latitudinal and habitat range including seasonal variability (particularly for species from tropical and polar regions), is essential to better understand or test current theories of species ecological patterns. The use of direct quantitative measures of young fishes’ metabolic investment and fitness constitutes a new approach for life-history studies, and should be fundamental for predicting species’ responses to acute environmental or human constrains, especially in a global climate change scenario that is expected to affect distribution and abundance of fish species worldwide.  相似文献   

Is arthropod predation exclusively satiation‐driven?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Functional response models differ in which factors limit predation (e.g. searching efficiency, prey handling time, digestion) and whether predation behaviour is governed by an internal physiological state (e.g. satiation). There is now much evidence that satiation is a key factor in understanding changes in foraging behaviour, and that many predators are effectively digestion limited. Here, we ask if predation in a predatory arthropod can be explained from satiation-driven behaviour alone, or if behaviour is also influenced by the density of prey other than via the effect of prey ingestion on satiation. To address this question a satiation-based predation model is formulated, for which parameters are estimated on the basis of observations on digestion rate, satiation-related prey searching rate and prey capture behaviour, basically under high prey density conditions. The model predictions are subsequently tested against longer term predation experiments carried out at high and low prey densities. Since satiation can easily be linked with egg production, these tests are carried out both for predation and oviposition.
The predator–prey systems under study consist of females of two predatory mite species ( Neoseiulus barkeri and N. cucumeris ) and the larvae of two thrips species ( Thrips tabaci and Frankliniella occidentalis ) as their prey. For N. barkeri foraging on T. tabaci , the model gives good predictions at both high (4 larvae cm−1) and low (0.1–1 larvae cm−2) prey densities. For N. cucumeris foraging on F. occidentalis , the predictions hold at the high prey density, but are too low at low prey densities. Thus our analysis indicates that we cannot fully explain density-dependent predation rates from satiation-driven behaviour alone. Different mechanisms are suggested on how prey density may affect foraging efficiency other than via satiation.  相似文献   

Biological traits, such as body size, fecundity and fertility, of egg parasitoids are strongly influenced by host species, and the use of a single‐host species for consecutive generations has been showed to be detrimental for egg parasitoid biology. Besides biological traits, behaviour of egg parasitoids is also an important parameter for implying their performance in the field, but information about the effect of host on the behaviour of egg parasitoids is still scarce. Thus, this work aimed at determining the influence of host species on the short‐range flight capacity of three egg parasitoids Trichogrammatoidea annulata De Santis, Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman and Platner and Trichogramma bruni Nagajara reared on Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller), Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) and Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), for first, 10 and 28 consecutive generations. Trichogrammatids emerged inside a tubular dark flight chamber, under controlled conditions, and short‐range flying response was based on the proportions of adults trapped to the sticky top of the chamber and the ones found on the bottom, which were checked for defective wings. Our data clearly demonstrate that trichogrammatid short‐range flight depends on the fasctidious host species. All three egg parasitoids had their flight capacity significantly reduced when emerged from S. cerealella. The highest flying capacity of T. annulata was registered when reared on C. cephalonica, while for T. atopovirilia was on A. kuehniella and T. bruni on both C. cephalonica and A. kuehniella. Parasitoid flight capacity is affected when reared on the same host over generations; however, it was not possible to define a pattern for any of the trichogrammatids. Our findings are of great relevance for quality control of mass‐reared egg parasitoids because measuring only behavioural traits with use of flight chambers can be more practical and less time‐consuming than assessing biological parameters.  相似文献   

Campylobacters are a leading cause of gastrointestinal morbidity worldwide and the majority of human infections are triggered by eating foods contaminated with Campylobacter jejuni or Campylobacter coli. Campylobacters are equally notorious for their ability to mimic human glycoconjugate structures and for their capacity to synthesize both N‐ and O‐linked glycoproteins. These species were once considered to be asaccharolytic, but it was recently shown that several strains possess a pathway for fucose uptake and metabolism, providing those isolates with a competitive advantage in vivo. Vorwerk et al. have now demonstrated through isotopologue profiling that certain strains of C. coli and C. jejuni are capable of glucose catabolism through the Entner‐Doudoroff and pentose phosphate pathways. However, unlike the fate of fucose that has only been shown to be used for nutrition, glucose can be metabolized or incorporated into select amino acids and glycoconjugates. This discovery now provides researchers with the opportunity to introduce metabolically labeled sugars into campylobacters to study glycoconjugate biosynthesis within the cell. In addition, Vorwerk et al. add to the metabolic arsenal of campylobacters further highlighting the nutritional diversity among strains, even within the same species.  相似文献   

Although some organisms have moved to higher elevations and latitudes in response to recent climate change, there is little consensus regarding the capacity of different species to track rapid climate change via range shifts. Understanding species' abilities to shift ranges has important implications for assessing extinction risk and predicting future community structure. At an expanding front, colonization rates are determined jointly by rates of reproduction and dispersal. In addition, establishment of viable populations requires that individuals find suitable resources in novel habitats. Thus, species with greater dispersal ability, reproductive rate and ecological generalization should be more likely to expand into new regions under climate change. Here, we assess current evidence for the relationship between leading-edge range shifts and species' traits. We found expected relationships for several datasets, including diet breadth in North American Passeriformes and egg-laying habitat in British Odonata. However, models generally had low explanatory power. Thus, even statistically and biologically meaningful relationships are unlikely to be of predictive utility for conservation and management. Trait-based range shift forecasts face several challenges, including quantifying relevant natural history variation across large numbers of species and coupling these data with extrinsic factors such as habitat fragmentation and availability.  相似文献   

Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) 1999-2004 have recently shown the percent body fat of American adults. Average American men and women have ~28 and 40% body fat. When categorized by BMI and age, the data also show high percent body fat values, particularly in lower BMI categories. These data should make one reflect on the health status of Americans in all BMI categories and the use of these data for public health recommendations.  相似文献   

The phenotypic plasticity of plants has been explored as a function of either ontogeny (apparent plasticity) or environment (adaptive plasticity), although few studies have analyzed these factors together. In the present study, we take advantage of the dispersal of Aechmea mertensii bromeliads by Camponotus femoratus or Pachycondyla goeldii ants in shaded and sunny environments, respectively, to quantify ontogenetic changes in morphological, foliar, and functional traits, and to analyze ontogenetic and ant species effects on 14 traits. Most of the morphological (plant height, number of leaves), foliar (leaf thickness, leaf mass area, total water content, trichome density), and functional (leaf δ13C) traits differed as a function of ontogeny. Conversely, only leaf δ15N showed an adaptive phenotypic plasticity. On the other hand, plant width, tank width, longest leaf length, stomatal density, and leaf C concentration showed an adaptation to local environment with ontogeny. The exception was leaf N concentration, which showed no trend at all. Aechmea mertensii did not show an abrupt morphological modification such as in heteroblastic bromeliads, although it was characterized by strong, size‐related functional modifications for CO2 acquisition. The adaptive phenotypic variation found between the two ant species indicates the spatially conditioned plasticity of A. mertensii in the context of insect‐assisted dispersal. However, ant‐mediated effects on phenotypic plasticity in A. mertensii are not obvious because ant species and light environment are confounding variables. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 299–312.  相似文献   

Sexual selection, mating systems and parental behaviour are closely linked, although the exact nature of their relationship is controversial. The parental investment hypothesis (PIH) states that parental care disparity drives sexual selection intensity, because the sex providing less care competes for the sex that provides more. In contrast, the sexual selection hypothesis (SSH) asserts that more intense sexual selection on males leads to reduced male parental investment. We tested these hypotheses using directional phylogenetic comparative methods in shorebirds, which have an unusually diverse array of breeding systems. Changes in parental care and sexual selection intensity were tightly correlated, and we carried out three sets of analyses focusing on changes in male behaviour, female behaviour and in either sex. The results from the analyses were consistent with both PIH and SSH, although the patterns in male transition were sensitive to model values. We propose two explanations for these results. First, phylogenetic transitions may be idiosyncratic so that they depend on the ecological circumstances of individual species. Second, transitions in social traits, such as breeding systems, may be rapid and take place in ecological time, so directional phylogenetic methods that work through longer time scales may not infer accurately the timing and direction of all changes.  相似文献   

Are alien fish a reliable indicator of river health?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1. The ability of many introduced fish species to thrive in degraded aquatic habitats and their potential to impact on aquatic ecosystem structure and function suggest that introduced fish may represent both a symptom and a cause of decline in river health and the integrity of native aquatic communities. 2. The varying sensitivities of many commonly introduced fish species to degraded stream conditions, the mechanism and reason for their introduction and the differential susceptibility of local stream habitats to invasion because of the environmental and biological characteristics of the receiving water body, are all confounding factors that may obscure the interpretation of patterns of introduced fish species distribution and abundance and therefore their reliability as indicators of river health. 3. In the present study, we address the question of whether alien fish (i.e. those species introduced from other countries) are a reliable indicator of the health of streams and rivers in south‐eastern Queensland, Australia. We examine the relationships of alien fish species distributions and indices of abundance and biomass with the natural environmental features, the biotic characteristics of the local native fish assemblages and indicators of anthropogenic disturbance at a large number of sites subject to varying sources and intensities of human impact. 4. Alien fish species were found to be widespread and often abundant in south‐eastern Queensland rivers and streams, and the five species collected were considered to be relatively tolerant to river degradation, making them good candidate indicators of river health. Variation in alien species indices was unrelated to the size of the study sites, the sampling effort expended or natural environmental gradients. The biological resistance of the native fish fauna was not concluded to be an important factor mediating invasion success by alien species. Variation in alien fish indices was, however, strongly related to indicators of disturbance intensity describing local in‐stream habitat and riparian degradation, water quality and surrounding land use, particularly the amount of urban development in the catchment. 5. Potential confounding factors that may influence the likelihood of introduction and successful establishment of an alien species and the implications of these factors for river bioassessment are discussed. We conclude that the potentially strong impact that many alien fish species can have on the biological integrity of natural aquatic ecosystems, together with their potential to be used as an initial basis to find out other forms of human disturbance impacts, suggest that some alien species (particularly species from the family Poeciliidae) can represent a reliable ‘first cut’ indicator of river health.  相似文献   

The range sizes of sediment‐dwelling deep‐sea species are largely unknown. Such knowledge is important because a deep sea composed in large part of species with 100‐km‐scale ranges would be very different from one composed predominantly of species with 1000‐km‐scale ranges. For example, the total species richness would be much greater in the first case than in the second. As a step towards the determination of the distribution of species’ range sizes in the deep sea, we asked whether harpacticoid copepods (Crustacea) on the continental rise in the northeastern Pacific had 1000‐km‐scale range sizes. We chose harpacticoids because they occur widely in deep‐sea sediments and thus are a typical deep‐sea taxon. In addition, they have no pelagic stage in their life history, so they allow a conservative test of hypotheses about species’ range sizes. We used morphology and gene‐sequence data to assign individuals to species. At least 13.3% of the species we studied had 1000‐km‐scale ranges, raising the question of how these species maintain genetic continuity.  相似文献   

An organism''s body size plays an important role in ecological interactions such as predator–prey relationships. As predators are typically larger than their prey, this often leads to a strong positive relationship between body size and trophic position in aquatic ecosystems. The distribution of body sizes in a community can thus be an indicator of the strengths of predator–prey interactions. The aim of this study was to gain more insight into the relationship between fish body size distribution and trophic position in a wide range of European lakes. We used quantile regression to examine the relationship between fish species'' trophic position and their log‐transformed maximum body mass for 48 fish species found in 235 European lakes. Subsequently, we examined whether the slopes of the continuous community size distributions, estimated by maximum likelihood, were predicted by trophic position, predator–prey mass ratio (PPMR), or abundance (number per unit effort) of fish communities in these lakes. We found a positive linear relationship between species'' maximum body mass and average trophic position in fishes only for the 75% quantile, contrasting our expectation that species'' trophic position systematically increases with maximum body mass for fish species in European lakes. Consequently, the size spectrum slope was not related to the average community trophic position, but there were negative effects of community PPMR and total fish abundance on the size spectrum slope. We conclude that predator–prey interactions likely do not contribute strongly to shaping community size distributions in these lakes.  相似文献   

According to the escalation–radiation model of co-evolution, insect herbivores that acquire the ability to circumvent a plant defence enter a new adaptive zone and increase in species. How herbivore counter-adaptations to plant defences might lead to speciation is poorly understood. Studies of nymphalid butterflies suggest that the evolution of a broadened host range may be a critical step. This paper examines if leaf-feeding insects capable of deactivating defensive plant canals with canal cutting often have broad host ranges. A total of 94 species of canal-cutting insects were identified from the literature, including eight new canal cutters described in this paper. Only 27% of canal cutters with known host ranges are generalists that feed on plants in multiple families. The proportion of generalist canal cutters is similar or lower than estimates of generalists among phytophagous insects overall. Only five species, at most, of the canal-cutting generalists feed exclusively on plants with secretory canals. The paucity of generalists can be attributed in part to the considerable taxonomic distance separating canal-bearing plant families and to their corresponding chemical distinctiveness. The dependence of many canal-cutting species on host chemicals for defence would also favour specialization.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 715–731.  相似文献   

We aimed to introduce and test the “seed mass–distribution range trade‐off” hypothesis, that is, that range size is negatively related to seed mass due to the generally better dispersal ability of smaller seeds. Studying the effects of environmental factors on the seed mass and range size of species, we also aimed to identify habitats where species may be at risk and need extra conservation effort to avoid local extinctions. We collected data for seed mass, global range size, and indicators for environmental factors of the habitat for 1,600 species of the Pannonian Ecoregion (Central Europe) from the literature. We tested the relationship between species’ seed mass, range size, and indicator values for soil moisture, light intensity, and nutrient supply. We found that seed mass is negatively correlated with range size; thus, a seed mass–distribution range trade‐off was validated based on the studied large species pool. We found increasing seed mass with decreasing light intensity and increasing nutrient availability, but decreasing seed mass with increasing soil moisture. Range size increased with increasing soil moisture and nutrient supply, but decreased with increasing light intensity. Our results supported the hypothesis that there is a trade‐off between seed mass and distribution range. We found that species of habitats characterized by low soil moisture and nutrient values but high light intensity values have small range size. This emphasizes that species of dry, infertile habitats, such as dry grasslands, could be more vulnerable to habitat fragmentation or degradation than species of wet and fertile habitats. The remarkably high number of species and the use of global distribution range in our study support our understanding of global biogeographic processes and patterns that are essential in defining conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Theory and data generally concur that a slower Life History Strategy (LHS) is associated with higher Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Emotional Stability. Whether Extraversion and Openness are indicators of a slow LH, or whether they include both fast and slow LH components, remains unresolved. I addressed these questions in two studies: one of university students observed via periodic brief audio recordings during 72 h of their daily lives, and the second a re-analysis of data from Block and Block's (2006) longitudinal study. In both studies, I operationalized LHS as the correlation between an individual's California Q-Sort (CAQ) profile and the slow Life History (SLH) CAQ template created by Sherman et al. (2013) and Dunkel et al. (2015). I calculated Five Factor Model dimension scores using McCrae et al's (1986) method. In both samples, individuals whose CAQ profile more closely resembled the SLH template were higher in Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability than those pursuing a faster LHS. Extraversion was unrelated to LHS, while Openness in the Block and Block data set was actually associated with a faster LHS. Analysis of individual CAQ items revealed some differences between the studies. Generally, Extraversion-loading items tapping excitement-seeking and self-dramatization, and Openness-loading items tapping nonconformity, were associated with a faster LHS. Participants in the audio recording study also completed a HEXACO personality inventory and the Arizona Life History Battery. LHS as measured by the ALHB was uncorrelated with LHS as measured by the CAQ. Controlling for Extraversion yielded a significant positive relationship between the two LHS measures, suggesting that their poor convergent validity resulted from differences in their coverage of Extraversion-related content.  相似文献   

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