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新时代背景下,对于如何实现社区公共空间有机更新与可持续发展,笔者尝试通过实践研究与分析,探索出一条适合高密度城市公共空间有机更新和可持续发展相结合的发展路径。在对上海社区花园的空间特征和属性进行归纳总结的基础上,提出社区公共空间参与式营造的4级结构和3种发展途径,并从政府宣传引导、社会组织推动和挖掘社区“领袖”等不同层面给出社区营造的建议,解析社区花园如何通过公众参与实现多元共治,让社区营造有可能成为日常生活的有机部分。  相似文献   

以国子监、雍和宫所在街区为例,实地调研记录夏季北京胡同中居民一天的社会聚集情况,并应用空间句法软件对两个街区聚集空间分布规律进行量化对比研究,同时将绿化因素纳入指标体系来综合量化社会聚集的影响因素。研究结果表明,社会聚集空间分布受到街区形态的影响,且通达性较好的胡同空间往往同时具有较高的绿化率和宽度,对社会聚集的发生有明显的支持作用。在现有研究的基础上通过不同街区案例的对比,测试各影响因素的稳定性,进一步揭示了空间句法描述的街区形态因素对其他各因素综合发生影响的作用机制。  相似文献   

离体细胞共培养中科间细胞共质体的形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
离体培养下选出的绿色胡萝卜(Daucus carota)细胞系和白色普通烟草(Nicotianatabacum )细胞系,各自具有独特的细胞结构标志,在愈伤组织、光镜和电镜3 个水平上均可区分。对两个细胞系进行分散、混合、K+ 液低渗处理后在固体培养基上共培养,10—15 d 后可观察到两种细胞的镶嵌生长。光镜和电镜下均观察到烟草细胞和胡萝卜细胞之间隔离层的存在与消失。在隔离层消失的区域可见到异种细胞间次生胞间连丝的形成,从而将独立的两个共质体连成一个统一的共质体。对科间细胞共质联系的建立过程进行了讨论,认为细胞接触后首先非特异粘连——以隔离层形成并适度加厚为标志,然后特异的细胞识别在隔离层中启动,从而导致隔离层或消失而重新建立共质联系或加厚、木质化、木栓化  相似文献   

杨文越  李昕  陈慧灵  曹小曙 《生态学报》2021,41(15):6064-6074
绿地可达性与公平性是衡量城市居民接触和使用绿地便捷程度与机会的重要指标,也是评价和反映城市绿地资源空间配置科学性与合理性的重要体现,并与城市环境、生态、健康、社会和可持续发展密切相关。已有研究较少从多个尺度、多种出行模式测度绿地可达性与公平性。以广州为研究区域,结合出行O-D点智能查询系统(Travel O-D Point Intelligent Query System,TIQS)构建了多出行模式两步移动搜索法模型(Multi-mode Two-step Floating Catchment Area Method,M2SFCA)和绿地公平性模型,对广州绿地可达性和公平性空间格局与差异进行了研究。研究发现:(1)广州多尺度绿地可达性水平存在明显的"城郊两极化"空间差异,低绿地可达性区域集聚于人口密度较高的中心城区,而人口较少的外围城市区域绿地可达性值普遍较高。(2)广州市域绿地资源空间分布处于严重不公平状态(绿地公平性指数为0.58),且各行政区之间也存在较大差异,南沙区、天河区和花都区绿地公平性相对较好,其他区域绿地资源空间分配均有待提高与优化。(3)在镇街层面,有73.29%的镇街绿地资源空间分配处于高度平均水平(绿地公平性指数≤0.2);在社区层面,低可达性-公平类型的社区数量最多(占社区总量的39.85%),高可达性类型的社区分布最少:有15.91%的社区属于高可达性-公平类型,有12.94%的社区属于高可达性-不公平类型。研究结论将为优化城市区域绿地空间结构、保障绿地空间公平提供科学依据。  相似文献   

自然保护地社区生计转型与产业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何思源  王博杰  王国萍  魏钰 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9207-9215
良好的社区与自然保护地关系首先建立在社区生计的公平与可持续发展上。为促进社区认同、接受乃至参与自然保护地建设与管理,我国自然保护地管理逐渐重视社区利益,推动其生计转型发展与生态保护相协调。社区居民从事产业活动、进行生产经营、参与产业分工,是维持和改善生计的重要方式之一。研究采用质性内容分析方法,从不同研究视角、地理空间和政策背景的案例研究中提取自然保护地社区生计转型及其产业发展路径的内在逻辑,形成内容、激励机制、政策保障、结果、成败分析、发展对策六个核心范畴,以动因与形式、结果与原因来归纳总结前5个范畴的核心事实,根据发展对策提出自然保护地社区生计转型和产业发展原则,并结合国家公园特征和管理目标提出建议。研究表明,在社区层面协同保护与发展本质上来说是降低农户面临的自然、政策和市场风险的过程,生计可持续性和公平性双重目标可以通过产业生态化,产业部分替代或完全替代来实现。以产业发展带动生计转型具有经济、社会、文化多重效益,但其实现需要尊重本土文化,保障社区基本权利,多方参与协作,匹配和提升居民差异化能力。在国家公园体制建设中社区生计发展特别需要依托本地资源,对标市场需求,推进产业生态化,拓展传统产业功能,从自然和半自然生态系统的协同中寻求生态和文化价值向经济价值转化。  相似文献   

陈英水 《生物学通报》1999,34(11):20-21
现代进化论认为,物种形成大致要经过3个阶段:1)由于基因突变、染色体变异和基因重组,使种群中产生可遗传的变异;2)自然选择等因素作用于可遗传的变异,使种群的遗传结构(基因型频率和基因频率)发生了适应性的改变;3)不同种群由于地理隔离和生态隔离而加深了性状分歧,逐渐形成亚种,一旦出现了生殖隔离,亚种就变成了新种。此外,在植物界异源多倍体的产生亦可导致新种形成。由于各方面的原因,使亲缘关系接近的类群之间在自然条件下不交配,即使能交配也不能产生后代或不能产生可育性后代的隔离机制,便称为生殖隔离。若隔离发生在受精以前,就称为…  相似文献   

随着城市建设进入由增量转向存量的阶段,渐进式的微更新成为城市更新和改造的主要模式。以公众参与为基础、微小社区空间和公共空间设施为改造对象的局部更新方式,成为激发城市活力、提升建成城市公共空间品质的新方式。主要以北京、上海为例,对城市微更新的发展背景加以分析,对微更新背景下的城市公共空间的多重含义进行阐述,在此基础上总提出基于社区营造的城市公共空间的微更新途径,分别是边缘空间的整合和触媒方式的选择、场地历史文脉原真性的挖掘和社区居民社会生活方式的保护、多方协作的开放沟通平台和责任规划师制度的建立。  相似文献   

介形类是一类小型的双壳甲壳类动物, 其海洋浮游种类就超过200余种, 是海洋浮游动物中主要组成部分, 也是海洋生态系统中物质循环与能量流动的关键环节。以线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(mtCOI)基因为标记, 分析南海浮游介形类中的广布种斜突浮萤(Proceroecia procera)的单倍型多样性与种群遗传结构在空间上的分布, 并结合环境选择压力对种群的遗传多样性与结构分化的影响。结果显示, 38个个体共检出18种单倍型, 广布的单倍型在6个种群中都有分布, 说明P.procera种群可以实现远距离扩散, 最远超过700 km。P.procera种群呈现中度的遗传分化(平均FST = 0.186)。种群间遗传分化系数与地理距离无相关性(r=0.17, p=0.15), 种群未呈现空间距离隔离。远距离分布的单倍型并没有带来强劲的基因流, 相邻种群间甚至呈现出明显的遗传分化。RDA分析结果显示, 空间与环境并不是决定P. procera种群遗传结构的主要因素, 推测历史上种群扩展带来的拓殖隔离可能是主要解释。  相似文献   

中国农业野生植物原生境保护实践与未来研究方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业野生植物原生境保护已成为国内外生物多样性保护热点。截止2011年底,我国利用物理隔离和主流化两种保护方法已建成各类农业野生植物原生境保护点226个,保护物种52个,分布于27个省(自治区、直辖市),其中物理隔离保护点154个,保护物种39个,分布于27个省(自治区、直辖市),主流化保护点72个,保护物种31个,分布于15个省(自治区、直辖市)。本文通过对我国已建成的农业野生植物原生境保护点的调查和分析,比较了物理隔离和主流化两种保护方法的优缺点,总结了两种保护方法建设农业野生植物原生境保护点的经验和存在的主要问题,提出了解决这些问题的思路与对策。在此基础上,结合国际上生物多样性保护的发展趋势,探讨了我国未来农业野生植物原生境保护的发展方向和关键措施。  相似文献   

地理隔离是驱动物种分布格局形成的主要因素之一。本文回顾和总结了近几十年来地理隔离影响陆栖哺乳动物空间分布的研究成果, 从自然因素和人为因素两方面就地理隔离对物种分布的影响研究进展进行了综述。自然因素包括山脉、水体、沙漠和其他极端环境、气候变化等, 这些要素通常是在陆栖哺乳动物的缓慢演化进程中发挥作用; 人为因素侧重于因人类活动参与导致的物种分布变化, 包括景观结构变化、交通设施建设等, 在短短几百年甚至几十年内, 可以使物种分布特征发生显著变化。地理隔离对陆栖哺乳动物分布的作用是普遍而相对的, 长期存在且处于动态变化中。多种地理隔离因素之间的尺度效应不同, 哺乳动物在适应地理隔离的过程中表现出了生物个体和种群的响应过程。最后, 建议今后重点开展以下几方面的研究: (1)基于历史动物地理学与生态动物地理学, 深入研究地理隔离与动物地理边界形成的原因; (2)微观尺度下, 借助分子生物学和各种组学技术探讨地理隔离对物种遗传和适应机制的影响; (3)借鉴其他动物类群的研究经验, 加强对我国陆生哺乳动物的跟踪监测; (4)以数据驱动为导向, 将动物地理学与数据科学相结合, 以更好地分析动物分布的变迁史。  相似文献   

Natural abscission of young fruit and its regulation by plant hormones isconsidered and compared to the generally accepted model of senescencetriggered abscission of, for example, leaves or mature fruit. It isconcluded that abscission of young fruit cannot be explained by this model.Alternatively, it is suggested that the senescence triggered initial step inthe classical abscission model should be replaced by a correlativelytriggered step. Polar basipetal IAA transport with its autostimulation andautoinhibition components is the main regulating signal in this correlativeacting system and replaces ethylene as the initial driving force from thesenescence triggered model.Results supporting this model are presented and tested against existingresults from the literature. Finally, this hypothesis is tested as a possibleexplanation of the mode of action of some thinning chemicals orbioregulators. It is speculated how a thinning chemical should be designedto function in a more reliable way, at least as far as its interference with the endogenous hormone system is concerned.  相似文献   

This paper comments on recently revived discussion about the most adequate definition of homology. Homologues are considered as similarities of complex structures or patterns which are based on a continuity of biological information or instruction. Dependent on the level of comparison four types of homology are defined: (1) Iterative ( = serial = homonomy), (2) ontogenetic, (3) di- or polymorphic, and (4) supraspecific homology. The significance of all four types for evolutionary biology and phylogenetic analysis is outlined.  相似文献   

Summary It is proposed that the first entity capable of adaptive Darwinian evolution consisted of a liposome vesicle formed of (1) abiotically produced phospholipidlike molecules; (2) a very few informational macromolecules; and (3) some abiogenic, lipid-soluble, organic molecule serving as a symporter for phosphate and protons and as a means of high-energy-bond generation. The genetic material had functions that led to the production of phospholipidlike materials (leading to growth and division of the primitive cells) and of the carrier needed for energy transduction. It is suggested that the most primitive exploitable energy source was the donation of 2H++2e at the external face of the primitive cell. The electrons were transferred (by metal impurities) to internal sinks of organic material, thus creating, via a deficit, a protonmotive force that could drive both the active transport of phosphate and high-energy-bond formation.This model implies that proton translocation in a closed-membrane system preceded photochemical or electron transport mechanisms and that chemically transferable metabolic energy was needed at a much earlier stage in the development of life than has usually been assumed. It provides a plausible mechanism whereby cell division of the earliest protocells could have been a spontaneous process powered by the internal development of phospholipids. The stimulus for developing this evolutionary sequence was the realization that cellular life was essential if Darwinian survival of the fittest was to direct evolution toward adaptation to the external environment.  相似文献   

从烟叶叶面分离到产果胶酶真菌 18株 ,在此基础上 ,进行液体培养 ,测定酶活 ,得到一株酶活性较高的黄曲霉DPE - 0 0 5。对该菌株产酶培养基的碳、氮源进行正交法研究 ,正交实验的结果表明 ,影响该菌产酶活性的因素依次为A(麸皮 ) >B(乳糖 ) >C(果胶 ) >D(硫酸铵 ) ,其最佳组合为A2B3C3D1。最适产酶条件为 :麸皮 4 0 % ,果胶 0 3% ,乳糖 1 5 % ,(NH4 ) 2 SO4 0 5 % ,KH2 PO4 0 2 5 % ,MgSO4 ·7H2 O 0 0 5 % ,NaNO30 0 2 % ,FeSO4 ·7H2 O 0 0 0 1% ,起始pH 6 0 ,在 2 8℃摇床培养 7d产酶量达到最高。以玉溪B3F烟叶为材料 ,施加DPE - 0 0 5菌株所产酶液 ,在 5 0℃贮存 12h。经化学成分检测 ,结果表明 ,果胶质降低了 18 15 %。  相似文献   

By in situ hybridization of bacterium clone and analysis of restriction enzyme digestion, both CMV-cp gene and Bt-toxin gene were inserted one by one into T-DNA of binary plant expression vector pea. The reconstructed plasmid was named pE14. Then, tomato was transformed with pE14 mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV311-SE, four regenerated tomato plants were obtained on the MS medium containing 100 μg/mL kanamycin. Assay of nopaline, dot blotting of tomato genomic DNA and PCR amplication of CMV-cp gene and Bt-toxin gene from genomic DNA showed that CMV-cp gene and Bt-toxin gene were transferred into the four regenerated tomato plants simultaneously with T-DNA, and no recombination of genes occurred. RNA dot blotting showed that two of them could express simultaneously the CMV-cp gene and Bt-toxin gene proteins. The resistances to virus and insect of the transgenic tomato plants will be tested in their F1 and F2 regenerations.  相似文献   

The role of mechanisms underlying differentiation is considered in malignant transformation of hemoblastoses and epithelial tumors. In hemoblastoses, differentiation is intimately related to malignant transformation and they are underlain by the same mechanisms. Immunophenotyping of hemoblastoses is fully based on successive stages of their differentiation with characteristic expression of differentiation antigens. Unlike hemoblastoses, epithelial tumors gradually, in the course of progression, lose their differentiation due to the degradation of the connections with the microenvironment, which controls the direction and level of epithelial differentiation. Therefore, carcinomas are characterized by varying degrees of “antigenic simplification”, including the epithelial-mesenchymal transition.  相似文献   

桑-蚕系统中镉的吸收、累积与迁移   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对桑-蚕系统中镉的吸收,累积与迁移行为研究结果表明:(1)桑树对土壤镉污染有一定的耐性,桑树镉累积量和相对累积率与土壤镉浓度的关系可分别用回归方程Ta=a+blog(Sc)和log(Ra)=a+blog(Sc)描述。(2)随着土壤镉浓度的增加,镉在桑树根部的分布率明显增加,地上部分的分布率有所降低,运转到叶片的比率明显降低。(3)蚕体,蚕砂和蚕茧的镉含量,镉累积量,随着桑叶镉含量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

A procedure is described for isolating milligram quantities of bovine and porcine zonae pellucidae, uncontaminated by follicle cells or their processes. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the isolated bovine zona material formed one major glycoprotein band with an estimated molecular weight of approximately 100,000 daltons and two minor lower molecular weight components. The isolated pig zonae formed only one glycoprotein band with a molecular weight of approximately 62,000 daltons. Rabbit antisera raised against the isolated zonae were zona-specific and formed only a single precipitin line against the heat-solubilized zonae on immunoelectrophoresis. An adjuvant was not required for high-antibody titers. High titers were also obtained by injection of the dog and rhesus monkey. Anti-zona antibody was detected by immunofluorescence, zona-coating, double-immunodiffusion, and the inhibition of spermbinding to eggs, including those of human origin. Antigenic and sperm receptor properties were stable at 100°C for five minutes, but some activity was lost after longer exposure. The serum antibody produced by rabbits immunized with pig zonae was predominantly IgG and cross-reacted with the zonae of a variety of other species, including primates. Pregnancy was inhibited in female rabbits immunized with pig zona preparations.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):335-348
The light absorption spectral properties of recornbinant human MnSOD. which contains an N-terminal additional methionyl residue, were investigated as a function of pH in the range 4.5–10.5. Whereas the extinction coefficient, ?M at the UV maximum (282 nm) was essentially independent of pH, the ?M values of the visible spectrum maximum (482 nm) displayed a bell-shaped dependence with a plateau between pH 6.5 and B. Those spectral changes were reversible and the enzymatic activity was not affected by exposure to buffered solutions at 25°C in the pH range 5–10.5. The stability of MnSOD was determined between 25 and 60°C at two different pH: 6.5 and 8.2. The enzyme was found to be considerably more stable at pH 6.5 than at pH 8.2, both toward aggregation and degradation. The gel permeation properties of MnSOD were investigated: the enzyme is a tetramer, with a subunit of 22.2 kD; however. it elutes from a Superose 12 column (Pharmacia) with an apparent molecular weight of ~60kD. Under dissociative conditions (such as guanidine-HCI). molecular weights corresponding to the dimer and monomer could also be demonstrated. It thus appears that the tetramer adopts a non-globular shape. which causes the deviation from the Stokes radius corresponding to its molecular weight.  相似文献   

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