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Spermiogenesis in Chara algae, which has been divided into 10 phases (sp I-X), is similar to spermiogenesis in animals. The most important process during spermiogenesis in animals is remodeling of chromatin leading to "sleeping genome", being the result the exchange of histone proteins into protamine-like proteins. Cytochemical studies showed in both Chara species (C. vulgaris, C. tomentosa) that at spI-IV phases only histones were present, at spV-VIII phases--the amount of nuclear protamine-type proteins progressively increased and that of histones decreased while at spIX-X only pro-tamine-type proteins were present. This was also confirmed with capillar electrophoresis. In order to localize more precisely both histones and protamines the immunocytochemical studies with the use of anti-protamine antibodies (protamine-type proteins were obtained from C. tomentosa antheridia) and anti-histone H3 antibodies, have been carried out. More specific immunocytochemical studies confirmed cytochemical results including the exchange of histones into protamine-type during spermiogenesis (spV-VIII) in both Chara species. At phase V spermiogenesis these strong strand-like anti-protamine signals were observed in cytoplasm which might suggest that protamine synthesis took place in ER.  相似文献   

During spermiogenesis of an alga Chara vulgaris, which resembles that of animals, nucleohistones are replaced by protamine-type proteins. This exchange takes place in a spermatid nucleus during the key V spermiogenesis stage, in which rough endoplasmic reticulum is the site of protamine-type protein synthesis and is also the pathway guiding the proteins to their destination, nucleus. In the present work, it was shown that a chaperon protein, calreticulin (CRT), abundantly present at this significant V stage of spermiogenesis in a few cellular compartments, i.e., a nucleus, lumen of cisternae, and vesicles of significantly swollen ER as well as outside these structures, e.g., in Golgi apparatus, could have taken part in the process of exchange of nuclear proteins. Colocalization of two proteins, protamine-type proteins, crucial for reproduction, and CRT, was especially visible in a nucleus, mainly on its peripheries where condensed chromatin was present. Localization of protamine-type proteins and CRT in nucleus is in agreement with our previous results showing that protamine-type proteins were twofold more labelled in the peripheral area in comparison to the nucleus center occupied by noncondensed chromatin. The role of CRT in the reproduction of both plants and animals is also discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments with an anti-ubiquitin antibody proved the presence of ubiquitin in spermatids at all spermiogenesis stages in Charta vulgaris. Its level increased before marked ultrastructural changes of spermatids correlated with disappearance of somatic proteins (histones) and appearance of protamine-type generative proteins. The obtained results seem to confirm our earlier hypotheses concerning a significant role of ubiquitin-proteasome system in Chara spermatozoid differentiation.  相似文献   

The internal space of the antheridium in Chara vulgaris L. is filled with the PAS-positive mucilage which is of pectic nature. Morphometric and cytophotometric measurements on the semithin sections indicate that the concentration and amount of PAS-positive polysaccharides: 1) increase during the time of antheridial growth accompanying the phase of antheridial filament divisions, 2) these parameters have the maximum after spermatid formation and at the beginning of their differentiation, i.e. spermiogenesis, 3) both concentration and amount of this substance decrease at the end of spermiogenesis. A decrease in mucilage concentration is also observed in the young antheridia after 3 days of continuous darkness. The results suggest that PAS-positive mucilagenous material is a nutritive substance, accumulated in the first phase of antheridial development and utilized mainly in spermiogenesis. These substances may also be used up in the young antheridia during the lack of energy supply. The autoradiographic studies with the use of a 3H-glucose and 3H-galactose mixture seem to confirm these suggestions.  相似文献   

In this article we study the proteins responsible for chromatin condensation during spermiogenesis in the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris. The DNA of ripe sperm nuclei in this species is condensed by a set of five different proteins. Four of these proteins are protamines. The main protamine (Po2), a protein of 44 amino acid residues, is extraordinarily simple (composed of only three different amino acid types: arginine (R), serine (S), and glycine (G). It is a basic molecule consisting of 79.5 mol% arginine residues. The rest of the protamines (Po3, Po4, Po5) are smaller molecules (33, 28, and 30 amino acid residues, respectively) that are homologous among themselves and probably with the main Po2 protamine. The ripe sperm nucleus of O. vulgaris also contains a small quantity of a molecule (Po1) that is similar to Po2 protamine. This protein could represent a Po2 protamine-precursor in a very advanced step of its processing. We discuss the characteristics of these proteins, as well as the relation between the complexity of chromatin condensation and the transitions of nuclear proteins during spermiogenesis in O. vulgaris.  相似文献   

The influence of 48-h treatment with epoxomicin, an inhibitor of proteolytic activity of proteasomes, at the concentration 10 microM, on spermiogenesis in algae Chara vulgaris was examined. In the presence of the inhibitor, the frequency of early spermiogenesis phases significantly increased, the number of spermatids in mid-phases decreased and disappearance of late phases was observed. A hypothesis has been put forward that epoxomicin stops spermiogenesis during the period of preparation to further deep reorganisation of spermatids by blocking proteolysis of short-lived regulatory proteins which are responsible among others for triggering the exchange of nucleohistones into nucleoprotamines.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure, nature and fate of the components of the nucleolus were studied in young (steps 1, 2), intermediate (steps 3, 4, 5) and mature spermatids (steps 6, 7, 8) of man and monkey, by use of several cytochemical techniques (alcoholic PTA; sodium tungstate; EDTA; HAPTA; nuclease-gold complexes; NOR silver staining). As controls, comparative ultrastructural and cytochemical observations of the nucleolus in spermatids and Sertoli cells were made in the same sections of seminiferous tubules. In the young spermatids of the two species studied, the nucleolar masses exhibited identical features. Segregation of the nucleolar components took place in the nuclei of step 1 spermatids. No typical fibrillar center was observed. In spermatids at steps 1 and 2, the nucleolar masses appeared to be made up of two fibrillar components of equal density, one spherule-shaped, the other forming cords, both surrounded by clusters of 15–20 nm-diameter granules. Alcoholic PTA and sodium tungstate yielded a selective positive contrast of the two fibrillar components whereas EDTA and RNase-gold reacted with the peripheral granular material. Treatment with RNase-gold and DNase-gold complexes resulted in preferential labeling at the periphery of the fibrillar components. After NOR silver staining, numerous small silver grains were localized over the fibrillar cords, suggesting the persistence of specific acidic non-histone proteins. On the contrary, the spherule was never stained. In intermediate spermatids, when the nucleolar components were dissociated, scattered clusters of granules stained by EDTA and HAPTA remained in the entire nucleoplasm. Nucleolar disintegration was accompanied by dispersion of argyrophilic material. In mature spermatids granular material revealed by PTA and silver staining methods was found in the nuclear pockets bounded by the redundant nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Electron microscope studies on surface activity in cells of Chara vulgaris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. Barton 《Planta》1965,66(2):95-105
Summary Small fleck-like structures have been observed in the cell walls of developing lateral branches of Chara vulgaris. These were orientated with their flat surface parallel to the plasmalemma, and appeared to lie in definite layers at different depths in the wall. It was considered that these structures were membranous material periodically incorporated into the wall by deposition of other material. In the same cells membranous material was observed on the outside of the plasmalemma. It is thought that these residues may subsequently become buried in the wall to form the flecks. Charasomes, consisting of an invagination of the plasmalemma containing distinct tubules, were frequently observed alongside longitudinal walls of cells of more mature laterals. The possible function of these organelles is discussed.With 8 Figures in the Text  相似文献   

In male sex organs of Chara vulgaris L., the gibberellic acid (GA3), was identified by capillary zone electrophoresis. The antheridia at cell division stage of antheridial filaments leading to formation of spermatids contain 0.09 microg GA3 per antheridium, i.e. 5.3 times more than antheridia at differentiation stage of spermatozoids (spermiogenesis). Spermiogenesis is not regulated by gibberellins.  相似文献   

Cytochemical staining characteristics of nuclear histones during postfertilization maturation division and various early embryonic stages in Urechis have been studied. The transition of protamine-type protein to adult histones in the sperm nucleus is accomplished by 15 min after entrance into the egg cytoplasm. Newly synthesized egg proteins migrate into enlarging male and female pronuclei after this transition, followed by pronuclear DNA synthesis and fusion. The shift from protamine-type protein to adult histones, which occurs in the absence of RNA synthesis during the postfertilization maturation division of the egg, may be one of the processes involved in the normal structural reorganization of chromosomes. Such a reorganization is likely to be a prerequisite for chromosome replication and mitosis. No qualitative differences are detected in the stainability of histones of unfertilized eggs and embryos at the cleavage and later stages of development.  相似文献   

Regulated exocytosis is controlled by internal and external signals. The molecular machinery controlling the sorting from the newly synthesized vesicles from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane play a key role in the regulation of both the number and spatial location of the vesicles. In this context the mammalian acrosome is a unique vesicle since it is the only secretory vesicle attached to the nucleus. In this work we have studied the membrane trafficking between the Golgi apparatus and the acrosome during mammalian spermiogenesis. During bovine spermiogenesis, Golgi antigens (mannosidase II) were detected in the acrosome until the late cap-phase spermatids, but are not found in testicular spermatozoa (maturation-phase spermatids). This suggests that Golgiacrosome flow may be relatively unselective, with Golgi residents retrieved before spermination is complete. Surprisingly, rab7, a protein involved in lysosome/endosome trafficking was also found associated with the acrosomal vesicle during mouse spermiogenesis. Our results suggest that the acrosome biogenesis is associated with membrane flow from both the Golgi apparatus and the endosome/lysosome system in mammalian spermatids.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of H2AX histone results not only from DNA damage (caused by ionizing radiation, UV or chemical substances, e.g. hydroxyurea), but also regularly takes place during spermiogenesis, enabling correct chromatin remodeling. Immunocytochemical analysis using antibodies against H2AX histone phosphorylated at serine 139 indirectly revealed endogenous double-stranded DNA breaks in Chara vulgaris spermatids in mid-spermiogenesis (stages V, VI and VII), when protamine-type proteins appear in the nucleus. Fluorescent foci were not observed in early (stages I-IV) and late (VIII-X) spermiogenesis, after replacement of histones by protamine-type proteins was finished. A similar phenomenon exists in animals. Determination of the localization of fluorescent foci and the ultrastructure of nuclei led to the hypothesis that DNA breaks at stage V, when condensed chromatin adheres to the nuclear envelope. This is transformed into a net-like structure during stage VI, probably allowing chromosome repositioning to specific regions in the mature spermatozoid. However, at stages VI and VII, DNA breaks are necessary for transformation of the nucleosomal structure into a fibrillar and finally the extremely condensed status of sleeping genes at stage X.  相似文献   

The DNA:histone ratios have been determined by quantitative cytochemical analyses of individual cells in populations of human lymphocytic cells derived in continuous culture from the peripheral blood buffy coats of patients with acute leukemia or infectious mononucleosis. These populations of lymphocytic cells were quite similar with respect to the Feulgen-DNA and protein content per cell. The close association between DNA and histone was reflected in their similar patterns of distribution in fixed and stained cells; and further evidenced by similarities in the DNA: histone ratios characteristic of these different populations of lymphocytic cells. — Chemical acetylation and methylation of nuclear proteins of these cell populations exhibited some quantitative differences. The chemically acetylated histone content was less, and chemically methylated histone content was greater in cells derived from acute leukemia or infectious mononucleosis than in normal human lymphocytes. These quantitative differences in chemical acetylation and methylation may contribute to specific structural alterations in these histones which modify their functional capacity with respect to interactions with DNA. Such alterations may relate to differences in gene expression as reflected, for example, by the biological and biochemical differences among these human lymphocytic cells.These studies were supported in part by research grants C-6516 from the National Cancer Institute and FR-05526 from the Division of Research Facilities and Resources, National Institutes of Health.Holds Research Career Award K6-CA-22,150 from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Two types of plasmodesmata are found within an antheridium of Chara vulgaris: open plasmodesmata filled with electron-transparent cytoplasm, and plugged plasmodesmata, filled with an osmiophilic dense substance. Open plasmodesmata occur only between cells synchronized completely in respect of their advancement in cell-cycle progression or differentiation. Plugged plasmodesmata connect different types of cells or cells of the same type at various stages of the cell cycle. Open plasmodesmata may become plugged, and vice versa. These changes are connected with the limitation or extension of synchronization of cellular divisions and differentiation within the groups of cells in the antheridium.  相似文献   

In the process of the chromatin remodeling that occurs during spermiogenesis in some animal species, it is possible to distinguish between two separate aspects: the chromatin condensation pattern itself (granular, fibrillar, or lamellar), and the architecture of this pattern, that is to say, its arrangement within the nucleus. In the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris these two aspects are clearly differentiated. The condensation pattern develops from 25 nm fibers to fibers with a tubular aspect and with a progressively increasing diameter (40-60 nm and then to 80 nm), to end finally in the form of very thin fibers (3-5 nm) product of the coalescence and dissolution of the major fibers. The main directive force that governs this process lies in the global change that occurs in the proteins that interact with all (or the major part) of the genomic DNA. The condensation pattern by itself in this species does not present a fixed order: most of the fibers appear without any predominant spatial direction in the spermiogenic nuclei. However, as the nuclei elongate, the chromatin fibers arrange in parallel following the elongation axis. This parallel disposition of the chromatin fibers appears to be mediated by two specific areas, each of which we call a "polar nuclear matrix" (PNM). These matrices differentiate in the basal and apical nuclear poles adjacent to the centriolar implantation fosse and the acrosome, respectively. The areas that constitute the PNM have the following characteristics: (a) they are the only areas where DNA is found anchored to the nuclear membrane; (b) they are the zones from which the chromatin condensation pattern (fibers/tubules) begins; and (c) they are most probably the points through which the mechanical forces originating from nuclear elongation are transmitted to chromatin, causing the chromatin fibers/tubules to adopt an almost perfectly parallel disposition. Finally, we discuss the importance of the architecture of the chromatin condensation pattern, as it is one of the determining factors of the spatial organization of the mature sperm genome and chromosome positioning.  相似文献   

During dog-fish spermiogenesis, 2 basic nuclear protein transitions occur: the first from histones to spermatid-specific proteins S1 and S2, the second leading to protamines. S1, the most abundant transition protein, is a polypeptide containing 87 residues (Mr = 11,179 Da) whereas S2, the minor transition protein, contains 80 residues (Mr = 9,726 Da). The 2 proteins are mainly characterized by an asymmetry of the molecule, a very high content of basic residues, a relatively high level of hydrophobic residues and a cluster of acidic residues in the carboxy-terminal quarter of the molecule. The 2 proteins are phosphorylated on serine residues and the degree of phosphorylation is relatively important in protein S1. The 2 transition proteins are structurally unrelated to testis histones or sperm protamines and cannot be considered either as their proteolytic degradation products or as their precursors.  相似文献   

On the basis of morphological features, 10 consecutive structural phases of spermatids were identified in Chara vulgaris spermiogenesis. They were schematically presented. In early and middle spermiogenesis, i.e. during the period preceding formation of fibrillar structure of mature spermatozoid nucleus, a slight remodelling of chromatin, accompanied by proplastid transformation into an amyloplast as well as by development of 2 flagella and a microtubular manchette, is observed. First, condensed chromatin concentrates around the nuclear envelope (phases III-V) and then it transforms into a network-like structure (phase VI). This change in chromatin structure is preceded by nucleolar extrusion to the cytoplasm where nucleoli become degraded (phase IV) and by a dynamic development of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) (phase V) which is continuous with the nuclear envelope and with RER of the adjacent spermatids via plasmodesmata. The inner membrane of the nuclear envelope invaginates into the nucleoplasm in which "nuclear reticulum" appears. It all happens during increased 3H-arginine and 3H-lysine incorporation into proteins which are rapidly translocated into the nucleus. In medium-late spermiogenesis (phases VI-VIII), network-like condensed chromatin disappears. Next, the structure of the nucleus changes dramatically. Short, randomly positioned fibrils (phase VII) appear and gradually become longer (phase VIII), thicker (phase IX) and more distinct, lying parallel to the surface of elongating and curling nucleus. Membranes of the nuclear envelope become closer to each other and a distinct dark layer--probably lamin--appears adhering to the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope. Towards the end of spermiogenesis (phase X), very densely packed parallel helices, ca 2 nm in diameter, are visible. The surfaces of flagella and the spermatozoid are covered with diamond-shaped larger and smaller scales, respectively. Helically coiled spermatozoids are liberated from antheridial filament cells through earlier created (phase VIII) "liberation pores" with pads of unknown nature.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Chara vulgaris and in animals share many common features, including exchange of nucleohistones into nucleoprotamines, remodeling and extreme condensation of chromatin, formation of flagellae and of microtubule manchette, and decrease in cytoplasm volume. In C. vulgaris, spermiogenesis is not preceded by meiosis since this alga is a haplobiont. In the present work we showed that in early spermiogenesis characterized by a significant metabolic activity of spermatids, the inhibitors of proteasomes did not visibly change their ultrastructure but significantly prolonged this process. At late stages of spermiogenesis, MG-132 and epoxomicin dramatically changed the structure of nuclei: regular fibrillar and lamellar structure of chromatin was disturbed and clusters of grains corresponding to aggresomes appeared, but the nucleus shape and cytoplasm structure were the same as in the controls. Immunocytochemical studies revealed that these inhibitors blocked disappearance of histones from nuclei while the structures corresponding to aggresomes were clusters of undegraded ubiquitinated histones, since they gave positive immunosignals indicating the presence of ubiquitin and histones.  相似文献   

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