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It is still an open question as to whether, and how, direction-selective neuronal responses in primary visual cortex are generated by feedforward thalamocortical or recurrent intracortical connections, or a combination of both. Here we present an investigation that concentrates on and, only for the sake of simplicity, restricts itself to intracortical circuits, in particular, with respect to the developmental aspects of direction selectivity through spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity. We show that directional responses can emerge in a recurrent network model of visual cortex with spiking neurons that integrate inputs mainly from a particular direction, thus giving rise to an asymmetrically shaped receptive field. A moving stimulus that enters the receptive field from this (preferred) direction will activate a neuron most strongly because of the increased number and/or strength of inputs from this direction and since delayed isotropic inhibition will neither overlap with, nor cancel excitation, as would be the case for other stimulus directions. It is demonstrated how direction-selective responses result from spatial asymmetries in the distribution of synaptic contacts or weights of inputs delivered to a neuron by slowly conducting intracortical axonal delay lines. By means of spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity with an asymmetric learning window this kind of coupling asymmetry develops naturally in a recurrent network of stochastically spiking neurons in a scenario where the neurons are activated by unidirectionally moving bar stimuli and even when only intrinsic spontaneous activity drives the learning process. We also present simulation results to show the ability of this model to produce direction preference maps similar to experimental findings  相似文献   

A neural network model is proposed to explain the development of direction selectivity of cortical cells. The model is constructed under the following three hypotheses that are very plausible from recent neurophysiological findings. (1) Direction selectivity is developed by modifiable inhibitory synapses. (2) It results not from the direct convergence of many excitatory inputs from LGN cells but from cortical neural networks. (3) Direction-selective mechanism is independent of orientation-selective mechanism.—The model was simulated on a computer for a few kinds of inhibitory connections and initial conditions. The results were consistent with neurophysiological facts not only for normal cats but for cats reared in an abnormal visual environment.  相似文献   

Shapley R  Hawken M  Ringach DL 《Neuron》2003,38(5):689-699
To test theories of orientation selectivity in primary visual cortex (V1), we have done experiments to measure the dynamics of orientation tuning of single neurons in the V1 cortex of macaque monkeys. Based on our dynamics results, we propose that a V1 cell's orientation selectivity is generated mainly by both tuned enhancement and global suppression. Enhancement near the preferred orientation is probably caused by feed-forward input from LGN (plus amplification by cortical-cortical interaction). Global suppression could be supplied by cortical inhibition. Additionally, in about 1/3 of V1 neurons (usually the most sharply tuned) there is tuned suppression, centered near the cell's preferred orientation but broader than tuned enhancement. These mechanisms also can explain important features of steady-state selectivity in the V1 neuron population. Furthermore, similar neuronal mechanisms may be used generally throughout the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Priebe NJ  Ferster D 《Neuron》2005,45(1):133-145
Direction selectivity in simple cells of primary visual cortex, defined from their spike responses, cannot be predicted using linear models. It has been suggested that the shunting inhibition evoked by visual stimulation is responsible for the nonlinear component of direction selectivity. Cortical inhibition would suppress a neuron's firing when stimuli move in the nonpreferred direction, but would allow responses to stimuli in the preferred direction. Models of direction selectivity based solely on input from the lateral geniculate nucleus, however, propose that the nonlinear response is caused by spike threshold. By extracting excitatory and inhibitory components of synaptic inputs from intracellular records obtained in vivo, we demonstrate that excitation and inhibition are tuned for the same direction, but differ in relative timing. Further, membrane potential responses combine in a linear fashion. Spike threshold, however, quantitatively accounts for the nonlinear component of direction selectivity, amplifying the direction selectivity of spike output relative to that of synaptic inputs.  相似文献   

T Yoshida  K Ozawa  S Tanaka 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40630
It has been widely accepted that ocular dominance in the responses of visual cortical neurons can change depending on visual experience in a postnatal period. However, experience-dependent plasticity for orientation selectivity, which is another important response property of visual cortical neurons, is not yet fully understood. To address this issue, using intrinsic signal imaging and two-photon calcium imaging we attempted to observe the alteration of orientation selectivity in the visual cortex of juvenile and adult mice reared with head-mounted goggles, through which animals can experience only the vertical orientation. After one week of goggle rearing, the density of neurons optimally responding to the exposed orientation increased, while that responding to unexposed orientations decreased. These changes can be interpreted as a reallocation of preferred orientations among visually responsive neurons. Our obtained sensitivity profile for orientation selectivity showed a marked peak at 5 weeks and sustained elevation at 12 weeks and later. These features indicate the existence of a critical period between 4 and 7 weeks and residual orientation plasticity in adult mice. The presence of a dip in the sensitivity profile at 10 weeks suggests that different mechanisms are involved in orientation plasticity in childhood and adulthood.  相似文献   

Neurons in rodent visual cortex are organized in a salt-and-pepper fashion for orientation selectivity, but it is still unknown how this functional architecture develops. A recent study reported that the progeny of single cortical progenitor cells are preferentially connected in the postnatal cortex. If these neurons acquire similar selectivity through their connections, a salt-and-pepper organization may be generated, because neurons derived from different progenitors are intermingled in rodents. Here we investigated whether clonally related cells have similar preferred orientation by using a transgenic mouse, which labels all the progeny of single cortical progenitor cells. We found that preferred orientations of clonally related cells are similar to each other, suggesting that cell lineage is involved in the development of response selectivity of neurons in the cortex. However, not all clonally related cells share response selectivity, suggesting that cell lineage is not the only determinant of response selectivity.  相似文献   

A suggestion about the leading role of GABA-induced intracortical inhibition in the dynamics of orientation tuning (OT) of the cat striate cortical neurons was tested in acute experiments before and during the local blockade of their inhibition by iontophoretic application of bicucculine. In the course of the investigation of these dynamics, with the use of a temporal scanning method, two types of neurons differing in the inhibition blockade-induced OT changes were found. In the neurons of the first type (57%), bicuculline induced the OT dynamics or enhanced it, if it pre-existed before the bicuculline application. In the neurons of the second type (43%), bicuculline strongly reduced or eliminated the dynamic shift of a preferred orientation. These results mean that under normal conditions the inhibition stabilizes and sharpens OT in some cells, while in other cells, in contrast, it causes the OT dynamics. The following mechanisms may underlie the observed effects: an elimination of the inhibition originating from lateral non-isoorientational excitatory inputs of a receptive field; an inhibition of these inputs via the adjacent interneurons activated by a powerful discharge of the examined neuron; a long-term afterhyperpolarization of the neuron, and the dynamics of the excitatory and inhibitory zones of the receptive field.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 100–109, March–April, 1995.  相似文献   

Retinal direction-selectivity originates in starburst amacrine cells (SACs), which display a centrifugal preference, responding with greater depolarization to a stimulus expanding from soma to dendrites than to a collapsing stimulus. Various mechanisms were hypothesized to underlie SAC centrifugal preference, but dissociating them is experimentally challenging and the mechanisms remain debatable. To address this issue, we developed the Retinal Stimulation Modeling Environment (RSME), a multifaceted data-driven retinal model that encompasses detailed neuronal morphology and biophysical properties, retina-tailored connectivity scheme and visual input. Using a genetic algorithm, we demonstrated that spatiotemporally diverse excitatory inputs–sustained in the proximal and transient in the distal processes–are sufficient to generate experimentally validated centrifugal preference in a single SAC. Reversing these input kinetics did not produce any centrifugal-preferring SAC. We then explored the contribution of SAC-SAC inhibitory connections in establishing the centrifugal preference. SAC inhibitory network enhanced the centrifugal preference, but failed to generate it in its absence. Embedding a direction selective ganglion cell (DSGC) in a SAC network showed that the known SAC-DSGC asymmetric connectivity by itself produces direction selectivity. Still, this selectivity is sharpened in a centrifugal-preferring SAC network. Finally, we use RSME to demonstrate the contribution of SAC-SAC inhibitory connections in mediating direction selectivity and recapitulate recent experimental findings. Thus, using RSME, we obtained a mechanistic understanding of SACs’ centrifugal preference and its contribution to direction selectivity.  相似文献   

Orientation maps are a prominent feature of the primary visual cortex of higher mammals. In macaques and cats, for example, preferred orientations of neurons are organized in a specific pattern, where cells with similar selectivity are clustered in iso-orientation domains. However, the map is not always continuous, and there are pinwheel-like singularities around which all orientations are arranged in an orderly fashion. Although subject of intense investigation for half a century now, it is still not entirely clear how these maps emerge and what function they might serve. Here, we suggest a new model of orientation selectivity that combines the geometry and statistics of clustered thalamocortical afferents to explain the emergence of orientation maps. We show that the model can generate spatial patterns of orientation selectivity closely resembling the maps found in cats or monkeys. Without any additional assumptions, we further show that the pattern of ocular dominance columns is inherently connected to the spatial pattern of orientation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Attending to the spatial location or to nonspatial features of visual stimuli can modulate neuronal responses in primate visual cortex. The modulation by spatial attention changes the gain of sensory neurons and strengthens the representation of attended locations without changing neuronal selectivities such as directionality, i.e., the ratio of responses to preferred and anti-preferred directions of motion. Whether feature-based attention acts in a similar manner is unknown. RESULTS: To clarify this issue, we recorded the responses of 135 direction-selective neurons in the middle temporal area (MT) of two macaques to an unattended moving random dot pattern (the distractor) positioned inside a neuron's receptive field while the animals attended to a second moving pattern positioned in the opposite hemifield. Responses to different directions of the distractor were modulated by the same factor (approximately 12%) as long as the attended direction remained unchanged. On the other hand, systematically changing the attended direction from a neuron's preferred to its anti-preferred direction caused a systematic change of the attentional modulation from an enhancement to a suppression, increasing directionality by about 20%. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that (1) feature-based attention exerts a multiplicative modulation upon neuronal responses and that the strength of this modulation depends on the similarity between the attended feature and the cell's preferred feature, in line with the feature-similarity gain model, and (2) at the level of the neuronal population, feature-based attention increases the selectivity for attended features by increasing the responses of neurons preferring this feature value while decreasing responses of neurons tuned to the opposite feature value.  相似文献   

Poo C  Isaacson JS 《Neuron》2011,72(1):41-48
In primary sensory cortices, there are two main sources of excitation: afferent sensory input relayed from the periphery and recurrent intracortical input. Untangling the functional roles of these two excitatory pathways is fundamental for understanding how cortical neurons process sensory stimuli. Odor representations in the primary olfactory (piriform) cortex depend on excitatory sensory afferents from the olfactory bulb. However, piriform cortex pyramidal cells also receive dense intracortical excitatory connections, and the relative contribution of these two pathways to odor responses is unclear. Using a combination of in vivo whole-cell voltage-clamp recording and selective synaptic silencing, we show that the recruitment of intracortical input, rather than olfactory bulb input, largely determines the strength of odor-evoked excitatory synaptic transmission in rat piriform cortical neurons. Furthermore, we find that intracortical synapses dominate odor-evoked excitatory transmission in broadly tuned neurons, whereas bulbar synapses dominate excitatory synaptic responses in more narrowly tuned neurons.  相似文献   

O Ohana  H Portner  KA Martin 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40601
Neurons of the same column in L4 of the cat visual cortex are likely to share the same sensory input from the same region of the visual field. Using visually-guided patch clamp recordings we investigated the biophysical properties of the synapses of neighboring layer 4 neurons. We recorded synaptic connections between all types of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in L4. The E-E, E-I, and I-E connections had moderate CVs and failure rates. However, E-I connections had larger amplitudes, faster rise-times, and shorter latencies. Identification of the sites of putative synaptic contacts together with compartmental simulations on 3D reconstructed cells, suggested that E-I synapses tended to be located on proximal dendritic branches, which would explain their larger EPSP amplitudes and faster kinetics. Excitatory and inhibitory synapses were located at the same distance on distal dendrites of excitatory neurons. We hypothesize that this co-localization and the fast recruitment of local inhibition provides an efficient means of modulating excitation in a precisely timed way.  相似文献   

Visual recognition memory in primates is mediated at least in part by the perirhinal and entorhinal (i.e., rhinal) cortices. To examine the role of these structures in cats' visual recognition memory, we performed combined electrolytic rhinal (perirhinal and entorhinal) lesions in a group of cats trained in visual delayed matching-to-sample with trial-unique objects in the modified Wisconsin General Testing Apparatus. Sham-operated and intact cats were used as control groups. Cats with rhinal lesions did not differ from the control sham-operated and unoperated groups in initial learning of the rules of the task; difference between experimental and control groups under conditions of minimum 5-sec delay was nonsignificant as well. However, significant difference between experimental and control groups was revealed under conditions of testing with 10-sec delay. This finding suggests a disorder in the visual recognition memory.  相似文献   

Cellular mechanisms for direction selectivity in the retina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Demb JB 《Neuron》2007,55(2):179-186
Direction selectivity represents a fundamental computation found across multiple sensory systems. In the mammalian visual system, direction selectivity appears first in the retina, where excitatory and inhibitory interneurons release neurotransmitter most rapidly during movement in a preferred direction. Two parallel sets of interneuron signals are integrated by a direction-selective ganglion cell, which creates a direction preference for both bright and dark moving objects. Direction selectivity of synaptic input becomes amplified by action potentials in the ganglion cell dendrites. Recent work has elucidated direction-selective mechanisms in inhibitory circuitry, but mechanisms in excitatory circuitry remain unexplained.  相似文献   

Unit responses of neurons of zone 17 in the cat striate cortex to stripes of different widths were studied. Changes in the number of spikes during different time intervals (cuts) from the beginning of the response were analyzed in relation to stimulus area. Comparison of the results with those obtained by the study of receptive fields of the lateral geniculate body showed a significant difference in the dynamics of inhibition between cortical and geniculate receptive fields. Similar results were obtained when cortical unit responses to simultaneous and consecutive appearance of two stripes in the receptive field, one in the excitatory zone and the other at the inhibitory periphery, were studied. Evidence of the longer duration of cortical inhibition also was obtained by the same technique. When both stripes were placed in the excitatory center of the field another feature of cortical inhibition was revealed: its dependence on the order of stimulus application. If the order of stimulus application coincided with the optimal direction of movement of the stripe for the given field, the unit response to the next stimulus was strongly facilitated by the action of the stimulus applied previously. Application of stimuli in the opposite order invoked inhibition. The sensitivity of inhibition to the order of stimulus application was observed in the center of the field; it diminished toward the periphery, where application of the stimuli in any order evokes inhibition of the response.Medical Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria, I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 339–346, July–August, 1977.  相似文献   

Homo- and heterosensory interaction were investigated in sensorimotor cortex neurons before and after picrotoxin application to anesthetized and immobilized kittens belonging to three age groups (12–30 days, 31–47 days, and 2–4 months old). Only slight inhibition of response to presentation of a second stimulus was observed in a small proportion of cells in the youngest age group at test intervals of 100, 200, and 300 msec. Picrotoxin application only produced the effect of raised background activity. Numbers of neurons with partially or fully inhibited response to test stimuli (especially spaced at 100 msec intervals) rose in the middle and older age groups. The dynamics of heterosensory interaction and how this is affected by picrotoxin application gradually approximated to that observed with adult animals. The subject of the development of inhibitory mechanisms and how they contribute to the organization of homo- and heterosensory interaction during early postnatal ontogenesis is considered in the light of the results obtained.A. A. Ukhtomsii Institute of Physiology, Leningrad. A. A. Zhdanov State University, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 234–243, March–April, 1988.  相似文献   

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