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Two subspecies of Nigella degenii (Ranunculaceae) possess a dimorphism in pollen colour and vary extensively in frequency of the two morphs in natural populations. Here we investigate the role of selection on pollen colour during the pollination phase in the two subspecies and its potential contribution to the maintenance of this colour variation. In a combination of common garden experiments and field observations, we obtained data on pollinator visitation rates and explored the effect of pollen colour on fertilisation success and siring ability under conditions of low vs. high pollen competition. In experimental gardens, naïve pollinators responded differently to plants with different pollen colour, but the favoured morph varied between dates and locations, and colour morphs were not visited in a frequency-dependent manner. Donor plants with dark pollen had a reproductive advantage (higher seed set) in single-donor pollinations, but the realised siring ability (measured by progeny morph ratio) was highly variable between different two-donor crosses with no general bias towards the light or dark morph. Therefore, although the dark pollen type appears to have a general selective advantage in terms of fertilisation success, our data are also consistent with a scenario involving the maintenance of both colour morphs, particularly under conditions of high pollen competition, a variable genetic background and/or spatial or temporal variation in the pollinator fauna.  相似文献   

Flower color can be a major determinant of plant fitness, not only because of preferential visitation by pollinators but also because of pleiotropic relationships between the expression of floral pigments and biochemically related compounds that influence vegetative performance variables. Different environments may therefore favor different pigmentation phenotypes. We examined whether spatially varying selection has played a major role in shaping large-scale patterns of differentiation in two subspecies of Nigella degenii (Ranunculaceae), with particular emphasis on pollen color. The two subspecies appear to have been genetically isolated for substantial periods of time and, therefore, provide a "replicated test" for the effect of natural selection. Estimates of population structure based on a suite of floral and vegetative characters were compared with the corresponding data for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, which were assumed to be selectively neutral. We found low levels of genetic structure within the subspecies using both the AFLP markers (FST < or = 0.05) and quantitative characters (QST < or = 0.15), with no statistically significant differences between the two measures. There is, therefore, no evidence of diversifying selection being important in structuring variation in quantitative characters within each of the two subspecies. In contrast, estimates of differentiation in pollen color (FST > or = 0.10) significantly exceeded the neutral expectations (estimated from AFLP data), suggesting that local adaptation has played a key role in the evolution of this monogenic character.  相似文献   

A linkage disequilibrium between sexually selected and life history traits can be explained by three mutually non-exclusive mechanisms. Genes coding for two traits may be located close on the same chromosome, genes responsible for variation in one of the trait may pleiotropically alter the other, and non-random pairing with respect to two traits may generate a non-physical linkage disequilibrium between their genes. Knowledge of which of these three mechanisms is responsible for a covariation between two traits is of interest to understand why differently ornamented individuals differ in several phenotypic aspects. In Switzerland, barn owls Tyto alba mate randomly with respect to a colour polymorphism generating a large range of variants between reddish-brown and white, males being lighter coloured than females. Several studies have shown that plumage coloration is not neutral with respect to some life history components. To test whether coloration is genetically associated with body size, partial cross-fostering experiments were performed by exchanging some hatchlings between nests. These experiments showed that darker biological fathers produce longer-tailed offspring. This sex-specific pattern is consistent with the hypothesis of non-physical linkage disequilibrium. In line with this hypothesis, darker coloured males were mated with longer-tailed females, whereas female coloration was not associated with tail length of their mate. The finding that dark nestlings had a longer tail than their pale siblings also supports the physical linkage and pleiotropy hypotheses. Therefore, non-random pairing can generate or strengthen a genetic covariation between a secondary sexual character and a morphological trait.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 475–488.  相似文献   

Floral organogenesis in Helleborus thibetanus and Nigella damascena was examined and compared using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, and the putative relationships of Helleborus and Nigella were analysed. H. thibetanus and N. damascena share some features of floral phyllotaxis and development of the sepals, petals, stamens and carpels, which are also found in other members of Ranunculaceae. However, they differ strongly in the number and degree of fusion of the carpels: in H. thibetanus, the two carpels are slightly united at the base, whereas, in N. damascena, the gynoecium is syncarpous and the five carpels are united throughout the ovary. Differences are also noted in petal development. The blade of the young petal of H. thibetanus develops two bulges which become connate and then fuse with the blade at the sides, developing more quickly than the blade and forming a tubular petal. In N. damascena, a single ridge is formed on the petal blade which develops into the smaller adaxial labium of the bilabiate petal, whereas the blade itself develops into the larger abaxial labium bearing two pseudonectaries. The outermost stamens are delayed in development in Helleborus, but not in Nigella. Although the results from our investigation are preliminary, differences in floral development characters suggest that Helleborus and Nigella may not be closely related and possibly support placement into separate tribes. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 166 , 431–443.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that ornaments can honestly signal quality only if their expression is condition-dependent has dominated the study of the evolution and function of colour traits. Much less interest has been devoted to the adaptive function of colour traits for which the expression is not, or is to a low extent, sensitive to body condition and the environment in which individuals live. The aim of the present paper is to review the current theoretical and empirical knowledge of the evolution, maintenance and adaptive function of colour plumage traits for which the expression is mainly under genetic control. The finding that in many bird species the inheritance of colour morphs follows the laws of Mendel indicates that genetic colour polymorphism is frequent. Polymorphism may have evolved or be maintained because each colour morph facilitates the exploitation of alternative ecological niches as suggested by the observation that individuals are not randomly distributed among habitats with respect to coloration. Consistent with the hypothesis that different colour morphs are linked to alternative strategies is the finding that in a majority of species polymorphism is associated with reproductive parameters, and behavioural, life-history and physiological traits. Experimental studies showed that such covariations can have a genetic basis. These observations suggest that colour polymorphism has an adaptive function. Aviary and field experiments demonstrated that colour polymorphism is used as a criterion in mate-choice decisions and dominance interactions confirming the claim that conspecifics assess each other's colour morphs. The factors favouring the evolution and maintenance of genetic variation in coloration are reviewed, but empirical data are virtually lacking to assess their importance. Although current theory predicts that only condition-dependent traits can signal quality, the present review shows that genetically inherited morphs can reveal the same qualities. The study of genetic colour polymorphism will provide important and original insights on the adaptive function of conspicuous traits.  相似文献   

1. Parthenogenetic species are often geographically more widely distributed than their sexual relatives. This success in colonizing can be explained either by dispersal of one or a few clones of wide physiological tolerance or by the distribution of many locally adapted clones.
2. Here we compare the influence of salinity on reproductive output, feeding rate, growth rate and size at birth between two genotypes of Potamopyrgus antipodarum to address the questions (i) Do these traits vary in response to changing salinity? (ii) Does the response to a salinity gradient differ between genotypes? (iii) Can the patterns of variation, in relation to salinity, contribute to explaining the geographical distribution of P. antipodarum in Europe?
3. Our results demonstrate that genetic variation among populations of P. antipodarum is reflected in differences in life-history traits and feeding rates in response to a salinity gradient. The phenotypic differences between the genotypes are consistent with the geographical distribution of P. antipodarum clones in Europe.
4. The overall response to salinity of both genotypes of P. antipodarum suggests an optimum at ≈ 5‰ S; however, both genotypes showed a broad salinity tolerance and were able to feed, grow and reproduce over the entire salinity range tested (0–15‰ S). The broad environmental tolerance of both genotypes together with their widespread geographical distribution across Europe provide evidence consistent with the general-purpose genotype hypothesis.  相似文献   

Byers DL 《Genetica》2005,123(1-2):107-124
The maintenance of genetic variation in traits of adaptive significance has been a major dilemma of evolutionary biology. Considering the pattern of increased genetic variation associated with environmental clines and heterogeneous environments, selection in heterogeneous environments has been proposed to facilitate the maintenance of genetic variation. Some models examining whether genetic variation can be maintained, in heterogeneous environments are reviewed. Genetic mechanisms that constrain evolution in quantitative genetic traits indicate that genetic variation can be maintained but when is not clear. Furthermore, no comprehensive models have been developed, likely due to the genetic and environmental complexity of this issue. Therefore, I have suggested two empirical approaches to provide insight for future theoretical and empirical research. Traditional path analysis has been a very powerful approach for understanding phenotypic selection. However, it requires substantial information on the biology of the study system to construct a causal model and alternatives. Exploratory path analysis is a data driven approach that uses the statistical relationships in the data to construct a set of models. For example, it can be used for understanding phenotypic selection in different environments, where there is no prior information to develop path models in the different environments. Data from Brassica rapa grown in different nutrients indicated that selection changed in the different environments. Experimental evolutionary studies will provide direct tests as to when genetic variation is maintained.  相似文献   

The antioxidant and mutagenic/antimutagenic activities of the fixed oils from Nigella sativa (NSO) and Nigella damascena (NDO) seeds, obtained by cold press-extraction from the cultivar samples, were comparatively investigated for the first time. The antimutagenicity test was carried out using classical and modified Ames tests. The fatty acid composition of the fixed oils was characterized by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) while the quantification of thymoquinone in the fixed oils was determined by UPC2. The main components of the NSO and NDO were found to be linoleic acid, oleic acid, and palmitic acid. The results of the Ames test confirmed the safety of NSO and NDO from the viewpoint of mutagenicity. The results of the three antioxidant test methods were correlated with each other, indicating NDO as having a superior antioxidant activity, when compared to the NSO. Both NSO and NDO exhibited a significant protective effect against the mutagenicity induced by aflatoxin B1 in Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100 strains. When microsomal metabolism was terminated after metabolic activation of the mycotoxin, a significant increase in antimutagenic activity was observed, suggesting that the degradation of aflatoxin B1 epoxides by these oils may be a possible antimutagenic mechanism. It is worthy to note that this is the first study to assess the mutagenicity of NSO and NDO according to the OECD 471 guideline and to investigate antimutagenicity of NDO in comparison to NSO against aflatoxin.  相似文献   

Traits with a common genetic basis frequently display correlated phenotypic responses to selection or environmental conditions. In Drosophila melanogaster, pigmentation of the abdomen and a trident‐shaped region on the thorax are genetically correlated. Here, we used a pooled replicated genomewide association approach (Pool‐GWAS) to identify the genetic basis of variation in thoracic trident pigmentation in two Drosophila melanogaster populations. We confirmed the previously reported large effect of ebony and the association of the cosmopolitan inversion In(3R)Payne. For the first time, we identified tan as another major locus contributing to variation in trident pigmentation. Intriguingly, the regulatory variants of tan that were most strongly associated with female abdominal pigmentation also showed a strong association with trident pigmentation. We validated this common genetic basis in transgenic assays and found qualitatively similar effects on trident and abdominal pigmentation. Further work is required to determine whether this genetic correlation is favoured by natural selection or reflects a neutral by‐product of a shared regulatory architecture.  相似文献   

Three main hypotheses, have been invoked to explain divergent genital evolution, the lock and key, pleiotropy, and sexual selection hypotheses, each of which make different predictions about how genital traits are inherited. Here we used a half-sib breeding design to examine the patterns of genetic variation and covariation between male genital sclerites, and their covariance with general body morphology in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus. We found CV(A)'s and CV(P)'s were similar for both genital and general morphological traits and that CV(R)'s were large for both trait types. We found that male genital sclerites were negatively genetically correlated with general morphological traits. Variation in male genital morphology has direct implications for a male's fertilization success and the resulting sexual selection acting on male genitalia is predicted to maintain high levels of additive genetic variance. Contrary to this prediction, we found that individual genital sclerites all had low levels of additive genetic variance and large maternal and environmental sources of variation. Our data suggest that the genital sclerites in O. taurus are not inherited independently but as a genetically integrated unit. More importantly, the way the different sclerites function to influence male fertilization success reflects this genetic integration. Even though levels of V(A) in individual genital sclerites may be low, there may still be sufficient V(A) in multivariate trait space for selection to generate evolutionary change in the overall morphology of male genitalia.  相似文献   

Both genetic and environmental factors underlie phenotypic variation. While research at the interface of evolutionary and developmental biology has made excellent advances in understanding the contribution of genes to morphology, less well understood is the manner in which environmental cues are incorporated during development to influence the phenotype. Also virtually unexplored is how evolutionary transitions between environmental and genetic control of trait variation are achieved. Here, I review investigations into molecular mechanisms underlying phenotypic plasticity in the aphid wing dimorphism system. Among aphids, some species alternate between environmentally sensitive (polyphenic) and genetic (polymorphic) control of wing morph determination in their life cycle. Therefore, a traditional molecular genetic approach into understanding the genetically controlled polymorphism may provide a unique avenue into not only understanding the molecular basis of polyphenic variation in this group, but also the opportunity to compare and contrast the mechanistic basis of environmental and genetic control of similar dimorphisms.  相似文献   

In quantitative genetics, the genetic architecture of traits, described in terms of variances and covariances, plays a major role in determining the trajectory of evolutionary change. Hence, the genetic variance-covariance matrix (G-matrix) is a critical component of modern quantitative genetics theory. Considerable debate has surrounded the issue of G-matrix constancy because unstable G-matrices provide major difficulties for evolutionary inference. Empirical studies and analytical theory have not resolved the debate. Here we present the results of stochastic models of G-matrix evolution in a population responding to an adaptive landscape with an optimum that moves at a constant rate. This study builds on the previous results of stochastic simulations of G-matrix stability under stabilizing selection arising from a stationary optimum. The addition of a moving optimum leads to several important new insights. First, evolution along genetic lines of least resistance increases stability of the orientation of the G-matrix relative to stabilizing selection alone. Evolution across genetic lines of least resistance decreases G-matrix stability. Second, evolution in response to a continuously changing optimum can produce persistent maladaptation for a correlated trait, even if its optimum does not change. Third, the retrospective analysis of selection performs very well when the mean G-matrix (G) is known with certainty, indicating that covariance between G and the directional selection gradient beta is usually small enough in magnitude that it introduces only a small bias in estimates of the net selection gradient. Our results also show, however, that the contemporary G-matrix only serves as a rough guide to G. The most promising approach for the estimation of G is probably through comparative phylogenetic analysis. Overall, our results show that directional selection actually can increase stability of the G-matrix and that retrospective analysis of selection is inherently feasible. One major remaining challenge is to gain a sufficient understanding of the G-matrix to allow the confident estimation of G.  相似文献   

Male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) exhibit extreme phenotypic and genetic variability for several traits that are important to male fitness, and several lines of evidence suggest that resource level affects phenotypic expression of these traits in nature. We tested the hypothesis that genetic variation for male secondary sex traits could be maintained by genotype-specific effects of variable resource levels (genotype-environment interaction). To do this, we measured genetic variation and covariation under two environmental conditions--relatively low and relatively high food availability. We found high levels of genetic variation for most traits, but we only found a significant G x E interaction across food levels for one trait (body size) for one population. The across-environment correlations for size were large and positive, indicating that the reaction norms for size did not cross. We also found that male colour pattern elements had nearly an order of magnitude more genetic variation than did male size. Heritability estimates indicated that Y-linked genes are responsible for some of the genetic variation in male size and colour traits. We discuss implications of these results for theories of the maintenance of genetic variation in male secondary sexual traits in guppies.  相似文献   

The maintenance of genetic variation for infection-related traits is often attributed to coevolution between hosts and parasites, but it can also be maintained by environmental variation if the relative fitness of different genotypes changes with environmental variation. To gain insight into how infection-related traits are sensitive to environmental variation, we exposed a single host genotype of the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna to four parasite isolates (which we assume to represent different genotypes) of its naturally co-occurring parasite Pasteuria ramosa at 15, 20 and 25 degrees C. We found that the cost to the host of becoming infected varied with temperature, but the magnitude of this cost did not depend on the parasite isolate. Temperature influenced parasite fitness traits; we found parasite genotype-by-environment (G x E) interactions for parasite transmission stage production, suggesting the potential for temperature variation to maintain genetic variation in this trait. Finally, we tested for temperature-dependent relationships between host and parasite fitness traits that form a key component of models of virulence evolution, and we found them to be stable across temperatures.  相似文献   

The accessible surface areas of 58 monomeric and dimeric proteins, when measured in the crystalline environment, are found to be simply related to molecular weight. The loss of accessible surface when the proteins go from a free to their crystalline environment is well defined, implying that the hydrophobic interaction, which has been found to contribute to protein folding and stability in living systems, also contributes to protein crystal stability.  相似文献   

We present several predictions concerning the expression of genetic variation in, and covariation among, gender-related traits in perfect-flowered plant taxa with different breeding systems. We start with the inference that the pollen:ovule (P/O) ratio in obligately autogamous species (in which the ovules in a flower are fertilized only by the pollen it produces) should be under much stronger stabilizing selection than in outcrossing taxa. Consequently, we predict that obligately autogamous taxa should exhibit lower genetic coefficients of variation in the P/O ratio. Nevertheless, genetic variation in both pollen and ovule production per flower might persist within autogamous as well as outcrossing populations. In autogamous taxa, genotypes with relatively few pollen grains and ovules per flower (but producing relatively high numbers of flowers) and genotypes with comparatively high numbers of gametes per flower (but producing relatively few flowers) could co-exist if lifetime flower production is selectively neutral. In contrast, in outcrossers, the maintenance of genetic variation in ovule and pollen production per flower might result predominantly from their ability to maintain variation in phenotypic and functional gender. Given genetic variation in primary sexual traits, we predict that the genetic correlation between investment in male and female gametes per flower should qualitatively differ between selfers and outcrossers. We predict a positive genetic correlation between pollen and ovule production per flower in obligately autogamous taxa, primarily because strong stabilizing selection on the P/O ratio should select against the gender specialists that would be necessary to effect a negative genetic correlation between mean pollen and ovule production per flower. Moreover, the fact that autogamous individuals are 50% female and 50% male means that gender-biased phenotypes cannot be functionally gender-biased, preventing selection from favouring phenotypic extremes. In contrast, in outcrossing taxa, in which functionally male- and female-biased genotypes may co-exist, the maintenance of contrasting genders could contribute to the expression of negative genetic correlations between pollen and ovule production per flower. We discuss these and a number of corollary predictions, and we provide a preliminary empirical test of the first prediction. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract Although the evolutionary importance of spontaneous mutation is evident, its contribution to the evolution of ecological specificity remains unclear, because the environmental sensitivity of effects of new mutations has received little empirical attention. To address this issue, we report a greenhouse in which we grew plants from 20 mutation-accumulation (MA) lines, advanced by selfing and single-seed descent from a single common founder to generation 17, as well as plants from five lines representing the founder, in high and low nutrient conditions. We examined 11 traits throughout life history, including germination, survivorship, bolting date, flowering date, leaf number, leaf size, early and late height, mean fruit size, total seed weight, and reproductive biomass. Comparison of trait means between the two generations did not support the commonly held view that new mutations affecting fitness in these MA lines are strongly biased toward deleterious effects. We detected significant variance among MA lines for one fitness component, mean fruit size, but we did not detect a significant contribution of mutations accumulated in these MA lines to genotype by environment interaction (GEI). These results suggest that other evolutionary mechanisms play a more important role than spontaneous mutation alone in establishing the GEI found for wild collections and lab accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana in previous studies.  相似文献   

Categorizing individuals into discrete forms in colour polymorphic species can overlook more subtle patterns in coloration that can be of functional significance. Thus, quantifying inter-individual variation in these species at both within- and between-morph levels is critical to understand the evolution of colour polymorphisms. Here we present analyses of inter-individual colour variation in the Reunion grey white-eye (Zosterops borbonicus), a colour polymorphic wild bird endemic to the island of Reunion in which all highland populations contain two sympatric colour morphs, with birds showing predominantly grey or brown plumage, respectively. We first quantified colour variation across multiple body areas by using a continuous plumage colour score to assess variation in brown-grey coloration as well as smaller scale variation in light patches. To examine the possible causes of among-individual variation, we tested if colour variation in plumage component elements could be explained by genotypes at two markers near a major-effect locus previously related to back coloration in this species, and by other factors such as age, sex and body condition. Overall, grey-brown coloration was largely determined by genetic factors and was best described by three distinct clusters that were associated to genotypic classes (homozygotes and heterozygote), with no effect of age or sex, whereas variation in smaller light patches was primarily related to age and sex. Our results highlight the importance of characterizing subtle plumage variation beyond morph categories that are readily observable since multiple patterns of colour variation may be driven by different mechanisms, have different functions and will likely respond in different ways to selection.  相似文献   

Changes in the environment are expected to induce changes in the quantitative genetic variation, which influences the ability of a population to adapt to environmental change. Furthermore, environmental changes are not constant in time, but fluctuate. Here, we investigate the effect of rapid, continuous and/or fluctuating temperature changes in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, using an evolution experiment followed by a split-brood experiment. In line with expectations, individuals responded in a plastic way and had an overall higher potential to respond to selection after a rapid change in the environment. After selection in an environment with increasing temperature, plasticity remained unchanged (or decreased) and environmental variation decreased, especially when fluctuations were added; these results were unexpected. As expected, the genetic variation decreased after fluctuating selection. Our results suggest that fluctuations in the environment have major impact on the response of a population to environmental change; in a highly variable environment with low predictability, a plastic response might not be beneficial and the response is genetically and environmentally canalized resulting in a low potential to respond to selection and low environmental sensitivity. Interestingly, we found greater variation for phenotypic plasticity after selection, suggesting that the potential for plasticity to evolve is facilitated after exposure to environmental fluctuations. Our study highlights that environmental fluctuations should be considered when investigating the response of a population to environmental change.  相似文献   

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