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One-node potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. ‘Katahdin’)cuttings were used to study early anatomical changes associatedwith tuberization. Starch deposition and the percentage frequencyof cells in mitosis increased in the medullary region of thebud within 1 d after cutting, whereas increases in average cellsize were not detected until 4 d after cutting. Starch depositionand mitosis were the earliest detectable changes in anatomyassociated with tuber initiation. Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., tuber initiation, cuttings, cell enlargement, mitosis, starch deposition  相似文献   

Cell division and cell expansion during early stages of tuberdevelopment were studied using developing axillary buds on single-leafcuttings from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Cuttings takenfrom plants induced to form tubers, by short day (SD) treatment,were compared with cuttings from non-induced (long day, LD)plants. In the apical zone of the buds, cell division occurredfrom the first day after cutting, in both LD and SD cuttings.The planes of these divisions were transverse, associated withelongation of the buds. At day 5, a new orientation of celldivision was observed in the subapical zone of SD cuttings only.These divisions were longitudinal, associated with radial growth.Cell expansion occurred in both SD and LD cuttings, and wasnot uniquely related to the onset of tuber formation. Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Solanum tuberosum L., potato, tuber formation, cell division, cell expansion.  相似文献   

3-Deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase, the first enzyme of the shikimate pathway, was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. cv Superior. The enzyme is a dimer with a native molecular weight of 110,000. The enzyme appears to be hysteretic. The enzyme activity is stimulated by Mn2+ and l-tryptophan. Chromatofocusing resolved two forms of the enzyme with isoelectric points of 7.8 and 8.4, respectively. The enzyme closely resembles an analogous activity previously isolated from roots of Daucus carota (JA Suzich, JFD Dean, KM Herrmann 1985 Plant Physiol 79: 765-770).  相似文献   

马铃薯块茎发育机理及其基因表达   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
柳俊  谢从华 《植物学通报》2001,18(5):531-539
马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)块茎是有块茎马铃薯植物的地下变态器官,它由匍匐茎顶端膨大形成,对于马铃薯块茎形成的生理机制已有许多研究,这些研究表明,块茎发生受许多因素的影响,总体来讲短日 照,较低的温度以及离体条件下培养基较高的蔗糖浓度等有利于块茎形成,同时,块茎形成过程中内源激素亦发生一系列变化,然而,对于块茎形成中相关基因表达,进而调控块茎形成的系统研究目前还较滞后,已有研究显示,块茎形成与膨大涉及到一系列基因的表达与关闭,同时它也与淀粉合成和块茎储藏蛋白基因的表达有关,综述了这一领域现有的研究进展。  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - As part of a wider project to assess the impact of ultrasound on in vitro plant growth, this paper aimed to determine whether the application of piezoelectric...  相似文献   

KAHN  B. A.; EWING  E. E. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(6):861-871
Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cvs Chippewa and Katahdin)were grown in a glasshouse under continuous light. Various numbersof long (16 h) nights were given to these plants and stem cuttingswere taken. Treatments were applied to the cuttings, which werethen placed in a mist bench under continuous light and examinedfor tuberization after 12 days. The general tendency for the strongest tuberization to occurat the most basipetal nodes, which is commonly seen with intactpotato plants, was also found on stem cuttings. This patterncould not be attributed primarily to orientation with respectto gravity, proximity to the mother tuber, or age of buriedbuds. Buried buds farthest from active leaves tended to tuberizethe most strongly. However, distance of the buried bud fromstem exposed to light may have been of equal or greater importance. potato, Solanum tuberosum L., stem cuttings, tuberization  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades have crucial roles in the regulation of plant development and in plant responses to stress. Plant recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns or pathogen-derived effector proteins has been shown to trigger activation of several MAPKs. This then controls defence responses, including synthesis and/or signalling of defence hormones and activation of defence related genes. The MAPK cascade genes are highly complex and interconnected, and thus the precise signalling mechanisms in specific plant–pathogen interactions are still not known. Here we investigated the MAPK signalling network involved in immune responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to Potato virus Y, an important potato pathogen worldwide. Sequence analysis was performed to identify the complete MAPK kinase (MKK) family in potato, and to identify those regulated in the hypersensitive resistance response to Potato virus Y infection. Arabidopsis has 10 MKK family members, of which we identified five in potato and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), and eight in Nicotiana benthamiana. Among these, StMKK6 is the most strongly regulated gene in response to Potato virus Y. The salicylic acid treatment revealed that StMKK6 is regulated by the hormone that is in agreement with the salicylic acid-regulated domains found in the StMKK6 promoter. The involvement of StMKK6 in potato defence response was confirmed by localisation studies, where StMKK6 accumulated strongly only in Potato-virus-Y-infected plants, and predominantly in the cell nucleus. Using a yeast two-hybrid method, we identified three StMKK6 targets downstream in the MAPK cascade: StMAPK4_2, StMAPK6 and StMAPK13. These data together provide further insight into the StMKK6 signalling module and its involvement in plant defence.  相似文献   

Extracellular extracts from leaves were applied to moderately induced cuttings of potato. The more inductive cycles the plants from which the leaf extracts were obtained had experienced, the lower the percentages of tuberization in thcuttings and the lower the tuber yields on the central buds.  相似文献   

In Vitro Propagation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
HUSSEY  G.; STACEY  N. J. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(6):787-796
Potato shoots were propagated in vitro by placing nodes fromsprouted tubers on Murashige and Skoog type medium without hormones.The vigour of growth and the rate of node production increasedwith both day-length and temperature over the ranges 8–24h and 15–25 °C respectively. Propagation rates ofup to x 10 per month were obtained. In vitro plantlets spontaneouslyformed roots either in agar or liquid cultures. Plantlets leftin the culture jars for 3–4 months eventually senescedand formed small tubers in 16 and 24 h day-lengths. In a day-lengthof 8 h vegetative growth continued by branching and no tuberswere formed. Solanum tuberosum L., potato, tissue culture, propagation, temperature, day-length  相似文献   

Tuberization response of single-node leaf cuttings from induced potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) was reversed when pretreated with 5 millimolar ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) + 50 micromolar calcium ionophore (A23187) and resumed when transferred to a CaCl(2)-containing medium. Tuberization was inhibited by LaCl(3), chlorpromazine, and trifluoperazine at 5 to 10 micromolar. These results suggest a role for calcium in the tuberization process.  相似文献   

HUSSEY  G.; STACEY  N. J. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(4):565-578
In vitro (mini) tubers were induced within 6–8 weeks inserially propagated potato shoot cultures by subculturing tomedium containing 2.0 mg 1–1 benzylaminopurine (BAP) and6 per cent sucrose in 8- and 24-h days. The effect of BAP inpromoting tubering was greater in short than in long days. Inshort days most of the tubers were formed above the agar, inlong days within the agar. Tubering was promoted less effectivelyby the addition of (2-chloroethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride(CCC) to the medium, but CCC reinforced the effect of BAP leadingto earlier tubering above the agar. Tubering eventually tookplace after 4—5 months on medium without hormones, soonerin short than in long days. Periods of short days and low temperaturesgiven to long-day cultures did not accelerate tubering. Abscisicacid had little effect on, and GA2 strongly inhibited, tubering.Tubering was also inhibited by sealing the culture vessels butnot if ethylene-absorbing agents were included. Solanum tuberosum L, potato, tissue culture, tubers, cytokinin, ethylene, daylength, propagation  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants were grown under long days(LD) of 18 h before a subset of the plants was transferred to10-h photosynthetic periods with either a dark night (SD) oran 8-h dim photoperiod extension with incandescent lamps (DE).Temperature was constant at 21 °C. Leaves were sampled atthe beginning and end of the high density light period for starchanalyses. Potato leaves accumulated starch more rapidly underSD than under LD; and this difference continued after a secondmajor sink, the tuber, began to develop. Starch accumulationover 10 h in SD leaves was three times higher than in LD leaves,even after 17 d of treatment. By this time SD gave higher wholeplant relative growth rates than LD, and the tuber mass of SDplants exceeded 30% of their total plant biomass. The DE treatmentresulted in starch accumulation intermediate to the LD and SDtreatments. Genotypes likewise differed: the earlier genotype,more strongly induced to tuberize, had higher leaf starch accumulationthan the later genotype. The effects of photoperiod and genotypewere also present when potatoes were grown at 27 °C, a temperatureunfavourable for tuberization under LD. Thus the formation ofa strong tuber sink was consistently associated with more rapidleaf starch accumulation. Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Norchip, photoperiod, temperature, genotype, starch accumulation, partitionin  相似文献   


Iron deficiency is one of the most prevailing micronutrient deficiencies throughout the globe. Iron malnutrition affects billions of people around the world especially children and pregnant women. Its deficiencies can be overcome through microbial biofortification: a process of deliberately increasing desirable nutrients in crop plants. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can improve iron content in edible plant tissues through different direct and indirect mechanisms. Adding plant growth regulators along with rhizobacteria makes it a novel fortification approach. In the current experiment, the interactive effect of two bacterial isolates (O-13 & K-10) alone and in consortium with l-tryptophan in the presence of iron sulfate was evaluated on growth, physiology, tuber characteristics, and iron concentration in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Results revealed that inoculation with PGPR and plant growth regulator (PGR) significantly improved the plant height, straw yield, and the number of tubers per plant. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber characteristics (starch content, vitamin-C, relative water content) were also improved significantly. O-13, K-10, and l-tryptophan had significantly improved the iron concentration up to 20.59, 33.12, and 28.95%, respectively. However, inoculation with the microbial consortium and l-tryptophan showed a significant increase of up to one-fold in the iron concentration of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as compared with uninoculated control. The results suggest that rhizobacteria can help the plant to uptake nutrients from the soil. These findings concluded on the fact that the interactive effect of microbial assisted biofortification and plant growth regulator is a novel, promising, and cost-effective approach to mitigate micronutrient deficiencies especially in resource-limited countries.


The growth and tuberization of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) maintained for 6 weeks under four different regimes of continuous irradiance were compared to plants given 12 hours light and 12 hours dark. Treatments included: (a) continuous photosynthetic photon flux of 200 micromoles per square meter per second cool-white fluorescent (CWF); (b) continuous 400 micromoles per square meter per second CWF; (c) 12 hours 400 micromoles per square meter per second CWF plus 12 hours dim CWF at 5 micromoles per square meter per second; (d) 12 hours micromoles per square meter per second CWF plus 12 hours dim incandescent (INC) at 5 micromoles per square meter per second and a control treatment of 12 hours light at 400 micromoles per square meter per second CWF and 12 hours dark. The study included five cultivars ranging from early- to late-season types: `Norland,' `Superior,' `Norchip,' `Russet Burbank,' and `Kennebec.' Tuber development progressed well under continuous irradiation at 400 micromoles per square meter per second and under 12 hours irradiance and 12 hours dark, while tuber development was suppressed in all other light treatments. Continuous irradiation at 200 or 400 micromoles per square meter per second resulted in severe stunting and leaf malformation on `Superior' and `Kennebec' plants, but little or no injury and vigorous shoot growth in the other cultivars. No injury or stunting were apparent under 12-dim light or 12-dark treatments. Plants given 12 hours dim INC showed significantly greater stem elongation but less total biomass than plants in other treatments. The continuous light encouraged shoot growth over tuber growth but this trend was overridden by providing a high irradiance level. The variation among cultivars for tolerance to continuous lighting indicates that potato may be a useful species for photoinhibition studies.  相似文献   

Haploids (2n =24) of the common tetraploid (2n=48) potato (SolanumtuberosumL.) provide promising material for attacking many problemsconcerned with the genetics, cytogenetics and breeding of thisspecies. Interspecific 4xx2xcrosses betweenSolanum tuberosumgp.Andigenaorgp.Tuberosumcultivars as pistillate parents andSolanum tuberosumgp.Phurejaassource of pollen (hereafter ‘pollinator’) have beenused to produce maternally derived haploids through parthenogenesis.This paper discusses the nature of the ‘pollinator’effect in haploid extraction. The ‘pollinator’ hada significant effect on haploid frequencies following 4xx2xcrosses.The ‘pollinator’ effect seems to operate via theendosperm, in which haploid (n=2x) embryos are associated withhexaploid endosperm. A superior ‘pollinator’ appearsto have its effect by contributing two haploid (n) gametes tothe central cell. 2n pollen; double fertilization; endosperm; ploidy manipulations; Solanum tuberosum  相似文献   

The appearance and growth of individual leaves were examinedin crops of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown either fullyirrigated or droughted from plant emergence. The rate of appearance of leaves was increased and the durationof growth decreased in leaves of the droughted crop in 1986but not in 1987. In droughted crops, leaf growth rate was correlatedwith afternoon measurements of leaf water potential (1) andturgor (P), being reduced in comparison with that in irrigatedcrops when 1 and P were less than –0.28 and 0.5 MPa respectively.Leaf growth was highly correlated to soil moisture deficit (SMD)and declined rapidly when the SMD was greater than 16 mm. Key words: Solanum tuberosum, leaf growth, leaf appearance, drought, irrigation  相似文献   

Potato tuber disks were submerged in suspensions containing 101 to 109 cells of Agrobacterium tumefaciens B6 per ml. After 60 min, the disks were rinsed and homogenized, and portions of the homogenates were plated to measure the number of adsorbed bacteria. At low initial bacterial concentrations (105/ml), 5 to 23% of the bacteria adsorbed. At higher bacterial concentrations, the corresponding value was approximately 1.2%. Adsorption was a reversible equilibrium process. Binding saturation was not achieved, and adsorbed bacteria were confined to monolayers on the surfaces of tissue prepared for scanning electron microscopy. Adsorption of strain B6 to potato tuber tissues is described accurately by the Freundlich adsorption isotherm and may be a nonspecific phenomenon.  相似文献   

Microtuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Twenty-two genotypes of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were induced to form microtubers under six in vitro culture conditions. Cultures maintained under a short photoperiod (10 h of 6–12 μmol m–2 s–1) and low temperatures (day 20°±2°C and night 18°±2°C) had both a higher yield (255 mg/plantlet) and a greater number (2/plantlet) of microtubers than those maintained under long days (16 h of 38–50 μmol m–2 s–1) combined with high temperatures (day 28°±2°C and night 25°±2°C) (yield 207 mg/plantlet; microtuber number, 0.9/plantlet), over a wide range of genotypes. After the plantlets had been cultured under long days for an initial period of 60 days, continuous darkness advanced microtuberization by 2–3 months in various genotypes. Under short-day and low-temperature conditions the addition of 6-benzylaminopurine increased microtuber yield from 255 mg/plantlet to 645 mg/plantlet and average microtuber weight from 115 mg to 364 mg. A similar pattern was observed under conditions of long days and high temperature, and continuous darkness and low-temperature. Microtubers produced under light had a greater number of eyes (maximum average: 5.96/microtuber) than those produced in the dark (maximum average: 3.50/plantlet). The genotype × cultural conditions interactions were significant indicating the importance of developing genotype-specific protocols to maximize microtuberization. Received: 17 September 1997 / Revision received: 12 December 1997 / Accepted: 1 January 1998  相似文献   

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