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A technique for the determination of intra- and extra-cellular bactericidal activity of neutrophils has been suggested. A mixture of neutrophils and bacteria was incubated for 30 min and subsequently 3H-uridine was added to the incubated mixture. If phagocytized and extracellularly located bacteria remain alive they incorporate 3H-uridine. Killed bacteria fail to incorporate 3H-uridine. Intra- and extracellular killing capacity of neutrophils is determined by the content of labelled and unlabelled bacteria in radioautographs.  相似文献   

The functions of IgG and complement receptors in phagocytosis of immune complexes by mouse polymorphonuclear leukocytes were examined by in vitro experiments. The immune complexes were sheep red cells (E) sensitized with IgG antibody (EA) or with antibody and complement (EAC). Inhibition experiments with Fab fragments of rabbit IgG antibody anti-mouse IgG have shown that the complement receptor is primarily involved in the attachment phase, whereas participation of the IgG receptor is necessary for inducing the mechanism of phagocytosis. The possible relevance of these findings for the in vivo mechanism of defense infection, and for the control of antibody synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

That L-arginine (L-Arg) augments the host response to acute bacterial sepsis suggests that this amino acid intervenes early in the immune response, perhaps via the nitric oxide synthetase (NOS) pathway. The effect of L-Arg supplementation on in vitro phagocytosis of fluorescein-labeled, heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus by peripheral blood neutrophils (PMNs) from 12 normal human volunteers was studied. Separated PMNs were incubated for 2 h with labeled bacteria, with and without supplemental L-Arg, D-arginine, glycine, and/or the NOS inhibitors L-canavanine, aminoguanidine, or L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester. PMNs were fixed and extracellular fluorescence quenched with crystal violet. By flow cytometry and confocal microscopy, L-Arg supplementation was shown to result in a highly significant increase in PMN bacterial phagocytosis, the maximal effect being seen with L-Arg 380 μM and falling off with higher concentrations. This augmentation was completely abrogated by NOS inhibitors in molar excess, but inhibitors alone did not suppress phagocytosis below that of unsupplemented controls. Neither D-arginine nor glycine affected phagocytosis; the L-Arg effect was stereospecific and not related to utilization of L-Arg as an energy source. L-Arg supplementation significantly enhances bacterial phagocytosis in human neutrophils, perhaps by effects on cytoskeletal phenomena, and this appears to be mediated through NOS activity. Phagocytosis by nonspecific immune cells which intervene early in the response to sepsis is critically important, and beneficial effects of L-Arg on the clinical course of sepsis may be due at least in part to augmentation of phagocyte function. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Polystyrene latex particles are rapidly phagocytized by rabbit polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes. The uptake is influenced by macromolecules which have the effect of altering the surface charge of the latex particle. The influence of polylysines of varying chain length on the surface charge of latex particles and of PMN cells was studied by micro-electrophoresis. Charge reversal at the latex surface was found to occur at concentrations considerably below that at which the surface charge of the PMN cells is reversed. Phagocytosis of latex by PMN cells is enhanced in the presence of low concentrations of long-chain polylysines. The enhancement of phagocytosis is strongly reduced if PMN cells are treated with neuraminidase. This suggests participation of siliac acid groups in a stage of particle-cell interaction which precedes engulfment.  相似文献   

The phagocytosis process of unencapsulated MIAT-negative strains that, although binding very poorly to human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) at 4 degrees C, are efficiently killed by these cells at 37 degrees C, was studied. At 37 degrees C the number of bacteria bound to the PMN external surface was similar to that observed at 4 degrees C (about 100 bacteria/100 PMN after 60 min); on the contrary the number of internalized bacteria was much higher (from 500 bacteria/100 PMN after 60 min). Interactions between phagocytosis-sensitive Klebsiella pneumoniae strains (PSK) and PMN were then compared with those of two isogenic Escherichia coli strains with and without type 1 fimbriae. Whereas PSK strain binding to blocked PMN was very slow and became significant only after 5-6 h, that of phagocytosis-sensitive fimbriated E. coli was rapid and efficient. Phagocytosis-resistant, non fimbriated E. coli strain bound with an efficiency that, within the first 60 min, was not very different from that of the PSK strains. However, longer incubations led to increases in PSK binding, whereas unfimbriated E. coli remained constant. PSK and fimbriated E. coli strains were efficiently internalized and killed, whereas the unfimbriated E. coli strain was not. It is suggested that PMN can phagocytize unopsonized bacteria through two different mechanisms. By one mechanism, observed with the fimbriated E. coli strain, PMN bind many more bacteria than those they can internalize. By the other, observed with PSK strains, PMN bind only the bacteria they can immediately internalize.  相似文献   

Chemotropism indices for polymorphonuclear leukocytes.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Trajectories of polymorphonuclear leukocytes which are responding to a chemical gradient are analyzed in order to deduce probability distributions of the angles between successive path segments. The turn angle probability distributions thus obtained are seen to be strongly dependent on the direction of locomotion prior to a turn, in that cells usually turn to maintain alignment along an axis directed towards the chemoattractant source. A mathematical model based on these observations is developed in order to understand the relationship between net chemotactic response and parameters characterizing stochastic movements of individual cells. In particular, the manner in which the chemotropism index depends on details of the turn-angle distributions is examined. When bias in the direction of turn is induced by a chemotactic field, transition from random motion to directed response occurs most abruptly if the turn-angle distribution is narrow. "Accommodation," viz., a dependence of the mean angle of turn upon prior orientation, is found to have relatively little effect on the magnitude of the response.  相似文献   

The distribution of surface proteins during phagocytosis by rabbit peritoneal polymorphonuclear leukocytes was studied to determine whether the proteins of the phagocytic vesicles of these differentiated cells were representative of the entire set of plasma membrane proteins. Phagocytosis of bovine serum albumin-diisodecylphthalate emulsion by lactoperoxidase-iodinated rabbit neutrophils was linear over 15-20 min at a rate of 96 microgram oil/min/mg cell protein. This rate was similar to that of unlabeled cells. Incorporation of cell-associated free iodine by endogenous myeloperoxidase during phagocytosis was inhibited by 1 mM cyanide, which had no effect on the rate of particle uptake. The surface of intact neutrophils contained at least 13 iodinated proteins distinguishable by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography. Isolated phagosomes were deficient in six of these proteins. The plasma membrane fraction of these cells was missing five of these same proteins which, however, were enriched in a dense surface fraction (Willinger, M., and F. R. Frankel. J. Cell Biol. 82: 32-44). When experimental conditions were reversed, and the PMNs were labeled after phagocytosis, these five proteins remained on the cell surface, while at least three of the major proteins found on resting cells were depleted. Incubating the cells with colchicine, which has been shown to affect the distribution of some plasma membrane constituents during phagocytosis, had no effect on the distribution of surface proteins in our system. These results indicate that a nonrandom interiorization of lactoperoxidase-labeled surface proteins of polymorphonuclear leukocytes occurs during phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Filamentous (F) actin is a major cytoskeletal element in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and other non-muscle cells. Exposure of PMNs to agonists causes polymerization of monomeric (G) actin to F-actin and activates motile responses. In vitro, all purified F-actin is identical. However, in vivo, the presence of multiple, diverse actin regulatory and binding proteins suggests that all F-actin within cells may not be identical. Typically, F-actin in cells is measured by either NBDphallacidin binding or as cytoskeletal associated actin in Triton-extracted cells. To determine whether the two measures of F-actin in PMNs, NBDphallacidin binding and cytoskeletal associated actin, are equivalent, a qualitative and quantitative comparison of the F-actin in basal, non-adherent endotoxin-free PMNs measured by both techniques was performed. F-actin as NBDphallacidin binding and cytoskeletal associated actin was measured in cells fixed with formaldehyde prior to cell lysis and fluorescent staining (PreFix), or in cells lysed with Triton prior to fixation (PostFix). By both techniques, F-actin in PreFix cells is higher than in PostFix cells (54.25 +/- 3.77 vs. 23.5 +/- 3.7 measured as mean fluorescent channel by NBDphallacidin binding and 70.3 +/- 3.5% vs. 47.2 +/- 3.6% of total cellular actin measured as cytoskeletal associated actin). These results show that in PMNs, Triton exposure releases a labile F-actin pool from basal cells while a stable F-actin pool is resistant to Triton exposure. Further characterizations of the distinct labile and stable F-actin pools utilizing NBDphallacidin binding, ultracentrifugation, and electron microscopy demonstrate the actin released with the labile pool is lost as filament. The subcellular localization of F-actin in the two pools is documented by fluorescent microscopy, while the distribution of the actin regulatory protein gelsolin is characterized by immunoblots with anti-gelsolin. Our studies show that at least two distinct F-actin pools coexist in endotoxin-free, basal PMNs in suspension: 1) a stable F-actin pool which is a minority of total cellular F-actin, Triton insoluble, resistant to depolymerization at 4 degrees C, gelsolin-poor, and localized to submembranous areas of the cell; and 2) a labile F-actin pool which is the majority of total cellular F-actin, Triton soluble, depolymerizes at 4 degrees C, is gelsolin-rich, and distributed diffusely throughout the cell. The results suggest that the two pools may subserve unique cytoskeletal functions within PMNs, and should be carefully considered in efforts to elucidate the mechanisms which regulate actin polymerization and depolymerization in non-muscle cells.  相似文献   

Functional activity of enucleated human polymorphonuclear leukocytes   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
Enucleated human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) were prepared by centrifuging isolated, intact PMN over a discontinuous Ficoll gradient that contained 20 microM cytochalasin B. The enucleated cells (PMN cytoplasts) contained about one-third of the plasma membrane and about one-half of the cytoplasm present in intact PMN. The PMN cytoplasts contained no nucleus and hardly any granules. The volume of the PMN cytoplasts was about one-fourth of that of the original PMN. Greater than 90% of the PMN cytoplasts had an "outside-out" topography of the plasma membrane. Cytoplasts prepared from resting PMN did not generate superoxide radicals (O2-) or hydrogen peroxide. PMN cytoplasts incubated with opsonized zymosan particles or phorbol-myristate acetate induced a respiratory burst that was qualitatively (O2 consumption, O2- and H2O2 generation) and quantitatively (per unit area of plasma membrane) comparable with that of intact, stimulated PMN. Moreover, at low ratios of bacteria/cells, PMN cytoplasts ingested opsonized Staphylococcus aureus bacteria as well as did intact PMN. At higher ratios, the cytoplasts phagocytosed less well. The killing of these bacteria by PMN cytoplasts was slower than by intact cells. The chemotactic activity of PMN cytoplasts was very low. These results indicate that the PMN apparatus for phagocytosis, generation of bactericidal oxygen compounds, and killing of bacteria, as well as the mechanism for recognizing opsonins and activating PMN functions, are present in the plasma membrane and cytosol of these cells.  相似文献   

The effect of sulfhydryl reagents on phagocytosis and concomitant enzyme release and on ionophore A 23187 + Ca2+-induced exocytosis in rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN's) was studied. Membrane-penetrating sulfhydryl reagents such as cytochalasin A and N-naphthylmaleimide in micromolar concentrations inhibit both phagocytosis and exocytosis. Poorly penetrating reagents such as p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (pCMBS) and 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), inhibit only in high concentrations (pCMBS), or they are ineffective as inhibitors (DTNB). Inhibition by pCMBS is not reversed by glutathione or dithiothreitol; this suggests that some pCMBS probably enters the cell. Specific intracellular sulfhydryl compounds appear to be essential in the cellular apparatus involved in phagocytosis and exocytosis; various possibilities are considered. A concentration of N-naphthylmaleimide which completely inhibits phagocytosis and exocytosis leaves cellular ATPase activity intact.  相似文献   

Particulate fraction associated protein kinase activity was studied in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes stimulated by bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus was found to increase particulate fraction associated protein kinase C activity in a time and concentration dependent manner. The increase comprised both the phospholipid dependent and independent kinase activity and was augmented by addition of serum. Similar observations were done using Staphylococcus epidermidis and Klebsiellae pneumoniae. However, Escherichia coli only increased the phospholipid independent kinase activity in the particulate fraction, which suggests the presence of protease activity.  相似文献   

The interactions between a strain of Borrelia burgdorferi and human polymorphonuclear leukocytes were studied by flow cytometry in the presence of specific or non-specific opsonizing factors. The capacity of the borrelias to stimulate leukocyte metabolism was also investigated. The results indicated that a low phagocytosis by isolated purified polymorphonuclear leukocytes did occur in the presence or absence of specific antibodies. Within whole blood the percentages of phagocytosting leukocytes increased in the presence of non-specific opsonizing factors. No stimulation of the oxidative metabolism stimulated by Borrelia was observed and PMA or zymosan stimulation of leukocytes was inhibited by the spirochaetes.  相似文献   

The interactions between a strain of Borrelia burgdorferi and human polymorphonuclear leukocytes were studied by flow cytometry in the presence of specific or non-specific opsonizing factors. The capacity of the borrelias to stimulate leukocyte metabolism was also investigated. The results indicated that a low phagocytosis by isolated purified polymorphonuclear leukocytes did occur in the presence or absence of specific antibodies. Within whole blood the percentages of phagocytosting leukocytes increased in the presence of non-specific opsonizing factors. No stimulation of the oxidative metabolism stimulated by Borrelia was observed and PMA or zymosan stimulation of leukocytes was inhibited by the spirochaetes.  相似文献   

Activation of the membrane-bound NADPH oxidase in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes can be triggered by chemoattractants, the tumor promoter phorbol myristate acetate or the calcium ionophore A23187. We have shown previously that these stimuli have markedly different temporal patterns of oxidase activation (McPhail, L. C., and Snyderman, R. (1983) J. Clin. Invest. 72, 192-200), suggesting that each follows, at least in part, a unique transductional pathway. We now report that if leukocytes were sequentially exposed to any of several combinations of heterologous stimuli, the pattern of activation by the second stimulus was strikingly altered, resulting in a more rapid rate and enhanced level of oxidase activation by the second stimulus. This suggests that exposure of cells to the first stimulus (priming) had influenced an intermediate also used by the second stimulus. The signal for priming could be clearly distinguished from the signal causing oxidase activation by the dose-response curves for each, as well as by the use of several pharmacologic agents. In addition, if leukocytes were given sequential doses of homologous stimuli, either partial (phorbol myristate acetate) or full (N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl -phenylalanine and A23187) desensitization of oxidase activation was observed. These results demonstrate that these stimuli share a common intermediate in the pathway of oxidase activation. Moreover, the data indicate that NADPH oxidase activation is regulated by at least three distinct signals: signal 1 (priming), signal 2 (activation), and signal 3 (inactivation). It is likely that more than one intracellular messenger exerts a modulating influence on NADPH oxidase activity and that its regulation involves the interplay between several cellular control proteins.  相似文献   

Metabolic and bactericial activities of leukocytes obtained from 5 normal volunteers receiving 1 mg of synthetic B1-24 ACTH intra-muscularly daily for 7 days, were studied. Bactericidal activity and phagocytosis induced hexosemonophosphate shunt activity of leukocytes were found to be depressed following ACTH administration. However, glycolytic activity, which provides the necessary energy for particle uptake by leukocytes, was not altered. These findings indicate that a moderately prolonged exposure to elevated levels of plasma cortisol does not affect the phagocytic activity of leukocytes (as indicated by glycolytic activity) but significantly impairs their ability to destroy the ingested bacteria. It is suggested that the impaired bactericidal activity of leukocytes reported in children suffering from protein-calorie malnutrition may partly be due to elevated plasma cortisol levels seen in them.  相似文献   

Synopsis Alkaline phosphatase has been localized ultracytochemically in PMN of man with normal and elevated levels of this enzyme. Contrary to guinea-pig PMN, no activity appears to be present in the specific granules. Instead, the plasma membrane and the membrane of the endocytic vacuoles show a strong staining. However, the demonstration of this activity depends on the preparatory procedure employed for PMN isolation. the use of dextran and Ficoll-Hypaque in the isolation procedure induces a marked increase in alkaline phosphatase staining of the PMN plasma membrane. Strongly increased activity at this site has been found in PMN from cancer patients. In most of them, additional staining has been observed in atypical vesicles and sometimes in the Golgi apparatus. These findings are discussed in the light of some previously reported controversial biochemical and cytochemical data on the distribution of alkaline phosphatase in human PMN.  相似文献   

To study the fate of external membrane proteins during phagocytosis, rabbit peritoneal neutrophils were labeled by enzymatic iodination. Iodine was incorporated into at least 13 proteins ranging in size from approximately 250,000 to 18,000 daltons as judged from autoradiography of gels after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of labeled cells. The major contractile proteins of neutrophils, actin and myosin, were not labeled when intact cells were iodinated but were labeled when homogenates of these cells were iodinated. Nine of the iodinated proteins were released by mild protease treatment of intact cells. A plasma membrane-rich fraction was isolated by density centrifugation. This fraction was enriched at least 10-fold for lactoperoxidase-labeled acid-insoluble proteins. It was enriched to the same extent for the presence of iodinated wheat germ agglutinin that had been bound to intact cells at 4 degrees C before homogenization. Analysis of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that the proteins of this fraction were predominantly of high molecular weight. However, only 8 of the 13 proteins iodinated on intact cells were found in this fraction. The remaining five were enriched in a dense fraction containing nuclei, intact cells, and membranous vesicles, and may represent a specialized segment of the neutrophil cell surface.  相似文献   

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