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The oldest Mesozoic nearshore Zoophycos: evidence from the German Triassic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The trace fossil Zoophycos has been described from the Middle Triassic carbonates of the German Basin for the first time. It occurs in a calcilutite bed at the top of a shallowing-upward cycle (parasequence) in the transgressive systems tract of the Middle to Upper Muschelkalk sequence of Thuringia (Germany). Based on sedimentological and palaeontological features, the studied interval is interpreted as deposited in a marine nearshore environment with proximal storm deposits (tempestites). Zoophycos occurs in a very simple planar form with lobate spreiten, which were most likely produced by a worm-like animal by strip mining. The upper tier of the ichnofabric consists of Zoophycos, whereas the lower tier is occupied by cylindrical trace fossils of unknown taxonomic affiliation and with decreasing size towards the bottom. Associated trace fossils such as Rhizocorallium, Balanoglossites and Trypanites indicate a partly firm to hard substrate. No mixed layer is developed at the top of the trace fossil bearing succession. The ichnofabric together with the sedimentological features (disseminated pyrite, blue-grey colour) and palaeontological circumstances (poor benthic fauna, meiofauna with a small body size) support an interpretation of a dysaerobic environment. In the view of evolutionary change, Palaeozoic Zoophycos occurs in both deep and shallow marine deposits, whereas Mesozoic and Cenozoic Zoophycos is only common in shelfal and deeper-marine deposits. The new finding from the shallow-marine Middle Triassic represents the first reliable occurrence of Zoophycos after the end-Permian mass extinction and shows close similarities to its Palaeozoic precursors. It demonstrates that the producer survived the end-Permian mass extinction, became re-established in the nearshore realm and progressively colonized deeper-marine environments during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latreille (1806) (Ixodida: Ixodidae) is considered to be the most widely distributed tick and to have a vast range of habitats and hosts, including livestock, pets and wildlife. In addition to morphological differences, recent investigations using approaches based on molecular genetic markers have revealed the existence of different R. sanguineus lineages in different geographic regions. In this study, 475 ticks collected from dogs in the western Iberian peninsula were studied both morphologically and genetically, using 12S and 16S rDNA and COI gene markers in order to clarify the controversy over the systematic status of R. sanguineus sensu lato in Western Europe, and to compare the present data with those sourced from studies conducted in other regions of the world. Despite the high morphometric variability, particularly on spiracles in both genders and in female genitalia, data obtained with different genetic molecular markers show very low variability, suggesting the existence of a unique species. In addition, the phylogenetic analysis showed genetic uniformity, supporting the existence of a well‐defined clade consisting of R. sanguineus s.l. specimens from Western Europe that are distinct from R. sanguineus s.l. from Africa. Furthermore, these data corroborate the existence of a polymorphic species in Western Europe, which requires to be consensually redescribed in view of its medical and veterinary importance in pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

Orthotrichum sprucei is reported for the first time from the Mediterranean area of central Spain. Although these populations have the differential characters of O. sprucei, they show interesting morphological variations: much smaller size, bulging leaf cells, and propagules on leaf margins.  相似文献   

A canonical variate analysis was used to summarize the distribution pattern of 30 species of dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) from 162 sites in the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) in relation to 4 site variables. The best separation of beetle species, obtained using a xerothermic climatic index, was into 3 groups called “mediterranean”, “unrestricted” and “temperate”. Little further separation was achieved using altitude, dung type or soil type. These data are used to select dung beetles for introduction to south-western Australia for bush fly control.
Résumé On a fait appel à l'analyse de variables canoniques pour résumer le plan de distribution, relatif à 4 variables de localité, de 30 espèces de bousiers (Scarabaeinae) de 162 localités de la Péninsule ibérique (l'Espagne et le Portugal). La meilleure division des espèces, obtenue à l'aide d'un indice xérothermique climatique, se faisait en 3 groupes désignés respectivement comme “méditerranéen”, “ubiquiste” et “tempéré”. Peu de séparation supplémentaire a été obtenue en ayant recours à des facteurs d'altitude, de nature de la bouse ou de type de sol. Ces données ont été employées pour aider à la sélection de bousiers destinés à être introduits en Australie Occidentale pour y combattreMusca vetustissima Walker[Diptera].

Recent ethnographic research carried out in Spain has allowed the cultivation ofLathyrus sativus L. andL. cicera L. to be documented. Both species already appear in the Spanish archaeological record. Grown under traditional farming systems,L. sativus L. andL. cicera L. are still used for human consumption (onlyL. sativus L.) and both are used for fodder. Data on cultivation history, fanning practices, crop processing sequence and uses are here presented, which will enable a better understanding of their possible roles in prehistoric times.  相似文献   

So far, the oldest terrestrial mammal associations in Italy dates to the beginning of the Oligocene, with Anthracotheriidae being the most represented taxon. Sites from northern Italy yielded remains of the genus Anthracotherium that spread from Asia to western Europe after the Grande Coupure. A finding at Grancona, which is Priabonian in age, implies that Anthracotheriidae family reached the Italian Peninsula before the Eocene–Oligocene boundary. Thus, the dispersal of this family in northern Italy is anterior than previously believed. The fossil consists of a poorly preserved right hemi-maxilla with well-preserved P4 and M3. The shape and the size of the teeth are not compatible with the genus Anthracotherium. On the contrary, the closer affinities with the Croatian species Prominatherium dalmatinum suggest a connection between the Balkan area and the Italian peninsula and a possible new way of dispersal for this family.  相似文献   

Summary Relationships between species distribution and abundance, the influence of proboscis length on species-packing, and species associations within the local assemblages were studied in local communities of bumblebees in northern Spain along an altitudinal gradient. Local species abundance and altitudinal range occupied accounted for much of the variation in species distribution. Altitudinal range occupied by species was related to species distribution, but the most important variable accounting for species distribution was the local percentage abundance. Despite this, there was no evidence for age abundance. Despite this, there was no evidence for bimodality in the distributions of species incidence. A general trends for mean proboscis length in each locality to be greater in lowland localities exists, but this variable was not related to species distribution or abundance. Proboscis length spacings were studied among species in local assemblages and in most of the cases observed spacing did not differ from random expectations. The same patterns were demonstrated calculating spacings for core species in each local assemblage. Furthermore, species showed little tendency towards associations, so it may be concluded that bumblebee assemblages were irregularly structured and no clear patterns emerged from the present study.  相似文献   

The first data on the ecology of rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) introduced to the Iberian peninsula are presented. The habitat and diet variation of rudd were studied in Lake Banyoles (Spain), an oligotrophic karstic lake dominated by exotic fish species. Rudd were strictly littoral and the diet was based on detritus and plant material. The most important animal prey were the cladocerans Daphnia longispinaand Scapholeberis rammneri, amphipods and several late stages of nematoceran dipterans. Rudd were more zooplanktivorous in spring and autumn and less in summer. There was also a size-dependent diet shift, from microcrustaceans to macroinvertebrates. The diet of rudd was also distinguished by the importance of plant material and various small neustonic invertebrates, particularly S. rammneriand late stages of nematocerans, showing a strong resource partitioning with other fish species. The degree of herbivory in Lake Banyoles was lower than usual.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of pollen analyses from organic sediments of seven cores (299 spectra) in a mountainous area of the north-west Iberian peninsula. The pollen diagrams, supported by seven14C dates, are used to construct a regional pollen sequence covering the main stages of vegetation dynamics, from the last phases of the Late-glacial until the present. During the Late-glacial Interstadial an important development of cryophilous forests (Betula andPinus) was recorded, although various mesophilous and thermophilous tree elements were also present. The Younger Dryas, palynologically clearly defined, is characterized by an important reduction in tree pollen percentages and the expansion of steppe formations (Poaceae andArtemisia). At the beginning of the Holocene, there was an expansion ofQuercus and a spread of other trees, which combined to give a vegetation cover of varied composition but dominated by mixed deciduous forests. Such forest formations prevailed in these mountains until 3000 years ago, when successive deforestation phases are recorded at various times as a result of increased farming activity. The results are compared with data from other mountainous areas in the northern Iberian peninsula and southern France.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on the tolerance to, and uptake of, nickel by three iberian subspecies of Alyssum serpylliforium Desf. Two of these subspecies, the serpentine-endemic ssp. lusitanicum from Bragança, Portugal and ssp. malacitanum from Málaga, Spain, are hyperaccumulators (> 1000 g/g in dried material) of nickel. Their possible ancestor, ssp. serpyllifolium (from Granada, Spain) was a non-accumulator of this element. Seeds of the two serpentine-endemics germinated extensively in nickel concentrations up to 12 000 g/g (1.2%) whereas ssp. serpyllifolium only germinated in nickel concentrations below 60 g/ml. Tolerance tests involving measurement of new root lengths of excised seedlings placed in varying nickel concentrations, again showed much greater tolerance of the two serpentinophytes. In both series of experiments, the order of tolerance was: ssp. lusitanicum > ssp. malacitanum > ssp. serpyllifolium. In pot trials involving seedlings of ssp. malacitanum grown in mixtures containing varying amounts of calcium, magnesium, and nickel, the most important finding was that plants will tolerate higher nickel contents in the soil when excess calcium is added. This is achieved by lowering the uptake of nickel. There appeared to be some concomitant reduction in calcium uptake in the presence of nickel, and some increase in uptake of magnesium. The resultant lower calcium/magnesium ratio in the plant, though not symptomatic of a favourable condition for colonization of serpentine soils, probably results from a mechanism which renders nickel innocuous to the plant at the expense of calcium uptake. It is suggested that the physiological characters of ssp. lusitanicum and ssp malacitanum are sufficiently different to support arguments for promoting the latter to full specific rank as has now been done for ssp. lusitanicum.  相似文献   

Engelswies is an early Miocene vertebrate locality in southern Germany with a rich assemblage of terrestrial mammals, invertebrates and fossil plants. It is dated to 16.5-17.0 Ma based on magnetostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, and includes among the faunal remains a hominoid upper molar fragment, the oldest hominoid so far identified from Europe. The evidence from Engelswies suggests that hominoids arrived in Eurasia about 17 Ma, roughly contemporaneously with pliopithecoids and Deinotherium, and before the last marine transgression to isolate Eurasia from Africa. Thick enamel and low dentine penetrance may have been key adaptations that contributed to the success of hominoids of dentally modern aspect in western Eurasia and ultimately to their ability to spread to eastern Eurasia and Africa in the middle and late Miocene.  相似文献   

Ancient climatic fluctuations have caused changes in the demography and distribution of many species. The genetic differentiation between populations of the same species and of sister species is often attributed largely to the more recent Pleistocene fluctuations. Recent interpretations, which implicate earlier episodes, have proved controversial. We address the timing of genetic divergence in the Iberian lizard Lacerta schreiberi by studying the phylogeography of the cytochrome b sequence. The species has a remarkable morphological uniformity, yet our evidence suggests that earlier events in the Pliocene initiated the main divergence between populations. This interpretation implies that the different populations survived through the Pleistocene in separate localities. This conclusion is robust to different molecular clock calibrations. The persistence of earlier differentiation through the Pleistocene has wide implications for our understanding of Pleistocene refugia in this species and, by extension, to the biogeography of the whole region.  相似文献   

We used pollen analysis to evaluate the dynamics of sclerophyllous arboreal taxa during the last 16,000 years. Quercus ilex type pollen and, to a lesser degree, other sclerophyllous elements (e.g. Olea and Phillyrea ) have been documented during the Late-glacial in the majority of the sequences obtained in continental territories in the north of the Iberian peninsula, as well as in the eastern coastal/sub-coastal area in the Cantabric region. During the Late-glacial and the Holocene, sclerophyllous elements became widespread in many areas of the north Iberian peninsula (the Sil, Duero and Ebro depressions and the southernmost slopes of adjacent mountains), with the smallest pollinic representation of these taxa being for the most septentrional areas (coastal/sub-coastal territories and the northermost slopes of the Cantabrian-Atlantic Mountains). During these periods, there is no indication of the presence of Quercus ilex pollen in the northwestern territories, which would explain the absence of this species in the present-day landscape. Despite the widespread distribution that sclerophyllous elements have maintained during the last 16,000 years, they have never attained a predominant role in the landscape, having a smaller representation, both during hotter and colder phases, than deciduous forests, pine forests and mixed forests.  相似文献   

The effect of alutudinal range, distance to the latitudinal boundary of geographical range, body size and larval food plant on both the distribution and abundance of butterflies have been studied in a mountain area along a marked altitudinal gradient Multiple regression analysis revealed that distribution was positively related to altitudinal range and abundance Altitudinal range accounted for a great part of vanance in species distribution Altitudinal range increased as both distance to latitudinal boundary of geographical range and body size increased Abundance was not affected by altitudinal range, body size or distance to latitudinal boundary Larval food plants family was related to the abundance of butterflies, but not to distribution or altitudinal range These results suggest that regional distributions of butterflies are likely to be limited by climatic tolerances of species, while local abundance might be influenced by local resource levels  相似文献   

Phosphofructokinase from the posterior gills of the euryhaline crab Eriocheir sinensis acclimated to freshwater is likely regulated in part via phosphorylation induced by endogenous cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases. Phosphofructokinase from gill extracts devoid of low molecular weight compounds by chromatography through a PD10 Sephadex column, incubated in the presence of cAMP or cGMP protein kinases activators (cAMP or cGMP, Mg-ATP and Mg2+), shows an increased catalytic activity. This treatment is accompanied by 32P incorporation into the proteins immunoprecipitated with anti-mammalian phosphofructokinase polyclonal antibodies cross-reacting with the analog crustacean enzyme. Our results indicate that the covalent modification induced by these nucleotide-dependent protein kinases activates the glycolytic enzyme by increasing its affinity for its substrate and, when the activation is specifically due to cAMP-dependent protein kinases, by also reducing the homotropic cooperativity between its multiple substrate binding sites.  相似文献   

We used TWINSPAN and CANOCO to investigate the biogeography of the western Iberian Peninsula on the basis of the distribution of earthworms among ninety areas of Galicia, Portugal, Asturias, León, Zamora, Salamanca, Cáceres, Badajoz and Huelva. This part of Iberia is clearly divisible into a Eurosiberian Region in the north and west and a Mediterranean Region in the south and east. For earthworm faunas, however, the limit between these regions is considerably further south than is conventionally accepted on the basis of Rivas Martinez's (1987) vegetation-type classification. Species character- istic of the Eurosiberian Region include Dendrobaena madeirensis, D. octaedra, Allolobophora caliginosa and various species of the genus Lumbricus . Within this region the earthworm fauna of Asturias is clearly distinct from that of Galicia and northern Portugal. Species characteristic of the Mediterranean Region include Allolobophora caliginosa , A. chlorotica and A. rosea , but inventories from this region are most easily identified by the absence or scarcity of those species characteristic of the Eurosiberian Region. Many areas show intermediate characteristics between the two major regions, and in some cases one region 'intrudes' into the other.  相似文献   

The effects or vegetation cover on the abundance and species richness of dung beetles (Aphodiidae) were examined in three altitudinal zones: lowland (520–600 m), mid-altitude (950–963 m) and highland (1230–1275 m). Pitfall traps baited with fresh cattle dung were placed in three vegetation types at each altitudinal zone: forest, heathland and pasture. Species richness was lower in forests than in the other vegetation types. The total abundance of beetles also varied with vegetation type, but the effect was dependent on altitude. Number of individuals was higher in pasture at highlands and in heathland and forest at mid-altitude and lowlands. An altitudinal dependence of distribution of individuals between vegetation types was also found for the more abundant species in the study area. These results could be explained if the local distribution of individuals between vegetation types was determined by microcli-matic factors, mainly temperature. Differences in altitude between sites are associated with temperature changes, determining the habitat selection of species at each altitude.  相似文献   

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