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In 1979 and 1980, batch culture experiments were conducted to observe the inhibitory effect of copper ion (concentrations of 10, 50, 100, 200 and 400 µg Cu · l–1) on the standing crops and photosynthesis of phytoplankton of the Saguenay River (for 124 hours) and in Chlorella vulgaris (for 8 days). These algal assays were carried out using the surface water of the Saguenay River. In natural populatoins of phytoplankton, it was found that photosynthesis was more sensitive than growth: at the lowest concentrations, such as 10 µg Cu · 1–1, copper seemed to increase the chlorophyll concentrations whereas the rates of primary production show a decrease of 60% with respect to the control. At higher concentrations of copper, the effect is weak in chlorophyll concentrations and more pronounced in the rates of primary production (decrease of 86 to 90%). The pennate diatoms are dominant (in all the samples) and these organisms are known as relatively resistant to copper. In Chlorella vulgaris, it was observed that with 100 µg Cu · 1–1, chlorophyll concentrations and rates of photosynthesis respectively decrease by 63 and 99% with respect to the control. At higher concentrations of copper, a maximum decrease of 70% and 99% respectively for chlorophyll concentrations and rates of primaryproduction are observed.

Résumé La fréquence des gouttelettes de miellat excrétées par Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer de F.) augmente en la présence de Tapinoma simrothi Krausse., mais le phénomène est seulement important quand les aphides sont familiarisés avec la visite des fourmis. En présence d'ouvrières pourvoyeuses âgées, le nombre de gouttelettes de miellat excrétées par une colonie d'aphides est multiplié par 4,9. Les meilleures performances sont obtenues avec les larves, qui défèquent plus vite que les adultes. Les jeunes ouvrières âgées de moins de deux semaines et isolées juste avant la naissance, sont capables d'augmenter la production de gouttelettes, et ceci sans apprentissage. Mais l'effet est plutôt faible. Dans tous les cas, le nombre de sollicitations pour la nourriture est plus élevé que le nombre des gouttelettes excrétées. Habituellement, les fourmis collectent le miellat directement sur les aphides. Néanmoins, le miellat restant sur les feuilles peut être ramassé, mais cette récolte n'est pas très importante.
Summary The frequency of honeydew droplets excreted by Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer de F.) increases in the presence of Tapinoma simrothi Krausse., but the phenomenon is only important when aphids are familiarized with ant-attendance. In presence of old foraging workers, the number of honeydew droplets excreted by an aphid colony is multiplied by 4.9. The best performances are obtained with larvae, which defecate faster than adults. Young workers less than two weeks old and isolated just before birth, are able to increase the droplets production, and this without apprenticeship. But the effect is rather slight. In all cases, the number of food sollicitations is higher than the number of excreted droplets. Usually, ants collect honeydew directly on aphids. Nevertheless, honeydew remaining on leaves can be picked up, but this gathering is not very important.

Résumé L'injection de substances irritantes de nature chimique variée perturbe les mécanismes qui contrÔlent la multiplication des hépatocytes du rat.Les très jeunes rats réagissent de faÇon intense et reproductible. 15 heures après l'injection il se produit une augmentation brève et intense du nombre des cellules entrant en phase S de sorte que les divisions cellulaires, qui normalement auraient été réparties sur les 30 ou 40 prochaines heures, débutent en l'espace de 2 heures seulement. La croissance hépatique a pris une importante avance qui est suivie par une période de diminution du nombre des mitoses due à une rétroaction inhibitrice.La réaction des rats plus âgés met en évidence un mécanisme inhibiteur permanent qui entraÎne une réponse moins intense et moins régulière.La production d'hépatocytes binucléés et polyploÏdes parait liée à ce mécanisme inhibiteur.La régularité et la sensibilité des réactions des très jeunes rats en fait un matériel de choix pour l'étude des mécanismes régulateurs de la croissance hépatique.
Control of multiplication and polyploidy of rat hepatocytesA study of the perturbations of physiological regulation induced by injection of irritants
Summary The injection of irritating substances of various chemical nature disturbs the mechanisms regulating the multiplication of rat hepatocytes.The reaction of baby rats is intense and reproducible. It results, 15 hours after the injection, in an increase of the number of cells entering the S phase, so that practically all the divisions which would normally have been scattered over 36 hours are initiated within 2 hours. This burst of synchronized mitosis corresponding to a 36 hours advance in the hepatic growth is followed by a decrease of mitoses due to a feed-back inhibition.The reaction of older rats brings to evidence a permanent inhibitory mechanism that results in a less regular and intensive response.The production of binucleated and polyploÏd hepatocytes seems to be correlated to this inhibitory mechanism.The regularity and sensivity of the baby rat reactions make them a choice material for the study of hepatic growth.

Sami Lakkis 《Hydrobiologia》1973,43(1-2):235-252
2275 samples have been collected with the Continuous Plankton Recorder of Hardy at a standard depth of 10 meteres in the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay between 1958–1965. Biological as well as statistical analyses have been carried out to provide data on annual fluctuations of 34 species of copepods and phytoplankton. Methods of analysis of variance and the correlation coefficient analysis were used for this purpose. The results are presented in the form of triangular matrices showing the annual fluctuations of species in the different areas considered and the relationship between different species in each area. These methods allowed us to define separate groups of species that could be called annual communities.

Extrait d'une thèse de Doctorat en Oceanographie biologique, soutenue à la faculté des Sciences de Paris le 19 décembre 1967. Ce travail a été subventionné par the Office of Naval Research, Department of the United States Navy en vertu du contrat No 62558-3612.

Extrait d'une thèse de Doctorat en Oceanographie biologique, soutenue à la faculté des Sciences de Paris le 19 décembre 1967. Ce travail a été subventionné par the Office of Naval Research, Department of the United States Navy en vertu du contrat No 62558-3612.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether intermittent fasting induces malnutrition that, according to many authors, accentuates the cytotoxic effects of environmental pollutants, or caloric restriction that reduces these effects. Ninety six male Wistar rats (180g) were divided into two groups: one group was fed daily (N) and the other group was fed every second day (J) for one month. At the end of one month, each group was then divided into two subgroups, one subgroup received an injection of 0.9% NaCI (groups NO and JO), the other subgroup received an injection of 4 mg/kg NiCIb2 (groups NNi and JNi). Intermittent fasting was continued in parallel to treatment for 1, 3, 5 and 10 days. Under these experimental conditions, nickel increased testicular aromatase activity and altered total RNA, while no alteration of these biomarkers was observed with intermittent fasting. The combination of these two factors, nickel and intermittent fasting, did not amplify these effects. In contrast, protection of RNA by intermittent fasting was observed, especially overexpression of aromatase mRNA.  相似文献   

Résumé Les techniques d'immunofluorescence, d'immunoenzymatique, d'imprégnation ou de coloration sélective des cellules endocrines digestives, et de microscopie électronique ont été combinées pour permettre l'identification et l'étude des cellules à somatostatine chez des animaux normaux ou ayant reçu de la L-Dopa. Ces cellules n'ont pas de fluorescence induite à la formaldéhyde et ne sont que très faiblement argyrophiles en technique de Grimélius; elles ne réagissent pas en technique de Sevier-Munger, Hellerström-Hellman, Mac Conaill. Après administration de L-Dopa elles acquièrent und fluorescence (cellules GIC) et deviennent nettement argyrophiles en technique de Grimélius, plus faiblement en technique de Sevier-Munger.En microscopie électronique après identification immunologique sur coupe semi-fine on peut analyser les mêmes cellules sur coupes fines. Il s'agit de cellules basigranuleuses présentant, outre des grains denses difficiles souvent à distinguer de ceux des cellules G, trois structures fines caractéristiques par leur constance et leur coexistence; ce sont: des grains peu denses et homogènes—des graïns centrés par un matériel filamenteux grossier—des microfilaments nombreux. Les cellules à somatostatine semblent différentes des cellules X et D1.
Ultrastructural identification and immunocytochemical study of somatostatin cells in antral mucosa of the rabbit and the mouse
Summary In normal and L-Dopa treated rabbits and mice, combined immunochemical methods, photonic histological methods for endocrine cells and ultrastructural methods were used to elucidate ultrastructure and properties of somatostatin cells of the antral mucosa. In normal rabbits, immunoreactive cells giving no fluorescence with Falck's technic, they corresponded neither to serotonin cells nor gastrin cells; they were unreactive with Fontana, Hellerström-Hellmann, Sevier-Munger and Mac Conaill methods but very slightly stained with Grimelius methods. In L-Dopa treated animals somatostatin cells gave formaldehyde induced fluorescence (they were included in GIC cells, thus in Apud group), exhibited a good reaction with Grimelius and Sevier-Munger methods.In order to carry out the alternate semi-thin/thin section procedure (semi-thin sections for immunofluorescence or immunoenzymatic detection and serial thin sections counterstained for conventional ultrastructure studies), immunological treatment were performed on M.F.F.—glutaraldehyde fixed small fragments of mucosa before inclusion in Epon 812 or, after inclusion, on semi-thin sections. We succeeded in identifying ultrastructurally somatostatin cells. They displayed round or ovoïd shaped secretory granules, and three constant typical structures: numerous microfilaments—light and homogenous granules, often seeming like lipids—granules made up by coarsely filamentous cores surrounded by a large empty halo. Somatostatin cells seemed different of X cells because of their predominant localisation in the antral mucosa (in the rabbit X cells were predominantly in the fundus) and because of the lack of nuclear microfilaments; they also seemed ultrastructuraly different of D1 cells.

Travail effectué avec l'aide de la D.G.R.S.T.-Contract no 72.7.0043.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the phytoplankton net production, a model based on the relationships between phytoplankton photosynthesis and underwater irradiance established from measurements performed in a mesotrophic reservoir (Pareloup) over 8 years has been coupled with a model of algal respiration, taking into account variations of maintenance and mitochondrial respiration among algal groups. Simulations were carried out in different hydrodynamic and meteorological conditions. The results indicated that the depth and the stability of thermocline have a great impact on the actual light energy available for phytoplankton and consequently on the net production values. Periods of light limitation coincide with the predominance of diatoms, which are best adapted to grow in low light conditions owing to high P/R ratios. Changes in light conditions related to the transient disturbances of the thermal structure may be at the origin of the replacements of species characterized by different P/R ratios. At Lake Pareloup, the mean depth is almost equal to the depth of the euphotic layer and, whatever level of water, the areal net production of the littoral zone does not significantly differ from the mean areal net production of the whole lake. The biomass produced is simultaneously eliminated from the water column by sedimentation and/or by Zooplankton grazing.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2017,41(5):329-334
Prostate cancer is the most frequent of cancers and represents the third leading cause of death by cancer, for men over 50 years, in France and Europe. The incidence decreases since about ten years. Mass screening is not recommended. Individual early diagnosis is based on a yearly exam including Prostate Specific Antigene (PSA) blood test and a digital rectal exam. The target for this diagnostic approach are men from 50 to 75 years with more than 10 years of life expectancy. A series of prostatic biopsy are carried out in case of clinical and/or biological prostate cancer suspicion. The additional examinations recommended in the assessment of extension of prostate cancer with intermediate and high risk are: MRI, bones scintigraphy, scan CAP (metastatic stage), and sometimes Choline PET-CT. Curative treatments are proposed to men with a probability of survival over 10 years, suffering from localized or locally advanced cancer. Gold standard treatments are: active surveillance, radical prostatectomy, brachytherapy, radiotherapy alone or with surgery and/or hormone therapy. Experimental treatments of localized tumors are: focal treatments (phototherapy dynamic, high intensity focused ultrasound). For the more advanced forms, the interest of early chemotherapy is extensively studied.  相似文献   

Résumé Le programme biogaz au Burundi a démarré par la création d'un Département chargé de la mise au point de stratégies de vulgarisation de nouvelles sources d'énergie. Au sein de ce Département on a établi les constats suivants: (1) la nécessité de former des cadres et d'établir un inventaire de la biomasse biodégradable au Burundi; (2) un problème de collecte des déchets et de distribution du gaz et des effluents dû à l'habitat dispersé; (3) l'existence de collectivités (écoles, hôpitaux, casernes); et (4) l'évacuation dans le lac Tanganyka des déchets des usines agro-alimentaires. En conséquence le Burundi a fait appel à trois formes de coopération. Un financement de l'Administration Belge de la Coopération au Développement a permis l'éstablissement d'un centre de démonstration et d'un laboratoire responsables de recherches, cours de formation, démonstration et suivis scientifiques et techniques. Un financement du Gouvernement Burundais permet à trois experts chinois la réalisation de digesteurs pilotes à raison de cinq à six par province. Un financement de la GTZ permet la diffusion de la technologie par le biais de la mise en place d'une structure (bureaux régionaux, formation de techniciens maçons et de multiplicateurs potentiels) et la construction d'installations.
Summary The Burundi biogas programme started with the setting up of a new Department with the overall responsibility for the popularization of new sources of energy. The biogas programme started because : (1) it was felt necessary to train staff and to establish an inventory of the biodegradable biomass in Burundi; (2) a largely scattered habitat complicated both the collection of domestic waste and the distribution of gas; (3) there existed large communities like schools, hospitals, etc.; and (4) the fact that Lake Tanganyka was more and more used as a dumping area for the wastes of the agro-industrial industry. Thus three cooperation programmes were started. From Belgium a funding by BADC allowed setting up of a demonstration centre and laboratory to promote research on biomethanation, to train personnel and permit scientific and technical follow-up of biomethanation projects. Three Chinese experts were recruited to help realize pilot digesters in all the provinces. And finally a programme funded by West Germany realized the dissemination of the technology through the country with the training of peasants via local training centres.

Resumen El programa de biogas de Burundi empezó con la creación de un nuevo departamento con la misión de popularizar nuevas fuentes de energía. El programa de biogas empezó porque (1) se creyó necesaria la formación de personal y el establecimiento de un inventario de la biomasa biodegradable en Burundi, (2) el hábitat muy desperdigado complica tanto la recolección de basuras domésticas como la distribución de gas, (3) existen comunidades numerosas como escuelas, hospitales etc. y (4) el lago Tanganika se estaba utilizando cada vez más como un basurero para los desechos de la industria agro-industrial. Así pues se iniciaron tres programas de cooperación: Bélgica mediante la financiación del BADC permitió la creación de un centro de demostración y de un laboratorio para promocionar la investigación en biometanación, formar al personal y permitir un seguimiento científico y técnico de los proyectos de biometanación. Se ha obtenido la colaboración de tres expertos chinos para ayundar a la realización de digestores piloto en todas las provincias. Y finalmente un programa financiado por Alemania Occidental se encarga de la distridución de la tecnología por todo el país formando campesinos a través de centros de formación locales.

Summary Amo 1618 inhibits germination and root growth of Lentil seedlings in the dark and in the light, with some symptoms of toxicity; CCC has no effect.Both CCC and Amo 1618 inhibit the catalase activity of a lentil root extract.Increasing concentrations of Amo 1618 progressively increase the activity of peroxidase and IAA-oxidase in vivo; the catalase activity remains unchanged.The effect of Amo 1618 on root growth can thus be explained by a diminished auxin level mediated by an increased auxin catabolism.The effect of Amo 1618 and that of kinetin on root growth and enzymes are parallet. Gibberellic acid has an opposite effect on auxin catabolism.

Une partie de ce travail a fait l'objet du mémoire de Licence de J. L. et a été réalisée au Laboratoire de Biochimie végétale de l'Institut de Botanique de Liège.  相似文献   

Normal sexual development in man is the consequence of a complex process. This review focuses on the translation of genedal sex (XX or XY karyotype) into gonadal sex (testis or ovary). During the last three years attempts to identify and clone the testis determining factor (TDF) have exploited detailed maps of the Y chromosome established by geneticists over the last decade. A candidate gene, named SRY (sex determining region, Y) located at the tip of the short arm of the Y chromosome, shows many characteristics in common with TDF in that it is the sole element of the Y chromosome required for male development. The discovery of TDF led us to analyse sex-reversed individuals, i.e. XX males and XY females, with the aim of constructing a model for the processes regulating the development of an organ as complex as the testis. This SRY gene is now the subject of intense molecular biological effort by various groups, effort which we hope will elucidate the mechanism(s) of sex determination.  相似文献   

Résumé Trente cinq enzymes sont recherchées lors de l'étude comparative de la lutéinisation et la lutéolyse. Vingt six sont histochimiquement décelables dans les corps jaunes gestatifs leur permettant de stocker et métaboliser glucides, corps gras, nucléotides, amines, phosphates, sulfates et d'autres métabolites. Les activités importantes des enzymes de la voie des pentoses, des diaphorases et de la stéroïde 3 ol DH témoigneraient d'une stéroïdogenèse active. Les cellules lutéiniques thécales semblent histoenzymatiquement mieux pourvues au début de la luteinisation; les cellules lutéiniques granuleuses le sont pendant les stades ultérieurs.La lutéolyse est marquée par une diminution de la plupart des activités enzymatiques. Les activités tant qu'elles existent, sont topographiquement limitées (ilôts actifs extra lutéaux) et surtout métaboliquement restreintes. L'équipement enzymatique des structures lutéales très involuées suggère plutôt qu'une stéroïdogenèse même résiduelle des processus typiques et une activité des éléments conjonctifs (fibrillogenèse).
Histoenzymatic functions of the evolution and the luteolysis of the corpus luteum of the rabbit
Summary 35 enzymes were investigated in the course of a comparative study on the luteinisation and luteolysis. 26 of them were found in the corpora lutea during gestation. They were able as a consequence to stock and the metabolize glucides, lipides, nucleotides, amines, phosphates, sulphates as well as other metabolites. The strong activities of the pentose shunt's enzymes, of the tetrazolium reductases and 5 3 OH-steroide DH indicated most probably an active steroidogenesis. The theca-luteinic cells appeared having a stronger histoenzymatic activity in the beginning of the luteinisation; the granuloso-luteinic cells showed a stronger activity in the later stades.The luteolysis is characterized by a decrease of the activity of the preponderant number of the enzymes mainly in the degenerated luteal cells. The enzymes activities as far as such existed were topographically limited (active extraluteal islands) and restricted mainly in their metabolizing possibilities. The author's results suggested as more probable the existence of a process of lysis and an activity of the connective tissue elements (fibrillogenesis) than a steroidogenesis, even though in a residual or terminal form.

Résumé Candida albicans a été cultivé à l'obsurité, à 28 °C, dans un milieu de culture synthétique liquide dans lequel on fait varier les concentrations de glucose et d'azote. Des indices de chlamydosporulation ont pu etre calculés pour les milieux contenant au plus 0,08 g/l de glucose. Lorsque la concentration de glucose est plus importante, les thalles pseudomycéliens portent, dans certains cas, de nombreuses chlamydospores, mais aussi des chaines de cellules à contenu dense; ces thalles bourgeonnent des éléments levuriformes qui se détachent et continuent à bourgeonner dans le milieu de culture. Les différentes morphologies rencontrées sont décrites, illustrées et ordonnées en fonction des concentrations de glucose et d'azote du milieu.
Candida albicans was grown in the darkness, at 28 °C, in a synthetic medium in which glucose and nitrogen concentrations were varied. Numeric appraisal of the chlamydospore index was possible only in the medium where glucose concentration was 0,08 g/l or less. When the glucose concentration raised, pseudomycelial thalli bore numerous chlamydospores but sometimes also chains of cells with a dense granular content. These thalli bud yeast cells which separate and bud again in the medium. The different morphological aspects of the cultures are decribed, illustrated and classified according to the glucose and nitrogen concentration of the medium.

Claude Picard 《Planta》1967,74(3):302-312
Summary Oenothera biennis L. is a typical biennial plant with an absolute cold requirement for subsequent floral initiation under long-day conditions. Flowering of vernalized Oe. biennis is associated with transition from a rosette habit to the formation of a long flower-bearing stem. Vernalization in Oe. biennis consists of two consecutive stages: (1) preparation for flowering; (2) preparation of stem elongation. At the end of the second stage, the level of endogenous gibberellin-like substances is sufficient to allow the stem elongation which is requisite for subsequent floral development.Applications of (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) via the roots, when made after the cold treatment, have no effect on internodal elongation and subsequent flowering of vernalized Oe. biennis. Relatively small amounts of CCC applied onto the apical bud of the rosette promote stem growth. However, 750 g of CCC act as a growth inhibitor and delay the beginning of stem elongation but this retardant has no effect on the number of flower buds.In contrast, N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (B 995), when applied after a cold treatment, delays the beginning of stem growth, this delay increasing with greater amounts of applied B 995. However, with relatively small amounts of B 995, the rate of later stem growth increases rapidly so that treated plants flower at the same time as controls.If gibberellic acid (GA3) is applied on the apical bud just at the same time as B 995, it reverses the effects of the growth retardant, even when the amount of B 995, applied by itself, is sufficient to inhibit entirely stem elongation and flowering.B 995 is particularly effective if the preceding cold treatment was just sufficient for effective vernalization. If the cold treatment was extended beyond this time, a greater amount of retardant was required to obtain the same degree of stem growth inhibition.B 995 probably acts by interference with the metabolism of endogenous gibberellin-like substances. The delay of floral initiation in vernalized Oe. biennis by B 995 is a consequence of the retarded internode elongation; if this retardation exceeds a certain limit, the plant is devernalized and exhibits a cold requirement identical with the original one.  相似文献   


On some seaweeds collected on the Straits of Messina and off the Sicilian coasts. – 2 Phaeophyceae of the ordines Dictyotales and Desmarestiales and 17 Rhodophyceae of the ordines Cryptonemiales, Gigartinales and Ceramiales are collected for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea (for Desmarestia ligulata) or in some localities off the Sicilian coasts and off the circumsicilian isles. For each species systematic and distribution data are reported.  相似文献   

Résumé En irradiant (500 kR) une fraction seulement du volume cellulaire de la cellule internodale deNitella, il est possible de distinguer au cours des phénomènes de restauration du mouvement cytoplasmique ceux qui dépendent de Pendoplasme (observation de la cyclose dans la zone protégée) et ceux qui dépendent de l'ectoplasme siège de la force motrice (observation de la cyclose dans la zone irradiée).Dans la zone protégée, la vitesse de la fraction endoplasmique irradiée se rétablit en fonction du temps suivant une équation du second ordre. L'augmentation du volume irradié diminue la rapidité du premier des deux processus de restauration et la quantité d'endoplasme qui reste altérée s'accroît.Dans la zone irradiée, le courant cytoplasmique est suspendu; il ne reprend que 4 minutes après le traitement alors que la couche chloroplastique se réorganise. Le glissement des inclusions qu'il charrie se fait un certain temps par saccades. La vitesse de la fraction endoplasmique protégée y augmente régulièrement témoignant ainsi du rétablissement de la force motrice. Le rétablissement a lieu suivant un schéma analogue à celui de Pendoplasme irradié sauf que ce phénomène y est plus rapide et que la force motrice du moins pendant les premières heures se rétablit intégralement. Ces résultats sont discutés (rôle des groupes SH, effet indirect d'empoisonnement, nature des lésions) et comparés à ceux obtenus pour des cellules irradiées in toto.
Cytoplasm and motive force separated recovery during the re-establishment of the gyclosis in irradiatedNitella cells
Summary In these experiments onNitella internodal cells, only a fraction of the cellular volume is irradiated (by 500 kR). The restoring of the endoplasm (by measurement of the cyclosis in the shielded zone) and the restoring of the ectoplasm where the motive force is generated (by measurement of the cyclosis in the irradiated zone) can be examinated separately during the recovery of the cytoplasmic streaming.In the shielded zone, the plot on a semi-logarithmic scale of a typical rate of streaming-time curve shows that the speed of the irradiated endoplasm. increases again according to a second order equation. With increasing irradiated cellular volume, there are a gradual slowing down of the first processus of restauration and an increase of the definitively altered fraction of the endoplasm.In the irradiated zone, the cytoplasmic streaming stopped completely. About 4 minutes after the treatment, when the chloroplasts layer is reorganising, it exhibits a tendency to flow again. The carried inclusions slide then in jerks during several minutes. The rate of the protected fraction of the endoplasm increases regularly, proving the recovery of the motive force. An analysis of this processus versus time shows that it can be exprimed by a second order equation as that of the irradiated endoplasm. But it is faster and the motive force resumes until full recovery (at least during the first hours).These results are discussed (importance of SH-groups, indirect poisoning effect, kind of lesions) and compared with those observed in completely irradiated cells.



Testicular cancer is the leading cancer of young adults and its incidence is increasing in almost all industrialized countries. The survival rate after testicular cancer is 95%, all stages combined, but a group of patients with poor prognosis still fails to respond to treatment. The time to diagnosis is defined as the time in months between perception of the first symptoms of testicular cancer by the patient and the diagnosis of the disease by the doctor. The objective of this study is to determine whether the time to diagnosis has a prognostic value, particularly whether it is correlated with the stage of the disease and survival.

Material and Methods

The time to diagnosis was studied in 542 patients with a diagnosis of testicular cancer between 1983 and 2002 in the Midi-Pyrenées region. Information concerning the disease and treatments contained in medical files was collected on a summary document. The time to diagnosis was correlated with prognostic parameters, including stage and survival.


The mean time to diagnosis was 3.7±5.1 months and was longer for seminomas (4.9±6.1 months) than for non-seminomatous germ cell tumours (NSGCT) (2.8 ±4.0 months). The time to diagnosis was correlated with the stage of the disease and the 5-year survival on the overall population and in the NSGCT group, but not in the seminoma group.


Early diagnosis has a prognostic value (correlation with stage of the disease and 5-year survival rate). Testicular cancer information campaigns should therefore be envisaged.  相似文献   

Jean-Pierre Suc 《Geobios》1976,9(6):741-767
The present study illustrates clearly how pollen analysis may be applied to stratigraphy from a botanical point of view. Within a chronologically reliable frame (Middle Pliocene for the marine deposits on the basis of Foraminifera record; two subzones for continental deposits on the basis of Mammals record: Hautimagne for Terrats fauna, Sète for Serrat-d'en-Vacquer fauna), palynology provides a good stratigraphical boundary: the extinction of the Taxodiaceae. In a remblayage area, it is established that a continental level is not necessarily younger than a marine one unless they are superposed. Many profiles are replaced according to the «progradation of the pliocene gulf of Roussillon. The boundary between marine and continental deposits cuts through the chronological line of the Taxodiaceae extinction. The flora investigated (93 taxa) is the first known for the Pliocene of this area. The extinction of the Taxodiaceae in southern France has a climatic cause: the setting in of a mediterranean rhythm (dry summers). This extinction is much older than the one which took place in Italy (Tiberian boundary) and in the Netherlands (Reuverian-Pretiglian boundary).  相似文献   

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