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Environmental stress may effect the outcome of routine investigations as well as experimental procedures. This is illustrated by investigations in the domestic fowl.  相似文献   

During examination of a large sample of Phyllodistomum umblae from Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus , in Lake Tokke (Drangedal, type locality) and Lake Katnosa (Nordmarka, vicinity of Oslo), Norway, several abnormalities were found in the adult specimens. The paper describes the abnormal cases recovered and gives a systematized review of abnormal digeneans reported in the literature. Different terms used in digenean teratology and morphology are also discussed and defined. Abnormal cases occur in P. umblae with regard to the dimensions of specific structures (caeca, ovary, oötype, seminal vesicle, testes, uterus, vitellarium) and in the numbers of ovaries and testes. Polymorphism in testes position was observed and obstructions of the reproductive organs were evident. The size variability of the seminal vesicle and ovary and variable appearance of the vitelline bodies are demonstrated.  相似文献   

1. Intra-muscular injection of DL-fenfluramine, a 5-hydroxytryptamine agonist, increased heat production by a mean of 16% over the following 6hr in adult domestic fowl.2. Propranolol, a beta-receptor blocker, completely eliminated the effect of fenfluramine on thermogenesis.3. Respiratory quotient (RQ) was significantly reduced by fenfluramine injection, whether or not this was preceded by injection of propranolol. Injection of propranolol alone produced a decline of RQ to 0.71 within 1 hr, followed by an immediate steady increase to 0.90 over the next 5 hr.4. Extension and lowering of the wings, which augments surface area for heat loss, was observed within 30 min of fenfluramine injection and persisted for several hours. This thermolytic effect of fenfluramine was not eliminated by prior injection of propranolol. Polypnea occurred only when both propranolol and fenfluramine had been injected.5. Food intake over the whole day of measurement was significantly reduced by fenfluramine injection, whether or not this had been preceded by injection of propranolol. Water intake over the same period was unaffected by any of the treatments.6. Fenfluramine reduced spontaneous activity by almost half. The reduction was slightly greater when fenfluramine injection followed propranolol. Propranolol given alone had no effect on activity.  相似文献   

Plasma reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) concentration was measured by radio immunoassay (RIA) in a group of 15 dogs. The mean rT3 concentration was 187 ng/100 ml which was 3 times higher than radioimmunoassayable triiodothyronine (T3) concentration. rT3 measurement in thyroid and peripheral venous plasma in 3 dogs showed that the unusually high circulating rT3 levels in this species could not be explained on the basis of augmented thyroidal rT3 secretion. Study of rT3-protein binding by equilibrium dialysis also failed to show any evidence of unusual rT3-protein interaction (rT3 free fraction was 2 — 3 times greater than in normal human serum). Among all the species examined so far (man, monkey, sheep, dog and rat), only in the dog are the circulating rT3 levels significantly higher than T3 suggesting that in this species the 5-deiodination, in marked contrast to the 5'-deiodination noted in several other species, is a major pathway normally involved in the initial monodeiodination of T4.  相似文献   

The manner of innervation of the pelvic outlet muscles in fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) was examined in detail in four male pelvic halves. The segmental arrangement of the nerve supply in the sacral and pudendal plexuses was compared to that of Lacertilia and Urodela as a basis for a morphological analysis of the pelvic outlet muscles. From the viewpoint of innervation, the pelvic outlet muscles of fowl are classified into two groups: a sphincter muscle group and a levator muscle group. These two groups are closely related to the ventral muscles of the pelvic limb. In contrast to the morphology of pelvic outlet muscles in lacertilians, in fowl the caudal muscle element does not contribute to the formation of these muscles.  相似文献   

Summary The present study examines spermiogenesis, and in particular the formation of the acrosome, in ten species of chitons belonging to four families. This study emphasizes the formation of the acrosome but brings to light several other structures that have received little or no mention in previous studies. The process of spermiogenesis is essentially similar in each species, although Chaetopleura exhibits some significant differences. In early spermiogenesis the Golgi body secretes numerous small pro-acrosomal vesicles that gradually migrate into the apical cytoplasm. The chromatin condenses from granules into fibres which become twisted within the nucleus. A small bundle of chromatin fibres projects from the main nuclear mass into the anterior filament; this coincides with the appearance of a developing manchette of microtubules around the nucleus that originates from the two centrioles. Radiating from the distal centriole is the centriolar satellite complex, which is attached to the plasma membrane by the annulus. The distal centriole produces the flagellum posteriorly and it exits eccentrically through a ring of folded membrane that houses the annulus. Extending from the annulus on one side of the flagellum, in all but one species, is a dense fibrous body that has not been previously reported. The proximal centriole lies perpendicular to the end of the distal centriole and is attached to it by fibro-granular material. Pro-acrosomal vesicles migrate anteriorly through the cytoplasm and move into the anterior filament to one side of the expanding nucleus. Eventually these vesicles migrate all the way to the tip of the sperm, where they fuse to form one of two granules in the acrosome. In mature sperm the nucleus is bullet-shaped with a long anterior filament and contains dense chromatin with occasional lacunae. The mitochondria vary in both number and position in the mature sperm of different species. Both centrioles are housed eccentrically in a posterior indentation of the nucleus, where the membranes are modified. The elongate flagellum tapers to a long filamentous end-piece that roughly corresponds to the anterior filament and may be important in sperm locomotion for hydrodynamic reasons. An acrosome is present in all ten species and stained positively for acid phosphatase in three species that were tested.  相似文献   

The fertilized eggs of Tetrodontophora bielanensis start to cleave 6 to 8 days after oviposition and initially only karyokineses occur. The cytokinesis begins after two karyokineses, when four nuclei are observed in the ooplasm. Two cleavage furrows, perpendicular to each other, appear simultaneously at the egg poles where polar bodies are located and gradually the furrows encompass the whole egg diameter. The furrow formation is initiated by the bundle of microfilaments that contract and pull superficial fragments of the oolemma into the yolk and subsequently new membranes, separating the daughter cells, start to form. However, they do not grow towards the egg centre but bifurcate, leaving the central part of the ooplasm outside of the newly formed blastomeres. Starting from the fourth or fifth cleavage division, the bifurcations permanently occur and multiple cleavage furrows are formed on the embryo surface. Moreover, fragments of the ooplasm, enclosed within the cell membrane but devoid of cell nucleus are observed. During further development such cell fragments become reincorporated into the embryo. This mode of cleavage leads eventually to the formation of cellular blastoderm on the embryo surface. The results presented in the paper suggest that the control of cleavage in T. bielanensis acts not at the level of cytoplasmic determinants but rather at the level of positional information of blastomeres.  相似文献   

Summary In embryos of the domestic mallard, domestic fowl, and Japanese quail vasotocin-, mesotocin-, luliberin (LHRH)-, met-enkephalin-, cortico- tropin-, and somatostatin-immunoreactive perikarya and fiber formations were visualized at different incubation stages by means of the PAP technique (Sternberger 1979). The most striking results were: (1) Vasotocin-, mesotocin-, and luliberin-immunoreactive systems display, up to the late embryonic period, morphological features most probably related to a neurohormonal function. (2) Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity appears very late during embryonic life; it is restricted to fiber networks and not found in perikarya. (3) Corticotropin immunoreactivity is observed in the tuberal region temporarily at the end of the second and the beginning of the last third of the incubation period. (4) Somatostatin-immunoreactive material is present (i) at the end of the first third of incubation, in association with the olfactory system; (ii) during the same period, adjacent to thin-layered portions of the roof of the brain; (iii) shortly thereafter, in cells of both pancreatic primordia and thyroid gland; and (iv) onward from the middle of the incubation period, in a mesencephalic cell group.The striking difference, in the early embryo, between the mature somatostatin system and the immature character of the surrounding tissues may indicate that somatostatin plays a role in the development of the brain, as well as the pancreas, and the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

  • 1.1.|5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) induced a dose-dependent hypothermia in adult fowls.
  • 2.2.|The hypothermic effect of 5-HTP was potentiated by carbidopa, citalopram, additive with (±), (−) and (+) propanolol and antagonised by methysergide and metitepine.
  • 3.3.|Cyproheptadine, xylamidine and ketanserin did not antagonised 5-HTP-induced hypothermia.
  • 4.4.|The results suggest that the hypothermic effect of 5-HTP in fowls may be mediated mainly via activation of central 5-HT receptors, probably 5-HT1 receptors.

In 45 type 2 diabetics it was unable to be found a relation between the plasma lipids and the fasting blood glucose (G), HbA1c, reverse T3 (rT3), rT3/T3 ratio, and relative body weight (R.B.W.). The conclusion was reached that the alteration of the lipoprotein metabolism and the thyroid hormones in type 2 diabetics could be primitive and independent from the availability of the insulin.  相似文献   

Abstract. A cladistic analysis of the Blephariceromorpha (here including the Nymphomyiidae, Deuterophlebiidae and Blephariceridae) and related Diptera provides a test of the phylogenetic hypotheses of Rohdendorf (1964, 1974), Hennig (1973), Wood & Borkent (1989) and Courtney (1990a). In particular, monophyly of the Blephariceroidea and Blephariceromorpha (sensu Wood & Borkent), and their relationship to other Diptera, is tested. Evaluation of larval, pupal and adult characters supports the hypothesis of Wood & Borkent, as modified by Courtney. Four larval features suggest that the Blephariceromorpha + Psychodomorpha form a monophyletic group, although an alternate hypothesis predicting that the Blephariceromorpha is the sister group of the Psychodomorpha + (Ptychopteromorpha + Culicomorpha), is discussed. Monophyly of the Blephariceromorpha (Nymphomyioidea + Blephariceroidea) is supported by one adult and five larval characters. Monophyly of the Blephariceroidea (Deuterophlebiidae + Blephariceridae) is supported by thirteen synapotypies, including features of the larva (six), pupa (three) and adult (four). Nineteen, nineteen and nine hypothesized synapotypies support monophyly of the Nymphomyiidae, Deuterophlebiidae and Blephariceridae, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructure of the zoospores ofVischeria stellata (R. Chodat ex Poulton) Pascher is investigated, with particular reference to the system of flagellar roots. Microtubular roots and a rhizoplast are present and a model showing their distribution is proposed. Four microtubular roots attach to the basal bodies in a system basically similar to that displayed by the heterokont algae and fungi. The rhizoplast is also similar to that of other heterokont algae. We conclude from these observations that the class Eustigmatophyceae should be placed within the division Heterokontophyta.Abbreviations C chloroplast - B basal body of the emergent flagellum - B' second basal body - E eyespot - F emergent flagellum - FS flagellar swelling - LV lamellate vesicle - M mastigonemes - MTs microtubules - N nucleus - R 1–R 4 microtubular roots - Rh rhizoplast - SB striated band - SV spiral vesicle  相似文献   

1. The intravenous (i.v.) infusion of somatostatin (SRIF, 1.0 microgram/kg per min) promptly (within 5 min) reduced the growth hormone (GH) concentration in the plasma of conscious adult chickens. 2. The GH concentration progressively declined throughout a 60-min period of SRIF infusion, but was dramatically increased above pre-infusion levels within 5 min of SRIF withdrawal and maintained at an elevated level for at least 30 min afterwards. 3. Sodium pentobarbitone-anaesthesia lowered the basal GH concentration to levels comparable with those in conscious birds infused with SRIF. When administered to anaesthetized birds, exogenous SRIF was unable to further reduce the GH concentration and unable to induce 'rebound' GH release. 4. While thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH, 10 micrograms/kg) increased the GH concentration in both conscious and anaesthetized birds, only the GH response in the anaesthetized birds was diminished by SRIF infusion. 5. Rebound GH secretion following the termination of SRIF infusion was observed in both conscious and anaesthetized birds injected with TRH. 6. These results demonstrate that SRIF can inhibit basal and TRH-stimulated GH secretion in adult domestic fowl and indicate that anaesthesia disrupts the normal control of GH releases.  相似文献   

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