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Symmetrical N,N'-diarylureas: 1,3-bis(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-, 1,3-bis[4-chloro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]- and 1,3-bis[3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]urea, were identified as potent activators of the eIF2α kinase heme regulated inhibitor. They reduce the abundance of the eIF2·GTP·tRNA(i)(Met) ternary complex and inhibit cancer cell proliferation. An optimization process was undertaken to improve their solubility while preserving their biological activity. Non-symmetrical hybrid ureas were generated by combining one of the hydrophobic phenyl moieties present in the symmetrical ureas with the polar 3-hydroxy-tolyl moiety. O-alkylation of the later added potentially solubilizing charge bearing groups. The new non-symmetrical N,N'-diarylureas were characterized by ternary complex reporter gene and cell proliferation assays, demonstrating good bioactivities. A representative sample of these compounds potently induced phosphorylation of eIF2α and expression of CHOP at the protein and mRNA levels. These inhibitors of translation initiation may become leads for the development of potent, non-toxic, and target specific anti-cancer agents.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G (eIF4G), which has two homologs known as eIF4GI and eIF4GII, functions in a complex (eIF4F) which binds to the 5' cap structure of cellular mRNAs and facilitates binding of capped mRNA to 40S ribosomal subunits. Disruption of this complex in enterovirus-infected cells through eIF4G cleavage is known to block this step of translation initiation, thus leading to a drastic inhibition of cap-dependent translation. Here, we show that like eIF4GI, the newly identified homolog eIF4GII is cleaved during apoptosis in HeLa cells and can serve as a substrate for caspase 3. Proteolysis of both eIF4GI and eIF4GII occurs with similar kinetics and coincides with the profound translation inhibition observed in cisplatin-treated HeLa cells. Both eIF4GI and eIF4GII can be cleaved by caspase 3 with similar efficiency in vitro, however, eIF4GII is processed into additional fragments which destroy its core central domain and likely contributes to the shutoff of translation observed in apoptosis. Cell Death and Differentiation (2000) 7, 1234 - 1243.  相似文献   

Translation of picornavirus RNA is initiated after ribosomal binding to an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) within the 5' untranslated region. We have reconstituted IRES-mediated initiation on encephalomyocarditis virus RNA from purified components and used primer extension analysis to confirm the fidelity of 48S preinitiation complex formation. Eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2), eIF3, and eIF4F were required for initiation; eIF4B and to a lesser extent the pyrimidine tract-binding protein stimulated this process. We show that eIF4F binds to the IRES in a novel cap-independent manner and suggest that cap- and IRES-dependent initiation mechanisms utilize different modes of interaction with this factor to promote ribosomal attachment to mRNA.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which miRNAs inhibit translation has been under scrutiny both in vivo and in vitro. Divergent results have led to the suggestion that miRNAs repress translation by a variety of mechanisms including blocking the function of the cap in stimulating translation. However, these analyses largely only examine the final output of the multistep process of translation. This raises the possibility that when different steps in translation are rate limiting, miRNAs might show different effects on protein production. To examine this possibility, we modeled the process of translation initiation and examined how the effects of miRNAs under different conditions might be explained. Our results suggest that different effects of miRNAs on protein production in separate experiments could be due to differences in rate-limiting steps. This analysis does not rule out that miRNAs directly repress the function of the cap structure, but it demonstrates that the observations used to argue for this effect are open to alternative interpretations. Taking all the data together, our analysis is consistent with the model that miRNAs may primarily repress translation initiation at a late step.  相似文献   

When cells experience environmental stresses, global translational arrest is often accompanied by the formation of stress granules (SG) and an increase in the number of p-bodies (PBs), which are thought to play a crucial role in the regulation of eukaryotic gene expression through the control of mRNA translation and degradation. SGs and PBs have been extensively studied from the perspective of their protein content and dynamics but, to date, there have not been systematic studies on how they interact with native mRNA granules. Here, we demonstrate the use of live-cell hybridization assays with multiply-labeled tetravalent RNA imaging probes (MTRIPs) combined with immunofluorescence, as a tool to characterize the polyA+ and β-actin mRNA distributions within the cytoplasm of epithelial cell lines, and the changes in their colocalization with native RNA granules including SGs, PBs and the RNA exosome during the inhibition of translational initiation. Translation initiation inhibition was achieved via the induction of oxidative stress using sodium arsenite, as well as through the use of Pateamine A, puromycin and cycloheximide. This methodology represents a valuable tool for future studies of mRNA trafficking and regulation within living cells.  相似文献   

During environmental stress, organisms limit protein synthesis by storing inactive ribosomes that are rapidly reactivated when conditions improve. Here we present structural and biochemical data showing that protein Y, an Escherichia coli stress protein, fills the tRNA- and mRNA-binding channel of the small ribosomal subunit to stabilize intact ribosomes. Protein Y inhibits translation initiation during cold shock but not at normal temperatures. Furthermore, protein Y competes with conserved translation initiation factors that, in bacteria, are required for ribosomal subunit dissociation. The mechanism used by protein Y to reduce translation initiation during stress and quickly release ribosomes for renewed translation initiation may therefore occur widely in nature.  相似文献   

Proline-producing strains of Serratia marcescens were more osmotolerant than wild-type strains. Growth inhibition by proline analogs was significantly enhanced by increasing the osmotic stress of the medium. Mutants resistant to azetidine-2-carboxylate were derived from a proline-producing strain, SP126, under a high osmotic condition. One of the mutants, strain SP187, produced 56 mg of L-proline per ml of medium containing sucrose and urea. This amount was ca. 3 times larger than that produced by strain SP126. The intracellular glutamate content which decreased in strain SP126 was restored in strain SP187. The glutamate dehydrogenase level of strain SP187 was 5 times higher than that of strain SP126.  相似文献   

Bacterial translation initiation factor IF2 was localized on the ribosome by rRNA cleavage using free Cu(II):1,10-orthophenanthroline. The results indicated proximity of IF2 to helix 89, to the sarcin-ricin loop and to helices 43 and 44, which constitute the "L11/thiostrepton" stem-loops of 23S rRNA. These findings prompted an investigation of the L11 contribution to IF2 activity and a re-examination of the controversial issue of the effect on IF2 functions of thiostrepton, a peptide antibiotic known primarily as a powerful inhibitor of translocation. Ribosomes lacking L11 were found to have wild-type capacity to bind IF2 but a strongly reduced ability to elicit its GTPase activity. We found that thiostrepton caused a faster recycling of this factor on and off the 70S ribosomes and 50S subunits, which in turn resulted in an increased rate of the multiple turnover IF2-dependent GTPase. Although thiostrepton did not inhibit the P-site binding of fMet-tRNA, the A-site binding of the EF-Tu-GTP-Phe-tRNA or the activity of the ribosomal peptidyl transferase center (as measured by the formation of fMet-puromycin), it severely inhibited IF2-dependent initiation dipeptide formation. This inhibition can probably be traced back to a thiostrepton-induced distortion of the ribosomal-binding site of IF2, which leads to a non-productive interaction between the ribosome and the aminoacyl-tRNA substrates of the peptidyl transferase reaction. Overall, our data indicate that the translation initiation function of IF2 is as sensitive as the translocation function of EF-G to thiostrepton inhibition.  相似文献   

A high-resolution cryo-EM reconstruction of a ribosome-bound dicistrovirus IRES (Schüler et al., 2006) and the crystal structure of its ribosome binding domain (Pfingsten et al., 2006) provide new insights into an exceptional eukaryotic translation mechanism.  相似文献   

The quantitative levels of initiation of protein synthesis at codons other than AUG were determined with a CYC7-lacZ fused gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. AUG was the only codon which efficiently initiated translation, although some non-AUG codons allowed initiation at very low efficiency, below 1% of the normal level. Since translation initiates at codons other than AUG in at least two wild-type genes from eucaryotes, other factors presumably play a role in enhancing the activity of non-AUG codons.  相似文献   

In contrast to canonical mRNAs, translation of leaderless mRNA has been previously reported to continue in the presence of the antibiotic kasugamycin. Here, we have studied the effect of the antibiotic on determinants known to affect translation of leadered and leaderless mRNAs. Kasugamycin did not affect the Shine-Dalgarno (SD)-anti-SD (aSD) interaction or the function of translation initiation factor 3 (IF3). Thus, the preferential translation of leaderless mRNA in the presence of kasugamycin can neither be attributed to an expanding pool of 30S subunits with a "blocked" aSD nor to a lack of action of IF3, which has been shown to discriminate against translation initiation at 5'-terminal start codons. Using toeprinting, we observed that on leaderless mRNA 70S in contrast to 30S translation initiation complexes are comparatively resistant to the antibiotic. These results taken together with the known preference of 70S ribosomes for 5'-terminal AUGs lend support to the hypothesis that translation of leaderless mRNAs may as well proceed via an alternative initiation pathway accomplished by intact 70S ribosomes.  相似文献   

Cap-independent translation initiation in Xenopus oocytes.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Eukaryotic cellular mRNAs contain a cap at their 5'-ends, but some viral and cellular mRNAs bypass the cap-dependent mechanism of translation initiation in favor of internal entry of ribosomes at specific RNA sequences. Cap-dependent initiation requires intact initiation factor eIF4G (formerly eIF-4gamma, eIF-4Fgamma or p220), whereas internal initiation can proceed with eIF4G cleaved by picornaviral 2A or L proteases. Injection of recombinant coxsackievirus B4 protease 2A into Xenopus oocytes led to complete cleavage of endogenous eIF4G, but protein synthesis decreased by only 35%. Co-injection of edeine reduced synthesis by >90%, indicating that eIF4G-independent synthesis involved ongoing initiation. The spectrum of endogenous proteins synthesized was very similar in the presence or absence of intact eIF4G. Translation of exogenous rabbit globin mRNA, by contrast, was drastically inhibited by eIF4G cleavage. The N-terminal cleavage product of eIF4G (cpN), which binds eIF4E, was completely degraded within 6-12 h, while the C-terminal cleavage product (cpC), which binds to eIF3 and eIF4A, was more stable over the same period. Thus, translation initiation of most endogenous mRNAs inXenopusoocytes requires no eIF4G, or perhaps only cpC, suggesting a cap-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 binds to the ribosome during translation initiation. It is instrumental for initiator-tRNA and mRNA binding, and has a function in selection of the authentic start codon. Here, we show that the archaeal homolog aIF1 has analogous functions. The aIF1 protein of the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is bound to the small ribosomal subunit during translation initiation and accelerates binding of initiator-tRNA and mRNA to the ribosome. Accordingly, aIF1 stimulated translation of an mRNA in a S. solfataricus in vitro translation system. Moreover, this study suggested that the C terminus of the factor is of relevance for its function.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells subjected to environmental stress, untranslated mRNA accumulates in discrete cytoplasmic foci that have been termed stress granules. Recent studies have shown that in addition to mRNA, stress granules also contain 40S ribosomal subunits and various translation initiation factors, including the mRNA binding proteins eIF4E and eIF4G. However, eIF2, the protein that transfers initiator methionyl-tRNA(i) (Met-tRNA(i)) to the 40S ribosomal subunit, has not been detected in stress granules. This result is surprising because the eIF2. GTP. Met-tRNA(i) complex is thought to bind to the 40S ribosomal subunit before the eIF4G. eIF4E. mRNA complex. In the present study, we show in both NIH-3T3 cells and mouse embryo fibroblasts that stress granules contain not only eIF2 but also the guanine nucleotide exchange factor for eIF2, eIF2B. Moreover, we show that phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eIF2 is necessary and sufficient for stress granule formation during the unfolded protein response. Finally, we also show that stress granules contain many, if not all, of the components of the 48S preinitiation complex, but not 60S ribosomal subunits, suggesting that they represent stalled translation initiation complexes.  相似文献   

Volatile anesthetics are essential for modern medical practice, but sites and mechanisms of action for any of their numerous cellular effects remain largely unknown. Previous studies with yeast showed that volatile anesthetics induce nutrient-dependent inhibition of growth through mechanisms involving inhibition of mRNA translation. Studies herein show that the volatile anesthetic halothane inhibits protein synthesis in perfused rat liver at doses ranging from 2 to 6%. A marked disaggregation of polysomes occurs, indicating that inhibition of translation initiation plays a key role. Dose- and time-dependent alterations that decrease the function of a variety of translation initiation processes are observed. At 6% halothane, a rapid and persistent increase in phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF)2 occurs. This is accompanied by inhibition of activity of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B that is responsible for GDP-GTP exchange on eIF2. At lower doses, neither eIF2alpha phosphorylation nor eIF2B activity is altered. After extended exposure to 6% halothane, alterations in two separate responses regulated by the target of rapamycin pathway occur: 1) redistribution of eIF4E from its translation-stimulatory association with eIF4G to its translation-inactive complex with eIF4E-binding protein-1; and 2) decreased phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6) with a corresponding decrease in active forms of a kinase that phosphorylates rpS6 (p70(S6K1)). Changes in the association of eIF4E and eIF4G are observed only after extended exposure to low anesthetic doses. Thus dose- and time-dependent alterations in multiple processes permit liver cells to adapt translation to variable degrees and duration of stress imposed by anesthetic exposure.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4GI (eIF4GI) is an essential protein that is the target for translational regulation in many cellular processes and viral systems. It has been shown to function in both cap-dependent and cap-independent translation initiation by recruiting the 40S ribosomal subunit to the mRNA cap structure or internal ribosome entry site (IRES) element, respectively. Interestingly eIF4GI mRNA itself has been reported to contain an IRES element in its 5' end that facilitates eIF4GI protein synthesis via a cap-independent mechanism. In HeLa cells, eIF4GI exists as several isoforms that differ in their migration in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gels; however, the nature of these isoforms was unclear. Here, we report a new cDNA clone for eIF4GI that extends the 5' sequence 340 nucleotides beyond the previously published sequence. The new extended sequence of eIF4GI is located on chromosome 3, within two additional exons immediately upstream of the previously published eIF4GI sequence. When mRNA transcribed from this cDNA clone was translated in vitro, five eIF4GI polypeptides were generated that comigrated in SDS-polyacrylamide gels with the five isoforms of native eIF4GI. Furthermore, translation of eIF4GI-enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion constructs in vitro or in vivo generated five isoforms of fusion polypeptides, suggesting that multiple isoforms of eIF4GI are generated by alternative translation initiation in vitro and in vivo. Mutation of two of the five in-frame AUG residues in the eIF4GI cDNA sequence resulted in loss of corresponding polypeptides after translation in vitro, confirming alternate use of AUGs as the source of the multiple polypeptides. The 5' untranslated region of eIF4GI mRNA also contains an out-of-frame open reading frame (ORF) that may down-regulate expression of eIF4GI. Further, data are presented to suggest that a proposed IRES embedded in the eIF4GI ORF is able to catalyze synthesis of multiple eIF4GI isoforms as well. Our data suggest that expression of the eIF4GI isoforms is partly controlled by a complex translation strategy involving both cap-dependent and cap-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Regulation of the rate of protein synthesis is important in the control of cellular proliferation. Changes in the rate of protein translation are brought about primarily at the level of initiation, which is usually rate limiting. This regulation involves the reversible phosphorylation of key initiation factors. Translation initiation factors eIF-4F, eIF-4B, and ribosomal protein S6 are phosphorylated in response to a wide variety of mitogens, growth factors, and tyrosine kinase oncogenes. Thus, translation initiation factors are important components of signal transduction pathways activated by extracellular factors and oncogenes. Of particular interest is the messenger RNA 5' cap-binding protein, eIF-4E. Overexpression of eIF-4E in fibroblasts results in malignant transformation, suggesting that it is an important transducer of growth signals, and that aberrant expression of a translation factor can cause malignancy. Elucidation of the components of the signalling pathways which regulate initiation factor activity should increase our understanding of how extracellular factors and oncogenes effect cellular proliferation, and the role that translation plays in this process.  相似文献   

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