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Several studies have shown that submerged macrophytes provide a refuge for zooplankton against fish predation, whereas the role of emergent and floating-leaved species, which are often dominant in eutrophic turbid lakes, is far less investigated. Zooplankton density in open water and amongst emergent and floating-leaved vegetation was monitored in a small, eutrophic lake (Frederiksborg Slotssø) in Denmark during July–October 2006. Emergent and floating-leaved macrophytes harboured significantly higher densities of pelagic as well as plant-associated zooplankton species, compared to the open water, even during periods where the predation pressure was presumably high (during the recruitment of 0+ fish fry). Zooplankton abundance in open water and among vegetation exhibited low values in July and peaked in August. Bosmina and Ceriodaphnia dominated the zooplankton community in the littoral vegetated areas (up to 4,400 ind l?1 among Phragmites australis and 11,000 ind l?1 between Polygonum amphibium stands), whereas the dominant species in the pelagic were Daphnia (up to 67 ind l?1) and Cyclops (41 ind l?1). The zooplankton density pattern observed was probably a consequence of concomitant modifications in the predation pressure, refuge availability and concentration of cyanobacteria in the lake. It is suggested that emergent and floating-leaved macrophytes may play an important role in enhancing water clarity due to increased grazing pressure by zooplankton migrating into the plant stands. As a consequence, especially in turbid lakes, the ecological role of these functional types of vegetation, and not merely that of submerged macrophyte species, should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Global diversity of aquatic macrophytes in freshwater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aquatic macrophytes are aquatic photosynthetic organisms, large enough to see with the naked eye, that actively grow permanently or periodically submerged below, floating on, or growing up through the water surface. Aquatic macrophytes are represented in seven plant divisions: Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, Xanthophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta. Species composition and distribution of aquatic macrophytes in the more primitive divisions are less well known than for the vascular macrophytes (Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta), which are represented by 33 orders and 88 families with about 2,614 species in c. 412 genera. These c. 2,614 aquatic species of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta evolved from land plants and represent only a small fraction (∼1%) of the total number of vascular plants. Our analysis of the numbers and distribution of vascular macrophytes showed that whilst many species have broad ranges, species diversity is highest in the Neotropics, intermediate in the Oriental, Nearctic and Afrotropics, lower in the Palearctic and Australasia, lower again in the Pacific Oceanic Islands, and lowest in the Antarctic region. About 39% of the c. 412 genera containing aquatic vascular macrophytes are endemic to a single biogeographic region, with 61–64% of all aquatic vascular plant species found in the Afrotropics and Neotropics being endemic to those regions. Aquatic macrophytes play an important role in the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems and certain macrophyte species (e.g., rice) are cultivated for human consumption, yet several of the worst invasive weeds in the world are aquatic plants. Many of the threats to fresh waters (e.g., climate change, eutrophication) will result in reduced macrophyte diversity and will, in turn, threaten the faunal diversity of aquatic ecosystems and favour the establishment of exotic species, at the expense of native species. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Competitive abilities of Potamogeton pectinatus L. and Potamogeton gramineus L. were estimated using additive series experiments at across a gradient of total daily irradiance ranging from 1.2 to 9.7 mol m−2 day−1. Results for P. gramineus showed that its mean weight per plant was reduced more by the presence of other P. gramineus plants than by changes in the density of P. pectinatus. However, the difference was statistically significant only at the higher light levels examined. In the case of P. pectinatus, P. gramineus exerted a stronger impact on P. pectinatus plants than did other P. pectinatus plants. Coefficients representing interspecific competition were significantly greater than those representing intraspecific competition at higher light levels. These results indicate that P. gramineus was a stronger competitor when light levels were high. They further indicate that at low light levels, there was little evidence that competition was a strong force in determining either species performance. These results support a theory offered by Grime. However, it was possible to predict that P. gramineus would be a stronger competitor based on its light compensation point which was lower than the one for P. pectinatus. This demonstrates the utility of the R* approach proposed by Tilman. Aspects of both approaches may aid ecologists in understanding community structure.  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophytes such as Elodea nuttalli, Vallisneria natans, Alterranthera philoxerides that are widely distributed in water environments of Lake Taihu basin were used as substrate of solid state fermentation to produce crude protein extraction. The effects of single-strain fermentation and mixed strains fermentation of aquatic macrophytes on the production of crude protein extraction and cellulase activity are analyzed, respectively. The experimental results showed that the crude protein content of products with mixed strains fermentation is higher than that with single-strain fermentation. The crude protein content of V. natans fermented by Aspergillus niger and Candida utilis is the highest among the aquatic macrophytes examined in this study. V. natans is used as the substrate to be fermented by C. utilis and A. niger; their ratio is 1:1 at 28 ± 1 °C for 72 h. The crude protein of fermented V. natans is as high as 49.54%, with 128.82% of its increase rate. The cellulose activity reaches a maximum of 4.21 μ/ml at 84 h of fementation of V. natans. Thus, the solid state fermentation of aquatic macrophytes to produce crude protein extraction is promising, which make aquatic macrophytes a potential resource and thus is beneficial to the long-term ecological restoration of eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

Decomposition experiments were performed using the closed bottles method and seven aquatic macrophytes: Cabombafurcata, Cyperusgiganteus, Egerianajas, Eichhorniaazurea, Salviniaauriculata, Oxycaryumcubense and Utriculariabreviscapa. Cultures with lagoon water and macrophytes detritus were incubated at 20 °C under aerobic conditions. Total particulate and dissolved organic carbon and dissolved oxygen concentrations were analyzed. The major findings were: (i) the maximum amount of consumed oxygen (OCMAX) and deoxigenation rates (kd) differ among macrophyte decays (OCMAX: 165–700 mg g−1 DW; kd: 0.014–0.045 d−1); these differences depends mainly on molecular and elemental composition of detritus; in short period, the cytoplasm fraction of detritus enhanced the catabolic activity; (ii) the kinetic model adopted to describe the oxygen consumption was shown appropriate; the parameter more affected by the chemical differences of detritus was OCMAX; the constant rates of oxygen consumption (kd) were relatively smaller in relation to obtained to oxidative decarboxylation processes (ca. 6 times) and presented minimum changes if compared with the detritus variations.  相似文献   

Hydrophytes comprise aquatic macrophytes from various taxa that are able to sustain and to complete their lifecycle in a flooded environment. Their ancestors, however, underwent adaptive processes to withstand drought on land and became partially or completely independent of water for sexual reproduction. Interestingly, the step backwards into the high-density aquatic medium happened independently several times in numerous plant taxa. For flowering plants, this submersed life-style is especially difficult as they need to erect their floral organs above the water surface to be pollinated. Moreover, fresh-water plants evolved the adaptive mechanism of heterophylly, which enabled them to switch between a submersed and an emersed leaf morphology. The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is a key factor of heterophylly induction in aquatic plants and is a major switch between a submersed and emersed life. The mechanisms of ABA signal perception and transduction appear to be conserved throughout the evolution of basal plants to angiosperms and from terrestrial to aquatic plants. This review summarizes the interplay of environmental factors that act through ABA to orchestrate adaptation of plants to their aquatic environment.  相似文献   

微囊藻毒素对水环境的影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微囊藻毒素是富营养化淡水水体中最常见的藻类毒素,是湖泊蓝藻产生的一类肽类毒素,它的产生受到藻类的遗传和环境因素的共同影响。由于其毒性大,分布广,结构稳定,从而成为水环境中的潜在危害物质。有关微囊藻毒素性质、毒理毒性、在环境中的迁移、转化以及控制预防已成为关注热点。在总结国内外研究的基础上,综述了微囊藻毒素的性质、产生机理以及其与水环境、水生生物(水生植物、鱼类、无脊椎动物)间的相互作用,讨论了微囊藻毒素对水生生物的影响以及水生生物对微囊藻毒素的降解作用,为水体中微囊藻毒素的防治提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

Boundary-layers around bladed aquatic macrophytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stevens  Craig L.  Hurd  Catriona L. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):119-128
This paper describes a model of the diffusive boundary-layer around anaquatic macrophyte blade. Nutrient uptake at the base of the modelledboundary-layer was examined using previously published laboratory data. Theanalysis showed that, over the outer velocity range 0.01–0.16ms–1, nutrient uptake varied between that predicted byflat-plate boundary-layer theory and that expected with no mean advection. Aratio of theoretical and actual nutrient uptake rates was defined as a meansof categorising the transition between the two transport models. Themodelling was extended to show how fluctuating boundary conditions mayenhance nutrient uptake by the macrophyte; the scenario examined heresuggested that at otherwise low outer velocities, periodic stripping of theboundary-layer by passing waves increased nutrient uptake by a factor of 10.  相似文献   

The nitrogen and phosphorus content of Nymphaea tuberosa and Ceratophyllum demersum, in Lake Onalaska, Wisconsin, was studied for a year. On a yearly basis, N. tuberosa exhibited nitrogen and phosphorus differences among seasons and among plant parts. Variation among plant parts was also evident in C. demersum. However, within individual plant structures, no seasonal differences were observed.Funds were provided by the River Studies Center, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Thomas O. Claflin, Director.Funds were provided by the River Studies Center, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Thomas O. Claflin, Director.  相似文献   

沉水植物生长影响因子研究进展   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:41  
王华  逄勇  刘申宝  马璇 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3958-3968
沉水植物恢复是近年来国内外广泛关注的热点.回顾了沉水植物恢复研究的总体情况,通过对影响沉水植物生长环境因子的系统分析与总结得出:光照强度对沉水植物生长起着主要限制作用;营养盐、底质、悬浮物、水流、温度对沉水植物生长影响较为明显,各因子都存在某一适宜取值区间,满足沉水植物的最佳生长,就不同类型沉水植物及在其不同生长阶段,该取值区间也有所变化;着生藻类、重金属、pH等因子也会对沉水植物生长产生一定影响,但其作用程度相对上述因子较低.目前研究中存在的问题有:(1)相关环境因子对沉水植物生长影响机理的动态、定量化研究不足;(2)考虑到多项因子的内在联系与相互作用,开展的综合性研究较少;(3)室内实验较多,野外实验较少,实验结果不能有效指导野外实践.  相似文献   

Influence of aquatic macrophytes on phosphorus cycling in lakes   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
Emergent macrophytes take up their phosphorus exclusively from the sediment. Submerged species obtain phosphorus both from the surrounding water and from the substrate, but under normal pore and lake water phosphorus concentrations, substrate uptake dominates. Release of phosphorus from actively growing macrophytes (both submerged and emergent) is minimal and epiphytes obtain phosphorus mainly from the water. Decaying macrophytes may act as an internal phosphorus source for the lake and add considerable quantities of phosphorus to the water. A large part of the released phosphorus is often retained by the sediments. In perennial macrophytes the amount of phosphorus released from decaying shoots is dependent on the degree of phosphorus conservation within the plant. Macrophyte stands may also be a permanent phosphorus sink due to burial of plant litter. Macrophytes affect the chemical environment (oxygen, pH), which in turn has effects on the phosphorus cycling in lakes. However, the impact of aquatic macrophytes on whole-lake phosphorus cycling is largely unknown. Controlled full-scale harvesting, herbicide or herbivory experiments are almost totally lacking. Emergent macrophytes respond positively to eutrophication, but fertilization experiments have shown that nitrogen rather than phosphorus may be the key element. Submerged macrophytes are adversely affected by a large increase in the external phosphorus input to a lake. This effect may be caused by epiphyte shading, phytoplankton shading or deposition of unfavourable sediments.  相似文献   

1. Increased ammonium concentrations and decreased light availability in a water column have been reported to adversely affect submersed vegetation in eutrophic waters worldwide. 2. We studied the chronic effects of moderate enrichment (NH4–N: 0.16–0.25 mg L?1) on the growth and carbon and nitrogen metabolism of three macrophytes (Ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum spicatum and Vallisneria natans) under contrasting light availability in a 2‐month experiment. 3. The enrichment greatly increased the contents of free amino acids and nitrogen in the shoot / leaf of the macrophytes. This indicates that was the dominant N source for the macrophytes. 4. Soluble carbohydrate contents remained relatively stable in the shoot / leaf of the macrophytes irrespective of the treatments. Under ambient light, the starch contents in the shoot / leaf of C. demersum and M. spicatum increased with enrichment, whereas V. natans did not exhibit any change. The starch contents decreased in C. demersum, increased in M. spicatum and remained unchanged in V. natans after the combined treatment of enrichment and reduced light. 5. The enrichment did not affect the growth of the three macrophytes under the ambient light. However, it did suppress the growth of C. demersum and M. spicatum under the reduced light. The results indicate that a moderate enrichment was not directly toxic to the macrophytes although it might change their viability in eutrophic lakes in terms of the carbon and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Managing water quality with aquatic macrophytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The principal sources of water for human use are lakes, rivers, soil moisture and relatively shallow groundwater basins. Water quality in lakes and reservoirs is subjected to the natural degradation, processes of eutrophication and the impacts of human activities. Water quality problems can often be as severe as those of water availability but less attention has been paid to them, particularly in developing countries. Currently additional sustainable ways to mitigate the degradation of water quality are being researched all over the world. Phytoremediation is one of the serious efforts towards the sustainability. Most of the aquatic macrophytes are naturally occurring and well adapted for their surroundings. Aquatic macrophytes have the capability to remove excessive nutrient load from the water that otherwise cause eutrophication of the water body. Aquatic macrophytes absorb nutrient mineral ions from water column and influence metal retention indirectly by acting as traps for particulate matter, by slowing the water current and favoring sedimentation of suspended particles. Aquatic macrophytes also reduce sediment resuspension by offering wind protection. The use of aquatic macrophyte for treatment of wastewater to mitigate variety of pollution level is one of the most researched issues all over the world. Aquatic plant species are very specific for the uptake of nutrients. Owing to this specificity, the selection of the aquatic plant species is one of the skilled tasks prior to the design of a water treatment facility. An effort has been made in this review to cover the most researched aquatic flora for mitigation purposes and their possible use in a mesocosm as the selection of an appropriate aquatic plant specie reduce the time and cost of the treatment processes.  相似文献   

  1. The coastal rivers of the São Paulo State in SE Brazil have different lengths and seawater influence. We evaluated whether: (1) environmental heterogeneity (EH) is associated with the species and life-form richness of aquatic macrophytes; and (2) EH and geographical distance influence species composition in these coastal rivers.
  2. We recorded the macrophyte species and life form occurrence and collected explanatory variables characterising the water, sediment, and river channel at 100 sampling sites over 8 rivers. We applied a principal component analysis to the explanatory variables and calculated the rivers' EH using the range of principal component 1 scores. We also determined the position of each river mouth along the coastline to measure the distance between the rivers. We used quasi-Poisson generalised linear models to evaluate the effects of EH on richness of species and life forms. To determine the effect of EH and geographical distance (Euclidean distance matrices) on the variation in species composition (Jaccard dissimilarity matrix) among the rivers, we applied multiple regressions on distance matrices.
  3. The most heterogeneous river had heterogeneity score about five times greater than the least heterogeneous river. Sediment salinity, river width, total phosphorus concentration of water and distance from river mouth were the most important variables contributing to the rivers' EH. We found that EH did not explain variation in species richness; however, it had a significant positive relationship with life-form richness. The effect of EH was greater than that of the geographical distance on the variation in species composition among the rivers. The pairs of rivers with the most similar EH were the most similar in species composition, but not all of them were geographically close.
  4. We conclude that EH influences life-form richness but does not influence species richness of aquatic macrophytes in the coastal rivers we studied; however, EH does influence species composition regardless of geographical distance among rivers.

李宽意 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2624-2627
以外来种伊乐藻与土著种苦草为实验生物,通过室外受控实验研究了基质类型对2种水生植物种间关系的影响.结果表明:伊乐藻在2种不同营养水平的基质中均具有明显竞争优势.植物竞争(混栽伊乐藻)对低密度苦草的生长影响不明显,对密度高苦草抑制显著,然而基质类型对低密度苦草的生长影响显著,对高密度苦草无明显影响.同样,植物竞争(混栽苦草)对低密度伊乐藻的生长无明显影响,对密度高伊乐藻抑制显著,然而,无论种植密度高低,基质类型对伊乐藻的生长均有极大影响.本文还对伊乐藻与苦草的种间竞争关系机理进行了探讨,其研究结果对分析外来种入侵后水生植被的演变规律以及湖泊水生植被的管理有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

Abstract. The supply of oxygen to respiring shoot tissue was investigated for three submerged macrophytes (Potamogeton crispus L., Egeria densa Planch, and Myriophyllum triphyllum Orchard). For all species, the response of oxygen uptake rates to the external O2 concentration was a rectangular hyperbola over the range 0–5.0 × 10?3m3 m?3. However, the response pattern for material with water-infiltrated lacunar airspaces was non-hyperbolic over this range. The change in response was interpreted as an increased substrate (O2) limitation, resulting from lower radial diffusion rates within the infiltrated material. Neither the uninfiltrated nor the infiltrated responses obeyed the linear and logarithmic formulae of the type observed for submerged macrophytes by earlier authors. These results suggest that the responses observed are affected by factors such as water velocity, internal restrictions to diffusion and the range of oxygen tensions investigated. Therefore, it is unlikely that one response formula can adequately account for the effects of oxygen concentration on submerged macrophyte oxygen uptake. The lacunar airspaces also represent a possible oxygen source for dark respiration. The consumption of oxygen from the airspaces was investigated by displacing the gas from the lacunae and measuring the subsequent increase in the rate of oxygen assimilation from the external liquid. Approximately 30% of the oxygen consumed by E. densa and P. crispus, and more than 40% of that consumed by M. triphyllum, was derived from the lacunar system. This O2 supply is a consequence of the higher oxygen concentration in the lacunae than in the external medium, due to the low solubility of oxygen in water. Storage of photosynthetically-produced oxygen in the lacunae could not be identified during a light/dark transient, due to rate changes caused by the effects of light on the respiratory metabolism. However, O2 partial pressure gradients artificially set up between the lacunae and water equilibrated within an hour, suggesting that excess oxygen would be lost to the water within this time.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. We tested the hypothesis that interspecific competition between two grass-feeding stenodemine bug species ( Notostira elongata Geoffroy and Megaloceraeu recticornis Geoffroy) was capable of causing population-scale mortality in the field.
2. N.elongata nymphs were added to two field enclosures in which the M.recti-cornis population was to hatch. In one of these enclosures the grass Arrhena-therum elatius L., on which only M.recticornis can feed, was also added. Population changes of the bug species were then monitored. An unmanipulated enclosure and an unfenced plot of grassland were used as controls.
3. The results demonstrated that N.elongata lowered the survival of M.recticornis and that this effect was removed by the addition of A.elatius . The results also suggested that N.elongata suffered less from the effects of competition with M.recticornis when the latter had access to the refuge foodplant.
4. Interspecific competition was rare among members of the grass-feeding stenodemine guild in the area studied. Only one out of fifteen possible pairs competed, and this competition occurred only under special circumstances.  相似文献   

Eutrophication is a major environmental issue that mankind is facing today as a result of rapid development. To reduce the eutrophication problem, we are testing an innovative artificial floating islands (AFIs) approach. AFIs include aquatic plants composed of emergent and floating macrophytes. In this experimental approach, two aquatic plants were selected to compare with the control group in order to evaluate the capacity of AFIs. These two emergent macrophytes were evaluated for a 40-day timeframe to examine their ability to purify waste water. The results showed that an AFI with purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria Linn.) and one with yellow-flowered iris (Iris wilsonii) have a strong ability to remove nitrogen, phosphorus, and other pollutants from water bodies. The pollutant removal rates of the AFIs with purple loosestrife and yellow-flowered iris were almost over 50%. The chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) removal rates of the AFI with purple loosestrife were about 75%, 57%, 71%, respectively. At the same time, the COD, TN, and TP removal rates of the AFI with yellow-flowered iris were 60%, 49%, and 68%, respectively. AFIs with aeration are also a good way to remove pollutants. This study reveals that AFIs can be incorporated into wetlands to reduce the effects of water contamination and help strengthen wetland restoration.  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophytes are one of the biological quality elements in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for which status assessments must be defined. We tested two methods to classify macrophyte species and their response to eutrophication pressure: one based on percentiles of occurrence along a phosphorous gradient and another based on trophic ranking of species using Canonical Correspondence Analyses in the ranking procedure. The methods were tested at Europe-wide, regional and national scale as well as by alkalinity category, using 1,147 lakes from 12 European states. The grouping of species as sensitive, tolerant or indifferent to eutrophication was evaluated for some taxa, such as the sensitive Chara spp. and the large isoetids, by analysing the (non-linear) response curve along a phosphorous gradient. These thresholds revealed in these response curves can be used to set boundaries among different ecological status classes. In total 48 taxa out of 114 taxa were classified identically regardless of dataset or classification method. These taxa can be considered the most consistent and reliable indicators of sensitivity or tolerance to eutrophication at European scale. Although the general response of well known indicator species seems to hold, there are many species that were evaluated differently according to the database selection and classification methods. This hampers a Europe-wide comparison of classified species lists as used for the status assessment within the WFD implementation process.  相似文献   

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