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On the nurse cell and the spermatozeugma in Littorina sitkana   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Nurse cells develop from diploid cells in the testis. Each cell undergoes a reduction division which leaves the nucleus with half the volume of a normal diploid cell. They send out pseudopodia which form desmosomelike junctions with developing spermatids. The nurse cells detach from the testicular wall, their nuclei degenerate and secretion droplets form in the cytoplasm. The pseudopodia are drawn in as the cytoplasmic secretions swell and the nurse cell becomes spherical. The eupyrene sperm become grouped unilaterally and at this stage are attached to the nurse cell by only the tips of their acrosomes. At maturity the nurse cells with their clumps of attached eupyrene sperm (spermatozeugmata) are released from the testis via ducts into the seminal vesicles, where they are stored prior to copulation. Nurse cells serve similar functions to those of apyrene sperm which are common among the Molluscs. We believe that the nurse cell and apyrene sperm are homologous.  相似文献   

Summary Waste sperm and spermatozeugmata in the seminal vesicle of Littorina scutulata are phagocytised either by cell buds (large vesicles given off from the epithelial cells) or by the epithelial cells themselves. Cell buds containing sperm, are in turn engulfed by epithelial cells. In both cases, heterophagic vacuoles are formed inside the cell and subsequently the vacuoles are fused with primary lysosomes or lysosomal derivatives to become secondary lysosomes. Throughout this process the sperm are being digested. The second lysosome transforms further to telolysosome and finally to residual body when the sperm is completely digested.  相似文献   

N. I. Zaslavskaya 《Hydrobiologia》1995,309(1-3):123-128
Eight species of the genus Littorina were hitherto recognised in the north-western region of the Pacific Ocean: L. sitkana, L. brevicula, L. mandshurica, L. squalida, L. aleutica, L. naticoides, L. kasatka and L. subrotundata. Using allozyme electrophoresis it has been demonstrated that, in the Kurile Islands, three of these species (L. sitkana, L. subrotundata and L. kasatka) co-occur, together with a fourth, still undescribed species (L. sp.). These four species were compared at 16 loci coding for 13 enzymes. All species were easily distinguished by diagnostic enzyme markers. The mean genetic distances and ranges between species pairs are: L. sitkana and L. sp. D = 0.622 (0.561–0.741), L. sitkana and L. subrotundata D=0.981 (0.821–1.110), L. subrotundata and L. sp. D=0.975 (0.955–0.995). The genetic distance between L. kasatka and each of the other three species was greater than 1 (range 1.123–2.087). These data suggest that L. sitkana, L. subrotundata and L. sp could be members of a species complex; according to current classifications these three belong to the subgenus Neritrema. However, the genetic distance between L. kasatka and L. sitkana is much greater than between L. sitkana and other Neritrema species, and thus supports the classification of L. kasatka in the subgenus Littorina.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of Sertoli cells in three marine prosobranch molluscs has been studied with light- and electron microscopy. Sertoli cells of prosobranchs are modified columnar epithelial cells that maintain continuous contact with the basal lamina and extend from it to the lumen of a testicular tubule. Spermatogenesis takes place between adjacent Sertoli cells, but a continuous layer of cytoplasm separates the spermatogonia from the basal lamina, thus restricting the basal compartment to spermatogonium mother cells. Substances traversing the basal lamina from the interstitial space must pass either through or between the Sertoli cells. However, between the cells, a permeability barrier composed of septate and desmosome-like junctions blocks the passage of substances, such as the tracer lanthanum nitrate. The basally-located nucleus is irregularly shaped with fine granular euchromatin and some peripheral heterochromatin; satellite karyosomes border the nucleolus. There is an extensive intracellular digestive system that is used effectively to phagocytize waste sperm and residual cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic processes of Sertoli cells penetrate throughout the germinal epithelium. In some prosobranchs that exhibit sperm polymorphism these processes must coordinate to bring together a clone of eupyrene sperm and a carrier sperm at a particular time in development. The only cytoskeletal elements available within the processes to generate such movements are microtubules.We propose that the term nurse cell, which has been used in the past to describe at least three different cell types, including Sertoli cells and apyrene sperm, be restricted to abortive oogonia that contribute to development of an oocyte.This paper was cited in a previous publication (Buckland-Nicks et al. 1982) under the title: A comparative investigation into the relationship between Sertoli cells, eupyrene and apyrene sperm in the testis of two marine snails  相似文献   

Summary The filiform sperm of Littorina sitkana swims effectively in sea water and more viscous fluids, overcoming the problems of a non-uniform flagellar beat with an unusual mechanism, which involves three main events: (1) the sperm rotates anti-clockwise (looking from tail to head); then (2) stops rotating and stiffens itself to form a screw-shape, with the tail being held perpendicular to the middle piece, and finally; (3) reverses its rotation and propels itself forward in a clockwise spiral. The average velocity of sperm is approximately 185 ms with a rotational frequency of 24 revs. The mechanism of propulsion may involve two kinetic centers at opposite ends of the sperm, which coordinate their movements to produce anti-clockwise rotation, stationary twisting, or clockwise rotation, in a manner reminiscent of spirochaetes. Littorina sperm also exhibit slower methods of propulsion including swimming backwards (tail first) at 18 m, and gliding at about 30 m.The adaptive significance of the rapid propulsion is not obvious, because Littorina copulate and fertilize internally and at each stage in the transfer there are external aids to sperm transport, such as ciliary action (oviduct) and muscular expulsion (bursa and seminal receptacle). The filiform shape, however, is well-adapted for long-term storage in the female body. These points are discussed.  相似文献   

Warwick  T.  Knight  A. J.  Ward  R. D. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,193(1):109-116
This paper details attempts to breed members of the L. saxatilis species complex in the laboratory and to construct interspecific hybrids between them. Success in reciprocal crosses between animals from the type localities of the species of Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) and Littorina rudis (Maton) indicates that these two taxa are synonymous. Six of the twelve possible reciprocal hybridisation crosses between the four species (L. saxatilis, L. arcana Hannaford Ellis, L. nigrolineata Gray and L. neglecta Bean) have been attempted, with only one proving successful, that between male L. saxatilis and female L. arcana. This hybrid cross produces viable offspring, although at a lower frequency than either of the parental crosses in the laboratory, while the reciprocal cross has, as yet, proved unsuccessful. Limited work on the F1 hybrids shows them to be inter-fertile and also capable of backcrossing with male L. saxatilis, but not with female L. saxatilis or L. arcana. Details are also given of attempts to find natural hybrids in sympatric populations of the species of the complex, using gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Most marine benthic invertebrate species have planktonic larvae, and in species in which juveniles and adults have low vagility a larva is obviously an efficient way of active dispersal. A minority of benthic invertebrate species develop without any pelagic phase at all. A largely unsolved question is how and at what rate do these species disperse. We have addressed this question using the marine littoral snail Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) as an example of a species that completely lacks larval dispersal. In the Koster archipelago (north part of the Swedish west coast), L. saxatilis occupies rocky island habitats of different sizes, from large islands to small intertidal skerries (islets). In 1988 an extremely dense bloom of a toxin-producing flagellate killed more than 99% of this snail species in this area. Populations of larger islands were reduced, often to less than 1%, but were restored over 2–4 yr. In contrast, populations of small intertidal skerries were completely wiped out and thus could not increase by local recruitment. Four years later, however, four of 33 skerries (12%) were successfully recolonized with relatively dense populations, and another five had received a few founder individuals. These results indicate recruitment through founder individuals, and are rough estimates of dispersal rate in a snail species that lacks a pelagic developmental stage.  相似文献   

C. R. Fletcher 《Hydrobiologia》1995,309(1-3):73-87
The strength of molluscan shells has been shown to vary in adaptive ways in a number of species and one of the main factors thought to be involved is shell-crushing by predators. A recent study found that the sibling species of flat periwinkle Littorina obtusata and Littorina mariae showed significant differences in the rates at which shell strength increased with shell length in specimens which had been collected from the same location, where the species were sympatric. This paper describes differences between the shells of the two species from a number of localities around Milford Haven in Dyfed, Wales, and local geographical variation in the shells. Littorina mariae, which is normally found at lower tidal levels than L. obtusata, matures at a smaller shell length. Both species reinforce the shell as they grow since shell strength, determined as the maximum force applied by a hydraulic tensile testing machine before the shell cracked, is strongly positively allometric; it increases at a rate close to the cube of shell length whilst isometric growth would result in strength increasing in proportion to the square of shell length. Because L. mariae matures earlier and reinforces the shell at a smaller size, the mature shell of L. mariae is substantially stronger on average than that of a similar sized but immature L. obtusata. At maturity the shell strengths of the two species are not very different despite the substantial difference in mean shell length. Strength varies significantly from shore to shore, and with the level of the shore from which the animals were collected. Strength increases down the shore in both species. Shell strength decreases with exposure to wave action in L. mariae but increases with exposure in L. obtusata; there is also substantial shore-to-shore variation which is not explained by exposure. Path analysis was used to explore the relationship between shell strength and other measured shell parameters (mass, length, height, thickness). The best predictor of shell strength in both species is a parameter which is heavily positively loaded on LN (shell mass) and strongly offset by negative loadings on LN (shell length) and LN (shell height). This is logical because for a given shell length a heavier shell will be thicker and stronger, whilst for a given shell mass a bigger shell will be thinner and therefore weaker. Such differential variation of shell mass and shell length explains most of the geographical variation observed in shell strength; shells are stronger in snails collected from one place than from another because, for the same shell length they are heavier or, to put it the other way, because at the same shell mass, they are smaller.  相似文献   

Protection from wetting (freshening) and drying of layers of the intertidal gastropod Littorina sitkana Philippi, 1846, specified by direct development was studied. It has been shown that the jellylike material of the layings did not protect the developing embryos from changes in the environmental salinity, but rather protected them from drying periods up to 12 h.  相似文献   

三角帆蚌精子的发生   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
报道了光镜和透射电镜下三角帆蚌精子的发生过程及其一系列重要的形态变化。包括核延长,染色质浓缩,线粒体逐渐融合并后移;胞质减少及鞭毛形成,精原细胞是精巢中体积最大的细胞,细胞膜界限不明显,内质网发达,精母细胞开始出现中心粒,精细胞分化可分为3个阶段。成熟精子属原生型,由头部、中段和尾部三部分组成。  相似文献   

Examination of eight Atlantic species of the genus Littorina by starch gel electrophoresis of purine nucleoside phosphorylase revealed extensive polymorphism within the L. saxatilis complex. In this group, four alleles have been identified. Heterozygotes are four banded, and thus, as in vertebrates, the enzyme is likely to be a trimer. Breeding experiments confirmed the genetic interpretation of the phenotype patterns. Where species of the saxatilis complex [L. saxatilis (=L. rudis), L. arcana, L. nigrolineata, L. neglecta] are sympatric, there are sometimes significant allele frequency differences between them. A fifth allele was present at a high frequency in L. obtusata and L. mariae, and L. littorea and L. neritoides each possessed unique alleles. A total of eight alleles was identified. Densitometric scanning of heterozygote patterns pointed to activity differences between alleles and also showed that, while the heterotrimeric bands were never less intense than the homotrimeric bands, the heterotrimeric bands were sometimes less intense than expected. It is not clear whether this represents nonrandom association of subunits, decreased stability of heterotrimers, or simply an artifact of the staining and quantifying process.This work was supported by NERC Grant GR3/5319.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of 19 populations of Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) was estimated by four different approaches. Three of these operate upon a population by population matrix of genetic distances: average linkage clustering, and two versions of the Fitch-Margoliash method. The fourth method was a maximum likelihood estimate based on differences in allele frequencies between populations. The study aims to assess how well each method estimates the phylogeny by including seven populations of the closely related species L. arcana Hannaford Ellis. The rationale behind this is that a good estimation technique should be able to separate these two monophyletic taxa.The results show that, by our criteria, the maximum likelihood method yields the best estimate and the unconstrained Fitch-Margoliash technique gives reasonable estimates. Both average-linkage clustering and the Fitch-Margoliash method with evolutionary clock perform less well. We argue that this is expected since both these techniques are based on probably unrealistic assumptions such as the overall rate of evolutionary divergence being homogeneous over phyletic lines.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural, cytochemical and autoradiographic techniques were used to study the functional significance of Ca2+-accumulating vesicles in Helix aspersa oocytes. The organic material of these vesicles is capable of adsorbing calcium ions, thus removing them from the cytosol and forming osmotically inactive complexes that are concentrated in the core. Ca2+-accumulating vesicles likely act as subcellular detoxifying compartments that sequestrate excess cytosolic Ca2+ (and plausibly other metal cations) to maintain physiologically adequate ionic concentrations.Part of this paper was presented at the VII Congreso Nacional de Malacología (Sevilla, November 1988)  相似文献   

通过透射和扫描电镜观察了白肛海地瓜(Acaudina leucoprocta)的精子发生过程及其形态结构,揭示了白肛海地瓜精子发生时期一系列变化,其精子发生分为精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞、成熟精子5个时期。精原细胞体积最大。精母细胞染色质开始凝集。精细胞前顶体颗粒形成。白肛海地瓜成熟精子的超微结构为原生型,由头部、中部、尾部组成,头部圆形,最前端为顶体,核染色质凝集成团块状,中部是线粒体和中心粒复合体融合成1个超大结构,尾部长约60μm,尾部鞭毛横切面为典型的"9+2"型结构。  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了拟目乌贼(Sepia lycidas)精子的发生过程和超微结构。结果表明,精子发生经历了精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和成熟精子5个阶段,其中精细胞可以分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ5个时期,精细胞Ⅱ期又可分为前期和后期。细胞核经历了一个横向收缩、纵向拉长的过程,由圆形或椭圆形,变为不规则的纺锤形、稍弯曲的长柱形;核内染色质由絮状,变为絮块状、致密颗粒状、细纤维状、粗纤维状和片层状,直至高电子密度均质状;顶体由圆形,变为头盔形、圆锥形、倒"U"字形,直至子弹头形;线粒体由空泡状经过融合和迁移,变为内嵴丰富的椭球形,形成不完全包围鞭毛的线粒体距。成熟精子全长101.28μm,由头部和尾部组成,头部呈长辣椒状,长7.73μm,宽1.51μm,由顶体和细胞核组成;尾部细长,为93.18μm,为典型的"9+2"结构,由中段、主段和末段三部分组成。  相似文献   

Male germ cells in the testis of Holothuria leucospilota can be divided into 12 stages based on ultrastructure and patterns of chromatin condensation. The spermatogonium (Sg) is a spherical-shaped cell with a diameter of about 6.5-7microm. Its nucleus mostly contains euchromatin and small blocks of heterochromatin scattered throughout the nucleus. The nucleolus is prominent. Primary spermatocytes are divided into six stages, i.e., leptotene (LSc), zygotene (ZSc), pachytene (PSc), diplotene (DSc), diakinesis (DiSc) and metaphase (MSc). The early cells are round while in DiSc and in MSc cells are oval in shape. From LSc to MSc, the sizes of cells range from 3.5 to 4microm. LSc contains large blocks of heterochromatin as a result of increasingly condensed 17nm fibers. In ZSc, the nucleus contains prominent synaptonemal complexes but a nucleolus is absent. In PSc, heterochromatin blocks are tightly packed together by 26nm fibers and appeared as large patches in DSc. Heterochromatin patches were enlarged to form chromosomes in DiSc and MSc and then the chromosome are moved to be aligned along equatorial region. The secondary spermatocyte (SSc) is an oval cell about 4.5-5.5microm. Their nuclei contain large clumps of heterochromatin along the nuclear envelope and in the center nuclear region. Spermatids are divided into two stages, i.e., early spermatid (ESt) and late spermatid (LSt). The nuclei decrease in size by a half and become spherical; thus the chromatin fibers condensed into 20nm and are closely packed together leaving only small spaces in LSt. The spermatozoa (Sz), with chromatin tightly packed in the spherical nucleus with a diameter of 2microm and a small acrosome situated at the anterior of the nucleus. The tail consists of a pair of centrioles lying perpendicular to each other and surrounded by a mitochondrial ring, and an axonemal complex, surrounded by a plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Summary An antifibronectin antibody has been prepared which recognises a fibronectin-like substance isolated from Helix aspersa hemolymph. By use of the indirect immunofluorescence technique, the distribution of fibronectin in embryos and in the ovotestis at selected development stages from hatching to the adult has been investigated. In embryos, the basement membranes and the epithelia were immunoreactive, whereas the mesenchyme and the gonadal rudiment were not. After hatching, the fibronectin was present in ovotestis. It was localized on the epithelia of gonadal acini and at the periphery of the periacinar vesicular tissue. This adhesive molecule is present on the nurse cells, which sustain the group of male cells, while it is absent on differentiating male cells in the lumen of acini. The membrane of oocyte did not exhibit fluorescence. By contrast the surface of follicular cells were clearly labelled. Inside the vitellogenic oocytes, granular fluorescence was also observed.The participation of fibronectin in gonadal organogenesis is discussed in relation to cellular adhesion and movement. Its role in the metabolic exchanges between the germinal cells and the surrounding tissues is suggested.  相似文献   

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