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Microtubule-associated protein tau contains a consensus motif for protein kinase B/Akt (Akt), which plays an essential role in anti-apoptotic signaling. The motif encompasses the AT100 double phospho-epitope (Thr212/Ser214), a specific marker for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other neurodegenerations, raising the possibility that it could be generated by Akt. We studied Akt-dependent phosphorylation of tau protein in vitro. We found that Akt phosphorylated both Thr212 and Ser214 in the longest and shortest tau isoforms as determined using phospho site-specific antibodies against tau. Akt did not phosphorylate other tau epitopes, including Tau-1, AT8, AT180, 12E8 and PHF-1. The Akt-phosphorylated tau retained its initial electrophoretic mobility. Immunoprecipitation studies with phospho-specific Thr212 and Ser214 antibodies revealed that only one of the two sites is phosphorylated per single tau molecule, resulting in tau immunonegative for AT100. Mixed kinase studies showed that prior Ser214 phosphorylation by Akt blocked protein kinase A but not GSK3beta activity. On the other hand, GSK3beta selectively blocked Ser214 phosphorylation, which was prevented by lithium. The results suggest that Akt may be involved in AD-specific phosphorylation of tau at the AT100 epitope in conjunction with other kinases. Our data suggest that phosphorylation of tau by Akt may play specific role(s) in Akt-mediated anti-apoptotic signaling, particularly relevant to AD and other neurodegenerations.  相似文献   

PknH Ser/Thr protein kinase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis controls the expression of a variety of cell wall related enzymes and regulates the in vivo growth in mice. Therefore, we predicted that the PknH kinase could phosphorylate several substrates controlling different metabolic and physiological pathways. Using a bioinformatic approach, we identified 40 potential substrates. Two substrates were shown to be phosphorylated by recombinant PknH kinase in vitro. Point mutation studies verified that substrates are phosphorylated at the in silico-predicted sites. Kinetic studies revealed a similar relative-phosphorylation rate (V(max)) of PknH towards two new substrates and the only previously known substrate, EmbR. Unlike the EmbR protein, the Rv0681 and DacB1 proteins do not contain an FHA domain and are possible participants of new signaling pathways mediated by the PknH kinase in M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The essential Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ser/Thr protein kinase (STPK), PknB, plays a key role in regulating growth and division, but the structural basis of activation has not been defined. Here, we provide biochemical and structural evidence that dimerization through the kinase-domain (KD) N-lobe activates PknB by an allosteric mechanism. Promoting KD pairing using a small-molecule dimerizer stimulates the unphosphorylated kinase, and substitutions that disrupt N-lobe pairing decrease phosphorylation activity in vitro and in vivo. Multiple crystal structures of two monomeric PknB KD mutants in complex with nucleotide reveal diverse inactive conformations that contain large active-site distortions that propagate > 30 ? from the mutation site. These results define flexible, inactive structures of a monomeric bacterial receptor KD and show how "back-to-back" N-lobe dimerization stabilizes the active KD conformation. This general mechanism of bacterial receptor STPK activation affords insights into the regulation of homologous eukaryotic kinases that form structurally similar dimers.  相似文献   

To define how extracellular signals activate bacterial receptor Ser/Thr protein kinases, we characterized the regulatory functions of a weak dimer interface identified in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis PknB and PknE receptor kinases. Sequence comparisons revealed that the analogous interface is conserved in PknD orthologs from diverse bacterial species. To analyze the roles of dimerization, we constructed M. tuberculosis PknD kinase domain (KD) fusion proteins that formed dimers upon addition of rapamycin. Dimerization of unphosphorylated M. tuberculosis PknD KD fusions stimulated phosphorylation activity. Mutations in the dimer interface reduced this activation, limited autophosphorylation, and altered substrate specificity. In contrast, an inactive catalytic site mutant retained the ability to stimulate the wild-type KD by dimerization. These results support the idea that dimer formation allosterically activates unphosphorylated PknD. The phosphorylated PknD KD was fully active even in the absence of dimerization, suggesting that phosphorylation provides an additional regulatory mechanism. The conservation of analogous dimers in diverse prokaryotic and eukaryotic Ser/Thr protein kinases implies that this mechanism of protein kinase regulation is ancient and broadly distributed.  相似文献   

Studies have suggested that the expression, translocation, and function of alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptors may be modulated by alpha4 subunit phosphorylation, but little direct evidence exists to support this idea. The objective of these experiments was to identify specific serine/threonine residues on alpha4 subunits that are phosphorylated in vivo by cAMP-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C (PKC). To accomplish this, DNAs coding for human alpha4 subunits containing alanines in place of serines/threonines predicted to represent phosphorylation sites were constructed, and transiently transfected with the DNA coding for wild-type beta2 subunits into SH-EP1 cells. Cells were pre-incubated with (32)Pi and incubated in the absence or presence of forskolin or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate. Immunoprecipitated alpha4 subunits were subjected to immunoblot, autoradiographic and phosphoamino acid analyses, and two-dimensional phosphopeptide mapping. Results confirmed the presence of two alpha4 protein bands, a major band of 71/75 kDa and a minor band of 80/85 kDa. Phosphoamino acid analysis of the major band indicated that only serine residues were phosphorylated. Phosphopeptide maps demonstrated that Ser362 and 467 on the M3/M4 cytoplasmic domain of the alpha4 subunit represent major cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation sites, while Ser550 also contained within this major intracellular loop is a major site for protein kinase C phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Persistent activation of protein kinase D (PKD) via protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated signal transduction is accompanied by phosphorylation at Ser(744) and Ser(748) located in the catalytic domain activation loop, but whether PKC isoforms directly phosphorylate these residues, induce PKD autophosphorylation, or recruit intermediate upstream kinase(s) is unclear. Here, we explore the mechanism whereby PKC activates PKD in response to cellular stimuli. We first assessed in vitro PKC-PKD transphosphorylation and PKD activation. A PKD738-753 activation loop peptide was well phosphorylated by immunoprecipitated PKC isoforms, consistent with similarities between the loop and their known substrate specificities. A similar peptide with glutamic acid replacing Ser(748) was preferentially phosphorylated by PKCepsilon, suggesting that PKD containing phosphate at Ser(748) is rapidly targeted by this isoform at Ser(744). When incubated in the presence of phosphatidylserine, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate and ATP, intact PKD slowly autophosphorylated in the activation loop but only at Ser(748). In contrast, addition of purified PKCepsilon to the incubation mixture induced rapid Ser(744) and Ser(748) phosphorylation, concomitant with persistent 2-3-fold increases in PKD activity, measured using reimmunoprecipitated PKD to phosphorylate an exogenous peptide, syntide-2. We also further examined pleckstrin homology domain-mediated PKD regulation to determine its relationship with activation loop phosphorylation. The high constitutive activity of the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain deletion mutant PKD-deltaPH was not abrogated by mutation of Ser(744) and Ser(748) to alanines, suggesting that one function of activation loop phosphorylation in the PKD activation mechanism is to relieve autoinhibition by the PH domain. These studies provide evidence of a direct PKCepsilon-PKD phosphorylation cascade and provide additional insight into the activation mechanism.  相似文献   

In bacteria, regulatory phosphorylation of proteins at serine and/or threonine residues by Ser/Thr protein kinase (STPK) is an emerging theme in prokaryotic signaling, particularly since the prediction of the occurrence of several STPKs from genome sequencing and sequence surveys. Here we show that protein PknH possesses an autokinase activity and belongs to the large STPK family found in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Evidence is presented that PknH can also phosphorylate EmbR, a protein suspected to modulate the level of arabinosyltransferase activity involved in arabinan biosynthesis of arabinogalactan, a key molecule of the mycobacterial cell wall. Interestingly, EmbR possesses an FHA (forkhead-associated) domain, a newly described phosphoprotein recognition domain, which plays an essential role in PknH-EmbR interaction and phosphorylation of EmbR by PknH. It is demonstrated that mutation of each of three particular residues of this FHA domain, Arg312, Ser326, and Asn348, totally abolishes the PknH-mediated phosphorylation of EmbR, thus highlighting the critical role of this domain in the direct interaction between EmbR and PknH.  相似文献   

The receptor-like protein kinase PknB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is encoded by the distal gene in a highly conserved operon, present in all actinobacteria, that may control cell shape and cell division. Genes coding for a PknB-like protein kinase are also found in many more distantly related gram-positive bacteria. Here, we report that the pknB gene can be disrupted by allelic replacement in M. tuberculosis and the saprophyte Mycobacterium smegmatis only in the presence of a second functional copy of the gene. We also demonstrate that eukaryotic Ser/Thr protein kinase inhibitors, which inactivate PknB in vitro with a 50% inhibitory concentration in the submicromolar range, are able to kill M. tuberculosis H37Rv, M. smegmatis mc(2)155, and Mycobacterium aurum A+ with MICs in the micromolar range. Furthermore, significantly higher concentrations of these compounds are required to inhibit growth of M. smegmatis strains overexpressing PknB, suggesting that this protein kinase is the molecular target. These findings demonstrate that the Ser/Thr protein kinase PknB is essential for sustaining mycobacterial growth and support the development of protein kinase inhibitors as new potential antituberculosis drugs.  相似文献   

Many Ser/Thr protein kinases are activated by autophosphorylation, but the mechanism of this process has not been defined. We determined the crystal structure of a mutant of the Ser/Thr kinase domain (KD) of the mycobacterial sensor kinase PknB in complex with an ATP competitive inhibitor and discovered features consistent with an activation complex. The complex formed an asymmetric dimer, with the G helix and the ordered activation loop of one KD in contact with the G helix of the other. The activation loop of this putative ‘substrate’ KD was disordered, with the ends positioned at the entrance to the partner KD active site. Single amino‐acid substitutions in the G‐helix interface reduced activation‐loop phosphorylation, and multiple replacements abolished KD phosphorylation and kinase activation. Phosphorylation of an inactive mutant KD was reduced by G‐helix substitutions in both active and inactive KDs, as predicted by the idea that the asymmetric dimer mimics a trans‐autophosphorylation complex. These results support a model in which a structurally and functionally asymmetric, ‘front‐to‐front’ association mediates autophosphorylation of PknB and homologous kinases.  相似文献   

The "eukaryotic-like" receptor Ser/Thr protein kinases (STPKs) are candidates for the sensors that mediate environmental adaptations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). To define the mechanisms of regulation and substrate recognition, we determined the crystal structure of the ligand-free, activated kinase domain (KD) of the Mtb STPK, PknE. Remarkably, the PknE KD formed a dimer similar to that first observed in the structure of the ATPgammaS complex of the Mtb paralog, PknB. This structural similarity, which occurs despite little sequence conservation between the PknB and PknE dimer interfaces, supports the idea that dimerization regulates the Mtb receptor STPKs. Insertion of the DFG motif into the ATP-binding site and other conformational differences compared the ATPgammaS:PknB complex suggest that apo-PknE is not pre-organized to bind nucleotides. This structure may represent an inactive conformation stabilized by dimerization or, alternatively, an active conformation that reveals shifts that mediate nucleotide exchange and order substrate binding.  相似文献   

Serine/threonine protein phosphatases are central mediators of phosphorylation-dependent signals in eukaryotes and a variety of pathogenic bacteria. Here, we report the crystal structure of the intracellular catalytic domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PstPpp, a membrane-anchored phosphatase in the PP2C family. Despite sharing the fold and two-metal center of human PP2Calpha, the PstPpp catalytic domain binds a third Mn(2+) in a site created by a large shift in a previously unrecognized flap subdomain adjacent to the active site. Mutations in this site selectively increased the Michaelis constant for Mn(2+) in the reaction of a noncognate, small-molecule substrate, p-nitrophenyl phosphate. The PstP/Ppp structure reveals core functional motifs that advance the framework for understanding the mechanisms of substrate recognition, catalysis, and regulation of PP2C phosphatases.  相似文献   

CKS-17, a synthetic peptide representing a unique amino acid motif which is highly conserved in retroviral transmembrane proteins and other immunoregulatory proteins, induces selective immunomodulatory functions, both in vitro and in vivo, and activates intracellular signaling molecules such as cAMP and extracellular signal-regulated kinases. In the present study, using Jurkat T-cells, we report that CKS-17 phosphorylates protein kinase D (PKD)/protein kinase C (PKC) mu. Total cell extracts from CKS-17-stimulated Jurkat cells were immunoblotted with an anti-phospho-PKCmu antibody. The results show that CKS-17 significantly phosphorylates PKD/PKCmu in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Treatment of cells with the PKC inhibitors GF 109203X and Ro 31-8220, which do not act directly on PKD/PKCmu, attenuates CKS-17-induced phosphorylation of PKD/PKCmu. In contrast, the selective protein kinase A inhibitor H-89 does not reverse the action of CKS-17. Furthermore, a phospholipase C (PLC) selective inhibitor, U-73122, completely blocks the phosphorylation of PKD/PKCmu by CKS-17 while a negative control U-73343 does not. In addition, substitution of lysine for arginine residues in the CKS-17 sequence completely abrogates the ability of CKS-17 to phosphorylate PKD/PKCmu. These results clearly indicate that CKS-17 phosphorylates PKD/PKCmu through a PLC- and PKC-dependent mechanism and that arginine residues play an essential role in this activity of CKS-17, presenting a novel modality of the retroviral peptide CKS-17 and molecular interaction of this compound with target cells.  相似文献   

Diverse pathogenic bacteria produce transmembrane receptor Ser/Thr protein kinases (STPKs), but little is known about the signals mediated by these "eukaryotic-like" proteins. To explore the basis for signaling in the bacterial STPK receptor family, we determined the structure of the sensor domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PknD. In two crystal forms, the PknD sensor domain forms a rigid, six-bladed beta-propeller with a flexible tether to the transmembrane domain. The PknD sensor domain is the most symmetric beta-propeller structure described. All residues that vary most among the blade subdomains cluster in the large "cup" motif, analogous to the ligand-binding surface in many beta-propeller proteins. These results suggest that PknD binds a multivalent ligand that signals by changing the quaternary structure of the intracellular kinase domain.  相似文献   

Protein kinases and protein phosphatases exert coordinated control over many essential cellular processes. Here, we describe the cloning and characterization of a novel human transmembrane protein KPI-2 (Kinase/Phosphatase/Inhibitor-2) that was identified by yeast two-hybrid using protein phosphatase inhibitor-2 (Inh2) as bait. KPI-2 mRNA was predominantly expressed in skeletal muscle. KPI-2 is a 1503-residue protein with two predicted transmembrane helices at the N terminus, a kinase domain, followed by a C-terminal domain. The transmembrane helices were sufficient for targeting proteins to the membrane. KPI-2 kinase domain has about 60% identity with its closest relative, a tyrosine kinase. However, it only exhibited serine/threonine kinase activity in autophosphorylation reactions or with added substrates. KPI-2 kinase domain phosphorylated protein phosphatase-1 (PP1C) at Thr(320), which attenuated PP1C activity. KPI-2 C-terminal domain directly associated with PP1C, and this required a VTF motif. Inh2 associated with KPI-2 C-terminal domain with and without PP1C. Thus, KPI-2 is a kinase with sites to associate with PP1C and Inh2 to form a regulatory complex that is localized to membranes.  相似文献   

Up to 1 mol of phosphoryl groups was incorporated per mol of eukaryotic protein synthesis initiation factor (eIF) 4E following incubation of purified preparations of this factor with purified preparations of a protamine kinase from bovine kidney cytosol. By contrast, purified preparations of two forms of mitogen-activated protein kinase, casein kinase II and two forms of a distinct autophosphorylation-activated protein kinase exhibited little activity, if any, with eIF-4E. Together with previous observations, the results indicate that the protamine kinase could contribute to the insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of eIF-4E.  相似文献   

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