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Rempel BP  Withers SG 《Glycobiology》2008,18(8):570-586
Glycoside hydrolases are important enzymes in a number of essential biological processes. Irreversible inhibitors of this class of enzyme have attracted interest as probes of both structure and function. In this review we discuss some of the compounds used to covalently modify glycosidases, their use in residue identification, structural and mechanistic investigations, and finally their applications, both in vitro and in vivo, to complex biological systems.  相似文献   

Plant lectins: occurrence,biochemistry, functions and applications   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Growing insights into the many roles of glycoconjugates in biorecognition as ligands for lectins indicates a need to compare plant and animal lectins. Furthermore, the popularity of plant lectins as laboratory tools for glycan detection and characterization is an incentive to start this review with a brief introduction to landmarks in the history of lectinology. Based on carbohydrate recognition by lectins, initially described for concanavalin A in 1936, the chemical nature of the ABH-blood group system was unraveled, which was a key factor in introducing the term lectin in 1954. How these versatile probes are produced in plants and how they are swiftly and efficiently purified are outlined, and insights into the diversity of plant lectin structures are also given. The current status of understanding their functions calls for dividing them into external activities, such as harmful effects on aggressors, and internal roles, for example in the transport and assembly of appropriate ligands, or in the targeting of enzymatic activities. As stated above, attention is given to intriguing parallels in structural/functional aspects of plant and animal lectins as well as to explaining caveats and concerns regarding their application in crop protection or in tumor therapy by immunomodulation. Integrating the research from these two lectin superfamilies, the concepts are discussed on the role of information-bearing glycan epitopes and functional consequences of lectin binding as translation of the sugar code (functional glycomics).  相似文献   

Polypeptide libraries cast a broad net for defining enzyme and binding protein specificities. In addition to uncovering rules for molecular recognition, the binding preferences and functional group tolerances from such libraries can reveal mechanisms underlying biochemical and cellular processes. Ligands obtained from protein libraries can also provide pharmaceutical lead compounds and even reagents to further explore cell biology. Here, we review selected recent examples of protein libraries demonstrating these principles. In particular, we focus on combinatorial libraries composed of randomized peptides or variations of a single protein. The characteristics of various techniques for library constructions and screening are also briefly surveyed.  相似文献   

The ability to culture cells has revolutionized hypothesis testing in basic cell and molecular biology research. It has become a standard methodology in drug screening, toxicology, and clinical assays, and is increasingly used in regenerative medicine. However, the traditional cell culture methodology essentially consisting of the immersion of a large population of cells in a homogeneous fluid medium and on a homogeneous flat substrate has become increasingly limiting both from a fundamental and practical perspective. Microfabrication technologies have enabled researchers to design, with micrometer control, the biochemical composition and topology of the substrate, and the medium composition, as well as the neighboring cell type in the surrounding cellular microenvironment. Additionally, microtechnology is conceptually well-suited for the development of fast, low-cost in vitro systems that allow for high-throughput culturing and analysis of cells under large numbers of conditions. In this interview, Albert Folch explains these limitations, how they can be overcome with soft lithography and microfluidics, and describes some relevant examples of research in his lab and future directions.  相似文献   

By investigating the presence and distribution of GalNAc/Gal-specific receptors on liver cells in vitro and in vivo, we provided evidence that the hepatocyte is not the only liver cell expressing receptor activity but that receptors of similar specificity are found on liver macrophages and also on endothelial cells. The receptor distribution in the plasma membrane is strinkingly different between the three cell types, as judged from the binding pattern of colloidal gold particles coated with asialofetuin or lactosylated serum albumin. Binding to hepatocytes occurs as single particles statistically distributed, binding to liver macrophages in a clustered arrangement all over the cell membrane and binding to endothelial cells also in a clustered arrangement but restricted to coated pits only. The different receptor distribution results in different binding and uptake abilities. Whereas hepatocytes bind and take up molecules and small particles (5 nm) only, the clustered receptor arrangement of endothelial cells and macrophages enables them to effectively bind and ingest larger particles. Ligands larger than 35 nm can be taken up by the macrophages only. The different receptor arrangement results also in different capacities of cell contact formation. Although in vitro liver macrophages and hepatocytes can both bind desialylated cells the macrophage needs much less galactosyl groups exposed on erythrocytes to establish stable contacts than the hepatocyte. The contacts formed by hepatocytes stay reversible for 30 min at 37 degrees C, whereas the contacts formed by the liver macrophages become irreversible after 10 min at 37 degrees C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Zhou H  Ning Z  Wang F  Seebun D  Figeys D 《The FEBS journal》2011,278(20):3796-3806
Proteomic analysis requires the combination of an extensive suite of technologies including protein processing and separation, micro-flow HPLC, MS and bioinformatics. Although proteomic technologies are still in flux, approaches that bypass gel electrophoresis (gel-free approaches) are dominating the field of proteomics. Along with the development of gel-free proteomics, came the development of devices for the processing of proteomic samples termed proteomic reactors. These microfluidic devices provide rapid, robust and efficient pre-MS sample procession by performing protein sample preparation/concentration, digestion and peptide fractionation. The proteomic reactor has advanced in two major directions: immobilized enzyme reactor and ion exchange-based proteomic reactor. This review summarizes the technical developments and biological applications of the proteomic reactor over the last decade.  相似文献   

Molecular biology and Pauling's immunochemistry: a neglected dimension   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues that there is a substantial overlap between the history of immunology and the history of molecular biology, an overlap manifested in the researches on antibodies during the 1930s and 1940s. This common ground is a product of intellectual developments, as well as institutional trends. Viewed from an intellectual vantage point of the 1930s and 1940s, molecular biology was essentially the study of the biological specificities of the so-called 'giant protein molecules'. Within the conceptual framework of early molecular biology, which was rooted in the protein view of life, the concepts of protein template, autocatalysis, and heterocatalysis were central in explaining the protein syntheses of genes, viruses, enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Immunochemistry and serological genetics were at the heart of that research agenda. This paper also shows that the immunochemistry program of Linus Pauling, which focused on molecular mechanisms of antibody structure and function, and the projects in serological genetics at Caltech's biology division were supported by the Rockefeller Foundation under the aegis of its molecular biology program. Based on the close examination of intellectual and institutional factors, the histories of molecular biology and immunology in the pre-DNA era are seen as closely linked.  相似文献   

Aspartylglucosaminuria (AGU, McKusick 208400) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease caused by defective degradation of Asn-linked glycoproteins. AGU mutations occur in the gene (AGA) for glycosylasparaginase, the enzyme necessary for hydrolysis of the protein oligosaccharide linkage in Asn-linked glycoprotein substrates undergoing metabolic turnover. Loss of glycosylasparaginase activity leads to accumulation of the linkage unit Asn-GlcNAc in tissue lysosomes. Storage of this fragment affects the pathophysiology of neuronal cells most severely. The patients notably suffer from decreased cognitive abilities, skeletal abnormalities and facial grotesqueness. The progress of the disease is slower than in many other lysosomal storage diseases. The patients appear normal during infancy and generally live from 25 to 45 years. A specific AGU mutation is concentrated in the Finnish population with over 200 patients. The carrier frequency in Finland has been estimated to be in the range of 2.5-3% of the population. So far there are 20 other rare family AGU alleles that have been characterized at the molecular level in the world's population. Recently, two knockout mouse models for AGU have been developed. In addition, the crystal structure of human leukocyte glycosylasparaginase has been determined and the protein has a unique alphabetabetaalpha sandwich fold shared by a newly recognized family of important enzymes called N-terminal nucleophile (Ntn) hydrolases. The nascent single-chain precursor of glycosylase araginase self-cleaves into its mature alpha- and beta-subunits, a reaction required to activate the enzyme. This interesting biochemical feature is also shared by most of the Ntn-hydrolase family of proteins. Many of the disease-causing mutations prevent proper folding and subsequent activation of the glycosylasparaginase.  相似文献   

植物凝集素的功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲍锦库 《生命科学》2011,(6):533-540
植物凝集素是来源于植物的一类能凝集细胞和沉淀单糖或多糖复合物的非免疫来源的非酶蛋白质。由于其对于单糖或糖复合物特异性结合的能力,使得其在如信号转导、免疫反应、植物防御等诸多信号过程中均具有重要作用。同时植物凝集素具有细胞凝集、抗病毒、抗真菌及诱导细胞凋亡或自噬等多种能力,因此在生命科学、医学及农业方面均有较好的研究价值和应用前景。综述了植物凝集素的研究历史和凝集素的主要功能,并对现阶段凝集素的重点应用做简要介绍。  相似文献   

Ommochromes are widely occurring coloured molecules of invertebrates, arising from tryptophan catabolism through the so‐called Tryptophan → Ommochrome pathway. They are mainly known to mediate compound eye vision, as well as reversible and irreversible colour patterning. Ommochromes might also be involved in cell homeostasis by detoxifying free tryptophan and buffering oxidative stress. These biological functions are directly linked to their unique chromophore, the phenoxazine/phenothiazine system. The most recent reviews on ommochrome biochemistry were published more than 30 years ago, since when new results on the enzymes of the ommochrome pathway, on ommochrome photochemistry as well as on their antiradical capacities have been obtained. Ommochromasomes are the organelles where ommochromes are synthesised and stored. Hence, they play an important role in mediating ommochrome functions. Ommochromasomes are part of the lysosome‐related organelles (LROs) family, which includes other pigmented organelles such as vertebrate melanosomes. Ommochromasomes are unique because they are the only LRO for which a recycling process during reversible colour change has been described. Herein, we provide an update on ommochrome biochemistry, photoreactivity and antiradical capacities to explain their diversity and behaviour both in vivo and in vitro. We also highlight new biochemical techniques, such as quantum chemistry, metabolomics and crystallography, which could lead to major advances in their chemical and functional characterisation. We then focus on ommochromasome structure and formation by drawing parallels with the well‐characterised melanosomes of vertebrates. The biochemical, genetic, cellular and microscopic tools that have been applied to melanosomes should provide important information on the ommochromasome life cycle. We propose LRO‐based models for ommochromasome biogenesis and recycling that could be tested in the future. Using the context of insect compound eyes, we finally emphasise the importance of an integrated approach in understanding the biological functions of ommochromes.  相似文献   

Epoxide hydrolases: biochemistry and molecular biology   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Epoxides are organic three-membered oxygen compounds that arise from oxidative metabolism of endogenous, as well as xenobiotic compounds via chemical and enzymatic oxidation processes, including the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system. The resultant epoxides are typically unstable in aqueous environments and chemically reactive. In the case of xenobiotics and certain endogenous substances, epoxide intermediates have been implicated as ultimate mutagenic and carcinogenic initiators Adams et al. (Chem. Biol. Interact. 95 (1995) 57-77) Guengrich (Properties and Metabolic roles 4 (1982) 5-30) Sayer et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 260 (1985) 1630-1640). Therefore, it is of vital importance for the biological organism to regulate levels of these reactive species. The epoxide hydrolases (E.C. 3.3.2. 3) belong to a sub-category of a broad group of hydrolytic enzymes that include esterases, proteases, dehalogenases, and lipases Beetham et al. (DNA Cell Biol. 14 (1995) 61-71). In particular, the epoxide hydrolases are a class of proteins that catalyze the hydration of chemically reactive epoxides to their corresponding dihydrodiol products. Simple epoxides are hydrated to their corresponding vicinal dihydrodiols, and arene oxides to trans-dihydrodiols. In general, this hydration leads to more stable and less reactive intermediates, however exceptions do exist. In mammalian species, there are at least five epoxide hydrolase forms, microsomal cholesterol 5,6-oxide hydrolase, hepoxilin A(3) hydrolase, leukotriene A(4) hydrolase, soluble, and microsomal epoxide hydrolase. Each of these enzymes is distinct chemically and immunologically. Table 1 illustrates some general properties for each of these classes of hydrolases. Fig. 1 provides an overview of selected model substrates for each class of epoxide hydrolase.  相似文献   

X-ray microscopy using synchrotron radiation is a novel and promising approach to the ultrastructural investigation of the cell. In terms of resolution it lies between light and transmission electron microscopy, having a practical resolving power of 30-50 nm. Specimen preparation is minimal, a thickness of up to 10 microm can easily be accommodated and there is no need to fix, stain, dry or put the sample into vacuum. High contrast projection images of fully-hydrated whole cells in physiological medium can be obtained. The application and significance of the soft X-ray microscope to cellular biology will be discussed along with recent methodologies developed to optimise imaging, such as, cryo-preservation, immuno-labelling and elemental mapping.  相似文献   

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