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Vibrational spectroscopy has become increasingly important as a tool for understanding the mechanisms of photosystem II, phytochrome and terminal oxidases. More general enzymatic or receptor systems have been studied, opening a new field of applications. Femtosecond infrared pump/probe studies of the important amide-I band seem to provide a basis for its molecular and structural interpretation.  相似文献   

The ability to introduce or modify protein function has widespread application to multiple scientific disciplines. The introduction of unique unnatural amino acids represents an excellent mechanism to incorporate new functionality; however, this approach is limited by ability of the translational machinery to recognize and incorporate the chemical moiety. To overcome this potential limitation, we aimed to exploit the functionality of existing unnatural amino acids to perform bioorthogonal reactions to introduce the desired protein modification, altering its function. Specifically, via the introduction of a terminal alkyne containing unnatural amino acid, we demonstrated chemically programmable protein modification through the Glaser-Hay coupling to other terminal alkynes, altering the function of a protein. In a proof-of-concept experiment, this approach has been utilized to modify the fluorescence spectrum of green fluorescent protein.  相似文献   

Several approaches, some of which are described in this issue, have been proposed to assemble a complete protein interaction map. These are often based on high throughput methods that explore the ability of each gene product to bind any other element of the proteome of the organism. Here we propose that a large number of interactions can be inferred by revealing the rules underlying recognition specificity of a small number (a few hundreds) of families of protein recognition modules. This can be achieved through the construction and characterization of domain repertoires. A domain repertoire is assembled in a combinatorial fashion by allowing each amino acid position in the binding site of a given protein recognition domain to vary to include all the residues allowed at that position in the domain family. The repertoire is then searched by phage display techniques with any target of interest and from the primary structure of the binding site of the selected domains one derives rules that are used to infer the formation of complexes between natural proteins in the cell.  相似文献   

Cutinase from Fusarium solani pisi is the model-system for a new approach to assess and enhance protein stability based on the use of synthetic triazine-scaffolded affinity ligands as a novel protein-stabilizing tool. The active site of cutinase is excluded from the main surface regions postulated to be involved in early protein's thermal unfolding events. Hence, these regions are suitable targets for binding complementary affinity ligands with a potential stabilizing effect. A random solid-phase combinatorial library of triazine-bisubstituted molecules was screened for binding cutinase by a rapid fluorescence-based method and affinity chromatography. The best binding substituents were combined with those previously selected by screening a rationally designed library. A second-generation solid-phase biased library was designed and synthesized, following a semi-rational methodology. A dual screening of this library enabled the selection of ligands binding cutinase with higher affinity while retaining its functionality. These compounds were utilized for thermostability assessment with adsorbed cutinase at 60 degrees C and pH 8.0. When bound to different types of ligands, the enzyme showed markedly distinct activity retention profiles, with some synthetic affinity ligands displaying a stabilizing effect on cutinase and others a clearly destabilizing effect, when compared with the free enzyme.  相似文献   

In addition to large domains, many short motifs mediate functional post-translational modification of proteins as well as protein-protein interactions and protein trafficking functions. We have constructed a motif database comprising 312 unique motifs and a web-based tool for identifying motifs in proteins. Functional motifs predicted by MnM can be ranked by several approaches, and we validated these scores by analyzing thousands of confirmed examples and by confirming prediction of previously unidentified 14-3-3 motifs in EFF-1.  相似文献   

The advantages of oriented immobilization of biologically active proteins are good steric accessibilities of active binding sites and increased stability. This not only may help to increase the production of preparative procedures but is likely to promote current knowledge about how the living cells or tissues operate. Protein inactivation starts with the unfolding of the protein molecule by the contact of water with hydrophobic clusters located on the surface of protein molecules, which results in ice-like water structure. Reduction of the nonpolar surface area by the formation of a suitable biospecifc complex or by use of carbohydrate moieties thus may stabilize proteins. This review discusses oriented immobilization of antibodies by use of immobilized protein A or G. The section about oriented immobilization of proteins by use of their suitable antibodies covers immobilization of enzymes utilizing their adsorption on suitable immunosorbents prepared using monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies, preparation of bioaffinity adsorbent for the isolation of concanavalin A and immobilization of antibodies by use of antimouse immunoglobulin G, Fc-specific (i.e. specific towards the constant region of the molecule). In the further section immobilization of antibodies and enzymes through their carbohydrate moieties is described. Oriented immobilization of proteins can be also based on the use of boronate affinity gel or immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography technique. Biotin–avidin or streptavidin techniques are mostly used methods for oriented immobilization. Site-specific attachment of proteins to the surface of solid supports can be also achieved by enzyme, e.g., subtilisin, after introduction a single cysteine residue by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

RNA interference as a tool to study gene function in bovine oocytes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
RNA interference (RNAi) has become a well-established technique to study gene function in several species. Our objective was to develop a RNAi approach to study gene function in bovine oocytes. In the first experiment, three different treatments including a 20 min exposure to cytochalasin B, a 6 hr maturation in cycloheximide, and a combination of these two treatments were tested to improve oocyte survival following microinjection. The cycloheximide/cytochalasin B treatment greatly increased (P<0.02) the survival rate of the microinjected oocytes. In the second experiment, we assessed the effect of both cyclin B1 and GFP dsRNA on cyclin B1 mRNA and protein expression. The injection of cyclin B1 dsRNA resulted in a decrease in cyclin B1 mRNA and protein, while the cyclin B2 mRNA remained unaffected. Furthermore, the injection of GFP dsRNA did not interfere with cyclin B1 mRNA or protein nor with the ability of the oocyte to mature properly. In addition, the lack of cyclin B1 in the oocyte led to activation in 10% of the oocytes as evidenced by the presence of a pronucleus. However, the use of an additional 10 hr of maturation in the presence of 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) prevented germinal vesicle breakdown and allowed a longer exposure to dsRNA. This procedure increased the percentage of activated oocytes to 33% and is likely to result from an increased length of time for dsRNA processing and for degradation of the cyclin B1 mRNA to occur. In conclusion, RNAi represents a useful technique to study gene function in the bovine oocyte.  相似文献   

Kinases have been often targeted in drug therapy aimed at blocking signaling pathways. However, the conservation of protein structure across homologs often leads to uncontrolled cross-reactivity. On the other hand, sticky packing defects in proteins are typically not conserved across homologs, making them ligand-anchoring sites potentially important to enhance selectivity. Thus, we introduce a hierarchical clustering of PDB-reported kinases according to packing differences. This kinome partitioning is highly correlated with proximity relations arising from the pharmacological profiling of kinases. A variable packing sensitivity is observed for individual drugs, with highly promiscuous ligands being the most insensitive to packing differences. Our classifier enables a strategy to design selective inhibitors.  相似文献   

Strebel A  Harr T  Bachmann F  Wernli M  Erb P 《Cytometry》2001,43(2):126-133
BACKGROUND: Several apoptosis-detecting methods are currently available. Many of them are work intensive and require the additional use of antibodies, dyes, specific substrates, or enzymatic reactions. A simple, fast, and reliable method was developed to test for apoptosis or necrosis using mouse and human cell lines (e.g., Jurkat, A20.2J, and PB3c cells) stably transfected with a vector coding for green fluorescent protein (GFP) as indicator cells. METHODS: Apoptosis in GFP-transfected cell lines was induced either by soluble Fas-Ligand (sFasL), recombinant human TRAIL (rhTRAIL), or interleukin-3 (IL-3) deprivation. Necrosis was induced by polyclonal anti-A20 and complement treatment of GFP-transfected A20. Cells were analyzed by flow cytometry for GFP fluorescence. Propidium iodide and Annexin V staining were used to confirm the results obtained with the GFP-method. RESULTS: Live GFP-transfected cells show a strong fluorescence intensity, which is significantly diminished upon induction of apoptosis, whereas necrotic GFP-transfected cells almost completely lose their GFP-associated fluorescence. Apoptosis but not necrosis of GFP-transfected cells was blocked by the use of a caspase inhibitor. The results are highly comparable to conventional apoptosis-detecting methods. CONCLUSIONS: The advantage of our GFP-based assay compared with other methods is the analysis of apoptosis or necrosis without the necessity for additional staining or washing steps, making it an ideal tool for screening apoptotic or necrotic stimuli.  相似文献   

Aggregation of proteins is a serious problem, affecting both industrial production of proteins and human health. Despite recent advances in the theories and experimental techniques available to address understanding of protein aggregation processes, mechanisms of aggregate formation have proved challenging to study. This is in part because the typical irreversibility of protein aggregation processes at atmospheric conditions complicates analysis of their kinetics and thermodynamics. Because high hydrostatic pressures act to disfavor the hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions that cause protein aggregation, studies conducted under high hydrostatic pressures may allow protein aggregates to be formed reversibly, enabling thermodynamic and kinetic parameters to be measured in greater detail. Although application of high hydrostatic pressures to protein aggregation problems is rather recent, a growing literature, reviewed herein, suggests that high pressure may be a useful tool for both understanding protein aggregation and reversing it in industrial applications.  相似文献   

Mouse selenocysteine lyase (SCL) catalyzes the decomposition of -selenocysteine into -alanine and selenium with pyridoxal 5′-phosphate as a coenzyme. When using SCL as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screening method, major urinary protein I (MUP-I) was identified as a protein that interacts with SCL. This interaction was confirmed with an in vitro binding assay. MUP-I is known as a pheromone-binding protein that accommodates volatile effectors to affect the physiology and behavior of mice. We found that the binding of 2-naphthol to MUP-I was significantly inhibited by SCL, suggesting that SCL regulates the binding capacity of MUP-I.  相似文献   



Alternative splicing often occurs in the coding sequence and alters protein structure and function. It is mainly carried out in two ways: by skipping exons that encode a certain protein feature and by introducing a frameshift that changes the downstream protein sequence. These mechanisms are widespread and well investigated.  相似文献   

The last two decades have led to significant progress in the field of analytical ultracentrifugation driven by instrumental, theoretical, and computational methods. This review will highlight key developments in sedimentation equilibrium (SE) and sedimentation velocity (SV) analysis. For SE, this includes the analysis of tracer sedimentation equilibrium at high concentrations with strong thermodynamic non-ideality, and for ideally interacting systems, the development of strategies for the analysis of heterogeneous interactions towards global multi-signal and multi-speed SE analysis with implicit mass conservation. For SV, this includes the development and applications of numerical solutions of the Lamm equation, noise decomposition techniques enabling direct boundary fitting, diffusion deconvoluted sedimentation coefficient distributions, and multi-signal sedimentation coefficient distributions. Recently, effective particle theory has uncovered simple physical rules for the co-migration of rapidly exchanging systems of interacting components in SV. This has opened new possibilities for the robust interpretation of the boundary patterns of heterogeneous interacting systems. Together, these SE and SV techniques have led to new approaches to study macromolecular interactions across the entire spectrum of affinities, including both attractive and repulsive interactions, in both dilute and highly concentrated solutions, which can be applied to single-component solutions of self-associating proteins as well as the study of multi-protein complex formation in multi-component solutions.  相似文献   

The analysis of known protein structures is a very valuable and indispensable tool for deciphering the complex rules relating sequence to structure in proteins. On the other hand, the design of novel proteins is certainly the most severe test of our understanding of such rules. In this report we describe our own attempt to develop appropriate tools for the investigation of known protein structure properties and their applications to the design of a novel, all β protein. The success of the design project is a demonstration of the usefulness of careful analysis of the data base of known protein structures. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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