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The human insulin receptor is expressed as two isoforms that are generated by alternate splicing of its mRNA; the B isoform has 12 additional amino acids (718-729) encoded by exon 11 of the gene. The isoforms have been reported to have different ligand binding properties. To further characterize their insulin binding properties, we have performed structure-directed alanine-scanning mutagenesis of a major insulin binding site of the receptor, formed from the receptor L1 domain (amino acids 1-470) and amino acids 705-715 at the C terminus of the alpha subunit. Alanine mutants of each isoform were transiently expressed as recombinant secreted extracellular domain in 293 cells, and their insulin binding properties were evaluated by competitive binding assays. Mutation of Arg(86) and Phe(96) of each isoform resulted in receptors that were not secreted. The Kds of unmutated receptors were almost identical for both isoforms. Several new mutations compromising insulin binding were identified. In L1, mutation of Leu(37) decreased affinity 20- to 40-fold and mutations of Val(94), Glu(97), Glu(120), and Lys(121) 3 to 10-fold for each isoform. A number of mutations produced differential effects on the two isoforms. Mutation of Asn(15) in the L1 domain and Phe(714) at the C terminus of the alpha subunit inactivated the A isoform but only reduced the affinity of the B isoform 40- to 60-fold. At the C terminus of the alpha subunit, mutations of Asp(707), Val(713), and Val(715) produced 7- to 16-fold reductions in affinity of the A isoform but were without effect on the B isoform. In contrast, alanine mutations of Tyr(708) and Asn(711) inactivated the B isoform but only reduced the affinities of the A isoform 11- and 6-fold, respectively. In conclusion, alanine-scanning mutagenesis of the insulin receptor A and B isoforms has identified several new side chains contributing to insulin binding and indicates that the energetic contributions of certain side chains differ in each isoform, suggesting that different molecular mechanisms are used to obtain the same affinity.  相似文献   

Insulin binding to its receptor is characterized by high affinity, curvilinear Scatchard plots, and negative cooperativity. These properties may be the consequence of binding of insulin to two receptor binding sites. The N-terminal L1 domain and the C-terminus of the alpha subunit contain one binding site. To locate a second site, we examined the binding properties of chimeric receptors in which the L1 and L2 domains and the first Fibronectin Type III repeat of the insulin-like growth factor-I receptor were replaced by corresponding regions of the insulin receptor. Substitutions of the L2 domain and the first Fibronectin Type III repeat together with the L1 domain produced 80- and 300-fold increases in affinity for insulin. Fusion of these domains to human immunoglobulin Fc fragment produced a protein which bound insulin with a K(d) of 2.9 nM. These data strongly suggest that these domains contain an insulin binding site.  相似文献   

Ottensmeyer FP  Beniac DR  Luo RZ  Yip CC 《Biochemistry》2000,39(40):12103-12112
Transmembrane signaling via receptor tyrosine kinases generally requires oligomerization of receptor monomers, with the formation of ligand-induced dimers or higher multimers of the extracellular domains of the receptors. Such formations are expected to juxtapose the intracellular kinase domains at the correct distances and orientations for transphosphorylation. For receptors of the insulin receptor family that are constitutively dimeric, or those that form noncovalent dimers without ligands, the mechanism must be more complex. For these, the conformation must be changed by the ligand from one that prevents activation to one that is permissive for kinase phosphorylation. How the insulin ligand accomplishes this action has remained a puzzle since the discovery of the insulin receptor over 2 decades ago, primarily because membrane proteins in general have been refractory to structure determination by crystallography. However, high-resolution structural evidence on individual separate subdomains of the insulin receptor and of analogous proteins has been obtained. The recently solved quaternary structure of the complete dimeric insulin receptor in the presence of insulin has now served as the structural envelope into which such individual domains were fitted. The combined structure has provided answers on the details of insulin/receptor interactions in the binding site and on the mechanism of transmembrane signaling of this covalent dimer. The structure explains many observations on the behavior of the receptor, from greater or lesser binding of insulin and its variants, point and deletion mutants of the receptor, to antibody-binding patterns, and to the effects on basal and insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation under mild reducing conditions.  相似文献   

The structure of the hepatic insulin receptor and insulin binding.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Hepatocytes or hepatic plasma membranes were photoaffinity-labelled with radioiodinated N epsilon B29-monoazidobenzoyl-insulin. Analysis of the samples by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and autoradiography revealed the insulin receptor as a predominant band of 450 kDa. When hepatic plasma membranes were first treated with clostridial collagenase and then photolabelled, the insulin receptor appeared as a predominant band of 360 kDa. This effect of collagenase treatment on the insulin receptor was due to Ca2+-dependent heat-labile proteinases contaminating the preparation of collagenase, and it could be mimicked by elastase. The decrease in size of the insulin receptor to 360 kDa resulted from the loss of a receptor component that was inaccessible to photolabelling. In contrast, the size of the insulin receptor of intact cells was not affected by collagenase treatment. This suggests that the site sensitive to proteolysis was located on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. In hepatic plasma membranes that were treated with collagenase or elastase, and contained the 360 kDa form of the insulin receptor, the binding affinity for insulin was increased by up to 2-fold. These findings support the concept that a component which is either a part of, or closely associated with, the insulin receptor may regulate its affinity for insulin.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor from rat skeletal muscle was characterized. Treatment of muscle membranes with the photoactive insulin analog, 125I[N-epsilonB29-monoazidobenzoyl]-insulin revealed a single protein band of 135,000 Da, the alpha subunit. Iodination of total membrane protein followed by Triton X-100 solubilization and immunoprecipitation demonstrated the presence of a protein band of 90,000 Da, the beta subunit, together with a protein band of 190,000 Da, which may be the receptor precursor. In partially purified receptor preparations, the beta subunit exhibited dose-dependent, insulin-stimulated phosphorylation with incorporation of phosphate solely into tyrosine residues, which was also observed in the 190,000-Da receptor precursor. Purified plasma membranes contained a large amount of insulin-degrading activity which had to be inactivated prior to performing insulin-binding studies. If degradation of insulin was not prevented, apparent enhanced binding in the presence of unlabeled insulin was observed.  相似文献   

Whittaker L  Hao C  Fu W  Whittaker J 《Biochemistry》2008,47(48):12900-12909
The interaction of insulin with its receptor is complex. Kinetic and equilibrium binding studies suggest coexistence of high- and low-affinity binding sites or negative cooperativity. These phenomena and high-affinity interactions are dependent on the dimeric structure of the receptor. Structure-function studies of insulin analogs suggest insulin has two receptor binding sites, implying a bivalent interaction with the receptor. Alanine scanning studies of the secreted recombinant receptor implicate the L1 domain and a C-terminal peptide of the receptor alpha subunit as components of one ligand binding site. Functional studies suggest that the first and second type III fibronectin repeats of the receptor contain a second ligand binding site. We have used structure-directed alanine scanning mutagenesis to identify determinants in these domains involved in ligand interactions. cDNAs encoding alanine mutants of the holo-receptor were transiently expressed in 293 cells, and the binding properties of the expressed receptor were determined. Alanine mutations of Lys(484), Leu(552), Asp(591), Ile(602), Lys(616), Asp(620), and Pro(621) compromised affinities for insulin 2-5-fold. With the exception of Asp(620), none of these mutations compromised the affinity of the recombinant secreted receptor for insulin, indicating that the perturbation of the interaction is at the site of mutation and not an indirect effect on the interaction with the binding site of the secreted receptor. These residues thus form part of a novel ligand binding site of the insulin receptor. Complementation experiments demonstrate that insulin interacts in trans with both receptor binding sites to generate high-affinity interactions.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins are phosphorylated by multiple tyrosine kinases, including the insulin receptor. Phosphorylated IRS proteins bind to SH2 domain-containing proteins, thereby triggering downstream signaling pathways. The Drosophila insulin receptor (dIR) C-terminal extension contains potential binding sites for signaling molecules, suggesting that dIR might not require an IRS protein to accomplish its signaling functions. However, we obtained a cDNA encoding Drosophila IRS (dIRS), and we demonstrated expression of dIRS in a Drosophila cell line. Like mammalian IRS proteins, the N-terminal portion of dIRS contains a pleckstrin homology domain and a phosphotyrosine binding domain that binds to phosphotyrosine residues in both human and Drosophila insulin receptors. When coexpressed with dIRS in COS-7 cells, a chimeric receptor (the extracellular domain of human IR fused to the cytoplasmic domain of dIR) mediated insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of dIRS. Mutating the juxtamembrane NPXY motif markedly reduced the ability of the receptor to phosphorylate dIRS. In contrast, the NPXY motifs in the C-terminal extension of dIR were required for stable association with dIRS. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated insulin-dependent binding of dIRS to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and SHP2. However, we did not detect interactions with Grb2, SHC, or phospholipase C-gamma. Taken together with published genetic studies, these biochemical data support the hypothesis that dIRS functions directly downstream from the insulin receptor in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies for the human insulin receptor were produced following immunization of mice with IM-9 lymphocytes and/or purified placental receptor. Four separate fusions yielded 28 antibodies, all of which reacted with receptor from human placenta, liver and IM-9 cells. Some antibodies cross-reacted to varying degrees with receptor from rabbit, cow, pig and sheep, but none reacted with rat receptor. At least 10 distinct epitopes were recognized as indicated by species specificity and binding competition experiments. All of these epitopes appeared to be on extracellular domains of the receptor as shown by binding of antibodies to intact cells. In some cases the epitopes were further localized to alpha or beta subunits by immunoblotting. Several antibodies inhibited binding of 125I-insulin to the receptor, some had no effect on binding, and others enhanced the binding of 125I-insulin. It is concluded that these antibodies will be valuable probes of receptor structure and function.  相似文献   


A water-soluble variant of the transmembrane domain of the human mu opioid receptor (wsMOR-TM) was previously characterized. This study explored whether the full-length version of the engineered water-soluble receptor, (wsMOR-FL), could be overexpressed in Escherichia coli and if it would retain water solubility, binding capability and thermostability. wsMOR was over-expressed and purified in E. coli BL21(DE3) cells (EMD/Novagen) as we reported previously for the wsMOR-TM. Both native N and C termini were added back to the highly engineered wsMOR-TM. Six His-tag was added in the N terminus for purification purposes. The wsMOR-FL was characterized using atomic force microscope for its monomeric state, circular dichroism for its secondary structure and thermostability. Its binding with naltrexone is also determined. Compared to the native human MOR, wsMOR-FL displays similar helical secondary structure content and comparable affinity (nM) for the antagonist naltrexone. The secondary structure of the receptor remains stable within a wide range of pH (6–9). In contrast to the transmembrane portion, the secondary structure of full-length receptor tolerated a wide range of temperature (10–90?°C). The receptor remains predominantly as a monomer in solution, as directly imaged using atomic force microscopy. This study demonstrated that functional full-length water-soluble variant of human mu receptor can be over-expressed and purified using an E. coli over-expression system. This provides a novel tool for the investigation of structural and functional properties of the human MOR. N- and C-termini strengthened the thermostability of the protein in this specific water soluble variant.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The effects of cationic polyamino acids on insulin binding to soluble insulin receptor preparations were studied. Incubation of partially or fully purified receptor preparations with polylysine (pLys) increased by several-fold the amount of [125I]insulin that remained associated with the receptor, as determined both by precipitation of receptor-insulin complexes by polyethylene glycol or by separation of the complexes from the free hormone by gel filtration. This elevation in the amount of bound insulin resulted from increased number of insulin binding sites, and could not be attributed to an increased affinity of the receptors to insulin. In fact, pLys reduced 2-3-fold the affinity of insulin binding to its receptor as determined by equilibrium binding studies, and by monitoring the rate of exchange of bound [125I]insulin with unlabeled hormone. pLys induced specific interactions between insulin and its native receptor since other basic compounds such as histone, spermidine, polymixin B, compound 48/80, lysine, and arginine failed to reproduce its effects. pLys did not interact with the free ligand, nor did it promote interactions between insulin and denatured receptor forms. Furthermore, pLys did not induce binding of insulin to other proteins present in the partially purified receptor preparations. The effects of pLys were time and dose-dependent and were proportional to the pLys chain length. The longer the chain, the greater was the effect. Enhanced insulin binding and receptor beta-subunit autophosphorylation (in the presence of insulin) exhibited a similar dependency on the chain length of pLys. pLys effects on insulin binding were associated with formation of large protein aggregates that remained trapped at the top of Sephacryl S-300 columns. These aggregates contained substantial amounts of receptor-insulin complexes. Our results suggest that pLys induces formation of receptor clusters that create de novo insulin binding sites among adjacent receptor tetramers. Alternatively, formation of receptor aggregates might facilitate insulin binding to a soluble receptor subfraction that otherwise fails to bind the hormone.  相似文献   

We have developed a radioimmunoassay for human insulin receptor. Serum from a patient with Type B severe insulin resistance was used as anti-insulin receptor antiserum. Pure human placental insulin receptor was used as reference preparation and 125I labeled pure insulin receptor as trace. The radioimmunoassay was sensitive (limit of detection less than 17 fmol), reproducible (inter and intra-assay coefficients of variation 12.5% and 1.6% respectively) and specific (no crossreactivity with pure placental IGF-1 receptor, insulin and glucagon). The anti-insulin receptor antibody was, however, able to differentiate between insulin receptor from human placenta and from rat liver. To determine the number of insulin binding sites per receptor, we measured insulin binding (by insulin binding assay) and insulin receptor mass (by radioimmunoassay) in solubilized aliquots from 5 human placentas. The molar ratio of insulin binding to receptor mass was 0.86 +/- 0.12 when binding was determined with monoiodinated 125I-Tyr A 14-insulin. It was 1.94 +/- 0.27 when randomly iodinated 125I-insulin was used. In conclusion, using a sensitive, reproducible and specific radioimmunoassay, we have measured insulin receptor mass independent of insulin binding. Our data are most compatible with binding of one insulin molecule per human placental insulin receptor.  相似文献   

Little is known of the effects of the solvent on hormone-receptor interactions. In the present study the effect of the polar solvent dimethyl sulfoxide on the binding of insulin to its surface receptors on cultured human lymphocytes of the IM-9 line was investigated. At concentrations exceeding 0.1% (v/v), dimethyl sulfoxide produced a dose-related inhibition of 125I-labeled insulin binding. Insulin binding was totally abolished in 20% dimethyl sulfoxide. This inhibition was immediately present and was totally reversible. Analysis of the data of binding at steady state indicated that the decrease in binding of 125I-labeled insulin was due to a reduced affinity of the insulin receptor without noticeable change in the concentration of receptor sites. Kinetic studies showed that the decreased affinity could largely be accounted for by a decreased association rate constant; effects on dissociation and negative cooperativity of the insulin receptor were affected to a much lesser extent.  相似文献   

Purification of insulin receptor with full binding activity   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Insulin receptor was purified 2400-fold with an overall yield of 40% from human placental membranes by affinity chromatography on wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose and insulin-Sepharose. The receptor was eluted from insulin-Sepharose using mild conditions, eliminating urea, so that it was stable and retained full insulin-binding activity. Chromatofocusing and gel filtration analysis indicated that the receptor preparation was apparently pure. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed three high molecular weight protein bands with Mr = 320,000, 300,000, and 270,000 under nonreducing conditions and two major protein bands with Mr = 135,000 and 90,000 under reducing conditions. The purified receptor showed a curvilinear Scatchard plot with maximum insulin binding of 28.5 micrograms per mg of protein. In comparison, the receptor eluted from insulin-Sepharose with previously used conditions in the presence of urea resulted in maximum insulin binding of only 6 micrograms per mg of protein. This indicates that a 4-to 5-fold increase in specific activity can be obtained by using the new elution conditions.  相似文献   

Inhibition of insulin receptor binding by phorbol esters   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Phorbol esters inhibit the binding of insulin to its receptors on U-937 monocyte-like and HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia human cell lines. Within 20-30 min, exposure of these cells to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) at 37 degrees C results in a 50% reduction of the specific binding of 125I-insulin. Half-maximal inhibition occurs at 1 nM TPA. Other tumor-promoting phorbol esters also inhibit 125I-insulin binding in a dose-dependent manner which parallels their known promoting activity in vivo. TPA does not alter the degradation of the hormone nor does it induce any shedding of its receptors in the medium. The effect of phorbol esters is dependent on temperature and cell type. It is less prominent at 22 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. It is reversible within 2 h at 37 degrees C. TPA reduces the binding of insulin predominantly by increasing its dissociation rate. This effect results in an accelerated turnover of the hormone on its receptors.  相似文献   

Knaus P  Sebald W 《Biological chemistry》2001,382(8):1189-1195
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) are dimeric factors initiating several distinct signaling cascades by binding to two types of transmembrane serine/threonine kinase receptors (BRI and BRII), and are thus regulating several steps in embryonal development and adult tissue homeostasis. BMP-2 contains two symmetrical pairs of juxtaposed epitopes: the wrist epitope with high affinity to BRI consists of residues from both BMP-2 monomers, while the knuckle epitope resembles the low affinity site for BRII and comprises residues from only one monomer. Here we generated heterodimeric BMP-2 muteins with one monomer mutant in either epitope I for BRI (eI-) or epitope II for BRII (eII-) and the second monomer wild type for receptor interactions (m-). These muteins (B2eI-/B2m- and B2eII-/B2m-) were analyzed by biosensor analysis as well as by measuring their biological activity and compared to their homodimeric forms (either wild type or mutant). Depletion of only one epitope II results in the loss of biological activity as measured byalkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and Smad induced reportergene assays. However, depletion of only one epitope I shows a reduction of ALP activity to about 25%, while the activation of the Smad pathway remained normal. Homomeric muteins are non-functional for both Smad and ALP activation. This suggests that two functional epitopes II have to be present on one BMP-2 molecule for receptor activation. Futhermore, both pathways (Smad and ALP) are triggered differently by distinct BMP-receptor complexes. Heteromeric BMP-2 mutants therefore allow a distinguishable manipulation of either pathway and thus represent important tools for the generation of specific BMP-2 antagonists or agonists.  相似文献   

Processing of the insulin receptor by hepatocytes was studied using a 125I-labelled photoreactive insulin derivative which could be covalently attached to the receptor and facilitate the analysis of receptor structure in isolated subcellular fractions by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Following binding at the cell surface, the label was rapidly internalised and located in a low-density subcellular fraction ('endosomes'). The intact receptor (350 000 molecular weight) and binding (alpha) subunit (135 000), produced by in vitro disulphide reduction of the samples, were found in the plasma membrane fraction but not in endosomes. In endosomes, the label was concentrated in a band at 140 000 (non-reduced) which on reduction generated species of 100 000 and 68 000 predominantly. The insulin receptor therefore undergoes an early structural change during endocytosis. This modification does not involve complete disulphide reduction and may be due to a proteolytic event.  相似文献   

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