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A procedure is described for the microsynthesis and purification of the high specific activity tritium labeled cortisol metabolites, 20 alpha- and 20 beta-cortolic acids and 20 alpha- and 20 beta-cortolonic acids.  相似文献   

Three experiments are described in which seven tritium-labeled glycosphingolipids were prepared by catalytic addition of tritium gas to unsaturated centers. These compounds include glucosyl ceramide, galactosyl ceramide, lactosyl ceramide (cytolipin H), N-acetylgalactosaminyl (β1 → 3) galactosyl (α1 → 3) galactosyl (β1 → 4) glucosyl ceramide (cytolipin R), and three species of gangliosides: GM1 (G4), GM3 (G6), and GD1a (G3).  相似文献   

Conjugates of prostaglandins and thromboxanes with tritium labeled amino acids were prepared and employed as labeled ligands in prostaglandin and thromboxane radioimmunoassays. Assays for PGF2 alpha, 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro-PGF2 alpha, TXB2 and 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-TXB2 were evaluated in comparative studies using either these heterologous ligands or the corresponding homologous tritiated eicosanoid as tracers. Binding properties for the respective antibodies were found to be similar using either tracer. Three biological studies were also conducted, viz. study of the release of TXB2 during collagen induced platelet aggregation, of 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-TXB2 during guinea pig pulmonary anaphylaxis, and of PGF2 alpha (measured as 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2 alpha in peripheral plasma) during bovine luteolysis. The analyses gave comparable results using either the heterologous or the homologous assay. Thus, this type of labeled prostanoid conjugates may serve as a convenient alternative to homologous tracers in radioimmunoassay. Heterologous tracers may even in certain cases provide the only simple solution to the problem of preparing a labeled ligand of high specific activity.  相似文献   

Conjugates of prostaglandins and thromboxanes with tritium labeled amino acids were prepared and employed as labeled ligands in porstaglandin and thromboxane radioimmunoassays. Assays for PGF, 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro-PGF, TXB2 and 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro-TXB2 were evaluated in comparative studies using either these heterologous ligands or the corresponding homologus tritiated eicosanoid as tracers. Binding properties for the respective antibodies were found to be similar using either tracer.Three biological studies were also conducted, viz. study of the release of TXB2 during collagen induced platelet aggregation, of 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro-TXB2 during guinea pig pulmonary anaphylaxis, and of PGF (measured as 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro-PGF in peripheral plasma) during bovine luteolysis. The analyses gave comparable results using either the heterologous or the homologous assay.Thus, this type of labeled prostanoid conjugates may serve as a convenient alternative to homologous tracers in radioimmunoassay. Heterologous tracers may even in certain cases provide the only simple solution to the problem of preparing a labeled ligand of high specific activity.  相似文献   

The in vivo metabolism of 12-(S)-Hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE), the end-lipoxygenase product of arachidonic acid in platelets, has been investigated in the rat. Fifty microcuries of 5,6-[3H]-12-HETE (50 Ci/mmol) were injected to anesthetized rats and the radioactivity was followed in plasma. At the end of the experiment, various organs of the animal were removed and the radioactivity attached to them was determined. The label of the plasma plateaued to approximately one third of the initial radioactivity ten minutes after the injection. Among the various organs tested (brain, heart, intestine, kidney, liver, lungs, spleen, testis/uterus) the kidney was far the most active to accumulate 12-HETE and/or its labeled metabolites, and no radioactivity could be detected in urine during the course of the experiment. The analysis of lipid extracts from the various tissues revealed that 12-HETE was not accumulating in its unesterified form but was likely bound to phospholipids. We conclude that, although the label providing from the initial 12-HETE did not completely disappear from plasma, circulating 12-HETE cannot be considered as a circulating marker of cell activation.  相似文献   

A new technique of atomic tritium bombardment has been used to study the surface topography of Escherichia coli ribosomes and ribosomal subunits. The technique provides for the labeling of proteins exposed on the surface of ribosomal particles, the extent of protein labeling being proportional to the degree of exposure. The following proteins were considerably tritiated in the 70S ribosomes: S1, S4, S7, S9 and/or S11, S12 and/or L20, S13, S18, S20, S21, L1, L5, L6, L7/L12, L10, L11, L16, L17, L24, L26 and L27. A conclusion is drawn that these proteins are exposed on the ribosome surface to an essentially greater extent than the others. Dissociation of 70S ribosomes into the ribosomal subunits by decreasing Mg2+ concentration does not lead to the exposure of additional ribosomal proteins. This implies that there are no proteins on the contacting surfaces of the subunits. However, if a mixture of subunits has been subjected to centrifugation in a low Mg2+ concentration at high concentrations of a monovalent cation, proteins S3, S5, S7, S14, S18 and L16 are more exposed on the surface of the isolated 30S and 50S subunits than in the subunit mixture or in the 70S ribosomes. The exposure of additional proteins is explained by distortion of the native quaternary structure of ribosomal subunits as a result of the separation procedure. Reassociation of isolated subunits at high Mg2+ concentration results in shielding of proteins S3, S5, S7 and S18 and can be explained by reconstitution of the intact 30S subunit structure.  相似文献   

Estradiol and 2-hydroxyestradiol with 3H at different positions in rings A, B or D were incubated with lactoperoxidase without added H2O2 and their oxidative transformation was followed by transfer of 3H into 3H2O. With estradiol, 3H loss from different positions in the aromatic ring was almost equal and also occurred to a lesser extent from the alicyclic portion of the molecule. Glutathione had less effect on the formation of 3H2O for the aromatic ring of estradiol than from that of the catechol estrogen where it increased the yield 6-fold. The rate of 3H loss was also very much greater from tritiated 2-hydroxyestradiol than from estradiol and NADPH was inhibitory with both steroids. Conditions for the release of 3H from estradiol and 2-hydroxyestradiol by peroxidase as well as the effect of some biochemical inhibitors were also investigated. The possible contribution of peroxidative formation of 3H2O during the radiometric assay for catechol estrogen biosynthesis by tissue monooxygenases is discussed.  相似文献   

A method, called “bidirectional transfer”, has been described for the transfer of DNA and RNA from agarose or polyacrylamide gels onto diazobenzyloxymethyl (DBM)-paper or nitrocellulose filters. The gels were sandwiched between either two nitrocellulose filters or two diazobenzyloxymethyl-papers. Next, the nucleic acids were allowed to diffuse out of the gels onto the filters. In this way, duplicate blots were obtained from a single gel. The bidirectional transfer of DNA or RNA from 0.5 to 1% agarose gels was complete and nearly quantitative after 1 h of transfer. DNA fragments from 5% polyacrylamide gels were efficiently blotted after 36 h onto nitrocellulose filters using bidirectional transfer. The fragments were transferred with good resolution and were shown to be efficient substrates for homologous [32P]DNA probes.  相似文献   

Radioactively labelled subunit II of cytochrome oxidase is isolated after irradiation of molecular crystals of the enzyme with thermally activated tritium.  相似文献   

The effect of inorganic salts on the hydrolysis of starch in a microwave field was investigated and it was found that some inorganic salts can effectively accelerate the acid hydrolysis of starch. The yield of D-glucose reached 111 wt% (equal to the theoretical yield).  相似文献   

Biologically active peptides evenly labeled with tritium were used for studying the in vitro and in vivo biodegradation of the peptides. Tritium-labeled peptides with a specific radioactivity of 50–150 Ci/mmol were obtained by high temperature solid phase catalytic isotope exchange (HSCIE) with spillover tritium. The distribution of the isotope label among all amino acid residues of these peptides allows the simultaneous determination of practically all possible products of their enzymatic hydrolysis. The developed analytical method includes extraction of tritium-labeled peptides from organism tissues and chromatographic isolation of individual labeled peptides from the mixture of degradation products. The concentrations of a peptide under study and the products of its biodegradation were calculated from the results of liquid scintillation counting. This approach was used for studying the pathways of biodegradation of the heptapeptide TKPRPGP (Selank) and the tripeptide PGP in blood plasma. The pharmacokinetics of Selank, an anxiolytic peptide, was also studied in brain tissues using the intranasal in vivo administration of this peptide. The concentrations of labeled peptides were determined, and the pentapeptide TKPRP, tripeptide TKP, and dipeptides RP and GP were shown to be the major products of Selank biodegradation. The study of the biodegradation of the heptapeptide MEHFPGP (Semax) in the presence of nerve cells showed that the major products of its biodegradation are the pentapeptide HFPGP and tripeptide PGP. The enkephalinase activity of blood plasma was studied with the use of evenly tritium labeled [Leu]enkephalin. A high inhibitory effect of Semax on blood plasma enkephalinases was shown to arise from its action on aminopeptidases. The method, based on the use of evenly tritium-labeled peptides, allows the determination of peptide concentrations and the activity of enzymes involved in their degradation on a μg scale of biological samples both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Potato virus A (PVA) particles were bombarded with thermally activated tritium atoms, and the intramolecular distribution of the label in the amino acids of the coat protein was determined to assess their in situ steric accessibility. This method revealed that the N-terminal 15 amino acids of the PVA coat protein and a region comprising amino acids 27 to 50 are the most accessible at the particle surface to labeling with tritium atoms. A model of the spatial arrangement of the PVA coat protein polypeptide chain within the virus particle was derived from the experimental data obtained by tritium bombardment combined with predictions of secondary-structure elements and the principles of packing alpha-helices and beta-structures in proteins. The model predicts three regions of tertiary structure: (i) the surface-exposed N-terminal region, comprising an unstructured N terminus of 8 amino acids and two beta-strands, (ii) a C-terminal region including two alpha-helices, as well as three beta-strands that form a two-layer structure called an abCd unit, and (iii) a central region comprising a bundle of four alpha-helices in a fold similar to that found in tobacco mosaic virus coat protein. This is the first model of the three-dimensional structure of a potyvirus coat protein.  相似文献   

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