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The activities of four mitochondrial enzymes were studied in four stages of ripening tomato fruit. The highest enzyme activity was recorded for malate dehydrogenase followed by cytochrome c oxidase. Succinate dehydrogenase and NADH oxidase levels were low and could only be determined in the green stage of the fruit. However, peaks of various enzyme activities coincided in identical mitochondrial fractions on the sucrose density gradient. Moreover, the levels of malate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase were constant during the ripening process while the other two enzymes, succinate dehydrogenase and NADH oxidase, declined. This might indicate that mitochondria retain some of their essential functions through the ripening process.  相似文献   

The amount of tomato fruit β-fructofuranosidase extractable from the cell walls during ripening parallelled the changes in activity of the enzyme. Using the techniques of radioimmunoassay, double immunodiffusion analysis and immunotitration, no differences in immunological properties of β-fructofuranosidase between the various stages of fruit ripening were detected.  相似文献   

A polygalacturonase was extracted from ripening tomato fruit. A four step procedure was developed producing a 44-fold increase in specific activity with 9% recovery. The enzyme was found to rapidly degrade pectic acid but not pectin. No transeliminase activity was detected. Viscosity and per cent hydrolysis studies formed a basis for suggesting that this enzyme cleaves its substrate in a random manner and is likely to be an endopolygalacturonase.  相似文献   

The maximum respiration rate of tomato fruit during the climacteric period was markedly increased when the plants were grown under potassium-deficient conditions. Whereas potassium deficiency had no effect on cytoplasmic glutamate-oxoloacetate transaminase, there was a significant increase in the activity of this enzyme from mitochondria once the fruit began to change colour. Malate dehydrogenase was reduced in activity by potassium deficiency. It is suggested that the augmented mitochondrial transiminase levels, coupled with reduced malate dehydrogenase activity in low potassium fruit, result in reduced levels of oxaloacetic acid which is a potent inhibitor of Krebs cycle oxidations, thus leading to higher respiration rates for the intact fruit.  相似文献   

Synthesis of polygalacturonase during tomato fruit ripening   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The cell wall degrading enzyme polygalacturonase (E.C. is not detectable in green tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill). Activity appears at the onset of ripening and in ripe fruit it is one of the major cell-wall-bound proteins. Radioimmunoassay results, employing an antibody against purified polygalacturonase, suggest that during ripening the enzyme is synthesised de novo. Radioimmunoassay data also show that the low level of polygalacturonase in Never ripe mutants and the lack of activity in ripening inhibitor mutants can be correlated to the levels of immunologically detectable polygalacturonase protein.Abbreviations PG polygalacturonase - Nr Never ripe mutation - rin ripening inhibitor mutation  相似文献   

Poly(A)-containing mRNA was purified from tomato fruits and translated in a wheat germ in vitro protein-synthesizing system. Comparison of the protein products produced in response to mRNA samples from unripe and ripening fruits provides evidence for changes in the amounts of mRNA coding for specific proteins during ripening.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were isolated from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) fruit at the mature green, orange-green and red stages and from fruit artificially suspended in their ripening stage. The specific activities of citrate synthase (EC, malate dehydrogenase (EC, NAD-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC and NAD-linked malic enzyme (EC were determined. The specific activities of all these enzymes fell during ipening, although the mitochondria were fully functional as demonstrated by the uptake of oxygen. The fall in activity of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase was accompanied by a similar fall in the activity of the cytosolic isoenzyme. Percoll-purified mitochondria isolated from mature green fruit remained intact for more than one week and at least one enzyme, citrate synthase, did not exhibit the fall in specific activity found in normal ripening fruit.  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide and ethylene concentrations in tomato fruit ( Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Castelmart) and their stage of ripeness (characteristic external color changes) were periodically measured in fruit attached to and detached from the plant. An external collection apparatus was attached to the surface of individual tomato fruit to permit non-destructive sampling of internal gases. The concentration of carbon dioxide and ethylene in the collection apparatus reached 95% of the concentration in the fruit after 8 h. Gas samples were collected every 24 h. A characteristic climacteric surge in carbon dioxide (2-fold) and ethylene (10-fold) concentration occurred coincident with ripening of detached tomato fruit. Fruit attached to the plant exhibited a climacteric rise in ethylene (20-fold) concentration during ripening, but only a linear increase in carbon dioxide concentration. The carbon dioxide concentration increases in attached fruit during ripening, but the increase is a continuation of the linear increase seen in both attached and detached fruit before ripening and does not exhibit the characteristic pattern normally associated with ripening climacteric fruit. In tomato fruit, it appears that a respiratory climacteric per se, which has been considered intrinsic to the ripening of certain fruit, may not be necessary for the ripening of "climacteric" fruit at all, but instead may be an artifact of using harvested fruit.  相似文献   

Control and manipulation of gene expression during tomato fruit ripening   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ripening is a complex developmental process involving changes in the biochemistry, physiology and gene expression of the fruit. It is an active process characterised by changes in all cellular compartments. cDNA cloning has been used as an approach to analyse changes in gene expression during fruit ripening. This has revealed that several genes are switched on specifically during fruit ripening, including one encoding polygalacturonase (PG), a major cell wall protein. These cDNA clones have been used to study the expression of the genes in normal and ripening mutant fruits, and under environmental stress conditions.The PG gene has been isolated and it has been demonstrated that 1450 bases 5 of the coding region are sufficient for the tissue- and development-specific expression of a bacterial marker gene in transgenic tomatoes. Antisense RNA techniques have been developed to generate novel mutant tomatoes in which the biochemical function of this enzyme and its involvement in fruit softening has been tested.  相似文献   

Distribution of acid invertase in the tomato plant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acid invertase activity in Lycopersicon esculentum was highest in the locular wall of ripe fruit and lowest in roots. Activity was greater in leaf laminae than in petiole tissue and increased with leaf age, whereas there was more invertase in the upper part of the stem compared with the older portion. Activity in whole fruit increased with increasing ripeness and was greatest in overripe fruit. Of various tissues from a number of wild tomato species examined, the fruit of L. pimpinellifolium were particularly rich in the enzyme, in contrast to the fruit of L. hirsutum, L. hirsutum, var. glabratum and L. peruvianum which had low activity.  相似文献   

A role for jasmonates in climacteric fruit ripening   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Jasmonates are a class of oxylipins that induce a wide variety of higher-plant responses. To determine if jasmonates play a role in the regulation of climacteric fruit ripening, the effects of exogenous jasmonates on ethylene biosynthesis and color, as well as the endogenous concentrations of jasmonates were determined during the onset of ripening of apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Golden Delicious) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Cobra) fruit. Transient (12 h) treatment of pre-climacteric fruit discs with exogenous jasmonates at low concentration (1 or 10 μM) promoted ethylene biosynthesis and color change in a concentration-dependent fashion. Activities of both 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase and ACC synthase were stimulated by jasmonate treatments in this concentration range. The endogenous concentration of jasmonates increased transiently prior to the climacteric increase in ethylene biosynthesis during the onset of ripening of both apple and tomato fruit. The onset of tomato fruit ripening was also preceded by an increase in the percentage of the cis-isomer of jasmonic acid. Inhibition of ethylene action by diazocyclopentadiene negated the jasmonate-induced stimulation of ethylene biosynthesis, indicating jasmonates act at least in part via ethylene action. These results suggest jasmonates may play a role together with ethylene in regulating the early steps of climacteric fruit ripening. Received: 14 August 1997 / Accepted: 4 October 1997  相似文献   

Locular pressure was monitored during ripening of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit and the anatomy of the endocarp surface examined using scanning electron microscopy. The manometric pressure of the locule tissue increased from 0 in mature-green fruit to 10 to 50 Pa at the turning or pink stages, and then subsided in ripe fruit. Nonclimacteric fruit containing the ripening inhibitor (rin) mutation showed a similar pattern of internal pressure accumulation during senescence. Build-up of locular tissue pressure occurred in fruit ripening, on or off the plant, as well as in fruit with different susceptibility to cuticle cracking. Apertures ranging from 18-31 μm in width and 33-41 μm in length, with densities ranging from 6.7 to 47.9 apertures · mm−2 were observed in the endocarp of mature-green fruit. These apertures were progressively occluded during early ripening and were absent in late ripening fruit. Aperture occlusion might result in reduced gas exchange between the locule and external fruit atmosphere, resulting in modification of the locular gas composition.  相似文献   

Chalconaringenin, naringenin, naringenin-7-glucoside, and m- and p-coumaric acids have been identified in the fruit cuticles of three tomato cultivars. The phenolic content of the cuticles increased substantially during fruit development, those from immature green and mature ripe fruits of cv Ailsa Craig yielding respectively 2.8 and 61 μg/cm2 (representing 1.4 and 6% of the total membrane wt). Coumaric acids, present only in the ‘cutin-bound’ phenolics, increased from 2 to 24 μg/cm2 during fruit development. Flavonoids, synthesized mainly during the climacteric, occurred free in the epicuticular (0.3–7.2 μg/cm2) and cuticular (0.7–5.7 μg/cm2) phenolics but the major part of this class of constituents in ripe fruit cuticles was also ‘bound’ to the cutin matrix (30–43 μg/cm2). The composition of the flavonoid fraction was controlled by the spectral quality of incident radiation, red light favouring the formation of chalconaringenin.  相似文献   

Acetone powders were prepared from tomato fruit tissue sampled during development and the proteins were separated by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The gels were stained to show up general proteins, lipoproteins, glycoproteins and certain enzymes. Minor changes in protein and glycoprotein patterns accompanied development. Most enzymes exhibited more than one active band, with maximum diversity and specific activities usually appearing in extracts from mature green tissue and least with over-ripe tissue. The results support the view that enzyme synthesis accompanies the climacteric respiration rise at the expense of non-metabolic protein.  相似文献   

Iso-accepting forms of tRNAmet, tRNAleu, tRNAlys, and tRNAtyr were isolated from combined walls and septa of tomato fruits at 5 consecutive stages of ethylene induced ripening. Changes in the relative amount of some tRNAleu and tRNAlys were discerned 10hr after exposure to ethylene. Individual patterns of change for each of several iso-acceptor tRNAs were evident throughout the ripening sequence. Maximal changes were: tRNAlys, ?66.3%; tRNAleu, ?24.8%; and tRNAmet, +26.7%.  相似文献   

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