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Protein threading using PROSPECT: design and evaluation   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Xu Y  Xu D 《Proteins》2000,40(3):343-354
The computer system PROSPECT for the protein fold recognition using the threading method is described and evaluated in this article. For a given target protein sequence and a template structure, PROSPECT guarantees to find a globally optimal threading alignment between the two. The scoring function for a threading alignment employed in PROSPECT consists of four additive terms: i) a mutation term, ii) a singleton fitness term, iii) a pairwise-contact potential term, and iv) alignment gap penalties. The current version of PROSPECT considers pair contacts only between core (alpha-helix or beta-strand) residues and alignment gaps only in loop regions. PROSPECT finds a globally optimal threading efficiently when pairwise contacts are considered only between residues that are spatially close (7 A or less between the C(beta) atoms in the current implementation). On a test set consisting of 137 pairs of target-template proteins, each pair being from the same superfamily and having sequence identity 相似文献   

This paper presents a novel linear programming approach to do protein 3-dimensional (3D) structure prediction via threading. Based on the contact map graph of the protein 3D structure template, the protein threading problem is formulated as a large scale integer programming (IP) problem. The IP formulation is then relaxed to a linear programming (LP) problem, and then solved by the canonical branch-and-bound method. The final solution is globally optimal with respect to energy functions. In particular, our energy function includes pairwise interaction preferences and allowing variable gaps which are two key factors in making the protein threading problem NP-hard. A surprising result is that, most of the time, the relaxed linear programs generate integral solutions directly. Our algorithm has been implemented as a software package RAPTOR-RApid Protein Threading by Operation Research technique. Large scale benchmark test for fold recognition shows that RAPTOR significantly outperforms other programs at the fold similarity level. The CAFASP3 evaluation, a blind and public test by the protein structure prediction community, ranks RAPTOR as top 1, among individual prediction servers, in terms of the recognition capability and alignment accuracy for Fold Recognition (FR) family targets. RAPTOR also performs very well in recognizing the hard Homology Modeling (HM) targets. RAPTOR was implemented at the University of Waterloo and it can be accessed at http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~j3xu/RAPTOR_form.htm.  相似文献   

Analysis of the results of the recent protein structure prediction experiment for our method shows that we achieved a high level of success, Of the 18 available prediction targets of known structure, the assessors have identified 11 chains which either entirely match a previously known fold, or which partially match a substantial region of a known fold. Of these 11 chains, we made predictions for 9, and correctly assigned the folds in 5 cases. We have also identified a further 2 chains which also partially match known folds, and both of these were correctly predicted. The success rate for our method under blind testing is therefore 7 out of 11 chains. A further 2 folds could have easily been recognized but failed due to either overzealous filtering of potential matches, or to simple human error on our part. One of the two targets for which we did not submit a prediction, prosubtilisin, would not have been recognized by our usual criteria, but even in this case, it is possible that a correct prediction could have been made by considerin a combination of pairwise energy and solvation energy Z-scores. Inspection of the threading alignments for the (αβ)8 barrels provides clues as to how fold recognition by threading works, in that these folds are recognized by parts rather than as a whole. The prospects for developing sequence threading technology further is discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the protein fold recognition experiment using PROSPECT in The Third Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP3). PROSPECT is a computer program we have recently developed for finding an optimal alignment between a protein sequence and a protein structural fold. Two unique features of PROSPECT are (a) that it guarantees to find the globally optimal sequence-structure alignment and does so in an efficient manner, when the alignment-scoring function consists of three additive terms: (i) a singleton fitness term, (ii) a pairwise contact preference term between residues that are spatially close (相似文献   

Solis AD  Rackovsky S 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1071-1087
We examine the information-theoretic characteristics of statistical potentials that describe pairwise long-range contacts between amino acid residues in proteins. In our work, we seek to map out an efficient information-based strategy to detect and optimally utilize the structural information latent in empirical data, to make contact potentials, and other statistically derived folding potentials, more effective tools in protein structure prediction. Foremost, we establish fundamental connections between basic information-theoretic quantities (including the ubiquitous Z-score) and contact "energies" or scores used routinely in protein structure prediction, and demonstrate that the informatic quantity that mediates fold discrimination is the total divergence. We find that pairwise contacts between residues bear a moderate amount of fold information, and if optimized, can assist in the discrimination of native conformations from large ensembles of native-like decoys. Using an extensive battery of threading tests, we demonstrate that parameters that affect the information content of contact potentials (e.g., choice of atoms to define residue location and the cut-off distance between pairs) have a significant influence in their performance in fold recognition. We conclude that potentials that have been optimized for mutual information and that have high number of score events per sequence-structure alignment are superior in identifying the correct fold. We derive the quantity "information product" that embodies these two critical factors. We demonstrate that the information product, which does not require explicit threading to compute, is as effective as the Z-score, which requires expensive decoy threading to evaluate. This new objective function may be able to speed up the multidimensional parameter search for better statistical potentials. Lastly, by demonstrating the functional equivalence of quasi-chemically approximated "energies" to fundamental informatic quantities, we make statistical potentials less dependent on theoretically tenuous biophysical formalisms and more amenable to direct bioinformatic optimization.  相似文献   

Hu Y  Dong X  Wu A  Cao Y  Tian L  Jiang T 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e17215
Fold recognition, or threading, is a popular protein structure modeling approach that uses known structure templates to build structures for those of unknown. The key to the success of fold recognition methods lies in the proper integration of sequence, physiochemical and structural information. Here we introduce another type of information, local structural preference potentials of 3-residue and 9-residue fragments, for fold recognition. By combining the two local structural preference potentials with the widely used sequence profile, secondary structure information and hydrophobic score, we have developed a new threading method called FR-t5 (fold recognition by use of 5 terms). In benchmark testings, we have found the consideration of local structural preference potentials in FR-t5 not only greatly enhances the alignment accuracy and recognition sensitivity, but also significantly improves the quality of prediction models.  相似文献   

H Lu  J Skolnick 《Proteins》2001,44(3):223-232
A heavy atom distance-dependent knowledge-based pairwise potential has been developed. This statistical potential is first evaluated and optimized with the native structure z-scores from gapless threading. The potential is then used to recognize the native and near-native structures from both published decoy test sets, as well as decoys obtained from our group's protein structure prediction program. In the gapless threading test, there is an average z-score improvement of 4 units in the optimized atomic potential over the residue-based quasichemical potential. Examination of the z-scores for individual pairwise distance shells indicates that the specificity for the native protein structure is greatest at pairwise distances of 3.5-6.5 A, i.e., in the first solvation shell. On applying the current atomic potential to test sets obtained from the web, composed of native protein and decoy structures, the current generation of the potential performs better than residue-based potentials as well as the other published atomic potentials in the task of selecting native and near-native structures. This newly developed potential is also applied to structures of varying quality generated by our group's protein structure prediction program. The current atomic potential tends to pick lower RMSD structures than do residue-based contact potentials. In particular, this atomic pairwise interaction potential has better selectivity especially for near-native structures. As such, it can be used to select near-native folds generated by structure prediction algorithms as well as for protein structure refinement.  相似文献   

Meller J  Elber R 《Proteins》2001,45(3):241-261
The design of scoring functions (or potentials) for threading, differentiating native-like from non-native structures with a limited computational cost, is an active field of research. We revisit two widely used families of threading potentials: the pairwise and profile models. To design optimal scoring functions we use linear programming (LP). The LP protocol makes it possible to measure the difficulty of a particular training set in conjunction with a specific form of the scoring function. Gapless threading demonstrates that pair potentials have larger prediction capacity compared with profile energies. However, alignments with gaps are easier to compute with profile potentials. We therefore search and propose a new profile model with comparable prediction capacity to contact potentials. A protocol to determine optimal energy parameters for gaps, using LP, is also presented. A statistical test, based on a combination of local and global Z-scores, is employed to filter out false-positives. Extensive tests of the new protocol are presented. The new model provides an efficient alternative for threading with pair energies, maintaining comparable accuracy. The code, databases, and a prediction server are available at http://www.tc.cornell.edu/CBIO/loopp.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction is limited by the inaccuracy of the simplified energy functions necessary for efficient sorting over many conformations. It was recently suggested (Finkelstein, Phys Rev Lett 1998;80:4823-4825) that these errors can be reduced by energy averaging over a set of homologous sequences. This conclusion is confirmed in this study by testing protein structure recognition in gapless threading. The accuracy of recognition was estimated by the Z-score values obtained in gapless threading tests. For threading, we used 20 target proteins, each having from 20 to 70 homologs taken from the HSSP sequence base. The energy of the native structures was compared with the energy from 34 to 75 thousand of alternative structures generated by threading. The energy calculations were done with our recently developed Calpha atom-based phenomenological potentials. We show that averaging of protein energies over homologs reduces the Z-score from approximately -6.1 (average Z-score for individual chains) to approximately -8.1. This means that a correct fold can be found among 3 x 10(9) random folds in the first case and among 3 x 10(15) in the second. Such increase in selectivity is important for recognition of protein folds.  相似文献   

A computational method for NMR-constrained protein threading.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein threading provides an effective method for fold recognition and backbone structure prediction. But its application is currently limited due to its level of prediction accuracy and scope of applicability. One way to significantly improve its usefulness is through the incorporation of underconstrained (or partial) NMR data. It is well known that the NMR method for protein structure determination applies only to small proteins and that its effectiveness decreases rapidly as the protein mass increases beyond about 30 kD. We present, in this paper, a computational framework for applying underconstrained NMR data (that alone are insufficient for structure determination) as constraints in protein threading and also in all-atom model construction. In this study, we consider both secondary structure assignments from chemical shifts and NOE distance restraints. Our results have shown that both secondary structure assignments and a small number of long-range NOEs can significantly improve the threading quality in both fold recognition and threading-alignment accuracy, and can possibly extend threading's scope of applicability from homologs to analogs. An accurate backbone structure generated by NMR-constrained threading can then provide a great amount of structural information, equivalent to that provided by many NMR data; and hence can help reduce the number of NMR data typically required for an accurate structure determination. This new technique can potentially accelerate current NMR structure determination processes and possibly expand NMR's capability to larger proteins.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3D) structure prediction of proteins :is an important task in bioinformatics. Finding energy functions that can better represent residue-residue and residue-solvent interactions is a crucial way to improve the prediction accu- racy. The widely used contact energy functions mostly only consider the contact frequency between different types of residues; however, we find that the contact frequency also relates to the residue hydrophobic environment. Accordingly, we present an improved contact energy function to integrate the two factors, which can reflect the influence of hydrophobic interaction on the stabilization of protein 3D structure more effectively. Furthermore, a fold recognition (threading) approach based on this energy function is developed. The testing results obtained with 20 randomly selected proteins demonstrate that, compared with common contact energy functions, the proposed energy function can improve the accuracy of the fold template prediction from 20% to 50%, and can also improve the accuracy of the sequence-template alignment from 35% to 65%.  相似文献   

Proteins might have considerable structural similarities even when no evolutionary relationship of their sequences can be detected. This property is often referred to as the proteins sharing only a "fold". Of course, there are also sequences of common origin in each fold, called a "superfamily", and in them groups of sequences with clear similarities, designated "family". Developing algorithms to reliably identify proteins related at any level is one of the most important challenges in the fast growing field of bioinformatics today. However, it is not at all certain that a method proficient at finding sequence similarities performs well at the other levels, or vice versa.Here, we have compared the performance of various search methods on these different levels of similarity. As expected, we show that it becomes much harder to detect proteins as their sequences diverge. For family related sequences the best method gets 75% of the top hits correct. When the sequences differ but the proteins belong to the same superfamily this drops to 29%, and in the case of proteins with only fold similarity it is as low as 15%. We have made a more complete analysis of the performance of different algorithms than earlier studies, also including threading methods in the comparison. Using this method a more detailed picture emerges, showing multiple sequence information to improve detection on the two closer levels of relationship. We have also compared the different methods of including this information in prediction algorithms.For lower specificities, the best scheme to use is a linking method connecting proteins through an intermediate hit. For higher specificities, better performance is obtained by PSI-BLAST and some procedures using hidden Markov models. We also show that a threading method, THREADER, performs significantly better than any other method at fold recognition.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of methods for improving the fold recognition rate of the threading approach to protein structure prediction by the utilization of few additional distance constraints. The distance constraints between protein residues may be obtained by experiments such as mass spectrometry or NMR spectroscopy. We applied a post-filtering step with new scoring functions incorporating measures of constraint satisfaction to ranking lists of 123D threading alignments. The detailed analysis of the results on a small representative benchmark set show that the fold recognition rate can be improved significantly by up to 30% from about 54%-65% to 77%-84%, approaching the maximal attainable performance of 90% estimated by structural superposition alignments. This gain in performance adds about 10% to the recognition rate already achieved in our previous study with cross-link constraints only. Additional recent results on a larger benchmark set involving a confidence function for threading predictions also indicate notable improvements by our combined approach, which should be particularly valuable for rapid structure determination and validation of protein models.  相似文献   

Several fold recognition algorithms are compared to each other in terms of prediction accuracy and significance. It is shown that on standard benchmarks, hybrid methods, which combine scoring based on sequence-sequence and sequence-structure matching, surpass both sequence and threading methods in the number of accurate predictions. However, the sequence similarity contributes most to the prediction accuracy. This strongly argues that most examples of apparently nonhomologous proteins with similar folds are actually related by evolution. While disappointing from the perspective of the fundamental understanding of protein folding, this adds a new significance to fold recognition methods as a possible first step in function prediction. Despite hybrid methods being more accurate at fold prediction than either the sequence or threading methods, each of the methods is correct in some cases where others have failed. This partly reflects a different perspective on sequence/structure relationship embedded in various methods. To combine predictions from different methods, estimates of significance of predictions are made for all methods. With the help of such estimates, it is possible to develop a "jury" method, which has accuracy higher than any of the single methods. Finally, building full three-dimensional models for all top predictions helps to eliminate possible false positives where alignments, which are optimal in the one-dimensional sequences, lead to unsolvable sterical conflicts for the full three-dimensional models.  相似文献   

One still cannot predict the 3D fold of a protein from its amino acid sequence, mainly because of errors in the energy estimates underlying the prediction. However, a recently developed theory [1] shows that having a set of homologs (i.e., the chains with equal, in despite of numerous mutations, 3D folds) one can average the potential of each interaction over the homologs and thus predict the common 3D fold of protein family even when a correct fold prediction for an individual sequence is impossible because the energies are known only approximately. This theoretical conclusion has been verified by simulation of the energy spectra of simplified models of protein chains [2], and the further investigation of these simplified models shows that their true "native" fold can be found by folding of the chain where each interaction potential is averaged over the homologs. In conclusion, the applicability of the "homolog-averaging" approach is tested by recognition of real protein 3D structures. Both the gapless threading of sequences onto the known protein folds [3] and the more practically important gapped threading (which allows to consider not only the known 3D structures, but the more or less similar to them folds as well) shows a significant increase in selectivity of the native chain fold recognition.  相似文献   

Betancourt MR 《Proteins》2003,53(4):889-907
A protein model that is simple enough to be used in protein-folding simulations but accurate enough to identify a protein native fold is described. Its geometry consists of describing the residues by one, two, or three pseudoatoms, depending on the residue size. Its energy is given by a pairwise, knowledge-based potential obtained for all the pseudoatoms as a function of their relative distance. The pseudoatomic potential is also a function of the primary chain separation and residue order. The model is tested by gapless threading on a large, representative set of known protein and decoy structures obtained from the "Decoys 'R' Us" database. It is also tested by threading on gapped decoys generated for proteins with many homologs. The gapless threading tests show near 98% native-structure recognition as the lowest energy structure and almost 100% as one of the three lowest energy structures for over 2200 test proteins. In decoy threading tests, the model recognized the majority of the native structures. It is also able to recognize native structures among gapped decoys, in spite of close structural similarities. The results indicate that the pseudoatomic model has native recognition ability similar to comparable atomic-based models but much better than equivalent residue-based models.  相似文献   

Methods for protein structure (3D)-sequence (1D) compatibility evaluation (threading) have been developed during the past decade. The protocol in which a sequence can recognize its compatible structure in the structural library (i.e., the fold recognition or the forward-folding search) is available for the structure prediction of new proteins. However, the reverse protocol, in which a structure recognizes its homologous sequences among a sequence database, named the inverse-folding search, is a more difficult application. In this study, we have investigated the feasibility of the latter approach. A structural library, composed of about 400 well-resolved structures with mutually dissimilar sequences, was prepared, and 163 of them had remote homologs in the library. We examined whether they could correctly seek their homologs by both forward- and inverse-folding searches. The results showed that the inverse-folding protocol is more effective than the forward-folding protocol, once the reference states of the compatibility functions are appropriately adjusted. This adjustment only slightly affects the ability of the forward-folding search. We noticed that the scoring, in which a given sequence is re-mounted onto a structure according to the 3D-1D alignment determined by the dynamic programming method, is only effective in the forward-folding protocol and not in the inverse-folding protocol. Namely, the inverse-folding search works significantly better with the score given by the 3D-1D alignment per se, rather than that obtained by the re-mounting. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

T cell recognition of the peptide–MHC complex initiates a cascade of immunological events necessary for immune responses. Accurate T-cell epitope prediction is an important part of the vaccine designing. Development of predictive algorithms based on sequence profile requires a very large number of experimental binding peptide data to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Here we used inverse folding approach to study the peptide specificity of MHC Class-I molecule with the aim of obtaining a better differentiation between binding and nonbinding sequence. Overlapping peptides, spanning the entire protein sequence, are threaded through the backbone coordinates of a known peptide fold in the MHC groove, and their interaction energies are evaluated using statistical pairwise contact potentials. We used the Miyazawa & Jernigan and Betancourt & Thirumalai tables for pairwise contact potentials, and two distance criteria (Nearest atom ≫ 4.0 Å & C-beta ≫ 7.0 Å) for ranking the peptides in an ascending order according to their energy values, and in most cases, known antigenic peptides are highly ranked. The predictions from threading improved when used multiple templates and average scoring scheme. In general, when structural information about a protein-peptide complex is available, the current application of the threading approach can be used to screen a large library of peptides for selection of the best binders to the target protein. The proposed scheme may significantly reduce the number of peptides to be tested in wet laboratory for epitope based vaccine design.  相似文献   

S Miyazawa  R L Jernigan 《Proteins》1999,36(3):357-369
We consider modifications of an empirical energy potential for fold and sequence recognition to represent approximately the stabilities of proteins in various environments. A potential used here includes a secondary structure potential representing short-range interactions for secondary structures of proteins, and a tertiary structure potential consisting of a long-range, pairwise contact potential and a repulsive packing potential. This potential is devised to evaluate together the total conformational energy of a protein at the coarse grained residue level. It was previously estimated from the observed frequencies of secondary structures, from contact frequencies between residues, and from the distributions of the number of residues in contact in known protein structures by regarding those distributions as the equilibrium distributions with the Boltzmann factor of these interaction energies. The stability of native structures is assumed as a primary requirement for proteins to fold into their native structures. A collapse energy is subtracted from the contact energies to remove the protein size dependence and to represent protein stabilities for monomeric and multimeric states. The free energy of the whole ensemble of protein conformations that is subtracted from the conformational energy to represent protein stability is approximated as the average energy expected for a typical native structure with the same amino acid composition. This term may be constant in fold recognition but essentially varies in sequence recognition. A simple test of threading sequences into structures without gaps is employed to demonstrate the importance of the present modifications that permit the same potential to be utilized for both fold and sequence recognition. Proteins 1999;36:357-369. Published 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Yang JY  Chen X 《Proteins》2011,79(7):2053-2064
Fold recognition from amino acid sequences plays an important role in identifying protein structures and functions. The taxonomy-based method, which classifies a query protein into one of the known folds, has been shown very promising for protein fold recognition. However, extracting a set of highly discriminative features from amino acid sequences remains a challenging problem. To address this problem, we developed a new taxonomy-based protein fold recognition method called TAXFOLD. It extensively exploits the sequence evolution information from PSI-BLAST profiles and the secondary structure information from PSIPRED profiles. A comprehensive set of 137 features is constructed, which allows for the depiction of both global and local characteristics of PSI-BLAST and PSIPRED profiles. We tested TAXFOLD on four datasets and compared it with several major existing taxonomic methods for fold recognition. Its recognition accuracies range from 79.6 to 90% for 27, 95, and 194 folds, achieving an average 6.9% improvement over the best available taxonomic method. Further test on the Lindahl benchmark dataset shows that TAXFOLD is comparable with the best conventional template-based threading method at the SCOP fold level. These experimental results demonstrate that the proposed set of features is highly beneficial to protein fold recognition.  相似文献   

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