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This laboratory has previously reported a flow cytometric procedure for quantitatively analyzing mouse peripheral blood reticulocytes for micronucleus content. The current study extends this line of investigation by evaluating whether these same flow cytometric scoring procedures can be applied to the analysis of mouse bone marrow samples. To validate the method, three groups of male BALB/c mice were treated with 100 mg/kg b.wt. methyl methanesulfonate. Bone marrow samples were collected 20, 40 or 60 h after administration. A set of 5 untreated animals was included to provide an indication of spontaneous micronucleus frequencies. The cells were fixed with ultracold methanol, treated with ribonuclease, and labeled with anti-CD71 antibody (FITC conjugate) and propidium iodide. This fixing and labeling procedure resulted in the resolution of the micronucleated reticulocyte population and facilitated high-speed acquisition and enumeration via flow cytometry. The number of micronucleated reticulocytes was determined flow cytometrically by the analysis of 10?000 total reticulocytes per bone marrow sample. In addition to these automated measurements, slides stained with acridine orange were prepared and the number of micronuclei per 1000 reticulocytes was determined microscopically for each sample. The resulting data demonstrate that flow cytometry can effectively enumerate micronucleated reticulocytes in mouse bone marrow. The advantages associated with an objective, high throughput scoring methodology are also clearly indicated.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of gamma-radiation on the frequency of bone marrow micronucleated erythrocytes in seven inbred strains of adult male mice. Twenty animals of each strain viz. Swiss, C57BL/6, C57BR/cd, C3H, CBA, DBA, and AKR were irradiated at 0.0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00Gy of gamma-rays at a dose rate of 0.46Gy/min using a 60Co-teletharapy machine. Animals were sacrificed 24h post-irradiation, bone marrow smears were made and stained in May-Grunwald Giemsa for evaluating the frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes as indicators of chromosomal damage. About 2000 polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs) and the corresponding normochromatic erythrocytes (NCEs) were scored for each mouse. Thus, at least 8000 PCEs were scored for each dose point in all the groups. The spontaneous frequency of mn-PCEs per thousand (per thousand ) cells varied considerably among the strains with C57BR/cd (3.47 per thousand ) exhibiting highest as compared to CBA (2.47 per thousand ) and DBA (2.35 per thousand). Radiation exposure, even at lowest dose of 0.125Gy, induced a significant increase in the frequency of mn-PCEs and a dose dependent response was observed among all the strains. However, the animals irradiated at lower doses (0.125-0.50Gy) showed marked differences in the extent of radiation induced chromosomal damage among the various genotypes. At highest dose of radiation (1.00Gy), genotype dependent variability in the frequency of mn-PCEs was not so marked but relatively comparable among the various strains. This study clearly shows that the magnitude of variability of radiation induced chromosomal damage among different strains of mouse can be different at different doses. Therefore, use of single dose point comparisons and/or use of only higher doses of radiation for ascertainment of genotype dependent variability in mouse may lead to erroneous conclusions.  相似文献   

It is shown by single-cell gel electrophoresis that the exposure of CBA mouse males with pheromone 2,5-dimethylpyrazine for 4 or 24 h increases DNA damage level in interphase nuclei of bone marrow cells. The results may reflect the work of a mechanism of formation of chromosomal aberrations and other mitotic disturbances, detected at the stage of ana-telophase, the frequency of which in dividing bone marrow cells increased after similar pheromonal exposure. The comparison of the damaged cell distribution types is proposed as an approach to analysis of comet assay data. The significance of the revealed effects on the immune system in the recipient organism is discussed.  相似文献   

The time-course of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MPCE) in mouse bone marrow and peripheral blood, induced by an acute 0.1 Gy dose of X-rays, was determined using flow cytometric analysis, which made frequent sampling possible and allowed use of a dose low enough not to affect erythroid cell proliferation. The frequency of MPCE (fMPCE) began to increase in the bone marrow at 10 h after irradiation and reached a maximum at 28 h after irradiation. In the peripheral blood fMPCE began to increase at 20 h after irradiation and peaked at about 40 h after irradiation. The time-course found is discussed on the basis of data on the differentiation of erythroid cells. The results indicate that the micronuclei registered in polychromatic erythrocytes may originate from lesions induced not only during the last cell cycle but also during earlier ones. After an acute dose of 1.0 Gy of X-rays the maximum fMPCE was delayed both in bone marrow and peripheral blood reflecting an effect on the cell cycle progression of erythroblasts.  相似文献   

There are the results of experimental research of the change of membranes' conditions under the action of gamma-radiation using the method of following membranes' electroporation of the accurate impulse of the electrical field for the analysis of defects after the action of gamma-radiation. As of the research material the suspension of erythrocytes was used. It was shown that the velocity of decreasing of the erythrocytes in the case of combined action of gamma-radiation and the impulse of the electrical field is more than the sum of such velocities in the case of the action of the factors separately. The method of the electroporation of the accurate impulse of the electircal field is obvious for the practicaland the analytical research of membranes' defects.  相似文献   

The rate and the degree of recovery of committed precursors of granulocytes and monocytes (CFUc) following long-term fractionated irradiation were a function of a cumulative radiation dose. In rats exposed to doses of 9.7 and 19.4 Gy the number of CFUc of myelokaryocytes and granulocytes of blood reached the control values after 1-3 months. The increase in CFUc of animals exposed to a dose of 29.1 Gy was transient and did not provide the recovery of granulocytopoiesis.  相似文献   

A pronounced increase of Bcl-2 content was observed in thymus of mice exposed to 20 cGy of gamma-radiation 1 and 24 hours after the exposure; six days after the exposure the bcl-2 content lowered to the control one. No changes in bcl-2 level were revealed in mice liver during the period of observation. A level of Bax protein was stable in mice thymus during 60 days of observation.  相似文献   

Human in vivo mutant frequencies can be measured by cloning freshly isolated lymphocytes in selective media containing 6-thioguanine (TG). This method was applied to monitoring environmental mutagenesis, by studying lymphocytes separated from peripheral blood of 12 cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. Before therapy, cancer patients had an average 8.6 X 10(-6) mutants/cell, compared to 2.4 X 10(-6) mutants/cell for heart patients and 1.1 X 10(-6) mutants/cell for healthy controls. After exposure of cancer patients to 50 Gy of gamma-radiation delivered to the treated area, or an estimated 4 Gy received by each lymphocyte, patients averaged 36.8 X 10(-6) mutants/viable cell.  相似文献   

Effects of ten day long exposure to gamma-irradiation at low doses (mean dose rate of 1.5-2.0 m Gy/day, total dose of 15 m Gy) on hemopoietic (CFU-S) and stromal (CFU-F) progenitor cells from murine bone marrow were examined. The CFU-F content measured as in vitro fibroblastic colony number showed 1.5-4.5-fold increase. Additionally, the size of ectopic marrow transplants evaluated by counting myelokariocytes and CFU-S numbers also increased. No significant changes of CFU-S proliferation rate were found.  相似文献   

The occurrence of chromosomal aberrations was studied at 1–14 days post-exposure in female BALB/c mice exposed to various doses of gamma radiation. The frequency of abnormal cells, chromatid and chromosome breaks, dicentrics, centric rings, acentric fragments and total aberrations increased with exposure dose, and it was highest at 7 Gy. A peak was recorded on day 1 post-exposure with a gradual decline thereafter. The chromosomal aberration yield reached a nadir on day 14 post-irradiation, without restoration to the control level. The best fit for the present data was by a linear-quadratic relationship between dose of radiation and the frequency of chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

The influence of various X-ray fractionation regimes on translocation induction in mouse spermatogonia was studied. Splitting a single exposure of 600 R into two fractions of 300 R separated by 24 h did not influence the translocation yield (7.58% vs. 8.35%). When the dose was given in the unequal fractions,100 R+500 R and 500 R+100 R, with the same 24 h between the fractions, the translocation frequency was significantly altered (10,19 and 4.94%, respectively). As a possible explanation of these findings it is assumed that the relatively resistant cells surviving the first fraction of the dose are sensitized towards translocation induction when receiving the second fraction of the dose.  相似文献   

The content of Ig-bearing lymphocytes and their precursors in the mouse bone marrow was investigated 6 and 36 hours after the hydroxyurea treatment. Some increase of the B-cell content takes place in the trated bone marrow. Dividing and non-dividing B-cell precursors, except the stem cells, were practically absent.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of micronucleated exfoliated cells (MEC) in atrophic and erosive oral lichen planus (OLP). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-two patients with atrophic and/or erosive OLP participated in this study. Lesions were scored ranging from 0 (no lesion) to 5 (large erosion) according to the severity and assessed for MEC. Exfoliated cells were obtained by swabbing the lesions and normal-appearing mucosa adjacent to the lesions. Swabbing was also performed in age-sex-matched normal individuals. Five hundred exfoliated cells were screened for nuclear anomalies including micronuclei, karyorhexis, pycnosis, and chromatid clumping. RESULTS: The severity score of OLP ranged from 2 to 4 with the average of 2. The frequency of MEC in OLP patients was 3.79% and 0.37% in the lesions and normal-appearing mucosa, respectively. In normal individuals, the frequency of MEC was also 0.37%. Using a paired t-test, it was found that the MEC frequency in the OLP lesions was significantly elevated (p<0.01) as compared to that in normal-appearing mucosa adjacent to lesions and that in normal individuals. There were no statistically significant differences in the MEC frequency of the three severity scores as analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance on ranks (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: This study revealed an increase in micronuclei in OLP lesions. The results indicate genotoxic damage in atrophic and erosive OLP.  相似文献   

Several studies over recent years have highlighted the possibility that radiation can induce transmissible genomic instability. Most of these involve in vitro irradiation and usually in vitro culture. Here it is reported that the short-half-life bone-seeking alpha-particle emitter (224)Ra did not induce excess transmissible chromosomal instability in CBA/H mouse bone marrow cells in a 100-day period after in vivo or in vitro exposure. Similarly, no excess transmissible chromosomal instability could be detected after in vivo whole-body X irradiation. It was noted, however, that short-term culture of murine bone marrow cells elevated yields of aberrations, as did transplantation of untreated marrow into radiation-ablated hosts. These findings emphasize the sensitivity of murine hemopoietic tissue to experimental manipulation and reinforce the importance of appropriate concurrent control experiments in any investigation of transmissible genomic instability.  相似文献   

The bone marrow of three intact male mice of C57Bl/6 line, fixed by perfusion of isotonic fixative of Karnovsky, has been studied by means of the scanning electron microscopy method. The surface of erythroid cells, that are immediately connected with macrophages of the erythroblasts islets, is analysed. According to the surface form, the erythroid cells are devided into 5 types. Every maturation stage of the erythroid cells is characterized by a certain type of surface. For identification of basophilic and polychromatophilic proerythrocytes the combined method of light and electron scanning microscopy of the cells in suspension is used. The bone marrow cells, obtained from the two male mice of C57Bl/6 line are fixed with the same fixative on special glasses with grids traced on them, stained after Romanovsky-Giemsa method and in moist preparations are examined in the light microscope. After further treatment the surface of the same cells in studied in the scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

We report on a study of the cytogenetic and hepatotoxic effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Mice of the C57B1/6J (with high-affinity TCDD receptor) or DBA/2J (with low-affinity TCDD receptor) strains were given single intraperitoneal injections of 50, 100 or 150 micrograms of TCDD/kg body weight. At various times (8-48 h) after injection, we examined bone marrow cells for cytogenetic effects by performing structural aberration, sister-chromatid exchange, and micronucleus tests. 1 month after exposure, liver sections were studied for hepatotoxic effects. We found no evidence of chromosome damage by TCDD given in doses that cause liver damage in both strains of mice.  相似文献   

The frequency of micronucleated reticulocytes (MN-RETs) in the bone marrow or peripheral blood is a sensitive indicator of cytogenetic damage. While the kinetics of MN-RET induction in rodent models following irradiation has been investigated and reported, information about MN-RET induction of human bone marrow after radiation exposure is sparse. In this report, we describe a human long-term bone marrow culture (LTBMC), established in three-dimensional (3D) bioreactors, which sustains long-term erythropoiesis. Using this system, we measured the kinetics of human bone marrow red blood cell (RBC) and reticulocyte (RET) production, as well as the kinetics of human MN-RET induction following radiation exposure up to 6Gy. Human bone marrow established in the 3D bioreactor demonstrated an average percentage of RBCs among total viable cells peaking at 21% on day 21. The average percentage of RETs among total viable cells reached a maximum of 11% on day 14, and remained above 5% by day 28, suggesting that terminal erythroid differentiation was still active. Time- and dose-dependent induction of MN-RET by gamma radiation was observed in the human 3D LTBMC, with peak values occurring at approximately 3 days following 1Gy irradiation. A trend towards delayed peak to 3-5 days post-radiation was observed with radiation doses ≥2Gy. Our data reveal valuable information on the kinetics of radiation-induced MN-RET of human bone marrow cultured in the 3D bioreactor, a synthetic bioculture system, and suggest that this model may serve as a promising tool for studying MN-RET formation in human bone marrow, thereby providing opportunities to study bone marrow genotoxicity testing, mitigating agent effects, and other conditions that are not ordinarily feasible to experimental manipulation in vivo.  相似文献   

Macrophage progenitor cells in bone marrow, that develop into attached colonies in liquid culture medium, contain a fraction of cells sensitive to photochemically generated superoxide radicals. This fraction varies from one animal to another. Populations of cells containing the superoxide-sensitive fraction show a greater sensitivity to X-rays than do populations in which this fraction has been photochemically inactivated. The change in radiosensitivity was proportional to the superoxide-sensitive fraction.  相似文献   

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