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Understanding how the homeostasis of cellular size and composition is accomplished by different organisms is an outstanding challenge in biology. For exponentially growing Escherichia coli cells, it is long known that the size of cells exhibits a strong positive relation with their growth rates in different nutrient conditions. Here, we characterized cell sizes in a set of orthogonal growth limitations. We report that cell size and mass exhibit positive or negative dependences with growth rate depending on the growth limitation applied. In particular, synthesizing large amounts of “useless” proteins led to an inversion of the canonical, positive relation, with slow growing cells enlarged 7‐ to 8‐fold compared to cells growing at similar rates under nutrient limitation. Strikingly, this increase in cell size was accompanied by a 3‐ to 4‐fold increase in cellular DNA content at slow growth, reaching up to an amount equivalent to ~8 chromosomes per cell. Despite drastic changes in cell mass and macromolecular composition, cellular dry mass density remained constant. Our findings reveal an important role of protein synthesis in cell division control.  相似文献   

Macrophages, lymphocytes, and HeLa cells when incubated in vitro at 37° in Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer release a dialyzable, heat-stable, ninhydrin-reacting factor which inhibits protein synthesis by intact cells and isolated ribosomes. Release of the inhibitor appears to be dependent on metabolism. Partial purification of the inhibitor by Sephadex G-10 chromatography suggests it has a molecular weight of 400–600.  相似文献   

The effect of aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA) was tested on various aspects of protein synthesis directed by the natural messenger ribonucleic acid (RNA) isolated from R17 RNA bacteriophage. The effects of various levels of ATA (up to 1,000 mum) were tested on overall protein synthesis as well as on binding of messenger RNA and fmet-transfer RNA to ribosomes and on the addition of the 50S ribosome to the 30S ribosome initiation complex. All of the reactions tested could be inhibited by ATA, and none of the tested steps was found to be uniquely sensitive to it. However, the total initiation steps were more sensitive to this chemical than the elongation steps; thus, under appropriate conditions this chemical can preferentially inhibit initiation while elongation of the polypeptide chain is not appreciably affected.  相似文献   

Human cystatin, a new protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A new low-molecular weight protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, human cystatin, was isolated from sera of patients with autoimmune diseases. It inhibits papain, human cathepsin H and cathepsin B. According to its partially determined amino-acid sequence, human cystatin is highly homologous to egg white cystatin, but only distantly related to stefin, the cytosolic protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases isolated from human polymorphonuclear granulocytes. Very probably human cystatin is identical with human gamma-trace, a microprotein of known sequence but hitherto unknown function.  相似文献   

This paper describes experiments in which we have investigated the mechanism by which amino acid starvation regulates the initiation of protein synthesis in mammalian cells. We have examined the ability of a range of lysine analogues to stimulate protein synthesis in lysine-deprived mouse Ehrlich ascites tumour cells in culture. Of those analogues tested, only those which are cleaved to lysine intracellularly are capable of restoring protein synthesis to the level seen in fully fed cells. Lysine which is covalently linked to agarose does not stimulate translation. After 5 min incubation of lysine-deprived cells with the analogue lysine p-nitroanilide, the lysine concentration in cell extracts is restored to that found in extracts from fed cells, and protein synthesis is maximally stimulated within 5–10 min. During this period of time there is no increase in the concentration of lysine in the medium. These data indicate that it is the size of the intracellular rather than the extracellular amino acid pool which regulates the rate of protein synthesis during amino acid deprivation.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic extracts of green monkey kidney-Vero M3 cells that have been grown to high cell density and have entered the stationary phase of growth lose the capacity to synthesize proteins after they have been frozen and thawed. The same loss of protein synthetic capacity is not observed when cytoplasmic extracts of low cell density Vero M3 or HeLa S-3 cells are frozen and thawed before assay, nor when high cell density Vero M3 cell extract is assayed without having been frozen. The loss of the protein synthesis capacity of the frozen and thawed extracts of stationary phase Vero M3 cells is accounted for by the appearance of an inhibitor. The inhibitor is precipitated in the 30 to 70% ammonium sulfate fraction of the 100,000 g supernatant. It is inactivated by heat and is non-dialyzable. It blocks the transfer of amino acids from tRNA to growing peptide chains. The amount of this inhibitor in the extract (measured by relative inhibition of in vitro protein synthesis) increases as a function of the density of the cells from which the extract was made, and the increase can be correlated with the progressive turnoff of protein synthesis in whole cells.  相似文献   

The mode of action of the antibiotic, trichodermin, on yeast cells has been investigated. Trichodermin specifically inhibits protein synthesis and, during the in vivo inhibition of protein synthesis, ribosomes remain in polyribosomes rather than shifting to monoribosomes. This observation suggests that trichodermin inhibits either an elongation step or a termination step of protein biosynthesis. These two possibilities were distinguished by comparing the action of trichodermin with that of cycloheximide, a known elongation inhibitor, upon the reformation of polyribosomes during recovery from a block in polypeptide chain initiation. Cycloheximide slows the recovery of polyribosomes from monoribosomes following a block in polypeptide chain initiation whereas trichodermin enhances the recovery of polyribosomes. This observation is interpreted to mean that trichodermin primarily inhibits the termination step of protein biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A new method is presented that uses parallel peptide array synthesis on cellulose membranes to characterize protease/peptide inhibitor interactions. A peptide comprising P5-P4' of the third domain of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor was investigated for both binding to and inhibition of porcine pancreatic elastase. Binding was studied directly on the cellulose membrane, while inhibition was measured by an assay in microtiter plates with punched out peptide spots. The importance of each residue for binding or inhibition was determined by substitutional analyses, exchanging every original amino acid with all other 19 coded amino acids. Seven hundred eighty individual peptides were investigated for binding behavior to porcine pancreatic elastase, and 320 individual peptides were measured in inhibition experiments. The results provide new insights into the interaction between the ovomucoid derived peptide and subsites in the active site of elastase. Combining these data with length analysis we designed new peptides in a step-wise fashion which in the end not only inhibited elastase 400 times more strongly than the original peptide, but are highly specific for the enzyme. In addition, the optimized inhibitor peptide was protected against exopeptidase attack by substituting D-amino acids at both termini.  相似文献   

Cellular extracts ofEscherichia coli severely impair the protein-phosphorylating activity in vitro of animal enzymes of both the casein-kinase type and the histone-kinase type. This blockade is due to a protein, probably dimeric, acting as a noncompetitive inhibitor, which has been purified to near-homogeneity from the soluble fraction of bacterial cells by chromatographic procedures.  相似文献   

The bacterial elongation factor for protein synthesis, EF-Tu, polymerizes into fibrils at pH 6.0. These fibrils are 0.7 microM in diameter, at least 200 microns in length, and are positively birefringent. Electron microscopic observations of negatively stained images demonstrates that the EF-Tu fibrils consist of bundles of individual filaments, approximately 5nm in diameter, aligned parallel to the long axis of the fibril. Polymerized EF-Tu exchanges nucleotide rapidly and interacts with the other elongation factor, EF-Ts. The antibiotic kirromycin induces the polymerization of EF-Tu into fibrils and even larger structures under nonpolymerizing conditions.  相似文献   

We have studied the influence of translation of inhibitor cycloheximide (CHI) on the Chinese hamster fibroblast line FAF28. This treatment inhibited the cell cycle and induced apoptosis. A short-term treatment and the following removal of CHI reduced the number of apoptotic cells up to the normal level. Under changed conditions (change in CO2 proportion and pH of cultural medium), the ability of CHI to induce apoptosis increases. The study of cell ultrastructure demonstrates three groups of apoptotic cells differing from each other in the state of cytoplasmic organelles: 1) cells with many well-identified organelles; 2) cells with a scanty number of cytoplasmic organelles; 3) cells lacking any recognizable organelles in the cytoplasm. Presumable causes of this morphological variety of apoptotic cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Specific and nonspecific Ag-presentation by B cells was examined for the sensitivity to the treatment with emetin, an irreversible protein synthesis inhibitor. For this aim, A20-HL B lymphoma cells expressing surface IgM receptors specific for TNP were used as APC. OVA and TNP-OVA were used as nonspecific and specific Ag, respectively. The treatment with emetin greatly impaired the ability of A20-HL cells to present specific Ag, but not nonspecific Ag, to 42-6A cloned T cells specific for OVA. The ability of the emetin-treated A20-HL cells to present nonspecific Ag indicates that the treated cells are able to process nonspecific Ag and to present processed Ag. Ag binding and the internalization by A20-HL cells through surface receptors were not affected by the emetin treatment. A20-HL cells took up specific Ag for stimulation of 42-6A cells in the presence of cycloheximide, a reversible protein synthesis inhibitor. These results suggest that the action of emetin is localized to the intracellular processing of specific Ag, not of nonspecific Ag. Thus, the processing pathway for specific Ag seems to be different from that for nonspecific Ag.  相似文献   

Summary A new genetic nomenclature for the macromolecules involved in bacterial protein synthesis is proposed and explained. Genes for ribosomal proteins are designated rsp, rpl and rpm while genes for ribosomal RNAs are rrs and rrl. Protein synthesis factors and ribosome assembly and modification activities are also consistantly named.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a highly useful fluorescent tag for studying the localization, structure, and dynamics of macromolecules in living cells, and has quickly become a primary tool for analysis of DNA and protein localization in prokaryotes. Several properties of GFP make it an attractive and versatile reporter. It is fluorescent and soluble in a wide variety of species, can be monitored noninvasively by external illumination, and needs no external substrates. Localization of GFP fusion proteins can be analyzed in live bacteria, therefore eliminating potential fixation artifacts and enabling real-time monitoring of dynamics in situ. Such real-time studies have been facilitated by brighter, more soluble GFP variants. In addition, red-shifted GFPs that can be excited by blue light have lessened the problem of UV-induced toxicity and photobleaching. The self-contained domain structure of GFP reduces the chance of major perturbations to GFP fluorescence by fused proteins and, conversely, to the activities of the proteins to which it is fused. As a result, many proteins fused to GFP retain their activities. The stability of GFP also allows detection of its fluorescence in vitro during protein purification and in cells fixed for indirect immunofluorescence and other staining protocols. Finally, the different properties of GFP variants have given rise to several technological innovations in the study of cellular physiology that should prove useful for studies in live bacteria. These include fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for studying protein-protein interactions and specially engineered GFP constructs for direct determination of cellular ion fluxes.  相似文献   

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