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Until recently, few data were available for evaluating postintervention survival of free‐ranging cetaceans receiving aid from humans through: rescue from stranding, with rehabilitation and release; rescue, rehabilitation and release of debilitated or entangled individuals that had not beached; rescue of entangled animals with immediate release; and rescue, transport, and release of out‐of‐habitat animals. Advances in medical diagnosis, husbandry and therapy have improved survival of rehabilitation cases, and advances in radio‐telemetry have improved postrelease monitoring. In total, 69 cases (1986–2010) were evaluated, involving 10 species of odontocete cetaceans with release data. Findings suggested a success criterion of surviving at least six weeks postrelease is useful in evaluating intervention strategies. No species had better success than others. Stranded beached cetaceans were less successful than free‐swimming rescued animals. Rehabilitated animals were less successful than those released without rehabilitation. Mass stranded dolphins fared better than single stranded animals. Old age, diminished hearing ability, and lack of maternal care were factors in several unsuccessful cases. Success is not clearly related to rehabilitation duration. Retaining healthy individuals from mass strandings until all animals are ready for release may reduce success for some. Transport durations for unsuccessful cases were greater than for successful cases.  相似文献   

Published records of cetaceans stranded on the Irish coast during the period 1901–95 are reviewed. In this review the number of stranding events has been used in the analysis and includes both live strandings and those animals washed up dead. There were 529 records involving 21 species. The Harbour Porpoise (27%) was the most frequently reported species, followed by Common Dolphins (16%) and Pilot Whales (15%). Minke Whales (8%) were the most frequently reported mysticete. The number of reported strandings has increased since the 1960s which is thought to be mainly due to increased observer effort. Cetaceans have stranded on all Irish coasts but mainly along the south coast and along the western seaboard but with no apparent overall seasonal trend. There was a peak in the strandings of Common Dolphins during 1991–92 when 27% (28 records) of all strandings were reported and of White-sided Dolphins when 60% (28 records) were reported, both of which were attributed to possible interactions with fisheries. The number of Striped Dolphins stranded on the Irish coast has increased steadily since the 1980s and may reflect increasing water temperatures.
These stranding records are considered inadequate to determine the status of most species of cetaceans in Irish waters but are sufficient to identify unusual stranding events such as high mortalities due to fisheries interactions or epizootics. More observer coverage is required before the stranding data are adequate for monitoring the status of most species but a stranding scheme is considered the most effective and efficient method of long-term monitoring of cetaceans in Irish waters.  相似文献   

Cetaceans in British waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most information on the distribution, movements and ecology of cetaceans in the N.E. Atlantic have come from whale catches mainly in the early part of this century, and from strandings records collected by the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). With the formation of the Cetacean Group in 1973, a scheme for recording live cetaceans at sea was started. This paper summarizes the results of about two thousand sightings involving nearly 25,000 individual animals between the years 1958– 1978 (but mainly from the last 10 years), and relates them to existing information collected from other sources. Difficulties of identification and potential sources of bias are discussed. Most large cetaceans are present in British waters as part of a latitudinal feeding migration whereas smaller species may be present in the N.E. Atlantic throughout the year with movements being mainly of an offshore-inshore nature. Some species are clearly very rare probably as a result of over-exploitation in the last century and early part of this century. These include the Right whale, Blue whale and probably Humpback whale. Other species are rarely recorded because their usual range is some distance from British waters. These include narwhal and White whale (from Arctic waters), Pygmy sperm whale, smaller beaked whales and Euphrosyne dolphin (from warm temperate to tropical waters). The Harbour porpoise is by far the most common and widespread species in British waters, occurring mainly in inshore waters, although it has apparently declined in certain regions (e.g. Southern North Sea, English Channel, Irish Sea) in recent years probably as a result of pollution, disturbance and/or over-exploitation of food resources. Bottle-nosed and Risso's dolphins are also widely distributed close to the coast, although the latter is restricted to the west and south coasts and the former is associated particularly with some large estuaries. Common dolphins are relatively abundant and widespread, and are more pelagic than the previous three species. White-sided dolphins have a mainly pelagic distribution centred on the Northern North Sea whilst the White-sided dolphin has a wider distribution which includes all the western seaboard. Of larger cetaceans, the Killer whale is relatively common particularly on the west coasts and the Pilot whale is locally and seasonally abundant at the north and south ends of Britain and Ireland where they probably represent distinct populations. The Bottlenose whale, Minke, Fin and Sei whales are confined to the west and north coasts, all but the Minke whale having a primarily pelagic distribution. Sperm whales although increasingly commonly stranded on British coasts, are rarely sighted in inshore waters. The west coast of Britain and Ireland are the most important regions for cetaceans whereas the Southern North Sea has the smallest number although in previous decades numbers were probably higher. Most cetacean species occur mainly in the summer months, particularly August and September, although some species, e.g. White-sided Dolphin, Pilot whale and Minke whale show peaks later in the year. A number of species show secondary spring peaks, e.g. Bottle-nosed and Common dolphins, Risso's dolphins, and Pilot whales. Present evidence suggests that only the large whales exhibit definite latitudinal migrations, all other species being resident at high latitudes although they may show offshore-inshore or possibly small latitudinal movements. Many of the movements indicated from the present analysis can be linked to the seasonal changes in food availability and to the timing and geographical location of breeding, and these are described in detail. Many concentrations of a particular cetacean species occur regularly in the same area year after year and these may often be related to spawning concentrations of a particular fish species. Variations in herd size are noted between species and within species at different times of the year. These are related to aggregations associated with feeding, breeding, and long-distance movements winch will vary according to the biology and ecology of different cetacean species.  相似文献   

We report serologic evidence of cetacean morbillivirus (CMV) infection in five of eight cetacean species found live stranded, injured, or trapped along the coast of southeastern Queensland and northern New South Wales, Australia between December 2005 and January 2011. Antibody to CMV was detected in 13 of 27 (48%) wild cetaceans sampled. Antibody prevalence was significantly higher in clinically diseased (69%) compared to nondiseased (18%) animals (P=0.018). There was high antibody prevalence (83%, n=6) in melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra). Two of 13 (15%) captive cetaceans sampled between November 2005 and January 2011 had CMV antibodies and, as infection was unlikely to have occurred while in captivity, CMV infection appears to have been present in Australian wild cetaceans since at least 1985. These results indicate that morbillivirus infection is occurring without widespread cetacean mortality in this region. However, as the deaths of two immature Australian offshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were attributed to CMV infection, morbillivirus infection should be included in the differential diagnosis of disease in cetaceans in Australia. Captive cetacean populations may be prone to significant mortality as a result of CMV introduction, so strict quarantine procedures should be enforced when injured or stranded cetaceans are hospitalized and rehabilitated at Australian zoos and marine parks.  相似文献   

From 1970 to 1976 a total of 91 cetaceans was examined for parasites and associated pathology. Sixty of the animals were found stranded along a 100-mile section of southern California coastline while 31 were taken at sea. Parasites from 5 species of cetaceans are reported along with their possible role as a contributing factor in stranding behavior.  相似文献   

Beaked whales are medium‐sized toothed whales that inhabit depths beyond the continental shelf; thus beaked whale strandings are relatively infrequent compared to those of other cetaceans. Beaked whales have been catapulted into the spotlight by their tendency to strand in association with naval sonar deployment. Studies have shown the presence of gas and fat emboli within the tissues and analysis of gas emboli is suggestive of nitrogen as the primary component. These findings are consistent with human decompression sickness (DCS) previously not thought possible in cetaceans. Because, tissue loading with nitrogen gas is paramount for the manifestation of DCS and nitrogen loading depends largely on the vascular perfusion of the tissues, we examined the anatomy of the extracranial arterial system using stranded carcasses of 16 beaked whales from five different species. Anatomic regions containing lipid and/or air spaces were prioritized as potential locations of nitrogen gas absorption due to the known solubility of nitrogen in adipose tissue and the nitrogen content of air, respectively. Attention was focused on the acoustic fat bodies and accessory sinus system on the ventral head. We found much of the arterial system of the head to contain arteries homologous to those found in domestic mammals. Robust arterial associations with lipid depots and air spaces occurred within the acoustic fat bodies of the lower jaw and pterygoid air sacs of the ventral head, respectively. Both regions contained extensive trabecular geometry with small arteries investing the trabeculae. Our findings suggest the presence of considerable surface area between the arterial system, and the intramandibular fat bodies and pterygoid air sacs. Our observations may provide support for the hypothesis that these structures play an important role in the exchange of nitrogen gas during diving. J. Morphol. 277:5–33, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma species were recovered from 10 cetacean carcasses that stranded around Scotland. Mycoplasma phocicerebrale was isolated from the lungs of three harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) as well as from the liver of one of these animals. Novel Mycoplasma spp. were isolated from the lungs of five additional harbor porpoises and the kidney of another. In addition an isolate closely related to Mycoplasma species 13CL was obtained from the kidney of a Sowerby's beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens). The role of these Mycoplasma species in the disease of cetaceans, their host specificity, diversity, and any relation to cetacean strandings are unknown.  相似文献   

Mammalian body condition is an important individual fitness metric as it affects both survival and reproductive success. The ability to accurately measure condition has key implications for predicting individual and population health, and therefore monitoring the population‐level effects of changing environments. No consensus currently exists on the best measure to quantitatively estimate body condition in many species, including cetaceans. Here, two measures of body condition were investigated in the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). First, the most informative morphometric body condition index was identified. The mass/length2 ratio was the most appropriate morphometric index of 10 indices tested, explaining 50% of the variation in condition in stranded, male porpoises with different causes of death and across age classes (n = 291). Mass/length2 was then used to evaluate a second measure, blubber cortisol concentration, as a metabolic condition marker. Cortisol is the main glucocorticoid hormone involved in the regulation of lipolysis and overall energy balance in mammals, and concentrations could provide information on physiological state. Blubber cortisol concentrations did not significantly vary around the girth (n = 20), but there was significant vertical stratification through the blubber depth with highest concentrations in the innermost layer. Concentrations in the dorsal, outermost layer were representative of concentrations through the full blubber depth, showed variation by sex and age class, and were negatively correlated with mass/length2. Using this species as a model for live cetaceans from which standard morphometric measurements cannot be taken, but from which blubber biopsy samples are routinely collected, cortisol concentrations in the dorsal, outermost blubber layer could potentially be used as a biomarker of condition in free‐ranging animals.  相似文献   

Collection of minimally invasive biopsy samples has become an important method to establish normal stable isotopes reference ranges in various wildlife species. Baseline data enhance the understanding of feeding ecology, habitat use, and potential food limitation in apparently healthy, free‐ranging cetaceans. Epidermis and muscle were collected from subsistence‐hunted northern Alaskan bowhead (n= 133 epidermis/134 muscle) and beluga whales (n= 42/49) and subsistence‐hunted Russian gray whales (n= 25/17). Additional samples were obtained from gray whales stranded in California (n= 18/11) during mortality events (1999, 2000). Both δ15N and δ13C are trophic position and benthic/pelagic feeding indicators, respectively, in muscle and epidermis. Epidermis is generally enriched in 15N over muscle, while epidermal 13C is more depleted. Lipid extraction does not alter δ15N in either tissue, but affects epidermal δ13C. Nitrogen‐15 is enriched in muscle, but not epidermis of stranded compared to subsistence‐hunted gray whales, indicating probable protein catabolism and nutritional stress in stranded whales. Similarly, epidermal δ13C of harvested whales is lower than in stranded whales, suggesting depleted lipid stores and/or food limitation in stranded animals. Epidermal isotope signatures are similar in both present‐day bowheads and in an ancient sample from the Northern Bering Sea region. Although only one specimen, this suggests trophic level of the ancient whale compares to modern bowheads after a millennium.  相似文献   

Frozen muscle samples from 44 striped dolphins stranded on the Spanish Mediterranean coasts from 1990 to 1993 have been studied by means of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site analysis. Thirty-five of these dolphins were affected by a die-off occurring during this time in the western Mediterranean Sea. The mtDNA from each dolphin was digested with 15 restriction endonucleases that recognized 61 different restriction sites. The specific location of these sites on the mitochondrial gene map allowed us to determine the distribution of variability along this molecule. From the restriction analysis, a total of 15 different composite patterns or haplotypes was obtained and their phylogenetic relationships established both by cladistic and phenetic methods.
Estimates of sequence divergence among the 15 haplotypes ranged from 0.148% to 0.919%. Haplotype diversity (average heterozygosity) obtained was 0.789, a high value compared to other available data on cetaceans, especially considering that only a small area of the distribution of the species has been sampled. Neither population subdivision nor any evidence of correlation between haplotype frequencies and temporal or geographic distribution of dolphins has been detected.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the natural complex pigmentation patterns of white‐beaked dolphins. From 2002 to 2014, whale‐watching trips in Iceland provided a platform of opportunity to collect a large body of photographs of free‐ranging individuals from a single area of distribution for this species. Based on 823 images, 571 individuals showing one or more color components were identified, and assigned to the following four age classes: adults (n = 437), juveniles (n = 109), calves (n = 14), and neonates (n = 11). A total of 26 color components were observed and described: seven terms previously applied to white‐beaked dolphins, 12 previously applied to other dolphin species, and seven newly defined terms. Results showed that each age class could be positively identified by differences in specific color components, some of which were exclusive. Therefore, color patterns may prove useful in estimating maturity in free‐ranging white‐beaked dolphins. This tool could be further refined through assessment of a wide sample of freshly stranded specimens of known sex and age, which could reveal new age class‐specific components, as well as sexually dimorphic characteristics not seen here. Geographic variation should be investigated by comparing image data sets and stranded animals from different parts of the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

In the last ten years, 14 species of cetaceans and five species of pinnipeds stranded along the Atlantic coast of Brittany in the North West of France. All species included, an average of 150 animals strand each year in this area. Based on reports from the stranding network operating along this coast, the most common stranding events comprise six cetacean species (Delphinus delphis, Tursiops truncatus, Stenella coeruleoalba, Globicephala melas, Grampus griseus, Phocoena phocoena)and one pinniped species (Halichoerus grypus). Rare stranding events include deep-diving or exotic species, such as arctic seals. In this study, our aim was to determine the potential contribution of DNA barcoding to the monitoring of marine mammal biodiversity as performed by the stranding network.We sequenced more than 500 bp of the 5’ end of the mitochondrial COI gene of 89 animals of 15 different species (12 cetaceans, and three pinnipeds). Except for members of the Delphininae, all species were unambiguously discriminated on the basis of their COI sequences. We then applied DNA barcoding to identify some “undetermined” samples. With again the exception of the Delphininae, this was successful using the BOLD identification engine. For samples of the Delphininae, we sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial control region (MCR), and using a non-metric multidimentional scaling plot and posterior probability calculations we were able to determine putatively each species. We then showed, in the case of the harbour porpoise, that COI polymorphisms, although being lower than MCR ones, could also be used to assess intraspecific variability. All these results show that the use of DNA barcoding in conjunction with a stranding network could clearly increase the accuracy of the monitoring of marine mammal biodiversity.  相似文献   

Ten stranded cetaceans, representing five species, from the Oregon Coast were examined between 1973-1977. Fourteen genera of parasites, together with the pathogenesis and pathology associated with the presence of some of these parasites are reported.  相似文献   

In order to study which Bartonella genotypes are circulating among small mammals in Spain, we analyzed the spleens of 395 animals from three different areas-247 animals from the Basque Country (northern Spain), 121 animals from Catalonia (northeastern Spain), and 27 animals from Madrid (central Spain)-by a triplex PCR combined with a reverse line blot previously described by our group. The prevalence of Bartonella was 26.8% (106/395), and in 4.8% (19/395) of the animals more than one Bartonella genotype was detected. The study of gltA and the intergenic transcribed spacer in the positive samples demonstrated a large diversity, allowing the assignation of them into 22 genotypes. The most prevalent genotypes were 2 and 3, which are closely related to Bartonella taylorii. In addition, nine genotypes were associated with specific mammal species. Genotypes close to the zoonotic Bartonella grahamii, Bartonella elizabethae, and Bartonella rochalimae were also detected. Ten genotypes showed a percentage of similarity with known Bartonella species lower than 96%, suggesting the presence of potential new species. Further studies of the impact of these pathogens on human health and especially in cases of febrile illness in Spain are strongly recommended. Furthermore, our method has been updated with 21 new probes in a final panel of 36, which represents a robust molecular tool for clinical and environmental Bartonella studies.  相似文献   

An analysis is carried out of all documented sightings of cetaceans in British waters between 1950–1975, received by the Cetacean Group. Two major problems which must be taken into account in such an analysis are difficulties of specific identification and bias from uneven coverage.
The results show that porpoises are present in coastal waters for much of the year. The pattern of movements for this species is rather confused. Most dolphin species show peak numbers in summer, earliest in the north of Britain and later further south. Risso's dolphins may enter British waters rather earlier in spring than other species. Killer whales occur off the west coast of Britain and Ireland mainly between June-September. Pilot whales are seen in North Britain at most times of the year but otherwise enter British waters along the west coast in spring. Bottle-nosed whales and the larger whale species, including the Rorquals, are found only on the north and west coasts in summer and early autumn. For all species, herd size increases at the same time as increase in the numbers of sightings reported. Different species have different herd sizes with the largest occurring amongst porpoise and all dolphin species except Risso's dolphin, and the smallest amongst the large whale species. Herds may be accompanied by young individuals in spring-late summer, depending on the species.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, the nassariid gastropod Cyclope neritea has been extending its range north along the French Atlantic coasts from the Iberian Peninsula. This may be due to natural spread because of the recent warming of the northeastern Atlantic. However, human-mediated introductions related to shellfish culture may also be a probable explanation for this sudden range expansion. To examine these two hypotheses, we carried out a comprehensive study based on mitochondrial gene sequences (cytochrome oxidase I) of the five recently colonized French bays as well as 14 populations located in the recognized native range of the species. From a total of 594 individuals, we observed 29 haplotypes to split into three divergent clades. In the native range, we observed a low molecular diversity, strong genetic structure and agreement between geography and gene genealogies. Along the French coasts, we observed the opposite: high genetic diversity and low genetic structure. Our results show that recurrent human-mediated introductions from several geographical areas in the native range may be a source for the French Atlantic populations. However, despite the low dispersal ability of C. neritea, the isolation-by-distance pattern in France suggested that this gastropod may have been present (although unnoticed) on the French Atlantic coasts before the 1970s. As C. neritea shows characteristics of a cryptogenic species, the classification of Atlantic populations as either native or introduced is not straightforward. Cryptogenic species should be studied further to determine the status of new populations close to their recognized native range.  相似文献   

Surveys of the prevalence of the intestinal protozoan Giardia spp. in animal populations have relied almost exclusively on the detection of cysts in fecal samples. We have determined the prevalence of Giardia spp. in beaver and muskrat populations in four northeastern states and Minnesota by using both the detection of trophozoites in mucosal scrapings from live-trapped animals at necropsy and the detection of cysts in fecal samples collected from kill-trapped animals. In muskrats the prevalence of Giardia infection was 36.6% by cyst detection in fecal samples (n = 790) from kill-trapped animals and 95.9% in live-trapped muskrats when the intestinal contents were analyzed for the presence of trophozoites (n = 219). Similarly, in beavers, Giardia infection was 9.2% by cyst detection in fecal samples (n = 662) from kill-trapped beavers and 13.7% in live-trapped animals examined for the presence of intestinal trophozoites (n = 302). The detection of trophozoites in mucosal scrapings from live-trapped animals consistently yielded a significantly higher prevalence for both muskrats and beavers than did the method based on detection of cysts in the fecal samples. The prevalence of Giardia infection in juvenile and adult live-trapped muskrats was similar (92.5 and 94.4%, respectively), but the prevalence in juvenile live-trapped beavers (23.2%) was significantly greater than that seen in the adult animals (12.6%). No difference in Giardia prevalence on the basis of sex was seen in either animal species. Regional variation, often statistically significant, was seen in the prevalence of Giardia in beavers in the northeastern states and Minnesota, but was not detected for muskrats.  相似文献   

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