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RAPD-PCR was used for the molecular characterization of 58 isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria brongniartii obtained from the European cockchafer ( Melolontha melolontha ) in Valle d'Aosta, Italy. RAPD band patterns were compared to site of isolation and virulence against M. melolontha larvae. Results showed genetic heterogeneity in the natural population of the fungus, and identified within this two geographically restricted groups that may represent colonization by a single isolate. No correlation between pathogenicity and grouping according to RAPD patterns was found. The findings indicate that RAPD derived markers can be used to differentiate and identify isolates within this specialized group of pathogens, and provide a rapid method for tracking new introductions in the environment.  相似文献   

Summary The endocardium of Oniscus asellus L. and Asellus aquaticus L. consists of lipid cells. The epicardium consists of a layer of cells with a vesiculated cytoplasm covered by a thick extracellular fibrous sheet. The myocardium is a single layer of cells, the sarcolemma invaginates at Z disc level forming transverse tubules, and longitudinal tubules branch off from these. At the A-I level' longitudinal tubules form transverse systems, which form couplings with the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The sarcoplasmic reticulum appears as perforated sheets enveloping the myofibrils. Two types of nerve terminal are found: one is embedded in a myocardial cell process, the other lies in a myocardial cell depression. They contain clear and dense-cored synaptic vesicles.This work was supported by grants from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities  相似文献   

Summary The concentrations of zinc, cadmium, lead and copper have been determined in the hepatopancreas, hindgut and rest of the body tissues of Oniscus asellus collected from eight sites in the U.K. The hepatopancreas is by far the most important storage organ of heavy metals, particularly cadmium, and at each site, contains a mean of at least 89% of the total body load of this element. Specimens of Oniscus asellus from contaminated sites may contain concentrations of zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in the hepatopancreas of about 1%, 0.5%, 2.5% and 3% of the dry weight respectively, which are among the highest so far recorded in the soft tissues of any animal.There is a significant positive correlation between the mean relative dry weight of the hepatopancreas of Oniscus asellus and the concentrations of zinc or cadmium in leaf litter from all eight sites. It is suggested that animals from sites which are contaminated heavily with zinc or cadmium have a large hepatopancreas because this enables them to de-toxify a greater amount of the metal.  相似文献   

Physicochemical gut conditions and the composition and topology of the intestinal microbiota in the major gut compartments of the root-feeding larva of the European cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha) were studied. Axial and radial profiles of pH, O2, H2, and redox potential were measured with microsensors. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA genes in midgut samples of individual larvae revealed a simple but variable and probably nonspecific community structure. In contrast, the T-RFLP profiles of the hindgut samples were more diverse but highly similar, especially in the wall fraction, indicating the presence of a gut-specific community involved in digestion. While high acetate concentrations in the midgut and hindgut (34 and 15 mM) corroborated the presence of microbial fermentation in both compartments, methanogenesis was confined to the hindgut. Methanobrevibacter spp. were the only methanogens detected and were restricted to this compartment. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries of the hindgut were dominated by clones related to the Clostridiales. Clones related to the Actinobacteria, Bacillales, Lactobacillales, and gamma-Proteobacteria were restricted to the lumen, whereas clones related to the beta- and delta-Proteobacteria were found only on the hindgut wall. Results of PCR-based analyses and fluorescence in situ hybridization of whole cells with group-specific oligonucleotide probes documented that Desulfovibrio-related bacteria comprise 10 to 15% of the bacterial community at the hindgut wall. The restriction of the sulfate-reducer-specific adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate reductase gene apsA to DNA extracts of the hindgut wall in larvae from four other populations in Europe suggested that sulfate reducers generally colonize this habitat.  相似文献   

Summary Under conditions of food deprivation, the hindgut epithelium of the experimental animals (Mesidotea entomon, Oniscus asellus, Porcellio scaber) undergoes ultrastructural changes. After the application of different diets it was demonstrated that this part of the alimentary canal contains nutrients, though it is lined by a cuticle. Experimental evidence for the formation of glycogen from glucose offered as the only diet comes from autoradiographic experiments. Amino acids, too, were detected in the hindgut cells soon after refeeding. Lipids, on the other hand, which are first absorbed by the large cells of the midgut glands, were not found in the hindgut epithelium. The existence of lipid inclusions in the hindgut epithelium some weeks after refeeding, however, supports the hypothesis that lipids reach the epithelial cells of the hindgutvia midgut glands and hemolymph.  相似文献   



Below ground orientation in insects relies mainly on olfaction and taste. The economic impact of plant root feeding scarab beetle larvae gave rise to numerous phylogenetic and ecological studies. Detailed knowledge of the sensory capacities of these larvae is nevertheless lacking. Here, we present an atlas of the sensory organs on larval head appendages of Melolontha melolontha. Our ultrastructural and electrophysiological investigations allow annotation of functions to various sensory structures.


Three out of 17 ascertained sensillum types have olfactory, and 7 gustatory function. These sensillum types are unevenly distributed between antennae and palps. The most prominent chemosensory organs are antennal pore plates that in total are innervated by approximately one thousand olfactory sensory neurons grouped into functional units of three-to-four. In contrast, only two olfactory sensory neurons innervate one sensillum basiconicum on each of the palps. Gustatory sensilla chaetica dominate the apices of all head appendages, while only the palps bear thermo-/hygroreceptors. Electrophysiological responses to CO2, an attractant for many root feeders, are exclusively observed in the antennae. Out of 54 relevant volatile compounds, various alcohols, acids, amines, esters, aldehydes, ketones and monoterpenes elicit responses in antennae and palps. All head appendages are characterized by distinct olfactory response profiles that are even enantiomer specific for some compounds.


Chemosensory capacities in M. melolontha larvae are as highly developed as in many adult insects. We interpret the functional sensory units underneath the antennal pore plates as cryptic sensilla placodea and suggest that these perceive a broad range of secondary plant metabolites together with CO2. Responses to olfactory stimulation of the labial and maxillary palps indicate that typical contact chemo-sensilla have a dual gustatory and olfactory function.  相似文献   

Physicochemical gut conditions and the composition and topology of the intestinal microbiota in the major gut compartments of the root-feeding larva of the European cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha) were studied. Axial and radial profiles of pH, O2, H2, and redox potential were measured with microsensors. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA genes in midgut samples of individual larvae revealed a simple but variable and probably nonspecific community structure. In contrast, the T-RFLP profiles of the hindgut samples were more diverse but highly similar, especially in the wall fraction, indicating the presence of a gut-specific community involved in digestion. While high acetate concentrations in the midgut and hindgut (34 and 15 mM) corroborated the presence of microbial fermentation in both compartments, methanogenesis was confined to the hindgut. Methanobrevibacter spp. were the only methanogens detected and were restricted to this compartment. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries of the hindgut were dominated by clones related to the Clostridiales. Clones related to the Actinobacteria, Bacillales, Lactobacillales, and γ-Proteobacteria were restricted to the lumen, whereas clones related to the β- and δ-Proteobacteria were found only on the hindgut wall. Results of PCR-based analyses and fluorescence in situ hybridization of whole cells with group-specific oligonucleotide probes documented that Desulfovibrio-related bacteria comprise 10 to 15% of the bacterial community at the hindgut wall. The restriction of the sulfate-reducer-specific adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate reductase gene apsA to DNA extracts of the hindgut wall in larvae from four other populations in Europe suggested that sulfate reducers generally colonize this habitat.  相似文献   

Summary The superposition eye of the cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha, exhibits the typical features of many nocturnal and crepuscular scarabaeid beetles: the dioptric apparatus of each ommatidium consists of a thick corneal lens with a strong inner convexity attached to a crystalline cone, that is surrounded by two primary and 9–11 secondary pigment cells. The clear zone contains the unpigmented extensions of the secondary pigment cells, which surround the cell bodies of seven retinula (receptor) cells per ommatidium and a retinular tract formed by them. The seven-lobed fused rhabdoms are composed by the rhabdomeres of the receptor cells 1–7. The rhabdoms are optically separated from each other by a tracheal sheath around the retinulae. The orientation of the microvilli diverges in a fan-like fashion within each rhabdomere. The proximally situated retinula cell 8 does not form a rhabdomere. This standard form of ommatidium stands in contrast to another type of ommatidium found in the dorsal rim area of the eye. The dorsal rim ommatidia are characterized by the following anatomical specializations: (1) The corneal lenses are not clear but contain light-scattering, bubble-like inclusions. (2) The rhabdom length is increased approximately by a factor of two. (3) The rhabdoms have unlobed shapes. (4) Within each rhabdomere the microvilli are parallel to each other. The microvilli of receptor 1 are oriented 90° to those of receptors 2–7. (5) The tracheal sheaths around the retinulae are missing. These findings indicate that the photoreceptors of the dorsal rim area are strongly polarization sensitive and have large visual fields. In the dorsal rim ommatidia of other insects, functionally similar anatomical specializations have been found. In these species, the dorsal rim area of the eye was demonstrated to be the eye region that is responsible for the detection of polarized light. We suggest that the dorsal rim area of the cockchafer eye subserves the same function and that the beetles use the polarization pattern of the sky for orientation during their migrations.  相似文献   

In previous studies we showed that the resistance of the European Cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha, towards the Scarab specific Cry8C toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis japonensis strain Buibui is due to the complexity of proteinases in the midgut of the pest insect. In this study these proteinases were identified and characterized using a combination of synthetic substrates and specific inhibitors in zymograms, activity blots, and photometric/fluorometric assays. In the midgut juice three trypsin-like and three elastase-like serine proteinases are predominantly present. In addition, two metalloendoproteinases were detected. At least one of them is most likely to belong to the astacin family, proteinases which normally do not play a role in general protein digestion outside the decapod crustacean. Furthermore, a free aminopeptidase as well as a membrane-associated aminopeptidase, isolated from the brush boarder membrane vesicles (BBMV) of the midgut epithelium, were characterized.  相似文献   

Summary Red-pigment-concentrating hormone (RPCH) has been isolated from nerve tissue of six decapod crustaccan species. The primary structure of three of the six hormones, i.e., those ofCancer magister, Carcinus maenas andOrconectes limosus, was determined by manual microsequencing as: pELNFSPGW-NH2. This sequence is identical to that of RPCH fromPandalus borealis, the only previously known sequence of a crustacean RPCH. The other three hormones fromLiocarcinus puber, Nephrops norvegicus, andPacifastacus leniusculus could not be characterized completely. However, amino acid compositions, the presence of N-terminal pGlu, and the blocked N-terminal ends are in accordance with the primary structure established for the other three RPCHs. We suggest that all six peptides have the same amino acid sequence. These results indicate that RPCH, which is likely to be related to the peptides of the AKH family in insects, is highly conserved among crustacean species. This is in remarkable contrast to the high degree of molecular evolution exemplified by the many different AKH-like peptides among insect species.Abbreviations AKH adipokinetic hormone - Aufs absorption units full scale - BSA bovine serum albumin - ECH erythrophore concentrating hormone (=RPCH) - EDTA ethylenediamine-tetra-acetic acid - HOAc acetic acid - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - O.D. optical density - PDH pigment dispersing hormone - PGAP pyroglutamate aminopeptidase - RPCH red-pigment-concentrating hormone (=ECH) - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary The antennal circulatory organs of Melolontha are described for the first time. They consist of small sac-like ampullae located near the base of each antenna and connected to a long non-muscular antennal blood vessel. Small branches of this vessel extend into each lamella of the antennal club and open out distally. The membranous wall of the ampulla provides no contractile structures. An outer adjacent compressor muscle is responsible for the pumping movements of the ampulla and antagonist to it is an obviously elastic connective tissue band. The position of this elastic band causes the uncontracted muscle to be pulled away from the ampulla. As a consequence blood can enter the dilated ampulla through a valvular ostium. The functional type of the antennal circulatory organs in Melolontha is compared to that found in other insects and their histologic structure is interpreted in relation to mechanical and hemodynamical aspects. Furthermore the possible function of the antennal hearts in connection with the spreading of its lamellate antennal club is discussed.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. M. Gersch's 70th birthday.Supported by project 3,106 of the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung in Österreich  相似文献   

AIMS: To monitor and select genetically characterized strains of Beauveria brongniartii to be used as microbiological control agents against Melolontha melolontha in different climatic conditions of the Valley of Aosta (northwest Italy). METHODS AND RESULTS: Molecular random amplified polymorphic DNA markers allowed monitoring of five B. brongniartii strains (C2, F, K2, N3 and W2) in field trials. Ten sites were chosen at Joven?an, Saint-Pierre and Quart areas, where a mixture of the five strains colonizing rye kernels was applied to the soil of each M. melolontha infested site. Growth, persistence and virulence on M. melolontha larvae of five fungal strains were evaluated in two subsequent 24-month studies. Beauveria brongniartii grew best at the Joven?an sites. Not only did strain F persist better than the other strains in most soil samples but it was also the most virulent strain. Strain F was isolated the most frequently from infected M. melolontha larvae recovered from the test sites. A general decrease in the larvae rate was detected in the test field soil. CONCLUSIONS: Strain F of B. brongniartii was better than other strains in growth, persistence and virulence against M. melolontha larvae in the test site soil. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Results obtained from preliminary field trials support the use of strain F as a biological control agent against M. melolontha in the Valley of Aosta even if further targeted studies are still necessary.  相似文献   

K V Chace  M Flux  G P Sachdev 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7334-7341
The major nonreduced mucus glycoproteins (mucins) from sputa of cystic fibrosis (CF) and asthmatic patients have been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity and subjected to physical and chemical characterization. The sputum specimens were solubilized in buffer containing 0.22 M KSCN and fractionated on Bio-Gel A-5m, followed by digestion with DNase, rechromatography on the same column, and chromatography on hydroxylapatite. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of purified mucins gave a single band. Carbohydrate analyses of the purified mucins showed no significant differences in the sugar components from the two mucins. However, the CF mucin contained substantially higher (11%) sulfate content than that observed for the asthmatic mucin (5.9%). Amino acid analyses indicated that the CF mucin had higher levels of serine plus threonine (35%) as compared to the asthmatic mucin (29%). In contrast, CF mucin contained a lower content of aspartate, glutamate, and glycine than that observed for the asthmatic mucin. Molecular weights of 3.8 X 10(6) and 3.5 X 10(6) were obtained for CF and asthmatic mucins, respectively, from light-scattering studies of mucins in the presence of 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. Reduction of the disulfide bonds of the two mucins did not alter their molecular weights. Liquid chromatographic studies on Sepharose CL2B showed that CF mucin forms aggregates sufficiently large to be excluded from the gel. As compared to the CF mucin, the asthmatic mucin formed fewer of these large aggregates under identical experimental conditions. Reduction and alkylation of the mucins resulted in their inability to form aggregates. The higher state of aggregation of CF mucin may influence the viscoelastic properties of the CF lung's mucus secretions.  相似文献   

Beauveria brongniartii is a fungal pathogen that infects the beetle Melolontha melolontha, a significant agricultural pest in Europe. While research has primarily focused on the use of B. brongniartii for controlling M. melolontha, the genomic structure of the B. brongniartii population remains unknown. This includes whether its structure is influenced by its interaction with M. melolontha, the timing of beetle-swarming flights, geographical factors, or reproductive mode. To address this, we analysed genome-wide SNPs to infer the population genomics of Beauveria spp., which were isolated from infected M. melolontha adults in an Alpine region. Surprisingly, only one-third of the isolates were identified as B. brongniartii, while two-thirds were distributed among cryptic taxa within B. pseudobassiana, a fungal species not previously recognized as a pathogen of M. melolontha. Given the prevalence of B. pseudobassiana, we conducted analyses on both species. We found no spatial or temporal genomic patterns within either species and no correlation with the population structure of M. melolontha, suggesting that the dispersal of the fungi is independent of the beetle. Both species exhibited clonal population structures, with B. brongniartii fixed for one mating type and B. pseudobassiana displaying both mating types. This implies that factors other than mating compatibility limit sexual reproduction. We conclude that the population genomic structure of Beauveria spp. is primarily influenced by predominant asexual reproduction and dispersal.  相似文献   

Summary Using a radioimmunoassay developed for the determination of crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), immunoreactive material was detected in extracts of locust nervous tissue. Serial dilutions of a brain extract gave a displacement curve parallel to the CCAP standard curve. One locust nervous system was calculated to contain approximately 1.4 pmol CCAP-like material.In order to investigate whether the immunoreactive substance was similar or identical to the crustacean neuropeptide, isolation and complete characterization was carried out using 800 locust nervous systems. The isolation procedure consisted of pre-purification of the crude extract on a Sep-Pak cartridge, affinity chromatography on a column which was prepared by coupling of anti-CCAP antibody to CNBr-activated Sepharose, and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In the HPLC-profile immunoreactivity was confined to a single peak which co-chromatographed with authentic CCAP. The peptide was carboxymethylated and analyzed in an automated gas-phase sequencer. Its amino acid sequence, is identical to that of CCAP fromCarcinus maenas.Synthetic CCAP was tested on the isolated locust hindgut in vitro. The peptide proved to be a potent enhancer of gut contractions, with a significant effect being observable at concentrations of 10–10 M. It is concluded that in the locust CCAP may function as a myotropic peptide.  相似文献   

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