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Coral communities at Moorea, French Polynesia, and on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, were severely depleted by disturbances early in the 1980s. Corals were killed by the predatory starfish Acanthaster planci, by cyclones, and/or by depressed sea level. This study compares benthic community structure and coral population structures on three disturbed reefs (Vaipahu-Moorea; Rib and John Brewer Reefs-GBR) and one undisturbed reef (Davies Reef-GBR) in 1987–89. Moorea barrier reefs had been invaded by tall macrophytes Turbinaria ornata and Sargassum sp., whereas the damaged GBR reefs were colonised by a diverse mixture of short macrophytes, turfs and coralline algae. The disturbed areas had broadly similar patterns of living and dead standing coral, and similar progress in recolonisation, which suggests their structure may converge towards that of undisturbed Davies Reef. Corals occupying denuded areas at Vaipahu, Rib and John Brewer were small (median diameter 5 cm in each case) and sparse (means 4–8 m-2) compared to longer established corals at Davies Reef (median diameter 9 cm; mean 18 m-2). At Moorea, damselfish and sea urchins interacted with corals in ways not observed in the GBR reefs. Territories of the damselfish Stegastes nigricans covered much of Moorea's shallow reef top. They had significantly higher diversity and density of post-disturbance corals than areas outside of territories, suggesting that the damselfish exerts some influences on coral community dynamics. Sea urchins on Moorea (Diadema setosum Echinometra mathaei, Echinotrix calamaris) were causing widespread destruction of dead standing coral skeletons. Overall, it appears that the future direction and speed of change in the communities will be explicable more in terms of local than regional processes.  相似文献   

This study explored differences in the feeding rate among 20 species of coral reef butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. Feeding rate, measured as bites per minute (b.p.m.), varied between 2.98 ± 0.65 and 12.29 ± 0.27 (mean ± SE) according to species and was positively related to the proportional consumption of coral (r 2 = 0.40, n = 20, P < 0.01), independent of phylogeny (standardised independent contrasts r 2 = 0.29, n = 19, P < 0.05). All species fed actively throughout the day, with obligate corallivores having a higher feeding rate at all times than either facultative corallivores or non-corallivores. The feeding rate of the obligate corallivores was also highest during the middle of the day. For eight of the species for which data was available, there was a positive correlation between bite rate and competitive dominance (r = 0.71, P < 0.05). Chaetodon ephippium was the only species for which the feeding rate of pairs was higher than for solitary individuals.  相似文献   

The morphological life-forms, that is to say, physiognomic-structural attributes, of two coral reef communities were used in a numerical analysis to determine the power of these attributes in recovering the underlying community structure. We used 17 attributes from the benthic communities at 6 reef slope sites on each of a midshelf and off-shore reef of the central Great Barrier Reef. These reefs had been previously well studied by traditional species-level means for several major taxonomic groups such as corals, fish and soft corals. Our multivariate analyses were able to recover broad patterns of between-reef affinity and discrete within-reef zonation patterns similar to those found in earlier studies, and in broad accord with the prevailing model of reef community structure, but with far greater efficacy. But perhaps more importantly, by placing all the benthos within the same context for the first time, our analyses were able to recover new patterns of community structure independent of the ones described earlier. This suggests that single-model explantations for the complex phenomena of coral reefs are likely to be inadequate.  相似文献   

A rapid benthic line-transect survey method for use by non-specialist observers is described. At both Davies Reef (mid-continental shelf) and Myrmidon Reef (outer-continental shelf) in the central Great Barrier Reef a set of 6 sites of varying depths on the reef flat, crest and slope were sampled using this method. At least 10 contiguous 10 m transects were made at each site. Benthic organisms were recorded as life forms with categories based on both high level taxa and morphologies, and including scleractinian corals, alcyonarians, sponges, algae and others. Percentage cover data for 19 benthic categories are presented for all sites. Coral cover on both reefs is high on the crest and slope but low on the reef flat. At all sites the cover of soft corals and sponges is much less than cover of hard corals and algae. Abundances of soft corals and sponges increase with depth. Analysis of gaps between hard corals show that many colonies grow close to each other (<1 cm)even when total coral cover is low.  相似文献   

To build new tools for the continued protection and propagation of coral from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), an international group of coral and cryopreservation scientists known as the Reef Recovery Initiative joined forces during the November 2011 mass-spawning event. The outcome was the creation of the first frozen bank for Australian coral from two important GBR reef-building species, Acropora tenuis and Acropora millepora. Approximately 190 frozen samples each with billions of cells were placed into long-term storage. Sperm cells were successfully cryopreserved, and after thawing, samples were used to fertilize eggs, resulting in functioning larvae. Additionally, developing larvae were dissociated, and these pluripotent cells were cryopreserved and viable after thawing. Now, we are in a unique position to move our work from the laboratory to the reefs to develop collaborative, practical conservation management tools to help secure Australia's coral biodiversity.  相似文献   

 Fringing reef development is limited around 22° S along the inner Great Barrier Reef, although there is substantial development north and south of this latitude. This study examined the relationships among coral communities and the extent of reef development. Reefs were examined to determine coral composition, colony abundance, colony size and growth form between the latitudes 20°S and 23°S. Major reef framework builders (scler- actinian genus Acropora and families Faviidae and Poritidae) dominated reefs north and south of 22°S, but declined significantly at 22°S where foliose and encrusting corals (Turbinaria and Montipora spp.) were most common. Porites spp. were present at 22° S but had encrusting morphologies. Consistently high turbidity at this latitude, caused by a 10 m tidal range and strong tidal flows, resuspends silts from the shallow shelf, and appears to have precluded reef development throughout the Holocene, by limiting the abundance, stunting the growth, and shortening the life expectancies of reef framework corals. The distinctions between ‘natural’ and ‘human-induced’ degradation may be interpreted on the basis of the relationship between Holocene development and current benthic community longevity. A mismatch between substantial past reef building capacity (a broad and/or thick reef) and non-existent or limited present reef-building capacity could signify anything from a long-period, natural cycle to an unprecedented deterioration in ecosystem function caused by human influence. Accepted: 29 July 1996  相似文献   

Links between anomalously high sea temperatures and outbreaks of coral diseases known as White Syndromes (WS) represent a threat to Indo-Pacific reefs that is expected to escalate in a changing climate. Further advances in understanding disease aetiologies, determining the relative importance of potential risk factors for outbreaks and in trialing management actions are hampered by not knowing where or when outbreaks will occur. Here, we develop a tool to target research and monitoring of WS outbreaks in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The tool is based on an empirical regression model and takes the form of user-friendly interactive ~1.5-km resolution maps. The maps denote locations where long-term monitoring suggests that coral cover exceeds 26% and summer temperature stress (measured by a temperature metric termed the mean positive summer anomaly) is equal to or exceeds that experienced at sites in 2002 where the only severe WS outbreaks documented on the GBR to date were observed. No WS outbreaks were subsequently documented at 45 routinely surveyed sites from 2003 to 2008, and model hindcasts for this period indicate that outbreak likelihood was never high. In 2009, the model indicated that outbreak likelihood was high at north-central GBR sites. The results of the regression model and targeted surveys in 2009 revealed that the threshold host density for an outbreak decreases as thermal stress increases, suggesting that bleaching could be a more important precursor to WS outbreaks than previously anticipated, given that bleaching was severe at outbreak sites in 2002 but not at any of the surveyed sites in 2009. The iterative approach used here has led to an improved understanding of disease causation, will facilitate management responses and can be applied to other coral diseases and/or other regions.  相似文献   

High concentrations of acrylate, 542–683 μmol g−1 of the non-skeletal dry mass (DM), were measured in the Great Barrier Reef coral, Acropora millepora, using quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (qNMR). As the amount of NaCl salt in the samples was substantial but variable, the total carbon (TC) in the coral extracts was determined, and the carbon due to acrylate found to represent 13–15% of the TC present in the total organic extracts (TOE). Acrylate, a C3 compound, is thus a substantial carbon source in the coral holobiont and is known to be derived from dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), which has previously been found in corals and other organisms that harbor Symbiodinium spp. The reason for such high levels of acrylate in the corals is unknown; possible functions include antimicrobial and/or antioxidant roles, as well as playing a role in the structuring of the healthy resident coral bacteria.  相似文献   

 Recruitment of scleractinian corals on settlement plates at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, was examined over four years (September 1991–September 1995) to quantify spatio-temporal patterns at different scales and to assess post settlement mortality. Recruitment was dominated by pocilloporid corals which accounted for 80.1% of the 8627 spat counted, whereas non-isoporan acroporids represented only 16.4%. Poritids, faviids and isoporan acroporids rarely recruited to the plates (3.5%), despite their obvious abundance as adults on the reef. Recruitment patterns on the plates indicate strong space-time interactions as evidenced by patchy recruitment of both pocilloporid and acroporid spat. Interactions were found between space (on the scale of 102 m, i.e. sites within zones, and 101 m, i.e. racks within sites) and time (on the scale of years) for pocilloporids and between space (on the scale of 103 m, i.e. zones, and 102 m) and time (on the scale of years) for acroporids. Post-recruitment mortality of acroporid spat in the period 3–10 months after their major spawning was dependent on their initial recruitment density, but pocilloporid mortality was either independent of initial recruitment density or, more likely, obscured by additional recruitment of pocilloporids to plates between late February and September. High rates of recruitment and growth by other sessile organisms, particularly bryozoans and oysters, appear to result in increased post-recruitment mortality and limit recruitment of scleractinian corals on settlement plates. The work reinforces an emerging picture that coral recruitment patterns are determined by mechanisms that manifest over a large range of spatial scales. Accepted: 1 September 1997  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - The remoteness of the northern Great Barrier Reef makes observations of environmental change and coral health sparse, but provides opportunities for paleoclimate and paleoecology...  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the structure of fish communities along a transect from the Australian mainland to the Coral Sea, in the Central region of the Great Barrier Reef, were examined. Visual censuses of fish were made on the outer reef slopes (0 to 13 m deep) of two inshore reefs, approximately 10 km offshore, three reefs on the mid-shelf, 50 km offshore, three reefs on the outer shelf, 100 km offshore, and three reefs in the Coral Sea approximately 200 km offshore. The Pomacentridae, Chaetodontidae, Acanthuridae and Scaridae were examined in detail—the Labridac, Siganidae and the lutjanid genus Caesio in less detail. Major changes in the composition of fish communities occurred along the transect (Fig. 3). There were differences in the composition of assemblages among replicate censuses within individual reefs and also differences between reefs at the same location on the transect but these differences were small compared to those among locations. The nature of the distribution of species across the transect differed between families (Figs. 4–6). Pomacentrid and chaetodontid species were significantly more restricted in distribution than acanthurids, scarids or labrids.  相似文献   

The dynamics of benthic microbial communities were examined within different functional zones (reef crest, reef flat, lagoon) of Davies Reef, central Great Barrier Reef, in winter. Bacterial numbers did not change significantly across the reef with a mean abundance of 1.3 (±0.6) x 109 cells g-1 DW of sediment. Bacterial production, measured as thymidine incorporation into DNA, ranged from 1.2 (±0.2) to 11.6 (±1.5) mg C m-2h-1 across the reef and was significantly lower in a reef crest basin than in the other zones. Bacterial growth rates () across the reef (0.05 to 0.33 g-1) correlated only with sediment organic carbon and nitrogen. Protozoan and meiofaunal densities varied by an order of magnitude across the reef and correlated with one or more sediment variables but not with bacterial numbers or growth rates. Nutrient flux rates were similar to those found at other reefs in the central and southern Great Barrier Reef and are significantly lower than rates measured in temperate sand communities. In the front lagoon, bioturbation and feeding acitivity by thalassinid shrimps (Callianassa spp.) negatively influenced microbial and meiofaunal communities with a net import of organic matter necessary to support the estimated rates of bacterial productivity. In lagoonal areas not colonized by shrimps, primary productivity (400–1100 mg C m-2d-1) from algal mats was sufficient to support bacterial growth. It is suggested that deposit-feeding macrobenthos such as thalassinid crustaceans play a major role in the tructuring and functioning of lower trophic groups (bacteria, microalgae, protozoa, meiofauna) in coral reef sedments, particularly in laggons.  相似文献   

The abundance and productivity of benthic microalgae in coral reef sediments are poorly known compared with other, more conspicuous (e.g. coral zooxanthellae, macroalgae) primary producers of coral reef habitats. A survey of the distribution, biomass, and productivity of benthic microalgae on a platform reef flat and in a cross-shelf transect in the southern Great Barrier Reef indicated that benthic microalgae are ubiquitous, abundant (up to 995.0 mg chlorophyll (chl) a m–2), and productive (up to 110 mg O2 m–2 h–1) components of the reef ecosystem. Concentrations of benthic microalgae, expressed as chlorophyll a per surface area, were approximately 100-fold greater than the integrated water column concentrations of microalgae throughout the region. Benthic microalgal biomass was greater on the shallow water platform reef than in the deeper waters of the cross-shelf transect. In both areas the benthic microalgal communities had a similar composition, dominated by pennate diatoms, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria. Benthic microalgal populations were potentially nutrient-limited, based on responses to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichments in short-term (7-day) microcosm experiments. Benthic microalgal productivity, measured by O2 evolution, indicated productive communities responsive to light and nutrient availability. The benthic microalgal concentrations observed (92–995 mg chl a m–2) were high relative to other reports, particularly compared with temperate regions. This abundance of productive plants in both reef and shelf sediments in the southern Great Barrier Reef suggests that benthic microalgae are key components of coral reef ecosystems.Communicated by Environmental Editor, B.C. Hatcher  相似文献   

Previously undetected earlier phases of the coral disease 'atramentous necrosis' are documented and described. New observations relating to the occurrence of initial stages and progression of the disease are reported, and potential cause(s) are examined. In direct contrast to earlier published findings, temperature data indicated that occurrence of early bleached stages of atramentous necrosis is not correlated with warmer water temperatures; however, the relationship between temperature and disease prevalence is still unclear.  相似文献   

Patterns of spacing in the butterflyfish Chaetodon trifasciatus (Pisces, Chaetodontidae) were studied in two habitats on the southern Great Barrier Reef. Pairs of fish were found to defend territories at reef slope and lagoon study sites. Territories were 2·7–3·7 times larger in the lagoon than on the reef slope, where population density and food abundance were greater. No significant changes occurred in the sizes of territories in either habitat over on year, but patterns of spacing were generally more variable in the lagoon habitat. This was interpreted as a response to low population density and poor habitat quality.  相似文献   

The microbial community associated with the reef building coral Pocillopora damicornis located on the Great Barrier Reef was investigated using culture-independent molecular microbial techniques. The microbial communities of three separate coral colonies were assessed using clone library construction alongside restriction fragment length polymorphism and phylogenetic analysis. Diversity was also investigated spatially across six replicate samples within each single coral colony using 16S rDNA and rpoB-DGGE analysis. Clone libraries demonstrated that the majority of retrieved sequences from coral tissue slurry libraries affiliated with gamma-Proteobacteria. This contrasted with clone libraries of seawater and coral mucus, which were dominated by alpha-Proteobacteria. A number of retrieved clone sequences were conserved between coral colonies; a result consistent with previous studies suggesting a specific microbe-coral association. rpoB-DGGE patterns of replicate tissue slurry samples underestimated microbial diversity, but demonstrated that fingerprints were identical within the same coral. These fingerprints were also conserved across coral colonies. The 16S rDNA-DGGE patterns of replicate tissue slurry samples were more complex, although non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis showed groupings of these banding patterns indicating that some bacterial diversity was uniform within a coral colony. Sequence data retrieved from DGGE analysis support clone library data in that the majority of affiliations were within the gamma-Proteobacteria. Many sequences retrieved also affiliated closely with sequences derived from previous studies of microbial diversity of healthy corals in the Caribbean. Clones showing high 16S rDNA sequence identity to both Vibrio shiloi and Vibrio coralliilyticus were retrieved, suggesting that these may be opportunist pathogens. Comparisons of retrieved microbial diversity between two different sampling methods, a syringe extracted coral mucus sample and an airbrushed coral tissue slurry sample were also investigated. Non-metric multidimensional scaling of clone library data highlighted that clone diversity retrieved from a coral mucus library more closely reflected the diversity of surrounding seawater than a corresponding coral tissue clone library.  相似文献   

Adaptation to localised thermal regimes is facilitated by restricted gene flow, ultimately leading to genetic divergence among populations and differences in their physiological tolerances. Allozyme analysis of six polymorphic loci was used to assess genetic differentiation between nine populations of the reef-building coral Acropora millepora over a latitudinal temperature gradient on the inshore regions of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Small but significant genetic differentiation indicative of moderate levels of gene flow (pairwise F ST 0.023 to 0.077) was found between southern populations of A. millepora in cooler regions of the GBR and the warmer, central or northern GBR populations. Patterns of genetic differentiation at these putatively neutral allozyme loci broadly matched experimental variation in thermal tolerance and were consistent with local thermal regimes (warmest monthly-averages) for the A. millepora populations examined. It is therefore hypothesized that natural selection has influenced the thermal tolerance of the A. millepora populations examined and greater genetic divergence is likely to be revealed by examination of genetic markers under the direct effects of natural selection.  相似文献   

Concentrations of phytoplankton (coccoid cychobacteria and total chlorophyll) and planktonic microrial communities (heterotropic bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates) were lower over leeward reef flats than over open water or reef faces, around Davies Reef and Myrmidon Reef in the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Concentrations of cyanobacteria, which accounted for approximately 15–50% of the carbon biomass of phytoplankton in open water, decreased from the reef face towards the leeward reef flat. Concentrations of ciliates were consistently lower at the leeward reef flat than at the reef face. For Davies Reef, the retention rates of phytoplankton and planktonic microbial communities were estimated to reach 253 gC d-1 per 1 m strip of the reef or about 0.09 gC m-2 d-1. This value is virtually equal to estimates of net community production (0.1 gC m-2 d-1). This allocthonous organic subsidy may help maintain spositive carbon balance on both Davies and Myrmidon Reefs on the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   

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