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In addition to its potential contribution to improving animal welfare, the study of the genetics of cattle behavior may provide more general insights into the genetic control of such complex traits. We carried out a genome scan in a Holstein x Charolais cross cattle population to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing temperament-related traits. Individuals belonging to the second-generation of this population (F(2) and backcross individuals) were subjected to 2 behavioral tests. The flight from feeder (FF) test measured the distance at which the animal moved away from an approaching human observer, whereas the social separation (SS) test categorized different activities which the animal engaged in when removed from its penmates. The entire population was genotyped with 165 microsatellite markers. A regression interval mapping analysis identified 29 regions exceeding the 5% chromosome-wide significance level, which individually explained a relatively small fraction of the phenotypic variance of the traits (from 3.8% to 8.4%). One of the significant associations influencing an FF test trait on chromosome 29 reached the 5% genome-wide significance level. Eight other QTL, all associated with an SS test trait, reached the 1% chromosome-wide significance level. The location of some QTL coincided with other previously reported temperament QTL in cattle, whereas those that are reported for the first time here may represent general loci controlling temperament differences between cattle breeds. No overlapping QTL were identified for the traits measured by the 2 different tests, supporting the hypothesis that different genetic factors influence behavioral responses to different situations.  相似文献   

Sucrose is a primary constituent of soybean (Glycine max) seed; however, little information concerning the inheritance of seed sucrose in soybean is available. The objective of this research was to use molecular markers to identify genomic regions significantly associated with quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling sucrose content in a segregating F2 population. DNA samples from 149 F2 individuals were analyzed with 178 polymorphic genetic markers, including RFLPs, SSRs, and RAPDs. Sucrose content was measured on seed harvested from each of 149 F2:3 lines from replicated field experiments in 1993 and 1995. Seventeen marker loci, mapping to seven different genomic regions, were significantly associated with sucrose variation at P<0.01. Individually, these markers explained from 6.1% to 12.4% of the total phenotypic variation for sucrose content in this population. In a combined analysis these genomic regions; explained 53% of total variation for sucrose content. No significant evidence of epistasis among QTLs was observed. Comparison of our QTL mapping results for sucrose content and those previously reported for protein and oil content (the other major seed constituents in soybean), suggests that seed quality traits are inherited as clusters of linked loci or that `major' QTLs with pleiotropic effects may control all three traits. Of the seven genomic regions having significant effects on sucrose content, three were associated with significant variation for protein content and three were significantly associated with oil content.  相似文献   

Cane splitting, a normal feature of raspberry growth, can lead to plant infestation by cane midge followed by fungal infection, with losses in yield of up to 50 % if left untreated. The extent of splitting in the Latham × Glen Moy reference mapping population was assessed over six years and in three environments and quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified across linkage groups (LG) 2, 3, 5 and 6. Cane splitting QTL on LG 3 and 5 co-locate with QTL for plant vigour. The cane splitting QTL on LG 6 is associated with the QTL for resistance to root rot caused by Phytophthora rubi. Broad-sense heritability for cane splitting ranged from 25.6 % in 2007 to 49.1 % in 2008 in this population. Season and environment were also found to influence cane splitting in this population. Several genes involved in general plant growth and in defence responses lie within these QTL. This is a first step towards identifying the genetic basis of cane splitting in raspberry and the development of genetic markers for use in raspberry breeding programmes.  相似文献   

 Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for annual height- and diameter-increment growth were estimated in each of two three-generation loblolly pine pedigrees. Annual height-increment was measured in three consecutive years in the BASE pedigree and in four consecutive years in the QTL pedigree. Annual diameter-increment was measured only in the QTL pedigree for two consecutive years. An interval mapping-approach was used to estimate the number of QTLs, the magnitude of QTL effects, and their position on genetic linkage maps. Thirteen different height-increment and eight different diameter-increment QTLs were detected, suggesting that the these traits are, at least in part, controlled by a few genes of large effect. Little evidence was found for the expression of individual QTLs in multiple years or in multiple genetic backgrounds. These results were discussed in terms of the power of the experiment and their consequences for marker-assisted breeding. Received: 12 July 1998/Accepted: 5 August 1998  相似文献   

 Regions of the genome influencing frost tolerance in an outbred family of Eucalyptus nitens have been identified. Two QTLs present on the same linkage group, but located 40 cM apart, were identified using single-factor analysis of variance. The QTLs explained between 7.7 and 10.8% of the phenotypic variation for frost tolerance in this family. Analysis of marker loci linked to the QTLs showed one of them to have a simple mode of action with the effect segregating from the male parent in the family. For the other QTL multiple alleles were identified. This QTL showed segregation from the female parent which gave a positive effect on frost tolerance; however, an allele segregating from the male parent was identified which showed a negative interaction with the allele for increased frost tolerance. Received: 10 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 June 1997  相似文献   

Yield-enhancing quantitative trait loci (QTLs) from wild species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wild species of crop plants are increasingly being used to improve various agronomic traits including yield in cultivars. Dense molecular maps have enabled mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for complex traits such as yield. QTLs for increased yield have been identified from wild relatives of several crop plants. Advanced backcross QTL analysis has been used to identify naturally occurring favorable QTL alleles for yield and minimize the effect of unwanted alleles from wild species. Yield QTLs from wild species are distributed on almost all chromosomes but more often in some regions. Many QTLs for yield and related traits derived from different wild accessions or species map to identical chromosomal regions. QTLs for highly correlated yield associated traits are also often co-located implying linkage or pleiotropic effects. Many QTLs have been detected in more than one environment and in more than one genetic background. The overall direction of effect of some QTLs however, may vary with genetic context. Thus, there is evidence of stable and consistent major effect yield-enhancing QTLs derived from wild species in several crops. Such QTLs are good targets for use in marker assisted selection though their context-dependency is a major constraint. Literature on yield QTLs mapped from wild species is summarized with special reference to rice and tomato.  相似文献   

Leaves of eucalypt species contain a variety of plant secondary metabolites, including terpenoids and formylated phloroglucinol compounds (FPCs). Both terpene and FPC concentrations are quantitative traits that can show large variation within a population and have been shown to be heritable. The molecular genetic basis of this variation is currently unknown. Progeny from a field trial of a three-generation mapping pedigree of Eucalyptus nitens were assayed for terpenes and FPCs. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses were conducted using a map constructed from 296 markers to locate regions of the genome influencing foliar concentrations of these plant secondary compounds. A large number of significant QTL for 14 traits were located across nine linkage groups, with significant clustering of QTL on linkage groups 7, 8 and 9. As expected, QTL for biosynthetically related compounds commonly colocated, but QTL for unrelated monterpenes and FPCs also mapped closely together. Colocation of these QTL with mapped candidate genes from the various biosynthetic pathways, and subsequent use of these genes in association mapping, will assist in determining the causes of variation in plant secondary metabolites in eucalypts.  相似文献   

Low-temperature (LT) tolerance is an important economic trait in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that determines the plants’ ability to cope with below freezing temperatures. Essential elements of the LT tolerance mechanism are associated with the winter growth habit controlled by the vernalization loci (Vrn-1) on the group 5 chromosomes. To identify genomic regions, which in addition to vrn-1 determine the level of LT tolerance in hexaploid wheat, two doubled haploid (DH) mapping populations were produced using parents with winter growth habit (vrn-A1, vrn-B1, and vrn-D1) but showing different LT tolerance levels. A total of 107 DH lines were analyzed by genetic mapping to produce a consensus map of 2,873 cM. The LT tolerance levels for the Norstar (LT50=−20.7°C) × Winter Manitou (LT50=−14.3°C) mapping population ranged from −12.0 to −22.0°C. Single marker analysis and interval mapping of phenotyped lines revealed a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 5A and a weaker QTL on chromosome 1D. The 5A QTL located 46 cM proximal to the vrn-A1 locus explained 40% of the LT tolerance variance. Two C-repeat Binding Factor (CBF) genes expressed during cold acclimation in Norstar were located at the peak of the 5A QTL.  相似文献   


Key message

The QTLs controlling alpha-linolenic acid concentration from wild soybean were mapped on nine soybean chromosomes with various phenotypic variations. New QTLs for alpha-linolenic acid were detected in wild soybean.


Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid desired in human and animal diets. Some wild soybean (Glycine soja) genotypes are high in ALA. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling ALA concentration in a wild soybean accession, PI483463. In total, 188 recombinant inbred lines of F5:6, F5:7, and F5:8 generations derived from a cross of wild soybean PI483463 (~15 % ALA) and cultivar Hutcheson (~9 % ALA) were planted in four environments. Harvested seeds were used to measure fatty acid concentration. Single nucleotide polymorphism markers of the universal soybean linkage panel (USLP 1.0) and simple sequence repeat markers were used for molecular genotyping. Nine putative QTLs were identified that controlled ALA concentration by model-based composite interval mapping and mapped to different soybean chromosomes. The QTLs detected in four environments explained 2.4–7.9 % of the total phenotypic variation (PV). Five QTLs, qALA5_3, qALA6_1, qALA14_1, qALA15_1, and qALA17_1, located on chromosomes 5, 6, 14, 15, and 17 were identified by model-based composite interval mapping and composite interval mapping in two individual environments. Among them, qALA6_1 showed the highest contribution to the PV with 10.0–10.2 % in two environments. The total detected QTLs for additive and epistatic effects explained 52.4 % of the PV for ALA concentration. These findings will provide useful information for understanding genetic structure and marker-assisted breeding programs to increase ALA concentration in seeds derived from wild soybean PI483463.  相似文献   

Water soluble protein content (SPC) plays an important role in the functional efficacy of protein in food products. Therefore, for the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with SPC, 212 F2:9 lines of the recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross of ZDD09454 × Yudou12 were grown along with the parents, in six different environments (location × year) to determine inheritance and map solubility-related genes. A linkage map comprising of 301 SSR markers covering 3,576.81 cM was constructed in the RIL population. Seed SPC was quantified with a macro-Kjeldahl procedure in samples collected over multiple years from three locations (Nantong in 2007 and 2008, Zhengzhou in 2007 and 2008, and Xinxiang in 2008 and 2009). SPC demonstrated transgressive segregation, indicating a complementary genetic structure between the parents. Eleven putative QTL were associated with SPC explaining 4.5–18.2 % of the observed phenotypic variation across the 6 year/location environments. Among these, two QTL (qsp8-4, qsp8-5) near GMENOD2B and Sat_215 showed an association with SPC in multiple environments, suggesting that they were key QTL related to protein solubility. The QTL × environment interaction demonstrated the complex genetic mechanism of SPC. These SPC-associated QTL and linked markers in soybean will provide important information that can be utilized by breeders to improve the functional quality of soybean varieties.  相似文献   

Seed shattering is an important factor causing loss of grain yield before and during rice harvest. In the present study, the quantitative trait loci regarding shattering scale, breaking tensile strength (BTS) and abscission layer (AL), the parameters evaluating seed shattering habit by hand gripping, a digital force gauge and observation on AL, respectively, were identified by using an doubled haploid line (DHL) population from a cross between a loose-shattering type Tongil variety, ‘Samgang’, and a moderately difficult shattering japonica variety, ‘Nagdong’. Eight QTLs consisted in four QTLs for shattering scale, two QTLs for AL, each one QTL for pulling and bending strength were detected on six chromosomes, respectively. Among them, Qss1 with flanking markers RM6696 and RM476 explained 31% of phenotype variation in shattering scale. Furthermore, two new QTLs controlling shattering habit, Qss5-2 and Qal5-1, were located on chromosome 5 at the interval 5028–5037 and 5021-RM289. They explained 10% and 12% of phenotype variations, respectively. A total of eleven digenic epistatic loci were identified for four parameters. The identification of QTLs affecting seed shattering habits is favorable to thoroughly dissect the genetic mechanism of the shattering habit and to apply for marker-assisted selection in rice breeding system of specific regions.  相似文献   

High blood pressure is the leading cause of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH); however, not all hypertensive patients develop LVH. Genetic factors are important in the development of LVH. With the use of F2 male rats from spontaneously hypertensive rats and Lewis rats, we performed a study to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) that influence left ventricular mass (LVM). Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was measured by the direct intra-arterial method in conscious animals, and LVM was determined at 24 wk of age. QTL analysis was done using 160 microsatellite markers for a genome-wide scan. Two loci that influenced body weight-adjusted LVM with logarithm of the odds scores >3.4 were found. One locus on chromosome 17 influenced LVM independently of MAP. Another locus on chromosome 7 influenced LVM and MAP. These findings indicate not only the existence of a gene on chromosome 7 that influences LVM in a manner dependent on blood pressure but also the existence of a gene on chromosome 17 that influences LVM independently of blood pressure.  相似文献   

Statistical methods for expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) mapping   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Endoreduplication in maize endosperm precedes the onset of starch and storage protein synthesis, and it is generally thought to influence grain filling. We created four backcross populations by reciprocally crossing the F1 progeny of a cross between Sg18 and Mo17 to the parental inbreds, which differ in endoreduplication by two parameters—mean ploidy and percentage of endoreduplicated nuclei. This four-backcross design allowed us to estimate and test the additive and dominant genetic effects of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting endoreduplication. An analysis of endosperm from the four backcross populations at 16 days after pollination using a modified triploid mapping approach identified three endosperm QTLs influencing mean ploidy and two endosperm QTLs affecting the percentage of endoreduplicated nuclei. Some of these QTLs may manifest their effects on endoreduplication via expression in the embryo. The QTLs detected display strong dominance or over-dominance and interacted epistatically with an embryo-expressed QTL. This helps to explain the genetic basis for transgressive segregation in the backcross progeny. Although the favorable alleles that increase mean ploidy and percentage of endoreduplicated nuclei can be contributed by both parents, the Mo17-derived alleles for endoreduplication were often dominant or over-dominant to the Sg18-derived allele. One QTL on chromosome 7 that may be expressed in both the embryo and endosperm exerted a pleiotropic effect on two different parameters of endoreduplication. The results from this study shed light on the regulation of endoreduplication in maize endosperm and provide a marker-assisted selection strategy for potentially improving grain yield. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. C. M. Coelho and S. Wu contributed equally to this work and should be considered as first authors.  相似文献   

Laboratory colonies of the eastern treehole mosquito (Ochlerotatus triseriatus (Say)) exhibit a consistent female-biased sex ratio. This is unusual among mosquito species, in which heritable sex ratio distortion is usually male biased and mediated by meiotic drive. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting sex were mapped in an F(1) intercross to better understand the genetics underlying this female bias. In P(1) and F(1) parents and in 146 F(2) individuals with a female-biased sex ratio (106 females:40 males), regions of seven cDNA loci were analyzed with single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to identify and orient linkage groups. Genotypes were also scored at 73 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-SSCP loci. In addition to the sex locus, at least four QTL affecting sex determination were detected with interval mapping on linkage groups I and II. Alleles at the sex locus cumulatively accounted for approximately 61-77% of the genetic variance in sex. Alleles at QTL adjacent to the sex locus and at a QTL on the opposite end of linkage group I increased the proportion of females, but alleles at a QTL on linkage group I and a second QTL on linkage group II increased the proportion of males. The female-biased sex ratio observed in laboratory colonies of O. triseriatus is most easily explained by the existence of multiple female biased distorter loci, as have been observed in other Diptera.  相似文献   

Identification of quantitative trait loci for prolificacy and growth in mice   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Marker–quantitative trait locus (QTL) linkage was evaluated in F2 intercross and backcross mouse populations derived from stocks differing dramatically in prolificacy and mature weight. A highly prolific outbred Quackenbush-Swiss mouse line, or an inbred line derived from it (16.62 ± 0.22 and 14.64 ± 0.27 pups per litter, respectively) were used as one of the grandparents in these populations. The less prolific C57BL/6J inbred mouse line (6.67 ± 0.37 pups per litter) was used as the other grandparent. Linkage was evaluated in a three-step process that involved selective genotyping of F2 intercross progeny representing extremes for prolificacy, genotyping of the full F2 for chromosomal regions potentially associated with prolificacy, and genotyping of the backcross for genomic regions significantly associated with prolificacy in the F2. Segments of Chromosomes (Chrs) 2 and 4 were significantly (P < 0.05, experiment-wise error rate) associated with prolificacy, and LOD scores suggestive of linkage were observed for litter size on Chr 9 and growth on Chrs 4 and 11. Existence of growth QTL was also supported by marker effects that were significant (P < 0.05) or approaching significance (P < 0.10) in the backcross. Additive litter size QTL effects ranged from 0.56 to 0.79 pups per litter, and dominance deviations ranged from −0.56 to 1.19 pups per litter, suggesting overdominance as a possible mode of gene action in some cases. The observation of pleiotropic or linked QTL for growth and prolificacy corresponds well with results from many selection experiments identifying positively correlated responses to selection for these two traits. Received: 9 August 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1997  相似文献   

Identification of quantitative trait loci for nitrogen use efficiency in maize   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Intensively managed crop systems are normally dependent on nitrogen input to maximize yield potential. Improvements in nitrogen- use efficiency (NUE) in crop plants may support the development of cropping systems that are more economically efficient and environment friendly. The objective of this study was to map and characterize quantitative trait loci (QTL) for NUE in a maize population. In preliminary experiments, inbred lines contrasting for NUE were identified and were used to generate populations of F2:3 families for genetic study. A total of 214 F2:3 families were evaluated in replicated trials under high nitrogen (280 kg/ha) and low nitrogen (30 kg/ha) conditions in 1996 and 1997. Analysis of ear-leaf area, plant height, grain yield, ears per plant, kernels number per ear, and kernel weight indicated significant genetic variation among F2:3 families. The heritability of these traits was found to be high (h2=0.57–0.81). The mapping population were genotyped using a set of 99 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. A linkage map of these markers was developed and used to identify QTL. Between two and six loci were found to be associated with each trait. The correspondence of several genomic regions with traits measured under nitrogen limited conditions suggests the presence of QTL associated with NUE. QTLs will help breeders to improve their maize ideotype of a low-nitrogen efficiency by identifying those constitutive and adaptive traits involved in the expression of traits significantly correlated with yield, such as ear leaf area and number of ears per plant. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

 Using RFLP markers, QTLs for tuber starch-content and tuber yield were mapped in two F1 populations derived from crossing non-inbred di-haploid potato breeding lines. QTLs were identified and mapped, based on both single-marker tests and interval analyses. A model specifically developed for interval QTL analysis in non-inbred plant species was successfully applied for the first time to experimental data. Results of both methods of QTL analysis were similar but not identical. QTLs for tuber starch-content and tuber yield were analysed in segregating populations K31 and LH in five and two environments, respectively. Population K31 was fully genotyped whereas population LH was selectively genotyped according to high and low tuber-starch content. Eighteen putative QTLs for tuber starch-content were identified on all 12 potato linkage groups and eight putative QTLs for tuber yield were identified on eight linkage groups. Twenty of twenty six putative QTLs were reproducibly detected in at least two environments and/or mapping populations. Few major QTLs for tuber starch-content were highly stable across environments but were detected in only one of the two mapping populations analysed. Most QTLs for tuber yield were linked with QTLs for tuber starch-content suggesting that the effects on both traits are controlled by the same genetic factors. The results are discussed with respect to marker-assisted selection in potato. Received: 9 March 1998 / Accepted: 29 April 1998  相似文献   

Increasing consumption of refined carbohydrates is now being recognized as a primary contributor to the development of nutritionally related chronic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). A data mining approach was used to evaluate the role of carbohydrate metabolic pathway genes in the development of obesity and T2DM. Data from public databases were used to map the position of the carbohydrate metabolic pathway genes to known quantitative trait loci (QTL) for obesity and T2DM and for examining the pathway genes for the presence of sequence and structural genetic variants such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variants (CNS), respectively. The results demonstrated that a majority of the genes of the carbohydrate metabolic pathways are associated with QTL for obesity and many for T2DM. In addition, some key genes of the pathways also encode non-synonymous SNPs that exhibit significant differences in population frequencies. This study emphasizes the significance of the metabolic pathways genes in the development of disease phenotypes, its differential occurrence across populations and between individuals, and a strategy for interpreting an individuals' risk for disease.  相似文献   

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