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Echinococcus granulosus is the agent that causes the classical hydatidosis or cystic echinococcosis. The most spread cycle in South America is the sheep-dog cycle, and offers favorable conditions for the development of the parasite. As the province of La Pampa shows an endemic presence with notification of cases and infected dogs, the present work has the aim of contributing to the study of the distribution and prevalence of the disease in the district of Maracó, La Pampa, Argentina. Dogs of 36 farms that had ovines, were dosed with arecoline hydrobromide at a dose of 3.5 mg/kg. Dogs from 27 (75%) farms resulted positive to Tenia sp. and 3 (8.3%) to E. granulosus. Blood samples were taken to all the people living in all the inquired farm and were processed by the ELISA test for hydatidosis. A retrospective survey on cases of human hydatidosis attended in the Hospital of General Pico, head if the sanitary region, and in two private clinics was performed. Analysis of clinical records indicated 11 cases operated during the period 1996/1997 (annual incidence rate of 6.8 per 100,000 inhabitants). It is of public health interest to fulfill epidemiologic investigations in other districts of the Province of La Pampa with the aim of delimitating the endemic distribution within the province and also organizing surveillance systems on human hydatidosis.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen in San Carlos de Bariloche was sampled from September to March 2001–2004 with a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap placed at a height of 15 m in a city extending from the humid forests, through the mesic forests, to the steppe. The total amount of pollen recorded varied widely from year to year. The pollen index was 4,395 in the sampling period 2001/2002; 9,055 in 2002/2003 and 2,756 in 2003/2004. The main pollen period extended from October to January. In October, pollen concentration was the highest. Sixty-six pollen types were identified. Cupressaceae and Nothofagus were the major contributors. Betula, Prunus, Pinus and Populus, the most abundant ornamental taxa in the city, also contributed to the pollen record. Pollen of Maytenus and Lomatia was representative of the mesic forest, while pollen in the lower layers of the humid forest was present in trace amounts. Cupressaceae, Nothofagus and Betula prevailed during spring (September–December), and Plantago, Rumex and Poaceae during summer (December–March). The association of daily pollen concentration and meteorological variables, temperature (mean, maximum, minimum), dew point, rainfall and wind speed, was significant. Correlations showed to be negative, with the exception of that to wind speed. The total sum of fungi spores increased from 1,771 in 2001/2002; through 8,441 in 2002/2003 to 13,782 in 2003/2004. Relative concentration rose to 29%, 48% and 84% of the total number of pollen and fungal spores recorded during each sampling period.  相似文献   

Continuous aerobiological survey of the atmosphere of Mar del Plata was carried out from December 1991 to November 1993 with a Burkard volumetric spore trap. Daily slides were prepared and studied every 2 h with standard techniques. Weekly records were kept for 27 relevant pollen types selected either by their prevalence or relative high atmospheric concentration. Quantitative multivariate analysis enabled to distinguish three major pollen seasons, related to atmospheric dominance either arboreal pollen (AP) or non-arboreal pollen (NAP). June to October is the richest period in number of pollen types, mainly dominated by AP; while from November to May, there is an overwhelming dominance of NAP types, represented by grass, herb and weed pollen. The study and prediction of this phenomenon is of great interest not only from the ecosystem point of view, but in relation to human disease as well.  相似文献   

A pollen analysis was carried out on six herbaceous pollen types whose annual concentration represents a percentage higher than 0.3% in the atmosphere of the city of La Plata, Argentina, from July 1998 to June 2001. They are: Ambrosia, Cyperaceae, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Plantago, Poaceae and Urticaceae. Hourly patterns of the pollen types analysed with the intradiurnal daily index (IDI) could be grouped into three categories account the percentage that represent of pollen concentration registered during five hourly periods of the day. Group I includes pollen types that show a sharp peak in abundance gust one at hour of the day. Group II is formed by pollen types that show high concentrations in more than one hourly band during the daylight. Group III is characterized by the pollen types that show lower concentrations over a broad hourly band during the day.  相似文献   

A volumetric aeropalynological sampling was carried out for the first time in MontevideoUruguay, from October 2000 to September 2001, using a Rotorod sampler Model 40. During the year 76 pollen types were identified. Airborne pollen was recorded over the year but a maximum pollen period was observed from August to April. For the rest of the months, pollen concentration was below 1% of the total annual pollen (TP). The pollen spectrum was characterized by the dominance of herbaceous pollen (NAP), which represented 68% of the TP and dominates the spectrum from November to March. Poaceae was the most frequent and abundant pollen type accounting for 45% of TP. The pollen spectrum reflected the floristic diversity of the city and most of the sources of airborne pollen are present in local and regional flora. Fourteen pollen types reach more than 1% of the TP and most of them are cited as allergenic pollen in other regions. These results may prove important for future medical research.  相似文献   

H. Ribeiro  I. Abreu 《Aerobiologia》2014,30(3):333-344
Airborne pollen calendars are useful to estimate the flowering season of the different plants as well as to indicate the allergenic potential present in the atmosphere at a given time. In this study, it is presented a 10-year survey of the atmospheric concentration of allergenic pollen types. Airborne pollen was performed, from 2003 to 2012, using a 7-day Hirst-type volumetric trap. The interannual variation of the daily mean concentration of the number of pollen grains and the main pollen season was determined as well as the hourly variations and correlation with meteorological parameters. During the study period, 18 different allergenic pollen types were considered based on its representativeness on the total annual airborne pollen concentration. The lowest annual concentrations were sampled in 2006 and the highest in 2007. The highest airborne pollen concentration was found during early spring and early summer. On the contrary, December was the month with the lowest pollen concentration. The major pollen sampled belongs to trees followed by weeds and grasses, being the most representative pollen types in the atmosphere: Urticaceae, Platanus, Poaceae, Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, Acer, Quercus, Castanea, Plantago, Alnus, Olea europaea, Betula, Myrtaceae and Populus. Intradiurnal distribution patterns of the pollen types studied presented differences with some taxa being predominantly sampled in the morning (9–11 a.m.) while others in first night hours (between 9 and 12 p.m.). Significantly correlations were found between the airborne pollen concentration and meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

First data from a pollen survey carried out in the city of Murcia (SE Spain) are given in this paper. Using a Burkard Volumetric Spore Trap, daily slides were prepared and 80 pollen types belonging to 51 families andAlternaria spores were identified and counted. Special attention was paid to 14 relevant taxa: Cupressaceae,Pinus, Genisteae,Olea, Morus, Acer, Platanus, Plantago, Quercus, Urticaceae, Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae,Artemisia andAlternaria. The main sources of airborne particles wereAlternaria (27.7%), Cupressaceae (13.5%),Olea (9.36%), Chenopodiaceae (8.31%) and Urticaceae (5.8%). Annual variations in pollen abundance and length of the flowering seasons are given for individual species and are related to environmental factors. Results indicate a main pollen season from March to June and a second minor season in September to October. The relatively high concentrations of Genisteae and the appearance of anArtemisia winter season were noted.  相似文献   

The atmospheric pollen of Madras city was surveyed during a 1-year period (January–December 1995) with a vertical cylinder trap. A total of 32 pollen types were identified, among which nine were present throughout the year. These belonged to Poaceae,Casuarina equisetifolia Foster and Foster f.,Prosopis juliflora (SW.) DC.,Acalypha indica L.,Parthenium hysterophorus L., Cyperaceae,Cocos nucifera L., Amaranthaceae, andTypha angustata Borry and Chaub. Among the identified pollen, 61.05% belonged to trees, 21.01% to grasses, 11.65% to herbs and 6.27% to shrubs. Anemophilous pollen contributed about 52.87% to the total while entomophilous and amphiphilous pollen contributed 38.89 and 8.22%, respectively. Pollen belonging to Poaceae were found to be most predominant in the air of Madras city followed byCasuarina equisetifolia andProsopis juliflora.  相似文献   

Knowledge of airborne pollen concentrations and the weather conditions influencing them is important for air quality forecasters, allergists and allergy sufferers. For this reason, a 7-day recording volumetric spore trap of the Hirst design was used for pollen monitoring between January 2006 and December 2007 in Kastamonu, Turkey. A total of 293,427 pollen grains belonging to 51 taxa were recorded during the study period. In the 2?years of study, the period March–August was identified as the main pollination season for Kastamonu. The highest monthly pollen counts were observed in May in both years. Six taxa made up 86.5% of the total amount of pollen recorded in the atmosphere of Kastamonu. These were as follows: Pinaceae (42.9%), Cupressaceae (20.6%), Poaceae (9.7%), Quercus (5.5%) Betula (5.3%) and Carpinus (2.6%). Four of these are considered to be highly allergenic (Betula, Carpinus, Cupressaceae and Poaceae). There were also a greater percentage of highly allergenic taxa found within the city, including Betula pendula that is not part of the local flora. This shows that through urban planting, the public and municipalities can unconsciously create a high risk for allergy sufferers. Daily average pollen counts from the six most frequently recorded pollen types were entered into Spearman’s correlation analysis with meteorological data. Mean daily temperature, relative humidity, daily rainfall and wind speed were found to significantly (p?<?0.05) affect atmospheric pollen concentrations, but the relationships between pollen concentrations and meteorological variables can vary and so there is a need for more local studies of this nature.  相似文献   

In Uruguay, aeromycological studies are restricted to a gravimetric analysis performed from December 1942 to March 1944 in Montevideo where spores of Pucciniaceae, Alternaria and Helminthosporium were the only specimens identified. Daily monitoring of airborne fungal spores was carried out for the first time in Montevideo, from April 2012 to March 2014, using a Rotorod sampler in order to evaluate the seasonal variation and influence of meteorological parameters. A total of 548,309.68 spores/m3 were recorded which belong to anamorphs of Higher Fungi (69.18 %), Phyla Ascomycota (12.62 %), Basidiomycota (8.01 %), Oomycota (0.37 %) and Myxomycota (0.06 %). Airborne spores occurred in Montevideo throughout the whole year. However, a seasonal pattern was revealed, with the highest concentrations recorded in autumn and summer. The most abundant spore types were Cladosporium (53.22 %), Alternaria (6.62 %), Didymella Group (5.86 %), Leptosphaeria Group (4.37 %) and Coprinus (4.3 %). Temperature appeared to be the most influential meteorological factor correlating significantly and positively with total spore, Cladosporium, Alternaria and Didymella Group abundance. Relative humidity influenced positively total spore, Cladosporium and Didymella Group concentrations while a weak negative association was obtained for Alternaria. Wind speed correlated negatively with total spore, Cladosporium, Alternaria and Didymella Group. Precipitation showed a negative influence on Alternaria, while positive correlations were observed for Didymella Group. For the first time, fungal spores considered allergenic were recorded in Montevideo atmosphere and the risk of exposure would have been high from December to June. However, long-term sampling is needed to define seasonal prevalence patterns and the influence of meteorological conditions on spore abundance.  相似文献   

The study of juvenile remains of Paedotherium Burmeister from Cerro Azul Formation (La Pampa Province, Argentina; late Miocene) is presented. Upper and lower deciduous dentition (or permanent molars supposed to be associated with non-preserved deciduous teeth) are recognised. Several ontogenetic stages are distinguished among juveniles, according to the degree of wear and the replaced deciduous teeth. Besides, some morphological and metrical differences are observed along the crown height. Deciduous cheek teeth are high-crowned and placed covering the apex of the corresponding permanent tooth. The height of the crown and the degree of wear allow establishing the pattern of dental replacement of deciduous and permanent premolars in a posterior–anterior direction (DP/dp4–2 and P/p4–2), as well as the eruption of M/m3 before DP/dp4 is replaced. Some of the studied remains are recognised as young individuals of Tremacyllus Ameghino, but with complete permanent dentition, which leads to propose a different timing in the dental replacement with respect to Paedotherium; they also allow the establishment of an opposite premolar eruption pattern, from P/p2 to P/p4. This knowledge of the deciduous dentition of Paedotherium suggests the need of revising the morphological and metrical characters previously used for defining species within this taxon.  相似文献   

Intradiurnal variation of arboreal pollen (AP) in Mar del Plata city is compared during three non - consecutive years of survey and described in relation to the associated weather. The daily pattern of pollen abundance has a maximum between 10:00 and 12:00?h, while a minimum occurs at 18:00?h. The first two years of survey showed homogeneous daily trends, but in 1995 the maximum and minimum concentrations were delayed because of the change in position of the collecting station. Arboreal pollen spectrum presented qualitative and quantitative changes in the three years analysed. Results indicate optimal conditions for diurnal dispersion of arboreal pollen are high temperatures and low relative humidity. Also interaction between source position and wind direction has important effects on the timing of the peaks of some pollen types.  相似文献   

The behaviour of Celtis airborne pollenwas studied for a period of three years(1998–2000) in the city of La Plata. The pollengrains were captured with a Lanzoni trap andthe maximum pollination period was observed tooccur during the end of winter and spring inthe three years. The annual values of pollenconcentration varied, and a significantdecrease was observed during 2000. The greatestairborne pollen record was in October with anaverage of 82.3% in relation to its totalconcentration during 1998–2000. Based on theintradiurnal behaviour analysis, it wasobserved that the maximum pollination peakoccurs at 2H when the temperaturereaches its maximum values. Considering thethree sampling years, the meteorologicalvariables that most influenced the processes of pollen emission,dispersion and transportation in the atmospherewere: maximum and minimum temperature andrainfall.  相似文献   

Intradiurnal variation of non-arboreal pollen (NAP) aredescribed in relation to the associated weather using the data obtainedwith a Burkard trap in Mar del Plata city, for a three year data set(1988, 1992 and 1995). The daily pattern of concentration was quitehomogeneous during the years analysed except for 1995, when it showed avariation due to the change of position of the station. Qualitativecomposition of the NAP airborne pollen was mainly represented byPoaceae, Plantago and Cyperaceae during the three years. The daily trendshowed high concentrations during daylight hours, when instability andconvective movements prevail, and low concentrations in the night, whenmeteorological conditions favour the development of a stable stratifiedlayer.  相似文献   

A continuous aeropalynologic survey of the atmosphere of La Plata was carried out between July 1998 and June 2001 in order to study flowering development from winter to summer using a Lanzoni volumetric spore trap. The total pollen spectrum was represented by 79 pollen types. Between 10 and 12 pollen types showed a relative concentration of more than 1% of the annual total. Airborne pollen was mainly represented by Platanus, Fraxinus, Cupressaceae, Poaceae, Urticaceae, Cyperaceae, Myrtaceae, Celtis, Casuarina and Morus during the 3-year period. Acer and Ambrosia pollen types were only dominant in the first 2 years. Maximum absolute concentrations were recorded in the the July 1998–June 1999 period, and the minimum concentrations were recorded in the July 2000–June 2001 period. The contribution of the arboreal pollen grains was higher than 68% relative to the annual total for each year. Two periods of maximum pollen emissions were found for each year: pollen from aboreal taxa predominated from July to October, and pollen from herbaceous taxa predominated from November to March. There was very little pollen in the atmosphere between April and June. The maximum arboreal and herbaceous pollen emissions were recorded during hours of daylight: at 10:00 and 14:00 hours.  相似文献   

First report of phytoliths in the air of Argentina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A first analysis of airborne phytoliths was carried out in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Its primary aims were to characterize the phytolith morphotypes present in the atmosphere, to quantify their abundance and to detect whether seasonal variations exist throughout the year. The standard method was used for monitoring airborne particulate matter applying a Hirst-type suction bioaerosol sampler. The mean daily phytoliths concentrations (p/m3) were calculated for eight selected days from the driest year, 1993, bearing in mind that its atmospheric conditions could favour the presence of biomineralizations in the air. The amount of phytoliths reached was of 1,543. It was composed of 61% isolated and 1% articulated types. The rest were unknown or unidentified phytoliths (38%). The most abundant morphotypes (72.1% of those identified) were elongates, followed by rondels (16.1%) already described for Poaceae subfamilies, such as Pooideae and Stipoideae. Finally, trapeziform and point shaped were identified with 3.8 and 3.4%, respectively. A lower abundance of silica particles was detected on high wind speed days from the south (sea coast) and under wetter conditions. Maximum phytoliths concentrations were recorded in winter when pasture burning is carried out alongside ploughing; this also coincides with the period in which soils were not covered by vegetation. These results shed light on the importance of considering the potential ways of phytoliths dispersion and the factors that could be affecting their aerial transport, especially when they are applied to the interpretation of paleovegetation from phytolith fossil records.  相似文献   

An aeropalynological survey was conducted at two different sites in Rohtak city, Haryana, at a height of 1.8 m, three times a day, for two consecutive years (July 2007–June 2009). A total of 31 pollen types were identified to the lowest taxonomical level whenever possible. The major contributor to the pollen load was Cannabis sativa (28.9 %) followed by Poaceae (20.65 %), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (10.56 %), Parthenium hysterophorus (6.80 %), Morus alba (6.15 %), Artemisia sp. (4.03 %), Cyperus sp. (3.20 %) and Eucalyptus sp. (3.07 %). Two major pollen seasons were recognized, that is, July–October and March–April, although pollen was recorded in varying concentrations all along the year. Spatial variations were also observed, with higher pollen loads at the site surrounded by dense vegetation. The study will provide preliminary but useful data to local allergologists for effective diagnosis and treatment of respiratory allergic ailments.  相似文献   

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