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AIMS: Biodegradation of the main components of the cellulose-paint thinner (toluene, acetone, isopropanol and xylenes) by Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, isolated from a thinner biodegradation microbial consortium was investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Our results showed that 90% of S. brevicaulis conidia survived after 4 weeks in a cellulose-paint thinner saturated atmosphere. The mould was able to grow under these environmental conditions with a low development of conidia. The biodegradation potential of S. brevicaulis was established with and without support material (rice hulls). Biodegradation without support was very limited, <10% for all the components quantified. There was notable thinner biodegradation when the fungus was grown on rice hulls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest the potential use of fungi in biofiltration systems employed in biodegradation of the main components of the cellulose-paint thinner. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first report of volatile organic compounds biodegradation by this fungal species.  相似文献   

A 1-kestose-producing fungus, strain N-01, was isolated and identified as Scopulariopsis brevicaulis. The optimal conditions for 1-kestose production by strain N-01 were studied and the following conditions were established: the strain was cultivated in a 500-ml conical flask containing 25 ml of medium composed (per liter) of 150 g sucrose, 15 g yeast extract, 0.6 g urea, 1 g K2HPO4, and 0.3 g MgSO4·7H2O (pH 7.0) at 30°C for 72 h. When the strain was cultivated in a 2.5-l jar fermentor, 95 g of 1-kestose was produced with a theoretical yield of 85%. From this culture broth 1-kestose was crystallized and then recrystallized, giving purities of 98.0 and 99.8% with yields of 71.0 and 78.0%, respectively. In particular, the first crystals in the recrystallization gave over 99.9% purity. By using these crystals, the general properties of 1-kestose were determined; most of these properties coincided with the data in the literature, though the melting point range was narrower. Finally a scheme for the large-scale purification of 1-kestose is proposed.  相似文献   

膏桐饼作为生物柴油产业中产生的最大宗副产物,其高蛋白、低纤维含量的特性有望使其开发成为一种优良的蛋白饲料,但毒性限制了其直接作为饲料利用.发酵是多种饼粕脱毒的常用方法.分离、纯化膏桐根际微生物并分别发酵膏桐饼,用甲醇提取发酵膏桐饼的毒性成分并溶于水中,通过鲤鱼存活时间来评价不同菌株发酵膏桐饼的毒性,筛选获得了一株能够在膏桐饼上快速生长并能有效脱除膏桐饼毒性的短帚霉.脱毒小桐子饼组的小鲤鱼存活时间与对照组相比延长了1.22倍.  相似文献   

膏桐饼作为生物柴油产业中产生的最大宗副产物,其高蛋白、低纤维含量的特性有望使其开发成为一种优良的蛋白饲料,但毒性限制了其直接作为饲料利用。发酵是多种饼粕脱毒的常用方法。分离、纯化膏桐根际微生物并分别发酵膏桐饼,用甲醇提取发酵膏桐饼的毒性成分并溶于水中,通过鲤鱼存活时间来评价不同菌株发酵膏桐饼的毒性,筛选获得了一株能够在膏桐饼上快速生长并能有效脱除膏桐饼毒性的短帚霉。脱毒小桐子饼组的小鲤鱼存活时间与对照组相比延长了1.22倍。  相似文献   

Two extracellular keratinases of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis were purified and partially characterized. The enzymes were isolated by the techniques of gel filtration chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). These keratinases (K I & K II) were purified approximately 33 and 29 fold, respectively. SDS-PAGE of the products of gel filtration chromatography (K I & II) produced only one band each, suggesting homogeneity. The optimum pH for both keratinases was 7.8, while the optimum temperatures were 40°C (K I) and 35°C (K II). Estimated molecular weights were 40–45 KDa and 24–29 KDa for K I & K II respectively. Both keratinases were inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride which suggests a serine residue at or near an active site.  相似文献   

Lipid content and composition of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis cultured with or without its natural substrate keratin was investigated. Lipid content was found to be lower in the presence of keratin (maximum 12% against 19% in the absence of keratin), with differences in levels of linoleic acid (C18=2), palmitic (C60) and to a lesser extent palmitoleic (C16=1) and -linolenic (C18=3) acids. The degree of unsaturation was correspondingly lower in the organisms cultured with keratin as substrate.  相似文献   

A Scopulariopsis brevicaulis poultry farm isolate was chosen to study factors influencing keratinase production. The parameters were optimized by factorial design. The highest enzyme production by this fungus was obtained at pH 7.5, a temperature of 30 degrees C and a growth period of 5 weeks. The production of the enzyme was enhanced when the culture medium was supplemented with glucose (1%), sodium nitrate (2%), feather (1.5%) and CaCl(2) (1 mM). According to the responses from the experimental design, the effects of each variable were calculated, and the interactions between them were determined. The experimental values were found to be in accordance with the predicted values, the correlation coefficient is 0.9978.  相似文献   

A survey on keratinophilic fungi from poultry-farm soils at Namakkal and from feather dumping soils at Chennai, India, revealed the existence of 34 species of fungi. Most of the fungi exhibited variable efficiency in producing extracellular keratinase when grown in plates with chicken feathers as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. The fungi Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus versicolor, Chrysosporium state of Arthroderma tuberculatum, Paecilomyces carneus, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Trichoderma viride, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes were efficient candidates to degrade the feathers. However, when cultivating the strains in submerged conditions in a medium containing chicken feathers as the sole nutrients source, Aspergillus glaucus, Chrysosporium keratinophilum, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium solani, and Penicillium citrinum also proved to be potent. Among all species, S. brevicaulis and Trichophyton mentagrophytes produced higher amounts of keratinase in both methods. Conditions for keratinase production were optimized by statistical design and surface plots. The highest keratinase activity was estimated by S. brevicaulis (3.2 KU/mL) and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (2.7 KU/mL) in the culture medium with chicken feathers and shows (79% and 72.2% of degrading ability, respectively).  相似文献   

目的通过建立真菌透甲模型,观察真菌透甲时间,来探讨红色毛癣菌与短帚霉的相互作用。方法建立真菌透甲模型,分为红色毛癣菌组、短帚霉组、短帚霉-红色毛癣菌混合组,分析各组透甲时间。结果透甲模型中,红色毛癣菌的透甲时间为(9.46±1.89)d,短帚霉的透甲时间为(2.62±0.96)d,混合组中短帚霉的透甲时间为(2.54±0.78)d。结论体外透甲模型中,短帚霉比红色毛癣菌先穿透甲板。混合组中,红色毛癣菌对短帚霉的透甲时间无明显影响。  相似文献   

We have studied the in vitro antifungal activity of voriconazole, fluconazole and itraconazole against 252 clinical isolates of dermatophytes and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis by a standardized agar diffusion method (NeoSensitabs). Several important factors such as temperature (28 degrees C vs. 35 degrees C) and incubation time (2-10 days vs. 18-74 h) were adapted to dermatophytes and Scopulariopsis requirements. Voriconazole showed an excellent activity against most species of dermatophytes, higher than itraconazole and fluconazole. However, S. brevicaulis isolates were highly resistant to all azoles used in this study. Voriconazole might be an interesting antifungal alternative to refractory superficial mycoses.  相似文献   

In anaerobic cultures of Mucor rouxii, morphogenesis was strongly dependent on hexose concentration as well as pCO(2). At low levels of hexose or CO(2), or both, hyphal development occurred; at high levels, the fungus developed as yeast cells. Other dimorphic strains of Mucor responded similarly to hexose and CO(2) but differred in their relative sensitivity to these agents. Glucose was the most effective hexose in eliciting yeast development of M. rouxii; fructose and mannose were next; and galactose was last. The fungus may be grown into shapes covering its entire dimorphic spectrum simply by manipulating the hexose concentration of the medium. Thus, at 0.01% glucose, hyphae were exceedingly long and narrow; at higher sugar concentrations, the hyphae became progressively shorter and wider; finally, at about 8% glucose, almost all cells and their progeny were isodiametric (spherical budding cells). Such yeast development occurred without a manifested requirement for exogenous CO(2). The stimulation of yeast development by hexose is not an artifact due to increased production of metabolic CO(2) (hyphae or yeast cells released metabolic CO(2) at similar rates). Presumably, the effect was caused by some other hexose catabolite which interfered with hyphal morphogenesis (apical growth); deprived of its polarity, the fungus grew into spherical yeastlike shapes. Although 10% glucose inhibited the development of hyphae from germinating spores, it did not prevent the elongation of preformed hyphae. This suggests that hexose inhibits hyphal morphogenesis not by blocking the operation of the enzyme complex responsible for apical growth but by preventing its initiation; such inhibition may be regarded as a repression of hyphal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The proteinase (Prot. II) from Scopulariopsis brevicaulis has rather a broader specificity in its action on oxidized A- and B-chain of bovine insulin, than that of trypsin or chymotrypsin.

The cleavage in the above peptides occurred rapidly at such bonds, where leucine, valine or glutamic acid is linked by its respective carboxyl group, and slowly at the carboxyl side of cysteic acid or alanine.  相似文献   

Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Deuteromycete, Hyphomycete is a mainly saprophytic fungus but can grow parasitically on keratin-containing substrates.Growth and morphology of hyphae grown on a semi-synthetic keratin-supplemented medium were compared with those grown on a synthetic medium.Dry weight was lower in the keratin-containing medium and some ultrastructural changes were observed. Hyphae diameter and cell wall thickness were both reduced, and the cultures were seen to colonize the cellophane support. These observations may be related to a physiological requirement of this organism when grown on its natural substrate.  相似文献   

The formation of the synapton (synaptonemal complex) was followed by an electron microscopic examination of large samples of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells at various stages of meiosis. Three temperature-sensitive mutants were used, cdc4, cdc5 and cdc7, which undergo a slow but normal meiosis at 25° C. At the restrictive temperature of 34° C, cdc4 and cdc5 arrest at an advanced enough stage of meiosis to allow the study of synapton morphogenesis. Based on the frequencies of nuclear structures, we describe the formation of the central region and central elements of the synapton in the dense body, which may be part of the nucleolus. This process occurs during early meiotic stages, concomittantly with recombination commitment and premeiotic DNA replication. Mature synaptons usually appear after premeiotic S, at the pachytene stage, and later disappear. A possible intermediate stage in this disappearance is found in arrested cdc5 cells, which contain paired lateral elements without central elements. — Following the frequencies of spindle plaque configurations, we conclude that the plaques in meiosis duplicate once at the beginning of the main DNA replication, as is also observed prior to mitosis. In contrast to mitotic cells, however, meiotic plaques remain duplicated for a long period, until the synaptons disappear, and only then separate from each other to form a spindle. During late stages of the first meiotic division, the outer plates of the spindle plaques thicken, to duplicate later and give the second division spindles. The characteristically thick outer plate may have a role in the formations of the ascospore wall.  相似文献   

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