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Summary Muscle spindles from lumbricalis muscles of the rat were incubated for acetylcholinesterase with a modified thiocholine-method of Lewis and Shute and examined by light and electron microscopy.All types of motor nerve ending showed heavy deposits of reaction product in the synaptic cleft. The underlying sarcoplasmic reticulum, transverse tubular system, and, when present, the envelope of sole plate nuclei were also stained.In the sensory region, the reaction was negative in the interface between the plasma membranes of the primary sensory terminal and muscle. One of two secondary sensory endings identified showed distinct reaction product in the cleft; the other secondary sensory ending showed no such reaction.Precipitates were present on the sarcolemma of the intrafusal muscle fibers in the polar and adjacent myotube regions, but not at the spindle equator. Extrafusal and intrafusal myelinated -nerve fibers and preterminal motor axons showed staining of the axolemma. Fibers with thick myelin sheaths and preterminal sensory axons were free of acetylcholinesterase activity, as were the unmyelinated nerve fibers.We wish to thank Mrs. D. Schilling and Mrs. Ch. Beyer for technical assistanc  相似文献   

Summary The capsule of the muscle spindle from the anterior and posterior latissimus dorsi muscles of the adult domestic chicken has been studied with the electron microscope. As in other species, two distinct portions of the spindle capsule are distinguished: an outer capsule and an inner capsule.The outer capsule is structurally similar to and continuous with the perineural epithelium. Outer capsule cells are noted by the abundance of pinocytotic vesicles and a network of 6–7 nm microfilaments. The disposition of these microfilaments is circumferential with respect to the longitudinal axis of the spindle. It is proposed that they may provide a contractile mechanism for the capsule which may be related to the over-all functioning of the spindle during movements of the muscle.The inner capsule is composed of a contiguous network of cells possessing long cytoplasmic processes which envelop the intrafusal fibers and their nerve endings in sensory equatorial regions of the spindle. These cells may elaborate the fibrillar and amorphous extracellular material found in the periaxial spindle space. They also possess modified cilia with a 9+0 microtubular pattern. It is suggested that these cilia may behave as sensory transducers, relating fluid changes in the periaxial space to the intrafusal fiber nerve endings.Capillaries of the non-fenestrated variety commonly traverse the outer and inner portions of the capsule and are usually completely surrounded by tenuous overlapping processes of inner capsule cells. These findings suggest that the spindle capsule plays a role as a metabolically-active diffusion barrier to the entrance of substances from the external milieu.The excellent technical assistance of Ms. S.L. Shinn is gratefully acknowledged.Supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Muscle spindles contain two types of intrafusal muscle fibre, nuclear bag fibres and nuclear chain fibres. The intrafusal fibres of rabbit and guinea pig spindles have been studied using quantitative stereological techniques at the ultrastructural level. The crosssectional areas occupied by myofilaments have been measured in the polar and equatorial regions of both types of intrafusal fibre. There are considerably fewer myofilaments in the equatorial regions of both types of fibre compared with their polar regions.This work was carried out with the aid of grants from the Medical Research Council and the Science Research Council of Great Britain.  相似文献   

Summary Three muscle fibers were identified by electron microscopy within a nerve of a frog muscle. They resembled extrafusal muscle fibers but were located in an endoneurial rather than in an endomysial compartment. To call these endoneurial muscle fibers the obvious continuation of extrafusal fibers of a muscle spindle is certainly unwarranted; to label these fibers ectopic and to let the matter rest there is probably an understatement of sorts.  相似文献   

Yokota  R.  Burnstock  G. 《Cell and tissue research》1983,232(2):379-397
Summary A semi-quantitative electron-microscopic study of neuronal cell bodies, nerve profiles and synapses in the anterior pelvic ganglia of the guinea-pig has been carried out following in vivo labelling of adrenergic nerve endings with 5-hydroxydopamine. Ganglion cells of three main types have been distinguished: 1) the majority (about 70%) not containing granular vesicles, probably cholinergic elements; 2) those containing large granular vesicles of uniform size (80–110 nm), with granules of medium density and prominent halos; and 3) those containing vesicles of variable size (60–150 nm), with very dense eccentrically placed granular cores. Some non-neuronal granule-containing cells were present, mainly near small blood vessels. Some 95% of the total axon profiles within the ganglia were cholinergic, the remaining 5% were adrenergic. However, 99% of synapses (i.e. axons within 50 nm of nerve cell membrane with pre-and post-synaptic specialisations) were cholinergic, and 1 % were adrenergic. Only three examples of nerve cell bodies exhibiting both cholinergic and adrenergic synapses were observed. Unlike the para-and prevertebral ganglia, the pelvic ganglia contained large numbers of axo-somatic synapses. As many as 20% of the nucleated neuronal cell profiles displayed two distinct nuclei.  相似文献   

Summary Interstitial cells associated with the deep muscular plexus of the guinea-pig small intestine were studied by electron microscopy, and three-dimensional cell models were reconstructed from serial ultrathin sections with a computer graphic system. Three types of cells were recognized. The first type was similar in shape to smooth muscle cells, but did not contain an organized contractile apparatus. Many large gap junctions comprising about 4% of the cell surface were present; they connected cells of the first type to each other, to the second type of cell and to smooth muscle cells of the outer circular layer. The second type of cell had a welldemarcated cell body with long slender processes and was characterized by a large amount of glycogen comprising about 9% of the cell volume. The third type of cell was similar to fibroblasts, and contained well-developed Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic retiulum. Some of these fibroblast-like cells (a possible subtype) formed small gap junctions. All three types of cells showed close relationships with nerve varicosities. This cellular network consisting of gap-junction-rich cells, glycogen-rich cells and smooth muscle cells may be involved in the pacemaking activity of intestinal movement.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the pancreatic nerves of the domestic fowl has been studied. Naked axon beadings were found in membranous contact with endocrine as well as exocrine cells. From an anatomical point of view it seems reasonable to suggest that the endocrine glands might be subjected to some influence of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

In slices of guinea-pig brains, 36 neurons located in the mediolateral part of the lateral septum were stained intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase (n=28) or biocytin (n=8) after electrophysiological characterization. These neurons belonged to class A neurons (n=23), which generated pronounced Ca++-dependent high-threshold spikes in control medium, or to class C neurons (n=9), which were recognized by the occurrence of small-amplitude sodic spikes followed by slower larger calcic spikes. The present results demonstrate that, despite the variety of individual cell types, the major morphological population (30/36 cells) was composed of a homogeneous class of large-sized neurons that displayed thick primary dendrites and abundant dendritic appendages. The remaining 6 cells were small-sized, poorly-spiny neurons. Somatic spines were observed on 5 out of the 30 large cells and on one out of the six smaller cells. Labeled axons were mainly oriented to the anterior commissure. The axons of nine cells richly collateralized near the perikaryon. Ultrastructural examination of 3 horseradish peroxidase-injected cells showed indented nuclei, classic organelles and somatic spines. Terminal boutons established symmetric synapses with the injected cells. These results describe the morphological features of electrophysiologically identified neurons and indicate that class A and class C neurons are distributed among morphological populations differing in perikaryal size. This suggests that the different electrical properties of class A and class C neurons reflect recordings from different parts of the neuron rather than from neurons of different types. Furthermore, the present findings demonstrate that, in the guinea-pig, electrical and morphological characteristics of somatospiny neurons are comparable with those of non-somatospiny neurons. Somatospiny neurons have a recognized integrative role in the hippocampo-septo-hypothalamic complex.  相似文献   

Summary The structural changes of the zona juxtamedullaris of the rat adrenal cortex at birth, have been examined by the light and the electron microscope. In this zone clusters of medullary cells lying among the strands of cortical tissue were observed. In the inner portion of the zona juxtamedullaris two types of adrenocortical cells were found: light and very-dark cells. The latter are smaller than the light cells and are always in close connection with the medullary tissue. The ultrastructural features of the very-dark cells suggest that these elements are in degeneration. This finding supports the hypothesis that at birth there is a partial degeneration of the rat zona juxtamedullaris, i.e. the zone corresponding to the fetal zone of some mammalian species.It is proposed that in all mammalian species at birth there is a partial regression of the zona juxtamedullaris and that the regression of the fetal zone is only the quantitative increase of this phenomenon. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to numerous data demonstrating that there are enzymatic conditions in the rat during fetal life, which permit a discrete hypertrophy of the adrenal cortex.The author wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. A. Gambino and to Mr. G. Gottardo for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary The physiological, pharmacological and morphological characteristics of guinea-pig vas deferens supplied by hypogastric nerves rendered inactive by decentralisation were compared with those of vas deferens in which the nerve supply had been chronically stimulated for 3–9 days using implanted electrodes. No change was seen in decentralised preparations prior to 7 days, but from 8–15 days, increased sensitivity to application of noradrenaline in vitro was observed, which was shown to be related to reduced transmitter uptake by nerve terminals as well as to an increase in postjunctional sensitivity; there was also increased fatigability 7–14 days following decentralisation. Continuous stimulation of hypogastric nerves at 2 Hz for 4–8 h daily for 4–8 days resulted in enhanced transmitter uptake and reduced responses to noradrenaline; this was associated with a slight increase in noradrenaline content and a faster adrenergic neuromuscular response with a shorter latency. No appreciable changes in nerve or muscle structure studied by electron microscopy were observed following decentralisation, but there was an increase of between 12.5 and 29.6% in the number of close (< 100 nm) neuromuscular junctions following chronic stimulation for 8 days.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic (FOG), fasttwitch-glycolytic (FG) and slow-twitch-oxidative (SO) fibers in plantaris and soleus muscles of normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats was studied. In the diabetic animals, the mitochondria of FOG and SO fibers showed a loss of cristae and an increase in electron-dense granules. There was also an increased number of lipid droplets in close proximity to the mitochondria and the nuclei, and a separation of individual muscle nuclei to form satellite cells. Higher incidences of surface projections and sarcoplasmic splittings at the nuclear region were noticed in SO fibers. The FG fibers showed some disorientation of the T-tubular system. It is concluded that streptozotocin-diabetes has differential effects on the fine structure of the three fiber types of rat skeletal muscle.Supported by USPHS Grant AM 18280-04, Boston University Grant GRS-405-BI, and a grant-in-aid award from Sigma Xi Society  相似文献   

Summary Epidermal septate junctions of Nereis sp. and Cirriformia sp. fixed with OsO4 or glutaraldehyde/OsO4 display variable structure in electron micrographs. In transverse section the septa are often indistinct and obscured by opaque material that fills the junctional cleft. Septa (spaced at 180–280 Å) are more clearly defined in slightly oblique transverse section; they exhibit an electron lucent center and appear to be linked by arms. En face views of the junction show a honeycomb pattern. Cytoplasmic faces of junctional membranes are backed with plaques opposite the septa. Lanthanum used as a tracer delineates junctional structure in negative contrast. In transverse section a chain-like lattice is present in the junctional cleft. En face views show parallel rows of pleated elements often linked by arms into honeycomb arrays. Oblique sections demonstrate that these pleated elements are continuous with the chain-like lattice seen in transverse sections. Lanthanum does not pass entirely through the junction. Lanthanum reveals that the septa have a very intricate substructure, but it is difficult to visualize the architecture that could generate the various images presented by these junctions when seen in different orientations. However, it is clear that these junctions possess some features that are diagnostic of several supposedly different types of septate junctions in invertebrates.Supported by USPHS grants NIH 5 P01 NS-07512, NIH 2701 GM-00102, and NB-00840, and by a grant from the Pomona College Research CommitteeI thank Sarah Wurzelmann, Stanley Brown, Nancy Kelly, and Gerhard Ott for excellent technical assistance. Portions of this study were carried out while I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anatomy, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. I dedicate this article to Berta Scharrer as a token of appreciation and affection for her guidance, encouragement, inspiration, and example of excellence  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopic, histoand biochemical study was carried out on the adrenal medulla of newborn and adult guinea-pigs giving special emphasis to small granule-containing (SGC) cells. Adrenaline (A) was the predominating catecholamine (CA) both in newborn (70–90 % of total CA) and adult (85–90%) guinea-pig adrenals. In analogy to the biochemical findings electron microscopy revealed a high predominance of A cells, which contained large granular vesicles with an average diameter of 180 nm. Most noradrenaline (NA) storing cells showed granular vesicles of a considerably smaller average diameter (80 nm) and had a higher nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. These cells were termed SGC-NA cells. NA cells with large granular vesicles (average diameter 170 nm) were extremely rare. Another type of SGC cells contained granular vesicles with cores of low to medium electron-density (SGC-NA-negative cells). Biochemical determinations made it unlikely that these cells contained predominantly dopamine (DA). SGC cells were scarcely innervated by cholinergic nerves. They formed processes, which were found both in the adrenal cortex and medulla contacting blood vessels including sinusoid capillaries, steroid producing cells of the reticularis and fasciculata zone and processes, which were interpreted to belong to medullary nerve cells.Two types of neurons were present in the guinea-pig adrenal medulla, one resembling the principal neurons in sympathetic ganglia, the other, which, according to its morphology, occupied an intermediate position between principal neurons and SGC cells.In adrenomedullary grafts under the kidney capsule, which were studied three weeks after transplantation, ordinary A cells resembled SGC-NA negative cells with respect to their ultramorphology. Processes of transplanted principal neurons showed uptake of 5-hydroxydopamine and, hence, were considered to be adrenergic. Despite the lack of extrinsic nerves to the transplants, few principal neurons received cholinergic synapses, the origin of which is uncertain to date.Supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Un 34/4)Dedicated to Professor H. Leonhardt in honor of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary The present study describes the ultrastructure of non-neuronal cells and their interrelationships with intracardiac neurones present in cultures dissociated atria and interatrial septum from newborn guinea-pig. When compared with the in situ preparation, most of these features in culture were similar to those observed in situ, but some differences were also apparent. Both mature and immature Schwann cells were observed in culture, and as in situ, the latter were closely associated with intracardiac neurones, whilst the former were more widely separated. The ultrastructure of satellite cells was more variable in culture than in situ: three general types were distinguished on the basis of their 10-nm filament content. This variation could be due to conditions of culture. Interstitial cells were present in culture and closely resembled those described in situ, although there was less space between cultured interstitial cells and their associated cells. Many fibroblasts, some myoblasts and a few mast cells were also found in the culture preparations.  相似文献   

Summary Intracerebral vessels of the parietal lobe of the rhesus monkey have been examined by electron microscopy with special reference to the relationship between the leptomeninges and the cerebral cortex. A perivascular reticular sheath, in apparent communication with the subarachnoid space surrounds intracerebral arterioles. Myo-endothelial junctions occur in intracerebral arterioles, but no nerve fibres are found in association with such vessels. This indicates that the tone of these vessels may be regulated by chemical mechanisms, possibly mediated through the myo-endothelial junctions.  相似文献   

Kinetochore components play a major role in regulating the transmission of genetic information during cell division. Ndc10p, a kinetochore component of the essential CBF3 complex in budding yeast is required for chromosome attachment to the mitotic spindle. ndc10-1 mutant was shown to display chromosome mis-segregation as well as an aberrant mitotic spindle (Goh and Kilmartin, 1993). In addition, Ndc10p localizes along the spindle microtubules (Muller-Reichert et al., 2003). To further understand the role of Ndc10p in the mitotic apparatus, we performed a three-dimensional electron microscopy (EM) reconstruction of mitotic spindles from serial sections of cryo-immobilized ndc10-1 mutant cells. This analysis reveals a dramatic reduction in the number of microtubules present in the half-spindle, which is connected to the newly formed spindle pole body (SPB) in ndc10-1 cells. Moreover, in contrast to wild-type (WT) cells, ndc10-1 cells showed a significantly lower signal intensity of the SPB components Spc42p and Spc110p fused with GFP, in mother cell bodies compared with buds. A subsequent EM analysis also showed clear defects in the newly formed SPB, which remains in the mother cell during anaphase. These results suggest that Ndc10p is required for maturation of the newly formed SPB. Intriguingly, mutations in other kinetochore components, ndc80-1 and spc24-1, showed kinetochore detachment from the spindle, similar to ndc10-1, but did not display defects in SPBs. This suggests that unattached kinetochores are not sufficient to cause SPB defects in ndc10-1 cells. We propose that Ndc10p, alongside its role in kinetochore–microtubule interaction, is also essential for SPB maturation and mitotic spindle integrity.  相似文献   

Summary Methyl-bupivacaine is a local anaesthetic with a selective myotoxic action. A single subcutaneous injection of the drug into the hind leg of adult rats produces a uniform, complete and irreversible destruction of superficial layers of fibres in the underlying extensor digitorum longus muscle. The degeneration of muscle fibres is followed by phagocytosis and a rapid and complete regeneration.The first stage in the regeneration process is the appearance of presumptive myoblasts within the original basement membrane of the sarcolemmal tube. On the second day after injury aggregates of myoblasts are present and fusion is observed between the cells. The myotubes thus formed increase in size by fusing with additional myoblasts. Myotubes are also observed to fuse with one another. On the fifth day after injury the regeneration process has proceeded to the stage of early muscle fibres with fully differentiated myofibrils with typical sarcomere structures. By ten days only mature muscle fibres of about normal size are present and regeneration appears complete.In previously denervated and methyl-bupivacaine treated muscles the stages of regeneration are similar to those observed in innervated muscles, the only apparent difference being a slowing of cell differentiation and incomplete maturation.An electrophysiological study shows that the motor nerve at the third day after injury forms synaptic contacts with regenerating muscle cells. At that stage of myogenesis the myotubes are highly sensitive to applied acetylcholine.1 (1-n-butyl-DL-piperidine-2-carboxylic acid-2,6-dimethyl-anilide-hydrochloride); Marcaine®, manufactured by AB Bofors, Nobel-Pharma, Mölndal, Sweden.The study was carried out under the auspicies of The Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Sciences in Sweden.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the layers of the muscular coat of the guinea-pig small intestine after enzymatic and chemical removal of extracellular connective tissue. The cells of the longitudinal muscle layer are wider, have rougher surfaces, more finger-like processes and more complex terminations, but fewer intercellular junctions than cells in the circular muscle layer. A special layer of wide, flat cells with a dense innervation exists at the inner margin of the circular muscle layer, facing the submucosa. The ganglia of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses are covered by a smooth basal lamina, a delicate feltwork of collagen fibrils, and innumerable connective tissue cells. The neuronal and glial cell processes at the surface of ganglia form an interlocking mosaic, which is loosely packed in newborn and young animals, but becomes tightly packed in adults. The arrangement of glial cells becomes progressively looser along finer nerve bundles. Single varicose nerve fibres are rarely exposed, but multiaxonal bundles are common. Fibroblast-like cells of characteristic shape and orientation are found in the serosa; around nerve ganglia; in the intermuscular connective tissue layer and in the circular muscle, where they bridge nerve bundles and muscle cells; at the submucosal face of the special, flattened inner circular muscle layer; and in the submucosa. Some of these fibroblast like cells correspond to interstitial cells of Cajal. Other structures readily visualized by scanning electron microscopy are blood and lymphatic vessels and their periendothelial cells. The relationship of cellular elements to connective tissue was studied with three different preparative procedures: (1) freeze-cracked specimens of intact, undigested intestine; (2) stretch preparations of longitudinal muscle with adhering myenteric plexus; (3) sheets of submucosal collagen bundles from which all cellular elements had been removed by prolonged detergent extraction.  相似文献   

Summary The ventral prostatic secretory epithelial cells in older rats were studied by light and electron microscopy. The cells vary in height in different parts of the same organ, and ultrastructurally they show the presence of a developed secretory apparatus such as well-developed Golgi body and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum. They also show signs of a depressed secretory activity, involving occasional emiocytosis of apical secretory vacuoles and a paucity of condensing vacuoles in the Golgi region and above it. Further, they are characterized by the frequent occurrence of supra and paranuclear pleomorphic lysosomes.  相似文献   

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