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A synthetic polyanion (a copolymer of methacrylate, maleate, and styrene in 1:2:3 proportion with an average molecular weight of 10,000 dalton) inhibits the tricarboxylate, oxoglutarate, dicarboxylate, and adenine nucleotide translocators of rat liver mitochondria. The activity versus inhibitor concentration curves are sigmoidal. The inhibition of the oxoglutarate and tricarboxylate translocators by the polyanion is competitive, while that of the adenine nucleotide translocator is of mixed-type. TheK 1 values of the polyanion are the following: for oxoglutarate translocator 4.0 µM, tricarboxylate translocator 1.2 µM, and adenine nucleotide translocator 1.3 µM with ADP and 0.8 µM with ATP. It is suggested that the polyanion acts primarily by increasing the negative charge of the inner membrane at the outer surface, and the sensitivity of the translocators toward the polyanion depends on the number of negative charges of their substrates.  相似文献   

The porins are a class of voltage-dependent, anion-selective, channel-forming proteins located in the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM). The porins are responsible for passage of adenine nucleotides across the OMM, as well as for specific binding of hexokinase and glycerol kinase. This porin-kinase complex has direct access to ATP generated by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and may be important in the regulation of glycolysis. Porin had not been described previously in humans but, due to its importance in bioenergetics, would be expected to be present, especially in organs requiring a large and constant supply of energy. We therefore postulated that porin would occur in human myocardium where it would be important in cardiac function. Polyclonal antibodies to bovine myocardial and rat liver porins were utilized in transblotting experiments after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of human heart preparations from atria, ventricles, papillary muscles, and interventricular septum. These immunoblots demonstrated selective staining of a 34-kDa band. This was identical to the results obtained with purified porin and the antibodies. Also notable was the finding that the vast majority of this staining was found in the homogenate pellet after high speed centrifugation (20,000g), as would be expected for a mitochondrial protein. The demonstration of human cardiac porin by immunoblotting with rat liver and bovine myocardial porin antibodies is the first demonstration of cross-species identification of the porins. The success of this approach undoubtedly occurred because of strong homology between porins from a variety of species.  相似文献   

Long-chain acyl-coenzyme A esters (LCAC), which may accumulate under different pathological conditions and especially in patients with a mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation defect, have long been known as potent inhibitors of several enzymes in multiple metabolic pathways, particularly the oxidative phosphorylation system (OXPHOS). To shed more light on the inhibitory mechanisms of acyl-CoA esters upon energy metabolism, the effect of palmitoyl-CoA and its beta-oxidation intermediates on OXPHOS was studied. We have recently shown that, using rat liver mitochondria, LCAC inhibit l-glutamate driven oxygen consumption in the presence of ADP whereas no effect is found when an uncoupler is used to stimulate respiration maximally. A similar inhibitory effect of these compounds is now reported upon the distribution of ATP for intra- and extra-mitochondrial utilization. Taken together these data strongly suggest that the inhibition of ADP-induced respiration with l-glutamate as substrate by LCAC is primarily due to inhibition of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier.  相似文献   

A synthetic polyanion has been found to modulate the properties of the mitochondrial outer membrane channel, VDAC. This 10 kDa polyanion, first synthesized and described by Konig and co-workers, is a 1:2:3 copolymer of methacrylate, maleate, and styrene. It had been shown to interfere with the access of metabolites to the mitochondrial inner spaces. Here we show that, at nanomolar levels, the polyanion increases the voltage dependence of VDAC channels over 5-fold. Some channels seem to be totally blocked while others display the higher voltage dependence and are able to close at very low membrane potentials (5 mV). At 27 micrograms/ml polyanion, VDAC channels are closed while inserted into liposomes in the absence of any applied potential. The closed state of VDAC induced by the polyanion has similar properties to the closed state induced by elevated membrane potentials. The physical size of the polyanion-induced closed state (in VDAC-containing liposomes) is about 0.9 nm in radius. How this estimate fits with estimates of the channel's open state and estimated volume changes between the open and closed states, is discussed.  相似文献   

Defatted liver fatty acid binding protein (FABP) reverses the inhibitory effect of palmitoyl-CoA on adenine nucleotide transport in rat liver mitochondria; addition of titrating amounts of FABP to mitochondria pretreated with palmitoyl-CoA stimulates nucleotide transport and that activation parallels the removal of the inhibitor from mitochondria. This effect is specific only for FABP; all other cytosolic proteins which do not bind fatty acids do not influence nucleotide transport activity. Addition of free fatty acids (which can compete for ligand binding sites on FABP) to mitochondria pretreated with palmitoyl-CoA interferes with the reversal activity of FABP. Adding FABP alone to freshly isolated mitochondria also activates nucleotide transport activity suggesting that the originally submaximal activity is probably due to the presence of endogenous long-chain acyl-CoA esters in the mitochondrial preparation. Because FABP is present in relatively high concentration in most mammalian cells, these observations offer a likely explanation of why the potent inhibitory effects of long-chain acyl-CoA esters on adenine nucleotide transport in isolated mitochondria are not seen in the intact cell.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) has been proposed to play a key role in cell death. Downstream MPT events include the release of apoptogenic factors that sets in motion the mitochondrial apoptosome leading to caspase activation. The current work examined the regulation of MPT by membrane fluidity modulated upon cholesterol enrichment. Mitochondria enriched in cholesterol displayed increased microviscosity resulting in impaired MPT induced by atractyloside, a c-conformation stabilizing ligand of the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT). This effect was dependent on the dose of cholesterol loaded and reversed upon the fluidization of mitochondria by the fatty acid derivative A2C. Mitoplasts derived from cholesterol-enriched mitochondria responded to atractyloside in a similar fashion as intact mitochondria, indicating that a significant amount of cholesterol is still found in the inner membrane. The effects of cholesterol on MPT induced by atractyloside were mirrored by the release of intermembrane proteins, cytochrome c, Smac/Diablo, and apoptosis inducing factor. However, cholesterol loading did not affect the uptake rate of adenine nucleotide hence dissociating the function of ANT as a MPT-mediated protein from its adenine nucleotide exchange function. Thus, these findings indicate that the ability of atractyloside to induce MPT via ANT requires an appropriate membrane fluidity range.  相似文献   

Regulation of the mitochondrial adenine nucleotide pool size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A mechanism by which normal adult rat liver mitochondria may regulate the matrix adenine nucleotide content was studied in vitro. If mitochondria were incubated with 1 mm ATP at 30 ° C in 225 mm sucrose, 2 mm K2HPO4, 5 mm MgCl2, and 10 mm Tris-Cl (pH 7.4), the adenine nucleotide pool size increased at a rate of 0.44 ± 0.02 nmol/mg mitochondrial protein/min. The rate of adenine nucleotide accumulation under these conditions was concentration dependent and specific for ATP or ADP; AMP was not taken up. The rate of net ADP uptake was 50–75% slower than that for ATP. The Km values for net uptake of ATP and ADP were 2.08 and 0.36 mm, respectively. Adenine nucleotide uptake was stoichiometrically dependent on Mg2+ and stimulated by inorganic phosphate. Net uptake was inhibited by n-ethylmaleimide, or mersalyl, but not by n-butylmalonate. Nigericin inhibited net uptake, but valinomycin did not. In the presence of uncouplers, net uptake was not only inhibited, but adenine nucleotide efflux was observed instead. Like uptake, uncoupler-induced efflux of adenine nucleotides was inhibited by mersalyl, indicating that a protein was required for net flux in either direction. Carboxyatractyloside, bongkrekic acid, or respiratory substrates reduced the rate of adenine nucleotide accumulation, however, this did not appear to be a direct inhibition of the transport process, but rather was probably related indirectly to an increase in the matrix ATPADP ratio. The collective properties of the transport mechanism(s) for adenine uptake and efflux were different from those which characterize any of the known transport systems. It is proposed that uptake and efflux operate to regulate the total matrix adenine nucleotide pool size: a constant pool size is maintained if the rates of uptake and efflux are equal. Transient alterations in the relative rates of uptake and efflux may occur in response to hormones or other metabolic signals, to bring about net changes in the pool size.  相似文献   

We have developed a mathematical model of adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) function on the basis of the structural and kinetic properties of the transporter. The model takes into account the effect of membrane potential, pH, and magnesium concentration on ATP and ADP exchange velocity. The parameters of the model have been estimated from experimental data. A satisfactory model should take into account the influence of the electric potential difference on both ternary complex formation and translocation processes. To describe the dependence of translocation constants on electric potential we have supposed that ANT molecules carry charged groups. These groups are shifted during the translocation. Using the model we have evaluated the translocator efficiency and predicted the behavior of ANT under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

An improved simple technique for measuring adenine nucleotide translocator activity at low medium substrate concentrations is described. Confirming previous reports, thyroidectomy was shown to lead to lowered translocator activity in rat liver mitochondria. The rapidly exchangeable portion of the matrix nucleotide also decreased in hypothyroid preparations even though the total nucleotides increased substantially. The apparent Km of translocator for ADP increased from 2.8 to 6.2 microM in hypothyroid preparations: Mg2+ ions raised this to about 20 microM. All of these changes in adenine nucleotide translocation were entirely reversed by 15 min after a single intravenous near-physiological dose of triiodothyronine.  相似文献   

The translocation of phosphoenolpyruvate by the tricarboxylate carrier system in rat liver mitochondria was shown to be inhibited by atractyloside and long chain fatty acyl CoA esters as well as benzene, 1, 2, 3 tricarboxylate. By contrast benzene 1, 2, 3 tricarboxylate did not inhibit atractyloside sensitive adenine nucleotide translocation catalyzed by phosphoenolpyruvate. These results indicate that although phosphoenoppyruvate is preferentially transported by the tricarboxylate carrier system, it may also be transported by the adenine nucleotide translocase. The inhibition of the adenine nucleotide and tricarboxylate carrier systems by atractyloside and long chain acyl CoA esters indicates a close functional interrelation-ship of these transport carriers in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Moreover, the potent inhibition of phosphoenolpyruvate, citrate, and adenine nucleotide transport by long chain acyl CoA's provides further evidence that these esters are natural effectors which participate in the regulation of gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis, and energy-linked respiration.  相似文献   

The adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) accomplishes the exchange of ATP from the mitochondrial matrix with cytoplasmic ADP. While investigating the biochemical mechanism of retinoic acid (RA) on the ANT via retinoylation, we have found and subsequently demonstrated a positive influence of Coenzyme A (CoA) on the transport of ATP across the membranes of rat liver mitochondria. CoA enhances ANT activity in a dose-dependent manner modifying the Vmax (673.3 ± 20.7 nmol ATP/mg protein/min versus 155.0 ± 1.9 nmol ATP/mg protein/min), the IC50 for the specific inhibitor carboxyatractyloside (CATR) (0.142 ± 0.012 μM versus 0.198 ± 0.011 μM) but not the Km (22.50 ± 0.52 μM versus 22.19 ± 0.98 μM). Data suggest a likely enzymatic involvement in the interaction between ANT and CoA. The effect of CoA is observed in mitochondria from several different tissues.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the immunogenicity of mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT), we raised antibodies against purified bovine heart ANT by induction of ascitic fluid in male Balb/c mice. We identified the antigenic determinants detected by these antibodies by (1) immunodetection of GST-ANT fusion proteins and selected partial constructs of ANT, (2) immunodetection of chemically synthesized overlapping peptides on solid support, and (3) back-titration ELISA. Results revealed a short epitope spreading of the antibodies, resulting in a small number of antigenic determinants. Thus, each antibody detects one or two major epitopes located in the putative hydrophilic loops M2 and M3. No evidence for the antigenicity of the first 133 amino acids of ANT was obtained. These well-characterized antibodies were used to study the topography of the membrane-bound ANT by back-titration ELISA with mitochondrial membranes. We demonstrated that amino acids 145-150 and 230-237 are fully accessible to the antibodies in native ANT, whereas regions 133-140 and 244-251 are not. Furthermore, we used mitochondria devoid of the outer membrane (mitoplasts) and inside-out submitochondrial particles (SMP) to establish the matrix or cytosolic orientation of loops M2 and M3. The results clearly show that these loops have a matrix orientation and thus support the six transmembrane segment model of ANT topography in the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

The total adenine nucleotide content of rat liver mitochondria was varied in vitro over a wide range in order to investigate a possible relationship between net changes in the total matrix ATP + ADP + AMP content and the overall rate of citrulline synthesis. Isolated mitochondria were specifically depleted of matrix adenine nucleotides by incubating with inorganic pyrophosphate (G. K. Asimakis and J. R. Aprille, 1980, Arch. Biochem. Biophys.203, 307–316); alternatively, matrix adenine nucleotides were increased by incubating mitochondria with 1 mm ATP at 30 °C. No exogenous ATP or ADP was included in the subsequent incubations for the determination of citrulline synthesis. Rates varied from 0.1 to 1.6 μmol citrulline/mg protein/h as a linear function of total adenine nucleotide content in the range 2–15 nmol (ATP + ADP + AMP)/mg protein. Further increases in the matrix ATP + ADP + AMP content caused no further increase in citrulline synthesis rates. Changes in the total adenine nucleotide content were reflected in proportional changes in both the ATP and ADP content of the matrix. The ATPADP ratio did not change significantly. Therefore, the variations in citrulline synthesis were most simply explained as the effect of different concentrations of ATP on the activity of carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase. It was concluded that net changes in the total adenine nucleotide content can contribute to the control of citrulline synthesis. These findings are significant in the context of recent evidence which shows that the matrix adenine nucleotide pool size is under hormonal control.  相似文献   

1. The mechanism of adenine nucleotide translocation in mitochondria isolated from rat liver was further examined by using the local anaesthetics procaine, butacaine, nupercaine and tetracaine as perturbators of lipid-protein interactions. Each of these compounds inhibited translocation of ADP and of ATP; butacaine was the most effective with 50% inhibition occurring at 30mum for 200mum-ATP and at 10mum for 200mum-ADP. The degree of inhibition by butacaine of both adenine nucleotides was dependent on the concentration of adenine nucleotide present; with low concentrations of adenine nucleotide, low concentrations of butacaine-stimulated translocation, but at high concentrations (greater than 50mum) low concentrations of butacaine inhibited translocation. Butacaine increased the affinity of the translocase for ATP to a value which approached that of ADP. 2. Higher concentrations of nupercaine and of tetracaine were required to inhibit translocation of both nucleotides; 50% inhibition of ATP translocation occurred at concentrations of 0.5mm and 0.8mm of these compounds respectively. The pattern of inhibition of ADP translocation by nupercaine and tetracaine was more complex than that of ATP; at very low concentrations (less than 250mum) inhibition ensued, followed by a return to almost original rates at 1mm. At higher concentrations inhibition of ADP translocation resulted. 3. That portion of ATP translocation stimulated by Ca(2+) was preferentially inhibited by each of the local anaesthetics tested. In contrast, inhibition by the anaesthetics of ADP translocation was prevented by low concentrations of Ca(2+). 4. The data provide further support for our hypothesis that lipid-protein interactions are important determinants in the activity of the adenine nucleotide translocase in mitochondria.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic control theory previously developed has been applied to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation with emphasis on the role of delta microH and coupling and within the paradigm of delocalized chemiosmotic coupling. The basis for the observed distribution of flux control over the participating enzymes is shown to lie in the relative magnitudes of so-called delta microH elasticity coefficients, i.e., the delta microH dependencies of the different mitochondrial processes. In particular the relatively strong delta microH dependence of mitochondrial respiration is responsible for the significant role of the adenine nucleotide translocator in the control of oxidative phosphorylation. Uncoupling decreases the control exerted by this translocator on respiration but increases that exerted on phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Low concentrations (50–200 μ M ) of the anionic detergents cholate, deoxycholate and dodecylsulphate inhibited the activity of adenine nucleotide translocator in mitochondria from etiolated maize ( Zea mays L. hybrid Krasnodarskij 303) coleoptiles. This resulted in: (a) a decrease in the rates of oxidative phosphorylation and hydrolysis of extramitochondrial ATP; (b) a decrease in the rate of [33P]-ATP transport through the inner mitochondrial membrane. Anionic detergents may act as competitive inhibitors of ADP and ATP transport in maize mitochondria.  相似文献   

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