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A direct repeat recombination assay between SUP4 heteroalleles detects unrepaired heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) as sectored colonies. The frequency of unrepaired heteroduplex is dependent on the mismatch and is highest in a construct that generates C:C or G:G mispairs and lowest in one that generates T:G or C:A mispairs. In addition, unrepaired hDNA increases for all mismatches tested in pms1 mismatch repair-deficient strains. These results support the notion that hDNA is formed across the SUP4 repeats during the recombination event and is then subject to mismatch repair. The effects of various repair and recombination defective mutations on this assay were examined. Unrepaired heteroduplex increases significantly only in rad52 mutant strains. In addition, direct repeat recombination is reduced 2-fold in rad52 mutant strains, while in rad51, rad54, rad55 and rad57 mutants direct repeat recombination is increased 3-4-fold. Mutations in the excision repair gene, RAD1, do not affect the frequency of direct repeat recombination. However, the level of unrepaired heteroduplex is slightly decreased in rad1 mutant strains. Similar to previous studies, rad1 rad52 double mutants show a synergistic reduction in direct repeat recombination (35-fold). Interestingly, unrepaired heteroduplex is reduced 4-fold in the double mutants. Experiments with shortened repeats suggest that the reduction in unrepaired heteroduplex is due to decreased hDNA tract length in the double mutant strain.  相似文献   

H. L. Klein 《Genetics》1988,120(2):367-377
Intrachromosomal recombination within heteroallelic duplications located on chromosomes III and XV of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been examined. Both possible orientations of alleles have been used in each duplication. Three recombinant classes, gene conversions, pop-outs and triplications, were recovered. Some of the recombinant classes were not anticipated from the particular allele orientation of the duplication. Recovery of these unexpected recombinants requires the RAD1 gene. These studies show that RAD1 has a role in recombination between repeated sequences, and that the recombination event is a gene conversion associated with a crossover. These events appear to involve very localized conversion of a heteroduplex region and are distinct from RAD52 mediated gene conversion events. Evidence is also presented to suggest that most recombination events between direct repeats are intrachromatid, not between sister chromatids.  相似文献   

Y. Tsukamoto  J. I. Kato    H. Ikeda 《Genetics》1996,142(2):383-391
To examine the mechanism of illegitimate recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have developed a plasmid system for quantitative analysis of deletion formation. A can1 cyh2 cell carrying two negative selection markers, the CAN1 and CYH2 genes, on a YCp plasmid is sensitive to canavanine and cycloheximide, but the cell becomes resistant to both drugs when the plasmid has a deletion over the CAN1 and CYH2 genes. Structural analysis of the recombinant plasmids obtained from the resistant cells showed that the plasmids had deletions at various sites of the CAN1-CYH2 region and there were only short regions of homology (1-5 bp) at the recombination junctions. The results indicated that the deletion detected in this system were formed by illegitimate recombination. Study on the effect of several rad mutations showed that the recombination rate was reduced by 30-, 10-, 10-, and 10-fold in the rad52, rad50, mre11, and xrs2 mutants, respectively, while in the rad51, 54, 55, and 57 mutants, the rate was comparable to that in the wild-type strain. The rad52 mutation did not affect length of homology at junction sites of illegitimate recombination.  相似文献   

L. C. Kadyk  L. H. Hartwell 《Genetics》1993,133(3):469-487
Homolog recombination and unequal sister chromatid recombination were monitored in rad1-1/rad1-1 diploid yeast cells deficient for excision repair, and in control cells, RAD1/rad1-1, after exposure to UV irradiation. In a rad1-1/rad1-1 diploid, UV irradiation stimulated much more sister chromatid recombination relative to homolog recombination when cells were irradiated in the G(1) or the G(2) phases of the cell cycle than was observed in RAD1/rad1-1 cells. Since sister chromatids are not present during G(1), this result suggested that unexcised lesions can stimulate sister chromatid recombination events during or subsequent to DNA replication. The results of mating rescue experiments suggest that unexcised UV dimers do not stimulate sister chromatid recombination during the G(2) phase, but only when they are present during DNA replication. We propose that there are two types of sister chromatid recombination in yeast. In the first type, unexcised UV dimers and other bulky lesions induce sister chromatid recombination during DNA replication as a mechanism to bypass lesions obstructing the passage of DNA polymerase, and this type is analogous to the type of sister chromatid exchange commonly observed cytologically in mammalian cells. In the second type, strand scissions created by X-irradiation or the excision of damaged bases create recombinogenic sites that result in sister chromatid recombination directly in G(2). Further support for the existence of two types of sister chromatid recombination is the fact that events induced in rad1-1/rad1-1 were due almost entirely to gene conversion, whereas those in RAD1/rad1-1 cells were due to a mixture of gene conversion and reciprocal recombination.  相似文献   

An intrachromosomal recombination assay that monitors events between alleles of the ade2 gene oriented as inverted repeats was developed. Recombination to adenine prototrophy occurred at a rate of 9.3 X 10(-5)/cell/generation. Of the total recombinants, 50% occurred by gene conversion without crossing over, 35% by crossover and 15% by crossover associated with conversion. The rate of recombination was reduced 3,000-fold in a rad52 mutant, but the distribution of residual recombination events remained similar to that seen in the wild type strain. In rad51 mutants the rate of recombination was reduced only 4-fold. In this case, gene conversion events unassociated with a crossover were reduced 18-fold, whereas crossover events were reduced only 2.5-fold. A rad51 rad52 double mutant strain showed the same reduction in the rate of recombination as the rad52 mutant, but the distribution of events resembled that seen in rad51. From these observations it is concluded that (i) RAD52 is required for high levels of both gene conversions and reciprocal crossovers, (ii) that RAD51 is not required for intrachromosomal crossovers, and (iii) that RAD51 and RAD52 have different functions, or that RAD52 had functions in addition to those of the Rad51/Rad52 protein complex.  相似文献   

We have screened for mutations of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD52 gene which confer a temperature-sensitive (ts) phenotype with respect to either the repair of DNA lesions caused by methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) or the recombination of an intrachromosomal recombination reporter. We were readily able to isolate alleles ts for the repair of lesions caused by MMS but were unable to find alleles with a severe ts deficiency in intrachromosomal recombination. We extensively characterized four strains conferring ts growth on MMS agar. These strains also exhibit ts survival when exposed to γ-radiation or when the HO endonuclease is constitutively expressed. Although none of the four alleles confers a severe ts defect in intrachromosomal recombination, two confer significant defects in tests of mitotic, interchromosomal recombination carried out in diploid strains. The mutant diploids sporulate, but the two strains with defects in interchromosomal recombination have reduced spore viability. Meiotic recombination is not depressed in the two diploids with reduced spore viability. Thus, in the two strains with reduced spore viability, defects in mitotic and meiotic recombination do not correlate. Sequence analysis revealed that in three of the four ts alleles the causative mutations are in the first one-third of the open reading frame while the fourth is in the C-terminal third.  相似文献   

Strand exchange protein 1 (Sep1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae promotes homologous pairing of DNA in vitro and sep1 mutants display pleiotropic phenotypes in both vegetative and meiotic cells. In this study, we examined in detail the ability of the sep1 mutant to progress through meiosis I prophase and to undergo meiotic recombination. In meiotic return-to-growth experiments, commitment to meiotic recombination began at the same time in wild type and mutant; however, recombinants accumulated at decreased rates in the mutant. Gene conversion eventually reached nearly wild-type levels, whereas crossing over reached 15-50% of wild type. In an assay of intrachromosomal pop-out recombination, the sep1, dmc1 and rad51 single mutations had only small effects; however, pop-out recombination was virtually eliminated in the sep1 dmc1 and sep1 rad51 double mutants, providing evidence for multiple recombination pathways. Analysis of meiotic recombination intermediates indicates that the sep1 mutant is deficient in meiotic double-strand break repair. In a physical assay, the formation of mature reciprocal recombinants in the sep1 mutant was delayed relative to wild type and ultimately reached only 50% of the wild-type level. Electron microscopic analysis of meiotic nuclear spreads indicates that the sep1δ mutant arrests in pachytene, with apparently normal synaptonemal complex. This arrest is RAD9-independent. We hypothesize that the Sep1 protein participates directly in meiotic recombination and that other strand exchange enzymes, acting in parallel recombination pathways, are able to substitute partially for the absence of the Sep1 protein.  相似文献   

L. W. Yuan  R. L. Keil 《Genetics》1990,124(2):263-273
Many genetic studies have shown that the frequency of homologous recombination depends largely on the distance in which recombination can occur. We have studied the effect of varying the length of duplicated sequences on the frequency of mitotic intrachromosomal recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find that the frequency of recombination resulting in the loss of one of the repeats and the intervening sequences reaches a plateau when the repeats are short. In addition, the frequency of recombination to correct a point mutation contained in one of these repeats is not proportional to the size of the duplication but rather depends dramatically on the location of the mutation within the repeated sequences. However, the frequency of mitotic interchromosomal reciprocal recombination is dependent on the distance separating the markers. The difference in the response of intrachromosomal and interchromosomal mitotic recombination to increasing lengths of homology may indicate there are different rate-limiting steps for recombination in these two cases. These findings have important implications for the maintenance and evolution of duplicated sequences.  相似文献   

D. D. Hurs·t  S. Fogel 《Genetics》1964,50(3):435-458

The genes in the RAD52 epistasis group of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are necessary for most mitotic and meiotic recombination events. Using an intrachromosomal inverted-repeat assay, we previously demonstrated that mitotic recombination of this substrate is dependent upon the RAD52 gene. In the present study the requirement for other genes in this epistasis group for recombination of inverted repeats has been analyzed, and double and triple mutant strains were examined for their epistatic relationships. The majority of recombination events are mediated by a RAD51-dependent pathway, where the RAD54, RAD55 and RAD57 genes function downstream of RAD51. Cells mutated in RAD55 or RAD57 as well as double mutants are cold-sensitive for inverted-repeat recombination, whereas a rad51 rad55 rad57 triple mutant is not. The RAD1 gene is not required for inverted-repeat recombination but is able to process spontaneous DNA lesions to produce recombinant products in the absence of RAD51. Furthermore, there is still considerably more recombination in rad1 rad51 mutants than in rad52 mutants, indicating the presence of another, as yet unidentified, recombination pathway.  相似文献   

A nonsense allele of the yeast RAD52 gene, rad52-327, which expresses the N-terminal 65% of the protein was compared to two missense alleles, rad52-1 and rad52-2, and to a deletion allele. While the rad52-1 and the deletion mutants have severe defects in DNA repair, recombination and sporulation, the rad52-327 and rad52-2 mutants retain either partial or complete capabilities in repair and recombination. These two mutants behave similarly in most tests of repair and recombination during mitotic growth. One difference between these two alleles is that a homozygous rad52-2 diploid fails to sporulate, whereas the homozygous rad52-327 diploid sporulates weakly. The low level of sporulation by the rad52-327 diploid is accompanied by a low percentage of spore viability. Among these viable spores the frequency of crossing over for markers along chromosome VII is the same as that found in wild-type spores. rad52-327 complements rad52-2 for repair and sporulation. Weaker intragenic complementation occurs between rad52-327 and rad52-1.  相似文献   

Recombination is an essential part of meiosis; in almost all organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, proper chromosome segregation and the viability of meiotic products is dependent upon normal levels of recombination. In this article we examine the kinetics of the meiotic divisions in four mutants defective in the initiation of recombination. We find that mutations in any of three Early Exchange genes (REC104, REC114 or REC102) confer a phenotype in which the reductional division occurs earlier than in an isogenic wild-type diploid. We also present data confirming previous reports that strains with a mutation in the Early Exchange gene MEI4 undergo the first division at about the same time as wild-type cells. The rec104 mutation is epistatic to the mei4 mutation for the timing of the first division. These observations suggest a possible relationship between the initiation of recombination and the timing of the reductional division. These data also allow these four Early Exchange genes examined to be distinguished in terms of their role in coordinating recombination with the reductional division.  相似文献   

Defects in the RAD52 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae confer a mutator phenotype. To characterize this effect in detail, a collection of 238 spontaneous SUP4-o mutations arising in a strain having a disrupted RAD52 gene was analyzed by DNA sequencing. The resulting mutational spectrum was compared to that derived from an examination of 222 spontaneous mutations selected in a nearisogenic wild-type (RAD52) strain. This comparison revealed that the mutator phenotype was associated with an increase in the frequency of base-pair substitutions. All possible types of substitution were detected but there was a reduction in the relative fraction of A.T----G.C transitions and an increase in the proportion of G.C----C.G transversions. These changes were sufficient to cause a twofold greater preference for substitutions at G.C sites in the rad52 strain despite a decrease in the fraction of G.C----T.A transversions. There were also considerable differences between the distributions of substitutions within the SUP4-o gene. Base-pair changes occurred at fewer sites in the rad52 strain but the mutated sites included several that were not detected in the RAD52 background. Only two of the four sites that were mutated most frequently in the rad52 strain were also prominent in the wild-type strain and mutation frequencies at almost all sites common to both strains were greater for the rad52 derivative. Although single base-pair deletions occurred in the two strains with similar frequencies, several classes of mutation that were recovered in the wild-type background including multiple base-pair deletions, insertions of the yeast transposable element Ty, and more complex changes, were not detected in the rad52 strain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

E. J. Louis  J. E. Haber 《Genetics》1990,124(3):547-559
Y's are a dispersed family of repeats that vary in copy number, location and restriction fragment lengths between strains but exhibit within-strain homogeneity. We have studied mitotic recombination between members of the subtelomeric Y' repeated sequence family of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Individual copies of Y's were marked with SUP11 and URA3 which allowed for the selection of duplications and losses of the marked Y's. Duplications occurred by ectopic recombinational interactions between Y's at different chromosome ends as well as by unequal sister chromatid exchange. Several of the ectopic duplications resulted in an originally Y'-less chromosome end acquiring a marked Y'. Among losses, most resulted from ectopic exchange or conversion in which only the marker sequence was lost. In some losses, the chromosome end became Y'-less. Although the two subsets of Y's, Y'-longs (6.7 kb) and Y'-shorts (5.2 kb), share extensive sequence homology, a marked Y' recombines highly preferentially within its own subset. These mitotic interactions can in part explain the maintenance of Y's and their subsets, the homogeneity among Y's within a strain, as well as diversity between strains.  相似文献   

E. M. Selva  L. New  G. F. Crouse    R. S. Lahue 《Genetics》1995,139(3):1175-1188
A homeologous mitotic recombination assay was used to test the role of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mismatch repair genes PMS1, MSH2 and MSH3 on recombination fidelity. A homeologous gene pair consisting of S. cerevisiae SPT15 and its S. pombe homolog were present as a direct repeat on chromosome V, with the exogenous S. pombe sequences inserted either upstream or downstream of the endogenous S. cerevisiae gene. Each gene carried a different inactivating mutation, rendering the starting strain Spt15(-). Recombinants that regenerated SPT15 function were scored after nonselective growth of the cells. In strains wild type for mismatch repair, homeologous recombination was depressed 150- to 180-fold relative to homologous controls, indicating that recombination between diverged sequences is inhibited. In one orientation of the homeologous gene pair, msh2 or msh3 mutations resulted in 17- and 9.6-fold elevations in recombination and the msh2 msh3 double mutant exhibited an 43-fold increase, implying that each MSH gene can function independently in trans to prevent homeologous recombination. Homologous recombination was not significantly affected by the msh mutations. In the other orientation, only msh2 strains were elevated (12-fold) for homeologous recombination. A mutation in MSH3 did not affect the rate of recombination in this orientation. Surprisingly, a pms1 deletion mutant did not exhibit elevated homeologous recombination.  相似文献   

In the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, several genes appear to act early in meiotic recombination. HOP1 and RED1 have been classified as such early genes. The data in this paper demonstrate that neither a red1 nor a hop1 mutation can rescue the inviable spores produced by a rad52 spo13 strain; this phenotype helps to distinguish these two genes from other early meiotic recombination genes such as SPO11, REC104, or MEI4. In contrast, either a red1 or a hop1 mutation can rescue a rad50S spo13 strain; this phenotype is similar to that conferred by mutations in the other early recombination genes (e.g., REC104). These two different results can be explained because the data presented here indicate that a rad50S mutation does not diminish meiotic intrachromosomal recombination, similar to the mutant phenotypes conferred by red1 or hop1. Of course, RED1 and HOP1 do act in the normal meiotic interchromosomal recombination pathway; they reduce interchromosomal recombination to ~10% of normal levels. We demonstrate that a mutation in a gene (REC104) required for initiation of exchange is completely epistatic to a mutation in RED1. Finally, mutations in either HOP1 or RED1 reduce the number of double-strand breaks observed at the HIS2 meiotic recombination hotspot.  相似文献   

R. H. Schiestl  S. Prakash    L. Prakash 《Genetics》1990,124(4):817-831
rad6 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are defective in the repair of damaged DNA, DNA damage induced mutagenesis, and sporulation. In order to identify genes that can substitute for RAD6 function, we have isolated genomic suppressors of the UV sensitivity of rad6 deletion (rad6 delta) mutations and show that they also suppress the gamma-ray sensitivity but not the UV mutagenesis or sporulation defects of rad6. The suppressors show semidominance for suppression of UV sensitivity and dominance for suppression of gamma-ray sensitivity. The six suppressor mutations we isolated are all alleles of the same locus and are also allelic to a previously described suppressor of the rad6-1 nonsense mutation, SRS2. We show that suppression of rad6 delta is dependent on the RAD52 recombinational repair pathway since suppression is not observed in the rad6 delta SRS2 strain containing an additional mutation in either the RAD51, RAD52, RAD54, RAD55 or RAD57 genes. Possible mechanisms by which SRS2 may channel unrepaired DNA lesions into the RAD52 DNA repair pathway are discussed.  相似文献   

H. L. Klein 《Genetics》1997,147(4):1533-1543
Most mitotic recombination and repair genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae show no specificity of action for the genome ploidy. We describe here a novel repair and recombination gene that is specific for recombination and repair between homologous chromosomes. The RDH54 gene is homologous to the RAD54 gene, but rdh54 mutants do not show sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate at concentrations that sensitize a rad54 mutant. However, the rdh54 null mutation enhances the methyl methanesulfonate sensitivity of a rad54 mutant and single rdh54 mutants are sensitive to prolonged exposure at high concentrations of methyl methanesulfonate. The RDH54 gene is required for recombination, but only in a diploid. We present evidence showing that the RDH54 gene is required for interhomologue gene conversion but not intrachromosomal gene conversion. The rdh54 mutation confers diploid-specific lethalities and reduced growth in various mutant backgrounds. These phenotypes are due to attempted recombination. The RDH54 gene is also required for meiosis as homozygous mutant diploids show very poor sporulation and reduced spore viability. The role of the RDH54 gene in mitotic repair and in meiosis and the pathway in which it acts are discussed.  相似文献   

E. Alani  RAG. Reenan    R. D. Kolodner 《Genetics》1994,137(1):19-39
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a set of genes that show strong amino acid sequence similarity to MutS and MutL, proteins required for mismatch repair in Escherichia coli. We examined the role of MSH2 and PMS1, yeast homologs of mutS and mutL, respectively, in the repair of base pair mismatches formed during meiotic recombination. By using specifically marked HIS4 and ARG4 alleles, we showed that msh2 mutants displayed a severe defect in the repair of all base pair mismatches as well as 1-, 2- and 4-bp insertion/deletion mispairs. The msh2 and pms1 phenotypes were indistinguishable, suggesting that the wild-type gene products act in the same repair pathway. A comparison of gene conversion events in wild-type and msh2 mutants indicated that mismatch repair plays an important role in genetic recombination. (1) Tetrad analysis at five different loci revealed that, in msh2 mutants, the majority of aberrant segregants displayed a sectored phenotype, consistent with a failure to repair mismatches created during heteroduplex formation. In wild type, base pair mismatches were almost exclusively repaired toward conversion rather than restoration. (2) In msh2 strains 10-19% of the aberrant tetrads were Ab4:4. (3) Polarity gradients at HIS4 and ARG4 were nearly abolished in msh2 mutants. The frequency of gene conversion at the 3' end of these genes was increased and was nearly the frequency observed at the 5' end. (4) Co-conversion studies were consistent with mismatch repair acting to regulate heteroduplex DNA tract length. We favor a model proposing that recombination events occur through the formation and resolution of heteroduplex intermediates and that mismatch repair proteins specifically interact with recombination enzymes to regulate the length of symmetric heteroduplex DNA.  相似文献   

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