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Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) is central to our understanding of immunoglobulin evolution. It has links to antibodies from the ancestral IgM to the mucosal IgX and IgA, as well as to mammalian serum IgG and IgE. IgY is found in amphibians, birds and reptiles, and as their most abundant serum antibody, is orthologous to mammalian IgG. However, IgY has the same domain architecture as IgM and IgE, lacking a hinge region and comprising four heavy‐chain constant domains. The relationship between IgY and the mucosal antibodies IgX and IgA is discussed herein, in particular the question of how IgA could have contributed to the emergence of IgY. Although IgY does not contain a hinge region, amphibian IgF and duck‐billed platypus IgY/O, which are closely related to IgY, do contain this region, as does mammalian IgG, IgA and IgD. A hinge region must therefore have evolved at least three times independently by convergent evolution. In the absence of three‐dimensional structural information for the complete Fc fragment of chicken IgY (IgY‐Fc), it remains to be discovered whether IgY displays the same conformational properties as IgM and IgE, which exhibit substantial flexibility in their Fc regions. IgY has three characterised Fc receptors, chicken Ig‐like receptor AB1 (CHIR‐AB1), the chicken yolk sac IgY receptor (FcRY) and Gallus gallus Fc receptor (ggFcR). These receptors bind to IgY at sites that are structurally homologous to mammalian counterparts; IgA/FcαRI for CHIR‐AB1, IgG/FcRn for FcRY and IgE/Fc?RI and IgG/FcγR for ggFcR. These resemblances reflect the close evolutionary relationships between IgY and IgA, IgG and IgE. However, the evolutionary distance between birds and mammals allows for the ready generation of IgY antibodies to conserved mammalian proteins for medical and biotechnological applications. Furthermore, the lack of reactivity of IgY with mammalian Fc receptors, and the fact that large quantities of IgY can be made quickly and cheaply in chicken eggs, offers important advantages and considerable potential for IgY in research, diagnostics and therapeutics.  相似文献   

An initial panel of four syngeneic monoclonal antibodies directed against the idiotype of a murine B cell lymphoma was used to treat this tumor in vivo. The antibody in the panel of the IgG2a isotype was more effective in treatment than the other antibodies, which were of the IgG1 and IgG2b isotypes. To independently assess the role of antibody isotype in mediating antitumor effects, switch variant hybridoma families were isolated from the hybridomas secreting the less effective IgG1 and IgG2b antibodies. A family isolated from an IgG1-secreting parent consisted of IgG1-, IgG2b-, and IgG2a-secreting members, and an IgG2a variant was isolated from an IgG2b-secreting parent for another family. Antibody members of each family differed only in heavy chain composition and were the same with respect to their light chains and their affinity and specificity for idiotype. The IgG2a members of both families were superior to the other members in inhibiting tumor growth with an order of effectiveness of IgG2a greater than IgG1 greater than IgG2b. These in vivo results paralleled the abilities of these different isotype antibodies to mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytolysis in vitro. For the IgG2b----IgG2a family, in vivo treatment with the IgG2a member given i.p. after i.p. tumor challenge at one-tenth the dose of the IgG2b member was still superior to the latter. At one-hundredth the dose of the IgG2b, the IgG2a was still superior to the latter when the antibodies were given i.p. and tumors subcutaneously. These data and those showing that the clearance of these antibodies from the serum differed in only a relatively minor way indicate that the IgG2a antibodies in this system had greater antitumor effects primarily by virtue of their greater capacity for host effector interaction.  相似文献   

We previously showed that intramuscular saline DNA immunizations favor the development of an IgG2a-dominant Th1 immune response, whereas gene gun DNA immunizations stimulate the production of an IgG1-dominant Th2 immune response. Several studies have implicated immunostimulatory CpG sequences as the causative factor in the development of Th1 immune responses to saline DNA immunization. To determine whether the Th1 cytokine-inducing properties of CpG sequences in plasmid DNA (pDNA) were responsible for the induction of a Th1 immune response, in vitro methylated and untreated (nonmethylated) hemagglutinin-expressing pDNA were compared for immunogenicity. Methylation abrogated the immunostimulatory activity of pDNA for cultured splenocytes and significantly reduced antigen expression. However, methylation of pDNA was not associated with a change from the induction of IgG2a to IgG1. After immunization with the methylated plasmid, the magnitude of the immune response was reduced. However, the decline in the total antibody response matched the decline in antigen expression. The dose of DNA or the presence of lipopolysaccharide in pDNA likewise did not affect the preferential development of an IgG2a antibody response. Our findings reveal that high levels of CpG sequences are not required for raising IgG2a-predominant, Thl-biased immune responses to intramuscular injections of hemagglutinin-expressing DNA.  相似文献   

Influence of the isotype of the light chain on the properties of IgG.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is widely appreciated that the isotype of the H chain of the Ab molecule influences its functional properties. We have now investigated the contribution of the isotype of the L chain to the structural and functional properties of the Ab molecule. In these studies, the L chain variable region of a murine anti-dansyl Ab was joined to either human kappa or lambda constant region domains and expressed with mouse-human chimeric H chains of the four human IgG isotypes. The resulting Abs were secreted as fully assembled molecules although, as has been previously observed, IgG4 with either kappa or lambda L chains was also secreted as HL half-molecules. However, the isotype of the L chain can influence the kinetics of intracellular assembly with IgG1lambda, IgG2lambda, and IgG4lambda assembling more slowly than their kappa counterparts. The isotype of the L chain also influenced the susceptibility of the interchain disulfide bonds to attack by reducing agents with variable effects, depending on the isotype of the H chains. For IgG2, but not for IgG1, -3, and -4, the isotype of the L chain influenced the rate of clearance in mice, with IgG2lambda having a shorter in vivo half-life than IgG2kappa. Only slight differences were also observed between lambda and kappa molecules in their kinetics of binding to and dissociation from the hapten dansyl. These studies demonstrate that the isotype of the L chain has only a slight impact on the structural and functional properties of variable region identical Abs.  相似文献   

The new antigen receptor (IgNAR) antibodies from sharks are disulphide bonded dimers of two protein chains, each containing one variable and five constant domains. Three types of IgNAR variable domains have been discovered, with Type 3 appearing early in shark development and being overtaken by the antigen-driven affinity-matured Type 1 and 2 response. Here, we have determined the first structure of a naturally occurring Type 2 IgNAR variable domain, and identified the disulphide bond that links and stabilizes the CDR1 and CDR3 loops. This disulphide bridge locks the CDR3 loop in an "upright" conformation in contrast to other shark antibody structures, where a more lateral configuration is observed. Further, we sought to model the Type 3 isotype based on the crystallographic structure reported here. This modeling indicates (1) that internal Type 3-specific residues combine to pack into a compact immunoglobulin core that supports the CDR loop regions, and (2) that despite apparent low-sequence variability, there is sufficient plasticity in the CDR3 loop to form a conformationally diverse antigen-binding surface.  相似文献   

The Fc region of an antibody mediates effector functions such as antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), and plays a key role in the in vivo half-life of an antibody. In designing antibody therapeutics, it is sometimes desirable that the antibody has altered Fc-mediated properties. In the case of a "benign blocker" antibody, it is often desirable to diminish or abolish the ADCC and CDC functions while retaining its PK profile. Here, we report a novel engineered IgG isotype, IgG2m4, with reduced Fc functionality. IgG2m4 is based on the IgG2 isotype with four key amino acid residue changes derived from IgG4 (H268Q, V309L, A330S and P331S). An IgG2m4 antibody has an overall reduction in complement and Fcγ receptor binding in in vitro binding analyses while maintaining the normal in vivo serum half-life in rhesus.  相似文献   

Adenovirus antibody measured by the passive hemagglutination test   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lefkowitz, Stanley S. (Variety Children's Research Foundation, Miami, Fla.), Julia A. Williams, Bernard E. Howard, and M. Michael Sigel. Adenovirus antibody measured by the passive hemagglutination test. J. Bacteriol. 91:205-212. 1966.-Rabbits immunized intravenously with adenovirus type 5 antigen were tested for antibody titers by use of the passive hemagglutination test (PHA). Primary and secondary responses were studied, and the class of antibody was determined by means of density gradient centrifugation and reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol (ME). It was found that the PHA was 10 to 100 times more sensitive than complement-fixation and neutralization tests for the detection of antibodies to adenovirus. The immunological response to primary immunization was dependent on the dose of antigen, with antibody appearing in as early as 3 days. After secondary stimulation with the same antigen, there was a rapid response which appeared to be less dose-dependent. It was found that a heavy 19S antibody sensitive to ME was produced early and was followed by a lighter, presumably 7S, ME-resistant antibody. Upon secondary stimulation, both 7S and 19S antibody increased to levels greater than those of the primary injection.  相似文献   

Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an autoimmune disease mediated by CD4+ T cells. Prior studies have established that monoclonal anti-CD4 antibodies can reverse EAE. To determine whether immunoglobulin isotype plays a role in the therapy of EAE with anti-CD4 antibody, an isotype switch variant family of the mouse IgG1 anti-rat CD4 antibody W3/25 was isolated with the fluorescence-activated cell sorter. The IgG1, IgG2b, and IgG2a W3/25 isotype variants all had identical binding capacities for rat CD4+ T cells. Although all three W3/25 isotypes showed some beneficial effects in the amelioration of EAE, the IgG1 and IgG2a W3/25 antibodies were superior to the IgG2b W3/25 in the treatment of EAE. Multiparameter fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis of T cell subpopulations from treated rats showed that none of the antibodies of the W3/25 isotype switch variant family substantially depleted CD4+ target cells in vivo. These experiments demonstrate that immunoglobulin isotype is important in the monoclonal antibody therapy of autoimmune disease. They indicate that therapy of EAE may be successful without a major depletion of CD4+ lymphocytes. Immunotherapy may be optimized by selecting an appropriate isotype of a monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to estimate genetic parameters for natural antibody isotypes immunoglobulin (Ig) A, IgG1 and IgM titers binding the bacterial antigens lipopolysaccharide, peptidoglycan and the model antigen keyhole limpet hemocyanin in Dutch Holstein‐Friesian cows (= 1695). Further, this study included total natural antibody titers binding the antigens mentioned above, making no isotype distinction, as well as total natural antibody titers and natural antibody isotypes IgA, IgG1 and IgM binding lipoteichoic acid. The study showed that natural antibody isotype titers are heritable, ranging from 0.06 to 0.55, and that these heritabilities were generally higher than heritabilities for total natural antibody titers. Genetic correlations, the combinations of total natural antibody titers and natural antibody isotype titers, were nearly all positive and ranged from ?0.23 to 0.99. Strong genetic correlations were found between IgA and IgM. Genetic correlations were substantially weaker when they involved an IgG1 titer, indicating that IgA and IgM have a common genetic basis, but that the genetic basis for IgG1 differs from that for IgA or IgM. Results from this study indicate that natural antibody isotype titers show the potential for effective genetic selection. Further, natural antibody isotypes may provide a better characterization of different elements of the immune response or immune competence. As such, natural antibody isotypes may enable more effective decisions when breeding programs start to include innate immune parameters.  相似文献   

Influence of passive changes of lung volume on upper airways   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The total upper airway resistances are modified during active changes in lung volume. We studied nine normal subjects to assess the influence of passive thoracopulmonary inflation and deflation on nasal and pharyngeal resistances. With the subjects lying in an iron lung, lung volumes were changed by application of an extrathoracic pressure (Pet) from 0 to 20 (+Pet) or -20 cmH2O (-Pet) in 5-cmH2O steps. Upper airway pressures were measured with two low-bias flow catheters, one at the tip of the epiglottis and the other in the posterior nasopharynx. Breath-by-breath resistance measurements were made at an inspiratory flow rate of 300 ml/s at each Pet step. Total upper airway, nasal, and pharyngeal resistances increased with +Pet [i.e., nasal resistance = 139.6 +/- 14.4% (SE) of base-line and pharyngeal resistances = 189.7 +/- 21.1% at 10 cmH2O of +Pet]. During -Pet there were no significant changes in nasal resistance, whereas pharyngeal resistance decreased significantly (pharyngeal resistance = 73.4 +/- 7.4% at -10 cmH2O). We conclude that upper airway resistance, particularly the pharyngeal resistance, is influenced by passive changes in lung volumes, especially pulmonary deflation.  相似文献   

Analysis of the antibody repertoire of lymphoma patients   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cancer testis or cancer germline antigens (CGA) are promising vaccine candidates because they are expressed only in malignant but not in normal tissues, except for germ cells in the testis. Since non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) express the known CGA at low frequencies, we aimed at increasing the number of CGA with frequent expression in NHL by screening a cDNA expression library derived from normal testis for reactivity with high-titered IgG antibodies in the sera of lymphoma patients using SEREX, the serological identification of antigens by recombinant cDNA expression cloning. The analysis of 1.6x10(6) clones with the sera of 25 lymphoma patients revealed 42 clones which coded for 23 antigens, 12 of which had already been included in the SEREX databank. Four cDNA clones coded for unknown and 19 for known genes. Three antigens reacted only with the serum by which they had been detected, 9 antigens reacted with the sera of several NHL patients, but not with that of healthy controls, and 11 antigens reacted with both normal and NHL sera. Most of the antigens were ubiquitously expressed. Only HOM-NHL-6, HOM-NHL-8, HOM-NHL-21 and HOM-NHL-23 showed a restricted expression pattern. HOM-NHL-6 and HOM-NHL-8 were homologous to the previously described CGA NY-ESO-1 and HOM-TES-14/SCP-1, respectively. HOM-NHL-21 was expressed in rare cases of lymphomas, but not in normal tissues except for testis and brain, while HOM-NHL-23 appeared to be a testis-specific antigen. In summary, using the antibody repertoire of these 25 NHL patients, no new CGA were detected. The number of CGA detectable by the classical SEREX approach appears to be limited, and novel strategies are necessary to identify antigens that can serve as a vaccine target in a broad spectrum of NHL patients.  相似文献   

The direct splenic anti-sheep erythrocyte (anti-SRBC) responses as well as the serum IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 anti-SRBC responses of CBA/CaJ mice were monitored 4-35 days after immunization with: (1) a suboptimal dose of SRBC, (2) a suboptimal dose of SRBC plus monoclonal IgM anti-SRBC, or (3) a high dose of SRBC. The direct plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses of mice in treatment group 2 were significantly higher than those in group 1 but similar to the responses in group 3. The serum anti-SRBC antibody responses of all IgG subclasses were significantly enhanced by IgM anti-SRBC and were generally even higher than the responses obtained with high doses of SRBC. The relative proportions of each serum IgG subclass were similar in all three groups. These data suggest that the enhancement of suboptimal anti-SRBC antibody responses by IgM anti-SRBC extends through IgM and all of the IgG subclasses and, further, that the isotype profile in antibody-enhanced responses is similar to that obtained with high doses of SRBC.  相似文献   

Mammalian brain tubulin consists of several isotypes of alpha and beta subunits that separate on polyacrylamide gels into three electrophoretic classes, designated alpha, beta 1, and beta 2. It has not been possible hitherto to resolve the different isotypes in a functional form. To this end, we have now isolated a monoclonal antibody, using as an immunogen a chemically synthesized peptide corresponding to the carboxyl-terminal sequence of the major tubulin isotype (type II) found in the beta 1-tubulin electrophoretic fraction. The antibody binds to beta 1 but not to alpha or beta 2. When pure tubulin from bovine brain is passed through an immunoaffinity column made from the anti-type II antibody, the tubulin that elutes in the unbound fraction is enriched greatly for the beta 2 electrophoretic variant. The tubulin that binds to the column appears to contain only alpha and beta 1, not beta 2. When these tubulin fractions are characterized by immunoblotting using the anti-type II antibody, the antibody binds only to the beta 1 band in the bound fraction, not to the beta 1 band in the unbound fraction. Using polyclonal antibodies generated against the carboxyl-termini of types I, III, and IV, we demonstrate that the beta 1 electrophoretic species is comprised of isotypes I, II, and IV, whereas the beta 2 variant is comprised exclusively of type III beta-tubulin. Further, we calculate that beta-tubulin in purified bovine brain tubulin is comprised of 3% type I, 58% type II, 25% type III, and 13% type IV tubulins.  相似文献   

To examine the influence of muscle glycogen on the thermal responses to passive rewarming subsequent to mild hypothermia, eight subjects completed two cold-water immersions (18 degrees C), followed by 75 min of passive rewarming (24 degrees C air, resting in blanket). The experiments followed several days of different exercise-diet regimens eliciting either low (LMG; 141.0 +/- 10.5 mmol.kg.dry wt-1) or normal (NMG; 526.2 +/- 44.2 mmol.kg.dry wt-1) prewarming muscle glycogen levels. Cold-water immersion was performed for 180 min or to a rectal temperature (Tre) of 35.5 degrees C. In four subjects (group A, body fat = 20 +/- 1%), postimmersion Tre was similar to preimmersion Tre for both trials (36.73 +/- 0.18 vs. 37.26 +/- 0.18 degrees C, respectively). Passive rewarming in group A resulted in an increase in Tre of only 0.13 +/- 0.08 degrees C. Conversely, initial rewarming Tre for the other four subjects (group B, body fat = 12 +/- 1%) averaged 35.50 +/- 0.05 degrees C for both trials. Rewarming increased Tre similarly in group B during both LMG (0.76 +/- 0.25 degrees C) and NMG (0.89 +/- 0.13 degrees C). Afterdrop responses, evident only in those individuals whose body core cooled during immersion (group B), were not different between LMG and NMG. These data support the contention that Tre responses during passive rewarming are related to body insulation. Furthermore these results indicate that low muscle glycogen levels do not impair rewarming time nor alter after-drop responses during passive rewarming after mild-to-moderate hypothermia.  相似文献   

 This report summarizes our experimental data concerning the use of bispecific antibodies (bsAb) for the treatment of the murine BCL1 B cell lymphoma model. Initially we used a hybrid-hybridoma-derived bsAb with specificity for the TcR/CD3 complex on T cells and the idiotype of the membrane-bound IgM on the tumor cells. The bsAb used as a single agent could cure animals with a low tumor load (resembling minimal residual disease). However, in experiments aimed at increasing the therapeutic effect in animals with a higher tumor burden, we could demonstrate the importance of additional T-cell-costimulatory signals and the careful timing of the bsAb administration. Recently we have generated a bispecific single-chain Fv (bsscFv) fusion protein with the same dual specificity as the hybrid-hybridoma-derived bsAb. Immunotherapy with this smaller molecule also resulted in tumor elimination in BCL1-bearing mice. A second bsscFv (α-CDl9×α-CD3) with a broader applicability is now being characterized and tested in vivo. Accepted: 14 October 1997  相似文献   

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