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Alfvén waves in a dipole magnetosphere with a rotating plasma are studied theoretically. The plasma-motion-related properties of azimuthally small-scale standing Alfvén waves having nearly poloidal or nearly toroidal polarization are analyzed. Equations are obtained that describe the longitudinal (along the magnetic field) structure and spectra of the waves having such polarizations. The equations obtained are then solved both analytically (in the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation) and numerically. Attention is focused on the polarization splitting of the spectrum—the difference between the eigenfrequencies of the toroidally and poloidally polarized Alfvén waves. The distribution of this difference in a direction across the magnetic shells is analyzed. It is shown that, unlike in the models in which the plasma is assumed to be at rest, taking into account rotation of the magnetosphere plasma results in an additional splitting of the spectrum of the poloidal Alfvén waves due to the difference in their azimuthal mode numbers.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the processes in edge plasma that accompany the transition to an improved confinement regime during lower hybrid heating in the FT-2 tokamak are presented. The poloidal and radial distributions of the plasma parameters and drift particle fluxes were measured with the use of mobile mulitielectrode Langmuir probes and were found to be substantially nonuniform in the poloidal direction. The evolution of the plasma parameters in the course of heating and during an L-H transition is investigated. It is shown that, in FT-2 experiments, the drift of plasma particles in a slowly varying (quasi-steady) electric field and the fluctuation-induced particle fluxes make comparable contributions to the radial particle transport, whereas the contribution of fluctuations to poloidal plasma fluxes is negligibly small. The effective coefficient of radial diffusion is determined. The measurement results show that the L-H transition is accompanied by a substantial decrease in this coefficient.  相似文献   

The propagation and damping of waves excited by a poloidal antenna in a hydrogen plasma at the ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) frequency were investigated. The longitudinal wavenumber and damping length of waves excited in the ohmically heated plasma of the L-2M stellarator, the dependence of the damping length of fast magnetosonic waves on the magnetic field strength, and the dependence of the antenna load resistance on the plasma density were measured. It is the first time that such complex measurements were performed in experiments on ICR heating of a hydrogen plasma at the fundamental harmonic of the ion gyrofrequency in toroidal magnetic confinement systems.  相似文献   

The propagation of Alfvén waves in a plasma immersed in a curvilinear magnetic field is investigated by using a 2D model. The waves are described by a 1D equation that formally coincides with the equation for the case of a quasi-uniform straight magnetic field with a modified Alfvén velocity that takes into account the longitudinal dependence of the Lame coefficients. It is shown that toroidal and poloidal Alfvén modes depend differently on the magnetic-field geometry. In the case of a 2D plane-parallel configuration of the magnetic field, poloidal modes are efficiently reflected from regions where the magnetic field lines sharply converge or diverge. This effect can result in the formation of open-field-line Alfvén quasi-resonators.  相似文献   

The effect of plasma density variations along ion drift trajectories on the ion velocity distribution function at a given point on a tokamak magnetic surface is studied. The observed distortion of the distribution function can be interpreted as a poloidal (or toroidal) plasma rotation that is additional to the neoclassical rotation. Due to this additional rotation, the velocity of the toroidal plasma rotation is different on the low-and high-field sides of the same magnetic surface. In the case of large ion density gradients, the poloidal rotation velocity on the same magnetic surface can have different signs at different poloidal angles.  相似文献   

The so-called reduced magnetohydrodynamics, which deals with the motion of incompressible fluids and is usually applied to describe plasma flows in a strong toroidal magnetic field, has a number of drawbacks and, in some cases, fails to produce correct results. The equations proposed here are simpler than the original MHD equations and are free of these drawbacks. These equations, like reduced MHD equations, make it possible to remove from consideration fast magnetosonic waves and to introduce the vector potential for the poloidal magnetic field. However, our equations differ from the reduced MHD equations in that they completely incorporate slow magnetosonic waves, the specific features of the toroidal geometry, and the effects of the toroidal velocity.  相似文献   

Conditions for efficient ion heating in the interaction of lower hybrid waves with plasma are experimentally determined. Experiments show that efficient lower hybrid heating stimulates a transition to the improved confinement mode. The formation of internal and external transport barriers is associated with strong central ion heating, which results in a change of the radial electric field E r and an increase in the shear of the poloidal plasma velocity. The improved confinement mode in the central region of the discharge is attained under the combined action of lower hybrid heating and an additional rapid increase in the plasma current. A new mechanism for the generation of an additional field E r is proposed to explain the formation of a transport barrier.  相似文献   

A possible way to affect the influxes of heavy impurities into the plasma of a stellarator with poloidal slits in the vacuum wall (e.g., the W7-AS stellarator) by RF heating of the impurities is discussed. It is shown that the influxes can be reversed in direction by applying a relatively low RF power. The design features of the W7-AS stellarator are such that there is no need to place additional antennas inside the vacuum chamber.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the major disruption of plasma discharges in the Globus-M spherical tokamak are analyzed. The process of current quench is accompanied by the loss of the vertical stability of the plasma column. The plasma boundary during the disruption is reconstructed using the algorithm of movable filaments. The plasma current decay is preceded by thermal quench, during which the profiles of the temperature and electron density were measured. The data on the time of disruption, the plasma current quench rate, and the toroidal current induced in the tokamak vessel are compared for hydrogen and deuterium plasmas. It is shown that the disruption characteristics depend weakly on the ion mass and the current induced in the vessel increases with the disruption time. The decay rate of the plasma toroidal magnetic flux during the disruption is determined using diamagnetic measurements. Such a decay is a source of the poloidal current induced in the vessel; it may also cause poloidal halo currents.  相似文献   

The properties of solitary Alfvén waves are studied for different ratios between the thermal plasma pressure and the magnetic pressure. It is shown that the wave propagation is accompanied by the generation of a nonlinear ion current along the magnetic field, the contribution of which to the Sagdeev potential was previously ignored. An expression for the quasi-potential of Alfvén waves with allowance for this effect is derived. It is found that Alfvén waves are compression waves in the inertial limit, whereas kinetic Alfvén waves are rarefaction waves. In a high-pressure plasma, a solitary wave has the form of either a well or a hump in the plasma density, depending on the relations between the Mach number, angle between the wave propagation direction and the magnetic field, and the value of the plasma beta.  相似文献   

The propagation of MHD plasma waves in a sheared magnetic field is investigated. The problem is solved using a simplified model: a cold plasma is inhomogeneous in one direction, and the magnetic field lines are straight. The waves are assumed to travel in the plane perpendicular to the radial coordinate (i.e., the coordinate along which the plasma and magnetic field are inhomogeneous). It is shown that the character of the singularity at the resonance surface is the same as that in a homogeneous magnetic field. It is found that the shear gives rise to the transverse dispersion of Alfvén waves, i.e., the dependence of the radial component of the wave vector on the wave frequency. In the presence of shear, Alfvén waves are found to propagate across magnetic surfaces. In this case, the transparent region is bounded by two turning points, at one of which, the radial component of the wave vector approaches infinity and, at the other one, it vanishes. At the turning point for magnetosonic waves, the electric and magnetic fields are finite; however, the radial component of the wave vector approaches infinity, rather than vanishes as in the case with a homogeneous field.  相似文献   

The existing theory of quasi-stationary plasma turbulence presumes that the growth rate of plasma waves is zero. In this paper, it is proposed to determine the spectrum of such waves by using the concept of undamped Vlasov waves. The results concerning the ion-acoustic velocity in the framework of this concept are presented for two models of ion-acoustic turbulence. It is shown that the use of the spectral properties of undamped ion-acoustic waves removes the uncertainty in estimating the time and efficiency of strong turbulent plasma heating.  相似文献   

A method for analyzing the characteristics of turbulence responsible for radial heat transport is proposed. The method is based on the previously proposed hypotheses (to a great extent, confirmed experimentally) concerning the consistency of normalized pressure profiles in tokamak plasmas and the mechanism of internal transport barrier formation. Using the proposed approach, it is shown that, under an external action on the plasma, when the plasma heat flux onto the wall grows, the spectrum of turbulent modes broadens due to the excitation of modes with lower poloidal numbers m. Thus, in contrast to the conventional diffusion approach, the transport coefficient depends on the flux intensity. A mechanism of formation of internal transport barriers is proposed.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic wave scattering due to excitation of surface plasmons from a metallic rod with dielectric layer embedded in the long plasma column is investigated. In the first part, for short-wavelength waves by investigating the variations of surface polarized charge density on the boundaries, the resonance frequencies and the effective factors on it such as the geometrical dimensions, the radius of the metal, the dielectric thickness, and the plasma radius will be analyzed. In the second part, for presenting an exact analysis and categorizing types of resonant frequency to the dominant resonant frequency and subsidiary resonant frequency of the plasmons, the scattering of long-wavelength waves from the mentioned object will be reviewed. In both cases, the backscattering cross section which is a scale of the scattered power in the direction of incident will be presented.  相似文献   

The dispersion law and collisionless damping rate of quasi-potential waves in the plasma formed upon tunnel ionization of gas atoms in the field of a short pulse of circularly or linearly polarized radiation are found. It is shown how the frequency and damping rate of quasi-potential waves depend on the wave propagation direction relative to the symmetry axis of the photoelectron distribution. It is established that, in plasma with a toroidal photoelectron velocity distribution, weakly damped waves with a linear dispersion law and frequency above the electron plasma frequency can propagate in a wide range of angles. In the case of a bi-Maxwellian photoelectron distribution, the frequency of weakly damped waves is comparable with the electron plasma frequency and the anisotropy of electron motion manifests itself in relatively small corrections to the dispersion law.  相似文献   

Turbulent dynamics of the edge plasma in the T-10 tokamak is simulated numerically by solving nonlinear MHD equations in the framework of the four-field {?, n, p e , p i } reduced two-fluid Braginskii hydro-dynamics. It is shown that the transition from ohmic to electron-cyclotron heating is accompanied by a decrease in the amplitudes of turbulent fluctuations in plasma. This is caused by the enhancement of longitudinal dissipation due to the increase in the electron temperature. However, phase relations between potential fluctuations of different modes change in such a way that the Reynolds turbulent force increases, which leads to an increase in the poloidal velocity in the direction of ion diamagnetic drift. Since the poloidal and ion diamagnetic drift velocities enter into the equation of the radial force balance for ions with different signs, the radial electric field decreases. The simulation results agree qualitatively with the results of experiments in the T-10 tokamak. The dependence of the radial electric field on the plasma density, ion pressure, and neutral density is also calculated.  相似文献   

The minimal sufficient set of plasma parameters is presented to describe the dispersion properties of electron whistler waves (helicons) in a wide frequency range above the ion cutoff frequency, provided that the wave frequency is significantly lower than the electron plasma frequency. When the gyrofrequency of the lightest ions is much higher than those of heavier ions, it is sufficient to know the relative content of the lightest ions, the highest ion cutoff frequency, the lower hybrid resonance frequency, and the electron gyro- and plasma frequencies. In this case, the frequency of electron whistler waves is determined by the upper root of the biquadratic equation derived, whereas the lower root corresponds to a resonant mode with its refractive index increasing when the frequency tends toward the highest ion gyrofrequency from below. The developed approach is also efficient in plasmas containing a substantial amount of negative ions and/or heavy dust particulates. The accuracy of the approximate solution of the total cold plasma dispersion relation is illustrated graphically.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional numerical simulations of the magnetic reconnection of two parallel force-free current loops are carried out using a high-resolution MHD code in which an artificial wind scheme is employed. Two typical cases (namely, co-helicity and counter-helicity reconnection) are investigated. The simulation results show that co-helicity reconnection involves only the reconnection of the poloidal component of the magnetic field, while counter-helicity reconnection involves the reconnection of both the poloidal and axial components of the magnetic field. Therefore, counter-helicity reconnection is much more complicated and violent as compared to co-helicity reconnection. In both cases, jetlike flows are generated. Counter-helicity reconnection is accompanied by oscillations of both the axial magnetic field and the axial component of the velocity. Due to these oscillations, quasi-steady models of a current sheet appear to be inapplicable, because the current sheet structure also changes. The complicated and unsteady structure of the current distribution shows that magnetic reconnection occurs not only in the central sheet between two loops in the earlier stage of the process, but also inside each loop in later stages. Rather complicated flows and waves with fine structures are also generated during reconnection. Some of the waves appear to be shock waves.  相似文献   

The effect of variations in the key parameter of short-wavelength turbulence—the ion-acoustic Larmor radius ρ s , which determines the position of the maximum of the drift instability growth rate over poloidal wavenumbers—was studied experimentally at the FT-2 tokamak. For this purpose, helium was injected to hydrogen plasma, which resulted in a change in the electron temperature at the plasma edge. The universality of the exponential shape of the turbulence spectra over radial wavenumbers q and a substantial excess of the characteristic turbulence scale L over the ion-acoustic Larmor radius was confirmed with the help of correlative diagnostics of enhanced scattering. This excess at the discharge periphery reaches a value of 3–5 at a low electron temperature, apparently, due to an increase in the dissipation of drift waves upon their cascade transfer toward short scale-lengths.  相似文献   

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