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Purified lentil seedling amino oxidase (LSAO) is homogeneous in the analytical ultracentrifuge, but shows heterogeneity in gel-filtration HPLC and in PAGE. Two components were obtained from HPLC and PAGE, but at least 6-7 subforms were seen by electrofocusing techniques. The chromatographic and electrophoretic forms are not interconvertible, indicating the presence of covalent differences. The electrophoretic pattern, but not the chromatographic pattern, is modified by treating the enzyme with a pool of glycohydrolases. The copper-free enzyme shows the same type of heterogeneity as the native enzyme, this ruling out the possibility that some subforms were due to the presence of apoenzyme.  相似文献   

The relationships between the structural and energetic domains of lentil seedling amine oxidase (LSAO) were investigated using modifiers that target the active site and the carbohydrate moiety of the enzyme. An irreversible inhibitor, aminoguanidine, specifically modified the active site of the lentil enzyme, whereas sodium metaperiodate cleaves carbohydrate moieties covalently bound to the native enzyme. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were made on the modified LSAOs. Deconvolution of the reversible thermal DSC profiles of the modified enzyme gave three subpeaks (energetic domains), each of which was assigned to one of the three structural domains of the native protein. Our results led us to conclude that deglycosylation of LSAO has no effect on thermal stability, whereas binding of the inhibitor imparts more stability to the enzyme.  相似文献   

The reaction between lentil (Lens culinaris) seedling amine oxidase and its chromogenic substrate, p-dimethylaminomethylbenzylamine, has been studied by the stopped-flow technique. Upon being mixed with substrate in the absence of oxygen, the enzyme is bleached in a complex kinetic process. A yellow intermediate absorbing at 464 nm and the first product (aldehyde) are formed in subsequent steps. When oxygenated buffer is mixed with substrate-reduced amine oxidase, the 496 nm absorption of the oxidized enzyme is very rapidly restored in a second-order process (k = 2.5 X 10(7) M-1 X S-1). This reaction is appreciable even at very low oxygen concentration, in keeping with the fairly low Km for O2 measured by steady-state kinetics.  相似文献   

The electrochemical behavior of redox centers in the active site of amine oxidases from lentil seedlings and Euphorbia characias latex was investigated using a mercury film electrode. Tyrosine-derived 6-hydroxydopa quinone (TPQ) and copper ions in the active site are redox centers of these amine oxidases. The enzymes undergo two reduction processes at negative potentials related to the reduction of the TPQ cofactor to the corresponding hydroquinones and the reduction of copper ions, (Cu(II)-->Cu(I)). Copper depleted enzymes, prepared by reduction with dithionite followed by dialysis against cyanide, undergo only one reduction process. Nyquist diagrams, recorded at potentials corresponding to the reduction of cofactors as dc-offset, represent charge transfer impedance followed by a Warburg-type line at low frequencies, indicating the occurrence of a diffusion controlled process in the rate-limiting step of the reduction process.  相似文献   


Copper amine oxidase was shown to be able to catalyse the oxidative deamination of 2-, 3- and 4-Br-derivatives of benzylamine to the corresponding aldehydes, that all absorb at 250 nm. This change in the absorption spectrum made it possible to follow the enzyme reaction. 2-Br-benzylamine, 3-Br-benzylamine, and 4-Br-benzylamine showed Km values similar to benzylamine, but 3-Br-benzylamine showed a slower kc, which allows it to be a catalytically more efficient substrate. Under anaerobic conditions the native enzyme oxidised 1 equivalent of all Br-derivatives and released 1 equivalent of aldehyde per enzyme subunit. These findings demonstrate that, in anaerobic conditions, the enzyme can oxidise substrates with a single incomplete turnover. The possible involvement of the cofactor 6-hydroxydopa quinone and of a negatively charged residue in the oxidation of Br-benzylamines is discussed.  相似文献   

The oxidation of L-ornithine and L-arginine catalyzed by lentil (Lens esculenta) seedling copper-amine oxidase has been investigated by polarographic techniques, optical spectroscopy, and capillary electrophoresis. Both L-ornithine and L-arginine were found to be poor substrates for lentil amine oxidase. L-Ornithine was oxidized to glutamate-5-semialdehyde and ammonia, in similar manner as usual substrates. Glutamate-5-semialdehyde spontaneously cyclizes to 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid. Arginine is oxidized by an unusual mechanism yielding glutamate-5-semialdehyde, ammonia, and urea as reaction products.  相似文献   

Spermine is a substrate of lentil (Lens culinaris) seedling amine oxidase and the oxidation products are reversible inactivators of the enzyme. The spermine is oxidized at the terminal amino groups to a dialdehyde: 2 moles of hydrogen peroxide and 2 moles of ammonia per mole of spermine are formed. The pH optimum of the enzyme with spermine is 7.9 in TI-HCI buffer; the Km value is 4.4·10−4 molar, similar to that found with other substrates (putrescine and spermidine).  相似文献   

 The reaction with substrates and carbonyl reagents of native lentil Cu-amine oxidase and its modified forms, i.e. Cu-fully-depleted, Cu-half-reconstituted, Cu-fully-reconstituted, Co-substituted, Ni-substituted and Zn-substituted, has been studied. Upon removal of only one of the two Cu ions, the enzyme loses 50% of its enzymatic activity. Using several substrates, Co-substituted lentil amine oxidase is shown to be active but the k c value is different from that of native or Cu-fully-reconstituted enzyme, while K m is similar. On the other hand, the Ni- and Zn-substituted forms are catalytically inactive. Enzymatic activity measurements and optical spectroscopy show that only in the Co-substituted enzyme is the organic cofactor 6-hydroxydopa quinone reactive and the enzyme catalytically competent, although less efficient. The Co-substituted amine oxidase does not form the semiquinone radical as an intermediate of the catalytic reaction. While devoid or reduced of catalytic activity, all the enzyme preparations are still able to oxidise two moles of substrate and to release two moles of aldehyde per mole of dimeric enzyme. The results obtained show that although Co-substituted amine oxidase is catalytically competent, copper is essential for the catalytic mechanism. Received: 5 March 1999 / Accepted: 22 July 1999  相似文献   

The effect of guanidinium compounds on the catalytic mechanism of pig kidney and lentil seedling amine oxidases has been investigated by polarographic techniques and spectroscopy. Guanidine does not inhibit the lentil enzyme and is a weak inhibitor for pig kidney amine oxidase (Ki=1 mM), whereas aminoguanidine is an irreversible inhibitor of both enzymes, with a Ki value of 10(-6) M. 1,4-Diguanidino butane (arcaine) is a competitive inhibitor for both pig and lentil amine oxidases. Amiloride is a competitive inhibitor for pig enzyme, but upon prolonged incubation with this drug the enzyme gradually loses its activity in an irreversible manner.  相似文献   

Stoichiometry of phenylhydrazine inactivation of pig plasma amine oxidase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M C Falk 《Biochemistry》1983,22(16):3740-3745
Pig plasma amine oxidase is irreversibly inactivated by phenylhydrazine. The stoichiometry of this inactivation was determined by monitoring the loss of catalytic activity, the formation of a new visible spectral band, changes in the circular dichroic spectrum and by equilibrium binding studies. In all cases, only 1 mol of phenylhydrazine reacted with the dimeric pig plasma amine oxidase; further additions of phenylhydrazine had no effect. Pretreatment of the enzyme with phenylhydrazine inhibited the binding of amine substrate. The phenylhydrazine-enzyme complex was found to be stable under various experimental conditions for at least 72 h. Circular dichroic spectra revealed the conformation of the phenylhydrazine-treated enzyme to be altered in the region around prosthetic groups and indicated some changes about the aromatic amino acids. No major conformational changes were detected by this technique. Isoelectric focusing experiments exposed no differences in the band pattern or isoelectric point between the untreated and phenylhydrazine-treated enzymes.  相似文献   

The kinetics of reaction between lentil seedlings amine oxidase and two amine substrates, namely putrescine and dimethylaminomethylbenzylamine, have been studied by rapid mixing with diode array detection. In this way several wavelengths can be monitored at once allowing the simultaneous measurement of enzyme bleaching and formation of a yellow radical intermediate. The two substrates are oxidized at rates that differ by one order of magnitude in favor of putrescine. Of the individual five rate constants measured and/or calculated from the experimental ones, k2 alone, the monomolecular transformation of ES to EP accounts for this difference. The reoxidation step is instead not rate limiting and identical for the two substrates.  相似文献   

The cDNA coding for copper amine oxidase has been cloned from etiolated pea seedlings (Pisum sativum). The deduced amino acid sequence, consisting of 674 residues including the signal peptide, agreed well with those reported for the enzymes from a different cultivar of P. sativum and other plant sources, except for several evolutionary replacements located mostly on the molecular surface. A heterologous expression system for the cloned pea enzyme was constructed with the yeast Pichia pastoris, using the AOX1 promoter and the yeast alpha-factor secretion signal. Adding copper to the culture medium increased the secretion of an active, quinone-containing enzyme. Furthermore, the inactive enzyme produced in a copper-deficient medium was activated considerably by subsequent incubation with excess cupric ions. These results strongly suggest that the Tyr-derived redox cofactor, 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanylquinone (topa quinone, TPQ), is produced in the plant enzyme by post-translational modification that proceeds through the copper-dependent, self-processing mechanism, as in the enzymes from bacteria and yeast.  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedling amine oxidase (EC is the first amine oxidase to be crystallized that diffracts to atomic resolution (2.5 A). Extensive modifications of a published purification procedure were necessary to obtain protein that would give diffraction-quality crystals. Here we report the improved purification and also use this high-purity protein to reexamine some fundamental characteristics of pea seedling amine oxidase. The extinction coefficient at 280 nm (epsilon 1%(280)) and the molecular mass of the protein are investigated by a variety of techniques, yielding epsilon 1%(280) = 20 cm-1 and a mass 150 +/- 6 kD. In addition, the stoichiometry of the metal and organic cofactors, Cu(II) and 6-hydroxy dopa (Topa) quinone, respectively, is examined. The ratio of Cu(II):Topa:protein monomer is found to be 1:1:1.  相似文献   

Cysteamine (1) was reported many years ago to reversibly inhibit lentil seedling amine oxidase, through the formation of a complex with thioacetaldehyde, the turnover product of 1. Herein, cysteamine (1) and its analogs 2-(methylamino)ethanethiol (3) and 3-aminopropanethiol (6) were found to be reversible inhibitors of bovine plasma amine oxidase (BPAO), but 2-(methylthio)ethylamine (7) was determined to be a weak irreversible inhibitor of BPAO. Based on our results, indicating the necessity of a sulfhydryl-amine for reversible inactivation of BPAO, the failure of inhibited BPAO to recover activity after gel filtration, the first-order kinetics of activity recovery upon dialysis, and 2,4,6-trihydroxyphenylalanine quinine (TPQ) cofactor transformation which indicated from the results of phenylhydrazine titration and substrate protection, we propose a mechanism for the reversible inactivation of BPAO by 1 involving the formation of a cofactor adduct, thiazolidine, between BPAO and 1.  相似文献   

Copper amine oxidase from lentil (Lens esculenta) seedlings was shown to catalyze the oxidative deamination of tyramine and three similar aromatic monoamines, benzylamine, phenylethylamine and 4-methoxyphenylethylamine. Tyramine, an important plant intermediate, was found to be both a substrate and an irreversible inhibitor of the enzyme whereas the other amines were not inhibitory. In the course of tyramine oxidation the enzyme gradually became inactivated with the concomitant appearance of a new absorption at 560 nm due to the formation of a stable adduct. Inactivation took place only in the presence of oxygen and was probably due to the reaction of the enzyme with the oxidation product of tyramine, p-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde. The kinetic data obtained in this study indicate that tyramine represents a new interesting type of physiological mechanism-based inhibitor for plant copper amine oxidases.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of Euphorbia latex amine oxidase (ELAO) has been studied by enzymatic activity, circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetry. Thermal denaturation of ELAO is shown to be an irreversible process. Checking the validity of two-state it really describes satisfactorily the thermal denaturation of ELAO. Based on this model we obtain the activation energy, parameter T(*) (the absolute temperature at which the rate constant of denaturation is equal to 1 min(-1)), and total enthalpy of ELAO denaturation. HPLC experiments show that the thermal denatured enzyme conserves its dimeric state. The N(2)-->kD(2) model for thermal denaturation of ELAO is proposed: where N(2) and D(2) are the native and denatured dimer, respectively.  相似文献   

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