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Although the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) plays an important role in the modulation of alveolar liquid clearance, the precise mechanism of its regulation in alveolar epithelial cells is still under investigation. Protein kinase C (PKC) has been shown to alter ENaC expression and activity in renal epithelial cells, but much less is known about its role in alveolar epithelial cells. The objective of this study was to determine whether PKC activation modulates ENaC expression and transepithelial Na+ transport in cultured rat alveolar epithelial cells. Alveolar type II cells were isolated and cultured for 3 to 4 d before they were stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA 100 nmol/L) for 4 to 24 h. PMA treatment significantly decreased alpha, beta, and gammaENaC expression in a time-dependent manner, whereas an inactive form of phorbol ester had no apparent effect. This inhibitory action was seen with only 5-min exposure to PMA, which suggested that PKC activation was very important for the reduction of alphaENaC expression. The PKC inhibitors bisindolylmaleimide at 2 micromol/L and G?6976 at 2 micromol/L diminished the PMA-induced suppression of alphaENaC expression, while rottlerin at 1 micromol/L had no effect. PMA elicited a decrease in total and amiloride-sensitive current across alveolar epithelial cell monolayers. This decline in amiloride-sensitive current was not blocked by PKC inhibitors except for a partial inhibition with bisindolylmaleimide. PMA induced a decrease in rubidium uptake, indicating potential Na+-K+-ATPase inhibition. However, since ouabain-sensitive current in apically permeabilized epithelial cells was similar in PMA-treated and control cells, the inhibition was most probably related to reduced Na+ entry at the apical surface of the cells. We conclude that PKC activation modulates ENaC expression and probably ENaC activity in alveolar epithelial cells. Ca2+-dependent PKC is potentially involved in this response.  相似文献   

Tight junction proteins in the claudin family regulate epithelial barrier function. We examined claudin expression by human fetal lung (HFL) alveolar epithelial cells cultured in medium containing dexamethasone, 8-bromo-cAMP, and isobutylmethylxanthanine (DCI), which promotes alveolar epithelial cell differentiation to a type II phenotype. At the protein level, HFL cells expressed claudin-1, claudin-3, claudin-4, claudin-5, claudin-7, and claudin-18, where levels of expression varied with culture conditions. DCI-treated differentiated HFL cells cultured on permeable supports formed tight transepithelial barriers, with transepithelial resistance (TER) >1,700 ohm/cm(2). In contrast, HFL cells cultured in control medium without DCI did not form tight barriers (TER <250 ohm/cm(2)). Consistent with this difference in barrier function, claudins expressed by HFL cells cultured in DCI medium were tightly localized to the plasma membrane; however, claudins expressed by HFL cells cultured in control medium accumulated in an intracellular compartment and showed discontinuities in claudin plasma membrane localization. In contrast to claudins, localization of other tight junction proteins, zonula occludens (ZO)-1, ZO-2, and occludin, was not sensitive to HFL cell phenotype. Intracellular claudins expressed by undifferentiated HFL cells were localized to a compartment containing early endosome antigen-1, and treatment of HFL cells with the endocytosis inhibitor monodansylcadaverine increased barrier function. This suggests that during differentiation to a type II cell phenotype, fetal alveolar epithelial cells use differential claudin expression and localization to the plasma membrane to help regulate tight junction permeability.  相似文献   

Sodium 4-phenylbutyrate (4-PBA) has been shown to correct the cellular trafficking of several mutant or nonmutant plasma membrane proteins such as cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator through the expression of 70-kDa heat shock proteins. The objective of the study was to determine whether 4-PBA may influence the functional expression of epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) in human nasal epithelial cells (HNEC). Using primary cultures of HNEC, we demonstrate that 4-PBA (5 mm for 6 h) markedly stimulated amiloride-sensitive sodium channel activity and that this was related to an increased abundance of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunits in the apical membrane. The increase in ENaC cell surface expression (i) was due to insertion of newly ENaC subunits as determined by brefeldin A experiments and (ii) was not associated with cell surface retention of ENaC subunits because endocytosis of ENaC subunits was unchanged. In addition, we find that ENaC co-immunoprecipitated with the heat shock protein constitutively expressed Hsc70, that has been reported to modulate ENaC trafficking, and that 4-PBA decreased Hsc70 protein level. Finally, we report that in cystic fibrosis HNEC obtained from two cystic fibrosis patients, 4-PBA increased functional expression of ENaC as demonstrated by the increase in amiloride-sensitive sodium transport and in alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunit expression in the apical membrane. Our results suggest that in HNEC, 4-PBA increases the functional expression of ENaC through the insertion of new alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunits into the apical membrane and also suggest that 4-PBA could modify ENaC trafficking by reducing Hsc70 protein expression.  相似文献   

Salt-inducible kinase 1 (SIK1) in epithelial cells mediates the increases in active sodium transport (Na+, K+-ATPase-mediated) in response to elevations in the intracellular concentration of sodium. In lung alveolar epithelial cells increases in active sodium transport in response to β-adrenergic stimulation increases pulmonary edema clearance. Therefore, we sought to determine whether SIK1 is present in lung epithelial cells and to examine whether isoproterenol-dependent stimulation of Na+, K+-ATPase is mediated via SIK1 activity. All three SIK isoforms were present in airway epithelial cells, and in alveolar epithelial cells type 1 and type 2 from rat and mouse lungs, as well as from human and mouse cell lines representative of lung alveolar epithelium. In mouse lung epithelial cells, SIK1 associated with the Na+, K+-ATPase α-subunit, and isoproterenol increased SIK1 activity. Isoproterenol increased Na+, K+-ATPase activity and the incorporation of Na+, K+-ATPase molecules at the plasma membrane. Furthermore, those effects were abolished in cells depleted of SIK1 using shRNA, or in cells overexpressing a SIK1 kinase-deficient mutant. These results provide evidence that SIK1 is present in lung epithelial cells and that its function is relevant for the action of isoproterenol during regulation of active sodium transport. As such, SIK1 may constitute an important target for drug discovery aimed at improving the clearance of pulmonary edema.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta 1) may be a critical mediator of lung injury and subsequent remodeling during recovery. We evaluated the effects of TGF-beta 1 on the permeability and active ion transport properties of alveolar epithelial cell monolayers. Rat alveolar type II cells plated on polycarbonate filters in defined serum-free medium form confluent monolayers and acquire the phenotypic characteristics of alveolar type I cells. Exposure to TGF-beta 1 (0.1-100 pM) from day 0 resulted in a concentration- and time-dependent decrease in transepithelial resistance (Rt) and increase in short-circuit current (Isc). Apical amiloride or basolateral ouabain on day 6 inhibited Isc by 80 and 100%, respectively. Concurrent increases in expression of Na+-K+-ATPase alpha 1- and beta 1-subunits were observed in TGF-beta 1-treated monolayers. No change in the alpha-subunit of the rat epithelial sodium channel (alpha-rENaC) was seen. Exposure of confluent monolayers to TGF-beta 1 from day 4 resulted in an initial decrease in Rt within 6 h, followed by an increase in Isc over 72-96 h. These results demonstrate that TGF-beta 1 modulates ion conductance and active transport characteristics of the alveolar epithelium, associated with increased Na+-K+-ATPase, but without a change in alpha-rENaC.  相似文献   

We investigated theeffects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on activeNa+ absorption by alveolarepithelium. Rat alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) were isolated andcultivated in serum-free medium on tissue culture-treated polycarbonatefilters. mRNA for rat epithelial Na+ channel (rENaC) -, -,and -subunits and Na+ pump1- and1-subunits were detected inday 4 monolayers by Northern analysisand were unchanged in abundance in day5 monolayers in the absence of EGF. Monolayerscultivated in the presence of EGF (20 ng/ml) for 24 h fromday 4 to day5 showed an increase in both1 and1Na+ pump subunit mRNA but noincrease in rENaC subunit mRNA. EGF-treated monolayers showed parallelincreases in Na+ pump1- and1-subunit protein by immunoblotrelative to untreated monolayers. Fixed AEC monolayers demonstratedpredominantly membrane-associated immunofluorescent labeling withanti-Na+ pump1- and1-subunit antibodies, withincreased intensity of cell labeling for both subunits seen at 24 hfollowing exposure to EGF. These changes inNa+ pump mRNA and protein precededa delayed (>12 h) increase in short-current circuit (measure ofactive transepithelial Na+transport) across monolayers treated with EGF compared with untreated monolayers. We conclude that EGF increases activeNa+ resorption across AECmonolayers primarily via direct effects onNa+ pump subunit mRNA expressionand protein synthesis, leading to increased numbers of functionalNa+ pumps in the basolateralmembranes.


Culture of fetal alveolar epithelial type II cells in serum-free medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A serum-free culture medium (defined medium = DM) was elaborated by adding to Eagle’s minimum essential medium (MEM), non-essential amino acids, transferrin, putrescine, tripeptide glycyl-histidyl-lysine, somatostatin, sodium selenite, ethanolamine, phosphoethanolamine, sodium pyruvate, and metal trace elements. This medium was tested for its ability to support sustained surfactant biosynthesis in fetal alveolar epithelial type II cells. For up to 8 days, ultrastructure was maintained with persistance of lamellar inclusion bodies. Thymidine incorporation into DNA was enhanced about 50% in DM as compared with MEM, whereas it was enhanced 300% in 10% fetal bovine serum. With DM, the incorporation of tritiated choline into phosphatidylcholine (PC) of isolated surfactant material was about twice that with MEM. Deletion experiments evidenced the prominent role of pyruvate, transferrin, and selenium in the stimulation of surfactant PC biosynthesis. The addition of biotin to DM enhanced surfactant PC biosynthesis slightly and nonsurfactant PC biosynthesis markedly. The presence of nucleosides seemed unfavorable to the synthesis of surfactant PC. Type II cells responded to the addition of epidermal growth factor and insulinlike growth factor-I both by increased thymidine incorporation into DNA and choline incorporation into PC. It is concluded that DM represents a useful tool for cultivating type II cells without loss of their specialized properties and for studying the regulation of cell proliferation and surfactant biosynthesis in a controlled environment.  相似文献   

Despite a presumptive role for type I (AT1) cells in alveolar epithelial transport, specific Na transporters have not previously been localized to these cells. To evaluate expression of Na transporters in AT1 cells, double labeling immunofluorescence microscopy was utilized in whole lung and in cytocentrifuged preparations of partially purified alveolar epithelial cells (AEC). Expression of Na pump subunit isoforms and the alpha-subunit of the rat (r) epithelial Na channel (alpha-ENaC) was evaluated in isolated AT1 cells identified by their immunoreactivity with AT1 cell-specific antibody markers (VIIIB2 and/or anti-aquaporin-5) and lack of reactivity with antibodies specific for AT2 cells (anti-surfactant protein A) or leukocytes (anti-leukocyte common antigen). Expression of the Na pump alpha(1)-subunit in AEC was assessed in situ. Na pump subunit isoform and alpha-rENaC expression was also evaluated by RT-PCR in highly purified (approximately 95%) AT1 cell preparations. Labeling of isolated AT1 cells with anti-alpha(1) and anti-beta(1) Na pump subunit and anti-alpha-rENaC antibodies was detected, while reactivity with anti-alpha(2) Na pump subunit antibody was absent. AT1 cells in situ were reactive with anti-alpha(1) Na pump subunit antibody. Na pump alpha(1)- and beta(1)- (but not alpha(2)-) subunits and alpha-rENaC were detected in highly purified AT1 cells by RT-PCR. These data demonstrate that AT1 cells express Na pump and Na channel proteins, supporting a role for AT1 cells in active transalveolar epithelial Na transport.  相似文献   

We examined oxygen consumption by lung slices and measured the volume density of mitochondria of granular pneumocytes, alveolar type I cells, and alveolar capillary endothelial cells in several species. We found that lung oxygen consumption (mu-1 02 times h-1 times mg DNA-1) varies inversely with the log of animal body weight and with the species alveolar diameter and directly with the species respiratory rate. The volume density of granular pneumocyte mitochondria show a direct linear correlation with the lung's oxygen consumption and the species respiratory rate, and an inverse linear correlation with the species alveolar diameter. The volume density of mitochondria in type I alveolar epithelial cells and capillary endothelial cells, considered together, did not differ in the two species studied (mouse and rat). We conclude that there are interspecies differences in oxygen consumption by lung cells and that granular pneumocytes contribute to these differences. We suggest that, at least part of these differences, are related to interspecies differences in surfactant secretory activity.  相似文献   

We evaluated theeffects of acute hyperoxic exposure on alveolar epithelial cell (AEC)active ion transport and on expression ofNa+ pump(Na+-K+-ATPase)and rat epithelial Na+ channelsubunits. Rat AEC were cultivated in minimal defined serum-free medium(MDSF) on polycarbonate filters. Beginning on day5, confluent monolayers were exposedto either 95% air-5% CO2(normoxia) or 95% O2-5%CO2 (hyperoxia) for 48 h.Transepithelial resistance(Rt) andshort-circuit current(Isc) weredetermined before and after exposure.Na+ channel -, -, and-subunit andNa+-K+-ATPase1- and1-subunit mRNA levels werequantified by Northern analysis.Na+ pump1- and1-subunit protein abundance wasquantified by Western blotting. After hyperoxic exposure,Isc across AECmonolayers decreased by ~60% at 48 h relative to monolayersmaintained under normoxic conditions.Na+ channel -subunit mRNAexpression was reduced by hyperoxia, whereas - and -subunit mRNAexpression was unchanged. Na+ pump1-subunit mRNA was unchanged,whereas 1-subunit mRNA was decreased ~80% by hyperoxia in parallel with a reduction in1-subunit protein. Becausekeratinocyte growth factor (KGF) has recently been shown to upregulateAEC active ion transport and expression ofNa+-K+-ATPaseunder normoxic conditions, we assessed the ability of KGF to preventhyperoxia-induced changes in active ion transport by supplementingmedium with KGF (10 ng/ml) from day2. The presence of KGF prevented theeffects of hyperoxia on ion transport (as measured byIsc) relativeto normoxic controls. Levels of1 mRNA and protein wererelatively preserved in monolayers maintained in MDSF and KGF comparedwith those cultivated in MDSF alone. These results indicate that AECnet active ion transport is decreased after 48 h of hyperoxia, likelyas a result of a decrease in the number of functionalNa+ pumps per cell. KGF largelyprevents this decrease in active ion transport, at least in part, bypreserving Na+ pump expression.


Modulation of epithelial cell proliferation by the dissolved oxygen concentration (PO2) of the growth medium was assessed with primary human foreskin epithelium and a continuous monkey kidney epithelial cell line (LLC-MK2). Direct measurement of the growth medium PO2 provides the first quantitative evaluation of epithelial cell proliferation as a function of PO2 provides the first quantitative evaluation of epithelial cell proliferation as a function of PO2. Sustained proliferation of LLC-MK2 cells occurs in serum-free medium equilibrated with a gas phase containing 18% or 30% O2 v/v. Mid-logarithmic phase cultures rapidly consume dissolved oxygen; this results in a 60–70 mm Hg decline in PO2 and leads to a stable growth medium PO2 between 70 and 100 mm Hg, well above anoxic values. In contrast, if culture medium is equilibrated with a gas phase containing 0% or 1% O2 v/v to yield a growth medium PO2 ~ 20–40 mm Hg, proliferation of LLC-MK2 and primary foreskin epithelial cells is retarded, and LLC-MK2 cells use little dissolved oxygen. Gentle, continuous rocking to prevent diffusion gradient formation enhances proliferation slightly at the higher PO2, but neither periodic fluid renewals nor continued rocking stimulates cells retarded by a lowered oxygen concentration to resume proliferation. The data collectively demonstrate that epithelial cell proliferation requires a PO2 > 40 mm Hg, and threshold requirements are probably closer to 70 mm Hg. Glycolysis continues at a PO2 insufficient for proliferation, but more lactic acid accumulates in actively proliferating cultures than in cultures equilibrated with 0% oxygen. We conclude that epithelial cells in vitro both consume more oxygen and require a higher PO2 for continued proliferation, and that the oxygen requirement for epithelial cell proliferation exceeds that of a comparable population of fibroblasts for which low oxygen may enhance survival and proliferation.  相似文献   

Oligopeptide transport by epithelial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Airway epithelial inflammation associated with emphysema, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma is regulated in part by alveolar type II cell chemokine signaling. Data suggest that resident lung cells use CCR3, CCR5 and CCR2 chemokine receptor/ligand systems to regulate the profile of leukocytes recruited in disease-associated inflammatory conditions. Thus studies were designed to test whether alveolar type II cells possess a Th1-activated CCR5-ligand system that modulates the Th2-activated CCR3/eotaxin-2 (CCL24), eotaxin-3 (CCL26) chemokine systems. The A549 alveolar type II epithelial-like cell culture model was used to demonstrate that alveolar type II cells constitutively express CCR5 which may be upregulated by MIP-1α (CCL3) whose expression was induced by the Th1 cytokines IL-1β and IFN-γ. Selective down-regulation of CCL26, but not CCL24, was observed in CCL3 and IL-4/CCL3 stimulated cells. Down-regulation was reversed by anti-CCR5 neutralizing antibody treatment. Thus, one mechanism through which Th1-activated CCCR5/ligand pathways modulate Th2-activated CCR3/ligand pathways is the differential down-regulation of CCL26 expression. Results suggest that the CCR3 and CCR5 receptor/ligand signaling pathways may be important targets for development of novel mechanism-based adjunctive therapies designed to abrogate the chronic inflammation associated with airway diseases.  相似文献   

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