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The initial rates of uptake of L-tryptophan into normal human red blood cells and into cells infected by the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum in vitro, were investigated. We find that transport in non-infected cells, which is mediated by the specific saturable T system and the apparently non-saturable L system (Rosenberg, Young and Ellory (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 598, 375-384) is considerably enhanced by blood preservation and culture conditions. This increase is mostly due to an increase in the maximal velocity of the saturable component and of the rate constant of the linear component. Uptake is further enhanced in non-infected cells by factors released from infected cells into the culture medium and, even more so, in infected cells at the advanced stage of intraerythrocytic parasite development. At these stages the susceptibility of the transport system to the non-specific inhibitor phloretin and to the competitive inhibitor phenylalanine, is virtually lost. The effect of the parasite on L-tryptophan uptake by the host cell membrane is exerted only on the maximal velocity of the T system, which is carrying most of the substrate under physiological conditions. The possible implications of these findings to the life of the intraerythrocytic parasite are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Human red cells infected in vitro with Plasmodium falciparum showed a significant increase in the rate of both ouabain-sensitive and ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+ influx. The increase in ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+ influx was due, in part, to increased transport via a bumetanide-sensitive system and, in part to transport via a pathway that was absent (or at least inactive) in uninfected cells. The parasite-induced pathway was inhibited by piperine and had a dose response very similar to that of the Gardos channel of uninfected cells but was less sensitive than the Gardos channel to inhibition by quinine.  相似文献   

The lethal species of malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, continues to exact a huge toll of mortality and morbidity, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Completion of the genome sequence of this organism and advances in proteomics and mass spectrometry have opened up unprecedented opportunities for understanding the complex biology of this parasite and how it responds to drug challenge and other interventions. This review describes recent progress that has been made in applying proteomics technology to this important pathogen and provides a look forward to likely future developments.  相似文献   

Malaria is caused by intraerythrocytic protozoan parasites belonging to Plasmodium spp. (phylum Apicomplexa) that produce significant morbidity and mortality, mostly in developing countries. Plasmodium parasites have a complex life cycle that includes multiple stages in anopheline mosquito vectors and vertebrate hosts. During the life cycle, the parasites undergo several cycles of extreme population growth within a brief span, and this is critical for their continued transmission and a contributing factor for their pathogenesis in the host. As with other eukaryotes, successful mitosis is an essential requirement for Plasmodium reproduction; however, some aspects of Plasmodium mitosis are quite distinct and not fully understood. In this review, we will discuss the current understanding of the architecture and key events of mitosis in Plasmodium falciparum and related parasites and compare them with the traditional mitotic events described for other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The development of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in human red blood cells induces parasite-dependent perturbations in the permselectivity properties of the host cell membrane. The changes appear as parasites develop from ring to the trophozoite stage and persist during schizogony. In the present work we assessed the permeability changes of the infected cells to anionic substances by the use of radioactive and fluorescent probes. Our data show that i) covalent binding probes, such as diisothiocyano ditritiostilbene disulfonic acid [3H]H2DIDS, which are virtually impermeant to normal red blood cells, became markedly permeant to trophozoites and schizonts, as evidenced by high labeling of intracellular hemoglobin; ii) permeation of the fluorescent anion transport substrate NBD-taurine, measured in the efflux mode, was very rapid and substantially enhanced in parasitized erythrocytes, as compared with noninfected cells; iii) this efflux could not be blocked by H2DIDS, which is a specific inhibitor of anion transport in normal red blood cells; iv) permeation of anionic probes was temperature dependent (Ea:11 +/- 1 kcal/mole); and v) could be blocked by nonspecific transport inhibitors that are known to interact with membrane lipids. The appearance of a new permeation pathway in the host cell membrane of trophozoites is associated with structural modification of the host cell membrane matrix.  相似文献   

The human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) is exposed to wide temperature fluctuations during its life cycle, ranging from 25 degrees C in the mosquito vector and 37 degrees C in humans to 41 degrees C during febrile episodes in the patient. The repeated occurrence of fever at regular intervals is a characteristic of human malaria. We have examined the influence of repeated exposure to elevated temperatures encountered during fever on the intraerythrocytic development of the parasite. Using flow cytometry, we show that repeated exposure to temperatures mimicking febrile episodes promotes parasite development in human erythrocytes. Heat shock-mediated cytoprotection and growth promotion is dependent on the heat shock protein 90 (PfHsp90) multi-chaperone complex. Inhibition of PfHsp90 function using geldanamycin attenuates temperature-dependent progression from the ring to the trophozoite stage. Geldanamycin inhibits parasite development by disrupting the PfHsp90 complex consisting of PfHsp70, PfPP5, and tubulin, among other proteins. While explaining the contribution of febrile episodes to the pathogenesis of malaria, our results implicate temperature as an important environmental cue used by the parasite to coordinate its development in humans.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum normocyte binding protein-1 (PfNBP-1), a Plasmodium vivax RBP-1 orthologue is expressed in the apical merozoite area. PfNBP-1 binds directly to human erythrocyte membrane in a sialic acid-dependent but trypsin-resistant way. Erythrocyte binding assays were done with synthetic peptides covering the sequence reported as PfNBP-1. Two specific erythrocyte high activity binding peptides were found: 101VFINDLDTYQYEYFYEWNQ(120), peptide 26332, and 181NTKETYLKELNKKKMLQNKK(200), peptide 26336. These two peptides' binding was saturable and presenting nanomolar affinity constants. The critical binding residues (those residues underlined and highlighted in bold) were determined by competition assays with glycine-scan analogue peptides. These peptides were able to block merozoite in vitro invasion of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Plasmodium falciparum genome sequence has boosted hopes for a new era of malaria research and for the application of comprehensive molecular knowledge to disease control, but formidable obstacles remain: approximately 60% of the predicted P. falciparum proteins have no known functions or homologues, and most life cycle stages of this haploid eukaryotic parasite are relatively intractable to cultivation and biochemical manipulation. Genetic mapping based on high-resolution maps saturated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms or microsatellites is now providing effective strategies for discovering candidate genes determining important parasite phenotypes. Here we review classical linkage studies using laboratory crosses and population associations that are now amenable to genome-wide approaches and are revealing multiple candidate genes involved in complex drug responses. Moreover, mapping by linkage disequilibrium is practicable in cases where chromosomal segments flanking drug-selected genes have been preserved in populations during relatively recent P. falciparum evolution. We discuss the advantages and limitations of these various genetic mapping strategies, results from which offer complementary insights to those emerging from gene knockout experiments and/or high-throughput genomic technologies.  相似文献   

In the past few years, methods have been developed which allow the introduction of exogenous DNA into the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. This important technical advance known as parasite transfection, provides powerful new tools to study the function of Plasmodium proteins and their roles in biology and disease. Already it has allowed the analysis of promoter function and has been successfully applied to establish the role of particular molecules and/or mutations in the biology of this parasite. This review summarises the current state of the technology and how it has been applied to dissect the function of the P. falciparum genome.  相似文献   

Intraerythrocytic survival of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum requires that host cells supply nutrients and dispose of waste products. This solute transport is accomplished by infection-induced new permeability pathways (NPP) in the erythrocyte membrane. Here, whole-cell patch-clamp and hemolysis experiments were performed to define properties of the NPP. Parasitized but not control erythrocytes constitutively expressed two types of anion conductances, differing in voltage dependence and sensitivity to inhibitors. In addition, infected but not control cells hemolyzed in isosmotic sorbitol solution. Both conductances and hemolysis of infected cells were inhibited by reducing agents. Conversely, oxidation induced identical conductances and hemolysis in non-infected erythrocytes. In conclusion, P.falciparum activates endogenous erythrocyte channels by applying oxidative stress to the host cell membrane.  相似文献   

A common pathological characteristic of Plasmodium falciparum infection is the cytoadhesion of mature-stage-infected erythrocytes (IE) to host endothelium and syncytiotrophoblasts. Massive accumulation of IE in the brain microvasculature or placenta is strongly correlated with severe forms of malaria. Extensive binding of IE to placental chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) is associated with physiopathology during pregnancy. The adhesive phenotype of IE correlates with the appearance of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) at the erythrocyte surface (approximately 16 h after merozoite invasion), so that only early blood-stage (ring-stage) IE appear in the peripheral blood. Here, we describe results that challenge the existing view of blood-stage IE biology by demonstrating the specific adhesion of IE, during the early ring-stage, to endothelial cell lines from the brain and lung and to placental syncytiotrophoblasts. Later, during blood-stage development of these IE, trophozoites switch to an exclusively CSA cytoadhesion phenotype. Therefore, adhesion to an individual endothelial cell or syncytiotrophoblast may occur throughout the blood-stage cycle, indicating the presence in malaria patients of noncirculating (cryptic) parasite subpopulations. We detected two previously unknown parasite proteins on the surface of ring-stage IE. These proteins disappear shortly after the start of PfEMP1-mediated adhesion.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the gene encoding the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of Plasmodium reichenowi a Plasmodium falciparum-like malaria parasite of chimpanzees. Comparison of the two CS proteins reveals both similarities and differences in these two evolutionarily related parasites that have adapted to different hosts. The P. reichenowi CS protein has a new repeat sequence, NVNP, in addition to the P. falciparum-like NANP and NVDP repeats. In the immunodominant TH2R and TH3R regions of the CS protein, the amino acid sequences are similar in both parasite proteins. The differences in the two proteins exist in domains around the conserved regions, Region I and Region II, which are otherwise conserved in the CS proteins of P. falciparum analyzed to date. Studies of parasite protein genes of evolutionarily related malaria parasites, together with other immunologic and biologic characteristics, will help better understand the evolution and host parasite relationship of malaria parasites and may provide a tool for identifying protein determinants for malaria vaccine development.  相似文献   

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium. The most virulent form of the disease is caused by Plasmodium falciparum which infects hundreds of millions of people and is responsible for the deaths of 1-2 million individuals each year. An essential part of the parasitic process is the remodeling of the red blood cell membrane and its protein constituents to permit a higher flux of nutrients and waste products into or away from the intracellular parasite. Much of this increased permeability is due to a single type of broad specificity channel variously called the new permeation pathway (NPP), the nutrient channel, and the Plasmodial surface anion channel (PSAC). This channel is permeable to a range of low molecular weight solutes both charged and uncharged, with a strong preference for anions. Drugs such as furosemide that are known to block anion-selective channels inhibit PSAC. In this study, we have investigated a dye known as benzothiocarboxypurine, BCP, which had been studied as a possible diagnostic aid given its selective uptake by P. falciparum infected red cells. We found that the dye enters parasitized red cells via the furosemide-inhibitable PSAC, forms a brightly fluorescent complex with parasite nucleic acids, and is selectively toxic to infected cells. Our study describes an antimalarial agent that exploits the altered permeability of Plasmodium-infected red cells as a means to killing the parasite and highlights a chemical reagent that may prove useful in high throughput screening of compounds for inhibitors of the channel.  相似文献   

Infection with Plasmodium falciparum during pregnancy results in the adherence of infected red blood cells (IRBCs) in placenta, causing pregnancy-associated malaria with severe health complications in mothers and fetuses. The chondroitin 4-sulfate (C4S) chains of very low sulfated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) in placenta mediate the IRBC adherence. While it is known that partially sulfated but not fully sulfated C4S effectively binds IRBCs, structural interactions involved remain unclear and are incompletely understood. In this study, structurally defined C4S oligosaccharides of varying sulfate contents and sizes were evaluated for their ability to inhibit the binding of IRBCs from different P. falciparum strains to CSPG purified from placenta. The results clearly show that, with all parasite strains studied, dodecasaccharide is the minimal chain length required for the efficient adherence of IRBCs to CSPG and two 4-sulfated disaccharides within this minimal structural motif are sufficient for maximal binding. Together, these data demonstrate for the first time that the C4S structural requirement for IRBC adherence is parasite strain-independent. We also show that the carboxyl group on nonreducing end glucuronic acid in dodecasaccharide motif is important for IRBC binding. Thus, in oligosaccharides containing terminal 4,5-unsaturated glucuronic acid, the nonreducing end disaccharide moiety does not interact with IRBCs due to the altered spatial orientation of carboxyl group. In such C4S oligosaccharides, 14-mer but not 12-mer constitutes the minimal motif for inhibition of IRBC binding to placental CSPG. These data have important implications for the development and evaluation of therapeutics and vaccine for placental malaria.  相似文献   

The Clp chaperones and proteases play an important role in protein homeostasis in the cell. They are highly conserved across prokaryotes and found also in the mitochondria of eukaryotes and the chloroplasts of plants. They function mainly in the disaggregation, unfolding and degradation of native as well as misfolded proteins. Here, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the Clp chaperones and proteases in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The parasite contains four Clp ATPases, which we term PfClpB1, PfClpB2, PfClpC and PfClpM. One PfClpP, the proteolytic subunit, and one PfClpR, which is an inactive version of the protease, were also identified. Expression of all Clp chaperones and proteases was confirmed in blood-stage parasites. The proteins were localized to the apicoplast, a non-photosynthetic organelle that accommodates several important metabolic pathways in P. falciparum, with the exception of PfClpB2 (also known as Hsp101), which was found in the parasitophorous vacuole. Both PfClpP and PfClpR form mostly homoheptameric rings as observed by size-exclusion chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy. The X-ray structure of PfClpP showed the protein as a compacted tetradecamer similar to that observed for Streptococcus pneumoniae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpPs. Our data suggest the presence of a ClpCRP complex in the apicoplast of P. falciparum.  相似文献   

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