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Sexual selection is widely hypothesized to facilitate the evolution of reproductive isolation through divergence in sexual traits and sexual trait preferences among populations. However, direct evidence of divergent sexual selection causing intraspecific trait divergence remains limited. Using the wolf spider Schizocosa crassipes, we characterized patterns of female mate choice within and among geographic locations and related those patterns to geographic variation in male display traits to test whether divergent sexual selection caused by mate choice explains intraspecific trait variation. We found evidence of phenotypic selection on male behavior arising from female mate choice, but no evidence that selection varied among locations. Only those suites of morphological and behavioral traits that did not influence mate choice varied geographically. These results are inconsistent with ongoing divergent sexual selection underlying the observed intraspecific divergence in male display traits. These findings align with theory on the potentially restrictive conditions under which divergent sexual selection may persist, and suggest that long‐term studies capable of detecting periodic or transient divergent sexual selection will be critical to rigorously assess the relative importance of divergent sexual selection in intraspecific trait divergence.  相似文献   

Unexpected male choosiness for mates in a spider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual selection theory traditionally considers choosiness for mates to be negatively related to intra-sexual competition. Males were classically considered to be the competing, but not the choosy, sex. However, evidence of male choosiness is now accumulating. Male choosiness is expected to increase with an individual's competitive ability, and to decrease as intra-sexual competition increases. However, such predictions have never been tested in field conditions. Here, we explore male mate choice in a spider by studying size-assortative pairing in two natural sites that strongly differ in the level of male-male competition. Unexpectedly, our results demonstrate that mate choice shifts from opportunism to high selectivity as competition between males increases. Males experiencing weak competition did not exhibit size-related mating preferences. By contrast, when competition was intense we found strong size-assortative pairing due to male choice: while larger, more competitive males preferentially paired with larger, more fecund females, smaller males chose smaller females. Thus, we show that mating preferences of males vary with their competitive ability. The distinct preferences exhibited by males of different sizes seem to be an adaptive response to the lower reproductive opportunities arising from increased competition between males.  相似文献   

Dynamic sexual signals often show a diel rhythm and may vary substantially with time of day. Diel and short-term fluctuations in such sexual signals pose a puzzle for condition capture models of mate choice, which assume a female preference for male traits that reliably reflect a male's quality. Here we experimentally manipulated the food supply of individual male field crickets Gryllus campestris in their natural habitat in two consecutive seasons to determine (i) the effect of male nutritional condition on the fine-scaled variation of diel investment in acoustic signalling and (ii) the temporal association between the diel variation in male signalling and female mate-searching behaviour. Overall food-supplemented males signalled more often, but the effect was only visible during the daytime. In the evening and the night, signal output was still high but the time spent signalling was unrelated to a male's nutritional condition. Females' mate-searching behaviour also showed a diel rhythm with peak activity during the afternoon, when differences among calling males were highest, and where signal output reliably reflects male quality. These findings suggest that males differing in nutritional condition may optimize their investment in signalling in relation to time of day as to maximize mating success.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have shown that Cosmophasis umbratica, a jumpingspider from Singapore, is sexually dimorphic in the reflectanceof ultraviolet (UV) (males, but not females, have UV-reflectingmarkings). Here we present the first experimental evidence thatthe male's UV markings influence mate choice of C. umbraticafemales. When presented with males whose appearance was manipulatedby the use of a UV-blocking filter, females spent more timewatching UV+ males (i.e., males with UV present) and less timewatching UV– males (UV absent). We also manipulated thelevels of male brightness by using 2 UV-transmitting neutraldensity filters and showed that UV reflectance was used specificallyfor hue discrimination instead of being used for detecting differencesin brightness alone. This is not only the first strong evidenceof UV influence on female mate-choice decisions for a spiderbut also the best experimental demonstration of color vision,whatever the wavelength.  相似文献   

Vision plays a paramount role in some spider families such as the Salticidae, Lycosidae and Thomisidae, as it is involved in prey hunting, orientation or choice of substrate. In the thomisid Misumena vatia, for which the substrate colour affects the body colour, vision seems to mediate morphological colour changes. However, nothing is known about which component of visual signals from the substrate might be perceived, nor whether M. vatia possesses the physiological basis for colour vision. The aim of this study is thus to investigate the vision of this spider species by measuring the spectral sensitivities of the different pairs of eyes using electrophysiological methods. Extra- and intracellular electrophysiological recordings combined with selective adaptation revealed the presence of two classes of photoreceptor cells, one sensitive in the UV region of the spectrum (around 340 nm) and one sensitive in the green (around 520 nm) regions in the four pairs of eyes. We conclude that M. vatia possesses the physiological potential to perceive both chromatic and achromatic components of the environment.  相似文献   

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